Relicense to AGPLv3, with consent of contributors.
bindings.lua completely rewritten. Shift to multipart-post.
Updated readme.
New plugins: bing.lua, channel.lua.
Removed plugins: floodcontrol.lua, librefm.lua.
luarun.lua: Will now serialize returned tables. Aliased "/return" to "/lua return".
antihammer enabled will not be affected by global bans. However,
users who are hammer'd from an antihammer group will also be
banned locally. Bot will now also attempt to kick via bot API
before using tg. Added autobanning after (default) 3 autokicks.
Threshold onfigurable with antiflood. Autokick counters reset
within twenty-four hours. Merged antisquig action into generic.
There is no automatic migration; simply add the following to
autokick_timer = 0
groups[*].flags[6] = false
groups[*].autoban = 3
groups[*].autokicks = {}
luarun.lua: Autoload more libraries by default, because the entire
purpose of this plugin is for me to be lazy.
pun.lua: Added puns.
slap.lua: Added slaps.
Usernames seen by the bot are now cached in the $usernames table. To get the ID associated with a
username, use the resolve_username() function from utilities.lua.
The table_size() function in utilities.lua will tell you the number of items in a key/pair table.
about.lua no longer displays a link preview in the about message.
currency.lua now accepts decimal arguments for the amount.
luarun.lua now correctly displays "false" return values.
moderation.lua will no longer send "I do not administrate this group".