Relicense to AGPLv3, with consent of contributors.
bindings.lua completely rewritten. Shift to multipart-post.
Updated readme.
New plugins: bing.lua, channel.lua.
Removed plugins: floodcontrol.lua, librefm.lua.
luarun.lua: Will now serialize returned tables. Aliased "/return" to "/lua return".
bindings.lua: Added support for kickChatMember and unbanChatMember methods.
utilties.lua: enrich_message() will rename the new_chat_member and left_chat_member values to the names
expected by plugins: new_chat_participant and left_chat_participant.
bot.lua: Removed migration code. Rewrite soon.
eightball.lua: Bugfix.
me.lua: Fix for potential future bug. Better links.
config.lua: Added comments, links, removed unnecessary things.
greetings.lua: Default configuration now built in so as to not
crowd the config file.
.gitignore: wew lad
help.lua has been rewritten to support "/help command".
New variable "command" has been added to plugins for the syntax (w/out slash) to be displayed in main
help message. "doc" will be displayed upon "/help command".
Output of >12 plugins has been reformated to utilize markup.
There is a fairly standard style throughout plugins.
get_word() in utilities.lua now has defaults for nil arguments.
Redone README to match the website.
Bot now supports deep linking / start payloads.
lastfm.lua now notifies a user when his default username is saved.
antisquig is now part of moderation.lua.
Everything reworked and rewritten.
Antisquig is now a plugin to work with moderation.lua.
The bot can now upload photos, stickers, and other files.
Return values in plugin functions to affect the bot's behavior.
All this and more!