- self muss nicht mehr überall übergeben werden - alle Plugins wurden angepasst Eigene Updates: - abort_inline_query() hinzugefügt - Mehr Plugins zum Standard-Set hinzugefügt - Eventuell noch etwas, was ich vergessen hab
33 lines
1.1 KiB
33 lines
1.1 KiB
local fefe = {}
fefe.triggers = {
function fefe:post(id)
local url = 'http://'..id
local results, code = https.request(url)
if code ~= 200 then return "HTTP-Fehler" end
if string.match(results, "No entries found.") then return "Eintrag nicht gefunden." end
local line = string.sub( results, string.find(results, "<li><a href[^\n]+"))
local text = line:gsub("<div style=.+", "")
-- remove link at begin
local text = text:gsub("<li><a href=\"%?ts=%w%w%w%w%w%w%w%w\">%[l]</a>", "")
-- replace "<p>" with newline; "<b>" and "</b>" with "*"
local text = text:gsub("<p>", "\n\n"):gsub("<p u>", "\n\n")
local text = text:gsub("<b>", "*"):gsub("</b>", "*")
local text = text:gsub("<i>", "_"):gsub("</i>", "_")
-- format quotes and links markdown-like
local text = text:gsub("<a href=\"", "("):gsub("\">", ")["):gsub("</a>", "]")
local text = text:gsub("<blockquote>", "\n\n> "):gsub("</blockquote>", "\n\n")
return text
function fefe:action(msg, config, matches)
utilities.send_reply(msg, fefe:post(matches[1]))
return fefe