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topkecleon acc7046d64 administration 1.13.1
Added optional target for kick/ban logs. Added flag 7 to use default log
 per group. This way, a realm can have a public kick/ban log but governors
 are able to opt out. Added flag 8, antilink. Kicks for Telegram join links
 which do not refer to groups within the realm. Added flag 9, modrights, to
 give moderators access to changing the group photo, title, link, and motd
 (config option is deprecated. RIP). /unban will reset the target's autokick
 counter. Added configuration for default flag settings.

Revision to bindings.lua.
BASE_URL has been moved to bindings. There is no real reason for it to remain
in instance. Token is passed to bindings.init at load. All plugins have been
updated accordingly.
2016-08-23 00:16:32 -04:00

181 lines
4.8 KiB

-- For details on configuration values, see
return {
-- Your authorization token from the botfather.
bot_api_key = nil,
-- Your Telegram ID.
admin = nil,
-- Two-letter language code.
lang = 'en',
-- The channel, group, or user to send error reports to.
-- If this is not set, errors will be printed to the console.
log_chat = nil,
-- The port used to communicate with tg for administration.lua.
-- If you change this, make sure you also modify
cli_port = 4567,
-- The symbol that starts a command. Usually noted as '/' in documentation.
cmd_pat = '/',
-- If drua is used, should a user be blocked when he's blacklisted?
drua_block_on_blacklist = false,
-- The filename of the database. If left nil, defaults to $username.db.
database_name = nil,
-- The block of text returned by /start and /about..
about_text = [[
I am otouto, the plugin-wielding, multipurpose Telegram bot.
Send /help to get started.
errors = { -- Generic error messages.
generic = 'An unexpected error occurred.',
connection = 'Connection error.',
results = 'No results found.',
argument = 'Invalid argument.',
syntax = 'Invalid syntax.'
bing_api_key = nil,
google_api_key = nil,
google_cse_key = nil,
owm_api_key = nil,
lastfm_api_key = nil,
biblia_api_key = nil,
thecatapi_key = nil,
nasa_api_key = nil,
yandex_key = nil,
-- Interval (in minutes) for hackernews.lua to update.
hackernews_interval = 60,
-- Whether hackernews.lua should update at load/reload.
hackernews_onstart = false,
-- Whether luarun should use serpent instead of dkjson for serialization.
luarun_serpent = false,
remind = {
persist = true,
max_length = 1000,
max_duration = 526000,
max_reminders_group = 10,
max_reminders_private = 50
chatter = {
cleverbot_api = '',
connection = 'I don\'t feel like talking right now.',
response = 'I don\'t know what to say to that.'
greetings = {
["Hello, #NAME."] = {
"good morning",
"good day",
"good afternoon",
"good evening"
["Goodbye, #NAME."] = {
"see ya",
"good night"
["Welcome back, #NAME."] = {
"i'm home",
"i'm back"
["You're welcome, #NAME."] = {
"thank you"
reactions = {
['shrug'] = '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯',
['lenny'] = '( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)',
['flip'] = '(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻',
['look'] = 'ಠ_ಠ',
['shots'] = 'SHOTS FIRED',
['facepalm'] = '(-‸ლ)'
administration = {
-- Conversation, group, or channel for kick/ban notifications.
-- Defaults to config.log_chat if left empty.
log_chat = nil,
-- Default antiflood values.
antiflood = {
text = 5,
voice = 5,
audio = 5,
contact = 5,
photo = 10,
video = 10,
location = 10,
document = 10,
sticker = 20
-- Default flag settings.
flags = {
-- unlisted
[1] = false,
-- antisquig
[2] = false,
-- antisquig++
[3] = false,
-- antibot
[4] = false,
[5] = false,
-- antihammer
[6] = false,
-- nokicklog
[7] = false,
-- antilink
[8] = false,
-- modrights
[9] = false
plugins = { -- To enable a plugin, add its name to the list.