function getGoogleImage(text)
text = URL.escape(text)
for i = 1, 5, 1 do -- Try 5 times
local api = ""
b = http.request(api..text)
local google = json:decode(b)
if (google.responseStatus == 200) then -- OK
i = math.random(#google.responseData.results) -- Random image from results
return google.responseData.results[i].url
function run(msg, matches)
local receiver = get_receiver(msg)
local text = msg.text:sub(6,-1)
local url = getGoogleImage(text)
local file_path = download_to_file(url)
send_photo(receiver, file_path, ok_cb, false)
return nil
return {
description = "Search image with Google API and sends it.",
usage = "!img [term]: Random search an image with Google API.",
patterns = {"^!img (.*)$"},
run = run