2015-04-10 00:26:38 -07:00
-- See https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/User:RJackson/StorefrontAPI
local BASE_URL = 'http://store.steampowered.com/api/appdetails/?appids='
local DESC_LENTH = 200
function unescape(str)
str = string.gsub( str, '<', '<' )
str = string.gsub( str, '>', '>' )
str = string.gsub( str, '"', '"' )
str = string.gsub( str, ''', "'" )
str = string.gsub( str, '&#(%d+);', function(n) return string.char(n) end )
str = string.gsub( str, '&#x(%d+);', function(n) return string.char(tonumber(n,16)) end )
str = string.gsub( str, '&', '&' ) -- Be sure to do this after all others
return str
function get_steam_data (appid)
local url = BASE_URL..appid
local res,code = http.request(url)
if code ~= 200 then return nil end
local data = json:decode(res)[appid].data
return data
function send_steam_data(data, receiver)
-- local title = data.name
local description = string.sub(unescape(data.about_the_game:gsub("%b<>", "")), 1, DESC_LENTH) .. '...'
local title = data.name
2015-04-10 09:37:47 -07:00
local price = "$"..(data.price_overview.initial/100)
local sale_price = "$"..(data.price_overview.final/100)
local percent_savings = data.price_overview.discount_percent
local price_display = price
if percent_savings ~= 0 then
price_display = price.." -> "..sale_price.." ("..percent_savings.."%)"
2015-04-10 00:26:38 -07:00
2015-04-10 09:37:47 -07:00
local text = title..' '..price_display..'\n'..description
2015-04-10 00:26:38 -07:00
local image_url = data.screenshots[1].path_full
local cb_extra = {
receiver = receiver,
url = image_url
send_msg(receiver, text, send_photo_from_url_callback, cb_extra)
function run(msg, matches)
local appid = matches[1]
local data = get_steam_data(appid)
local receiver = get_receiver(msg)
send_steam_data(data, receiver)
return {
description = "Grabs Steam info for Steam links.",
usage = "",
patterns = {
run = run