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local ltn12 = require "ltn12"
local https = require "ssl.https"
local function request(text)
local api = ""
text = string.gsub(text, " ", "+")
local parameters = "sentence="..(text or "")
local url = api..parameters
local api_key = cred_data.x_mashape_key
if api_key:isempty() then
return 'Configure your Mashape API Key'
local headers = {
["X-Mashape-Key"] = api_key,
["Accept"] = "text/plain"
local respbody = {}
local body, code = https.request{
url = url,
method = "GET",
headers = headers,
sink = ltn12.sink.table(respbody),
protocol = "tlsv1"
if code ~= 200 then return code end
local body = table.concat(respbody)
return body
local function run(msg, matches)
return request(matches[1])
return {
description = "Listen to Yoda and learn from his words!",
usage = "#yoda You will learn how to speak like me someday.",
patterns = {
"^#[Yy][Oo][Dd][Aa] (.*)$"
run = run