Stores the ROM name, CRC32 of the complete ROM, CRC32 of the first 512 bytes and size in KB, since the size is not stored in the ROM it is needed for dumping.
Artillery Duel (USA).col
CRC32 (complete ROM), CRC32 (512 bytes), size in KB
This file stores the CRC32 of the complete ROM minus the iNES header, the CRC32 calculated over the first 512 bytes of the first or last(MMC3) PRG bank and the iNES Header. The iNES header holds all the mapping info.
This file is needed for odd sized SNES games like Final Fantasy (JAP), Super Metroid(US/JAP) or Tales of Symphonia. Without this file you will get overdumps and the checksum calculation will fail.
CRC32, internal checksum, CRC32 of header area(0xFFB0-0xFFFF), size in Mbit, number of banks (lorom needs twice as many banks as hirom for the same rom size, lorom: 32kb banks, hirom: 64kb banks)
This file stores known Casio Loopy games, including the name, the internal checksum found at 000008h in the ROM header, and a full CRC32 of the ROM including any padding.
Note that most ROM packs you will find are incorrectly dumped little-endian. These CRCs are for the big-endian dump, including any padding. ROMs are 2MB/16Mbit or 3MB/24Mbit.