Instead of bank switching on a single bank and reading 1024 bytes at a time, this update switches 8 banks at a time and reads 8 KiB per iteration. The hypothesis is that the timing between bank switching and reading 1024 bytes at a time is insufficient for the mapper while reading in batches of 8 KiB allows for enough time for the data to be switched and accessible. This change fixes the ability to dump the following VRC2B Famicom cartridges: B27B8CF4 -> Contra (Japan).nes 49123146 -> Getsu Fuuma Den (Japan).nes AC9895CC -> Dragon Scroll - Yomigaerishi Maryuu (Japan).nes Also verified a VRC4E Famicom Cartridge: C1FBF659 -> Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula-kun (Japan).nes
This Arduino sketch is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (GPL v3)
This means that you are free to:
- use, modify and distribute this software, even commercially
Under the following terms:
- state changes
- disclose source
- same license
- Liability
- Warranty
More details:
Every submodule has it's own setup_XX() function that configures the needed pins and a submenu that lets you choose what you want to do.
The code directly addresses the pins via the DDR, PIN and PORT registers.
Please also refer to the pinout Open Office sheet.
void setup_N64_Controller() {
// Output a low signal
PORTH &= ~(1 << 4);
// Set Controller Data Pin(PH4) to Input
DDRH &= ~(1 << 4);
Would be the same as this in a more traditional Arduino sketch:
int dataPin = 7;
void setup(){
// Output a low signal
digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW);
// Set controller data pin to input
pinMode(dataPin, INPUT);
To preserve memory every string is saved into the flash of the Arduino, also called progmem. This is done by using the F() macro.
println_Msg(F("Press Button."));
Also all the menus are stored in progmem and are only recalled to sram when needed.
// N64 controller menu items
const char N64ContMenuItem1[] PROGMEM = "Test Controller";
const char N64ContMenuItem2[] PROGMEM = "Read ControllerPak";
const char N64ContMenuItem3[] PROGMEM = "Write ControllerPak";
const char* const menuOptionsN64Controller[] PROGMEM = {N64ContMenuItem1, N64ContMenuItem2, N64ContMenuItem3, FSTRING_RESET};
In an effort to keep the codebase as portable as possible instead of using the functions supplied by the OLED library directly to print out text, auxiliary functions like println_Msg
are being used. So if you want to change to another display library you don't need to change all the code but only the helper functions.
void print_Msg(long unsigned int message) {
Before uploading the code to your Arduino you need to select your hardware version in Cart_Reader.ino
// Remove // in front of the line with your hardware version
// #define HW5
// #define HW4
#define HW3
// #define HW2
// #define HW1
For more info please have a look at this wiki article.
Needed libraries(already included in the portable Arduino IDE under Releases)
SD lib:
LCD lib:
Neopixel lib:
Rotary Enc lib:
SI5351 lib:
RTC lib: (needs BusIO lib:
Frequency Counter lib: