Here you will find all the printed circuit boards needed to build the Arduino Cartridge Reader is the main PCB, PCB thickness is 1.6mm and size is 10x10cm is an adapter for Game Boy and Game Boy Advance cartridges, PCB thickness is 1.2mm is an adapter for 8bit and 16bit flashroms like the 29F032 or the 29L3211, PCB thickness is 1.2mm

snes_spacer.stl is a small 3d printed spacer to relieve pressure from the pins of SNES clone console slot

n64sleeve.stl helps with aligning N64 cartridges if the clone slot is not long/wide enough

gbaadapter.stl is a 3d printed case for the Game Boy (Advance) adapter pcb

backplate.stl is the backplate that holds the Arduino

sd_spacer.stl holds the RGB led and fits between the SD card and the Cart Reader pcb

sidewall.stl secures the Arduino Mega to the backplate with three M2x10 screws