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synced 2025-02-26 01:23:32 +01:00
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With these Eagle files you can easily make your own PCB variants.
For best compatibility be sure to use the win32 version of Eagle 7.6.0 downloaded from here.
All PCBs were autorouted with FreeRouting for which you need the Java 8 RE.
Quick tutorial on modifying an adapter PCB:
- Install Eagle 7.6.0 Win32
- Copy the cam, dru, lbr and ulp folders to the Eagle main dir.
- Open the XXX_adapter.brd file that you want to modify in Eagle PCBs.
- In the textfield type ripup; and execute by pressing Enter key twice.
- Go to Schematic and Board view and do your changes, watch basic Eagle tutorials to learn how.
- Once everything is done. Go back to Board view, then File -> Run ULP -> eagle2freerouterV6-6.ulp -> Create DSN file.
- In Windows Explorer execute FreeRouting1.jar in ulp dir and open the XXX_adapter.dsn file you created in the previous step.
- Let it autoroute for some hours, once finished choose Export Eagle Session script.
- Back in Eagle in the Board view go File -> Execute Script and select the XXX_adapter.scr you just exported.
- Next go File -> Cam Processor, File -> Open -> Job and select Elecrow_Gerber_Generater_DrillAlign.cam, then Process Job to export the Gerber files.
- Finally inspect your gerber files with GerberLogix before uploading them to JLCPCB.