mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 16:38:50 +01:00
register new languages and remove old
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
import cs from "@/assets/locales/cs.json";
import de from "@/assets/locales/de.json";
import en from "@/assets/locales/en.json";
import fr from "@/assets/locales/fr.json";
import it from "@/assets/locales/it.json";
import nl from "@/assets/locales/nl.json";
import pl from "@/assets/locales/pl.json";
import tr from "@/assets/locales/tr.json";
import vi from "@/assets/locales/vi.json";
import zh from "@/assets/locales/zh.json";
export const locales = {
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"home": {
"search": {
"allResults": "That be all we 'ave, me hearty!",
"sectionTitle": "Search results",
"noResults": "We couldn't find anythin' that matches yer search!",
"failed": "Failed t' find media, walk the plank and try again!",
"placeholder": "Wha' be ye searchin' for?"
"bookmarks": {
"sectionTitle": "Treasure Maps"
"media": {
"types": {
"movie": "Movie",
"show": "Series"
"episodeDisplay": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"player": {
"playbackError": {
"title": "Shiver me timbers! It broke!"
"metadata": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "Ahoy! I see nothin' on the horizon.",
"homeButton": "Back to the port",
"title": "Avast ye! Couldn't find that media",
"text": "We couldn't find the media ye requested. Either it's been scuttled or ye tampered with the URL, ye scallywag!"
"menus": {
"captions": {
"customChoice": "Upload yer own caption!",
"customizeLabel": "Customize yer captions",
"title": "Select a subtitle language, me hearty!"
"sources": {
"title": "Wha' provider do ye want to use?"
"episodes": {
"button": "Episodes"
"back": {
"default": "Back to the port, mates!",
"short": "Back"
"notFound": {
"badge": "Ahoy! I see nothin' on the horizon.",
"goHome": "Back to the port",
"title": "Avast ye! Couldn't find that page.",
"message": "Arrr! We searched every inch o' the vessel: from the bilge to the crow's nest, from the keel to the topmast, but avast! We couldn't find the page ye be lookin' fer, me heartie."
"navigation": {
"banner": {
"offline": "Avast! Check yer internet connection"
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs/promises");
const { existsSync } = require("fs");
const _ = require("lodash");
function bootstrap(cb) {
const langs = [
const convert = `
global.name global.name
search.loading player.menus.episodes.loadingTitle
search.loading player.menus.episodes.loadingList
search.allResults home.search.allResults
search.headingTitle home.search.sectionTitle
search.noResults home.search.noResults
search.allFailed home.search.failed
search.bookmarks home.bookmarks.sectionTitle
search.loading home.search.loading
search.continueWatching home.continueWatching.sectionTitle
search.placeholder home.search.placeholder
media.movie media.types.movie
media.series media.types.show
seasons.seasonAndEpisode media.episodeDisplay
media.errors.genericTitle player.playbackError.title
notFound.genericTitle player.metadata.notFound.badge
notFound.backArrow player.metadata.notFound.homeButton
notFound.media.title player.metadata.notFound.title
notFound.media.description player.metadata.notFound.text
notFound.genericTitle notFound.badge
notFound.backArrow notFound.goHome
notFound.page.title notFound.title
notFound.page.description notFound.message
errors.offline navigation.banner.offline
videoPlayer.popouts.uploadCustomCaption player.menus.captions.customChoice
videoPlayer.popouts.captionPreferences.title player.menus.captions.customizeLabel
videoPlayer.popouts.captions player.menus.captions.title
videoPlayer.popouts.sources player.menus.sources.title
videoPlayer.popouts.close overlays.close
videoPlayer.buttons.episodes player.menus.episodes.button
videoPlayer.backToHome player.back.default
videoPlayer.backToHomeShort player.back.short
searchBar.movie media.types.movie
searchBar.series media.types.show
const translations = convert
.map((row) => row.split("\t"));
const oldBasePath = path.join(__dirname, "./setup/locales/");
const newBasePath = path.join(__dirname, "./assets/locales/");
bootstrap(async () => {
for (let lang of langs) {
const oldFile = JSON.parse(
await fs.readFile(oldBasePath + lang + "/translation.json")
let newFile = {};
if (existsSync(newBasePath + lang + ".json")) {
newFile = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(newBasePath + lang + ".json"));
for (let mapping of translations) {
const value = _.get(oldFile, mapping[0]);
if (value) {
_.set(newFile, mapping[1], value);
await fs.mkdir(newBasePath, { recursive: true });
await fs.writeFile(
newBasePath + lang + ".json",
JSON.stringify(newFile, null, 2)
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"search": {
"loading": "Načítání...",
"allResults": "To je vše co máme!",
"noResults": "Nemohli jsme nic najít!",
"allFailed": "Nepodařilo se najít média, zkuste to znovu!",
"headingTitle": "Výsledky vyhledávání",
"bookmarks": "Záložky",
"continueWatching": "Pokračujte ve sledování",
"title": "Co si přejete sledovat?",
"placeholder": "Co si přejete sledovat?"
"media": {
"movie": "Filmy",
"series": "Seriály",
"stopEditing": "Zastavit upravování",
"errors": {
"genericTitle": "Jejda, rozbilo se to!",
"failedMeta": "Nepovedlo se načíst meta",
"mediaFailed": "Nepodařilo se nám požádat o Vaše média, zkontrolujte své internetové připojení a zkuste to znovu.",
"videoFailed": "Při přehrávání požadovaného videa došlo k chybě. Pokud se tohle opakuje prosím nahlašte nám to na <0>Discord serveru</0> nebo na <1>GitHubu</1>."
"seasons": {
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"notFound": {
"genericTitle": "Nenalezeno",
"backArrow": "Zpátky domů",
"media": {
"title": "Nemohli jsme najít Vaše média.",
"description": "Nemohli jsme najít média o které jste požádali. Buďto jsme ho nemohli najít, nebo jste manipulovali s URL."
"provider": {
"title": "Tento poskytovatel byl zakázán",
"description": "Měli jsme s tímto poskytovatelem problémy, nebo byl moc nestabilní na používání, a tak jsme ho museli zakázat."
"page": {
"title": "Tuto stránku se nepodařilo najít",
"description": "Dívali jsme se všude: pod koši, ve skříni, za proxy, ale nakonec jsme nemohli najít stránku, kterou hledáte."
"searchBar": {
"movie": "Film",
"series": "Seriál",
"Search": "Hledání"
"videoPlayer": {
"findingBestVideo": "Hledáme pro Vás nejlepší video",
"noVideos": "Jejda, nemohli jsme žádné video najít",
"loading": "Načítání...",
"backToHome": "Zpátky domů",
"backToHomeShort": "Zpět",
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}",
"timeLeft": "Zbývá {{timeLeft}}",
"finishAt": "Končí ve {{timeFinished, datetime}}",
"buttons": {
"episodes": "Epizody",
"source": "Zdroj",
"captions": "Titulky",
"download": "Stáhnout",
"settings": "Nastavení",
"pictureInPicture": "Obraz v obraze",
"playbackSpeed": "Rychlost přehrávání"
"popouts": {
"back": "Zpět",
"sources": "Zdroje",
"seasons": "Sezóny",
"captions": "Titulky",
"playbackSpeed": "Rychlost přehrávání",
"customPlaybackSpeed": "Vlastní rychlost přehrávání",
"captionPreferences": {
"title": "Upravit",
"delay": "Zpoždení",
"fontSize": "Velikost",
"opacity": "Průhlednost",
"color": "Barva"
"episode": "E{{index}} - {{title}}",
"noCaptions": "Žádné titulky",
"linkedCaptions": "Propojené titulky",
"customCaption": "Vlastní titulky",
"uploadCustomCaption": "Nahrát titulky",
"noEmbeds": "Nebyla nalezena žádná vložení pro tento zdroj",
"errors": {
"loadingWentWong": "Něco se nepovedlo při načítání epizod pro {{seasonTitle}}",
"embedsError": "Něco se povedlo při načítání vložení pro tuhle věc, kterou máte tak rádi"
"descriptions": {
"sources": "Jakého poskytovatele chcete použít?",
"embeds": "Vyberte video, které chcete sledovat",
"seasons": "Vyberte sérii, kterou chcete sledovat",
"episode": "Vyberte epizodu",
"captions": "Vyberte jazyk titulků",
"captionPreferences": "Upravte titulky tak, jak se Vám budou líbit",
"playbackSpeed": "Změňtě rychlost přehrávání"
"errors": {
"fatalError": "Došlo k závažné chybě v přehrávači videa, prosím nahlašte ji na <0>Discord serveru</0> nebo na <1>GitHubu</1>."
"settings": {
"title": "Nastavení",
"language": "Jazyk",
"captionLanguage": "Jazyk titulků"
"v3": {
"newSiteTitle": "Je dostupná nová verze!",
"newDomain": "https://movie-web.app",
"newDomainText": "movie-web se brzy přesune na novou doménu: <0>https://movie-web.app</0>. Nezapomeňte si aktualizovat záložky, protože <1>stará stránka přestane fungovat {{date}}.</1>",
"tireless": "Pracovali jsme neúnavně na této nové aktualizaci, a tak doufáme, že se Vám bude líbit co jsme v posledních měsících kuchtili.",
"leaveAnnouncement": "Vezměte mě tam!"
"casting": {
"casting": "Přehrávání do zařízení..."
"errors": {
"offline": "Zkontrolujte své internetové připojení"
@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"search": {
"loading": "Wird geladen...",
"allResults": "Das ist alles, was wir haben!",
"noResults": "Wir haben nichts gefunden!",
"allFailed": "Das Medium wurde nicht gefunden, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut!",
"headingTitle": "Suchergebnisse",
"bookmarks": "Favoriten",
"continueWatching": "Weiter ansehen",
"title": "Was willst du gucken?",
"placeholder": "Was willst du gucken?"
"media": {
"movie": "Filme",
"series": "Serie",
"stopEditing": "Beenden die Bearbeitung",
"errors": {
"genericTitle": "Hoppla, etwas ist schiefgegangen!",
"failedMeta": "Metadaten konnten nicht geladen werden",
"mediaFailed": "Wir konnten die angeforderten Medien nicht abrufen.",
"videoFailed": "Beim Abspielen des angeforderten Videos ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. <0>Discord</0> Oder weiter <1>GitHub</1>."
"seasons": {
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"notFound": {
"genericTitle": "Nicht gefunden",
"backArrow": "Zurück zur Startseite",
"media": {
"title": "Das Medium konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"description": "Wir konnten die angeforderten Medien nicht finden."
"provider": {
"title": "Dieser Anbieter wurde deaktiviert",
"description": "Wir hatten Probleme mit dem Anbieter oder er war zu instabil, sodass wir ihn deaktivieren mussten."
"page": {
"title": "Diese Seite kann nicht gefunden werden",
"description": "Wir haben überall gesucht, aber am Ende konnten wir die gesuchte Seite nicht finden."
"searchBar": {
"movie": "Film",
"series": "Serie",
"Search": "Suchen"
"videoPlayer": {
"findingBestVideo": "Auf der Suche nach dem besten Video für Sie",
"noVideos": "Entschuldigung, wir konnten keine Videos finden",
"loading": "Wird geladen...",
"backToHome": "Zurück zur Startseite",
"backToHomeShort": "Rückmeldung",
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}",
"timeLeft": "{{timeLeft}} verbleibend",
"finishAt": "Endet um {{timeFinished, datetime}}",
"buttons": {
"episodes": "Folgen",
"source": "Quelle",
"captions": "Untertitel",
"download": "Herunterladen",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"pictureInPicture": "Bild-im-Bild",
"playbackSpeed": "Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit"
"popouts": {
"back": "Zurück",
"sources": "Quellen",
"seasons": "Staffel",
"captions": "Untertitel",
"playbackSpeed": "Lesegeschwindigkeit",
"customPlaybackSpeed": "Benutzerdefinierte Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit",
"captionPreferences": {
"title": "Bearbeiten",
"delay": "Verzögerung",
"fontSize": "Größe",
"opacity": "Opazität",
"color": "Farbe"
"episode": "E{{index}} - {{title}}",
"noCaptions": "Keine Untertitel",
"linkedCaptions": "Verbundene Untertitel",
"customCaption": "Benutzerdefinierte Untertitel",
"uploadCustomCaption": "Untertitel hochladen",
"noEmbeds": "Für diese Quelle wurde kein eingebetteter Inhalt gefunden",
"errors": {
"loadingWentWong": "Beim Laden der Folgen für {{seasonTitle}} ist ein Problem aufgetreten ",
"embedsError": "Beim Laden der eingebetteter Medien ist ein Problem aufgetreten"
"descriptions": {
"sources": "Welchen Anbieter möchtest du nutzen?",
"embeds": "Wähle das Video aus, das du ansehen möchten",
"seasons": "Wähle die Staffel aus, die du sehen möchten",
"episode": "Wähle eine Folge aus",
"captions": "Wähle eine Untertitelsprache",
"captionPreferences": "Passe das Erscheinungsbild von Untertiteln an",
"playbackSpeed": "Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit ändern"
"errors": {
"fatalError": "Der Videoplayer hat einen Fehler festgestellt, bitte melde ihn dem Server <0>Discord</0> Oder weiter <1>GitHub</1>."
"settings": {
"title": "Einstellungen",
"language": "Sprache",
"captionLanguage": "Untertitelsprache"
"v3": {
"newSiteTitle": "Neue Version verfügbar!",
"newDomain": "https://movie-web.app",
"newDomainText": "movie-web zieht in Kürze auf eine neue Domain um: <0>https://movie-web.app</0>. <1>Die alte Website funktioniert nicht mehr {{date}}.</1>",
"tireless": "Wir haben unermüdlich an diesem neuen Update gearbeitet und hoffen, dass dir gefällt, was wir in den letzten Monaten vorbereitet haben.",
"leaveAnnouncement": "Bring mich dahin!"
"casting": {
"casting": "An Gerät übertragen..."
"errors": {
"offline": "Internetverbindung ist instabil"
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"search": {
"loading": "Loading...",
"allResults": "That's all we have!",
"noResults": "We couldn't find anything!",
"allFailed": "Failed to find media, try again!",
"headingTitle": "Search results",
"bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"continueWatching": "Continue Watching",
"title": {
"morning": [
"What would you like to watch today?",
"I hear Before Sunrise is good"
"day": [
"Shouldn't u be at school right now?",
"What to watch today?",
"Partially built in The Netherlands"
"night": [
"What to watch tonight?",
"Tired? I hear The Excorcist is good.",
"No, we won't add French movies."
"placeholder": "What do you want to watch?"
"media": {
"movie": "Movie",
"show": "Show",
"stopEditing": "Stop editing",
"errors": {
"genericTitle": "Whoops, it broke!",
"failedMeta": "Failed to load meta",
"mediaFailed": "We failed to request the media you asked for, check your internet connection and try again.",
"videoFailed": "We encountered an error while playing the video you requested. If this keeps happening please report the issue to the <0>Discord server</0> or on <1>GitHub</1>."
"seasons": {
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"notFound": {
"genericTitle": "Not found",
"backArrow": "Back to home",
"media": {
"title": "Couldn't find that media",
"description": "We couldn't find the media you requested. Either it's been removed or you tampered with the URL"
"provider": {
"title": "This provider has been disabled",
"description": "We had issues with the provider or it was too unstable to use, so we had to disable it."
"page": {
"title": "Couldn't find that page",
"description": "We looked everywhere: under the bins, in the closet, behind the proxy but ultimately couldn't find the page you are looking for."
"searchBar": {
"movie": "Movie",
"series": "Series",
"Search": "Search"
"videoPlayer": {
"findingBestVideo": "Finding the best video for you",
"noVideos": "Whoops, couldn't find any videos for you",
"loading": "Loading...",
"backToHome": "Back to home",
"backToHomeShort": "Back",
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}",
"timeLeft": "{{timeLeft}} left",
"finishAt": "Finish at {{timeFinished, datetime}}",
"buttons": {
"episodes": "Episodes",
"source": "Source",
"captions": "Captions",
"download": "Download",
"settings": "Settings",
"pictureInPicture": "Picture in Picture",
"playbackSpeed": "Playback speed"
"popouts": {
"back": "Go back",
"sources": "Sources",
"close": "Close",
"seasons": {
"title": "Seasons",
"other": "Other seasons",
"noSeason": "No season"
"episodes": {
"unknown": "Unknown episode",
"noEpisode": "No episode"
"captions": "Captions",
"playbackSpeed": "Playback speed",
"customPlaybackSpeed": "Custom playback speed",
"captionPreferences": {
"title": "Customize",
"delay": "Delay",
"fontSize": "Size",
"opacity": "Opacity",
"color": "Color"
"episode": "E{{index}} - {{title}}",
"noCaptions": "No captions",
"linkedCaptions": "Linked captions",
"customCaption": "Custom caption",
"uploadCustomCaption": "Upload caption",
"noEmbeds": "No embeds were found for this source",
"errors": {
"loadingWentWong": "Something went wrong loading the episodes for {{seasonTitle}}",
"embedsError": "Something went wrong loading the embeds for this thing that you like"
"descriptions": {
"sources": "What provider do you want to use?",
"embeds": "Choose which video to view",
"seasons": "Choose which season you want to watch",
"episode": "Pick an episode",
"captions": "Choose a subtitle language",
"captionPreferences": "Make subtitles look how you want it",
"playbackSpeed": "Change the playback speed"
"errors": {
"fatalError": "The video player encounted a fatal error, please report it to the <0>Discord server</0> or on <1>GitHub</1>."
"settings": {
"title": "Settings",
"language": "Language",
"captionLanguage": "Caption Language"
"v3": {
"newSiteTitle": "New version now released!",
"newDomain": "https://movie-web.app",
"newDomainText": "movie-web will soon be moving to a new domain: <0>https://movie-web.app</0>. Make sure to update all your bookmarks as <1>the old website will stop working on {{date}}.</1>",
"tireless": "We've worked tirelessly on this new update, we hope you will enjoy what we've been cooking up for the past months.",
"leaveAnnouncement": "Take me there!"
"casting": {
"casting": "Casting to device..."
"errors": {
"offline": "Check your internet connection"
"dmca": {
"title": "DMCA",
"description": "In an effort to address the copyright concerns associated with the website known as \"movie-web,\" the DMCA, or Digital Millennium Copyright Act, has been initiated to safeguard the intellectual property rights of content creators by reporting infringements on this platform, thereby adhering to legal protocols for takedown requests, which, like, you know, it's all about, like, maintaining the integrity of intellectual property, and, um, making sure, like, creators get their fair share, but then, it's, like, this intricate dance of digital legalities, where you have to, uh, like, navigate this labyrinth of code and bytes and, uh, send, you know, these, like, electronic documents that, um, point out the, uh, alleged infringement, and it's, like, this whole, like, teeter-totter of legality, where you're, like, balancing, um, the rights of the, you know, creators and the, um, operation of this, like, online, uh, entity, and, like, the DMCA, it's, like, this, um, powerful tool, but, uh, it's also, like, this, um, complex puzzle, where, you know, you're, like, seeking justice in the digital wilderness, and, uh, striving for harmony amidst the chaos of the internet, and, um, yeah, that's, like, the whole, like, DMCA-ing thing with movie-web, you know?"
"footer": {
"tagline": "Watch your favorite shows and movies with this open source streaming app.",
"links": {
"github": "GitHub",
"dmca": "DMCA",
"discord": "Discord"
"legal": {
"disclaimer": "Disclaimer",
"disclaimerText": "movie-web does not host any files, it merely links to 3rd party services. Legal issues should be taken up with the file hosts and providers. movie-web is not responsible for any media files shown by the video providers."
@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"search": {
"loading": "Chargement...",
"allResults": "C'est tout ce que nous avons!",
"noResults": "Nous n'avons rien trouvé!",
"allFailed": "Le média n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez réessayez!",
"headingTitle": "Résultats de la recherche",
"bookmarks": "Favoris",
"continueWatching": "Continuer le visionnage",
"title": "Que voulez-vous voir?",
"placeholder": "Que voulez-vous voir?"
"media": {
"movie": "Films",
"series": "Séries",
"stopEditing": "Arrêter l'édition",
"errors": {
"genericTitle": "Oups, c'est coupé !",
"failedMeta": "Impossible de charger les métadonnées",
"mediaFailed": "Nous n'avons pas réussi à récupérer le média que vous avez demandé. Veuillez vérifier votre connexion Internet et réessayer.",
"videoFailed": "Nous avons rencontré une erreur lors de la lecture de la vidéo que vous avez demandée. Si cela se reproduit, veuillez signaler le problème au serveur <0>Discord</0> ou sur <1>GitHub</1>."
"seasons": {
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"notFound": {
"genericTitle": "Introuvable",
"backArrow": "Retour à l'accueil",
"media": {
"title": "Impossible de trouver ce média",
"description": "Nous n'avons pas trouvé le média que vous avez demandé. Soit il a été supprimé, soit vous avez modifié l'URL."
"provider": {
"title": "Ce fournisseur a été désactivé",
"description": "Nous avons eu des problèmes avec le fournisseur ou il était trop instable pour être utilisé, nous avons donc dû le désactiver."
"page": {
"title": "Impossible de trouver cette page",
"description": "Nous avons cherché partout : sous les poubelles, dans le placard, derrière le proxy, mais nous n'avons finalement pas trouvé la page que vous cherchez."
"searchBar": {
"movie": "Film",
"series": "Série",
"Search": "Rechercher"
"videoPlayer": {
"findingBestVideo": "Recherche de la meilleure vidéo pour vous",
"noVideos": "Désolé, nous n'avons pas pu trouver de vidéos pour vous",
"loading": "Chargement...",
"backToHome": "Retour à la page d'accueil",
"backToHomeShort": "Retour",
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}",
"timeLeft": "{{timeLeft}} restant",
"finishAt": "Terminer à {{timeFinished, datetime}}",
"buttons": {
"episodes": "Épisodes",
"source": "Source",
"captions": "Sous-titres",
"download": "Télécharger",
"settings": "Paramètres",
"pictureInPicture": "Image dans l'image",
"playbackSpeed": "Vitesse"
"popouts": {
"back": "Retourner",
"sources": "Sources",
"seasons": "Saisons",
"captions": "Sous-titres",
"playbackSpeed": "Vitesse de lecture",
"customPlaybackSpeed": "Vitesse de lecture personnalisée",
"captionPreferences": {
"title": "Personnaliser",
"delay": "Délai",
"fontSize": "Taille",
"opacity": "Opacité",
"color": "Couleur"
"episode": "E{{index}} - {{title}}",
"noCaptions": "Pas de sous-titres",
"linkedCaptions": "Sous-titres liés",
"customCaption": "Sous-titres personnalisés",
"uploadCustomCaption": "Télécharger des sous-titres",
"noEmbeds": "Aucun contenu intégré n'a été trouvé pour cette source",
"errors": {
"loadingWentWong": "Un problème est survenu lors du chargement des épisodes pour {{seasonTitle}}",
"embedsError": "Un problème est survenu lors du chargement des contenus intégrés pour cet élément que vous aimez"
"descriptions": {
"sources": "Quel fournisseur voulez-vous utiliser ?",
"embeds": "Choisissez quelle vidéo regarder",
"seasons": "Choisissez la saison que vous voulez regarder",
"episode": "Sélectionnez un épisode",
"captions": "Choisissez une langue de sous-titres",
"captionPreferences": "Personnalisez l'apparence des sous-titres",
"playbackSpeed": "Changer la vitesse de lecture"
"errors": {
"fatalError": "Le lecteur vidéo a rencontré une erreur fatale, veuillez la signaler au serveur <0>Discord</0> ou sur <1>GitHub</1>."
"settings": {
"title": "Paramètres",
"language": "Language",
"captionLanguage": "Langue des sous-titres"
"v3": {
"newSiteTitle": "Nouvelle version disponible!",
"newDomain": "https://movie-web.app",
"newDomainText": "movie-web déménagera bientôt vers un nouveau domaine : <0>https://movie-web.app</0>. Veillez à mettre à jour tous vos favoris car <1>l'ancien site web cessera de fonctionner le {{date}}.</1>",
"tireless": "Nous avons travaillé sans relâche sur cette nouvelle mise à jour et nous espérons que vous apprécierez ce que nous avons préparé ces derniers mois.",
"leaveAnnouncement": "Emmenez-moi là!"
"casting": {
"casting": "Transmission à l'appareil..."
"errors": {
"offline": "Vérifiez votre connexion internet"
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"search": {
"loading": "Caricamento...",
"allResults": "Ecco tutto ciò che abbiamo!",
"noResults": "Non abbiamo trovato nulla!",
"allFailed": "Impossibile trovare i media, riprova!",
"headingTitle": "Risultati della ricerca",
"bookmarks": "Segnalibri",
"continueWatching": "Continua a guardare",
"title": "Cosa vuoi guardare?",
"placeholder": "Cosa vuoi guardare?"
"media": {
"movie": "Film",
"series": "Serie",
"stopEditing": "Interrompi modifica",
"errors": {
"genericTitle": "Ops, qualcosa si è rotto!",
"failedMeta": "Caricamento dei metadati non riuscito",
"mediaFailed": "Impossibile richiedere il media che hai richiesto, controlla la tua connessione internet e riprova.",
"videoFailed": "Si è verificato un errore durante la riproduzione del video che hai richiesto. Se ciò continua a accadere, segnala il problema sul <0>server Discord</0> o su <1>GitHub</1>."
"seasons": {
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"notFound": {
"genericTitle": "Non trovato",
"backArrow": "Torna alla home",
"media": {
"title": "Impossibile trovare quel media",
"description": "Non siamo riusciti a trovare il media richiesto. È stato rimosso o hai manomesso l'URL."
"provider": {
"title": "Questo provider è stato disabilitato",
"description": "Abbiamo riscontrato problemi con il provider o era troppo instabile da utilizzare, quindi abbiamo dovuto disabilitarlo."
"page": {
"title": "Impossibile trovare quella pagina",
"description": "Abbiamo cercato ovunque: sotto i bidoni, nell'armadio, dietro il proxy, ma alla fine non siamo riusciti a trovare la pagina che stai cercando."
"searchBar": {
"movie": "Film",
"series": "Serie",
"Search": "Cerca"
"videoPlayer": {
"findingBestVideo": "Ricerca del miglior video per te",
"noVideos": "Ops, non è stato possibile trovare alcun video per te",
"loading": "Caricamento...",
"backToHome": "Torna alla home",
"backToHomeShort": "Indietro",
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}",
"timeLeft": "{{timeLeft}} rimanente",
"finishAt": "Fine alle {{timeFinished, datetime}}",
"buttons": {
"episodes": "Episodi",
"source": "Fonte",
"captions": "Sottotitoli",
"download": "Download",
"settings": "Impostazioni",
"pictureInPicture": "Picture in Picture",
"playbackSpeed": "Velocità di riproduzione"
"popouts": {
"back": "Torna indietro",
"sources": "Fonti",
"seasons": "Stagioni",
"captions": "Sottotitoli",
"playbackSpeed": "Velocità di riproduzione",
"customPlaybackSpeed": "Velocità di riproduzione personalizzata",
"captionPreferences": {
"title": "Personalizza",
"delay": "Ritardo",
"fontSize": "Dimensione carattere",
"opacity": "Opacità",
"color": "Colore"
"episode": "E{{index}} - {{title}}",
"noCaptions": "Nessun sottotitolo",
"linkedCaptions": "Sottotitoli collegati",
"customCaption": "Sottotitolo personalizzato",
"uploadCustomCaption": "Carica sottotitolo",
"noEmbeds": "Nessun embed è stato trovato per questa fonte",
"errors": {
"loadingWentWong": "Si è verificato un problema durante il caricamento degli episodi per {{seasonTitle}}",
"embedsError": "Si è verificato un problema durante il caricamento degli embed per questa cosa che ti piace"
"descriptions": {
"sources": "Quale provider desideri utilizzare?",
"embeds": "Scegli quale video visualizzare",
"seasons": "Scegli quale stagione vuoi guardare",
"episode": "Scegli un episodio",
"captions": "Scegli una lingua per i sottotitoli",
"captionPreferences": "Personalizza l'aspetto dei sottotitoli",
"playbackSpeed": "Cambia la velocità di riproduzione"
"errors": {
"fatalError": "Il lettore video ha riscontrato un errore fatale, segnalalo sul <0>server Discord</0> o su <1>GitHub</1>."
"settings": {
"title": "Impostazioni",
"language": "Lingua",
"captionLanguage": "Lingua dei sottotitoli"
"v3": {
"newSiteTitle": "Nuova versione ora disponibile!",
"newDomain": "https://movie-web.app",
"newDomainText": "movie-web si sposterà presto su un nuovo dominio: <0>https://movie-web.app</0>. Assicurati di aggiornare tutti i tuoi segnalibri poiché <1>il vecchio sito smetterà di funzionare il {{date}}.</1>",
"tireless": "Abbiamo lavorato instancabilmente su questo nuovo aggiornamento, speriamo che ti piaccia quello su cui abbiamo lavorato negli ultimi mesi.",
"leaveAnnouncement": "Portami lì!"
"casting": {
"casting": "Trasmissione su dispositivo in corso..."
"errors": {
"offline": "Controlla la tua connessione internet"
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"search": {
"loading": "Aan het zoeken...",
"allResults": "Dat is het!",
"noResults": "We konden helaas niets vinden.",
"allFailed": "Het is niet gelukt de media te laden, probeer het nog eens.",
"headingTitle": "Zoekresultaten",
"bookmarks": "Opgeslagen",
"continueWatching": "Kijk verder",
"title": "Wat wil je graag kijken?",
"placeholder": "Wat wil je graag kijken?"
"media": {
"movie": "Film",
"series": "Serie",
"stopEditing": "Stop met bewerken",
"errors": {
"genericTitle": "Oeps, hier ging iets mis!",
"failedMeta": "Het is niet gelukt de meta-informatie op te halen/",
"mediaFailed": "Het is niet gelukt deze media op te halen. Controleer of je een internetverbinding hebt en probeer het nog een keer.",
"videoFailed": "Er ging iets mis tijdens het spelen van deze video. Als dit blijft gebeuren, deel het dan in de <0>Discord server</0> of maak een <1>GitHub issue</1>."
"seasons": {
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} A{{episode}}"
"notFound": {
"genericTitle": "Pagina niet gevonden",
"backArrow": "Naar de home-pagina",
"media": {
"title": "We konden deze media niet vinden.",
"description": "We konden dit stukje media niet vinden. Het is mogelijk verwijderd, of jij hebt zelf de URL aangepast."
"provider": {
"title": "Deze bron is niet langer beschikbaar",
"description": "Deze bron was helaas te instabiel, we hebben hem jammer genoeg uit moeten zetten."
"page": {
"title": "Pagina niet gevonden",
"description": "We hebben echt alles geprobeerd, zelfs tijdrijzen; echter hebben we deze pagina helaas niet kunnen vinden."
"searchBar": {
"movie": "Films",
"series": "Series",
"Search": "Zoeken"
"videoPlayer": {
"findingBestVideo": "De beste video voor jou aan het zoeken...",
"noVideos": "Helaas konden we dat filmpje niet vinden",
"loading": "Aan het laden...",
"backToHome": "Naar de home-pagina",
"backToHomeShort": "Terug",
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} A{{episode}}",
"timeLeft": "Nog {{timeLeft}}",
"finishAt": "Afgelopen om {{timeFinished, datetime}}",
"buttons": {
"episodes": "Afleveringen",
"source": "Bron",
"captions": "Ondertiteling",
"download": "Download",
"settings": "Instellingen",
"pictureInPicture": "Beeld-in-beeld",
"playbackSpeed": "Afspeelsnelheid"
"popouts": {
"back": "Terug",
"sources": "Bronnen",
"seasons": "Seizoenen",
"captions": "Ondertiteling",
"playbackSpeed": "Afspeelsnelheid",
"customPlaybackSpeed": "Andere snelheden",
"captionPreferences": {
"title": "Instellingen",
"delay": "Vertraging",
"fontSize": "Lettergrootte",
"opacity": "Doorzichtbaarheid",
"color": "Kleur"
"episode": "A{{index}} - {{title}}",
"noCaptions": "Geen ondertiteling",
"linkedCaptions": "Gelinkte ondertiteling",
"customCaption": "Eigen ondertiteling",
"uploadCustomCaption": "Ondertiteling uploaden",
"noEmbeds": "We hebben geen filmpjes kunnen vinden voor deze bron.",
"errors": {
"loadingWentWong": "Er ging iets mis tijdens het laden van de afleveringen voor {{seasonTitle}}",
"embedsError": "Er ging iets mis tijdens het laden van de embeds voor dit dingetje dat je waarschijnlijk leuk vindt"
"descriptions": {
"sources": "Welke bron wil je graag gebruiken",
"embeds": "Welk filmpje wil je gebruiken?",
"seasons": "Welk seizoen wil je kijken?",
"episode": "Kies een aflevering",
"captions": "Kies een taal voor de ondertiteling",
"captionPreferences": "Pas de ondertiteling aan aan je voorkeuren",
"playbackSpeed": "Pas de afspeelsnelhijd aan"
"errors": {
"fatalError": "De videospeler is helaas ontploft, rapporteer deze fout op de <0>Discord server</0> of op <1>GitHub</1>."
"settings": {
"title": "Instellingen",
"language": "Taal",
"captionLanguage": "Taal voor de Ondertiteling"
"v3": {
"newSiteTitle": "De nieuwe versie is uit!",
"newDomain": "https://movie-web.app",
"newDomainText": "We gaan binnenkort verhuizen naar een nieuw domein: <0>https://movie-web.app</0>. Pas je bladwijzers aan naar het nieuwe domein, want </b>het oude domein gaat stoppen met werken op {{date}}.</b>",
"tireless": "We hebben mega hard gewerkt aan deze nieuwe versie, dus we hopen dat je er van gaat genieten.",
"leaveAnnouncement": "Let's go!"
"casting": {
"casting": "Aan het casten..."
"errors": {
"offline": "Controleer je internetverbinding"
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"search": {
"loadin'": "Loadin'...",
"allResults": "That be all we 'ave, me hearty!",
"noResults": "We couldn't find anythin' that matches yer search!",
"allFailed": "Failed t' find media, walk the plank and try again!",
"headingTitle": "Search results",
"bookmarks": "Treasure Maps",
"continueWatchin'": "Continue Watchin'",
"title": "Wha' be ye wantin' to watch, me matey?",
"placeholder": "Wha' be ye searchin' for?"
"media": {
"movie": "Movie",
"series": "Series",
"stopEditin'": "Stop editin'",
"errors": {
"genericTitle": "Shiver me timbers! It broke!",
"failedMeta": "Ye can't trust the compass, failed to load meta",
"mediaFailed": "We failed t' request the media ye asked fer, check yer internet connection, or Davy Jones's locker awaits ye!",
"videoFailed": "Blimey! We encountered an error while playin' the video ye requested. If this keeps happening please report the issue to the <0>Discord server</0> or on <1>GitHub</1>."
"seasons": {
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"notFound": {
"genericTitle": "Ahoy! I see nothin' on the horizon.",
"backArrow": "Back to the port",
"media": {
"title": "Avast ye! Couldn't find that media",
"description": "We couldn't find the media ye requested. Either it's been scuttled or ye tampered with the URL, ye scallywag!"
"provider": {
"title": "Walk the plank! This provider has been disabled",
"description": "We had issues wit' the provider or 'twas too unstable t' use, so we had t' disable it. Try another one, arrr!"
"page": {
"title": "Avast ye! Couldn't find that page.",
"description": "Arrr! We searched every inch o' the vessel: from the bilge to the crow's nest, from the keel to the topmast, but avast! We couldn't find the page ye be lookin' fer, me heartie."
"searchBar": {
"movie": "Movie",
"series": "Series",
"Search": "Search"
"videoPlayer": {
"findingBestVideo": "Finding the best video fer ye, hoist the colors!",
"noVideos": "Blistering barnacles, couldn't find any videos fer ye. Ye need a better map!",
"loading": "Loading...",
"backToHome": "Back to the port, mates!",
"backToHomeShort": "Back",
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}",
"timeLeft": "{{timeLeft}} left",
"finishAt": "Finish at {{timeFinished}}",
"buttons": {
"episodes": "Episodes",
"source": "Source",
"captions": "Captions",
"download": "Download",
"settings": "Settings",
"pictureInPicture": "Spyglass view",
"playbackSpeed": "Set sail!"
"popouts": {
"back": "Avast ye, go back!",
"sources": "Wha' provider do ye want to use?",
"seasons": "Choose which season you wants to watch!",
"captions": "Select a subtitle language, me hearty!",
"playbackSpeed": "Change the speed of Blackbeard's ship!",
"customPlaybackSpeed": "Set a custom playback speed",
"captionPreferences": {
"title": "Customize yer captions",
"delay": "Delay",
"fontSize": "Size",
"opacity": "Opacity",
"color": "Color"
"episode": "E{{index}} - {{title}}",
"noCaptions": "No captions, hoist the Jolly Roger!",
"linkedCaptions": "Linked captions, drop anchor!",
"customCaption": "Custom caption, arrr!",
"uploadCustomCaption": "Upload yer own caption!",
"noEmbeds": "No embeds we be found fer this source",
"errors": {
"loadingWentWong": "Shiver me timbers! Somethin' went wrong loadin' the episodes fer {{seasonTitle}}",
"embedsError": "Blimey! Somethin' went wrong loadin' the embeds fer this thin' that ye like"
"descriptions": {
"sources": "Wha' provider do ye wants to use?",
"embeds": "Choose which video to view",
"seasons": "Choose which season ye wants to watch",
"episode": "Pick an episode",
"captions": "Choose a subtitle language",
"captionPreferences": "Make subtitles look how ye wants it",
"playbackSpeed": "Change the playback speed"
"errors": {
"fatalError": "Blow me down! The video player encounted a fatal error, please report it to the <0>Discord server</0> or on <1>GitHub</1>."
"settings": {
"title": "Settings",
"language": "Language",
"captionLanguage": "Caption Language"
"v3": {
"newSiteTitle": "New version now released!",
"newDomain": "https://movie-web.app",
"newDomainText": "movie-web will soon be movin' to a new domain: <0>https://movie-web.app</0>. Make sure to update all yer bookmarks as <1>the ole website will stop workin' on {{date}}.</1>",
"tireless": "We've worked tirelessly on this new update, we hope ye will enjoy wha' we've been cookin' up fer the past months.",
"leaveAnnouncement": "Take me thar!"
"casting": { "casting": "Casting to device..." },
"errors": { "offline": "Avast! Check yer internet connection" }
@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"search": {
"loading": "Wczytywanie...",
"allResults": "To wszystko co mamy!",
"noResults": "Nie mogliśmy niczego znaleźć!",
"allFailed": "Nie udało się znaleźć mediów, Spróbuj ponownie!",
"headingTitle": "Wyniki wyszukiwania",
"bookmarks": "Zakładki",
"continueWatching": "Kontynuuj oglądanie",
"title": "Co chciałbyś obejrzeć?",
"placeholder": "Co chciałbyś obejrzeć?"
"media": {
"movie": "Film",
"series": "Serial",
"stopEditing": "Zatrzymaj edycje",
"errors": {
"genericTitle": "Ups, popsuło się!",
"failedMeta": "Nie udało się wczytać metadanych",
"mediaFailed": "Nie udało nam się zarządać mediów, sprawdź połączenie sieciowe i spróbuj ponownie.",
"videoFailed": "Napotkaliśmy błąd podczas odtwarzania rządanego video. Jeśli problem będzie się powtarzać prosimy o zgłoszenie problemu na <0>Serwer Discord</0> lub na <1>GitHub</1>."
"seasons": {
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"notFound": {
"genericTitle": "Nie znaleziono",
"backArrow": "Wróć na stronę główną",
"media": {
"title": "Nie można znaleźć multimediów",
"description": "Nie mogliśmy znaleźć rządanych multimediów. Albo zostały usunięte, albo grzebałeś przy adresie URL."
"provider": {
"title": "Ten dostawca został wyłączony",
"description": "Mieliśmy problemy z tym dostawcą, albo był zbyt niestabilny, więc musieliśmy go wyłączyć."
"page": {
"title": "Nie można znaleźć tej strony",
"description": "Szukaliśmy wszędzie: w koszu, w szafie a nawet w piwnicy, ale nie byliśmy w stanie znaleźć strony której szukasz."
"searchBar": {
"movie": "Filmy",
"series": "Seriale",
"Search": "Szukaj"
"videoPlayer": {
"findingBestVideo": "Szukamy najlepszego video dla ciebie",
"noVideos": "Oj, Nie mogliśmy znaleźć żadnego video",
"loading": "Wczytywanie...",
"backToHome": "Wróć na stronę główną",
"backToHomeShort": "Wróć",
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}",
"timeLeft": "Pozostało {{timeLeft}}",
"finishAt": "Zakończ na {{timeFinished, datetime}}",
"buttons": {
"episodes": "Odcinki",
"source": "Źródło",
"captions": "Napisy",
"download": "Pobierz",
"settings": "Ustawienia",
"pictureInPicture": "Obraz w obrazie (PIP)",
"playbackSpeed": "Prędkość odtwarzania"
"popouts": {
"close": "Zamknąć",
"seasons": {
"title": "Sezony",
"other": "Inne sezony",
"noSeason": "Brak sezonu"
"episodes": {
"unknown": "Nieznany odcinki",
"noEpisode": "Brak odcinki"
"back": "Wróć",
"sources": "Źródła",
"captions": "Napisy",
"playbackSpeed": "Prędkość odtwarzania",
"customPlaybackSpeed": "Niestandardowa prędkość odtwarzania",
"captionPreferences": {
"title": "Personalizuj",
"delay": "Opóźnienie",
"fontSize": "Rozmiar",
"opacity": "Przeźroczystość",
"color": "Kolor"
"episode": "E{{index}} - {{title}}",
"noCaptions": "Brak napisów",
"linkedCaptions": "Załączone napisy",
"customCaption": "Napisy niestandardowe",
"uploadCustomCaption": "Załącz",
"noEmbeds": "Nie znaleziono osadzonych mediów dla tego źródła",
"errors": {
"loadingWentWong": "Coś poszło nie tak {{seasonTitle}}",
"embedsError": "Coś poszło nie tak przy wczytywaniu osadzonych mediów"
"descriptions": {
"sources": "Którego dostawcy chciałbyś używać?",
"embeds": "Wybierz, które video chcesz zobaczyć",
"seasons": "Wybierz, który sezon chcesz obejrzeć",
"episode": "Wybierz odcinek",
"captions": "Zmień język napisów",
"captionPreferences": "Ustaw napisy, tak jak ci to odpowiada",
"playbackSpeed": "Zmień prędkość odtwarzania"
"errors": {
"fatalError": "Odtwarzacz napotkał poważny błąd, Prosimy o złoszenie tego na <0>Serwer Discord</0> lub na <1>GitHub</1>."
"settings": {
"title": "Ustawienia",
"language": "Język",
"captionLanguage": "Język napisów"
"v3": {
"newSiteTitle": "Nowa wersja została wydana!",
"newDomain": "https://movie-web.app",
"newDomainText": "movie-web przeniesie się wkrótce na nowy adres: <0>https://movie-web.app</0>. Prosimy zaaktualizować swoje zakładki ponieważ <1>stara strona przestanie działać {{date}}.</1>",
"tireless": "Pracowaliśmy niestrudzenie nad tą aktualizacją, Mamy nadzieję że będziecie zadowoleni z tego nad czym pracowaliśmy przez ostatnie parę miesięcy.",
"leaveAnnouncement": "Zabierz mnie tam!"
"casting": {
"casting": "Przesyłanie do urządzenia..."
"errors": {
"offline": "Sprawdź swoje połączenie sieciowe"
@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"search": {
"loading": "Yükleniyor...",
"allResults": "Bu kadarını bulabildik!",
"noResults": "Hiçbir şey bulamadık!",
"allFailed": "Medya bulunamadı, tekrar deneyin!",
"headingTitle": "Arama sonuçları",
"bookmarks": "Yerimleri",
"continueWatching": "İzlemeye devam edin",
"title": "Ne izlemek istersiniz?",
"placeholder": "Ne izlemek istersiniz?"
"media": {
"movie": "Film",
"series": "Dizi",
"stopEditing": "Düzenlemeyi durdur",
"errors": {
"genericTitle": "Hay aksi, bozuldu!",
"failedMeta": "Önbilgi yüklenemedi",
"mediaFailed": "İstediğiniz medyaya istek atarken hata oluştu, internet bağlantınızı kontrol edin ve tekrar deneyin.",
"videoFailed": "İstediğiniz videoyu oynatırken bir sorunla karşılaştık. Bu durum devam ederse lütfen bunu <0>Discord sunucumuza</0> veya <1>GitHub</1> üzerinden bildiriniz."
"seasons": {
"seasonAndEpisode": "S{{season}} B{{episode}}"
"notFound": {
"genericTitle": "Bulunamadı",
"backArrow": "Geri",
"media": {
"title": "Medya bulunamadı",
"description": "İstediğiniz medyayı bulamadık. URL'i yanlış girdiniz ya da medya kaldırıldı."
"provider": {
"title": "Bu sağlayıcı devre dışı bırakıldı",
"description": "Sağlayıcı ile ilgili bir sorun oluştu ya da kullanılacak kadar stabil değildi bu yüzden devre dışı bırakmak zorunda kaldık."
"page": {
"title": "Sayfa bulunamadı",
"description": "Her yere baktık: bazanın altına, dolabın içine hatta ara sunucuya ama maalesef aradığınız sayfayı bulamadık."
"searchBar": {
"movie": "Film",
"series": "Dizi",
"Search": "Ara"
"videoPlayer": {
"findingBestVideo": "Sizin için en iyi videoyu buluyoruz...",
"noVideos": "Hay aksi, hiçbir video bulamadık",
"loading": "Yükleniyor...",
"backToHome": "Ana sayfaya dön",
"backToHomeShort": "Geri",
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"uploadCustomCaption": "Altyazı yükle",
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"embedsError": "İstediğiniz şey için gömülü video bulunurken bir hata oluştu"
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"newDomain": "https://movie-web.app",
"newDomainText": "movie-web yakında yeni bir alan adına taşınacak: <0>https://movie-web.app</0>. <1>{{date}} tarihinde eski site çalışmayacağı için</1> yerimlerinizi güncellemeyi unutmayın.",
"tireless": "Bu yeni güncelleme için gece gündüz çalıştık, umarız aylardan beri hazırladığımız bu güncellemeyi beğenirsiniz.",
"leaveAnnouncement": "Götür beni!"
"casting": {
"casting": "Cihaza aktarılıyor..."
"errors": {
"offline": "İnternet bağlantınızı kontrol ediniz"
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
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"noResults": "Chúng tôi không thể tìm thấy gì!",
"allFailed": "Không thể tìm thấy nội dung, hãy thử lại!",
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"failedMeta": "Không thể tải meta",
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"videoFailed": "Chúng tôi đã gặp lỗi khi phát nội dung mà bạn yêu cầu. Nếu điều này tiếp tục xảy ra, vui lòng báo cáo sự cố trên <0>máy chủ Discord</0> hoặc trên <1>GitHub</1>."
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"page": {
"title": "Không thể tìm thấy trang",
"description": "Chúng tôi đã tìm kiếm khắp nơi: dưới thùng rác, trong tủ quần áo, đằng sau máy chủ proxy nhưng vẫn không thể tìm thấy trang bạn đang tìm kiếm."
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"newDomainText": "movie-web sẽ sớm chuyển sang trang mới: <0>https://movie-web.app</0>. Hãy đảm bảo rằng các đánh dấu đã được cập nhật vì <1>trang web cũ sẽ dừng hoạt động vào {{date}}.</1>",
"tireless": "Chúng tôi đã làm việc vất vả để tạo phiên bản mới này, chúng tôi hy vọng bạn sẽ thích những gì chúng tôi đã nung nấu trong những tháng qua.",
"leaveAnnouncement": "Hãy đưa tôi đến đó!"
"casting": {
"casting": "Đang truyền tới thiết bị..."
"errors": {
"offline": "Hãy kiểm tra kết nối Internet của bạn"
@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
"global": {
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"loading": "载入中……",
"allResults": "以上是我们能找到的所有结果!",
"noResults": "我们找不到任何结果!",
"allFailed": "查找媒体失败,请重试!",
"headingTitle": "搜索结果",
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"continueWatching": "继续观看",
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"mediaFailed": "我们未能请求到您要求的媒体,检查互联网连接并重试。",
"videoFailed": "我们在播放您要求的视频时遇到了错误。如果错误持续发生,请向 <0>Discord 服务器</0>或 <1>GitHub</1> 提交问题报告。"
"seasons": {
"seasonAndEpisode": "第{{season}}季 第{{episode}}集"
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"title": "无法找到媒体",
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"description": "我们已经到处找过了:不管是垃圾桶下、橱柜里或是代理之后。但最终并没有发现您查找的页面。"
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"movie": "电影",
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"findingBestVideo": "正在为您探测最佳视频",
"noVideos": "哎呀,无法为您找到任何视频",
"loading": "载入中……",
"backToHome": "返回首页",
"backToHomeShort": "返回",
"seasonAndEpisode": "第{{season}}季 第{{episode}}集",
"timeLeft": "还剩余 {{timeLeft}}",
"finishAt": "在 {{timeFinished, datetime}} 结束",
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"embedsError": "为您喜欢的这一东西加载嵌入内容时出现了一些问题"
"descriptions": {
"sources": "您想使用哪个内容提供者?",
"embeds": "选择要观看的视频",
"seasons": "选择您要观看的季",
"episode": "选择一个分集",
"captions": "选择字幕语言",
"captionPreferences": "让字幕看起来如您所想",
"playbackSpeed": "改变播放速度"
"errors": {
"fatalError": "视频播放器遇到致命错误,请向 <0>Discord 服务器</0>或 <1>GitHub</1> 报告。"
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"newSiteTitle": "新的版本现已发布!",
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"newDomainText": "movie-web 将很快转移到新的域名:<0>https://movie-web.app</0>。请确保已经更新全部书签链接,<1>旧网站将于 {{date}} 停止工作。</1>",
"tireless": "为了这一新版本,我们不懈努力,希望您会喜欢我们在过去几个月中所做的一切。",
"leaveAnnouncement": "请带我去!"
"casting": {
"casting": "正在投射到设备……"
"errors": {
"offline": "检查您的互联网连接"
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
Reference in New Issue
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