2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
# include "gui/CemuApp.h"
# include "gui/MainWindow.h"
# include "gui/wxgui.h"
# include "config/CemuConfig.h"
# include "Cafe/HW/Latte/Renderer/Vulkan/VulkanAPI.h"
# include "gui/guiWrapper.h"
# include "config/ActiveSettings.h"
# include "gui/GettingStartedDialog.h"
# include "config/PermanentConfig.h"
# include "config/PermanentStorage.h"
# include "input/InputManager.h"
# include "gui/helpers/wxHelpers.h"
# include "Cemu/ncrypto/ncrypto.h"
# include <wx/image.h>
# include <wx/filename.h>
2022-10-12 08:03:26 +02:00
# include <wx/stdpaths.h>
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
# include "Cafe/TitleList/TitleList.h"
# include "Cafe/TitleList/SaveList.h"
// defined in guiWrapper.cpp
extern WindowInfo g_window_info ;
extern std : : shared_mutex g_mutex ;
2022-10-12 08:03:26 +02:00
int mainEmulatorHLE ( ) ;
void HandlePostUpdate ( ) ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
// Translation strings to extract for gettext:
void unused_translation_dummy ( )
void ( _ ( " Browse " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Select a file " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Select a directory " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " base " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " update " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " dlc " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " save " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Japan " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " USA " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Europe " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Australia " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " China " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Korea " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Taiwan " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Auto " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " many " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Japanese " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " English " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " French " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " German " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Italian " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Spanish " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Chinese " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Korean " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Dutch " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Portugese " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Russian " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " Taiwanese " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " unknown " ) ) ;
// account.h
void ( _ ( " AccountId missing (The account is not connected to a NNID) " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " IsPasswordCacheEnabled is set to false (The remember password option on your Wii U must be enabled for this account before dumping it) " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " AccountPasswordCache is empty (The remember password option on your Wii U must be enabled for this account before dumping it) " ) ) ;
void ( _ ( " PrincipalId missing " ) ) ;
bool CemuApp : : OnInit ( )
2022-10-12 08:03:26 +02:00
fs : : path user_data_path , config_path , cache_path , data_path ;
auto standardPaths = wxStandardPaths : : Get ( ) ;
# ifdef PORTABLE
fs : : path exePath ( standardPaths . GetExecutablePath ( ) . ToStdString ( ) ) ;
user_data_path = config_path = cache_path = data_path = exePath . parent_path ( ) ;
# else
SetAppName ( " Cemu " ) ;
wxString appName = GetAppName ( ) ;
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2022-10-12 08:03:26 +02:00
standardPaths . SetFileLayout ( wxStandardPaths : : FileLayout : : FileLayout_XDG ) ;
auto getEnvDir = [ & ] ( const wxString & varName , const wxString & defaultValue )
wxString dir ;
if ( ! wxGetEnv ( varName , & dir ) | | dir . empty ( ) )
return defaultValue ;
return dir ;
} ;
wxString homeDir = wxFileName : : GetHomeDir ( ) ;
user_data_path = ( getEnvDir ( wxS ( " XDG_DATA_HOME " ) , homeDir + wxS ( " /.local/share " ) ) + " / " + appName ) . ToStdString ( ) ;
config_path = ( getEnvDir ( wxS ( " XDG_CONFIG_HOME " ) , homeDir + wxS ( " /.config " ) ) + " / " + appName ) . ToStdString ( ) ;
# else
user_data_path = config_path = standardPaths . GetUserDataDir ( ) . ToStdString ( ) ;
# endif
data_path = standardPaths . GetDataDir ( ) . ToStdString ( ) ;
cache_path = standardPaths . GetUserDir ( wxStandardPaths : : Dir : : Dir_Cache ) . ToStdString ( ) ;
cache_path / = appName . ToStdString ( ) ;
# endif
auto failed_write_access = ActiveSettings : : LoadOnce ( user_data_path , config_path , cache_path , data_path ) ;
for ( auto & & path : failed_write_access )
wxMessageBox ( fmt : : format ( " Cemu can't write to {} ! " , path . generic_string ( ) ) , _ ( " Warning " ) , wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_EXCLAMATION , nullptr ) ;
NetworkConfig : : LoadOnce ( ) ;
HandlePostUpdate ( ) ;
mainEmulatorHLE ( ) ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
wxInitAllImageHandlers ( ) ;
g_config . Load ( ) ;
m_languages = GetAvailableLanguages ( ) ;
const sint32 language = GetConfig ( ) . language ;
if ( language ! = wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH )
const auto it = std : : find_if ( m_languages . begin ( ) , m_languages . end ( ) , [ language ] ( const wxLanguageInfo * info ) { return info - > Language = = language ; } ) ;
if ( it ! = m_languages . end ( ) & & wxLocale : : IsAvailable ( language ) )
if ( m_locale . Init ( language ) )
2022-10-12 08:03:26 +02:00
m_locale . AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix ( ActiveSettings : : GetDataPath ( " resources " ) . generic_string ( ) ) ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
m_locale . AddCatalog ( " cemu " ) ;
if ( ! m_locale . IsOk ( ) )
m_locale . Init ( wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT ) ;
// fill colour db
wxTheColourDatabase - > AddColour ( " ERROR " , wxColour ( 0xCC , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
wxTheColourDatabase - > AddColour ( " SUCCESS " , wxColour ( 0 , 0xbb , 0 ) ) ;
const auto parent_path = GetParentProcess ( ) ;
if ( parent_path . has_filename ( ) )
const auto filename = parent_path . filename ( ) . generic_string ( ) ;
if ( boost : : icontains ( filename , " WiiU_USB_Helper " ) )
__fastfail ( 0 ) ;
# endif
// init input
InputManager : : instance ( ) . load ( ) ;
InitializeGlobalVulkan ( ) ;
Bind ( wxEVT_ACTIVATE_APP , & CemuApp : : ActivateApp , this ) ;
auto & config = GetConfig ( ) ;
const bool first_start = ! config . did_show_graphic_pack_download ;
CreateDefaultFiles ( first_start ) ;
m_mainFrame = new MainWindow ( ) ;
if ( first_start )
m_mainFrame - > ShowGettingStartedDialog ( ) ;
std : : unique_lock lock ( g_mutex ) ;
g_window_info . app_active = true ;
SetTopWindow ( m_mainFrame ) ;
m_mainFrame - > Show ( ) ;
return true ;
int CemuApp : : OnExit ( )
wxApp : : OnExit ( ) ;
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2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
ExitProcess ( 0 ) ;
# else
2022-09-08 17:05:31 +02:00
_Exit ( 0 ) ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
# endif
void DumpThreadStackTrace ( ) ;
# endif
void CemuApp : : OnAssertFailure ( const wxChar * file , int line , const wxChar * func , const wxChar * cond , const wxChar * msg )
cemuLog_createLogFile ( false ) ;
cemuLog_log ( LogType : : Force , " Encountered wxWidgets assert! " ) ;
cemuLog_log ( LogType : : Force , fmt : : format ( L " File: {0} Line: {1} " , std : : wstring_view ( file ) , line ) ) ;
cemuLog_log ( LogType : : Force , fmt : : format ( L " Func: {0} Cond: {1} " , func , std : : wstring_view ( cond ) ) ) ;
cemuLog_log ( LogType : : Force , fmt : : format ( L " Message: {} " , std : : wstring_view ( msg ) ) ) ;
DumpThreadStackTrace ( ) ;
# endif
cemu_assert_debug ( false ) ;
int CemuApp : : FilterEvent ( wxEvent & event )
if ( event . GetEventType ( ) = = wxEVT_KEY_DOWN )
const auto & key_event = ( wxKeyEvent & ) event ;
wxGetKeyState ( wxKeyCode : : WXK_F17 ) ;
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g_window_info . set_keystate ( fix_raw_keycode ( key_event . GetRawKeyCode ( ) , key_event . GetRawKeyFlags ( ) ) , true ) ;
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else if ( event . GetEventType ( ) = = wxEVT_KEY_UP )
const auto & key_event = ( wxKeyEvent & ) event ;
2022-09-19 03:07:26 +02:00
g_window_info . set_keystate ( fix_raw_keycode ( key_event . GetRawKeyCode ( ) , key_event . GetRawKeyFlags ( ) ) , false ) ;
else if ( event . GetEventType ( ) = = wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS )
g_window_info . set_keystatesdown ( ) ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
return wxApp : : FilterEvent ( event ) ;
std : : vector < const wxLanguageInfo * > CemuApp : : GetAvailableLanguages ( )
2022-10-12 08:03:26 +02:00
const auto path = ActiveSettings : : GetDataPath ( " resources " ) ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
if ( ! exists ( path ) )
return { } ;
std : : vector < const wxLanguageInfo * > result ;
for ( const auto & p : fs : : directory_iterator ( path ) )
if ( ! fs : : is_directory ( p ) )
continue ;
const auto & path = p . path ( ) ;
auto filename = path . filename ( ) ;
const auto * lang_info = wxLocale : : FindLanguageInfo ( filename . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! lang_info )
continue ;
const auto language_file = path / " cemu.mo " ;
if ( ! fs : : exists ( language_file ) )
continue ;
result . emplace_back ( lang_info ) ;
return result ;
void CemuApp : : CreateDefaultFiles ( bool first_start )
std : : wstring mlc = GetMLCPath ( ) . ToStdWstring ( ) ;
// check for mlc01 folder missing if custom path has been set
if ( ! fs : : exists ( mlc ) & & ! first_start )
2022-09-05 14:48:44 +02:00
const std : : wstring message = fmt : : format ( fmt : : runtime ( _ ( L " Your mlc01 folder seems to be missing. \n \n This is where Cemu stores save files, game updates and other Wii U files. \n \n The expected path is: \n {} \n \n Do you want to create the folder at the expected path? " ) . ToStdWstring ( ) ) , mlc ) ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
wxMessageDialog dialog ( nullptr , message , " Error " , wxCENTRE | wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxICON_WARNING ) ;
dialog . SetYesNoCancelLabels ( _ ( " Yes " ) , _ ( " No " ) , _ ( " Select a custom path " ) ) ;
const auto dialogResult = dialog . ShowModal ( ) ;
if ( dialogResult = = wxID_NO )
exit ( 0 ) ;
else if ( dialogResult = = wxID_CANCEL )
if ( ! SelectMLCPath ( ) )
return ;
mlc = GetMLCPath ( ) ;
GetConfig ( ) . mlc_path = L " " ;
g_config . Save ( ) ;
// create sys/usr folder in mlc01
const auto sysFolder = fs : : path ( mlc ) . append ( L " sys " ) ;
fs : : create_directories ( sysFolder ) ;
const auto usrFolder = fs : : path ( mlc ) . append ( L " usr " ) ;
fs : : create_directories ( usrFolder ) ;
fs : : create_directories ( fs : : path ( usrFolder ) . append ( " title/00050000 " ) ) ; // base
fs : : create_directories ( fs : : path ( usrFolder ) . append ( " title/0005000c " ) ) ; // dlc
fs : : create_directories ( fs : : path ( usrFolder ) . append ( " title/0005000e " ) ) ; // update
// Mii Maker save folders {0x500101004A000, 0x500101004A100, 0x500101004A200},
fs : : create_directories ( fs : : path ( mlc ) . append ( L " usr/save/00050010/1004a000/user/common/db " ) ) ;
fs : : create_directories ( fs : : path ( mlc ) . append ( L " usr/save/00050010/1004a100/user/common/db " ) ) ;
fs : : create_directories ( fs : : path ( mlc ) . append ( L " usr/save/00050010/1004a200/user/common/db " ) ) ;
// lang files
auto langDir = fs : : path ( mlc ) . append ( L " sys/title/0005001b/1005c000/content " ) ;
fs : : create_directories ( langDir ) ;
auto langFile = fs : : path ( langDir ) . append ( " language.txt " ) ;
if ( ! fs : : exists ( langFile ) )
std : : ofstream file ( langFile ) ;
if ( file . is_open ( ) )
const char * langStrings [ ] = { " ja " , " en " , " fr " , " de " , " it " , " es " , " zh " , " ko " , " nl " , " pt " , " ru " , " zh " } ;
for ( const char * lang : langStrings )
file < < fmt : : format ( R " ( " { } " ,) " , lang ) < < std : : endl ;
file . flush ( ) ;
file . close ( ) ;
auto countryFile = fs : : path ( langDir ) . append ( " country.txt " ) ;
if ( ! fs : : exists ( countryFile ) )
std : : ofstream file ( countryFile ) ;
for ( sint32 i = 0 ; i < 201 ; i + + )
const char * countryCode = NCrypto : : GetCountryAsString ( i ) ;
if ( boost : : iequals ( countryCode , " NN " ) )
file < < " NULL, " < < std : : endl ;
file < < fmt : : format ( R " ( " { } " ,) " , countryCode ) < < std : : endl ;
file . flush ( ) ;
file . close ( ) ;
catch ( const std : : exception & ex )
std : : stringstream errorMsg ;
2022-09-05 14:48:44 +02:00
errorMsg < < fmt : : format ( fmt : : runtime ( _ ( " Couldn't create a required mlc01 subfolder or file! \n \n Error: {0} \n Target path: \n {1} " ) . ToStdString ( ) ) , ex . what ( ) , boost : : nowide : : narrow ( mlc ) ) ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
2022-08-26 04:03:26 +02:00
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
const DWORD lastError = GetLastError ( ) ;
if ( lastError ! = ERROR_SUCCESS )
errorMsg < < fmt : : format ( " \n \n {} " , GetSystemErrorMessage ( lastError ) ) ;
wxMessageBox ( errorMsg . str ( ) , " Error " , wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_ERROR ) ;
# endif
exit ( 0 ) ;
// cemu directories
2022-10-12 08:03:26 +02:00
const auto controllerProfileFolder = GetConfigPath ( L " controllerProfiles " ) . ToStdWstring ( ) ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
if ( ! fs : : exists ( controllerProfileFolder ) )
fs : : create_directories ( controllerProfileFolder ) ;
2022-10-12 08:03:26 +02:00
const auto memorySearcherFolder = GetUserDataPath ( L " memorySearcher " ) . ToStdWstring ( ) ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
if ( ! fs : : exists ( memorySearcherFolder ) )
fs : : create_directories ( memorySearcherFolder ) ;
catch ( const std : : exception & ex )
std : : stringstream errorMsg ;
2022-09-05 14:48:44 +02:00
errorMsg < < fmt : : format ( fmt : : runtime ( _ ( " Couldn't create a required cemu directory or file! \n \n Error: {0} " ) . ToStdString ( ) ) , ex . what ( ) ) ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
2022-08-26 04:03:26 +02:00
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
const DWORD lastError = GetLastError ( ) ;
if ( lastError ! = ERROR_SUCCESS )
errorMsg < < fmt : : format ( " \n \n {} " , GetSystemErrorMessage ( lastError ) ) ;
wxMessageBox ( errorMsg . str ( ) , " Error " , wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_ERROR ) ;
# endif
exit ( 0 ) ;
bool CemuApp : : SelectMLCPath ( wxWindow * parent )
auto & config = GetConfig ( ) ;
std : : wstring default_path ;
if ( fs : : exists ( config . mlc_path . GetValue ( ) ) )
default_path = config . mlc_path . GetValue ( ) ;
// try until users selects a valid path or aborts
while ( true )
wxDirDialog path_dialog ( parent , _ ( " Select a mlc directory " ) , default_path , wxDD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxDD_DIR_MUST_EXIST ) ;
if ( path_dialog . ShowModal ( ) ! = wxID_OK | | path_dialog . GetPath ( ) . empty ( ) )
return false ;
const auto path = path_dialog . GetPath ( ) . ToStdWstring ( ) ;
if ( ! TestWriteAccess ( fs : : path { path } ) )
const auto result = wxMessageBox ( _ ( " Cemu can't write to the selected mlc path! \n Do you want to select another path? " ) , _ ( " Error " ) , wxYES_NO | wxCENTRE | wxICON_ERROR ) ;
if ( result = = wxYES )
continue ;
break ;
config . SetMLCPath ( path ) ;
// update TitleList and SaveList scanner with new MLC path
CafeTitleList : : SetMLCPath ( path ) ;
CafeTitleList : : Refresh ( ) ;
CafeSaveList : : SetMLCPath ( path ) ;
CafeSaveList : : Refresh ( ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
wxString CemuApp : : GetMLCPath ( )
return ActiveSettings : : GetMlcPath ( ) . generic_wstring ( ) ;
wxString CemuApp : : GetMLCPath ( const wxString & cat )
return ActiveSettings : : GetMlcPath ( cat . ToStdString ( ) ) . generic_wstring ( ) ;
2022-10-12 08:03:26 +02:00
wxString CemuApp : : GetConfigPath ( )
return ActiveSettings : : GetConfigPath ( ) . generic_wstring ( ) ;
} ;
wxString CemuApp : : GetConfigPath ( const wxString & cat )
return ActiveSettings : : GetConfigPath ( cat . ToStdString ( ) ) . generic_wstring ( ) ;
} ;
wxString CemuApp : : GetUserDataPath ( )
return ActiveSettings : : GetUserDataPath ( ) . generic_wstring ( ) ;
} ;
wxString CemuApp : : GetUserDataPath ( const wxString & cat )
return ActiveSettings : : GetUserDataPath ( cat . ToStdString ( ) ) . generic_wstring ( ) ;
} ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
void CemuApp : : ActivateApp ( wxActivateEvent & event )
g_window_info . app_active = event . GetActive ( ) ;
event . Skip ( ) ;