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* Genesis Plus 1.2a
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Charles Mac Donald
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* IPL FONT Engine
* Based on Qoob MP3 Player Font
* Added IPL font extraction
#include "shared.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "gpback.h"
/*** Backdrop ***/
char backdrop[(640 * 480 * 2) + 32];
/* Backdrop Frame Width (to avoid writing outside of the background frame) */
u16 back_framewidth = 640;
typedef struct
unsigned short font_type, first_char, last_char, subst_char, ascent_units, descent_units, widest_char_width,
leading_space, cell_width, cell_height;
unsigned long texture_size;
unsigned short texture_format, texture_columns, texture_rows, texture_width, texture_height, offset_charwidth;
unsigned long offset_tile, size_tile;
static unsigned char fontWork[ 0x20000 ] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
static unsigned char fontFont[ 0x40000 ] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
extern unsigned int *xfb[2];
extern int whichfb;
* YAY0 Decoding
/* Yay0 decompression */
void yay0_decode(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d)
int i, j, k, p, q, cnt;
i = *(unsigned long *)(s + 4); // size of decoded data
j = *(unsigned long *)(s + 8); // link table
k = *(unsigned long *)(s + 12); // byte chunks and count modifiers
q = 0; // current offset in dest buffer
cnt = 0; // mask bit counter
p = 16; // current offset in mask table
unsigned long r22 = 0, r5;
// if all bits are done, get next mask
if(cnt == 0)
// read word from mask data block
r22 = *(unsigned long *)(s + p);
p += 4;
cnt = 32; // bit counter
// if next bit is set, chunk is non-linked
if(r22 & 0x80000000)
// get next byte
*(unsigned char *)(d + q) = *(unsigned char *)(s + k);
k++, q++;
// do copy, otherwise
// read 16-bit from link table
int r26 = *(unsigned short *)(s + j);
j += 2;
// 'offset'
int r25 = q - (r26 & 0xfff);
// 'count'
int r30 = r26 >> 12;
if(r30 == 0)
// get 'count' modifier
r5 = *(unsigned char *)(s + k);
r30 = r5 + 18;
else r30 += 2;
// do block copy
unsigned char *pt = ((unsigned char*)d) + r25;
int i;
for(i=0; i<r30; i++)
*(unsigned char *)(d + q) = *(unsigned char *)(pt - 1);
q++, pt++;
// next bit in mask
r22 <<= 1;
} while(q < i);
void untile(unsigned char *dst, unsigned char *src, int xres, int yres)
// 8x8 tiles
int x, y;
int t=0;
for (y = 0; y < yres; y += 8)
for (x = 0; x < xres; x += 8)
t = !t;
int iy, ix;
for (iy = 0; iy < 8; ++iy, src+=2)
unsigned char *d = dst + (y + iy) * xres + x;
for (ix = 0; ix < 2; ++ix)
int v = src[ix];
*d++ = ((v>>6)&3);
*d++ = ((v>>4)&3);
*d++ = ((v>>2)&3);
*d++ = ((v)&3);
int font_offset[256], font_size[256], fheight;
extern void __SYS_ReadROM(void *buf,u32 len,u32 offset);
void init_font(void)
int i;
__SYS_ReadROM((unsigned char *)&fontFont,0x3000,0x1FCF00);
yay0_decode((unsigned char *)&fontFont, (unsigned char *)&fontWork);
fnt = ( FONT_HEADER * )&fontWork;
untile((unsigned char*)&fontFont, (unsigned char*)&fontWork[fnt->offset_tile], fnt->texture_width, fnt->texture_height);
for (i=0; i<256; ++i)
int c = i;
if ((c < fnt->first_char) || (c > fnt->last_char)) c = fnt->subst_char;
else c -= fnt->first_char;
font_size[i] = ((unsigned char*)fnt)[fnt->offset_charwidth + c];
int r = c / fnt->texture_columns;
c %= fnt->texture_columns;
font_offset[i] = (r * fnt->cell_height) * fnt->texture_width + (c * fnt->cell_width);
fheight = fnt->cell_height;
unsigned int blit_lookup[4] = {COLOR_BLACK, 0x6d896d77, 0xb584b57b, 0xff80ff80};
unsigned int blit_lookup_inv[4] = {COLOR_WHITE, 0xb584b57b, 0x6d896d77, 0x258e2573};
void setfontcolour (int fcolour)
if (fcolour == COLOR_WHITE)
blit_lookup[1] = 0x6d896d77;
blit_lookup[2] = 0xb584b57b;
blit_lookup[3] = 0xff80ff80;
blit_lookup[1] = fcolour;
blit_lookup[2] = fcolour;
blit_lookup[3] = fcolour;
void blit_char(int x, int y, unsigned char c, unsigned int *lookup)
unsigned char *fnt = ((unsigned char*)fontFont) + font_offset[c];
int ay, ax;
unsigned int llookup;
for (ay=0; ay<fheight; ++ay)
int h = (ay + y) * 320;
for (ax=0; ax<font_size[c]; ax++)
int v0 = fnt[ax];
int p = h + (( ax + x ) >> 1);
unsigned long o = xfb[whichfb][p];
llookup = lookup[v0];
if ((o != TRANSPARENCY) && (v0 == 0) && (lookup[0] == TRANSPARENCY))
llookup = o;
if ((ax+x) & 1)
o &= ~0x00FFFFFF;
o |= llookup & 0x00FFFFFF;
o &= ~0xFF000000;
o |= llookup & 0xFF000000;
xfb[whichfb][p] = o;
fnt += 512;
void write_font(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string)
int ox = x;
while (*string && (x < (ox + back_framewidth)))
blit_char(x, y, *string, blit_lookup);
x += font_size[*string];
void writex(int x, int y, int sx, int sy, const unsigned char *string, unsigned int *lookup)
int ox = x;
while ((*string) && ((x) < (ox + sx)))
blit_char(x, y, *string, lookup);
x += font_size[*string];
int ay;
for (ay=0; ay<sy; ay++)
int ax;
for (ax=x; ax<(ox + sx); ax += 2) xfb[whichfb][(ay+y)*320+ax/2] = lookup[0];
void WriteCentre( int y, const unsigned char *string)
int x, t;
for (x=t=0; t<strlen(string); t++) x += font_size[string[t]];
if (x>back_framewidth) x=back_framewidth;
x = (640 - x) >> 1;
write_font(x, y, string);
void WriteCentre_HL( int y, const unsigned char *string)
int x,t,h;
for (x=t=0; t<strlen(string); t++) x += font_size[string[t]];
if (x>back_framewidth) x = back_framewidth;
h = x;
x = (640 - x) >> 1;
writex(x, y, h, fheight, string, blit_lookup_inv);
* Draw functions
void fntDrawHLine (int x1, int x2, int y, int color)
int i;
y = 320 * y;
x1 >>= 1;
x2 >>= 1;
for (i = x1; i <= x2; i++) xfb[whichfb][y + i] = color;
void fntDrawVLine (int x, int y1, int y2, int color)
int i;
x >>= 1;
for (i = y1; i <= y2; i++) xfb[whichfb][x + (640 * i) / 2] = color;
void fntDrawBox (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)
fntDrawHLine (x1, x2, y1, color);
fntDrawHLine (x1, x2, y2, color);
fntDrawVLine (x1, y1, y2, color);
fntDrawVLine (x2, y1, y2, color);
void fntDrawBoxFilled (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)
int h;
for (h = y1; h <= y2; h++) fntDrawHLine (x1, x2, h, color);
* Display functions
u8 SILENT = 0;
void SetScreen ()
VIDEO_SetNextFramebuffer (xfb[whichfb]);
VIDEO_Flush ();
VIDEO_WaitVSync ();
void ClearScreen ()
whichfb ^= 1;
memcpy (xfb[whichfb], &backdrop, 1280 * 480);
back_framewidth = 440;
void WaitPrompt (char *msg)
int quit = 0;
if (SILENT) return;
while (PAD_ButtonsDown(0) & PAD_BUTTON_A) {};
while (!(PAD_ButtonsDown(0) & PAD_BUTTON_A) && (quit == 0))
WriteCentre(254, msg);
WriteCentre(254 + fheight, "Press A to Continue");
while (!(PAD_ButtonsDown(0) & PAD_BUTTON_A));
void ShowAction (char *msg)
if (SILENT) return;
WriteCentre(254, msg);
void WaitButtonA ()
while (PAD_ButtonsDown(0) & PAD_BUTTON_A) {};
while (!(PAD_ButtonsDown(0) & PAD_BUTTON_A));
* Unpack Backdrop
* Called at startup to unpack our backdrop to a temporary
* framebuffer.
void unpackBackdrop ()
unsigned long res, inbytes, outbytes;
inbytes = gpback_COMPRESSED;
outbytes = gpback_RAW;
res = uncompress ((char *) &backdrop[0], &outbytes, (char *) &gpback[0], inbytes);
if (res != Z_OK) while (1);