2007-08-10 20:34:06 +00:00
* Genesis Plus 1.2a
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Charles Mac Donald
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Information in this module was gleaned from
* http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Genesis_Programming
#include "shared.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "rominfo.h"
#define MAXCOMPANY 64
/*** ROM Information ***/
#define ROMCONSOLE 256
#define ROMCOPYRIGHT 272
#define ROMDOMESTIC 288
#define ROMWORLD 336
#define ROMTYPE0 384
#define ROMTYPE1 385
#define ROMPRODUCT 386
#define ROMCHECKSUM 398
#define ROMIOSUPPORT 400
#define ROMROMSTART 416
#define ROMROMEND 420
#define ROMRAMINFO 424
#define ROMRAMSTART 436
#define ROMRAMEND 440
#define ROMMODEMINFO 444
#define ROMMEMO 456
#define ROMCOUNTRY 496
#define P3BUTTONS 1
#define P6BUTTONS 2
#define PKEYBOARD 4
#define PPRINTER 8
#define PBALL 16
#define PFLOPPY 32
#define PACTIVATOR 64
#define PTEAMPLAYER 128
#define PMSYSTEMPAD 256
#define PSERIAL 512
#define PTABLET 1024
#define PPADDLE 2048
#define PCDROM 4096
#define PMOUSE 8192
typedef struct
char companyid[6];
char company[30];
typedef struct
char pID[2];
char pName[21];
int peripherals;
int checksumok;
ROMINFO rominfo;
uint16 GetRealChecksum ();
* Genesis ROM Manufacturers
* Based on the document provided at
* http://www.zophar.net/tech/files/Genesis_ROM_Format.txt
{"ACLD", "Ballistic"},
{"RSI", "Razorsoft"},
{"SEGA", "SEGA"},
{"TREC", "Treco"},
{"VRGN", "Virgin Games"},
{"WSTN", "Westone"},
{"10", "Takara"},
{"11", "Taito or Accolade"},
{"12", "Capcom"},
{"13", "Data East"},
{"14", "Namco or Tengen"},
{"15", "Sunsoft"},
{"16", "Bandai"},
{"17", "Dempa"},
{"18", "Technosoft"},
{"19", "Technosoft"},
{"20", "Asmik"},
{"22", "Micronet"},
{"23", "Vic Tokai"},
{"24", "American Sammy"},
{"29", "Kyugo"},
{"32", "Wolfteam"},
{"33", "Kaneko"},
{"35", "Toaplan"},
{"36", "Tecmo"},
{"40", "Toaplan"},
{"42", "UFL Company Limited"},
{"43", "Human"},
{"45", "Game Arts"},
{"47", "Sage's Creation"},
{"48", "Tengen"},
{"49", "Renovation or Telenet"},
{"50", "Electronic Arts"},
{"56", "Razorsoft"},
{"58", "Mentrix"},
{"60", "Victor Musical Industries"},
{"69", "Arena"},
{"70", "Virgin"},
{"73", "Soft Vision"},
{"74", "Palsoft"},
{"76", "Koei"},
{"79", "U.S. Gold"},
{"81", "Acclaim/Flying Edge"},
{"83", "Gametek"},
{"86", "Absolute"},
{"87", "Mindscape"},
{"93", "Sony"},
{"95", "Konami"},
{"97", "Tradewest"},
{"100", "T*HQ Software"},
{"101", "Tecmagik"},
{"112", "Designer Software"},
{"113", "Psygnosis"},
{"119", "Accolade"},
{"120", "Code Masters"},
{"125", "Interplay"},
{"130", "Activision"},
{"132", "Shiny & Playmates"},
{"144", "Atlus"},
{"151", "Infogrames"},
{"161", "Fox Interactive"},
{"177", "Ubisoft"},
{"239", "Disney Interactive"},
{"---", "Unknown"}
* Genesis Peripheral Information
* Based on the document provided at
* http://www.zophar.net/tech/files/Genesis_ROM_Format.txt
PERIPHERALINFO peripheralinfo[14] = {
{"J", "3-Button Joypad"},
{"6", "6-button Joypad"},
{"K", "Keyboard"},
{"P", "Printer"},
{"B", "Control Ball"},
{"F", "Floppy Drive"},
{"L", "Activator"},
{"4", "Team Player"},
{"0", "MS Joypad"},
{"R", "RS232C Serial"},
{"T", "Tablet"},
{"V", "Paddle"},
{"C", "CD-ROM"},
{"M", "Mega Mouse"}
* getcompany
* Try to determine which company made this rom
* Ok, for some reason there's no standard for this.
* It seems that there can be pretty much anything you like following the
* copyright (C) symbol!
int getcompany ()
char *s;
int i;
char company[10];
for (i = 3; i < 8; i++) company[i - 3] = rominfo.copyright[i];
company[5] = 0;
/** OK, first look for a hyphen
* Capcom use T-12 for example
s = strstr (company, "-");
if (s != NULL)
strcpy (company, s);
/** Strip any trailing spaces **/
for (i = strlen (company) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (company[i] == 32) company[i] = 0;
if (strlen (company) == 0) return MAXCOMPANY - 1;
for (i = 0; i < MAXCOMPANY - 1; i++)
if (!(strncmp (company, companyinfo[i].companyid, strlen (company)))) return i;
return MAXCOMPANY - 1;
* getrominfo
* Pass a pointer to the ROM base address.
void getrominfo (char *romheader)
2007-08-11 07:34:30 +00:00
int i,j;
2007-08-10 20:34:06 +00:00
memset (&rominfo, 0, sizeof (ROMINFO));
memcpy (&rominfo.consoletype, romheader + ROMCONSOLE, 16);
memcpy (&rominfo.copyright, romheader + ROMCOPYRIGHT, 16);
memcpy (&rominfo.domestic, romheader + ROMDOMESTIC, 48);
memcpy (&rominfo.international, romheader + ROMWORLD, 48);
memcpy (&rominfo.ROMType, romheader + ROMTYPE0, 2);
memcpy (&rominfo.product, romheader + ROMPRODUCT, 12);
memcpy (&rominfo.checksum, romheader + ROMCHECKSUM, 2);
memcpy (&rominfo.io_support, romheader + ROMIOSUPPORT, 16);
memcpy (&rominfo.romstart, romheader + ROMROMSTART, 4);
memcpy (&rominfo.romend, romheader + ROMROMEND, 4);
memcpy (&rominfo.RAMInfo, romheader + ROMRAMINFO, 12);
memcpy (&rominfo.ramstart, romheader + ROMRAMSTART, 4);
memcpy (&rominfo.ramend, romheader + ROMRAMEND, 4);
memcpy (&rominfo.modem, romheader + ROMMODEMINFO, 12);
memcpy (&rominfo.memo, romheader + ROMMEMO, 40);
memcpy (&rominfo.country, romheader + ROMCOUNTRY, 16);
checksumok = (GetRealChecksum ((char *) cart_rom + 512, genromsize - 512)
== rominfo.checksum);
peripherals = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
2007-08-11 07:34:30 +00:00
for (j=0; j < 14; j++)
if (rominfo.io_support[i] == peripheralinfo[j].pID[0]) peripherals |= (1 << j);
2007-08-10 20:34:06 +00:00
if (peripherals & P6BUTTONS) pad_type = DEVICE_6BUTTON;
else pad_type = DEVICE_3BUTTON;
* Show rom info screen
/* Automatically fixing the checksum is not a cool idea
* This should be user switchable, or at least only applied
* when genromsize == ( romend - romstart )
if(realchecksum != (rominfo.checksum))
sprintf(msg, "WARNING: Possible hacked ROM loaded!");
write_font( 10, 224, msg);
cart_rom[0x18e] = realchecksum >> 8;
cart_rom[0x18f] = realchecksum & 0xff;
sprintf(msg, "Checksum corrected to %04x", realchecksum);
write_font( 10, 248, msg);
void showrominfo ()
int ypos;
u8 i,j,quit,redraw,max;
char msg[128];
short p;
signed char a;
2007-08-11 07:34:30 +00:00
char pName[14][21];
2007-08-10 20:34:06 +00:00
uint16 realchecksum = GetRealChecksum (((uint8 *) cart_rom) + 0x200, genromsize - 0x200);
quit = 0;
j = 0;
redraw = 1;
/*** Remove any still held buttons ***/
while(PAD_ButtonsHeld(0)) VIDEO_WaitVSync();
max = 14;
for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
2007-08-11 07:34:30 +00:00
if (peripherals & (1 << i))
sprintf(pName[max-14],"%s", peripheralinfo[i].pName);
max ++;
2007-08-10 20:34:06 +00:00
while (quit == 0)
if (redraw)
ClearScreen ();
ypos = 134;
WriteCentre(ypos, "ROM Header Information");
ypos += 2*fheight;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
switch (i+j)
case 0:
sprintf (msg, "Console type: %s", rominfo.consoletype);
case 1:
sprintf (msg, "Copyright: %s", rominfo.copyright);
case 2:
sprintf (msg, "Company: %s", companyinfo[getcompany ()].company);
case 3:
sprintf (msg, "Game Domestic Name:");
case 4:
sprintf(msg, " %s",rominfo.domestic);
case 5:
sprintf (msg, "Game International Name:");
case 6:
sprintf(msg, " %s",rominfo.international);
case 7:
sprintf (msg, "Type - %s : %s", rominfo.ROMType, strcmp (rominfo.ROMType, "AI") ? "Game" : "Educational");
case 8:
sprintf (msg, "Product - %s", rominfo.product);
case 9:
sprintf (msg, "Checksum - %04x (%04x) (%s)", rominfo.checksum, realchecksum, rominfo.checksum == realchecksum ? "Good" : "Bad");
case 10:
sprintf (msg, "ROM end: 0x%06X", rominfo.romend);
case 11:
if (sram.detected) sprintf (msg, "External RAM start: 0x%06X", rominfo.ramstart);
else sprintf (msg, "External RAM start: UNDETECTED");
case 12:
if (sram.detected) sprintf (msg, "External RAM end : 0x%06X", rominfo.ramend);
else sprintf (msg, "External RAM end : UNDETECTED");
case 13:
if (region_code == REGION_USA) sprintf (msg, "Region - %s (USA)", rominfo.country);
else if (region_code == REGION_EUROPE) sprintf (msg, "Region - %s (EUR)", rominfo.country);
else if (region_code == REGION_JAPAN_NTSC) sprintf (msg, "Region - %s (JAP)", rominfo.country);
else if (region_code == REGION_JAPAN_PAL) sprintf (msg, "Region - %s (JPAL)", rominfo.country);
2007-08-11 07:34:30 +00:00
sprintf (msg, "Supports - %s", pName[i+j-14]);
2007-08-10 20:34:06 +00:00
write_font (100, ypos, msg);
ypos += fheight;
ypos += fheight;
WriteCentre (ypos, "Press A to Continue");
SetScreen ();
p = PAD_ButtonsDown (0);
a = PAD_StickY (0);
redraw = 0;
if ((j<(max-8)) && ((p & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN) || (a < -70))) {redraw = 1; j++;}
if ((j>0) && ((p & PAD_BUTTON_UP) || (a > 70))) {redraw = 1; j--;}
if (p & PAD_BUTTON_A) quit = 1;
if (p & PAD_BUTTON_B) quit = 1;
* softdev - New Checksum Calculation
uint16 GetRealChecksum (uint8 * rom, int length)
int i;
uint16 checksum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 2)
checksum += (uint16) rom[i];
checksum += (uint16) rom[i + 1] << 8;
return checksum;