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* Sega Genesis Technical Notes by Bart Trzynadlowski *
* and many others! *
Second Edition: February 7, 2000
- Current
- Made a table of contents
- Added tile information and Scroll layer name table information
- Added info on Genesis security system and "do nots" courtesy of
Flavio. He also found a mistake in the joypad notes.
- Added SMD ROM stuff
First Edition: February 3, 2000
- Initial release
This document is intended to be used as a reference alongside sega2.doc or any
other complete Sega Genesis technical documentation, it is not intended as a
standalone resource for learning about the Sega Genesis game console.
There is also some information here pertaining to specific situations
such as using the Starscream 68000 CPU core in an emulator project.
I wrote this document while working on a Genesis emulator. I felt some
things needed more description than was available. This document is intended
for emulator developers and Genesis programmers.
Feel free to pass this document around freely. If you use any parts of
it that were contributed by people other than me, it would be a good idea to
give them credit.
Any useful feedback is very much appreciated, especially corrections
and new entries. Do not ask about ROMs or anything stupid. trzy@powernet.net
Check my page at: http://www.powernet.net/~trzy as well.
Much thanks to Joe Groff, Steve Snake, nyef, ATani, and Flavio for
the invaluable help.
-- Table of Contents --
0. Control Port Write Modes
1. Auto-Increment
2. VRAM Address Decoding (for Writing)
3. Tiles
4. Scroll Layer Name Tables
5. Scroll Layers and Video Resolution
6. Joypads
7. Crash Course on the Genesis Security System and Common Don'ts
8. Emulating RAM and ROM w/ Starscream
9. SMD ROM Format
-- 0. Control Port Write Modes --
The VDP control port, 0xC00004, has two write modes: "Register Set" (write1)
and "Address Set" (write2). The VDP is able to distinguish between which mode
you want to use by looking at bits 15 and 14 of the word you write to the
control port.
10: Write1 Otherwise: Write2
For write2, bits 15 and 14 are CD1 and CD0 so the concern of conflict arises.
If you look at the possible access modes which are specified by the 6 CD bits
you will not find any that have 10 in CD1 and CD0.
-- 1. Auto-Increment --
The auto-increment value (in register #15) is apparently set to 2 by default.
-- 2. VRAM Address Decoding (for Writing) --
For words and longwords, the VRAM address decoding process is not as
straightforward as some would have you believe. The A0 address bit is not used
in decoding, what this apparently means is that it is treated as 0 (thus
preventing misaligned word writes).
A0 is used to test wether or not the bytes in a word should be swapped
or not. If A0 = 1, they are swapped, if it is 0, then bytes are not swapped.
A0 is also used when adding the auto-increment value to the VRAM address after
some data is written.
C example of emulating this:
if (addr & 1)
data = ByteSwap(data);
*((unsigned short int *) (vram + (addr & 0xfffe))) = data;
addr += auto_inc;
-- 3. Tiles --
The Genesis tile format is quite simple. Each pixel is represented by 4 bits
thus allowing 16 colors per every tile. Tiles are 8x8. The Genesis allows for
up to 64 colors to be displayed: 16 per palette, with 4 palettes. Palettes are
not specified in the tile bitmap, that information is elsewhere and beyond the
scope of this note.
Example of a bitmap for the letter "A". We use the color 0xa for each
of the pixels. Remember, color 0 is _always_ transparent in any
dc.l $00077000
dc.l $07700770
dc.l $07700770
dc.l $07777770
dc.l $07700770
dc.l $07700770
dc.l $00000000
dc.l $00000000
-- 4. Scroll Layer Name Tables --
Scroll layers (who's addresses and sizes are specified in VDP registers) are
"name tables" where each entry contains an index to a specific 8x8 tile. These
entries are arranged in a linear fashion.
Each entry is a word in size. Here is the format for an entry:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
|PRI|PL1|PL0|VFP|HFP|I10|I9 |I8 |I7 |I6 |I5 |I4 |I3 |I2 |I1 |I0 |
PRI Priority (1 = highest, on top; 0 = lowest, on bottom)
PL1-PL0 Palette (0, 1, 2, or 3)
VFP Vertical flipping (1 = true)
HFP Horizontal flipping (1 = true)
I10-I0 Index of 8x8 tile in pattern area (VRAM $0000).
Multiply this by 32 to get offset in VRAM of the tile
The information here applies to both Scroll A and Scroll B, please refer to
more complete documentation for information on how to set Scroll layer
addresses and what-not.
-- 5. Scroll Layers and Video Resolution --
The Genesis supports two video modes: 32x28 cell and 40x28 cell (which in
pixels are 256x224 and 320x224.) The video resolution is how many 8x8 tiles
are displayed on-screen. The vertical portion differs with PAL I believe, but
it that is not relevant.
Scroll A and Scroll B can have a number of different sizes which
obviously often cannot be all shown on-screen: 32x32, 32x64, 32x128, 64x32,
64x64, and 128x32. The Sega Programming FAQ says that 128x128 is possible, but
I don't think it is since that would take up 32KB of VRAM which would not
leave room for the other Scroll layer, the Window, or the patterns.
Only a portion of the Scroll layer is visible on the screen. How it is
displayed can be represented by the following diagram:
** Assuming the Scroll size is 64x64 and the screen 40x28, everything is
addressed in cell units (obviously not to scale) **
- = Scroll layer
* = Visible portion
H0 H39 H63
V0 |* V0 * |
|* * |
|* * |
|* * |
|* * |
|* V27 * |
|**************************************** |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
V63 | |
Thus you can see that there are tiles beyond the right limit of the visible
screen, and below as well. This method of having the layer larger than can be
displayed is for scrolling. The above is what would occur if one set the
Scroll size to 64x64 and the resolution to 40x28 without scrolling the screen
or anything.
If you are having problems emulating Scroll layers because everything
is shifted over you are probably forgetting to render the invisible parts of
the Scroll or to skip over them and on to the next visible row. I hope that
made sense.
-- 6. Joypads --
** Begin Email **
From: Joe Groff
To: Bart Trzynadlowski
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 23:06:49 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: DGen/SDL
> is there any good info anywhere on control pad interfacing?
As far as I can tell, this is how the controller works. There are two one-byte
data sets:
v & 0x40: always set
v & 0x20: C
v & 0x10: B
v & 0x08: right
v & 0x04: left
v & 0x02: down
v & 0x01: up
v & 0x40: always clear
v & 0x20: START
v & 0x10: A
v & 0x08: right
v & 0x04: left
v & 0x02: down
v & 0x01: up
By reading a word from 0xA10002 (for first controller) or 0xA10004 (for
second), the word will have one of the above bitmasks written to both bytes.
If you write a byte to 0xA10003(for 1st) or 0xA10005(for 2nd) with the 0x40
bit set, you'll get the first set, otherwise you'll get the second.
Player 1 is pressing left and the A and B buttons simultaneously. Player 2
is pressing B, C, and START. As the game, in order to probe controller 1:
- I send byte 0x00 to 0xA10003 (or word 0x0000 to 0xA10002 :)
- I read a word from 0xA10002, which gives me 0x1414. From the lower table,
I see A and left are being pressed.
- I send byte 0x40 to 0xA10003.
- I read another word from 0xA10002. This time I get 0x5454, which from the
upper table means B and left are being pressed.
Similarly, to probe controller 2:
- I send byte 0x00 to 0xA10005.
- I read from 0xA10004, and get 0x2020. So START is being depressed.
of the controller!
- I send byte 0x40 to 0xA10005.
- I read from 0xA10004 again, get 0x7070, so B and C are being pressed.
There's also a lot of odd code to handle 6-button controllers in DGen, but
as it's getting a bit late, I can't quite understand it. Hopefully this is
accurate and clear enough to at least get you started.
** End Email **
** Begin Email **
From: ATani
To: Bart Trzynadlowski
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 23:06:43 -0800
Subject: Re: genesis tech question post
Ok, Well on the genesis the joysticks are read in by the z80 and passed to
the 68000 chip via memory addresses: A10003 & A10005.
If bit 6 of the Stored Controller 1 information is set then you return the
following information when reading Address: A10003 (Byte mode):
Bit: Description:
0 Up
1 Down
2 Left
3 Right
4 B
5 C
If Bit 6 is not set return the following:
Bit: Description:
4 A
5 Start
Address A10005 is the same except values returned are for joystick port 2.
The Stored data are in reference to the byte values written to A10003 and
A10005 (joystick port 1 and joystick port 2)
** End Email **
Flavio points out the information from ATani's email may be somewhat faulty:
"The Z80 has nothing to do with joypad reading. Actually, I believe the Z80
banker thingy will go wacko, should you attempt such a stunt. Gotta test
-- 7. Crash Course on the Genesis Security System and Common Don'ts --
** The following information is courtesy of Flavio **
Crash course in Genesis security:
1) There must be either 'SEGA' or ' SEGA' in ASCII at offset 0x100 (256
2) If the four least significant bits of 0xA10001 are higher than zero, the
poor programmer must write 'SEGA' to 0xA14000.
MOVE.B $A10001, D0
ANDI.B #$F, D0
MOVE.L #'SEGA', $A14000.
[Yer code here]
Yes, I know many of you can't read 68K ASM yet, but I don't know how to do
this on Paul Lee's C compiler (or any other for that matter.) :/
A list of common Caveat Gennyptor's follows:
- Be careful not to access forbidden addresses (see SEGA2.DOC), as the Genny
locks up instantly if you dare to touch them.
- Don't read from the VDP data port (C00000) if you have sent a
"VRAM/CRAM/VSRAM write" command (and vice versa.)
- The FM doesn't work if the Z80 is reset (their reset lines are wired
- Always have the Z80 busreq'ed before reading the joyports.
- Never attempt to read PSG ports.
- DMA transfers should be controlled by code placed at the Genny's work RAM
- Don't attempt to transfer data to/from the VDP if a DMA is in progress.
- Z80 RAM _must_ be accessed in byte units.
- Don't toggle the joystick's select line more than four times per vertical
refresh, to ensure 6-button joypad compatibility.
- It takes at least 16 68K clock ticks for the joyport readouts to become
really stable, after you have toggled the aforementioned select line.
Flavio has also pointed out one more important thing not to attempt:
CLR, ST, and TAS cannot be used to access the C000xx range. (It's a
derivative of the "don't read with the VDP set to write" commandment.)
-- 8. Emulating RAM and ROM w/ Starscream --
Often times, Genesis games do some odd tricks that can be buggers to emulate.
One of these is jumping backwards (which causes the 24-bit address to wrap
around to 0xFFFFFF) into work RAM to execute code. Since Starscream uses
32-bit data to handle addresses, this sort of maneuver would wrap around to
0xFFFFFFFF (32-bit) which is out of the Genesis address space.
Below is part of a Starscream context for emulating the Genesis work
RAM and ROM. I have also included the code for the handlers (Joe Groff helped
with this -- thanks Joe!) The dummy handlers are for regions of the address
space where accesses are ignored (I have removed all references to VDP and I/O
stuff since it would just clutter the example.) In reality, the data items
rom and ram would be dynamically allocated and would have to be added to these
structures during initialization time. They would be seen here as (unsigned)
NULL or (void *) NULL.
struct STARSCREAM_PROGRAMREGION fetch_instructions[] =
{ 0x000000, 0x3fffff, (unsigned) rom },
{ 0xff0000, 0xffffff, (unsigned) ram - 0xff0000 },
{ 0xff000000, 0xff3fffff, (unsigned) ram - 0xff000000 },
{ 0xfff00000, 0xffffffff, (unsigned) ram - 0xfff00000 },
{ -1, -1, NULL }
struct STARSCREAM_DATAREGION read_data_byte[] =
{ 0x000000, 0x3fffff, NULL, (void *) rom },
{ 0x400000, 0xffffff, StarscreamReadRAMByte, NULL },
{ -1, -1, NULL, NULL }
struct STARSCREAM_DATAREGION read_data_word[] =
{ 0x000000, 0x3fffff, NULL, (void *) rom },
{ 0x400000, 0xdfffff, StarscreamFakeRead, NULL },
{ 0xe00000, 0xffffff, StarscreamReadRAMWord, NULL },
{ -1, -1, NULL, NULL }
struct STARSCREAM_DATAREGION write_data_byte[] =
{ 0x000000, 0xdfffff, StarscreamFakeWrite, NULL },
{ 0xe00000, 0xffffff, StarscreamWriteRAMByte, NULL },
{ -1, -1, NULL, NULL }
struct STARSCREAM_DATAREGION write_data_word[] =
{ 0x000000, 0xdfffff, StarscreamFakeWrite, NULL },
{ 0xe00000, 0xffffff, StarscreamWriteRAMWord, NULL },
{ -1, -1, NULL, NULL }
unsigned StarscreamReadRAMByte(unsigned address)
return ram[(address ^ 1) & 0xffff];
unsigned StarscreamReadRAMWord(unsigned address)
return *((unsigned short *) (ram + (address & 0xfffe)));
void StarscreamWriteRAMByte(unsigned address, unsigned data)
ram[(address ^ 1) & 0xffff] = data;
void StarscreamWriteRAMWord(unsigned address, unsigned data)
*((unsigned short *) (ram + (address & 0xfffe))) = data;
unsigned StarscreamFakeRead(unsigned address)
return 0;
void StarscreamFakeWrite(unsigned address, unsigned data)
RAM is at 0xff0000-0xffffff and is mirrored every 64KB at 0xe00000-0xfeffff.
Please see the Starscream documentation for information on how the core works.
At the time of this writing, Neill Corlett's page is at:
-- 9. SMD ROM Format --
The SMD ROM format consists of a 512 byte header and the actual ROM image in
16KB chunks with the odd bytes at the beginning, and the even bytes at the
Header offsets:
0x00: Number of 16KB blocks. This number is often incorrect and it
is wise to calculate it manually: (sizeof(file) - 512) / 16384
0x02: If 0, the ROM is standalone or the last part of a series.
Otherwise it is part of a split ROM set.
0x08: 0xaa
0x09: 0xbb
Note: Most ROMs have 0xaa and 0xbb at 0x08 and 0x09 but a very small percentage
(about 1.28% by my calculations) do not conform to this. Those offsets are
useful for checking wether a ROM is in SMD format but be aware that they are
not always correct.
Decoding a 16KB SMD blocke: (thanks to XnaK and Kuwanger)
1. If the byte offset in the block is less than 8192, copy the byte
from the SMD block to the first unused odd offset in the decode
2. Otherwise, put it in the first unused even offset in the decode
Example block-decoding C function: (from my own GROM v0.75)
void smd_bin(unsigned char *bin_block, unsigned char *smd_block)
int i, o = 1, e = 0;
/* convert 16KB of SMD to BIN */
for (i = 0; i < 8192; i++)
bin_block[o] = smd_block[i];
bin_block[e] = smd_block[i + 8192];
o += 2;
e += 2;
Get GROM at:
If all else fails, email me.