Genesis Plus GX is an open-source emulator focused on accuracy and portability, now emulating SG-1000, Master System, Game Gear, Mega Drive / Genesis and Sega / Mega CD hardware. Initially ported and designed to be running on Gamecube / Wii consoles through libogc / devkitPPC, it is also available for many other platforms through various frontends.
The source code is based on Genesis Plus 1.3, originally developped by Charles MacDonald (http://cgfm2.emuviews.com). It has been heavily modified, with respect to initial goals and design, in order to improve accuracy of emulation, implementing new features and adding support for extra peripherals, cartridge & systems hardware.
The result is that Genesis Plus GX is now more a continuation of the original project than a simple port, providing very accurate emulation and 100% compatibility with Genesis / Mega Drive, Sega / Mega CD, Master System, Game Gear & SG-1000 software (including all unlicensed or pirate known dumps), also emulating backwards compatibility modes when available.
Multi-platform sourcecode is available through SVN and GIT so that other Genesis Plus ports can take advantage of it. The sourcecode is released under a specific non-commercial license, see LICENSE.txt for more informations.
(*) standalone Gamecube / Wii port:
see http://code.google.com/p/genplus-gx/wiki/GettingStarted
(*) libretro / Retroarch (Multi Platform) port:
see http://www.libretro.com/forums/index.php
Current builds are available for download from https://github.com/ekeeke/Genesis-Plus-GX/tree/master/builds
see http://code.google.com/p/genplus-gx/wiki/Features