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N64 Flashcart Menu
An open source menu for N64 flashcarts.
Supported Flashcarts
Fully supported
- SummerCart64
- 64Drive
Work in Progress
- ED64
- ED64P
Current (notable) menu features
- Fully Open Source.
- Loads all known N64 games (including iQue and Aleck64 ROMs (even if they are byteswapped)).
- Fully emulates the 64DD and loads 64DD disks (SummerCart64 only).
- Emulator support (NES, SNES, GB, GBC) ROMs.
- N64 ROM box image support.
- Background image (PNG) support.
- Comprehensive ROM save database (including HomeBrew headers).
- Comprehensive ROM information display.
- Real Time Clock support.
- Music playback (MP3).
Video showcase (as of Oct 12 2023)
- Support as many N64 FlashCarts as possible.
- Be open source, using permissive licensed third party licensed libraries.
- Be testable, using unit and smoke tests in ares emulated environment.
- Encourage active development from community members and N64 FlashCart owners.
- Support as many common mods and features as possible.
Experimental features
These features are subject to change:
ROM Boxart
To use boxart, you need to place png files of size 158x112 in the folder /menu/boxart
on the SD card.
Each file must be named according to the 2 letter ROM ID, or 3 letter ROM ID including media type.
i.e. for GoldenEye 2 letters, this would be GE.png
i.e. for GoldenEye 3 letters, this would be NGE.png
A known set of PNG files using 2 letter ID's can be downloaded here.
Menu Settings
The Menu creates a config.ini
file in sd:/menu/
which contains various settings that are used by the menu.
If required, you can manually adjust the file on the SD card using your computer.
Flashcart specific
- Ensure the cart has the latest firmware installed.
- Download the latest
file from the releases page, then put it in the root directory of your SD card.
- Ensure the cart has the latest firmware installed.
- Download the latest
file from the releases page, then put it in the root directory of your SD card.
ED64 & ED64P
Currently not supported, but work is in progress (See PR's).
The aim is to replace Altra64 and ED64-UnofficialOS.