mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 02:28:51 +01:00
832 KiB
832 KiB
1 | SLPM_802.38 | 98-koushien |
2 | SLUS_007.52 | thrill-kill |
3 | SLPS_012.04 | 98-koushien-koukou-yakyuu-simulation |
4 | SLPS_021.10 | 99-koushien |
5 | SLPM_804.21 | 99-koushien |
6 | SLPS_011.69 | butagee-de-iinja-nai |
7 | SLPS_013.11 | 0-kara-no-mahjong-mahjong-youchien-tamago-gumi |
8 | SLPS_025.46 | 0-kara-no-mahjong-mahjong-youchien-tamago-gumi |
9 | SLPS_019.86 | 0-kara-no-shougi-shougi-youchien-ayumi-gumi-genteiban |
10 | SLPS_029.20 | 0-kara-no-shougi-shougi-youchien-ayumi-gumi-genteiban |
11 | SLES_033.55 | 007-racing |
12 | SLES_033.56 | 007-racing |
13 | SLES_033.57 | 007-racing |
14 | SLUS_013.00 | 007-racing |
15 | SLES_023.75 | 007-demain-ne-meurt-jamais |
16 | SLES_023.76 | 007-der-morgen-stirbt-nie |
17 | SLES_031.36 | 007-die-welt-ist-nicht-genug |
18 | SLES_031.37 | 007-el-mundo-nunca-es-suficiente |
19 | SLES_031.35 | 007-le-monde-ne-suffit-pas |
20 | SLES_031.34 | 007-the-world-is-not-enough |
21 | SLES_031.38 | 007-the-world-is-not-enough |
22 | SLUS_012.72 | 007-the-world-is-not-enough |
23 | SLES_013.24 | 007-tomorrow-never-dies |
24 | SLPS_026.04 | 007-tomorrow-never-dies |
25 | SLUS_009.75 | 007-tomorrow-never-dies |
26 | SLPS_017.06 | 1-on-1 |
27 | SLPS_022.98 | 1-on-1 |
28 | SLPM_803.51 | 1-on-1 |
29 | SLPS_017.30 | 100-man-yen-quiz-hunter |
30 | SLES_036.58 | 100%-star |
31 | SLES_037.84 | 100%-star |
32 | SLPS_010.54 | 10101-will-the-starship |
33 | SLPM_806.43 | 10th-anniversary-memorial-save-data-playstation-taiou |
34 | LSP99012.101 | 16-tales-1 |
35 | LSP99012.201 | 16-tales-2 |
36 | LSP99012.301 | 16-tales-3 |
37 | LSP99012.401 | 16-tales-4 |
38 | SLPS_018.65 | 19-ji-03-pun-ueno-hatsu-yakou-ressha |
39 | SLPM_801.81 | 19-ji-03-pun-ueno-hatsu-yakou-ressha |
40 | SCUS_945.03 | 1xtreme |
41 | SLPS_023.48 | 20-seiki-striker-retsuden-the-20th-centurys-real-strikers |
42 | SLPS_028.57 | 20-seiki-striker-retsuden-the-20th-centurys-real-strikers |
43 | SLPS_914.16 | 20-seiki-striker-retsuden-the-20th-centurys-real-strikers |
44 | SLES_038.30 | 2002-fifa-world-cup |
45 | SLES_038.31 | 2002-fifa-world-cup |
46 | SLES_038.32 | 2002-fifa-world-cup |
47 | SLES_038.33 | 2002-fifa-world-cup |
48 | SLES_038.34 | 2002-fifa-world-cup |
49 | SLUS_014.49 | 2002-fifa-world-cup |
50 | SCES_004.00 | 2xtreme |
51 | SCUS_945.08 | 2xtreme |
52 | SLES_031.20 | 3-2-1-smurf-my-first-racing-game |
53 | SLES_020.89 | 360-three-sixty |
54 | SLUS_000.66 | 3d-baseball |
55 | SLPS_006.93 | 3d-baseball-the-majors |
56 | SLPS_014.34 | 3d-kakutou-tkool |
57 | SCES_000.09 | 3d-lemmings |
58 | SCUS_946.01 | 3d-lemmings |
59 | SIPS_600.02 | 3d-lemmings |
60 | SLPS_004.61 | 3d-mission-shooting-finalist |
61 | SLPS_006.54 | 3d-shooting-tkool |
62 | SCPS_180.06 | 3d-kaleidoscope-baby-universe |
63 | SCUS_942.31 | 3xtreme |
64 | SCUS_943.65 | 3xtreme |
65 | SLPS_000.71 | 3x3-eyes-kyuusei-koushu |
66 | SLPS_000.72 | 3x3-eyes-kyuusei-koushu |
67 | SLPS_014.97 | 3x3-eyes-tenrinou-genmu |
68 | SLPS_014.98 | 3x3-eyes-tenrinou-genmu |
69 | SLPS_014.99 | 3x3-eyes-tenrinou-genmu |
70 | SLES_000.95 | 4-4-2-soccer |
71 | SLES_019.37 | 40-winks |
72 | SLES_019.40 | 40-winks |
73 | SLES_019.41 | 40-winks |
74 | SLUS_008.74 | 40-winks |
75 | SLED_024.35 | 40-winks |
76 | SLES_020.17 | 4x4-world-trophy |
77 | SLES_040.64 | 5-star-racing |
78 | SLES_034.81 | 50-por-15-¿quiere-ser-millonario |
79 | SLPM_803.87 | 70s-robot-anime-geppy-x |
80 | SLPS_019.95 | 70s-robot-anime-geppy-x-the-super-boosted-armor |
81 | SLPS_019.96 | 70s-robot-anime-geppy-x-the-super-boosted-armor |
82 | SLPS_019.97 | 70s-robot-anime-geppy-x-the-super-boosted-armor |
83 | SLPS_019.98 | 70s-robot-anime-geppy-x-the-super-boosted-armor |
84 | SLPS_000.04 | a-ressha-de-ikou-4-evolution |
85 | SLPS_000.11 | a-ressha-de-ikou-4-evolution-gentei |
86 | SLPS_001.25 | a-ressha-de-ikou-4-evolution-global |
87 | SLPS_910.19 | a-ressha-de-ikou-4-evolution-global |
88 | SLPS_020.50 | a-ressha-de-ikou-z-mezase-tairiku-oudan |
89 | SLPS_028.12 | a-ressha-de-ikou-z-mezase-tairiku-oudan |
90 | SCES_021.53 | a-sangre-fría |
91 | SCES_121.53 | a-sangre-fría |
92 | SCES_021.52 | a-sangue-freddo |
93 | SCES_121.52 | a-sangue-freddo |
94 | SLPM_870.40 | a-shin-megami-tensei-devil-children-kuro-no-shoka-no-sho |
95 | SLUS_000.03 | a-train-trains-power-money |
96 | SCES_002.90 | a.iv-evolution-global |
97 | SLES_026.95 | a2-racer-europa-tour |
98 | SCPS_451.53 | a5-a-ressha-de-ikou-5 |
99 | SLPS_011.20 | a5-a-ressha-de-ikou-5 |
100 | SLPS_911.24 | a5-a-ressha-de-ikou-5 |
101 | SLES_018.75 | afl-99 |
102 | SLPS_024.11 | ai-mahjong-2000 |
103 | SLPM_871.17 | ai-mahjong-selection |
104 | SLPS_001.09 | ai-shougi |
105 | SLPS_011.59 | ai-shougi-2 |
106 | SLPS_022.85 | ai-shougi-2-deluxe |
107 | SLPM_870.68 | ai-shougi-selection |
108 | SLUS_900.10 | ascii-entertainment-demo-cd |
109 | SLPM_802.89 | ascii-zanmai |
110 | SLES_040.99 | atv-mania |
111 | SLUS_015.45 | atv-mania |
112 | SLES_040.59 | atv-racers |
113 | SLUS_015.72 | atv-racers |
114 | SLES_028.22 | atv-quad-power-racing |
115 | SLPM_866.36 | atv-quad-power-racing |
116 | SLUS_011.37 | atv-quad-power-racing |
117 | SLPS_012.80 | abalaburn |
118 | SLPS_020.95 | abe-99 |
119 | SLPS_020.96 | abe-99 |
120 | SLPS_011.18 | abe-a-gogo |
121 | SLPM_801.75 | abe-a-gogo |
122 | SLES_013.41 | absolute-football |
123 | SLPS_000.61 | ace-combat |
124 | SLPS_910.05 | ace-combat |
125 | SCES_006.99 | ace-combat-2 |
126 | SCES_009.01 | ace-combat-2 |
127 | SCES_009.02 | ace-combat-2 |
128 | SLPS_008.30 | ace-combat-2 |
129 | SLPS_911.46 | ace-combat-2 |
130 | SLUS_004.04 | ace-combat-2 |
131 | SCES_020.66 | ace-combat-3-electrosphere |
132 | SLUS_009.72 | ace-combat-3-electrosphere |
133 | SCPS_453.97 | ace-combat-3-electrosphere |
134 | SLPS_020.20 | ace-combat-3-electrosphere |
135 | SLPS_912.14 | ace-combat-3-electrosphere |
136 | SCPS_453.98 | ace-combat-3-electrosphere |
137 | SLPS_020.21 | ace-combat-3-electrosphere |
138 | SLPS_912.15 | ace-combat-3-electrosphere |
139 | SLPM_804.53 | ace-combat-3-electrosphere-direct-audio-with-appendisc |
140 | SLUS_014.70 | aces-of-the-air |
141 | SLPM_865.89 | acid |
142 | SLPS_021.19 | acid |
143 | SLPM_804.30 | acid |
144 | SCPS_101.31 | aconcagua |
145 | SCPS_101.32 | aconcagua |
146 | SLES_031.05 | action-bass |
147 | SLPM_869.27 | action-bass |
148 | SLPS_024.82 | action-bass |
149 | SLUS_012.48 | action-bass |
150 | SLES_030.83 | action-man-destruction-x |
151 | SLES_017.61 | action-man-mission-xtreme |
152 | SLUS_008.87 | action-man-operation-extreme |
153 | SLUS_007.77 | activision-classics |
154 | SLES_000.15 | actua-golf |
155 | SLPS_002.98 | actua-golf |
156 | SLES_000.44 | actua-golf-2 |
157 | SLES_010.42 | actua-golf-3 |
158 | SLES_001.88 | actua-ice-hockey |
159 | SLPM_860.78 | actua-ice-hockey |
160 | SLES_012.26 | actua-ice-hockey-2 |
161 | SLES_016.47 | actua-pool |
162 | SLES_000.14 | actua-soccer |
163 | SLPS_002.97 | actua-soccer |
164 | SLES_000.21 | actua-soccer-2 |
165 | SLES_010.28 | actua-soccer-2 |
166 | SLES_010.29 | actua-soccer-2 |
167 | SLES_012.10 | actua-soccer-3 |
168 | SLES_016.44 | actua-soccer-3 |
169 | SLES_016.45 | actua-soccer-3 |
170 | SLES_016.46 | actua-soccer-3 |
171 | SLES_001.90 | actua-soccer-club-edition |
172 | SLES_002.65 | actua-tennis |
173 | SLES_013.96 | actua-tennis |
174 | PAPX_901.05 | addie-no-okurimono-to-moze-from-addie |
175 | SCPS_101.26 | addie-no-okurimono-to-moze-from-addie |
176 | SLES_041.08 | adiboo-pazirals-secret |
177 | SCES_035.58 | adibou-et-lombre-verte |
178 | SCUS_945.02 | adidas-power-soccer |
179 | SLES_001.89 | adidas-power-soccer |
180 | SLES_000.66 | adidas-power-soccer |
181 | SCED_003.60 | adidas-power-soccer-+-resident-evil-+-shellshock-+-descent |
182 | SLES_008.57 | adidas-power-soccer-2 |
183 | SLED_001.79 | adidas-power-soccer-2 |
184 | SLES_012.39 | adidas-power-soccer-98 |
185 | SLUS_005.47 | adidas-power-soccer-98 |
186 | SLED_013.10 | adidas-power-soccer-98 |
187 | SLED_013.11 | adidas-power-soccer-98 |
188 | SLES_002.70 | adidas-power-soccer-international-97 |
189 | SLPS_035.10 | adlib-ouji-to-fuyukai-na-nakama-tachi |
190 | SLPS_016.89 | advan-racing |
191 | SLES_003.86 | advanced-dungeons-dragons-iron-blood-warriors-of-ravenloft |
192 | SLUS_003.78 | advanced-dungeons-dragons-iron-blood-warriors-of-ravenloft |
193 | SLUS_002.12 | advanced-dungeons-dragons-iron-blood-warriors-of-ravenloft |
194 | SLPS_002.08 | advanced-v.g. |
195 | SLPM_800.17 | advanced-v.g |
196 | SLPS_013.18 | advanced-v.g-2 |
197 | SLPM_803.11 | advanced-v.g-2 |
198 | SCED_006.10 | adventures-of-lomax-+-porsche-challenge-+-pandemonium-+-tomb-raider-+-2-xtreme-+-reloaded |
199 | SLPS_023.67 | aerodive |
200 | SLPM_805.52 | affect-vol-1 |
201 | SLPS_009.95 | afraid-gear |
202 | SLPM_868.34 | afraid-gear-another |
203 | SLES_004.74 | agent-armstrong |
204 | SLPS_010.73 | agent-armstrong-himitsu-shirei-daisakusen |
205 | SLES_001.24 | agile-warrior-f-111x |
206 | SLPS_001.79 | agile-warrior-f-111x |
207 | SLUS_000.23 | agile-warrior-f-111x |
208 | PTPX_970.02 | aging-disk |
209 | SLPS_014.09 | ai-to-yuujou-no-neko-monogatari-jingle-cats-love-para-daisakusen-no-maki |
210 | SCES_000.07 | air-combat |
211 | SLUS_000.01 | air-combat |
212 | SLES_037.43 | air-hockey |
213 | SLUS_014.67 | air-hockey |
214 | SLPS_002.69 | air-management-96 |
215 | SLES_007.62 | air-race |
216 | PCPX_960.41 | airassault-the-red-mercury-missions |
217 | SIPS_600.05 | airassault-the-red-mercury-missions |
218 | SLPS_005.59 | airgrave |
219 | SLPS_018.79 | airrace-championship |
220 | SLES_021.37 | aironauts |
221 | SLPS_010.96 | aishiau-koto-shika-dekinai |
222 | SLPM_862.54 | aitakute-your-smiles-in-my-heart |
223 | SLPM_862.55 | aitakute-your-smiles-in-my-heart |
224 | SLPM_862.56 | aitakute-your-smiles-in-my-heart |
225 | SLPM_862.57 | aitakute-your-smiles-in-my-heart |
226 | SLPM_801.62 | aitakute-your-smiles-in-my-heart-oroshitate-no-diary-introduction-disc |
227 | SLPS_018.63 | akagawa-jirou-majo-tachi-no-nemuri-fukkatsusai |
228 | SLPS_014.62 | akagawa-jirou-yasoukyoku |
229 | SLPS_911.51 | akagawa-jirou-yasoukyoku |
230 | SLPS_915.03 | akagawa-jirou-yasoukyoku |
231 | SLPS_014.15 | akagawa-jirou-yasoukyoku-shokai-genteiban |
232 | SLPS_032.13 | akagawa-jirou-yasoukyoku-2 |
233 | SLPS_006.19 | akazu-no-ma |
234 | SLES_012.98 | akuji-the-heartless |
235 | SLUS_007.15 | akuji-the-heartless |
236 | SLUS_807.15 | akuji-the-heartless-trade-demo |
237 | SLPM_860.23 | akumajou-dracula-x-gekka-no-yasoukyoku |
238 | SLPM_860.73 | akumajou-dracula-x-gekka-no-yasoukyoku |
239 | SLPM_873.28 | akumajou-dracula-x-gekka-no-yasoukyoku |
240 | SLPS_015.78 | albaria-no-otome-uruwashi-no-seikishitachi |
241 | SLES_031.50 | alex-fergusons-player-manager-2001 |
242 | SLES_037.75 | alex-fergusons-player-manager-2002 |
243 | SLES_032.90 | alexandra-ledermann-2-equitation-competition |
244 | SLUS_008.72 | alexi-lalas-international-soccer |
245 | SCES_038.17 | alfred-chicken |
246 | SLPS_006.36 | alice-in-cyberland |
247 | SLES_029.13 | alien-resurrection |
248 | SLUS_006.33 | alien-resurrection |
249 | SLES_001.01 | alien-trilogy |
250 | SLES_002.46 | alien-trilogy |
251 | SLPS_003.32 | alien-trilogy |
252 | SLUS_000.07 | alien-trilogy |
253 | SLES_002.88 | alien-trilogy |
254 | SLPS_015.27 | alive |
255 | SLPS_015.27 | alive |
256 | SLPS_015.28 | alive |
257 | SLPS_015.27 | alive |
258 | SLPS_015.29 | alive |
259 | SLES_041.62 | all-music-dance |
260 | SLES_041.07 | all-star-action |
261 | SLES_141.07 | all-star-action |
262 | SLES_039.58 | all-star-boxing |
263 | SLES_037.40 | all-star-racing |
264 | SLUS_014.60 | all-star-racing |
265 | SLES_039.33 | all-star-racing-2 |
266 | SLUS_015.10 | all-star-racing-2 |
267 | SLES_007.47 | all-star-soccer |
268 | SLES_039.63 | all-star-tennis |
269 | SLES_014.33 | all-star-tennis-99 |
270 | SLPS_019.62 | all-star-tennis-99 |
271 | SLED_015.60 | all-star-tennis-99 |
272 | SLES_027.64 | all-star-tennis-2000 |
273 | SLES_027.65 | all-star-tennis-2000 |
274 | SLES_040.60 | all-star-watersports |
275 | SLUS_003.92 | all-star-baseball-97-featuring-frank-thomas |
276 | SLPS_009.93 | all-star-mahjong-karei-naru-shoubushi-kara-no-chousen |
277 | SLUS_014.31 | all-star-slammin-d-ball |
278 | SLES_029.84 | alla-ricerca-della-valle-incantata-ritorno-alla-grande-vallata |
279 | SLES_004.17 | allied-general |
280 | SLPS_008.43 | allied-general |
281 | SLUS_003.03 | allied-general |
282 | SLPS_001.73 | alnam-no-kiba-juuzoku-juuni-shinto-densetsu |
283 | SLPM_800.69 | alnam-no-tsubasa-shoujin-no-sora-no-kanata-e |
284 | SLPS_011.87 | alnam-no-tsubasa-shoujin-no-sora-no-kanata-e |
285 | SLPS_011.88 | alnam-no-tsubasa-shoujin-no-sora-no-kanata-e |
286 | SLPS_011.89 | alnam-no-tsubasa-shoujin-no-sora-no-kanata-e |
287 | SLPS_001.41 | alone-in-the-dark-2 |
288 | SLES_000.37 | alone-in-the-dark-jack-is-back |
289 | SLUS_002.39 | alone-in-the-dark-one-eyed-jacks-revenge |
290 | SLES_028.01 | alone-in-the-dark-the-new-nightmare |
291 | SLES_028.02 | alone-in-the-dark-the-new-nightmare |
292 | SLES_028.03 | alone-in-the-dark-the-new-nightmare |
293 | SLES_028.04 | alone-in-the-dark-the-new-nightmare |
294 | SLES_028.05 | alone-in-the-dark-the-new-nightmare |
295 | SLUS_012.01 | alone-in-the-dark-the-new-nightmare |
296 | SLES_128.01 | alone-in-the-dark-the-new-nightmare |
297 | SLES_128.02 | alone-in-the-dark-the-new-nightmare |
298 | SLES_128.03 | alone-in-the-dark-the-new-nightmare |
299 | SLES_128.04 | alone-in-the-dark-the-new-nightmare |
300 | SLES_128.05 | alone-in-the-dark-the-new-nightmare |
301 | SLUS_013.77 | alone-in-the-dark-the-new-nightmare |
302 | SCPS_100.35 | alundra |
303 | SLES_011.35 | alundra |
304 | SLES_011.98 | alundra |
305 | SLES_012.56 | alundra |
306 | SLES_012.57 | alundra |
307 | SLES_012.58 | alundra |
308 | SLUS_005.53 | alundra |
309 | SLED_013.08 | alundra |
310 | SLES_026.00 | alundra-2-a-new-legend-begins |
311 | SLUS_010.17 | alundra-2-a-new-legend-begins |
312 | SLES_026.02 | alundra-2-der-beginn-einer-neuen-legende |
313 | SCPS_101.15 | alundra-2-mashinka-no-nazo |
314 | PAPX_900.97 | alundra-2-mashinka-no-nazo |
315 | SLES_026.01 | alundra-2-une-legende-est-nee |
316 | SLPS_002.41 | america-oudan-ultra-quiz |
317 | SLPS_018.02 | america-oudan-ultra-quiz |
318 | SLPS_914.84 | america-oudan-ultra-quiz |
319 | SLES_040.37 | american-pool |
320 | SLUS_014.88 | american-pool |
321 | SLES_023.48 | amerzone-das-testament-des-forschungsreisenden |
322 | SLES_123.48 | amerzone-das-testament-des-forschungsreisenden |
323 | SLES_023.49 | amerzone-el-legado-del-explorador |
324 | SLES_123.49 | amerzone-el-legado-del-explorador |
325 | SLES_023.50 | amerzone-il-testamento-dellesploratore |
326 | SLES_123.50 | amerzone-il-testamento-dellesploratore |
327 | SLES_024.29 | amerzone-o-testamento-do-explorador |
328 | SLES_124.29 | amerzone-o-testamento-do-explorador |
329 | SLES_023.47 | amerzone-the-explorers-legacy |
330 | SLES_123.47 | amerzone-the-explorers-legacy |
331 | PUPX_930.08 | analog-controller-service-disc |
332 | PEPX_940.09 | analog-controller-service-disc-revised |
333 | PUPX_930.10 | analog-controller-service-disc-revised |
334 | SLES_029.61 | anastasia |
335 | SLPM_801.41 | ancient-roman-extra |
336 | SLPS_011.08 | ancient-roman-power-of-dark-side |
337 | SLPS_011.09 | ancient-roman-power-of-dark-side |
338 | SLES_004.38 | andretti-racing |
339 | SLES_004.39 | andretti-racing |
340 | SLES_004.40 | andretti-racing |
341 | SLPS_007.59 | andretti-racing |
342 | SLUS_002.64 | andretti-racing |
343 | SLPM_869.60 | angel-blade-neo-tokyo-guardians |
344 | SLPS_008.94 | angel-blade-neo-tokyo-guardians |
345 | SLPM_800.94 | angel-blade-neo-tokyo-guardians |
346 | SLPS_001.63 | angel-graffiti-anata-e-no-profile |
347 | SLPS_003.06 | angel-graffiti-anata-e-no-profile |
348 | SLPM_864.93 | angelique-duet |
349 | SLPM_865.09 | angelique-duet |
350 | SLPS_013.36 | angelique-duet |
351 | SLPS_013.37 | angelique-duet |
352 | SLPM_861.89 | angelique-special |
353 | SLPM_865.06 | angelique-special |
354 | SLPM_867.87 | angelique-special |
355 | SLPS_003.20 | angelique-special |
356 | SLPS_005.17 | angelique-special |
357 | SLPM_864.92 | angelique-special-2 |
358 | SLPM_865.08 | angelique-special-2 |
359 | SLPS_007.45 | angelique-special-2 |
360 | SLPS_008.05 | angelique-special-2 |
361 | SLPM_861.64 | angelique-tenkuu-no-requiem |
362 | SLPM_861.65 | angelique-tenkuu-no-requiem |
363 | SLPM_862.89 | angelique-tenkuu-no-requiem |
364 | SLPM_865.10 | angelique-tenkuu-no-requiem |
365 | SLPM_865.95 | angelique-tenkuu-no-requiem |
366 | SLES_040.71 | animal-football |
367 | SLES_040.36 | animal-snap-rescue-them-2-by-2 |
368 | SLUS_007.84 | animaniacs-ten-pin-alley |
369 | SLPS_018.30 | animetic-story-game-1-card-captor-sakura |
370 | SLPS_018.31 | animetic-story-game-1-card-captor-sakura |
371 | SLUS_010.10 | animorphs-shattered-reality |
372 | SLPS_010.68 | ankh-tutankhamen-no-nazo |
373 | SLPS_010.69 | ankh-tutankhamen-no-nazo |
374 | SCES_018.33 | anna-kournikovas-smash-court-tennis |
375 | SLPS_014.24 | annanjarin |
376 | SLPS_015.22 | ano-ko-doko-no-ko |
377 | SLPS_014.31 | another-memories |
378 | SLPS_016.55 | another-mind |
379 | SLES_025.63 | anstoss-premier-manager |
380 | SLPS_029.40 | ao-no-6-gou-antarctica |
381 | SLPS_029.41 | ao-no-6-gou-antarctica |
382 | SLPS_015.79 | aoki-ookami-to-shiroki-mejika-genchou-hishi |
383 | SLPS_035.64 | aozora-to-nakama-tachi-yume-no-bouken-plus |
384 | SCES_015.64 | ape-escape |
385 | SCES_020.28 | ape-escape |
386 | SCES_020.29 | ape-escape |
387 | SCES_020.30 | ape-escape |
388 | SCUS_944.23 | ape-escape |
389 | SCUS_944.70 | ape-escape |
390 | SCED_021.33 | ape-escape |
391 | SCUS_944.89 | ape-escape |
392 | SCES_020.31 | ape-escape |
393 | SLES_004.60 | apocalypse |
394 | SLES_008.34 | apocalypse |
395 | SLES_008.35 | apocalypse |
396 | SLES_014.63 | apocalypse |
397 | SLPM_862.71 | apocalypse |
398 | SLPM_868.79 | apocalypse |
399 | SLUS_003.73 | apocalypse |
400 | SLED_016.10 | apocalypse |
401 | SLES_033.90 | aqua-gt |
402 | SLPS_030.95 | aqua-paradise |
403 | SLPS_000.60 | aquanaut-no-kyuujitsu |
404 | SLPM_804.49 | aquanaut-no-kyuujitsu-2 |
405 | SLPS_021.41 | aquanaut-no-kyuujitsu-2 |
406 | SLPS_029.19 | aquanaut-no-kyuujitsu-2 |
407 | SLPS_004.06 | aquanaut-no-kyuujitsu-memories-of-summer-1996 |
408 | SLPS_020.23 | aquanaut-no-kyuujitsu-memories-of-summer-1996 |
409 | SCES_002.41 | aquanauts-holiday |
410 | SCUS_946.03 | aquanauts-holiday |
411 | SLPS_027.31 | aquarian-age-tokyo-wars |
412 | SCPS_100.08 | arc-the-lad |
413 | SCPS_910.04 | arc-the-lad |
414 | SLUS_012.55 | arc-the-lad-collection-arc-arena-monster-tournament |
415 | SLUS_012.24 | arc-the-lad-collection-arc-the-lad |
416 | SLUS_012.52 | arc-the-lad-collection-arc-the-lad-ii |
417 | SLUS_012.53 | arc-the-lad-collection-arc-the-lad-iii |
418 | SLUS_012.54 | arc-the-lad-collection-arc-the-lad-iii |
419 | SLUS_012.56 | arc-the-lad-collection-the-making-of-arc-the-lad |
420 | SCPS_100.26 | arc-the-lad-ii |
421 | SCPS_910.71 | arc-the-lad-ii |
422 | SCPS_913.10 | arc-the-lad-ii |
423 | PCPX_960.50 | arc-the-lad-ii-characters-world-cg-movie-collection |
424 | SCPM_850.05 | arc-the-lad-ii-characters-world-cg-movie-collection |
425 | PAPX_900.99 | arc-the-lad-iii |
426 | PCPX_961.76 | arc-the-lad-iii |
427 | SCPS_101.06 | arc-the-lad-iii |
428 | SCPS_912.28 | arc-the-lad-iii |
429 | SCPS_913.16 | arc-the-lad-iii |
430 | SCPS_101.07 | arc-the-lad-iii |
431 | SCPS_912.29 | arc-the-lad-iii |
432 | SCPS_913.17 | arc-the-lad-iii |
433 | SCPS_100.40 | arc-the-lad-monster-game-with-casino-game-monster-game |
434 | SCPS_100.41 | arc-the-lad-monster-game-with-casino-game-casino-game |
435 | SLPS_012.67 | arcade-gears-imagefight-xmultiply |
436 | SLPS_009.28 | arcade-gears-pu·li·ru·la |
437 | SLPS_009.27 | arcade-gears-wonder-3 |
438 | SLPM_870.67 | arcade-hits-crazy-climber |
439 | SLPM_871.18 | arcade-hits-frisky-tom |
440 | SLPM_871.73 | arcade-hits-magical-drop |
441 | SLPM_870.82 | arcade-hits-moon-cresta |
442 | SLPM_866.13 | arcade-hits-raiden |
443 | SLPM_872.28 | arcade-hits-shienryuu |
444 | SLPM_871.37 | arcade-hits-sonic-wings-special |
445 | SLPM_872.55 | arcade-hits-soukyuu-gurentai |
446 | SLPM_871.45 | arcade-hits-suiko-enbu-outlaws-of-the-lost-dynasty |
447 | SLPM_872.70 | arcade-hits-wolf-fang-kuuga-2001 |
448 | SLES_023.39 | arcade-party-pak |
449 | SLUS_009.52 | arcade-party-pak |
450 | SLES_004.66 | arcades-greatest-hits-the-atari-collection-1 |
451 | SLUS_003.99 | arcades-greatest-hits-the-atari-collection-1 |
452 | SLES_007.12 | arcades-greatest-hits-the-atari-collection-2 |
453 | SLUS_004.49 | arcades-greatest-hits-the-atari-collection-2 |
454 | SLES_007.39 | arcades-greatest-hits-the-midway-collection-2 |
455 | SLUS_004.50 | arcades-greatest-hits-the-midway-collection-2 |
456 | SLPS_014.38 | arcana-senki-ludo |
457 | SLES_040.96 | archer-macleans-3d-pool |
458 | SLPS_004.28 | aremo-koremo-momotarou |
459 | SLES_005.78 | area-51 |
460 | SLES_037.83 | area-51 |
461 | SLPS_007.25 | area-51 |
462 | SLPS_007.26 | area-51 |
463 | SLUS_001.64 | area-51 |
464 | SLES_007.48 | ark-of-time |
465 | SLPM_862.62 | arkanoid-r-2000 |
466 | SLPS_009.48 | arkanoid-returns |
467 | SLPS_015.98 | armed-fighter |
468 | SCES_008.42 | armored-core |
469 | SCUS_941.82 | armored-core |
470 | SLPM_801.11 | armored-core |
471 | SLPM_801.18 | armored-core |
472 | SLPS_009.00 | armored-core |
473 | SLPS_035.81 | armored-core |
474 | SLPS_910.64 | armored-core |
475 | SLUS_013.23 | armored-core |
476 | SLPM_801.19 | armored-core |
477 | SLPS_018.55 | armored-core-master-of-arena |
478 | SLPS_911.88 | armored-core-master-of-arena |
479 | SLPS_914.44 | armored-core-master-of-arena |
480 | SLUS_010.30 | armored-core-master-of-arena |
481 | SLPS_018.56 | armored-core-master-of-arena |
482 | SLPS_911.89 | armored-core-master-of-arena |
483 | SLPS_914.45 | armored-core-master-of-arena |
484 | SLUS_010.81 | armored-core-master-of-arena |
485 | SLPS_011.30 | armored-core-project-phantasma |
486 | SLPS_911.10 | armored-core-project-phantasma |
487 | SLPS_914.24 | armored-core-project-phantasma |
488 | SLUS_006.70 | armored-core-project-phantasma |
489 | SLES_026.17 | armorines-project-swarm |
490 | SLES_027.26 | armorines-project-swarm |
491 | SLPM_865.02 | armorines-project-swarm |
492 | SLUS_010.22 | armorines-project-swarm |
493 | SLES_023.78 | army-men-3d |
494 | SLUS_004.91 | army-men-3d |
495 | SLES_024.98 | army-men-air-attack |
496 | SLES_026.20 | army-men-air-attack |
497 | SLUS_009.13 | army-men-air-attack |
498 | SLES_032.26 | army-men-air-attack-2 |
499 | SLES_032.27 | army-men-air-attack-2 |
500 | SLES_032.28 | army-men-air-attack-2 |
501 | SLES_032.29 | army-men-air-attack-2 |
502 | SLES_032.30 | army-men-air-attack-2 |
503 | SLUS_011.32 | army-men-air-attack-2 |
504 | SLUS_013.30 | army-men-green-rogue |
505 | SLES_032.31 | army-men-land-sea-air |
506 | SLES_034.14 | army-men-lock-n-load |
507 | SLES_034.31 | army-men-omega-soldier |
508 | SLES_028.55 | army-men-operation-meltdown |
509 | SLES_026.26 | army-men-sarges-heroes |
510 | SLES_026.27 | army-men-sarges-heroes |
511 | SLES_026.28 | army-men-sarges-heroes |
512 | SLES_026.29 | army-men-sarges-heroes |
513 | SLES_026.30 | army-men-sarges-heroes |
514 | SLUS_009.14 | army-men-sarges-heroes |
515 | SLES_033.16 | army-men-sarges-heroes-2 |
516 | SLUS_012.02 | army-men-sarges-heroes-2 |
517 | SLES_036.33 | army-men-team-assault |
518 | SLUS_010.79 | army-men-world-war |
519 | SLUS_013.27 | army-men-world-war-final-front |
520 | SLUS_012.03 | army-men-world-war-land-sea-air |
521 | SLUS_014.35 | army-men-world-war-team-assault |
522 | SLPS_024.05 | art-camion-geijutsuden |
523 | SLPS_027.10 | art-camion-sugorokuden |
524 | SLPM_801.44 | artdink-preview |
525 | SLPS_003.63 | arthur-to-astaroth-no-nazo-makaimura-incredible-toons |
526 | SLUS_010.90 | arthur-ready-to-race |
527 | SLUS_900.27 | asciiware-training-cd |
528 | SLPS_035.40 | asonde-aiueo |
529 | SLPS_035.42 | asonde-chinou-up |
530 | SLPS_035.41 | asonde-kazu-suuji |
531 | SLES_012.44 | assault |
532 | SLED_015.33 | assault |
533 | SCUS_944.05 | assault-rigs |
534 | SLES_000.93 | assault-rigs |
535 | SLPS_005.12 | assault-rigs |
536 | SLPM_804.52 | assault-suits-valken-2 |
537 | SLPM_868.72 | assault-suits-valken-2 |
538 | SLPS_008.54 | assault-suits-valken-2 |
539 | SLUS_007.13 | assault-retribution |
540 | SLES_024.74 | asterix-obelix-contro-cesare |
541 | SLES_014.18 | asteroids |
542 | SLES_014.68 | asteroids |
543 | SLES_014.69 | asteroids |
544 | SLES_014.70 | asteroids |
545 | SLUS_007.73 | asteroids |
546 | SLPS_018.62 | astro-trooper-vanark |
547 | SLPM_802.78 | astronoka |
548 | SLPM_860.88 | astronoka |
549 | SLPM_861.07 | astronoka |
550 | SLES_014.16 | asterix |
551 | SLES_017.48 | asterix |
552 | SLES_020.92 | asterix-obelix-take-on-caesar |
553 | SLES_024.73 | asterix-obelix-take-on-caesar |
554 | SLES_024.75 | asterix-obelix-take-on-caesar |
555 | SLES_033.24 | asterix-mega-madness |
556 | SLED_034.46 | asterix-mega-madness |
557 | SLPS_008.49 | - |
558 | SLPS_020.74 | asuka-120%-final-burning-fest-final |
559 | SLPS_002.31 | - |
560 | SLPS_010.97 | asuncia-majou-no-jubaku |
561 | SLPS_030.75 | asuncia-majou-no-jubaku |
562 | SLES_038.08 | atari-anniversary-edition-redux |
563 | SLUS_014.27 | atari-anniversary-edition-redux |
564 | SLED_022.51 | atari-demo-disk |
565 | SLPS_017.51 | atelier-elie-elie-no-atelier-salburg-no-renkinjutsushi-2 |
566 | SLPS_911.80 | atelier-elie-elie-no-atelier-salburg-no-renkinjutsushi-2 |
567 | SLPS_002.63 | athena-no-kateiban-family-games |
568 | SLPS_027.51 | athena-no-kateiban-family-games |
569 | SLPM_804.13 | athena-awakening-from-the-ordinary-life |
570 | SLPM_861.85 | athena-awakening-from-the-ordinary-life |
571 | SLPM_861.86 | athena-awakening-from-the-ordinary-life |
572 | SLPM_861.87 | athena-awakening-from-the-ordinary-life |
573 | SLES_016.03 | atlantis-das-sagenhafte-abenteuer |
574 | SLES_116.03 | atlantis-das-sagenhafte-abenteuer |
575 | SLES_216.03 | atlantis-das-sagenhafte-abenteuer |
576 | SLES_016.02 | atlantis-secrets-dun-monde-oublie |
577 | SLES_116.02 | atlantis-secrets-dun-monde-oublie |
578 | SLES_216.02 | atlantis-secrets-dun-monde-oublie |
579 | SLES_016.04 | atlantis-segreti-dun-mondo-perduto |
580 | SLES_116.04 | atlantis-segreti-dun-mondo-perduto |
581 | SLES_216.04 | atlantis-segreti-dun-mondo-perduto |
582 | SLES_040.66 | atlantis-the-lost-continent |
583 | SLES_012.91 | atlantis-the-lost-tales |
584 | SLES_016.05 | atlantis-the-lost-tales |
585 | SLES_112.91 | atlantis-the-lost-tales |
586 | SLES_116.05 | atlantis-the-lost-tales |
587 | SLES_212.91 | atlantis-the-lost-tales |
588 | SLES_216.05 | atlantis-the-lost-tales |
589 | SLPM_802.24 | atlus-shinsaku-title-demo-cd-rom |
590 | SLES_017.18 | attack-of-the-saucerman |
591 | SLPS_005.46 | aubirdforce |
592 | SLPS_005.33 | aubirdforce-shokai-genteiban |
593 | SLPM_800.46 | aubirdforce |
594 | SLPM_800.53 | aubirdforce |
595 | SLPS_016.06 | aubirdforce-after |
596 | SLPS_023.90 | aura-battler-dunbine-seisenshi-densetsu |
597 | SLES_039.45 | austin-powers-pinball |
598 | SLUS_014.56 | austin-powers-pinball |
599 | SCED_015.70 | australian-summer-special |
600 | SLES_009.09 | auto-destruct |
601 | SLUS_005.22 | auto-destruct |
602 | SLES_023.41 | autobahn-raser-ii |
603 | SCED_013.06 | autorennen-spezial-98 |
604 | SCED_002.73 | autumn-christmas-releases-96 |
605 | SLPS_009.46 | ayakashi-ninden-kunoichiban |
606 | SLPS_009.47 | ayakashi-ninden-kunoichiban |
607 | SLES_004.93 | ayrton-senna-kart-duel |
608 | SLPS_003.80 | ayrton-senna-kart-duel |
609 | SLES_010.24 | ayrton-senna-kart-duel-2 |
610 | SLPS_016.59 | ayrton-senna-kart-duel-special |
611 | SLPS_010.72 | ayrton-senna-kartduel-2 |
612 | SLPM_872.84 | azito |
613 | SLPS_006.83 | azito |
614 | SLPS_015.26 | azito-2 |
615 | SLPS_024.96 | azito-3 |
616 | SLES_030.52 | aztec-the-curse-in-the-heart-of-the-city-of-gold |
617 | SLES_030.53 | aztec-the-curse-in-the-heart-of-the-city-of-gold |
618 | SLES_031.09 | aztec-the-curse-in-the-heart-of-the-city-of-gold |
619 | SLPS_034.24 | azumanga-donjara-daiou |
620 | SLES_012.19 | azure-dreams |
621 | SLUS_006.14 | azure-dreams |
622 | SLPM_801.38 | b-senjou-no-alice-alice-on-borderlines |
623 | SLPS_010.03 | b-senjou-no-alice-alice-on-borderlines |
624 | SLPS_010.04 | b-senjou-no-alice-alice-on-borderlines |
625 | SLPS_010.05 | b-senjou-no-alice-alice-on-borderlines |
626 | SLES_012.60 | b-movie |
627 | SLES_015.50 | b-movie |
628 | SLPS_014.59 | b-l-u-e-legend-of-water |
629 | PAPX_900.50 | b-l-u-e-legend-of-water |
630 | SLPM_802.43 | b-l-u-e-legend-of-water |
631 | SLES_029.77 | bdfl-manager-2001 |
632 | SLES_036.05 | bdfl-manager-2002 |
633 | SLPS_005.66 | bfs-blue-forest-story-kaze-no-fuuin |
634 | SLED_010.54 | bmg-demos |
635 | SLES_039.91 | baby-felix-tennis |
636 | SCES_009.82 | baby-universe |
637 | PAPX_900.88 | back-to-school-special-playstation-demo-disc |
638 | SLPS_014.46 | backguiner-yomigaeru-yuusha-tachi-hishou-hen-uragiri-no-senjou |
639 | SLPS_014.47 | backguiner-yomigaeru-yuusha-tachi-hishou-hen-uragiri-no-senjou |
640 | SLPS_012.17 | backguiner-yomigaeru-yuusha-tachi-kakusei-hen-guiner-tensei |
641 | SLPS_012.18 | backguiner-yomigaeru-yuusha-tachi-kakusei-hen-guiner-tensei |
642 | SLPS_014.48 | backguiner-yomigaeru-yuusha-tachi-service-disc |
643 | SLPS_017.82 | backgammon |
644 | SLPS_032.28 | backgammon |
645 | SLPS_027.29 | backgammon-2000 |
646 | SLUS_006.59 | backstreet-billiards |
647 | SLUS_010.94 | backyard-soccer |
648 | SLPM_861.18 | bakumatsu-roman-gekka-no-kenshi |
649 | SLPM_864.36 | bakumatsu-roman-gekka-no-kenshi |
650 | SLPS_005.41 | bakuretsu-hunter-mahjong-special |
651 | SLPS_007.18 | bakuretsu-hunter-sorezore-no-omoi-nowaanchatte |
652 | SLPS_034.37 | bakuretsu-soccer |
653 | SLPS_024.29 | bakuryuu |
654 | SLPS_001.58 | bakushou-all-yoshimoto-quiz-ou-kettei-sen-dx |
655 | SLPM_805.06 | bakusou-dekotora-densetsu-2-otoko-jinsei-yume-ichiro |
656 | SLPS_024.65 | bakusou-dekotora-densetsu-2-otoko-jinsei-yume-ichiro |
657 | SLPS_912.19 | bakusou-dekotora-densetsu-2-otoko-jinsei-yume-ichiro |
658 | SLPS_014.41 | bakusou-dekotora-densetsu-otoko-ippiki-yume-kaidou |
659 | SLPS_014.89 | bakusou-kyoudai-lets-go-eternal-wings |
660 | SLPM_871.30 | bakuten-shoot-beyblade-2002-bey-battle-tournament-2-gentei |
661 | SLPM_869.80 | bakuten-shoot-beyblade-bey-battle-tournament |
662 | SLES_040.91 | baldies |
663 | SLUS_015.67 | baldies |
664 | SLPS_010.74 | baldy-land |
665 | SLUS_012.49 | ball-breakers |
666 | SLES_005.92 | ballblazer-champions |
667 | SLES_006.41 | ballblazer-champions |
668 | SLES_006.47 | ballblazer-champions |
669 | SLES_006.51 | ballblazer-champions |
670 | SLPS_007.96 | ballblazer-champions |
671 | SLUS_000.68 | ballblazer-champions |
672 | SLES_040.17 | ballerburg |
673 | SLES_040.18 | ballerburg |
674 | SLUS_015.68 | ballerburg-castle-chaos |
675 | SLES_027.01 | ballistic |
676 | SLUS_009.66 | ballistic |
677 | SCES_003.48 | baphomets-fluch |
678 | SCES_008.00 | baphomets-fluch-ii-die-spiegel-der-finsternis |
679 | SCES_023.66 | barbie-aventure-equestre |
680 | SLES_036.93 | barbie-aventuriere |
681 | SLES_036.95 | barbie-esploratrice |
682 | SLES_036.92 | barbie-explorer |
683 | SLES_036.94 | barbie-explorer |
684 | SLES_036.96 | barbie-explorer |
685 | SLUS_013.61 | barbie-explorer |
686 | SLUS_015.69 | barbie-gotta-have-games |
687 | SCES_023.65 | barbie-race-ride |
688 | SCES_023.67 | barbie-race-ride |
689 | SCES_023.68 | barbie-race-ride |
690 | SCES_023.69 | barbie-race-ride |
691 | SLUS_009.81 | barbie-race-ride |
692 | SCES_024.88 | barbie-sports-extrême |
693 | SCES_024.89 | barbie-super-sport |
694 | SCES_024.87 | barbie-super-sports |
695 | SCES_024.90 | barbie-super-sports |
696 | SCES_024.91 | barbie-super-sports |
697 | SLUS_009.46 | barbie-super-sports |
698 | SLPS_021.87 | bardysh-kromeford-no-juunin |
699 | SLPM_865.40 | baroque-syndrome |
700 | SLPM_869.39 | baroque-syndrome |
701 | SLPM_863.41 | baroque-yuganda-mousou |
702 | SLPM_867.59 | baroque-yuganda-mousou |
703 | SLPM_863.28 | baroque-yuganda-mousou-genteiban |
704 | SLES_026.15 | barça-manager-2000 |
705 | SLPS_006.87 | baseball-navigator |
706 | SLPS_011.23 | baseball-navigator |
707 | SLPM_866.50 | baseball-simulation-id-pro-yakyuu |
708 | SLPS_030.55 | baseball-pro-nami-kusayakyuu |
709 | SLUS_000.86 | bases-loaded-96-double-header |
710 | SLPS_013.04 | bass-fisherman-texas |
711 | SLPS_017.65 | bass-landing |
712 | SLPS_032.04 | bass-landing |
713 | SLUS_008.73 | bass-landing |
714 | SLPM_803.54 | bass-landing |
715 | SLPS_026.46 | bass-landing-2 |
716 | SLPS_026.47 | bass-landing-2 |
717 | SLUS_009.05 | bass-rise |
718 | SLPS_019.14 | bass-tsuri-ni-ikou |
719 | SLPS_028.59 | bassing-beat-2 |
720 | SLPS_005.42 | bastard-utsuronaru-kamigami-no-utsuwa |
721 | SLPM_800.51 | bastard-utsuronaru-kamigami-no-utsuwa |
722 | SLES_001.02 | batman-robin |
723 | SLES_012.20 | batman-robin |
724 | SLUS_003.93 | batman-robin |
725 | SLUS_012.07 | batman-beyond-return-of-the-joker |
726 | SLES_005.25 | batman-forever-the-arcade-game |
727 | SLPS_006.98 | batman-forever-the-arcade-game |
728 | SLUS_003.87 | batman-forever-the-arcade-game |
729 | SLES_029.02 | batman-of-the-future-return-of-the-joker |
730 | SLES_028.74 | batman-gotham-city-racer |
731 | SLUS_011.41 | batman-gotham-city-racer |
732 | SLPS_004.85 | battle-arena-nitoushinden |
733 | SCES_000.02 | battle-arena-toshinden |
734 | SCUS_940.03 | battle-arena-toshinden |
735 | SCUS_942.00 | battle-arena-toshinden |
736 | SCES_002.32 | battle-arena-toshinden-2 |
737 | SLUS_002.20 | battle-arena-toshinden-2 |
738 | SCES_007.00 | battle-arena-toshinden-3 |
739 | SLUS_004.83 | battle-arena-toshinden-3 |
740 | SLPS_002.00 | battle-arena-toushinden-2 |
741 | SLPS_910.06 | battle-arena-toushinden-2-plus |
742 | SLPM_800.28 | battle-arena-toushinden-2-gyouten-kyougaku-no-shishoku-ban |
743 | SLPS_006.50 | battle-arena-toushinden-3 |
744 | SLPM_865.25 | battle-athletess-daiundoukai-alternative |
745 | SLPS_011.33 | battle-athletess-daiundoukai-alternative |
746 | SLPM_865.26 | battle-athletess-daiundoukai-gto-grand-trial-onnanoco |
747 | SLPS_015.48 | battle-athletess-daiundoukai-gto-grand-trial-onnanoco |
748 | SLPM_803.61 | battle-bombee |
749 | SLPS_024.57 | battle-bombee-2-sukkiri-momoaji |
750 | SLPS_009.91 | battle-bugs |
751 | SLPS_009.68 | battle-formation |
752 | SLUS_013.35 | battle-hunter |
753 | SLPS_017.79 | battle-konchuuden |
754 | SLPM_865.19 | battle-master |
755 | SLPS_010.64 | battle-master |
756 | SLES_006.62 | battle-stations |
757 | SLUS_004.56 | battle-stations |
758 | SLPS_011.27 | battleround-usa |
759 | SLES_006.28 | battlesport |
760 | SLUS_003.89 | battlesport |
761 | SLES_027.73 | battletanx-global-assault |
762 | SLES_027.74 | battletanx-global-assault |
763 | SLUS_010.44 | battletanx-global-assault |
764 | SLES_028.08 | beach-volleyball |
765 | SCPS_101.38 | bealphareth |
766 | SLES_007.09 | beast-wars-transformers |
767 | SLUS_005.08 | beast-wars-transformers |
768 | SLED_013.39 | beast-wars-transformers |
769 | SLPM_861.26 | beat-mania-arcade |
770 | SLPM_863.90 | beat-mania-arcade |
771 | SLPM_861.27 | beat-mania-append |
772 | SLPM_863.91 | beat-mania-append |
773 | SLPM_861.56 | beat-mania-3rd-mix-mini |
774 | SLPM_861.84 | beat-mania-append-3rdmix |
775 | SCPS_454.03 | beat-mania-append-gottamix |
776 | SLPM_862.29 | beat-mania-append-gottamix |
777 | SLPM_865.74 | beat-mania-append-gottamix-2-going-global |
778 | SLPM_867.69 | beat-mania-the-sound-of-tokyo |
779 | SCPS_180.13 | beat-planet-music |
780 | PCPX_961.93 | beat-planet-music |
781 | SCED_019.91 | beat-em-up-special |
782 | SCED_016.43 | beat-em-up-speziale |
783 | SLES_020.96 | beatmania |
784 | SLPM_870.12 | beatmania-6thmix-+-core-remix |
785 | SLPM_862.66 | beatmania-append-4thmix-the-beat-goes-on |
786 | SLPM_863.22 | beatmania-append-5thmix-time-to-get-down |
787 | SLPM_866.92 | beatmania-append-club-mix |
788 | SLPM_865.96 | beatmania-best-hits |
789 | SLPM_865.97 | beatmania-featuring-dreams-come-true |
790 | SLPS_012.19 | beavis-and-butt-head-virtual-aho-shoukougun |
791 | SLES_003.34 | bedlam |
792 | SLPS_005.82 | beltlogger-9 |
793 | SLPS_005.81 | beltlogger-9-shokai-genteiban |
794 | SCUS_942.86 | best-buy-demo-cd |
795 | SCUS_946.68 | best-buy-greatest-hits-demo-disc-volume-one |
796 | SCED_024.20 | best-horror-games-ever-demo |
797 | SCED_024.21 | best-sports-games-ever |
798 | SCED_031.67 | best-sports-games-ever-2000 |
799 | SLES_040.93 | beyblade |
800 | SLUS_014.89 | beyblade |
801 | PAPX_900.05 | beyond-the-beyond |
802 | SCUS_947.02 | beyond-the-beyond |
803 | SCPS_100.14 | beyond-the-beyond-haruka-naru-kanaan-e |
804 | SLES_015.31 | big-air |
805 | SLUS_006.45 | big-air |
806 | SLES_038.47 | big-bass-fishing |
807 | SLUS_014.42 | big-bass-fishing |
808 | SLUS_002.28 | big-bass-world-championship |
809 | SLPS_004.59 | big-challenge-golf-tokyo-yomiuri-country-club-hen |
810 | SLUS_015.27 | big-league-slugger-baseball |
811 | SLUS_012.59 | big-ol-bass-2 |
812 | SLES_040.25 | big-strike-bowling |
813 | SLUS_014.78 | big-strike-bowling |
814 | SLUS_012.89 | billiards |
815 | SLES_013.16 | bio-freaks |
816 | SLUS_005.02 | bio-freaks |
817 | SLPM_867.70 | bio-hazard |
818 | SLPS_002.22 | bio-hazard |
819 | SLPM_800.27 | bio-hazard |
820 | SLPS_009.98 | bio-hazard-directors-cut |
821 | SLPS_015.12 | bio-hazard-directors-cut |
822 | SLPS_015.13 | bio-hazard-directors-cut |
823 | SLPS_009.99 | biohazard-2 |
824 | SLPS_012.22 | biohazard-2 |
825 | SLPS_012.23 | biohazard-2 |
826 | SLPS_015.10 | biohazard-2 |
827 | SLPS_015.11 | biohazard-2 |
828 | SLPM_804.85 | biohazard-3 |
829 | SLPM_872.24 | biohazard-3 |
830 | SLPS_023.00 | biohazard-3 |
831 | SLPM_867.49 | biohazard-gun-survivor |
832 | SLPS_025.53 | biohazard-gun-survivor |
833 | SLES_025.37 | bishi-bashi-special |
834 | SLPM_861.23 | bishi-bashi-special |
835 | SLPM_862.67 | bishi-bashi-special-2 |
836 | SLPM_865.39 | bishi-bashi-special-3-step-champ |
837 | SLPS_009.41 | bishoujo-hanafuda-kikou-michinoku-hitou-koi-monogatari |
838 | SLPM_866.80 | bishoujo-renai-mahjong-series-2nd-shiritsu-houou-gakuen-1-nen-junai-gumi |
839 | SLPM_867.16 | bishoujo-renai-mahjong-series-2nd-shiritsu-houou-gakuen-2-nen-junjou-gumi |
840 | SLPM_864.14 | bishoujo-renai-mahjong-series-karan-koron-gakuen-doki-doki-hen |
841 | SLPM_864.68 | bishoujo-renai-mahjong-series-karan-koron-gakuen-munekyun-hen |
842 | SLPM_864.74 | bishoujo-renai-mahjong-series-karan-koron-gakuen-pure-love-hen |
843 | SLPS_002.62 | bishoujo-senshi-sailor-moon-supers-shin-shuyaku-soudatsusen |
844 | SLPS_002.60 | bishoujo-senshi-sailor-moon-supers-shin-shuyaku-soudatsusen-shokai-genteiban |
845 | SLUS_006.48 | black-bass-with-blue-marlin |
846 | SLES_004.07 | black-dawn |
847 | SLPS_006.63 | black-dawn |
848 | SLUS_003.21 | black-dawn |
849 | SLPS_029.62 | black-matrix-+ |
850 | SLPS_034.15 | black-matrix-+ |
851 | SLPS_029.63 | black-matrix-+ |
852 | SLPS_034.16 | black-matrix-+ |
853 | SLPS_035.73 | black-matrix-00 |
854 | SLPS_035.71 | black-matrix-00-shokai-genteiban |
855 | SLPS_035.74 | black-matrix-00 |
856 | SLPS_035.72 | black-matrix-00-shokai-genteiban |
857 | SLPS_019.83 | blackjack-vs-matsuda-jun |
858 | SLES_032.13 | blade |
859 | SLES_032.14 | blade |
860 | SLES_032.15 | blade |
861 | SLUS_012.15 | blade |
862 | SLPM_866.02 | blade-arts-tasogare-no-miyako-rlyeh |
863 | SLPS_017.95 | blade-maker |
864 | SLES_003.49 | blam-machinehead |
865 | SLES_003.50 | blam-machinehead |
866 | SLES_003.51 | blam-machinehead |
867 | SLPS_007.98 | blam-machinehead |
868 | SLES_004.76 | blast-chamber |
869 | SLUS_002.19 | blast-chamber |
870 | SLUS_013.80 | blast-lacrosse |
871 | SLES_011.69 | blast-radius |
872 | SLES_011.92 | blast-radius |
873 | SLUS_006.42 | blast-radius |
874 | SLED_012.72 | blast-radius |
875 | SLPS_026.17 | blaster-master |
876 | SLPS_032.69 | blaster-master |
877 | SLES_022.73 | blaster-master-blasting-again |
878 | SLUS_010.31 | blaster-master-blasting-again |
879 | SCES_012.24 | blasto |
880 | SCUS_944.12 | blasto |
881 | SLPS_015.76 | blaze-blade-busters |
882 | SLES_008.45 | blaze-blade-eternal-quest |
883 | SLES_012.74 | blaze-blade-eternal-quest |
884 | SLPS_012.09 | blaze-blade-eternal-quest |
885 | SLES_002.47 | blazing-dragons |
886 | SLES_003.05 | blazing-dragons |
887 | SLES_003.06 | blazing-dragons |
888 | SLUS_001.00 | blazing-dragons |
889 | SLPS_028.18 | blend-x-brand-odekake-gousei-rpg |
890 | SLPS_032.24 | blend-x-brand-odekake-gousei-rpg |
891 | SLES_040.67 | block-buster |
892 | SLPM_872.36 | block-kuzushi |
893 | SLPS_025.78 | block-kuzushi-2 |
894 | SLPS_003.53 | block-kuzushi-deden-no-gyakushuu |
895 | SLPS_030.42 | block-kuzushi-kowashite-help |
896 | SLPM_806.19 | block-wars |
897 | SLPS_032.19 | block-wars |
898 | SCED_008.77 | blockbuster-playstation-challenge |
899 | SLES_040.03 | blockids |
900 | SLPS_002.05 | blockids |
901 | SLPS_002.06 | blockids |
902 | SLUS_014.96 | blockids |
903 | SLPS_002.35 | blood-factory |
904 | SCES_014.43 | blood-lines |
905 | SLES_000.75 | blood-omen-legacy-of-kain |
906 | SLES_005.22 | blood-omen-legacy-of-kain |
907 | SLES_005.23 | blood-omen-legacy-of-kain |
908 | SLUS_000.27 | blood-omen-legacy-of-kain |
909 | SCUS_941.99 | bloody-roar |
910 | SCPS_453.74 | bloody-roar-2-bringer-of-the-new-age |
911 | SLES_017.22 | bloody-roar-2-bringer-of-the-new-age |
912 | SLPS_018.42 | bloody-roar-2-bringer-of-the-new-age |
913 | SLED_019.28 | bloody-roar-2-bringer-of-the-new-age |
914 | SLPM_803.73 | bloody-roar-2-bringer-of-the-new-age |
915 | SCUS_944.24 | bloody-roar-ii |
916 | SCPS_451.29 | bloody-roar-hyper-beast-duel |
917 | SLES_010.10 | bloody-roar-hyper-beast-duel |
918 | SLPS_010.70 | bloody-roar-hyper-beast-duel |
919 | SLPS_911.57 | bloody-roar-hyper-beast-duel |
920 | SLED_001.08 | bloody-roar-hyper-beast-duel |
921 | SLPM_801.55 | bloody-roar-hyper-beast-duel |
922 | SLPM_866.48 | blue-breaker-burst-egao-no-asu-ni |
923 | SLPS_015.80 | blue-breaker-burst-egao-no-asu-ni |
924 | SLPM_866.47 | blue-breaker-burst-hohoemi-o-anata-to |
925 | SLPS_014.69 | blue-breaker-burst-hohoemi-o-anata-to-shokai-genteiban |
926 | SLPM_866.46 | blue-breaker-egao-no-yakusoku |
927 | SLPS_011.22 | blue-breaker-egao-no-yakusoku |
928 | SLES_035.70 | blues-clues-blues-big-musical |
929 | SLUS_011.98 | blues-clues-blues-big-musical |
930 | SLES_036.74 | bob-aggiustatutto |
931 | SLES_037.98 | bob-le-bricoleur-reparer-cest-gagne |
932 | SLES_028.56 | bob-the-builder-can-we-fix-it |
933 | SLUS_014.07 | bob-the-builder-can-we-fix-it |
934 | SLPS_008.65 | body-hazard |
935 | SCUS_943.07 | bogey-dead-6 |
936 | SLPM_870.24 | boku-no-choro-q |
937 | SCPS_100.88 | boku-no-natsuyasumi-summer-holiday-20th-century |
938 | SCPS_912.32 | boku-no-natsuyasumi-summer-holiday-20th-century |
939 | SLPS_025.14 | boku-wa-koukuu-kanseikan |
940 | SLPS_024.89 | bokujou-monogatari-harvest-moon |
941 | SLPS_912.18 | bokujou-monogatari-harvest-moon |
942 | SLPS_030.87 | bokujou-monogatari-harvest-moon-for-girl |
943 | SLPS_915.25 | bokujou-monogatari-harvest-moon-for-girl |
944 | SCPS_453.68 | bomberman |
945 | SLES_018.93 | bomberman |
946 | SLPM_868.44 | bomberman |
947 | SLPS_017.17 | bomberman |
948 | SLES_017.12 | bomberman-fantasy-race |
949 | SLPM_871.02 | bomberman-fantasy-race |
950 | SLPS_015.25 | bomberman-fantasy-race |
951 | SLPS_911.38 | bomberman-fantasy-race |
952 | SLUS_008.23 | bomberman-fantasy-race |
953 | SLPM_870.80 | bomberman-land |
954 | SLPM_873.64 | bomberman-land |
955 | SLPS_030.02 | bomberman-land |
956 | SCPS_452.25 | bomberman-wars |
957 | SLPS_013.47 | bomberman-wars |
958 | SCES_010.78 | bomberman-world |
959 | SLPS_011.55 | bomberman-world |
960 | SLPS_911.49 | bomberman-world |
961 | SLUS_006.80 | bomberman-world |
962 | SLUS_011.89 | bomberman-party-edition |
963 | SLPS_003.33 | bonogurashi-kore-de-kanpeki-disu |
964 | SLUS_009.68 | boombots |
965 | SLUS_000.49 | bottom-of-the-9th |
966 | SLUS_002.96 | bottom-of-the-9th-97 |
967 | SLUS_006.78 | bottom-of-the-9th-99 |
968 | SLPM_860.04 | bottom-of-the-9th-major-league-heroes |
969 | SLPS_009.07 | boundary-gate-daughter-of-kingdom |
970 | SLPM_867.35 | bounty-hunter-sara-holy-mountain-no-teiou |
971 | SLPM_866.14 | bounty-sword-first |
972 | SLPS_007.57 | bounty-sword-first |
973 | SLPM_801.01 | bounty-sword-first |
974 | SLPM_866.25 | bounty-sword-double-edge |
975 | SLPS_014.79 | bounty-sword-double-edge |
976 | SLUS_012.88 | bowling |
977 | SLES_023.24 | box-champions-2000 |
978 | SLES_031.23 | box-champions-2001 |
979 | SLES_014.51 | box-champions |
980 | SLPS_000.33 | boxers-road |
981 | SLPS_910.07 | boxers-road |
982 | SLUS_013.09 | boxing |
983 | SLPS_007.79 | boys-be |
984 | SLPS_017.05 | boys-be-2nd-season |
985 | SLES_007.54 | brahma-force |
986 | SLUS_004.44 | brahma-force-the-assault-on-beltlogger-9 |
987 | SLPS_005.14 | braindead-13 |
988 | SLUS_000.83 | braindead-13 |
989 | SLPS_005.15 | braindead-13 |
990 | SLUS_001.71 | braindead-13 |
991 | SLES_039.92 | bratz-dress-up-get-down-and-be-a-bratz-superstar |
992 | SLUS_015.08 | bratz-dress-up-get-down-and-be-a-bratz-superstar |
993 | SLUS_007.26 | brave-fencer-musashi |
994 | SLPS_014.90 | brave-fencer-musashiden |
995 | SLPS_027.69 | brave-fencer-musashiden |
996 | SLPM_802.62 | brave-fencer-musashiden |
997 | SLPS_013.16 | brave-prove |
998 | SLPS_025.80 | brave-saga-2 |
999 | SLPS_025.81 | brave-saga-2 |
1000 | SLPS_023.14 | brave-saga-2-koushiki-data-disc-yuusha-no-akashi-2-shokai-seisan-genteiban |
1001 | SLPS_028.89 | brave-sword |
1002 | SLUS_004.88 | bravo-air-race |
1003 | SLES_002.58 | break-point |
1004 | SLPM_860.44 | break-point |
1005 | SLPS_001.29 | break-thru |
1006 | SLPS_023.75 | break-volley |
1007 | SLUS_011.70 | breakout |
1008 | SLES_028.54 | breakout-a-story-of-bat-meets-ball |
1009 | SLES_013.04 | breath-of-fire-iii |
1010 | SLES_013.19 | breath-of-fire-iii |
1011 | SLES_013.20 | breath-of-fire-iii |
1012 | SLPS_009.90 | breath-of-fire-iii |
1013 | SLUS_004.22 | breath-of-fire-iii |
1014 | SLPM_801.15 | breath-of-fire-iii |
1015 | SLES_035.52 | breath-of-fire-iv |
1016 | SLUS_013.24 | breath-of-fire-iv |
1017 | SLPS_027.28 | breath-of-fire-iv-e3-demo |
1018 | SLPM_871.59 | breath-of-fire-iv-utsurowazaru-mono |
1019 | SLPS_027.28 | breath-of-fire-iv-utsurowazaru-mono |
1020 | SLPM_870.54 | breed-master |
1021 | SLPM_860.87 | breeding-stud-2 |
1022 | SLPM_860.12 | breeding-stud-bokujou-de-aimashou |
1023 | SLES_007.59 | brian-lara-cricket |
1024 | SLPS_011.07 | brigandine-gensou-tairiku-senki |
1025 | SLPS_026.61 | brigandine-grand-edition |
1026 | SLPS_026.62 | brigandine-grand-edition |
1027 | SLUS_006.87 | brigandine-the-legend-of-forsena |
1028 | SCPS_101.05 | brightis |
1029 | SLES_008.73 | broken-helix |
1030 | SLES_009.62 | broken-helix |
1031 | SLPM_860.65 | broken-helix |
1032 | SLUS_002.89 | broken-helix |
1033 | SCES_008.01 | broken-sword-ii-la-profezia-dei-maya |
1034 | SCES_008.02 | broken-sword-ii-las-fuerzas-del-mal |
1035 | SCES_007.98 | broken-sword-ii-the-smoking-mirror |
1036 | SLUS_008.12 | broken-sword-ii-the-smoking-mirror |
1037 | SCES_004.14 | broken-sword-la-leyenda-de-los-templarios |
1038 | SCES_003.46 | broken-sword-the-shadow-of-the-templars |
1039 | SCES_004.68 | broken-sword-the-shadow-of-the-templars |
1040 | SLUS_004.84 | broken-sword-the-shadow-of-the-templars |
1041 | SLES_013.76 | brunswick-circuit-pro-bowling |
1042 | SLUS_005.71 | brunswick-circuit-pro-bowling |
1043 | SLES_026.18 | brunswick-circuit-pro-bowling-2 |
1044 | SLUS_008.56 | brunswick-circuit-pro-bowling-2 |
1045 | SLES_004.48 | bubble-bobble-also-featuring-rainbow-islands |
1046 | SLUS_003.70 | bubble-bobble-also-featuring-rainbow-islands |
1047 | SLPS_017.10 | bubblegun-kid |
1048 | SLES_001.22 | bubsy-3d-furbitten-planet |
1049 | SLUS_001.10 | bubsy-3d-furbitten-planet |
1050 | SLPS_011.05 | buckle-up |
1051 | SLES_001.74 | buggy |
1052 | SLPM_861.33 | bugi |
1053 | SLES_008.75 | bugriders-the-race-of-kings |
1054 | SLUS_003.54 | bugriders-the-race-of-kings |
1055 | SLES_028.96 | bugs-bunny-taz-time-busters |
1056 | SLUS_011.44 | bugs-bunny-taz-time-busters |
1057 | SLES_017.26 | bugs-bunny-lost-in-time |
1058 | SLUS_008.38 | bugs-bunny-lost-in-time |
1059 | SLED_021.25 | bugs-bunny-lost-in-time |
1060 | SLUS_900.58 | bugs-bunny-lost-in-time |
1061 | SLUS_010.86 | builders-block |
1062 | SLPS_004.97 | building-crush |
1063 | SLES_025.64 | bundesliga-2000-der-fussball-manager |
1064 | SLES_021.43 | bundesliga-stars-2000 |
1065 | SLES_030.65 | bundesliga-stars-2001 |
1066 | SLPM_862.46 | burger-burger-2 |
1067 | SLPM_868.04 | burger-burger-2 |
1068 | SLPS_008.88 | burger-burger-hamburger-simulation |
1069 | SLPS_911.03 | burger-burger-hamburger-simulation |
1070 | SLES_003.45 | burning-road |
1071 | SLPS_005.18 | burning-road |
1072 | SLUS_003.24 | burning-road |
1073 | SLUS_900.02 | burning-road |
1074 | SLES_033.38 | burstrick-wake-boarding |
1075 | SLPS_027.92 | burstrick-wake-boarding |
1076 | SLUS_013.17 | burstrick-wake-boarding |
1077 | SCES_008.99 | bushido-blade |
1078 | SCUS_941.80 | bushido-blade |
1079 | SLPM_860.20 | bushido-blade |
1080 | SLPM_874.03 | bushido-blade |
1081 | SCPS_451.87 | bushido-blade-2 |
1082 | SLPS_012.94 | bushido-blade-2 |
1083 | SLUS_006.63 | bushido-blade-2 |
1084 | SCUS_942.63 | bust-a-groove |
1085 | SCUS_943.76 | bust-a-groove |
1086 | SLUS_011.59 | bust-a-groove-2 |
1087 | PAPX_900.28 | bust-a-move |
1088 | SLPS_012.32 | bust-a-move |
1089 | SLPS_012.37 | bust-a-move |
1090 | SLPS_012.32 | bust-a-move-genteiban |
1091 | SLPS_012.33 | bust-a-move-premium-cd-rom-genteiban |
1092 | SLPM_862.19 | bust-a-move-2-dance-tengoku-mix |
1093 | SLPM_804.10 | bust-a-move-2-dance-tengoku-mix |
1094 | SCES_013.13 | bust-a-groove |
1095 | SLUS_007.25 | bust-a-move-99 |
1096 | SLES_002.78 | bust-a-move-2-arcade-edition |
1097 | SLES_041.53 | bust-a-move-2-arcade-edition |
1098 | SLUS_002.33 | bust-a-move-2-arcade-edition |
1099 | SLES_009.91 | bust-a-move-3-dx |
1100 | SLES_141.53 | bust-a-move-3-dx |
1101 | SLES_013.89 | bust-a-move-4 |
1102 | SLUS_007.54 | bust-a-move-4 |
1103 | SLUS_002.08 | buster-bros-collection |
1104 | SLES_041.04 | buttsubushi |
1105 | SLPS_031.62 | buttsubushi |
1106 | SLES_035.62 | byggare-bob-kan-vi-fixa-det |
1107 | SLES_035.64 | byggemand-bob-kan-vi-klare-det |
1108 | SLES_035.63 | byggmester-bob-kan-det-fikses |
1109 | SCES_033.64 | c-12-final-resistance |
1110 | SCES_033.65 | c-12-final-resistance |
1111 | SCES_033.66 | c-12-final-resistance |
1112 | SCES_034.26 | c-12-final-resistance |
1113 | SCUS_946.66 | c-12-final-resistance |
1114 | SCED_035.16 | c-12-final-resistance |
1115 | SLPS_002.79 | c1-circuit |
1116 | SLES_013.63 | c3-racing-car-constructors-championship |
1117 | SLUS_004.99 | c-the-contra-adventure |
1118 | SCUS_944.16 | cart-world-series |
1119 | SLES_012.16 | cbz-cyball-zone |
1120 | SLPS_002.30 | cg-mukashi-banashi-jiisan-2-do-bikkuri |
1121 | SLPS_002.20 | crw-counter-revolution-war |
1122 | SLES_039.86 | ct-special-forces |
1123 | SLES_041.55 | ct-special-forces-3-bioterror |
1124 | SLES_041.23 | ct-special-forces-back-to-hell |
1125 | SCES_021.05 | ctr-crash-team-racing |
1126 | SCUS_944.26 | ctr-crash-team-racing |
1127 | SCUS_944.59 | ctr-crash-team-racing |
1128 | SLUS_013.91 | cabelas-big-game-hunter-ultimate-challenge |
1129 | SLUS_014.74 | cabelas-ultimate-deer-hunt-open-season |
1130 | SLPS_020.79 | cadillac |
1131 | SLPS_020.87 | cadillac |
1132 | SLPS_020.89 | cadillac |
1133 | SLES_010.08 | caesars-palace |
1134 | SLUS_002.85 | caesars-palace |
1135 | SLES_024.76 | caesars-palace-2000-millennium-gold-edition |
1136 | SLUS_010.89 | caesars-palace-2000-millennium-gold-edition |
1137 | SLES_014.86 | caesars-palace-ii |
1138 | SLUS_007.80 | caesars-palace-ii |
1139 | LSP20011.001 | calamity-1-the-natural-world |
1140 | LSP20022.001 | calamity-2-people-and-traditions |
1141 | LSP20033.001 | calamity-3-around-the-world |
1142 | SLES_026.14 | calcio-manager-2000 |
1143 | SLPS_010.71 | calcolo-ochimono-shooting |
1144 | SLPM_801.47 | calcolo-ochimono-shooting |
1145 | LSP02019.001 | calis-geo-tools |
1146 | SLES_039.21 | california-surfing |
1147 | SLES_029.50 | california-watersports |
1148 | SLES_022.93 | canal+-premier-manager |
1149 | SLPM_867.48 | capcom-generation-dai-1-shuu-gekitsuiou-no-jidai |
1150 | SLPS_015.35 | capcom-generation-dai-1-shuu-gekitsuiou-no-jidai |
1151 | SLPM_867.78 | capcom-generation-dai-2-shuu-makai-to-kishi |
1152 | SLPS_015.85 | capcom-generation-dai-2-shuu-makai-to-kishi |
1153 | SLPS_016.49 | capcom-generation-dai-3-shuu-koko-ni-rekishi-hajimaru |
1154 | SLPM_868.14 | capcom-generation-dai-4-shuu-kokou-no-eiyuu |
1155 | SLPS_017.01 | capcom-generation-dai-4-shuu-kokou-no-eiyuu |
1156 | SLPS_017.25 | capcom-generation-dai-5-shuu-kakutouka-tachi |
1157 | SLES_018.81 | capcom-generations-wings-of-destiny |
1158 | SLES_020.98 | capcom-generations-wings-of-destiny |
1159 | SLES_118.81 | capcom-generations-chronicles-of-arthur |
1160 | SLES_120.98 | capcom-generations-chronicles-of-arthur |
1161 | SLES_218.81 | capcom-generations-the-first-generation |
1162 | SLES_220.98 | capcom-generations-the-first-generation |
1163 | SLES_318.81 | capcom-generations-blazing-guns |
1164 | SLUS_014.76 | capcom-vs-snk-pro |
1165 | SLES_038.89 | capcom-vs-snk-millennium-fight-2000-pro |
1166 | SLPM_870.53 | capcom-vs-snk-millennium-fight-2000-pro |
1167 | SLPM_806.32 | capcom-vs-snk-millennium-fight-2000-pro |
1168 | SLPS_015.67 | captain-commando |
1169 | SLPM_862.16 | captain-love |
1170 | SLPM_867.67 | captain-love |
1171 | SLPS_003.10 | captain-tsubasa-j-get-in-the-tomorrow |
1172 | SLPM_870.60 | captain-tsubasa-arata-naru-densetsu-joshou |
1173 | SLUS_004.94 | car-and-driver-presents-grand-tour-racing-98 |
1174 | SLPS_025.61 | card-captor-sakura-clowcard-magic |
1175 | SLPS_025.60 | card-captor-sakura-clowcard-magic-genteiban |
1176 | SLUS_013.79 | card-games |
1177 | SLES_032.06 | card-shark |
1178 | SCES_010.43 | cardinal-syn |
1179 | SCES_010.77 | cardinal-syn |
1180 | SCES_012.05 | cardinal-syn |
1181 | SCES_012.06 | cardinal-syn |
1182 | SCUS_941.56 | cardinal-syn |
1183 | SCUS_942.65 | cardinal-syn |
1184 | SLES_019.60 | carmageddon |
1185 | SLES_019.61 | carmageddon |
1186 | SCES_004.41 | carnage-heart |
1187 | SCUS_946.04 | carnage-heart |
1188 | SLPS_001.51 | carnage-heart |
1189 | SCUS_949.64 | carnage-heart-mission-briefing |
1190 | SLPS_009.19 | carnage-heart-ez-easy-zapping |
1191 | SLPM_800.15 | carnage-heart-extra |
1192 | SLPS_008.37 | carom-shot |
1193 | SLPS_014.86 | carom-shot-2 |
1194 | SLPM_802.67 | carom-shot-2 |
1195 | SLPS_029.35 | carton-kun |
1196 | SLPM_805.72 | carton-kun |
1197 | SLES_000.45 | casper |
1198 | SLUS_001.62 | casper |
1199 | SLES_031.13 | casper-friends-around-the-world |
1200 | SLPM_885.05 | casper-friends-around-the-world |
1201 | SLUS_012.45 | casper-friends-around-the-world |
1202 | SLPM_867.54 | castlevania-chronicle-akumajou-dracula |
1203 | SLES_035.32 | castlevania-chronicles |
1204 | SLUS_013.84 | castlevania-chronicles |
1205 | SCPS_451.96 | castlevania-symphony-of-the-night |
1206 | SLES_005.24 | castlevania-symphony-of-the-night |
1207 | SLUS_000.67 | castlevania-symphony-of-the-night |
1208 | SLES_011.82 | castrol-honda-superbike-racing |
1209 | SLUS_008.82 | castrol-honda-superbike-racing |
1210 | SLES_029.42 | castrol-honda-vtr |
1211 | SLPS_009.08 | cat-the-ripper-13ninme-no-tanteishi |
1212 | SLES_028.25 | catan-die-erste-insel |
1213 | SLPS_010.81 | cellophanes |
1214 | SCPS_100.13 | center-shiken-trial-eigo-no-tetsujin |
1215 | SLES_016.64 | centipede |
1216 | SLES_019.00 | centipede |
1217 | SLUS_008.07 | centipede |
1218 | SCED_019.92 | cha-cha-special-04-99-demo |
1219 | SLPS_024.22 | chakushin-melody-da-mon |
1220 | SLPS_028.47 | chakushin-melody-da-mon-gold |
1221 | SLPS_025.56 | chakushin-melody-da-mon-volume-2 |
1222 | SLPS_026.01 | chakushin-melody-da-mon-volume-3 |
1223 | SLPS_027.07 | chakushin-melody-da-mon-volume-4 |
1224 | SLPM_866.17 | champion-wrestler-jikkyou-live |
1225 | SLPS_002.37 | champion-wrestler-jikkyou-live |
1226 | SLES_027.75 | championship-bass |
1227 | SLPS_026.74 | championship-bass |
1228 | SLUS_010.84 | championship-bass |
1229 | SLES_036.34 | championship-manager-quiz |
1230 | SLES_032.52 | championship-motocross-2001-featuring-ricky-carmichael |
1231 | SLUS_012.30 | championship-motocross-2001-featuring-ricky-carmichael |
1232 | SLES_022.00 | championship-motocross-featuring-ricky-carmichael |
1233 | SLUS_007.90 | championship-motocross-featuring-ricky-carmichael |
1234 | SLED_023.85 | championship-motocross-featuring-ricky-carmichael |
1235 | SLES_034.27 | championship-surfer |
1236 | SLUS_012.16 | championship-surfer |
1237 | SLES_031.07 | chaos-break |
1238 | SLPM_863.63 | chaos-break |
1239 | SLPS_001.68 | chaos-control |
1240 | SLPS_028.62 | character-tkool |
1241 | SLPS_024.15 | charumera |
1242 | SLPS_030.31 | charumera |
1243 | SCES_028.12 | chase-the-express |
1244 | SCES_028.13 | chase-the-express |
1245 | SCES_028.14 | chase-the-express |
1246 | SCES_028.15 | chase-the-express |
1247 | SCPS_101.09 | chase-the-express |
1248 | SCPS_454.78 | chase-the-express |
1249 | SCES_128.12 | chase-the-express |
1250 | SCES_128.13 | chase-the-express |
1251 | SCES_128.14 | chase-the-express |
1252 | SCES_128.15 | chase-the-express |
1253 | SCPS_101.10 | chase-the-express |
1254 | SCPS_454.79 | chase-the-express |
1255 | PAPX_901.06 | chase-the-express |
1256 | PAPX_901.07 | chase-the-express |
1257 | PCPX_961.89 | chase-the-express |
1258 | SCES_028.16 | chase-the-express-el-expreso-de-la-muerte |
1259 | SCES_128.16 | chase-the-express-el-expreso-de-la-muerte |
1260 | SLES_029.17 | checkmate |
1261 | SLPS_012.51 | checkmate |
1262 | SLPS_031.36 | checkmate |
1263 | SLES_040.53 | checkmate-ii |
1264 | SLES_000.53 | cheesy |
1265 | SLPS_008.93 | cheesy |
1266 | SLUS_014.00 | chess |
1267 | SLPS_026.24 | chess-2000 |
1268 | SLES_021.17 | chessmaster-ii |
1269 | SLUS_008.86 | chessmaster-ii |
1270 | SLES_035.82 | chi-vuol-essere-miliardario |
1271 | SLES_039.17 | chi-vuol-essere-milionario-seconda-edizione |
1272 | SLPS_018.34 | chibi-chara-game-ginga-eiyuu-densetsu-go-go-casino-genteiban |
1273 | SLPS_020.25 | chibi-chara-game-ginga-eiyuu-densetsu-go-go-casino-genteiban |
1274 | SLPS_018.35 | chibi-chara-game-ginga-eiyuu-densetsu-lets-sugoroku-genteiban |
1275 | SLPS_020.26 | chibi-chara-game-ginga-eiyuu-densetsu-lets-surogoku-genteiban |
1276 | SLPS_001.66 | chibi-maruko-chan-maruko-enikki-world |
1277 | SLES_031.88 | chicken-run |
1278 | SLES_032.85 | chicken-run |
1279 | SLUS_013.04 | chicken-run |
1280 | SLPS_019.26 | chiisana-kyojin-microman |
1281 | SLPS_025.68 | chiisana-kyojin-microman |
1282 | SLPS_027.50 | chiisana-oukoku-erutoria |
1283 | SLES_007.11 | chill |
1284 | SLED_011.94 | chill |
1285 | SLES_022.97 | china-the-forbidden-city |
1286 | SLES_020.90 | chine-intrigue-dans-la-cite-interdite |
1287 | SLPS_027.88 | chinmoku-no-kantai-the-silent-service |
1288 | SLPS_018.53 | chippoke-ralph-no-daibouken-the-adventure-of-little-ralph |
1289 | SLPM_804.33 | chippoke-ralph-no-daibouken-the-adventure-of-little-ralph |
1290 | SLPS_018.93 | chivas-1-2-3-destiny-unmei-o-kaeru-mono |
1291 | SLES_020.79 | chocobo-racing |
1292 | SLUS_008.44 | chocobo-racing |
1293 | SLPS_019.51 | chocobo-racing-genkai-e-no-road |
1294 | SLPS_025.22 | chocobo-racing-genkai-e-no-road |
1295 | SLPS_914.38 | chocobo-racing-genkai-e-no-road |
1296 | SLPS_025.20 | chocobo-stallion |
1297 | SLPS_025.21 | chocobo-stallion |
1298 | SLPS_012.34 | chocobo-no-fushigi-na-dungeon |
1299 | SCPS_453.71 | chocobo-no-fushigi-na-dungeon-2 |
1300 | SLPS_017.71 | chocobo-no-fushigi-na-dungeon-2 |
1301 | SLUS_008.14 | chocobos-dungeon-2 |
1302 | SLPS_034.00 | chocolate-kiss |
1303 | SLPS_002.42 | choro-q |
1304 | SLPS_007.10 | choro-q-2 |
1305 | SLPS_910.80 | choro-q-2 |
1306 | SLPS_012.44 | choro-q-3 |
1307 | SLPS_911.36 | choro-q-3 |
1308 | SLPM_802.13 | choro-q-3 |
1309 | SLPS_011.40 | choro-q-jet-rainbow-wings |
1310 | SLPS_025.69 | choro-q-jet-rainbow-wings |
1311 | SLPS_014.36 | choro-q-marine-q-boat |
1312 | SLPS_911.52 | choro-q-marine-q-boat |
1313 | SLPM_802.27 | choro-q-marine-q-boat |
1314 | SLPS_910.15 | choro-q-ver-1-02 |
1315 | SLPM_869.02 | choro-q-wonderful |
1316 | SLPS_022.05 | choro-q-wonderful |
1317 | SLPM_868.73 | chou-aniki-kyuukyoku-muteki-ginga-saikyou-otoko |
1318 | SLPS_001.83 | chou-aniki-kyuukyoku-muteki-ginga-saikyou-otoko |
1319 | SLPM_800.13 | chou-aniki-kyuukyoku-muteki-ginga-saikyou-otoko-shotaiken-manual-cd-rom |
1320 | SLPM_862.99 | chou-hatsumei-boy-kanipan-hirameki-wonderland |
1321 | SLPS_020.05 | chou-jikuu-yousai-macross-ai-oboete-imasu-ka |
1322 | SLPS_020.06 | chou-jikuu-yousai-macross-ai-oboete-imasu-ka |
1323 | SLPS_024.90 | chou-jiryoku-senshi-microman-generation-2000 |
1324 | SLPS_009.35 | chou-kousoku-gran-doll |
1325 | SLPS_008.69 | chou-kousoku-gran-doll-genteiban |
1326 | SLPS_008.70 | chou-kousoku-gran-doll-tokusei-genteiban |
1327 | SLPS_013.68 | chou-mashin-eiyuuden-wataru-another-step |
1328 | SLPS_021.23 | chou-nazo-ou |
1329 | SLPS_018.71 | chou-sentou-kyuugi-vanborg |
1330 | SLPM_801.89 | chou-sentou-kyuugi-vanborg |
1331 | SLPS_005.27 | choujin-gakuen-gowcaizer |
1332 | SLPM_803.96 | chouzetsu-daigirin-99-nen-natsu-ban |
1333 | SLPM_805.19 | chouzetsu-daigirin-2000-nen-fuyu-ban |
1334 | SLES_029.48 | chris-kamaras-street-soccer |
1335 | SCUS_947.00 | chronicles-of-the-sword |
1336 | SLES_001.65 | chronicles-of-the-sword |
1337 | SLES_001.66 | chronicles-of-the-sword |
1338 | SLES_001.67 | chronicles-of-the-sword |
1339 | SLES_001.91 | chronicles-of-the-sword |
1340 | SLES_001.92 | chronicles-of-the-sword |
1341 | SCUS_947.01 | chronicles-of-the-sword |
1342 | SLES_101.65 | chronicles-of-the-sword |
1343 | SLES_101.66 | chronicles-of-the-sword |
1344 | SLES_101.67 | chronicles-of-the-sword |
1345 | SLES_101.91 | chronicles-of-the-sword |
1346 | SLES_101.92 | chronicles-of-the-sword |
1347 | SCPS_454.47 | chrono-cross |
1348 | SLPM_873.95 | chrono-cross |
1349 | SLPS_023.64 | chrono-cross |
1350 | SLPS_027.77 | chrono-cross |
1351 | SLPS_914.64 | chrono-cross |
1352 | SLUS_010.41 | chrono-cross |
1353 | SCPS_454.48 | chrono-cross |
1354 | SLPM_873.96 | chrono-cross |
1355 | SLPS_023.65 | chrono-cross |
1356 | SLPS_027.78 | chrono-cross |
1357 | SLPS_914.65 | chrono-cross |
1358 | SLUS_010.80 | chrono-cross |
1359 | SLPM_873.74 | chrono-trigger |
1360 | SLPS_024.30 | chrono-trigger |
1361 | SLPS_914.46 | chrono-trigger |
1362 | SLES_022.96 | cina-crimini-nella-città-proibita |
1363 | SLES_041.48 | cindys-caribbean-holiday |
1364 | SLES_041.47 | cindys-fashion-world |
1365 | SLPM_865.65 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-1-dan-tengoku-ni-ikenai-papa-joukan |
1366 | SLPS_018.13 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-1-dan-tengoku-ni-ikenai-papa-joukan |
1367 | SLPM_865.66 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-1-dan-tengoku-ni-ikenai-papa-chuukan |
1368 | SLPS_018.14 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-1-dan-tengoku-ni-ikenai-papa-chuukan |
1369 | SLPM_865.67 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-1-dan-tengoku-ni-ikenai-papa-gekan |
1370 | SLPS_018.15 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-1-dan-tengoku-ni-ikenai-papa-gekan |
1371 | SLPM_865.54 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-2-dan-interceptor-joukan |
1372 | SLPS_018.72 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-2-dan-interceptor-joukan |
1373 | SLPM_865.55 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-2-dan-interceptor-chuukan |
1374 | SLPS_018.73 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-2-dan-interceptor-chuukan |
1375 | SLPM_865.56 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-2-dan-interceptor-gekan |
1376 | SLPS_018.74 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-2-dan-interceptor-gekan |
1377 | SLPM_865.51 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-3-dan-arashigaoka-joukan |
1378 | SLPS_019.54 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-3-dan-arashigaoka-joukan |
1379 | SLPM_865.52 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-3-dan-arashigaoka-chuukan |
1380 | SLPS_019.55 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-3-dan-arashigaoka-chuukan |
1381 | SLPM_865.53 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-3-dan-arashigaoka-gekan |
1382 | SLPS_019.56 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-3-dan-arashigaoka-gekan |
1383 | SLPM_865.68 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-4-dan-boys-life |
1384 | SLPS_020.16 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-4-dan-boys-life |
1385 | SLPM_865.69 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-4-dan-boys-life |
1386 | SLPS_020.17 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-4-dan-boys-life |
1387 | SLPM_865.70 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-4-dan-boys-life |
1388 | SLPS_020.18 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-4-dan-boys-life |
1389 | SLPM_865.71 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-4-dan-boys-life |
1390 | SLPS_020.19 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-4-dan-boys-life |
1391 | SLPM_865.57 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-5-dan-zombie |
1392 | SLPS_020.60 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-5-dan-zombie |
1393 | SLPM_865.58 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-5-dan-zombie |
1394 | SLPS_020.61 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-5-dan-zombie |
1395 | SLPM_865.59 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-5-dan-zombie |
1396 | SLPS_020.62 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-5-dan-zombie |
1397 | SLPM_865.60 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-5-dan-zombie |
1398 | SLPS_020.63 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-5-dan-zombie |
1399 | SLPM_862.41 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-6-dan-ai-no-hate-ni |
1400 | SLPM_865.61 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-6-dan-ai-no-hate-ni |
1401 | SLPM_862.42 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-6-dan-ai-no-hate-ni |
1402 | SLPM_865.62 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-6-dan-ai-no-hate-ni |
1403 | SLPM_862.43 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-6-dan-ai-no-hate-ni |
1404 | SLPM_865.63 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-6-dan-ai-no-hate-ni |
1405 | SLPM_862.44 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-6-dan-ai-no-hate-ni |
1406 | SLPM_865.64 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-dai-6-dan-ai-no-hate-ni |
1407 | SLPM_803.91 | cinema-eikaiwa-series-tengoku-ni-ikenai-papa |
1408 | SCPS_100.77 | circadia |
1409 | SCPS_100.78 | circadia |
1410 | PAPX_900.73 | circadia |
1411 | PCPX_961.38 | circadia |
1412 | PCPX_961.40 | circadia |
1413 | SLPS_003.11 | circuit-beat |
1414 | SLES_007.53 | circuit-breakers |
1415 | SLUS_006.97 | circuit-breakers |
1416 | SLED_014.03 | circuit-breakers-demo-add-on-disc |
1417 | SLPS_003.61 | city-bravo |
1418 | SLPS_021.66 | city-bravo |
1419 | SLPS_024.21 | city-bravo-business-hen |
1420 | SLES_017.94 | civilization-ii |
1421 | SLES_017.95 | civilization-ii |
1422 | SLES_017.96 | civilization-ii |
1423 | SLES_017.97 | civilization-ii |
1424 | SLES_017.98 | civilization-ii |
1425 | SLPS_017.35 | civilization-ii |
1426 | SLUS_007.92 | civilization-ii |
1427 | SLPS_006.18 | civizard-majutsu-no-keifu |
1428 | SLPS_001.60 | classic-road |
1429 | SLPS_910.12 | classic-road |
1430 | SLPS_020.39 | classic-road-2 |
1431 | SLPS_013.25 | classic-road-yuushun-2 |
1432 | SLES_039.35 | cleopatra-fortune |
1433 | SLPS_031.87 | cleopatra-fortune |
1434 | SLUS_014.91 | cleopatras-fortune |
1435 | SLPM_804.82 | click-manga |
1436 | SLPS_023.54 | click-manga-click-no-hi |
1437 | SLPS_021.31 | click-manga-dynamic-robot-taisen-1-shutsugeki-kyoui-no-robot-gundan |
1438 | SLPS_024.07 | click-manga-dynamic-robot-taisen-2-kyoufu-akuma-zoku-fukkatsu |
1439 | SLPS_021.28 | click-manga-ginga-eiyuu-densetsu-1-eien-no-yoru-no-naka-de |
1440 | SLPS_023.53 | click-manga-ginga-eiyuu-densetsu-2-iserlohn-kouryaku |
1441 | SLPS_021.30 | click-manga-opera-za-no-kaijin |
1442 | SLPS_018.38 | click-medic |
1443 | SLES_008.70 | clock-tower |
1444 | SLES_008.71 | clock-tower |
1445 | SLES_008.72 | clock-tower |
1446 | SLUS_005.39 | clock-tower |
1447 | SLPS_006.57 | clock-tower-2 |
1448 | SLPS_910.56 | clock-tower-2 |
1449 | SLPM_800.62 | clock-tower-2 |
1450 | SLPM_800.63 | clock-tower-2 |
1451 | SLUS_006.95 | clock-tower-ii-the-struggle-within |
1452 | SLPS_012.90 | clock-tower-ghost-head |
1453 | SLPM_802.19 | clock-tower-ghost-head |
1454 | SLPS_009.17 | clock-tower-the-first-fear |
1455 | SLPS_003.87 | clockwerx |
1456 | SLPS_015.69 | cocktail-harmony |
1457 | SLUS_900.91 | codemasters-demo-cd |
1458 | SLED_028.09 | codemasters-demo-disk |
1459 | SLED_030.94 | codemasters-q3-2000-demo |
1460 | SCUS_944.09 | codename-tenka |
1461 | SCES_021.51 | cold-blood |
1462 | SCES_121.51 | cold-blood |
1463 | SCUS_944.74 | colin-mcrae-rally |
1464 | SLES_004.77 | colin-mcrae-rally |
1465 | SLES_012.04 | colin-mcrae-rally |
1466 | SLED_013.80 | colin-mcrae-rally |
1467 | SLED_013.81 | colin-mcrae-rally |
1468 | SLED_013.88 | colin-mcrae-rally |
1469 | SLES_026.05 | colin-mcrae-rally-2-0 |
1470 | SLUS_012.22 | colin-mcrae-rally-2-0 |
1471 | SLPS_019.38 | colin-mcrae-the-rally |
1472 | SLPS_028.49 | colin-mcrae-the-rally |
1473 | SLPM_803.80 | colin-mcrae-the-rally |
1474 | SLPS_028.78 | colin-mcrae-the-rally-02 |
1475 | SLUS_001.96 | college-slam |
1476 | SLED_000.91 | colony-wars |
1477 | SLES_008.60 | colony-wars |
1478 | SLES_008.61 | colony-wars |
1479 | SLES_008.62 | colony-wars |
1480 | SLES_008.63 | colony-wars |
1481 | SLES_008.64 | colony-wars |
1482 | SLPS_014.03 | colony-wars |
1483 | SLUS_005.43 | colony-wars |
1484 | SLES_108.60 | colony-wars |
1485 | SLES_108.61 | colony-wars |
1486 | SLES_108.62 | colony-wars |
1487 | SLES_108.63 | colony-wars |
1488 | SLES_108.64 | colony-wars |
1489 | SLPS_014.04 | colony-wars |
1490 | SLUS_005.54 | colony-wars |
1491 | SLPM_803.04 | colony-wars |
1492 | SCES_026.24 | colony-wars-el-sol-rojo |
1493 | SCES_019.24 | colony-wars-red-sun |
1494 | SCES_026.21 | colony-wars-red-sun |
1495 | SCES_026.22 | colony-wars-red-sun |
1496 | SCES_026.23 | colony-wars-red-sun |
1497 | SLUS_008.66 | colony-wars-red-sun |
1498 | SLES_013.92 | colony-wars-vengeance |
1499 | SLES_014.05 | colony-wars-vengeance |
1500 | SLES_014.06 | colony-wars-vengeance |
1501 | SLES_014.07 | colony-wars-vengeance |
1502 | SLES_014.08 | colony-wars-vengeance |
1503 | SLUS_007.22 | colony-wars-vengeance |
1504 | SLED_014.71 | colony-wars-vengeance |
1505 | SLPS_027.94 | colorful-logic |
1506 | SLPS_031.15 | colorful-logic-2 |
1507 | SLPS_032.39 | colorful-logic-3 |
1508 | SLPS_019.04 | combat-choro-q |
1509 | SLPM_865.15 | combi-mahjong-awase-uchi-with-maboroshi-tsukiyo-characters |
1510 | SLPS_014.29 | combination-pro-soccer-j-league-no-kantoku-ni-natte-sekai-o-mezase |
1511 | SLPM_804.02 | comic-bom-bom-digimonworld-premium-disc |
1512 | SLPM_805.36 | comic-bom-bom-special-movie-disc |
1513 | SLED_006.52 | command-conquer |
1514 | SLES_005.30 | command-conquer-gdi |
1515 | SLES_005.31 | command-conquer-gdi |
1516 | SLUS_003.79 | command-conquer-gdi |
1517 | SLES_105.30 | command-conquer-nod |
1518 | SLES_105.31 | command-conquer-nod |
1519 | SLUS_004.10 | command-conquer-nod |
1520 | SLPS_009.76 | command-conquer-complete-gdi |
1521 | SLPS_009.77 | command-conquer-complete-nod |
1522 | SLPM_802.22 | command-conquer-complete |
1523 | SLED_012.70 | command-conquer-alarmstufe-rot-bloody-roar |
1524 | SLES_010.07 | command-conquer-alarmstufe-rot |
1525 | SLES_110.07 | command-conquer-alarmstufe-rot |
1526 | SLES_013.45 | command-conquer-alarmstufe-rot-gegenschlag-die-alliierten |
1527 | SLES_113.45 | command-conquer-alarmstufe-rot-gegenschlag-die-sowjets |
1528 | SLED_010.67 | command-conquer-alerte-rouge |
1529 | SLES_010.06 | command-conquer-alerte-rouge-allies |
1530 | SLES_110.06 | command-conquer-alerte-rouge-sovietiques |
1531 | SLES_013.44 | command-conquer-alerte-rouge-mission-tesla-allies |
1532 | SLES_113.44 | command-conquer-alerte-rouge-mission-tesla-sovietiques |
1533 | SLES_009.49 | command-conquer-red-alert-allies |
1534 | SLUS_004.31 | command-conquer-red-alert-allies |
1535 | SLES_109.49 | command-conquer-red-alert-soviet |
1536 | SLUS_004.85 | command-conquer-red-alert-soviet |
1537 | SLED_012.55 | command-conquer-red-alert-bloody-roar |
1538 | SLES_013.43 | command-conquer-red-alert-retaliation-allies |
1539 | SLUS_006.65 | command-conquer-red-alert-retaliation-allies |
1540 | SLES_113.43 | command-conquer-red-alert-retaliation-soviet |
1541 | SLUS_006.67 | command-conquer-red-alert-retaliation-soviet |
1542 | SLED_006.95 | command-conquer-teil-1-der-tiberiumkonflikt |
1543 | SLES_005.32 | command-conquer-teil-1-der-tiberiumkonflikt-gdi |
1544 | SLES_105.32 | command-conquer-teil-1-der-tiberiumkonflikt-nod |
1545 | SLPS_008.17 | community-pom |
1546 | SLPS_021.16 | community-pom-omoide-o-dakishimete |
1547 | SLED_023.10 | compilation-01 |
1548 | SLED_024.15 | compilation-02 |
1549 | SLED_024.39 | compilation-03 |
1550 | SLED_024.40 | compilation-04 |
1551 | SLPS_010.62 | complete-soccer-onside |
1552 | SLES_009.27 | constructor |
1553 | SLES_014.28 | constructor |
1554 | SCUS_942.94 | contender |
1555 | SCUS_943.80 | contender |
1556 | SLUS_013.05 | contender-2 |
1557 | SLES_006.08 | contra-legacy-of-war |
1558 | SLUS_002.88 | contra-legacy-of-war |
1559 | SCES_005.68 | cool-boarders |
1560 | SCUS_943.56 | cool-boarders |
1561 | SLPS_004.56 | cool-boarders |
1562 | SLPS_910.31 | cool-boarders |
1563 | SCES_009.92 | cool-boarders-2 |
1564 | SCUS_943.58 | cool-boarders-2 |
1565 | SCUS_945.97 | cool-boarders-2001 |
1566 | SCUS_946.25 | cool-boarders-2001 |
1567 | SCPS_451.03 | cool-boarders-2-killing-session |
1568 | SLPM_801.43 | cool-boarders-2-killing-session |
1569 | SLPS_009.67 | cool-boarders-2-killing-session |
1570 | SCES_016.15 | cool-boarders-3 |
1571 | SCUS_942.51 | cool-boarders-3 |
1572 | SLPS_016.98 | cool-boarders-3 |
1573 | SCUS_943.74 | cool-boarders-3 |
1574 | SLPM_803.45 | cool-boarders-3 |
1575 | SCES_022.83 | cool-boarders-4 |
1576 | SCUS_945.59 | cool-boarders-4 |
1577 | SLPS_025.27 | cool-boarders-4 |
1578 | SCUS_943.88 | cool-boarders-4 |
1579 | SLPM_805.39 | cool-boarders-4 |
1580 | SLPS_004.99 | cooly-skunk |
1581 | SLPS_024.64 | cooly-skunk |
1582 | SLES_012.69 | copa-del-mundo-francia-98 |
1583 | LSP08023.001 | cosmic-cookoff-language-arts |
1584 | LSP08024.001 | cosmic-cookoff-mathematics |
1585 | SLPS_000.09 | cosmic-race |
1586 | SLPM_864.84 | cosmowarrior-zero |
1587 | SLPS_025.04 | countdown-vampires |
1588 | SLUS_008.98 | countdown-vampires |
1589 | SLPS_025.05 | countdown-vampires |
1590 | SLUS_011.99 | countdown-vampires |
1591 | SLES_012.66 | coupe-du-monde-98 |
1592 | SLES_003.26 | courier-crisis-the-saga-of-the-modern-fatalist |
1593 | SLPS_011.28 | courier-crisis-the-saga-of-the-modern-fatalist |
1594 | SLUS_004.42 | courier-crisis-the-saga-of-the-modern-fatalist |
1595 | SLUS_011.51 | covert-ops-nuclear-dawn |
1596 | SLUS_011.57 | covert-ops-nuclear-dawn |
1597 | SLPS_011.26 | cowboy-bebop |
1598 | SLPS_032.58 | cowboy-bebop |
1599 | PAPX_900.10 | crash-bandicoot |
1600 | SCES_003.44 | crash-bandicoot |
1601 | SCPS_100.31 | crash-bandicoot |
1602 | SCPS_450.26 | crash-bandicoot |
1603 | SCPS_910.57 | crash-bandicoot |
1604 | SCPS_913.04 | crash-bandicoot |
1605 | SCUS_949.00 | crash-bandicoot |
1606 | SCES_009.67 | crash-bandicoot-2-cortex-strikes-back |
1607 | SCUS_941.54 | crash-bandicoot-2-cortex-strikes-back |
1608 | SCPS_100.47 | crash-bandicoot-2-cortex-no-gyakushuu |
1609 | SCPS_451.80 | crash-bandicoot-2-cortex-no-gyakushuu |
1610 | SCPS_910.92 | crash-bandicoot-2-cortex-no-gyakushuu |
1611 | SCPS_913.09 | crash-bandicoot-2-cortex-no-gyakushuu |
1612 | PCPX_960.98 | crash-bandicoot-2-cortex-no-gyakushuu |
1613 | SCPS_100.73 | crash-bandicoot-3-buttobi-sekai-isshuu |
1614 | SCPS_453.50 | crash-bandicoot-3-buttobi-sekai-isshuu |
1615 | SCPS_911.64 | crash-bandicoot-3-buttobi-sekai-isshuu |
1616 | SCPS_913.18 | crash-bandicoot-3-buttobi-sekai-isshuu |
1617 | PAPX_900.70 | crash-bandicoot-3-buttobi-sekai-isshuu |
1618 | PCPX_961.45 | crash-bandicoot-3-buttobi-sekai-isshuu |
1619 | SCES_014.20 | crash-bandicoot-3-warped |
1620 | SCPS_101.40 | crash-bandicoot-carnival |
1621 | SCPS_913.19 | crash-bandicoot-carnival |
1622 | PAPX_901.09 | crash-bandicoot-carnival |
1623 | PCPX_962.02 | crash-bandicoot-carnival |
1624 | SCPS_101.18 | crash-bandicoot-racing |
1625 | SCPS_454.70 | crash-bandicoot-racing |
1626 | SCPS_913.28 | crash-bandicoot-racing |
1627 | PCPX_961.83 | crash-bandicoot-racing |
1628 | SCUS_942.44 | crash-bandicoot-warped |
1629 | SCUS_942.89 | crash-bandicoot-warped |
1630 | SCES_028.34 | crash-bash |
1631 | SCUS_945.70 | crash-bash |
1632 | SCUS_946.54 | crash-bash-spyro-year-of-the-dragon |
1633 | SCUS_946.16 | crash-bash |
1634 | SLPS_025.82 | crazy-climber-2000 |
1635 | LSP13011.001 | creative-camp |
1636 | LSP13012.001 | creative-isle |
1637 | LSP90510.901 | creative-journey |
1638 | LSP90709.701 | creative-voyage |
1639 | SLPS_001.20 | creature-shock |
1640 | SLPS_001.21 | creature-shock |
1641 | SLES_036.90 | creatures |
1642 | SLUS_014.38 | creatures |
1643 | SLES_041.11 | creatures-raised-in-space |
1644 | SLUS_015.53 | creatures-raised-in-space |
1645 | SLES_024.95 | cricket-2000 |
1646 | SCPS_100.03 | crime-crackers |
1647 | SCPS_100.37 | crime-crackers-2 |
1648 | SLES_009.54 | crime-killer |
1649 | SLUS_005.76 | crime-killer |
1650 | SLED_010.85 | crime-killer |
1651 | SLED_013.05 | crime-killer |
1652 | SLUS_900.20 | crime-killer |
1653 | SLES_027.93 | crisis-beat |
1654 | SLPS_014.30 | crisis-beat |
1655 | SLPS_012.69 | crisis-city |
1656 | SLPS_010.44 | critical-blow |
1657 | SLES_001.36 | critical-depth |
1658 | SLUS_004.28 | critical-depth |
1659 | SLES_001.96 | criticom |
1660 | SLUS_000.46 | criticom |
1661 | SLPS_002.29 | criticom-the-critical-combat |
1662 | SLES_020.88 | croc-2 |
1663 | SLUS_006.34 | croc-2 |
1664 | SLED_021.19 | croc-2 |
1665 | SLUS_900.56 | croc-2 |
1666 | SLPM_863.10 | croc-adventure |
1667 | SLPM_804.73 | croc-adventure |
1668 | SLPM_801.73 | croc-pau-pau-island |
1669 | SLPS_010.55 | croc-pau-pau-island |
1670 | SLES_005.93 | croc-legend-of-the-gobbos |
1671 | SLUS_005.30 | croc-legend-of-the-gobbos |
1672 | SLED_000.38 | croc-legend-of-the-gobbos |
1673 | SLPM_872.35 | croket-kindan-no-kinka-box |
1674 | SLPM_873.41 | croket-kindan-no-kinka-box |
1675 | SLPS_007.13 | cross-romance-koi-to-mahjong-to-hanafuda-to |
1676 | SLPS_025.15 | cross-romance-koi-to-mahjong-to-hanafuda-to |
1677 | SLPM_862.80 | cross-tantei-monogatari |
1678 | SLPM_862.81 | cross-tantei-monogatari |
1679 | SLPM_804.61 | cross-tantei-monogatari |
1680 | SLPM_866.39 | cross-tantei-monogatari-1-kouhen |
1681 | SLPM_866.38 | cross-tantei-monogatari-1-zenpen |
1682 | SLUS_013.42 | crossroad-crisis |
1683 | SLES_005.87 | crusader-no-remorse |
1684 | SLES_005.88 | crusader-no-remorse |
1685 | SLES_005.89 | crusader-no-remorse |
1686 | SLUS_002.68 | crusader-no-remorse |
1687 | SLES_025.82 | crusaders-of-might-and-magic |
1688 | SLES_025.83 | crusaders-of-might-and-magic |
1689 | SLES_025.84 | crusaders-of-might-and-magic |
1690 | SLES_026.91 | crusaders-of-might-and-magic |
1691 | SLES_026.92 | crusaders-of-might-and-magic |
1692 | SLUS_007.99 | crusaders-of-might-and-magic |
1693 | SLES_002.92 | crypt-killer |
1694 | SLUS_003.35 | crypt-killer |
1695 | SLPS_010.26 | cu-on-pa |
1696 | SLPM_801.42 | cu-on-pa |
1697 | SLES_037.29 | cubix-robots-for-everyone-race-n-robots |
1698 | SLUS_014.22 | cubix-robots-for-everyone-race-n-robots |
1699 | SLPM_804.51 | culdcept-cepters-guild-vol-1 |
1700 | SLPM_804.77 | culdcept-cepters-guild-vol-2 |
1701 | SLPM_862.23 | culdcept-expansion |
1702 | SLPM_866.58 | culdcept-expansion-plus |
1703 | SLPS_017.11 | curiosity-kills-the-cat-koukishin-wa-neko-o-korosu-ka |
1704 | SLPS_018.64 | cyber-daisenryaku-shutsugeki-haruka-tai |
1705 | SLPS_010.48 | cyber-egg-battle-champion |
1706 | SLPS_019.10 | cyber-org |
1707 | SCES_000.06 | cybersled |
1708 | SLPS_000.23 | cybersled |
1709 | SLUS_000.08 | cybersled |
1710 | SLES_001.14 | cyberspeed |
1711 | SLPM_800.34 | cyberspeed |
1712 | SLPS_003.96 | cyberspeed |
1713 | SLUS_001.16 | cyberspeed |
1714 | SLES_023.70 | cybertiger |
1715 | SLES_023.71 | cybertiger |
1716 | SLUS_010.04 | cybertiger |
1717 | SLPS_010.11 | cyberbots-fullmetal-madness |
1718 | SLES_002.33 | cyberia |
1719 | SLES_002.72 | cyberia |
1720 | SLPS_002.18 | cyberia |
1721 | SLUS_000.53 | cyberia |
1722 | SLPS_019.12 | cybernetic-empire |
1723 | SLPS_019.13 | cybernetic-empire |
1724 | SLPS_000.55 | cyberwar |
1725 | SLPS_000.56 | cyberwar |
1726 | SLPS_000.57 | cyberwar |
1727 | SLES_000.65 | d |
1728 | SLES_001.60 | d |
1729 | SLES_001.61 | d |
1730 | SLUS_001.28 | d |
1731 | SLES_100.65 | d |
1732 | SLES_101.60 | d |
1733 | SLES_101.61 | d |
1734 | SLUS_001.73 | d |
1735 | SLES_200.65 | d |
1736 | SLES_201.60 | d |
1737 | SLES_201.61 | d |
1738 | SLUS_001.74 | d |
1739 | SLPS_001.33 | d-no-shokutaku-complete-graphics |
1740 | SLPS_910.72 | d-no-shokutaku-complete-graphics |
1741 | SLPS_001.34 | d-no-shokutaku-complete-graphics |
1742 | SLPS_910.73 | d-no-shokutaku-complete-graphics |
1743 | SLPS_001.35 | d-no-shokutaku-complete-graphics |
1744 | SLPS_910.74 | d-no-shokutaku-complete-graphics |
1745 | SLPM_805.58 | d-1-grand-prix |
1746 | SLES_010.40 | dbz-dead-ball-zone |
1747 | SLUS_006.58 | dbz-dead-ball-zone |
1748 | SLES_034.02 | dsf-fußball-manager-2001 |
1749 | SLES_038.64 | dsf-fußball-manager-2002 |
1750 | SLPM_869.08 | dx-hyakunin-isshu |
1751 | SLPS_029.43 | dx-monopoly |
1752 | SLPS_005.70 | dx-nippon-tokkyuu-ryokou-game-lets-travel-in-japan |
1753 | SLPS_910.54 | dx-nippon-tokkyuu-ryokou-game-lets-travel-in-japan |
1754 | SLPS_015.86 | dx-okuman-chouja-game-ii-the-money-battle |
1755 | SLPS_025.66 | dx-okuman-chouja-game-ii-the-money-battle |
1756 | SLPS_006.23 | dx-okuman-chouja-game-the-money-battle |
1757 | SLPS_910.46 | dx-okuman-chouja-game-the-money-battle |
1758 | SLPS_021.05 | dx-shachou-game |
1759 | SLPS_030.71 | dx-shachou-game |
1760 | SLPS_024.06 | dai-2-ji-super-robot-taisen |
1761 | SLPM_871.56 | dai-2-kai-quiz-darake-no-jinsei-game |
1762 | SLPM_873.46 | dai-2-kai-quiz-darake-no-jinsei-game |
1763 | SLPS_025.30 | dai-3-ji-super-robot-taisen |
1764 | SLPS_001.96 | dai-4-ji-super-robot-taisen-s |
1765 | SLPS_910.14 | dai-4-ji-super-robot-taisen-s |
1766 | SLPS_008.13 | daibouken-deluxe-haruka-naru-umi |
1767 | SLPM_863.09 | daikoukai-jidai-gaiden |
1768 | SLPS_010.21 | daikoukai-jidai-gaiden |
1769 | SLPM_862.03 | daikoukai-jidai-ii |
1770 | SLPS_006.56 | daikoukai-jidai-ii |
1771 | SLPM_863.82 | daikoukai-jidai-iv-porto-estado |
1772 | SLPM_869.96 | daikoukai-jidai-iv-porto-estado |
1773 | SLPM_864.31 | daikoukai-jidai-iv-porto-estado-shokai-genteiban |
1774 | SLPS_014.11 | daiobake-yashiki-hamamura-jun-no-jitsuwa-kaidan |
1775 | SLPS_021.60 | daiobake-yashiki-hamamura-jun-no-jitsuwa-kaidan |
1776 | SLPM_802.59 | daiobake-yashiki-hamamura-jun-no-jitsuwa-kaidan |
1777 | SLPS_016.99 | daisenryaku-master-combat |
1778 | SLPS_028.55 | daisenryaku-master-combat |
1779 | SLPS_002.99 | daisenryaku-players-spirit |
1780 | SLPS_911.78 | daisenryaku-players-spirit |
1781 | SLPS_006.34 | dakar-97 |
1782 | SLES_040.61 | dalmatians-2 |
1783 | SLPS_011.35 | damdam-stompland |
1784 | SLPM_801.70 | damdam-stompland |
1785 | SLPM_862.22 | dance-dance-revolution |
1786 | SLUS_012.80 | dance-dance-revolution |
1787 | SLPM_862.52 | dance-dance-revolution-2nd-remix |
1788 | SCPS_454.56 | dance-dance-revolution-2nd-remix-append-club-version-vol-1 |
1789 | SLPM_863.70 | dance-dance-revolution-2nd-remix-append-club-version-vol-1 |
1790 | SLPM_863.99 | dance-dance-revolution-2nd-remix-append-club-version-vol-2 |
1791 | SLPM_865.03 | dance-dance-revolution-3rd-mix |
1792 | SLPM_867.52 | dance-dance-revolution-4th-mix |
1793 | SLPM_868.97 | dance-dance-revolution-5th-mix |
1794 | SLUS_014.46 | dance-dance-revolution-kona-mix |
1795 | SLPM_866.93 | dance-dance-revolution-best-hits |
1796 | SLUS_012.81 | dance-dance-revolution-disney-mix |
1797 | SLPM_866.67 | dance-dance-revolution-disneys-rave |
1798 | SLPM_868.31 | dance-dance-revolution-extra-mix |
1799 | SLES_041.29 | dance-europe |
1800 | SLPM_861.50 | dance-dance-dance |
1801 | SLPM_803.48 | dance-dance-dance |
1802 | SLES_041.21 | dance-uk |
1803 | SLES_041.61 | dance-uk-extra-trax |
1804 | SLPM_862.10 | dancing-blade-katte-ni-momotenshi-ii-tears-of-eden |
1805 | SLPM_862.11 | dancing-blade-katte-ni-momotenshi-ii-tears-of-eden |
1806 | SLPM_862.12 | dancing-blade-katte-ni-momotenshi-ii-tears-of-eden |
1807 | SLPM_861.00 | dancing-blade-katte-ni-momotenshi |
1808 | SLPM_861.01 | dancing-blade-katte-ni-momotenshi |
1809 | SLPM_861.02 | dancing-blade-katte-ni-momotenshi |
1810 | SLES_040.97 | dancing-stage-fever |
1811 | SLES_041.63 | dancing-stage-fusion |
1812 | SLPM_865.05 | dancing-stage-featuring-dreams-come-true |
1813 | SLPM_864.11 | dancing-stage-featuring-true-kiss-destination |
1814 | SLES_033.84 | dancing-stage-disney-mix |
1815 | SLES_029.41 | dancing-stage-euromix |
1816 | SLES_038.82 | dancing-stage-party-edition |
1817 | SLPS_026.09 | dangan |
1818 | SLES_031.98 | danger-girl |
1819 | SLUS_008.81 | danger-girl |
1820 | SLPS_010.25 | dare-devil-derby-3d |
1821 | SLUS_003.00 | dare-devil-derby-3d |
1822 | SLPS_005.74 | darius-gaiden |
1823 | SLPM_800.54 | darius-gaiden |
1824 | SLPS_007.89 | dark-hunter-ge-youma-no-mori |
1825 | SLPS_007.73 | dark-hunter-jou-ijigen-gakuen |
1826 | SLPS_014.22 | dark-messiah |
1827 | SLPS_009.38 | dark-seed-ii |
1828 | SLPS_023.16 | dark-tales-from-the-lost-soul |
1829 | SLES_006.63 | darklight-conflict |
1830 | SLUS_004.57 | darklight-conflict |
1831 | SLPS_001.08 | darkseed |
1832 | SLES_017.19 | darkstalkers-3 |
1833 | SLUS_007.45 | darkstalkers-3 |
1834 | SLES_002.51 | darkstalkers-the-night-warriors |
1835 | SLUS_000.36 | darkstalkers-the-night-warriors |
1836 | SLES_006.12 | darkstone |
1837 | SLES_034.47 | darkstone |
1838 | SLUS_011.82 | darkstone |
1839 | SCED_033.58 | das-dschungelbuch-groove-party |
1840 | SLES_015.98 | das-grab-des-pharao |
1841 | SLES_027.40 | dave-mirra-freestyle-bmx |
1842 | SLPM_866.82 | dave-mirra-freestyle-bmx |
1843 | SLUS_010.26 | dave-mirra-freestyle-bmx |
1844 | SLED_031.15 | dave-mirra-freestyle-bmx |
1845 | SLUS_810.26 | dave-mirra-freestyle-bmx-trade-demo |
1846 | SLES_033.71 | dave-mirra-freestyle-bmx-maximum-remix |
1847 | SLUS_013.47 | dave-mirra-freestyle-bmx-maximum-remix |
1848 | SLES_034.88 | david-beckham-soccer |
1849 | SLES_036.82 | david-beckham-soccer |
1850 | SLUS_014.55 | david-beckham-soccer |
1851 | SLES_000.96 | davis-cup-complete-tennis |
1852 | SCES_021.50 | de-sang-froid |
1853 | SCES_121.50 | de-sang-froid |
1854 | SLUS_006.93 | dead-in-the-water |
1855 | SCES_012.59 | dead-or-alive |
1856 | SCPS_451.90 | dead-or-alive |
1857 | SLPS_012.89 | dead-or-alive |
1858 | SLUS_006.06 | dead-or-alive |
1859 | SCED_013.72 | dead-or-alive |
1860 | SLUS_806.06 | dead-or-alive-trade-demo |
1861 | SLPS_002.67 | deadheat-road |
1862 | SLPS_010.36 | deadly-skies |
1863 | SLPS_004.89 | death-wing |
1864 | SLPS_002.25 | deathmask |
1865 | SLPS_002.26 | deathmask |
1866 | SLPS_002.27 | deathmask |
1867 | SLPS_012.29 | debut-21 |
1868 | SLUS_010.67 | deception-iii-dark-delusion |
1869 | SLPM_804.78 | deco-pre-2-99 |
1870 | SLPM_801.74 | deco-pre-97-98-data-east-special |
1871 | SLPS_018.17 | deep-freeze |
1872 | SLPS_006.60 | deep-sea-adventure-kaitei-kyuu-pantarassa-no-nazo |
1873 | SLPS_022.06 | deep-sea-adventure-kaitei-kyuu-pantarassa-no-nazo |
1874 | SLPS_006.61 | deep-sea-adventure-kaitei-kyuu-pantarassa-no-nazo |
1875 | SLPS_022.07 | deep-sea-adventure-kaitei-kyuu-pantarassa-no-nazo |
1876 | SLPM_800.91 | deep-sea-adventure-kaitei-kyuu-pantarassa-no-nazo |
1877 | SLES_000.81 | defcon-5 |
1878 | SLES_001.46 | defcon-5 |
1879 | SLES_001.47 | defcon-5 |
1880 | SLES_001.48 | defcon-5 |
1881 | SLES_001.49 | defcon-5 |
1882 | SLPS_002.75 | defcon-5 |
1883 | SLUS_000.09 | defcon-5-peace-has-a-price |
1884 | SLPS_008.53 | defeat-lightning |
1885 | SCES_021.74 | defi-au-tetris-magique |
1886 | SLPS_008.64 | deka-yonku-tough-the-truck |
1887 | SLPS_018.10 | dekiru-game-center |
1888 | SLES_038.90 | delta-force-urban-warfare |
1889 | SLES_039.19 | delta-force-urban-warfare |
1890 | SLES_039.52 | delta-force-urban-warfare |
1891 | SLUS_014.29 | delta-force-urban-warfare |
1892 | SLED_017.25 | demo-codemasters |
1893 | SLED_022.46 | demo-codemasters |
1894 | SCED_024.17 | demo-disc |
1895 | SCES_000.64 | demo-one |
1896 | SCES_001.21 | demo-one |
1897 | SCES_000.48 | demo-one-version-1 |
1898 | SCES_001.20 | demo-one-version-2 |
1899 | SCES_002.38 | demo-one-version-3 |
1900 | SCED_004.56 | demo-one-version-4 |
1901 | SCED_004.57 | demo-one-version-4 |
1902 | PBPX_950.01 | demo-one-version-5 |
1903 | PBPX_950.07 | demo-one-version-6 |
1904 | PBPX_950.08 | demo-one-version-7 |
1905 | PCPX_960.03 | demodemo-playstation-soukan-gou-vol-1 |
1906 | PCPX_960.15 | demodemo-playstation-special |
1907 | PCPX_960.14 | demodemo-playstation-vol-10 |
1908 | PCPX_960.16 | demodemo-playstation-vol-11 |
1909 | PCPX_960.18 | demodemo-playstation-vol-12 |
1910 | PCPX_960.19 | demodemo-playstation-vol-13 |
1911 | PCPX_960.21 | demodemo-playstation-vol-14 |
1912 | PCPX_960.22 | demodemo-playstation-vol-15 |
1913 | PCPX_960.25 | demodemo-playstation-vol-16 |
1914 | PCPX_960.26 | demodemo-playstation-vol-17 |
1915 | PCPX_960.27 | demodemo-playstation-vol-18 |
1916 | PCPX_960.32 | demodemo-playstation-vol-19 |
1917 | PCPX_960.05 | demodemo-playstation-vol-2 |
1918 | PCPX_960.36 | demodemo-playstation-vol-20 |
1919 | PCPX_960.38 | demodemo-playstation-vol-21 |
1920 | PCPX_960.42 | demodemo-playstation-vol-22 |
1921 | PCPX_960.06 | demodemo-playstation-vol-3 |
1922 | PCPX_960.07 | demodemo-playstation-vol-4 |
1923 | PCPX_960.08 | demodemo-playstation-vol-5 |
1924 | PCPX_960.09 | demodemo-playstation-vol-6 |
1925 | PCPX_960.10 | demodemo-playstation-vol-7 |
1926 | PCPX_960.11 | demodemo-playstation-vol-8 |
1927 | PCPX_960.13 | demodemo-playstation-vol-9 |
1928 | SLES_020.18 | demolition-racer |
1929 | SLUS_009.69 | demolition-racer |
1930 | SLPS_012.15 | dengeki-construction-ochigee-yarou-ze |
1931 | SLPM_800.71 | dengeki-playstation-d |
1932 | SLPM_802.81 | dengeki-playstation-d10 |
1933 | SLPM_803.27 | dengeki-playstation-d11 |
1934 | PAPX_900.60 | dengeki-playstation-d11-yarudora-series-vol-3-sampaguita |
1935 | SLPM_803.43 | dengeki-playstation-d12 |
1936 | SLPM_803.62 | dengeki-playstation-d13 |
1937 | SLPM_803.31 | dengeki-playstation-d14 |
1938 | SLPM_803.88 | dengeki-playstation-d15 |
1939 | SLPM_803.99 | dengeki-playstation-d16 |
1940 | SLPM_804.18 | dengeki-playstation-d17 |
1941 | SLPM_804.12 | dengeki-playstation-d18 |
1942 | SLPM_804.25 | dengeki-playstation-d19 |
1943 | SLPM_801.09 | dengeki-playstation-d2 |
1944 | SLPM_804.38 | dengeki-playstation-d20 |
1945 | SLPM_804.57 | dengeki-playstation-d21 |
1946 | PCPX_961.59 | dengeki-playstation-d21-sce-special |
1947 | SLPM_804.71 | dengeki-playstation-d22 |
1948 | SLPM_804.81 | dengeki-playstation-d23 |
1949 | SLPM_804.96 | dengeki-playstation-d24 |
1950 | SLPM_804.97 | dengeki-playstation-d25 |
1951 | SLPM_805.05 | dengeki-playstation-d26 |
1952 | SLPM_805.16 | dengeki-playstation-d27 |
1953 | SLPM_805.26 | dengeki-playstation-d28 |
1954 | SLPM_805.45 | dengeki-playstation-d29 |
1955 | SLPM_801.30 | dengeki-playstation-d3 |
1956 | SLPM_805.47 | dengeki-playstation-d30 |
1957 | SLPM_805.55 | dengeki-playstation-d31 |
1958 | SLPM_805.57 | dengeki-playstation-d32 |
1959 | SLPM_805.62 | dengeki-playstation-d33 |
1960 | SLPM_805.69 | dengeki-playstation-d34 |
1961 | SLPM_805.74 | dengeki-playstation-d35 |
1962 | SLPM_805.78 | dengeki-playstation-d36 |
1963 | SLPM_805.82 | dengeki-playstation-d37 |
1964 | SLPM_805.89 | dengeki-playstation-d38 |
1965 | SLPM_806.03 | dengeki-playstation-d39 |
1966 | SLPM_801.57 | dengeki-playstation-d4 |
1967 | SLPM_806.07 | dengeki-playstation-d41 |
1968 | SLPM_806.11 | dengeki-playstation-d42 |
1969 | SLPM_806.12 | dengeki-playstation-d43 |
1970 | SLPM_806.15 | dengeki-playstation-d44 |
1971 | SLPM_806.18 | dengeki-playstation-d45 |
1972 | SLPM_801.86 | dengeki-playstation-d5 |
1973 | SLPM_802.14 | dengeki-playstation-d6 |
1974 | SLPM_803.09 | dengeki-playstation-d7 |
1975 | SLPM_802.57 | dengeki-playstation-d8 |
1976 | PCPX_961.16 | dengeki-playstation-d8-yarudora-double-cast |
1977 | SLPM_802.66 | dengeki-playstation-d9 |
1978 | SLPM_805.13 | dengeki-playstation-d-konami-fanbook |
1979 | SLPS_028.51 | denkou-sekka-micro-runner-maniac-hakase-no-hisaku |
1980 | SLPS_914.29 | denkou-sekka-micro-runner-maniac-hakase-no-hisaku |
1981 | SLPS_012.87 | denpa-shounen-teki-game |
1982 | SLPS_004.81 | densetsu-no-ogre-battle |
1983 | SLPS_910.83 | densetsu-no-ogre-battle |
1984 | SLPS_022.97 | densetsu-juu-no-ana-monster-complete-world-ver-2 |
1985 | SLPS_017.53 | densha-daisuki-plarail-ga-ippai |
1986 | SLPM_862.63 | densha-de-go |
1987 | SLPS_011.50 | densha-de-go |
1988 | SLPM_801.66 | densha-de-go |
1989 | SLPM_861.42 | densha-de-go-2 |
1990 | SLPM_866.15 | densha-de-go-2 |
1991 | SLPM_803.46 | densha-de-go-2 |
1992 | SLPM_804.06 | densha-de-go-2 |
1993 | SLPM_864.24 | densha-de-go-nagoya-tetsudou-hen |
1994 | SLPM_805.21 | densha-de-go-nagoya-tetsudou-hen |
1995 | SLPM_863.78 | densha-de-go-professional-shiyou |
1996 | SLPM_867.05 | densha-de-go-professional-shiyou |
1997 | SLPM_805.11 | densha-de-go-professional-shiyou |
1998 | SCPS_180.03 | depth |
1999 | SLPS_031.31 | derby-jockey-2001 |
2000 | SLPS_006.16 | derby-jockey-r |
2001 | SLPM_805.38 | derby-stallion-magazine-2000-vol-1 |
2002 | SLPM_805.59 | derby-stallion-magazine-2000-vol-2 |
2003 | SLPM_803.78 | derby-stallion-magazine-furoku-cd-rom-soushuu-hen |
2004 | SLPM_801.77 | derby-stallion-magazine-furoku-cd-rom-vol-1 |
2005 | SLPM_802.88 | derby-stallion-magazine-furoku-cd-rom-vol-10 |
2006 | SLPM_803.15 | derby-stallion-magazine-furoku-cd-rom-vol-11 |
2007 | SLPM_803.34 | derby-stallion-magazine-furoku-cd-rom-vol-12 |
2008 | SLPM_801.98 | derby-stallion-magazine-furoku-cd-rom-vol-2 |
2009 | SLPM_802.11 | derby-stallion-magazine-furoku-cd-rom-vol-3 |
2010 | SLPM_802.21 | derby-stallion-magazine-furoku-cd-rom-vol-4 |
2011 | SLPM_803.07 | derby-stallion-magazine-furoku-cd-rom-vol-5 |
2012 | SLPM_802.35 | derby-stallion-magazine-furoku-cd-rom-vol-6 |
2013 | SLPM_802.49 | derby-stallion-magazine-furoku-cd-rom-vol-7 |
2014 | SLPM_802.61 | derby-stallion-magazine-furoku-cd-rom-vol-8 |
2015 | SLPM_802.80 | derby-stallion-magazine-furoku-cd-rom-vol-9 |
2016 | SLPS_001.80 | deroon-dero-dero |
2017 | SLES_000.55 | descent |
2018 | SLPS_002.12 | descent |
2019 | SLUS_000.37 | descent |
2020 | SLES_005.58 | descent-ii |
2021 | SLUS_004.60 | descent-maximum |
2022 | SLPS_006.02 | deserted-island |
2023 | SCES_017.68 | destrega |
2024 | SCES_017.69 | destrega |
2025 | SCES_017.70 | destrega |
2026 | SCES_017.71 | destrega |
2027 | SCES_017.72 | destrega |
2028 | SLPS_015.91 | destrega |
2029 | SLUS_007.32 | destrega |
2030 | SLPM_803.10 | destrega |
2031 | SCES_000.08 | destruction-derby |
2032 | SCUS_943.02 | destruction-derby |
2033 | SIPS_600.01 | destruction-derby |
2034 | SCUS_943.50 | destruction-derby-2 |
2035 | SIPS_600.12 | destruction-derby-2 |
2036 | SLES_002.99 | destruction-derby-2 |
2037 | SCES_020.60 | destruction-derby-raw |
2038 | SLUS_009.12 | destruction-derby-raw |
2039 | SLUS_900.79 | destruction-derby-raw |
2040 | SLUS_900.92 | destruction-derby-raw |
2041 | SLES_040.73 | destructo-2 |
2042 | SLPM_860.54 | detana-twinbee-yahoo-deluxe-pack |
2043 | SLPS_001.00 | detana-twinbee-yahoo-deluxe-pack |
2044 | SLES_038.03 | detective-barbie-the-mystery-cruise |
2045 | SLUS_012.21 | detective-barbie-the-mystery-cruise |
2046 | SLES_041.30 | detective-mouse |
2047 | SLPS_018.89 | devicereign |
2048 | SLUS_006.72 | devil-dice |
2049 | SLPS_022.75 | devil-man |
2050 | SLPM_871.84 | devil-summoner-soul-hackers |
2051 | SLPS_019.21 | devil-summoner-soul-hackers |
2052 | SLPS_912.00 | devil-summoner-soul-hackers |
2053 | SLPM_871.85 | devil-summoner-soul-hackers |
2054 | SLPS_019.22 | devil-summoner-soul-hackers |
2055 | SLPS_912.01 | devil-summoner-soul-hackers |
2056 | SLES_008.48 | devils-deception |
2057 | SCPS_454.36 | dewprism |
2058 | SLPM_874.02 | dewprism |
2059 | SLPS_023.30 | dewprism |
2060 | SLPS_914.55 | dewprism |
2061 | SLES_036.27 | dexters-laboratory-mandarks-lab |
2062 | SLES_038.29 | dexters-laboratory-mandarks-lab |
2063 | SLUS_014.21 | dexters-laboratory-mandarks-lab |
2064 | SLPS_015.03 | dezaemon-kids |
2065 | SLPS_003.35 | dezaemon-plus |
2066 | SLPS_015.04 | dezaemon-plus-select-100 |
2067 | SLES_011.56 | diablo |
2068 | SLPS_014.16 | diablo |
2069 | SLUS_006.19 | diablo |
2070 | SLPS_025.23 | dice-de-chocobo |
2071 | SLES_033.20 | die-flintstones-bedrock-bowling |
2072 | SLES_004.45 | die-hard-trilogy |
2073 | SLPS_005.85 | die-hard-trilogy |
2074 | SLUS_001.19 | die-hard-trilogy |
2075 | SLES_027.46 | die-hard-trilogy-2-viva-las-vegas |
2076 | SLES_027.47 | die-hard-trilogy-2-viva-las-vegas |
2077 | SLES_027.48 | die-hard-trilogy-2-viva-las-vegas |
2078 | SLES_027.49 | die-hard-trilogy-2-viva-las-vegas |
2079 | SLUS_010.15 | die-hard-trilogy-2-viva-las-vegas |
2080 | SLES_035.88 | die-millionen-show |
2081 | SLES_005.74 | die-stadt-der-verlorenen-kinder |
2082 | SLPS_005.49 | digicro-digital-number-crossword |
2083 | SLPM_860.38 | digical-league |
2084 | SLES_039.00 | digimon-digital-card-battle |
2085 | SLES_038.41 | digimon-rumble-arena |
2086 | SLUS_014.04 | digimon-rumble-arena |
2087 | SLES_029.14 | digimon-world |
2088 | SLES_034.34 | digimon-world |
2089 | SLES_034.35 | digimon-world |
2090 | SLES_034.36 | digimon-world |
2091 | SLES_034.37 | digimon-world |
2092 | SLUS_010.32 | digimon-world |
2093 | SLUS_011.93 | digimon-world-2 |
2094 | SLES_039.36 | digimon-world-2003 |
2095 | SLUS_014.36 | digimon-world-3 |
2096 | SLUS_013.28 | digimon-digital-card-battle |
2097 | SLPS_033.57 | digimontamers-battle-evolution |
2098 | SLPS_032.11 | digimontamers-pocketculumon |
2099 | SLPS_017.97 | digimonworld |
2100 | SLPS_028.44 | digimonworld-2 |
2101 | SLPS_034.46 | digimonworld-3-aratanaru-bouken-no-tobira |
2102 | SLPS_031.01 | digimonworld-digital-card-arena |
2103 | SLPS_025.06 | digimonworld-digital-card-battle |
2104 | SLPM_871.03 | digital-ehon-vol-1-imadoki-no-momotarou |
2105 | SLPM_871.04 | digital-ehon-vol-2-imadoki-no-kaguya-hime |
2106 | SLPM_871.05 | digital-ehon-vol-3-imadoki-no-saru-kani |
2107 | SLPM_871.06 | digital-ehon-vol-4-imadoki-no-hanasaka-jiisan |
2108 | SLPM_871.07 | digital-ehon-vol-5-imadoki-no-urashima-tarou |
2109 | SLPS_014.81 | digital-figure-iina |
2110 | SLPS_022.76 | digital-glider-airman |
2111 | SLES_022.07 | dino-crisis |
2112 | SLES_022.08 | dino-crisis |
2113 | SLES_022.09 | dino-crisis |
2114 | SLES_022.10 | dino-crisis |
2115 | SLES_022.11 | dino-crisis |
2116 | SLPM_869.03 | dino-crisis |
2117 | SLPS_021.80 | dino-crisis |
2118 | SLUS_009.22 | dino-crisis |
2119 | SLUS_900.66 | dino-crisis |
2120 | SLES_032.21 | dino-crisis-2 |
2121 | SLES_032.22 | dino-crisis-2 |
2122 | SLES_032.23 | dino-crisis-2 |
2123 | SLES_032.24 | dino-crisis-2 |
2124 | SLES_032.25 | dino-crisis-2 |
2125 | SLPM_866.27 | dino-crisis-2 |
2126 | SLPM_872.34 | dino-crisis-2 |
2127 | SLUS_012.79 | dino-crisis-2 |
2128 | SLUS_900.87 | dino-crisis-2 |
2129 | SLPM_805.73 | dino-crisis-2 |
2130 | SLES_039.89 | dinomaster-party |
2131 | SLES_040.63 | dinosaurs |
2132 | SLPS_027.97 | dioramos |
2133 | SLPM_805.87 | dioramos |
2134 | SLPS_021.46 | dirt-champ-motocross-no-1 |
2135 | SLPM_805.01 | dirt-champ-motocross-no-1 |
2136 | SLUS_015.52 | dirt-jockey-heavy-equipment-operator |
2137 | SLPS_024.28 | disc-derby-meiba-o-tsukurou |
2138 | SLPM_801.69 | disc-station-bessatsu-i-miss-you-tanaka-katsumi |
2139 | SLPS_002.51 | discworld |
2140 | SLPS_026.56 | discworld |
2141 | SLED_011.09 | discworld-ii |
2142 | SLES_007.93 | discworld-ii-missing-presumed |
2143 | SCUS_946.05 | discworld-ii-mortality-bytes |
2144 | SLES_007.94 | discworld-ii-mortellement-votre |
2145 | SLES_007.95 | discworld-ii-vermutlich-vermisst |
2146 | SLES_015.49 | discworld-noir |
2147 | SLES_020.63 | discworld-noir |
2148 | SLES_020.64 | discworld-noir |
2149 | SLED_026.04 | discworld-noir |
2150 | SCES_008.94 | disney-action-game-disney-presenta-hercules |
2151 | SCES_030.04 | disney-aladdin-la-revanche-de-nasira |
2152 | SCES_030.06 | disney-aladdin-la-vendetta-di-nasira |
2153 | SCES_030.08 | disney-aladdin-la-venganza-de-nasira |
2154 | SCES_035.37 | disney-atlantide-lempire-perdu |
2155 | SCED_036.37 | disney-atlantide-lempire-perdu |
2156 | SCES_035.41 | disney-atlantis-el-imperio-perdido |
2157 | SCES_035.39 | disney-atlantis-limpero-perduto |
2158 | SCES_035.43 | disney-atlântida-o-continente-perdido |
2159 | SCES_037.15 | disney-aventuras-de-peter-pan-en-el-país-de-nunca-jamás |
2160 | SLES_036.38 | disney-dingo-une-journee-de-dingue |
2161 | SLES_028.91 | disney-dinosaure |
2162 | SLES_028.93 | disney-dinosauri |
2163 | SLES_028.94 | disney-dinosaurio |
2164 | SCES_030.18 | disney-el-emperador-y-sus-locuras |
2165 | SCES_039.41 | disney-el-planeta-del-tesoro |
2166 | SCES_020.04 | disney-fais-ton-histoire-mulan |
2167 | SCES_039.40 | disney-il-pianeta-del-tesoro |
2168 | SLES_032.71 | disney-il-re-leone-la-grande-avventura-di-simba |
2169 | SCES_008.92 | disney-jeu-daction-disney-presente-hercule |
2170 | SCES_008.95 | disney-juego-de-acción-disney-presenta-hercules |
2171 | SCES_030.14 | disney-kuzco-lempereur-megalo |
2172 | SCES_030.33 | disney-la-petite-sirène-2 |
2173 | SCES_039.38 | disney-la-planète-au-tresor |
2174 | SCES_030.35 | disney-la-sirenetta-ii |
2175 | SCES_030.36 | disney-la-sirenita-2 |
2176 | SLES_036.41 | disney-la-super-diver-casa-de-goofy |
2177 | SCES_030.16 | disney-le-follie-dellimperatore |
2178 | SLES_039.65 | disney-learning-mickey |
2179 | SLES_039.83 | disney-learning-winnie-the-pooh |
2180 | SCES_020.06 | disney-libro-animato-creativo-mulan |
2181 | SCES_038.75 | disney-lilo-stitch-en-problemas-en-el-paraíso |
2182 | SCES_038.74 | disney-lilo-stitch-grossi-guai-alle-hawaii |
2183 | SCES_038.72 | disney-lilo-stitch-ouragan-sur-hawaï |
2184 | SCES_038.77 | disney-lilo-stitch-sarilhos-no-paraíso |
2185 | SLES_030.99 | disney-pato-donald-cuac-attack |
2186 | SCES_037.17 | disney-peter-pan-aventuras-na-terra-do-nunca |
2187 | SCES_037.11 | disney-peter-pan-aventures-au-pays-imaginaire |
2188 | SCES_037.13 | disney-peter-pan-lavventura-nellisola-che-non-cè |
2189 | SLES_036.40 | disney-pippo-giochi-pazzi |
2190 | SCES_037.49 | disney-pooh-e-tigro-È-qui-la-festa |
2191 | SLUS_012.10 | disney-presents-tiggers-honey-hunt |
2192 | SLUS_015.36 | disney-presents-tiggers-honey-hunt |
2193 | SCES_015.16 | disney-tarzan |
2194 | SCES_015.18 | disney-tarzan |
2195 | SCES_015.19 | disney-tarzan |
2196 | SLES_032.59 | disney-tigger-tras-un-bote-de-miel |
2197 | SLES_032.58 | disney-tigro-e-la-caccia-al-miele |
2198 | SLES_032.56 | disney-winnie-lourson-la-chasse-au-miel-de-tigrou |
2199 | SLES_032.69 | disney-le-roi-lion-la-formidable-aventure-de-simba |
2200 | SCES_037.48 | disney-¡ven-a-la-fiesta-con-winnie-the-pooh |
2201 | SLUS_015.74 | disneys-101-dalmatians-ii-patchs-london-adventure |
2202 | SLES_031.89 | disneys-102-dalmatians-puppies-to-the-rescue |
2203 | SLES_031.90 | disneys-102-dalmatians-puppies-to-the-rescue |
2204 | SLES_031.91 | disneys-102-dalmatians-puppies-to-the-rescue |
2205 | SLUS_011.52 | disneys-102-dalmatians-puppies-to-the-rescue |
2206 | SCES_008.91 | disneys-action-game-featuring-hercules |
2207 | SCES_008.96 | disneys-action-game-met-hercules |
2208 | SCES_008.98 | disneys-action-spel-med-herkules |
2209 | SCES_030.00 | disneys-aladdin-in-nasiras-revenge |
2210 | SCUS_945.69 | disneys-aladdin-in-nasiras-revenge |
2211 | SCES_030.02 | disneys-aladdin-in-nasiras-wraak |
2212 | SCES_035.35 | disneys-atlantis-de-verzonken-stad |
2213 | SCES_035.42 | disneys-atlantis-en-forsvunnen-varld |
2214 | SCES_035.33 | disneys-atlantis-the-lost-empire |
2215 | SCUS_946.36 | disneys-atlantis-the-lost-empire |
2216 | SCED_036.36 | disneys-atlantis-the-lost-empire |
2217 | SCES_020.07 | disneys-aventura-interactiva-mulan |
2218 | SCES_032.35 | disneys-de-kleine-zeemeermin-ii |
2219 | SLES_032.68 | disneys-de-leeuwenkoning-simbas-machtige-avontuur |
2220 | SLES_028.64 | disneys-dinosaur |
2221 | SLUS_011.67 | disneys-dinosaur |
2222 | SLES_028.92 | disneys-dinosaurier |
2223 | SLPM_885.02 | disneys-donald-duck-goin-quackers |
2224 | SLUS_012.42 | disneys-donald-duck-goin-quackers |
2225 | SLES_030.95 | disneys-donald-duck-quack-attack |
2226 | SLES_030.97 | disneys-donald-duck-quack-attack |
2227 | SLES_030.98 | disneys-donald-duck-quack-attack |
2228 | SLES_032.72 | disneys-el-rey-leon-las-aventuras-del-poderoso-simba |
2229 | SLES_031.78 | disneys-goofys-fun-house |
2230 | SLES_036.39 | disneys-goofys-fun-house |
2231 | SLUS_012.09 | disneys-goofys-fun-house |
2232 | SLUS_005.29 | disneys-hercules-action-game |
2233 | SLUS_010.29 | disneys-hercules-action-game |
2234 | SCES_030.12 | disneys-keizer-kuzco |
2235 | SCUS_946.46 | disneys-lilo-stitch |
2236 | SCES_038.76 | disneys-lilo-stitch-heisa-op-hawaï |
2237 | SCES_038.71 | disneys-lilo-stitch-trouble-in-paradise |
2238 | SCES_016.95 | disneys-mulan-story-studio |
2239 | SCES_037.05 | disneys-party-time-with-winnie-the-pooh |
2240 | SCES_037.45 | disneys-party-mit-winnie-puuh |
2241 | SCES_037.07 | disneys-peter-pan-adventures-in-never-land |
2242 | SCED_038.83 | disneys-peter-pan-adventures-in-never-land |
2243 | SCES_037.09 | disneys-peter-pan-avonturen-in-nooitgedachtland |
2244 | SCES_039.42 | disneys-piratenplaneet-de-schat-van-kapitein-flint |
2245 | SLUS_014.37 | disneys-poohs-party-game-in-search-of-the-treasure |
2246 | SCES_037.46 | disneys-spelen-met-winnie-de-poeh-en-zijn-vriendjes |
2247 | SLUS_010.38 | disneys-story-studio-mulan |
2248 | SCES_014.31 | disneys-tarzan |
2249 | SCES_021.85 | disneys-tarzan |
2250 | SCUS_944.56 | disneys-tarzan |
2251 | SLPM_863.83 | disneys-tarzan |
2252 | SLUS_015.37 | disneys-tarzan |
2253 | SLES_032.60 | disneys-teigetjes-honingjacht |
2254 | SCES_030.10 | disneys-the-emperors-new-groove |
2255 | SCUS_945.71 | disneys-the-emperors-new-groove |
2256 | SLES_032.67 | disneys-the-lion-king-simbas-mighty-adventure |
2257 | SLUS_012.82 | disneys-the-lion-king-simbas-mighty-adventure |
2258 | SCES_030.32 | disneys-the-little-mermaid-ii |
2259 | SLUS_012.86 | disneys-the-little-mermaid-ii |
2260 | SLES_031.79 | disneys-tiggers-honey-hunt |
2261 | SCES_039.37 | disneys-treasure-planet |
2262 | SCUS_946.47 | disneys-treasure-planet |
2263 | SCES_022.64 | disneys-verhalenstudio-mulan |
2264 | SCES_037.06 | disneys-winnie-lourson-c-est-la-recre |
2265 | SLUS_015.13 | disneys-winnie-the-pooh-kindergarten |
2266 | SLUS_015.14 | disneys-winnie-the-pooh-preschool |
2267 | SLES_033.15 | disney-pixars-buzz-lightyear-guardianes-del-espacio |
2268 | SCES_014.89 | disney-pixar-a-bugs-life |
2269 | SCES_015.20 | disney-pixar-a-bugs-life |
2270 | SCUS_942.88 | disney-pixar-a-bugs-life |
2271 | SLPM_863.30 | disney-pixar-a-bugs-life |
2272 | SLUS_015.38 | disney-pixar-a-bugs-life |
2273 | SCES_024.59 | disney-pixar-a-bugs-life-atelier-de-jeux |
2274 | SCES_020.14 | disney-pixar-a-bugs-life-disneys-activity-centre |
2275 | SCES_024.60 | disney-pixar-a-bugs-life-disneys-malen-und-spielen |
2276 | SCES_015.22 | disney-pixar-a-bugs-life-megaminimondo |
2277 | SCES_015.23 | disney-pixar-bichos-una-aventura-en-miniatura |
2278 | SCES_024.61 | disney-pixar-bottega-dei-giochi-a-bugs-life-megaminimondo |
2279 | SLES_033.14 | disney-pixar-buzz-lightyear-da-comando-stellare |
2280 | SLES_033.10 | disney-pixar-buzz-lightyear-of-star-command |
2281 | SLUS_011.92 | disney-pixar-buzz-lightyear-of-star-command |
2282 | SLES_033.13 | disney-pixar-captain-buzz-lightyear-star-command |
2283 | SCES_015.21 | disney-pixar-das-grosse-krabbeln |
2284 | SCES_037.64 | disney-pixar-die-monster-ag-schreckens-insel |
2285 | SCES_015.25 | disney-pixar-een-luizenleven |
2286 | SCES_015.26 | disney-pixar-ett-småkryps-liv |
2287 | SCES_015.24 | disney-pixar-græs-rødderne |
2288 | SLES_033.12 | disney-pixar-les-aventures-de-buzz-leclair |
2289 | SCES_037.66 | disney-pixar-monsterbedriften-skrekkøya |
2290 | SCES_037.62 | disney-pixar-monsterit-oy-saikkysaari |
2291 | SCES_037.65 | disney-pixar-monsters-co-lisola-dello-spavento |
2292 | SCES_037.61 | disney-pixar-monsters-en-co-schrik-eiland |
2293 | SCES_037.69 | disney-pixar-monsters-inc-monstros-e-companhia-ilha-assustadora |
2294 | SCES_037.59 | disney-pixar-monsters-inc-scare-island |
2295 | SCED_038.11 | disney-pixar-monsters-inc-scare-island |
2296 | SCUS_946.35 | disney-pixar-monsters-inc-scream-team |
2297 | SCES_037.68 | disney-pixar-monsters-inc-skrammaron |
2298 | SCES_037.60 | disney-pixar-monsters-inc-skræmmeøen |
2299 | SCES_037.63 | disney-pixar-monstres-cie-lile-de-lepouvante |
2300 | SCES_037.67 | disney-pixar-monstruos-sa-isla-de-los-sustos |
2301 | SCES_017.38 | disney-pixar-små-kryp |
2302 | SLES_024.06 | disney-pixar-toy-story-2-buzz-lightyear-eilt-zur-hilfe |
2303 | SLES_020.67 | disney-pixar-toy-story-2-buzz-lightyear-to-the-rescue |
2304 | SLUS_008.93 | disney-pixar-toy-story-2-buzz-lightyear-to-the-rescue |
2305 | SLED_024.16 | disney-pixar-toy-story-2-buzz-lightyear-to-the-rescue |
2306 | SLES_024.05 | disney-pixar-toy-story-2-buzz-leclair-à-la-rescousse |
2307 | SLES_024.07 | disney-pixar-toy-story-2-woody-e-buzz-alla-riscossa |
2308 | SLES_024.08 | disney-pixar-toy-story-2-¡buzz-lightyear-al-rescate |
2309 | SLES_033.96 | disney-pixar-toy-story-racer |
2310 | SLES_033.97 | disney-pixar-toy-story-racer |
2311 | SLES_033.98 | disney-pixar-toy-story-racer |
2312 | SLUS_012.14 | disney-pixar-toy-story-racer |
2313 | SCES_017.37 | disney-pixar-otokan-elamaa |
2314 | SCES_030.03 | disneyn-aladdin-nasiran-kosto |
2315 | SCES_035.36 | disneyn-atlantis-kadonnut-kaupunki |
2316 | SCES_030.13 | disneyn-keisarin-uudet-kuviot |
2317 | SCES_037.10 | disneyn-peter-pan-seikkailu-mika-mika-maassa |
2318 | SCES_021.84 | disneyn-tarzan |
2319 | SCES_008.97 | disneys-action-spil-med-herkules |
2320 | SCES_030.07 | disneys-aladdin-nasiras-hevn |
2321 | SCES_030.01 | disneys-aladdin-nasiras-hævn |
2322 | SCES_030.05 | disneys-aladdin-nasiras-rache |
2323 | SCES_030.09 | disneys-aladdin-nasiras-hamnd |
2324 | SCES_030.34 | disneys-arielle-2 |
2325 | SCES_035.38 | disneys-atlantis-das-geheimnis-der-verlorenen-stadt |
2326 | SCES_035.34 | disneys-atlantis-det-forsvundne-rige |
2327 | SCES_035.40 | disneys-atlantis-en-forsvunnet-verden |
2328 | SLES_032.70 | disneys-der-konig-der-lowen-simbas-großes-abenteuer |
2329 | SCES_039.39 | disneys-der-schatzplanet |
2330 | SCES_030.15 | disneys-ein-konigreich-für-ein-lama |
2331 | SCES_030.17 | disneys-et-kongerike-for-en-lama |
2332 | SCES_008.93 | disneys-hercules-action-spiel |
2333 | SCES_020.05 | disneys-interaktive-abenteuer-mulan |
2334 | SCES_030.19 | disneys-kejsarens-nya-stil |
2335 | SCES_030.11 | disneys-kejserens-nye-flip |
2336 | SCES_038.79 | disneys-lilo-stitch-ballade-på-hawaii |
2337 | SCES_038.80 | disneys-lilo-stitch-hula-baluba |
2338 | SCES_038.78 | disneys-lilo-stitch-trubbel-i-paradiset |
2339 | SCES_038.73 | disneys-lilo-stitch-zoff-auf-hawaii |
2340 | SCES_037.14 | disneys-peter-pan-eventyr-i-drømmeland |
2341 | SCES_037.08 | disneys-peter-pan-eventyr-på-Ønskeøen |
2342 | SCES_037.12 | disneys-peter-pan-rückkehr-nach-nimmerland |
2343 | SCES_037.16 | disneys-peter-pan-aventyr-i-landet-ingenstans |
2344 | SCES_037.47 | disneys-plys-spil-og-leg-sted |
2345 | SCES_039.44 | disneys-skatteplaneten |
2346 | SCES_039.43 | disneys-skattkammarplaneten |
2347 | SCES_015.17 | disneys-tarzan |
2348 | SCES_021.81 | disneys-tarzan |
2349 | SCES_021.82 | disneys-tarzan |
2350 | SCES_021.83 | disneys-tarzan |
2351 | SLES_032.61 | disneys-tigerdyrets-honningjagt |
2352 | SLES_032.57 | disneys-tiggers-honigjagd |
2353 | SLES_005.35 | disruptor |
2354 | SLES_005.64 | disruptor |
2355 | SLES_005.65 | disruptor |
2356 | SLPS_008.04 | disruptor |
2357 | SLUS_002.24 | disruptor |
2358 | SLED_005.94 | disruptor |
2359 | SLES_015.35 | divers-dream |
2360 | SLPS_013.64 | dodonpachi |
2361 | SLPM_802.86 | dodonpachi |
2362 | SLES_010.82 | dodgem-arena |
2363 | SLPS_015.59 | dokapon-ikari-no-tekken |
2364 | SLPS_911.90 | dokapon-ikari-no-tekken |
2365 | SLPM_802.94 | dokapon-ikari-no-tekken |
2366 | SLPS_014.54 | doki-doki-on-air |
2367 | SLPS_019.42 | doki-doki-on-air-2 |
2368 | SLPS_015.73 | doki-doki-poyatchio |
2369 | SLPM_802.85 | doki-doki-poyatchio |
2370 | SLPS_007.56 | doki-doki-pretty-league |
2371 | SLPS_005.13 | doki-doki-pretty-league-shokai-genteiban |
2372 | SLPS_026.73 | doki-doki-pretty-league-lovely-star |
2373 | SLPS_015.07 | doki-doki-pretty-league-nekketsu-otome-seishunki |
2374 | SLPS_015.08 | doki-doki-pretty-league-nekketsu-otome-seishunki |
2375 | SLPS_015.09 | doki-doki-pretty-league-nekketsu-otome-seishunki |
2376 | SLPM_869.88 | doki-doki-shutter-chance-koi-no-puzzle-o-kumitatete |
2377 | SLPS_010.38 | doki-doki-shutter-chance-koi-no-puzzle-o-kumitatete |
2378 | SLPS_001.30 | dokiou-ki |
2379 | SLPS_028.19 | doko-demo-hamster-2 |
2380 | SLPS_032.50 | doko-demo-hamster-4-doki-doki-sugoroku-daibouken |
2381 | SLPS_033.56 | doko-demo-hamster-bi-click-tankentai |
2382 | SCPM_850.06 | doko-demo-issho |
2383 | SCPS_100.92 | doko-demo-issho |
2384 | SCPS_101.42 | doko-demo-issho |
2385 | SCPS_912.12 | doko-demo-issho |
2386 | PAPX_900.86 | doko-demo-issho |
2387 | PCPX_961.52 | doko-demo-issho |
2388 | SLPS_033.93 | doko-made-mo-aoku |
2389 | SLPS_033.88 | doko-made-mo-aoku-shokai-genteiban |
2390 | SLPM_861.22 | dolphins-dream |
2391 | SLPS_014.78 | dome-no-yabou-2-the-race-of-champions |
2392 | SLPS_027.53 | dome-no-yabou-2-the-race-of-champions |
2393 | SLPS_010.95 | domino-kun-o-tomenai-de |
2394 | SLPM_868.55 | donpachi |
2395 | SLPS_005.48 | donpachi |
2396 | SLES_001.32 | doom |
2397 | SLPS_003.08 | doom |
2398 | SLUS_000.77 | doom |
2399 | SLES_001.57 | doom-one-level-demo-disc |
2400 | SLPS_006.28 | doraemon-2-sos-otogi-no-kuni |
2401 | SLPS_030.76 | doraemon-3-makai-no-dungeon |
2402 | SLPS_002.33 | doraemon-nobita-to-fukkatsu-no-hoshi |
2403 | SLPS_017.26 | doraemon-nobita-to-fukkatsu-no-hoshi |
2404 | SLPS_019.84 | dosukoi-densetsu |
2405 | SCPS_101.29 | dotchi-mecha |
2406 | SLPS_013.62 | dotchi-de-ball |
2407 | SLPS_028.91 | dotsubo-chan |
2408 | SLPS_001.91 | double-dragon |
2409 | SCED_022.57 | double-impact-double-life-games |
2410 | SLPS_035.26 | doubutsu-chara-navi-uranai-2-kosei-shinrigaku-+-renai-uranai-puzzle |
2411 | SLPS_000.77 | douga-de-puzzle-da-puppukupuu |
2412 | SLPS_020.11 | doukyuu-re-mix-billiards-multiple |
2413 | SLPS_013.85 | doukyuu-billiard-master |
2414 | SLPS_023.63 | doukyuu-billiard-master |
2415 | SLPS_006.90 | doukyuusei-2 |
2416 | SLPS_006.91 | doukyuusei-2 |
2417 | SLPM_864.69 | doukyuusei-mahjong |
2418 | SLPS_006.73 | doukyuusei-mahjong |
2419 | SLPS_013.91 | downhill-snow |
2420 | SLPM_871.71 | dr-rin-ni-kiite-mite-koi-no-happy-four-seasons |
2421 | SLPS_019.34 | dr-slump |
2422 | SLES_033.50 | dracula-2-die-letzte-zufluchtsstatte |
2423 | SLES_133.50 | dracula-2-die-letzte-zufluchtsstatte |
2424 | SLES_033.52 | dracula-2-el-Último-santuario |
2425 | SLES_133.52 | dracula-2-el-Último-santuario |
2426 | SLES_033.51 | dracula-2-lultimo-santuario |
2427 | SLES_133.51 | dracula-2-lultimo-santuario |
2428 | SLES_033.49 | dracula-2-le-dernier-sanctuaire |
2429 | SLES_133.49 | dracula-2-le-dernier-sanctuaire |
2430 | SLES_033.48 | dracula-2-the-last-sanctuary |
2431 | SLES_133.48 | dracula-2-the-last-sanctuary |
2432 | SLES_027.61 | dracula-la-risurrezione |
2433 | SLES_127.61 | dracula-la-risurrezione |
2434 | SLES_027.60 | dracula-resurrección |
2435 | SLES_127.60 | dracula-resurrección |
2436 | SLES_027.59 | dracula-resurrection |
2437 | SLES_127.59 | dracula-resurrection |
2438 | SLES_027.58 | dracula-resurrection |
2439 | SLES_127.58 | dracula-resurrection |
2440 | SLUS_014.40 | dracula-the-last-sanctuary |
2441 | SLUS_014.43 | dracula-the-last-sanctuary |
2442 | SLES_027.57 | dracula-the-resurrection |
2443 | SLUS_012.84 | dracula-the-resurrection |
2444 | SLES_127.57 | dracula-the-resurrection |
2445 | SLUS_013.16 | dracula-the-resurrection |
2446 | SLUS_004.93 | dragon-ball-gt-final-bout |
2447 | SLPS_003.55 | dragon-ball-z-idainaru-dragon-ball-densetsu |
2448 | SLPS_910.35 | dragon-ball-z-idainaru-dragon-ball-densetsu |
2449 | SLES_002.91 | dragon-ball-z-ultimate-battle-22 |
2450 | SLES_037.36 | dragon-ball-z-ultimate-battle-22 |
2451 | SLES_037.37 | dragon-ball-z-ultimate-battle-22 |
2452 | SLES_037.38 | dragon-ball-z-ultimate-battle-22 |
2453 | SLES_037.39 | dragon-ball-z-ultimate-battle-22 |
2454 | SLPS_000.73 | dragon-ball-z-ultimate-battle-22 |
2455 | SLPS_910.17 | dragon-ball-z-ultimate-battle-22 |
2456 | SLUS_015.50 | dragon-ball-z-ultimate-battle-22 |
2457 | SLES_009.64 | dragon-ball-final-bout |
2458 | SLES_036.83 | dragon-ball-final-bout |
2459 | SLES_036.84 | dragon-ball-final-bout |
2460 | SLES_036.85 | dragon-ball-final-bout |
2461 | SLES_037.35 | dragon-ball-final-bout |
2462 | SLPS_009.49 | dragon-ball-final-bout |
2463 | SLPS_910.79 | dragon-ball-final-bout |
2464 | SLPM_801.12 | dragon-ball-final-bout |
2465 | SLPS_034.70 | dragon-drive-tactics-break |
2466 | SLPS_006.64 | dragon-knight-4 |
2467 | SLPS_020.37 | dragon-money |
2468 | SLPM_804.79 | dragon-quest-characters-torneko-no-daibouken-2-fushigi-no-dungeon |
2469 | SLPM_862.93 | dragon-quest-characters-torneko-no-daibouken-2-fushigi-no-dungeon |
2470 | SLPM_869.16 | dragon-quest-iv-michibikareshi-mono-tachi |
2471 | SLPM_873.77 | dragon-quest-iv-michibikareshi-mono-tachi |
2472 | SLPM_870.50 | dragon-quest-monsters-1-2-hoshifuri-no-yuusha-to-bokujou-no-nakama-tachi |
2473 | SCPS_455.04 | dragon-quest-vii-eden-no-senshi-tachi |
2474 | SLPM_865.00 | dragon-quest-vii-eden-no-senshi-tachi |
2475 | SLPM_873.52 | dragon-quest-vii-eden-no-senshi-tachi |
2476 | SLPM_873.78 | dragon-quest-vii-eden-no-senshi-tachi |
2477 | SCPS_455.05 | dragon-quest-vii-eden-no-senshi-tachi |
2478 | SLPM_865.01 | dragon-quest-vii-eden-no-senshi-tachi |
2479 | SLPM_873.53 | dragon-quest-vii-eden-no-senshi-tachi |
2480 | SLPM_873.79 | dragon-quest-vii-eden-no-senshi-tachi |
2481 | SLUS_007.34 | dragon-seeds |
2482 | SLPS_015.14 | dragon-seeds-saishuu-shinka-keitai |
2483 | SLES_031.83 | dragon-tales-dragonseek |
2484 | SLUS_011.76 | dragon-tales-dragonseek |
2485 | SCES_017.05 | dragon-valor |
2486 | SCES_025.65 | dragon-valor |
2487 | SCES_025.66 | dragon-valor |
2488 | SCES_025.67 | dragon-valor |
2489 | SCES_025.68 | dragon-valor |
2490 | SLPS_021.90 | dragon-valor |
2491 | SLUS_010.92 | dragon-valor |
2492 | SCES_117.05 | dragon-valor |
2493 | SCES_125.65 | dragon-valor |
2494 | SCES_125.66 | dragon-valor |
2495 | SCES_125.67 | dragon-valor |
2496 | SCES_125.68 | dragon-valor |
2497 | SLPS_021.91 | dragon-valor |
2498 | SLUS_011.64 | dragon-valor |
2499 | LUSP_012.06 | dragon-warrior-vii |
2500 | SLUS_012.06 | dragon-warrior-vii |
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