16 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
0c5f06972c PHASE 1
-split coverflow config from theme config files.
-renamed theme folder to themes_lite folder because of the new format and to avoid conflict with wiiflow.
-made coverflows folder in themes_lite folder to hold the coverflow config files.
-coverflow configs must be named the same as the theme configs or you can make one default coverflow config (named default.ini) in the coverflows folder. Then if wiiflow can't find matching coverflow config it will use the default coverflow config.
-to create coverflow configs open a theme.ini file in a text editor (Notepad+) and search for brewflow and then copy from there to the end, create a new text file and paste, make sure the first line is empty, and save the file named exactly like your theme.ini and in the folder dev:/wiiflow/themes_lite/coverflows/
-why did i do this? 1. when you use wiiflow setting 'adjust coverflow' and save it will only save the coverflow part and not mess up your structure of your theme.ini. 2. because now with the default.ini coverflow you can have one set of coverflow layouts for all the themes.
-note: this is Phase 1. Phase 2 and 3 coming. :)
2016-04-30 14:19:30 +00:00
d390563d5a -removed source menu settings from startup settings.
-access source menu setting via home button when viewing source menu or sourceflow.
-source menu is now automatically enabled if a source_menu.ini is found.
-removed five source view icons if no source_menu.ini found.
-other minor source menu code cleanup
2016-04-26 00:43:09 +00:00
f23d022675 -made it so config icon on main screen doesn't show when the gamelist is empty.
-fixed it so when you change the partition main coverflow will reload.
2016-04-25 00:28:43 +00:00
eff9f721e5 -okay fried my brain on trying to follow all this checking emunand partitions and paths and extracting etc... for emunand and emunand saves
-cleaned up some code for emunand list and when using emunand for wii saves. might be a problem here or there but need to take a break and come back to this later. should work for now.
2016-04-25 00:04:38 +00:00
ac4012e708 -now gamecube view defaults to on if either devolution or nintendont are installed.
-removed setting emu paths and changing emu presets.
-added select nand setting on page 2 of nand emulation settings. nands must be in a subfolder of nands folder on root of device. example - dev:/nands/nand1, dev:/nands/nand2 etc..
-nand select also works for saves nand in wii view.
-nand emulation settings is only shown if in wii view or nand view.
-if no nand is found wiiflow will create a nand named default in the nands folder.
-rewrote coverloader code a little to make it easier to follow. but still couldn't fix it. honestly it appears there's nothing wrong. wiiflow just acts weird.
2016-04-21 00:05:28 +00:00
140999c2e3 -fix for return to channel setting on pg 4 of main settings. now it works even in emu nand channels view. 2016-04-13 16:47:25 +00:00
0eb210b7fa -minor change to the previous commit when direct launching a game by holding B and pressing A. 2016-04-13 15:52:33 +00:00
f19accd147 -fix for wrong banners and game sound playing when selecting a game that isn't the center one in coverflow. 2016-04-13 14:16:41 +00:00
7c39c9e9fc -reset the user agent so DUTags will work again. 2016-04-12 22:32:07 +00:00
c2101378a9 - With the release of the new WiiFlow Lite forwarder channel I've officially made wiiflow lite have it's own apps folder (apps/wiiflow_lite)
- Changed stub.bin to launch the new channel (WFLA) instead of the hidden channel (WIIH) which really wasn't needed. I think whatever Fix94 was going to use it for never got implemented so it was basically just a forwarder channel.
- If you have trouble returning to wiiflow lite when exiting a wii or nand game then make sure in wiiflow_lite.ini under GENERAL that 'returnto' is not set to WDFA. it should be WFLA.
- wiiflow lite still shares the wiiflow data directory with wiiflow for now.
2016-04-11 20:29:09 +00:00
d623770a49 - patched the revision number that somehow got out of sync. think it had something to do with getting r1076 from github.
- changed the way coverloader checks for a matching cover .wfc cache file. coverloader still acts strange sometimes or occasionally causes DSI exception.
2016-04-06 16:43:51 +00:00
a66723807e - CHANNNEL_DOMAIN disable is now CHANNEL_DOMAIN emu_nand (=yes or no) because that's what it's used for.
- GENERAL hidechannels is now CHANNEL_DOMAIN disable because that's what it is for all the other domains. makes sense to me. :P
- GAMECUBE_DOMAIN always_show_button is now GAMECUBE_DOMAIN disable to match all the other domains.
- so now 'disable' for each domain means show or don't show that view except wii of course.
2016-04-05 22:42:32 +00:00
9bdc84de6c - fixed reload cache for sourceflow 2016-04-04 20:18:16 +00:00
7bad8c3fd3 * Added Abz's 1076 mod patch with code cleanup by me. His patch includes:
- private server
- sicksaxis to be able to a ps3 controller in wiiflow
- support for the latest nintendont with argsboot
- other minor changes that i may or may not change soon.
- credit to Abz, Airline38, and anyone else who helped with coding.
2016-04-02 15:46:06 +00:00
d31f40a84b -finally adjusted the homebrew app booter entry point to be safe with the new memory manager
-updated the app booter to be compilable with the current devkitppc, that means if you compile wiiflow it will from now on also compile the app booter
-fixed a little compiler issue for the new wiiflow loader
2014-03-23 20:14:59 +00:00
959d71c186 -exported most images, the homebrew booter and the external booter out of the dol so we gain memory, it now will be used from your sd/usb directly, to now use your compiled wiiflow you need to copy the boot.dol AND folders from the folder "out" into your apps/wiiflow directory 2013-11-19 15:27:52 +00:00