- New Coverflow theme format. no more emuflow, coverflow, brewflow. now we have coverflow, shortflow, sideflow, and smallflow.
- coverflow is the normal coverflow.
- shortflow is automatically used for plugins if all selected plugins require a short CD style cover such as GB, GBC, GBA, and playstation. if there's more let me know and i can add them.
- sideflow is automatically used for plugins if all selected plugins require a cover on its side such as SNES and Nintendo 64.
- smallflow is used if smallbox is set for homebrew and sourceflow.
- no more need for emuflow= with a source btn in the source menu. it is done automatically now using the plugins magic#
- each flow has its own number of modes/layouts. so now coveflow can have 8, smallfow 1, sideflow, 6, and shortflow 4 or whatever you want.
- adjust coverflow works with no problems. just choose the view first before entering the adjust coverflow menu.
- other minor code changes here and there.
- remember themes are now in themes_lite and the coverflow part is seperated and put in the coverflows folder with the same name as the theme or you can use a default coverflow named default.ini for all themes.
plugin coverflow it will replace the nand emu button,
in this memu you can select which plugin should be displayed,
it will work no matter which sort is set, you can select more
than one emulator at the time of course
-background music is missing