- replaced adult only button on game selected screen with categories button. - homebrew button is now restored as one of the quick launch buttons or accessible via source menu or plugin select menu.cpp - adult only option now replaces the categories option of the game settings menu page 1 line 1. - locking wiiflow no longer blocks homebrew access. you must use the adult only option for each homebrew app to block kids from accessing it. - other minor code changes and fixes.
WiiFlow Lite
My mod of the Wii USB Loader WiiFlow
WiiFlow Lite is a wii homebrew app used to display and launch your games and apps stored on a USB device or SD card plugged into a Wii or Wii U in Wii mode. The games and apps are displayed in cover flow style display.
WiiFlow Lite is currently compiled using DevkitPro PPC r32 and Libogc 1.8.20. I recommend getting Tortoise Git to checkout the WiiFlow Lite repository.
Simply download the latest release and extract it to your apps/wiiflow_lite folder on SD or USB HDD. SD is recommended. Your device should be formatted to FAT32.
wfl_as_wiiflow should be extracted to apps/wiiflow folder.
To start WiiFlow Lite you will need the Homebrew Channel or a WiiFlow Lite forwarder channel installed on your Wii or vWii system menu.
Carbonik Abz converted to work with wiiflow lite. find it in the themes and coverflows.zip
Rhapsodii made by Hakaisha is a new theme designed for wiiflow lite. find it here - (https://gbatemp.net/threads/wiiflow-lite-theme-rhapsodii.511833/)
Other wiiflow lite themes can be found on the wiki linked below. but they need to be updated to properly work with wiiflow lite.