Diflicker Filter Options
Fledge68 edited this page 2021-10-25 11:53:55 -05:00

As of v5.5.0 Blackb0x (Wiidev) added the option to turn off the deflicker filter of Wii and wiiware/vc games. GC games are handled by Nintendont's deflicker option.

Only use this option if you have your wii connected via component cables or HDMI and you are using Progressive Scan.

Taken from Maeson on GBATemp:
On interlaced resolutions, the screen only refreshes one half of the lines at a time, and without the filter, you will find the picture will look "jumpy", or with the correct word, it will flicker up and down constantly.

While the picture will look sharper, that flicker will make your eyes hurt if you look for a long period of time.

Thus, only use this option with Progressive Scan on. On progressive resolutions, the entire screen refreshes at the same time, eliminating the flicker, and thus making the filter both useless and annoying.

Per Blackb0x: If you want to make your games look better by disabling the deflicker filter then I'd suggest using the "OFF (Safe)" option, since that should work for most games without introducing any visual issues.

If the safe option doesn't work then you can try using the extended option, but the extended option will break fade in/out effects and brightness effects in some games.

The 'global default' setting is in Main Settings page 14. In Game Settings if you set it to 'default' then it will use this 'global default' setting in Main Settings.

Here we try to explain the 6 choices:

Normal - Use this if you are not using Progressive Scan or just want to leave it alone.

Off (safe) - completely turns it off

Off (extended) - completely turns it off

On (low) - mostly off

On (medium) - half off

On (high) - barely off

Some games might not use the filter, so you won't always notice a difference with either the safe or extended settings.

More info about deflicker filter - https://gbatemp.net/threads/possible-to-disable-the-wiis-de-flicker-filter.477163/