
319 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-03-30 21:40:17 +02:00
#include "SubmitScreen.hpp"
#include "Gfx.hpp"
#include "Utils.hpp"
#include "system/OTP.hpp"
#include "system/SEEPROM.hpp"
#include "system/MemoryDevice.hpp"
#include <coreinit/bsp.h>
#include <coreinit/mcp.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <cacert_pem.h>
#include <mocha/mocha.h>
struct IOSCEccSignedCert {
uint32_t signature_type; // [0x000] 0x00010002 or 0x00010005
uint8_t signature[0x3C]; // [0x004] ECC signature
uint8_t reserved1[0x40]; // [0x040] All zeroes
char issuer[0x40]; // [0x080] Issuer
uint32_t key_type; // [0x0C0] Key type (2)
char console_id[0x40]; // [0x0C4] Console ID ("NGxxxxxxxx")
uint32_t ng_id; // [0x104] NG ID
uint8_t pub_key[0x3C]; // [0x108] ECC public key
uint8_t reserved2[0x3C]; // [0x10C] All zeroes
WUT_CHECK_SIZE(IOSCEccSignedCert, 0x180);
2023-03-30 21:40:17 +02:00
// POST data
struct post_data {
char system_model[16]; // [0x000] seeprom[0xB8]
char system_serial[16]; // [0x010] seeprom[0xAC] + seeprom[0xB0] - need to mask the last 3 digits
uint8_t mfg_date[6]; // [0x020] seeprom[0xC4]
uint8_t productArea; // [0x026]
uint8_t gameRegion; // [0x027]
uint32_t sec_level; // [0x028] otp[0x080]
uint16_t boardType; // [0x02C] seeprom[0x21]
uint16_t boardRevision; // [0x02E] seeprom[0x22]
uint16_t bootSource; // [0x030] seeprom[0x23]
uint16_t ddr3Size; // [0x032] seeprom[0x24]
uint16_t ddr3Speed; // [0x034] seeprom[0x25]
uint16_t ddr3Vendor; // [0x036] seeprom[0x29]
uint16_t sataDevice; // [0x038] seeprom[0x2C]
uint16_t consoleType; // [0x03A] seeprom[0x2D]
uint32_t bsp_rev; // [0x03C] bspGetHardwareVersion();
uint32_t wiiu_root_ms_id; // [0x040] otp[0x280]
uint32_t wiiu_root_ca_id; // [0x044] otp[0x284]
uint32_t wiiu_ng_id; // [0x048] otp[0x21C]
uint32_t wiiu_ng_key_id; // [0x04C] otp[0x288]
uint8_t reserved2[48]; // [0x050]
2023-03-30 21:40:17 +02:00
// [0x080]
struct {
uint32_t cid[4]; // [0x080] CID
uint32_t mid_prv; // [0x090] Manufacturer and product revision
uint32_t blockSize; // [0x094] Block size
uint64_t numBlocks; // [0x098] Number of blocks
2023-03-30 21:40:17 +02:00
} mlc;
// [0x0A0]
uint8_t otp_sha256[32]; // [0x0A0] OTP SHA-256 hash (to prevent duplicates)
// [0x0C0]
IOSCEccSignedCert device_cert; // [0x0C0] Device client certificate
}; // size == 0x240 (576)
WUT_CHECK_SIZE(post_data, 0x240);
2023-03-30 21:40:17 +02:00
struct post_data_hashed {
struct post_data data;
uint8_t post_sha256[32]; // [0x140] SHA-256 hash of post_data, with adjustments
}; // size == 0x260 (608)
WUT_CHECK_SIZE(post_data_hashed, 0x260);
2023-03-30 21:40:17 +02:00
const char desc[] =
2023-03-30 21:40:17 +02:00
"This will submit statistical data to the developers of WiiUIdent,\n"
"which will help to determine various statistics about Wii U consoles,\n"
"e.g. eMMC manufacturers. The submitted data may be publicly accessible\n"
"but personally identifying information will be kept confidential.\n"
"Information that will be submitted:\n"
"\uff65 System model\n"
"\uff65 System serial number (excluding the last 3 digits)\n"
"\uff65 Manufacturing date\n"
"\uff65 Region information\n"
"\uff65 Security level (keyset), sataDevice, consoleType, BSP revision\n"
"\uff65 boardType, boardRevision, bootSource, ddr3Size, ddr3Speed, ddr3Vendor\n"
"\uff65 MLC manufacturer, revision, name, size, and CID\n"
2023-04-01 12:20:49 +02:00
"\uff65 Device certificate and SHA-256 hash of OTP (to prevent duplicates)\n"
2023-03-30 21:40:17 +02:00
"Do you want to submit your console's system data?\n";
void SubmitScreen::Draw()
DrawTopBar("Submit System Information");
if (state == STATE_INFO) {
Gfx::Print(32, 75 + 32, 40, Gfx::COLOR_TEXT, desc);
DrawBottomBar(nullptr, "\ue044 Exit", "\ue001 Back / \ue000 Submit");
} else if (state == STATE_SUBMITTING) {
Gfx::Print(Gfx::SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, Gfx::SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2, 64, Gfx::COLOR_TEXT, "Submitting info...", Gfx::ALIGN_CENTER);
DrawBottomBar("Please wait...", nullptr, nullptr);
} else if (state == STATE_SUBMITTED) {
if (!error.empty() && response.empty()) {
Gfx::Print(Gfx::SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, Gfx::SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2, 40, Gfx::COLOR_ERROR, Utils::sprintf("Error!\n%s", error.c_str()), Gfx::ALIGN_CENTER);
Gfx::Print(Gfx::SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, Gfx::SCREEN_HEIGHT - 75 - 32, 40, Gfx::COLOR_TEXT,
"Failed to submit system data. Please report a bug on GitHub:\n"
"https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/WiiUIdent/issues", Gfx::ALIGN_HORIZONTAL | Gfx::ALIGN_BOTTOM);
} else if (!response.empty()) {
Gfx::Print(Gfx::SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, Gfx::SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2, 40, Gfx::COLOR_TEXT, response, Gfx::ALIGN_CENTER);
if (!error.empty()) {
Gfx::Print(Gfx::SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, Gfx::SCREEN_HEIGHT - 75 - 32, 40, Gfx::COLOR_TEXT,
"Failed to submit system data. Please report a bug on GitHub:\n"
"https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/WiiUIdent/issues", Gfx::ALIGN_HORIZONTAL | Gfx::ALIGN_BOTTOM);
} else {
Gfx::Print(Gfx::SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, Gfx::SCREEN_HEIGHT - 75 - 32, 40, Gfx::COLOR_TEXT,
"System data submitted successfully. Check out the Wii U console database at:\n"
} else {
Gfx::Print(Gfx::SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, Gfx::SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2, 64, Gfx::COLOR_TEXT, "No response.", Gfx::ALIGN_CENTER);
DrawBottomBar(nullptr, "\ue044 Exit", "\ue001 Back");
bool SubmitScreen::Update(VPADStatus& input)
if (state == STATE_INFO) {
if (input.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_A) {
} else if (input.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_B) {
return false;
} else if (state == STATE_SUBMITTING) {
} else if (state == STATE_SUBMITTED) {
if (input.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_B) {
return false;
return true;
size_t SubmitScreen::CurlWriteCallback(void* contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* userp)
size_t realsize = size * nmemb;
SubmitScreen* screen = (SubmitScreen*)userp;
if (screen->response.size() < 4096) { // let's add a limit here to be safe
screen->response += std::string((char*) contents, (char*) contents + realsize);
return realsize;
void SubmitScreen::SubmitSystemData()
const auto& otp = OTP::Get();
const auto& seeprom = SEEPROM::Get();
WUT_ALIGNAS(0x40) MCPSysProdSettings sysProd{};
int32_t mcpHandle = MCP_Open();
if (mcpHandle >= 0) {
// Don't bother checking res here, if it fails sysProd is zeroed
MCP_GetSysProdSettings(mcpHandle, &sysProd);
const MemoryDevice* mlcDev = nullptr;
for (const MemoryDevice& dev : MemoryDevice::GetDevices()) {
if (dev.GetType() == MemoryDevice::TYPE_MLC) {
mlcDev = &dev;
post_data_hashed pdh{};
post_data* pd = &pdh.data;
memcpy(pd->system_model, seeprom.sys_prod.model_numer, sizeof(pd->system_model));
memcpy(pd->mfg_date, &seeprom.prod_info.prod_year, sizeof(pd->mfg_date));
pd->sec_level = otp.wiiUBank.securityLevel;
pd->boardType = seeprom.bc.boardType;
pd->boardRevision = seeprom.bc.boardRevision;
pd->bootSource = seeprom.bc.bootSource;
pd->ddr3Size = seeprom.bc.ddr3Size;
pd->ddr3Speed = seeprom.bc.ddr3Speed;
pd->ddr3Vendor = seeprom.bc.ddr3Vendor;
pd->sataDevice = seeprom.bc.sataDevice;
pd->consoleType = seeprom.bc.consoleType;
pd->wiiu_root_ms_id = otp.wiiUCertBank.rootCertMSId;
pd->wiiu_root_ca_id = otp.wiiUCertBank.rootCertCAId;
pd->wiiu_ng_id = otp.wiiUNGBank.ngId;
pd->wiiu_ng_key_id = otp.wiiUCertBank.rootCertNGKeyId;
2023-03-30 21:40:17 +02:00
if (bspGetHardwareVersion(&pd->bsp_rev) != 0) {
error = "Failed to get BSP revision";
// Device certificate
// IOSC_GetDeviceCertificate() isn't directly accessible from PPC,
// so we'll cheat by reading a known buffer in the kernel. (2.13.01)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(pd->device_cert) / 4; i++) {
if (Mocha_IOSUKernelRead32(0x04024d40 + (i * 4), ((uint32_t*)&pd->device_cert) + i) != MOCHA_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
error = "Failed to read device certificate";
2023-03-30 21:40:17 +02:00
// System serial number
// NOTE: Assuming code+serial doesn't exceed 15 chars (plus NULL).
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-truncation"
snprintf(pd->system_serial, sizeof(pd->system_serial), "%s%s",
seeprom.sys_prod.code_id, seeprom.sys_prod.serial_id);
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// Mask the last 3 digits of the system serial number.
for (unsigned int i = sizeof(pd->system_serial)-1; i > 3; i--) {
if (pd->system_serial[i] <= 0x20) {
pd->system_serial[i] = 0;
// Found printable text.
// Mask the last three digits.
pd->system_serial[i-0] = '*';
pd->system_serial[i-1] = '*';
pd->system_serial[i-2] = '*';
if (sysProd.product_area) {
pd->productArea = __builtin_ctz(sysProd.product_area);
pd->gameRegion = sysProd.game_region;
if (mlcDev) {
memcpy(pd->mlc.cid, mlcDev->GetCID().data(), sizeof(pd->mlc.cid));
pd->mlc.mid_prv = mlcDev->GetMID() << 16 | mlcDev->GetPRV();
pd->mlc.numBlocks = mlcDev->GetNumBlocks();
pd->mlc.blockSize = mlcDev->GetBlockSize();
// NOTE: Not copying pd->mlc.name1 because the eMMC device name
// is fully contained within the MLC CID.
2023-03-30 21:40:17 +02:00
if (Utils::SHA256(&otp, sizeof(otp), pd->otp_sha256, sizeof(pd->otp_sha256)) != 0) {
error = "Failed to hash otp data";
char hashbuf[sizeof(*pd) + 64];
memcpy(hashbuf, pd, sizeof(*pd));
memcpy(hashbuf + sizeof(*pd), "This will submit statistical data to the developers of recovery_menu", 64);
if (Utils::SHA256(hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf), pdh.post_sha256, sizeof(pdh.post_sha256)) != 0) {
error = "Failed to hash data";
CURL* curl = curl_easy_init();
if (!curl) {
error = "Failed to init curl!";
// setup post
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "WiiUIdent/" APP_VERSION);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "https://" DATABASE_URL "/add-system.php");
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, sizeof(pdh));
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, &pdh);
// set content type to octet stream
struct curl_slist* list = nullptr;
list = curl_slist_append(list, "Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, list);
// set write callback for response
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, CurlWriteCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, this);
// load certs
struct curl_blob blob{};
blob.data = (void *) cacert_pem;
blob.len = cacert_pem_size;
blob.flags = CURL_BLOB_COPY;
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO_BLOB, &blob);
CURLcode res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
if (res != CURLE_OK) {
error = Utils::sprintf("Failed to upload data:\n%s (%d)", curl_easy_strerror(res), res);
long code;
curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &code);
if (code >= 400) {
error = Utils::sprintf("Server responded with %d!", code);