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Lime3DS Compatibility List
This repository contains compatibility data for the Lime3DS emulator. Compatibility is ranked on a scale from 0 to 5 where the lower the number, the better the compatibility. The number 99 is used to designate games which have not been tested.
Notably, Vulkan is not included in this compatibility list, as it is considered to be in an unstable state. Compatibility reports should only be made against the OpenGL renderer
0: Perfect
The game functons perfectly, with absolutely no graphical or audio glitches. The experience is identical to real hardware.
1: Great
The game functions with minimal graphical or audio glitches which do not affect the gameplay experience. The experience will be close to real hardware with minor inaccuracies.
2: Okay
The game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but is still playable from beginning to end. The experience may differ significantly from real hardware due to these issues.
3: Bad
The game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, and progress from beginning to end is not possible due to glitches.
4: Intro/Menu
The game boots, but crashes when progressing past the start screen. The game is completely unplayable
5: Won't Boot
The game instantly crashes on boot without displaying and opening graphics. The game is completely unplayable
99: Not Tested
The game's compatibility has not yet been reported. Your milage may vary.