
217 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#version 420
#extension GL_ARB_texture_gather : enable
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
#ifdef VULKAN
#define ATTR_LAYOUT(__vkSet, __location) layout(set = __vkSet, location = __location)
#define UNIFORM_BUFFER_LAYOUT(__glLocation, __vkSet, __vkLocation) layout(set = __vkSet, binding = __vkLocation, std140)
#define TEXTURE_LAYOUT(__glLocation, __vkSet, __vkLocation) layout(set = __vkSet, binding = __vkLocation)
#define SET_POSITION(_v) gl_Position = _v; gl_Position.z = (gl_Position.z + gl_Position.w) / 2.0
#define GET_FRAGCOORD() vec4(gl_FragCoord.xy*uf_fragCoordScale.xy,gl_FragCoord.zw)
#define gl_VertexID gl_VertexIndex
#define gl_InstanceID gl_InstanceIndex
#define ATTR_LAYOUT(__vkSet, __location) layout(location = __location)
#define UNIFORM_BUFFER_LAYOUT(__glLocation, __vkSet, __vkLocation) layout(binding = __glLocation, std140)
#define TEXTURE_LAYOUT(__glLocation, __vkSet, __vkLocation) layout(binding = __glLocation)
#define SET_POSITION(_v) gl_Position = _v
#define GET_FRAGCOORD() vec4(gl_FragCoord.xy*uf_fragCoordScale,gl_FragCoord.zw)
// This shaders was auto-converted from OpenGL to Cemu so expect weird code and possible errors.
// shader 840947e29015aa9a
//BB cliff
const float dither = $dither ;
const float scaleShader = $scaleShader;
const float scaleBlur = $scaleBlur;
const int sampleScale = 4;
highp float lineRand(vec2 co)
highp float a = 12.9898;
highp float b = 78.233;
highp float c = 43758.5453;
highp float dt = dot(co.xy, vec2(a, b));
highp float sn = mod(dt, 3.14);
return fract(sin(sn) * c);
#ifdef VULKAN
layout(set = 1, binding = 2) uniform ufBlock
uniform ivec4 uf_remappedPS[3];
uniform vec4 uf_fragCoordScale;
uniform ivec4 uf_remappedPS[3];
uniform vec2 uf_fragCoordScale;
TEXTURE_LAYOUT(0, 1, 0) uniform sampler2D textureUnitPS0;// Tex0 addr 0xf470a000 res 1280x720x1 dim 1 tm: 4 format 0816 compSel: 0 1 2 5 mipView: 0x0 (num 0x1
TEXTURE_LAYOUT(1, 1, 1) uniform sampler2D textureUnitPS1;// Tex1 addr 0xf4386000 res 1280x720x1 dim 1 tm: 4 format 001a compSel: 0 1 2 3 mipView: 0x0 (num 0x1
layout(location = 0) in vec4 passParameterSem0;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 passParameterSem1;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 passPixelColor0;
// FabriceNeyret2 CC, single shader gaussian by intermediate MIPmap level. www.shadertoy.com/view/ltScRG
const int samples = 8 * sampleScale, //8 or 4 balances xy position
LOD = 2, // gaussian done on MIPmap at scale LOD
sLOD = 1 << LOD; // tile size = 2^LOD
const float sigma = float(samples) * .25;
float gaussian(vec2 i) {
return exp(-.5* dot(i /= sigma, i)) / (6.28 * sigma*sigma);
vec4 blur(sampler2D sp, vec2 U, vec2 scale) {
vec4 O = vec4(0);
int s = samples / sLOD;
for (int i = 0; i < s*s; i++) {
vec2 d = vec2(i%s, i / s)*float(sLOD) - float(samples) / 2.;
O += gaussian(d) * textureLod(sp, U + scale * d, float(LOD));
return O / O.a;
int clampFI32(int v)
if( v == 0x7FFFFFFF )
return floatBitsToInt(1.0);
else if( v == 0xFFFFFFFF )
return floatBitsToInt(0.0);
return floatBitsToInt(clamp(intBitsToFloat(v), 0.0, 1.0));
float mul_nonIEEE(float a, float b){ return min(a*b,min(abs(a)*3.40282347E+38F,abs(b)*3.40282347E+38F)); }
void main()
vec4 R0f = vec4(0.0);
vec4 R1f = vec4(0.0);
vec4 R2f = vec4(0.0);
vec4 R3f = vec4(0.0);
vec4 R4f = vec4(0.0);
vec4 R5f = vec4(0.0);
vec4 R6f = vec4(0.0);
vec4 R7f = vec4(0.0);
vec4 R8f = vec4(0.0);
vec4 R123f = vec4(0.0);
vec4 R127f = vec4(0.0);
float backupReg0f, backupReg1f, backupReg2f, backupReg3f, backupReg4f;
vec4 PV0f = vec4(0.0), PV1f = vec4(0.0);
float PS0f = 0.0, PS1f = 0.0;
vec4 tempf = vec4(0.0);
float tempResultf;
int tempResulti;
ivec4 ARi = ivec4(0);
bool predResult = true;
vec3 cubeMapSTM;
int cubeMapFaceId;
R0f = passParameterSem0;
R1f = passParameterSem1;
R0f.xy = R0f.xy - (lineRand(gl_FragCoord.xy)*0.0012 *dither);
R0f.xy = R0f.xy + (lineRand(gl_FragCoord.xy*vec2(0.1, 0.09))*0.0011 *dither);
// 0
R2f.x = R1f.x + intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].x);
R2f.y = R1f.y + intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].y);
R0f.z = R1f.x + intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].z);
R0f.w = R1f.y + intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].w);
// 1
backupReg0f = R1f.x;
backupReg1f = R1f.y;
backupReg0f = R1f.x;
backupReg1f = R1f.y;
R1f.xyz = vec3(backupReg0f,backupReg1f,backupReg0f) + vec3(intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[1].x),intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[1].y),intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[1].z));
R1f.w = backupReg1f + intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[1].w);
vec2 coord = passParameterSem0.xy*textureSize(textureUnitPS0, 0);
vec2 ps = vec2(1.0) / textureSize(textureUnitPS0, 0);
vec2 uv = coord * ps;
R3f.xyz = (texture(textureUnitPS1, R2f.xy).xyz);
R4f.xyz = (texture(textureUnitPS1, R0f.zw).xyz);
R5f.xyz = (texture(textureUnitPS1, R1f.xy).xyz);
R6f.xyz = (texture(textureUnitPS1, R1f.zw).xyz);
R2f.xyz = blur(textureUnitPS0, R2f.xy, ps*scaleBlur).xyz;
R7f.xyz = R2f.xyz;
R8f.xyz = R2f.xyz;
R1f.xyz = R2f.xyz;
//R2f.xyz = (texture(textureUnitPS0, R2f.xy).xyz);
//R7f.xyz = (texture(textureUnitPS0, R0f.zw).xyz);
//R8f.xyz = (texture(textureUnitPS0, R1f.xy).xyz);
//R1f.xyz = (texture(textureUnitPS0, R1f.zw).xyz);
// 0
tempf.x = dot(vec4(R3f.x,R3f.y,R3f.z,-0.0),vec4(intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000),intBitsToFloat(0x41ff0000),intBitsToFloat(0x45fe0100),0.0));
PV0f.x = tempf.x;
PV0f.y = tempf.x;
PV0f.z = tempf.x;
PV0f.w = tempf.x;
R127f.w = tempf.x;
R127f.z = R2f.x + R7f.x;
PS0f = R127f.z;
// 1
tempf.x = dot(vec4(R4f.x,R4f.y,R4f.z,-0.0),vec4(intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000),intBitsToFloat(0x41ff0000),intBitsToFloat(0x45fe0100),0.0));
PV1f.x = tempf.x;
PV1f.y = tempf.x;
PV1f.z = tempf.x;
PV1f.w = tempf.x;
R127f.y = R2f.y + R7f.y;
PS1f = R127f.y;
// 2
tempf.x = dot(vec4(R5f.x,R5f.y,R5f.z,-0.0),vec4(intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000),intBitsToFloat(0x41ff0000),intBitsToFloat(0x45fe0100),0.0));
PV0f.x = tempf.x;
PV0f.y = tempf.x;
PV0f.z = tempf.x;
PV0f.w = tempf.x;
PS0f = R127f.w + PV1f.x;
// 3
tempf.x = dot(vec4(R6f.x,R6f.y,R6f.z,-0.0),vec4(intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000),intBitsToFloat(0x41ff0000),intBitsToFloat(0x45fe0100),0.0));
PV1f.x = tempf.x;
PV1f.y = tempf.x;
PV1f.z = tempf.x;
PV1f.w = tempf.x;
PS1f = PS0f + PV0f.x;
// 4
PV0f.y = PS1f + PV1f.x;
PV0f.z = R127f.y + R8f.y;
PV0f.w = R2f.z + R7f.z;
// 5
R123f.x = (PV0f.y * 0.25 + -(R0f.x));
PV1f.x = R123f.x;
PV1f.y = R127f.z + R8f.x;
PV1f.z = PV0f.z + R1f.y;
PV1f.w = PV0f.w + R8f.z;
// 6
PV0f.x = PV1f.y + R1f.x;
PV0f.y = PV1f.w + R1f.z;
PV0f.z = PV1f.z * 0.25;
PV0f.w = max(PV1f.x, -(PV1f.x));
// 7
backupReg0f = R0f.y;
PV1f.x = PV0f.x * 0.25;
PV1f.y = PV0f.y * 0.25;
PV1f.z = backupReg0f * PV0f.w;
PV1f.z = clamp(PV1f.z, 0.0, 1.0);
PV1f.w = max(PV0f.z, 0.0);
// 8
PV0f.x = max(PV1f.y, 0.0);
R0f.y = min(PV1f.w, 4.0);
PV0f.z = max(PV1f.x, 0.0);
tempResultf = log2(PV1f.z);
if( isinf(tempResultf) == true ) tempResultf = -3.40282347E+38F;
PS0f = tempResultf;
// 9
PV1f.x = PS0f * intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[2].w);
R0f.z = min(PV0f.x, 4.0);
R0f.x = min(PV0f.z, 4.0);
PS1f = R0f.x;
// 10
PS0f = exp2(PV1f.x);
// 11
R0f.w = PS0f * intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[2].z);
// export
passPixelColor0 = vec4(R0f.x, R0f.y, R0f.z, R0f.w);