2021-08-25 16:28:47 -07:00

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# clang-format-checker-docker
This Docker image let you verify that your code matches the format from clang-format, in an easy way, as part of your CI pipeline. The clang-format versions supported can be found on the ["Tags" page]( of the image.
## Getting Started
The simplest use of this image is to check source files in the current folder, after mounting it with `-v`. The example below checks all files in the current folder (`.`), and recursively (`-r`):
`docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src witekio/clang-format-checker -r .`
Arguments after the image name are passed directly to ``. You can target multiple folders and files. The example below will recursively analyze files in the `src` and `includes` folder, as well as the file `main.cpp`.
`docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src witekio/clang-format-checker -r src includes main.cpp`
## CI Integration
### BitBucket Pipeline
The following BitBucket Pipeline step will check for any style error in the `src` folder, and return an error if problems are found
- step:
name: Check code format
image: witekio/clang-format-checker
- -r src
### GitLab CI Pipeline
The following GitLab CI step will check for any style error in the `src` folder, and return an error if problems are found
name: witekio/clang-format-checker
entrypoint: [""]
- -r src
## Output
The return code of the `docker run` will be:
* `non-zero` if any formatting errors are found, and printed in the standard output.
* `0` if no issue was found
# Recursively check all files from current folder
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/src --rm witekio/clang-format-checker -r . 2 ↵
--- ./testCode/File.cpp (original)
+++ ./testCode/File.cpp (reformatted)
@@ -3,18 +3,13 @@
#include "MyHeader.h"
- : arg(new Other( std::string( "string"), 4))
+ : arg(new Other(std::string("string"), 4))
## Specifying the code style
The style used by `clang-format` can be defined by providing a `.clang-format` file in your source folder. For more information, see [clang-format style options](
## Supported arguments
This image relies on `run-clang-format`. For more information, you can check [`run-clang-format` official repository](
Folders and files can be excluded with `--exclude`
# Check recursively .h/.cpp files excluding 'vendors' folder and '*_test.cpp'
docker run -v $(pwd):/src --rm witekio/clang-format-checker -r --exclude src/third_party --exclude '*_test.cpp' src include foo.cpp
`` help
usage: [-h] [--clang-format-executable EXECUTABLE]
[--extensions EXTENSIONS] [-r] [-q] [-j N]
[--color {auto,always,never}] [-e PATTERN]
file [file ...]
A wrapper script around clang-format, suitable for linting multiple files and
to use for continuous integration. This is an alternative API for the clang-
format command line. It runs over multiple files and directories in parallel.
A diff output is produced and a sensible exit code is returned.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--clang-format-executable EXECUTABLE
path to the clang-format executable
--extensions EXTENSIONS
comma separated list of file extensions (default:
-r, --recursive run recursively over directories
-q, --quiet
-j N run N clang-format jobs in parallel (default number of
cpus + 1)
--color {auto,always,never}
show colored diff (default: auto)
-e PATTERN, --exclude PATTERN
exclude paths matching the given glob-like pattern(s)
from recursive search
## Building manually
To build manually this image, you can clone this repository, and run `make`. Other supported Makefile targets are:
- `make build [TAG=latest]`: Build the image, and use the specified tag, or `latest`
- `make push [TAG=latest]`: Push the image to Docker HUB registry
- `make run [TAG=latest] [CMD="-r ."]`: Run the image locally after mounting the current folder. `run-clang-format` arguments can be customized with `CMD="<args>"`
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the []( file for details
## Acknowledgments
* This Docker container uses `run-clang-format` from [](