According to GameTDB's database, this is not a known title ID. It was likely added by mistake. For those wondering, DVDX doesn't use this or it would be in GameTDB's database because they also keep track of homebrew, and Dolphin doesn't have INIs for homebrew/hacks anyway.
Updates for Mario Smash Football, Medabots Infinity 4th Submission,
Super Mario Sunshine, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent, Sonic
Riders, Bigfoot - King of Crush, Turbo: Super Stunt Squad, Kid
Adventures Sky Captain, Toy Story 3.
Fixes issues 7868, 7799, 6586.
This is a cleanup of the gameini database. Specifically:
It removes the "Issues=..." lines and their respective comments since
they don't show up in the gui, are very old and wrong in most cases.
They contain probably more than 4 year old comments (i don't have a clue
who or when wrote them).
Also remove the "EFBCopyCacheEnable = True" lines from the database.
These were put at a time that efb to Ram had resolution issues without
cache being enabled, safe texture cache could be disabled and speed was
detrimental. Now that efb to ram doesn't have the same res issues as
back then, safe texture cache can't be disabled with speed gains being
non existent (you get even a speed hit if texture cache is put to safe)
i think it should be removed from the database.
Updates gameinis for various us wiiware titles. How to Train Your Dragon
2 (wii), Opoona (wii), The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition (gc),
Super Mario Sunshine (gc), Super Monkey Ball 2 (gc) updated.
Fixes issues 7491, 7447 and 7581.
Adds Genesis virtual console games to the database. Fixes issues 7400
and partly 7396. Update for Mario Sunshine (gc), Despicable Me (wii),
Chicken Little: Ace In Action (wii), and a couple of Wiiware titles.
Update that adds NES and SNES (U) Virtual Console games to the database.
Fixes issue 7349 (More Aggressive Twilight Princess Hack), issue 7337
(Def Jam Vendetta No Cutscenes?) and issue 7258 (Madden NFL 2003
requires RealXFB for videos).
Workaround for issue 7322 (Slow audio ingame in various gamecube games
when using HLE, LLE audio works fine.) by enforcing LLE audio for the
affected games for the time being.
This PR depends upon pr #466 "Allow progressive scan to be set by game
Updates game inis for Serious Sam: Next Encounter (gc), CAPCOM VS. SNK 2
EO (gc), Baten Kaitos Origins (gc), Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the
Lost Ocean (gc), Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (gc), Sonic Riders (gc), Sonic
Adventure DX (gc), Mini Ninjas (wii), The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
Fixes issues 7146 and 6440.
The Sims 2 Pets (gc), NHL 2005 (gc), NHL06 (gc), Blood Omen 2 (gc),
R:Racing Evolution: Life in the Fast Lane (gc), World Of Zoo (wii),
Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are affected.
Fixes issue 7067.
Metroid: Other M was the only game which required this field, but the
issue in that game can be fixed properly by enabling format change
emulation. Hence, there's no point in having this around anymore.
Fixes issue 6644.