- Add support for std::set and std:pair.
- Switch from std::is_pod to std::is_trivially_copyable, to allow for
types that have constructors but trivial copy constructors. Easy,
except there are three different nonstandard versions of it required
on different platforms, in addition to the standard one.
* Currently there is no DEBUGFAST configuration. Defining DEBUGFAST as a preprocessor definition in Base.props (or a global header) enables it for now, pending a better method. This was done to make managing the build harder to screw up. However it may not even be an issue anymore with the new .props usage.
* D3DX11SaveTextureToFile usage is dropped and not replaced.
* If you have $(DXSDK_DIR) in your global property sheets (Microsoft.Cpp.$(PlatformName).user), you need to remove it. The build will error out with a message if it's configured incorrectly.
* If you are on Windows 8 or above, you no longer need the June 2010 DirectX SDK installed to build dolphin. If you are in this situation, it is still required if you want your built binaries to be able to use XAudio2 and XInput on previous Windows versions.
* GLew updated to 1.10.0
* compiler switches added: /volatile:iso, /d2Zi+
* LTCG available via msbuild property: DolphinRelease
* SDL updated to 2.0.0
* All Externals (excl. OpenAL and SDL) are built from source.
* Now uses STL version of std::{mutex,condition_variable,thread}
* Now uses Build as root directory for *all* intermediate files
* Binary directory is populated as post-build msbuild action
* .gitignore is simplified
* UnitTests project is no longer compiled
It was disabled because of issue 182, but as this game depeneds on FPRF, it was just 'fixed' because of the fallback to interpreter (which implements FPRF by default).
Also enables FPRF for this game via GameIni, so that the issue is still workaround.
If there are any regressions because of this commit, please try to enable FPRF in GameIni.
(Read_Opcode_JIT and Write_Opcode_JIT read/write from unrelated memory
areas.* Rename the latter and refactor.)
*except at the one specific exception handler where it doesn't. I
have no idea what this is supposed to do, but it probably doesn't do
it correctly. For now, remove the exception.