mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 11:16:23 +01:00
332 lines
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332 lines
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#include <Windows.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include "Common/CommonPaths.h"
#include "Common/FileUtil.h"
#include "Common/HttpRequest.h"
#include "Common/IOFile.h"
#include "Common/ScopeGuard.h"
#include "Common/StringUtil.h"
#include "Common/WindowsRegistry.h"
#include "UpdaterCommon/Platform.h"
#include "UpdaterCommon/UI.h"
#include "UpdaterCommon/UpdaterCommon.h"
namespace Platform
struct BuildVersion
u32 major{};
u32 minor{};
u32 build{};
auto operator<=>(BuildVersion const& rhs) const = default;
static std::optional<BuildVersion> from_string(const std::string& str)
auto components = SplitString(str, '.');
// Allow variable number of components (truncating after "build"), but not
// empty.
if (components.size() == 0)
return {};
BuildVersion version;
if (!TryParse(components[0], &version.major, 10))
return {};
if (components.size() > 1 && !TryParse(components[1], &version.minor, 10))
return {};
if (components.size() > 2 && !TryParse(components[2], &version.build, 10))
return {};
return version;
enum class VersionCheckStatus
struct VersionCheckResult
VersionCheckStatus status{VersionCheckStatus::NothingToDo};
std::optional<BuildVersion> current_version{};
std::optional<BuildVersion> target_version{};
class BuildInfo
using Map = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
BuildInfo() = default;
BuildInfo(const std::string& content)
map = {{"OSMinimumVersionWin10", ""},
{"OSMinimumVersionWin11", ""},
{"VCToolsVersion", ""},
{"VCToolsUpdateURL", ""}};
std::optional<std::string> GetString(const std::string& name) const
auto it = map.find(name);
if (it == map.end() || it->second.size() == 0)
return {};
return it->second;
std::optional<BuildVersion> GetVersion(const std::string& name) const
auto str = GetString(name);
if (!str.has_value())
return {};
return BuildVersion::from_string(str.value());
void Parse(const std::string& content)
std::stringstream content_stream(content);
std::string line;
while (std::getline(content_stream, line))
if (line.starts_with("//"))
const size_t equals_index = line.find('=');
if (equals_index == line.npos)
auto key = line.substr(0, equals_index);
auto key_it = map.find(key);
if (key_it == map.end())
auto val_start = equals_index + 1;
auto eol = line.find('\r', val_start);
auto val_size = (eol == line.npos) ? line.npos : eol - val_start;
key_it->second = line.substr(val_start, val_size);
Map map;
struct BuildInfos
BuildInfo current;
BuildInfo next;
// This default value should be kept in sync with the value of VCToolsUpdateURL in
// build_info.txt.in
static const char* VCToolsUpdateURLDefault = "https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe";
#define VC_RUNTIME_REGKEY R"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\VC\Runtimes\)"
static const char* VCRuntimeRegistrySubkey()
#ifdef _M_X86_64
#elif _M_ARM_64
#error unsupported architecture
static bool ReadVCRuntimeVersionField(u32* value, const char* name)
return WindowsRegistry::ReadValue(value, VCRuntimeRegistrySubkey(), name);
static std::optional<BuildVersion> GetInstalledVCRuntimeVersion()
u32 installed;
if (!ReadVCRuntimeVersionField(&installed, "Installed") || !installed)
return {};
BuildVersion version;
if (!ReadVCRuntimeVersionField(&version.major, "Major") ||
!ReadVCRuntimeVersionField(&version.minor, "Minor") ||
!ReadVCRuntimeVersionField(&version.build, "Bld"))
return {};
return version;
static VersionCheckResult VCRuntimeVersionCheck(const BuildInfos& build_infos)
VersionCheckResult result;
result.current_version = GetInstalledVCRuntimeVersion();
result.target_version = build_infos.next.GetVersion("VCToolsVersion");
auto existing_version = build_infos.current.GetVersion("VCToolsVersion");
if (!result.target_version.has_value())
result.status = VersionCheckStatus::UpdateOptional;
else if (!result.current_version.has_value() || result.current_version < result.target_version)
result.status = VersionCheckStatus::UpdateRequired;
// See if the current build was already running on acceptable version of the runtime. This could
// happen if the user manually copied the redist DLLs and got Dolphin running that way.
if (existing_version.has_value() && existing_version >= result.target_version)
result.status = VersionCheckStatus::NothingToDo;
return result;
static bool VCRuntimeUpdate(const BuildInfo& build_info)
UI::SetDescription("Updating VC++ Redist, please wait...");
Common::HttpRequest req;
auto resp = req.Get(build_info.GetString("VCToolsUpdateURL").value_or(VCToolsUpdateURLDefault));
if (!resp)
return false;
// Write it to current working directory.
auto redist_path = std::filesystem::current_path() / L"vc_redist.x64.exe";
auto redist_path_u8 = WStringToUTF8(redist_path.wstring());
File::IOFile redist_file;
redist_file.Open(redist_path_u8, "wb");
if (!redist_file.WriteBytes(resp->data(), resp->size()))
return false;
Common::ScopeGuard redist_deleter([&] { File::Delete(redist_path_u8); });
// The installer also supports /passive and /quiet. We normally pass neither (the
// exception being test automation) to allow the user to see and interact with the installer.
std::wstring cmdline = redist_path.filename().wstring() + L" /install /norestart";
if (UI::IsTestMode())
cmdline += L" /passive /quiet";
STARTUPINFOW startup_info{.cb = sizeof(startup_info)};
if (!CreateProcessW(redist_path.c_str(), cmdline.data(), nullptr, nullptr, TRUE, 0, nullptr,
nullptr, &startup_info, &process_info))
return false;
// Wait for it to run
WaitForSingleObject(process_info.hProcess, INFINITE);
DWORD exit_code;
bool has_exit_code = GetExitCodeProcess(process_info.hProcess, &exit_code);
// NOTE: Some nonzero exit codes can still be considered success (e.g. if installation was
// bypassed because the same version already installed).
return has_exit_code &&
static BuildVersion CurrentOSVersion()
OSVERSIONINFOW info = WindowsRegistry::GetOSVersion();
return {.major = info.dwMajorVersion, .minor = info.dwMinorVersion, .build = info.dwBuildNumber};
static VersionCheckResult OSVersionCheck(const BuildInfo& build_info)
VersionCheckResult result;
result.current_version = CurrentOSVersion();
constexpr BuildVersion WIN11_BASE{10, 0, 22000};
const char* version_name =
(result.current_version >= WIN11_BASE) ? "OSMinimumVersionWin11" : "OSMinimumVersionWin10";
result.target_version = build_info.GetVersion(version_name);
if (!result.target_version.has_value() || result.current_version >= result.target_version)
result.status = VersionCheckStatus::NothingToDo;
result.status = VersionCheckStatus::UpdateRequired;
return result;
std::optional<BuildInfos> InitBuildInfos(const std::vector<TodoList::UpdateOp>& to_update,
const std::string& install_base_path,
const std::string& temp_dir)
const auto op_it = std::find_if(to_update.cbegin(), to_update.cend(),
[&](const auto& op) { return op.filename == "build_info.txt"; });
if (op_it == to_update.cend())
return {};
const auto op = *op_it;
std::string build_info_path =
temp_dir + DIR_SEP + HexEncode(op.new_hash.data(), op.new_hash.size());
std::string build_info_content;
if (!File::ReadFileToString(build_info_path, build_info_content) ||
op.new_hash != ComputeHash(build_info_content))
LogToFile("Failed to read %s\n.", build_info_path.c_str());
return {};
BuildInfos build_infos;
build_infos.next = Platform::BuildInfo(build_info_content);
build_info_path = install_base_path + DIR_SEP + "build_info.txt";
build_infos.current = Platform::BuildInfo();
if (File::ReadFileToString(build_info_path, build_info_content))
if (op.old_hash != ComputeHash(build_info_content))
LogToFile("Using modified existing BuildInfo %s.\n", build_info_path.c_str());
build_infos.current = Platform::BuildInfo(build_info_content);
return build_infos;
bool CheckBuildInfo(const BuildInfos& build_infos)
// The existing BuildInfo may have been modified. Be careful not to overly trust its contents!
// If the binary requires more recent OS, inform the user.
auto os_check = OSVersionCheck(build_infos.next);
if (os_check.status == VersionCheckStatus::UpdateRequired)
UI::Error("Please update Windows in order to update Dolphin.");
return false;
// Check if application being launched needs more recent version of VC Redist. If so, download
// latest updater and execute it.
auto vc_check = VCRuntimeVersionCheck(build_infos);
const auto is_test_mode = UI::IsTestMode();
if (vc_check.status != VersionCheckStatus::NothingToDo || is_test_mode)
auto update_ok = VCRuntimeUpdate(build_infos.next);
if (!update_ok && is_test_mode)
// For now, only check return value when test automation is running.
// The vc_redist exe may return other non-zero status that we don't check for, yet.
return false;
vc_check = VCRuntimeVersionCheck(build_infos);
if (vc_check.status == VersionCheckStatus::UpdateRequired)
// The update is required and the install failed for some reason.
UI::Error("Please update VC++ Runtime in order to update Dolphin.");
return false;
return true;
bool VersionCheck(const std::vector<TodoList::UpdateOp>& to_update,
const std::string& install_base_path, const std::string& temp_dir)
auto build_infos = InitBuildInfos(to_update, install_base_path, temp_dir);
// If there's no build info, it means the check should be skipped.
if (!build_infos.has_value())
return true;
return CheckBuildInfo(build_infos.value());
} // namespace Platform