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// Copyright 2020 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "Core/HW/WiimoteCommon/DataReport.h"
#include "Core/HW/WiimoteCommon/WiimoteReport.h"
#include "Core/HW/WiimoteEmu/Camera.h"
#include "Core/HW/WiimoteEmu/Extension/Classic.h"
#include "Core/HW/WiimoteEmu/Extension/Nunchuk.h"
#include "Core/HW/WiimoteEmu/MotionPlus.h"
#include "Core/HW/WiimoteReal/WiimoteReal.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/CoreDevice.h"
namespace ciface::WiimoteController
using namespace WiimoteCommon;
void AddDevice(std::unique_ptr<WiimoteReal::Wiimote>);
void ReleaseDevices(std::optional<u32> count = std::nullopt);
class Device final : public Core::Device
Device(std::unique_ptr<WiimoteReal::Wiimote> wiimote);
std::string GetName() const override;
std::string GetSource() const override;
void UpdateInput() override;
using Clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
enum class ExtensionID
enum class Checksum
class MotionPlusState
void SetCalibrationData(const WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::CalibrationData&);
void ProcessData(const WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::DataFormat&);
using PassthroughMode = WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::PassthroughMode;
// State is unknown by default.
std::optional<PassthroughMode> current_mode;
// The last known state of the passthrough port flag.
// Used to detect passthrough extension port events.
std::optional<bool> passthrough_port;
Common::Vec3 gyro_data = {};
std::optional<WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::CalibrationBlocks> calibration;
struct NunchukState
using CalibrationData = WiimoteEmu::Nunchuk::CalibrationData;
void SetCalibrationData(const CalibrationData&, Checksum);
void ProcessData(const WiimoteEmu::Nunchuk::DataFormat&);
Common::Vec2 stick = {};
Common::Vec3 accel = {};
u8 buttons = 0;
struct Calibration
CalibrationData::AccelCalibration accel;
CalibrationData::StickCalibration stick;
std::optional<Calibration> calibration;
struct ClassicState
using CalibrationData = WiimoteEmu::Classic::CalibrationData;
void SetCalibrationData(const CalibrationData&, Checksum);
void ProcessData(const WiimoteEmu::Classic::DataFormat&);
std::array<Common::Vec2, 2> sticks = {};
std::array<float, 2> triggers = {};
u16 buttons = 0;
struct Calibration
CalibrationData::StickCalibration left_stick;
CalibrationData::StickCalibration right_stick;
CalibrationData::TriggerCalibration left_trigger;
CalibrationData::TriggerCalibration right_trigger;
std::optional<Calibration> calibration;
struct IRState
static u32 GetDesiredIRSensitivity();
void ProcessData(const std::array<WiimoteEmu::IRBasic, 2>&);
bool IsFullyConfigured() const;
u32 current_sensitivity = u32(-1);
bool enabled = false;
bool mode_set = false;
// Average of visible IR "objects".
Common::Vec2 center_position = {};
float distance = 0;
bool is_hidden = true;
class ReportHandler
enum class HandlerResult
ReportHandler(Clock::time_point expired_time);
template <typename R, typename T>
void AddHandler(std::function<R(const T&)>);
HandlerResult TryToHandleReport(const WiimoteReal::Report& report);
bool IsExpired() const;
const Clock::time_point m_expired_time;
std::vector<std::function<HandlerResult(const WiimoteReal::Report& report)>> m_callbacks;
using AckReportHandler = std::function<ReportHandler::HandlerResult(const InputReportAck& reply)>;
static AckReportHandler MakeAckHandler(OutputReportID report_id,
std::function<void(WiimoteCommon::ErrorCode)> callback);
// TODO: Make parameter const. (need to modify DataReportManipulator)
void ProcessInputReport(WiimoteReal::Report& report);
void ProcessMotionPlusExtensionData(const u8* data, u32 size);
void ProcessNormalExtensionData(const u8* data, u32 size);
void ProcessExtensionEvent(bool connected);
void ProcessExtensionID(u8 id_0, u8 id_4, u8 id_5);
void ProcessStatusReport(const InputReportStatus&);
void RunTasks();
bool IsPerformingTask() const;
template <typename T>
void QueueReport(T&& report, std::function<void(ErrorCode)> ack_callback = {});
template <typename... T>
void AddReportHandler(T&&... callbacks);
using ReadResponse = std::optional<std::vector<u8>>;
void ReadData(AddressSpace space, u8 slave, u16 address, u16 size,
std::function<void(ReadResponse)> callback);
void AddReadDataReplyHandler(AddressSpace space, u8 slave, u16 address, u16 size,
std::vector<u8> starting_data,
std::function<void(ReadResponse)> callback);
template <typename T = std::initializer_list<u8>, typename C>
void WriteData(AddressSpace space, u8 slave, u16 address, T&& data, C&& callback);
void ReadActiveExtensionID();
void SetIRSensitivity(u32 level);
void ConfigureSpeaker();
void ConfigureIRCamera();
u8 GetDesiredLEDValue() const;
void TriggerMotionPlusModeChange();
void TriggerMotionPlusCalibration();
bool IsMotionPlusStateKnown() const;
bool IsMotionPlusActive() const;
bool IsMotionPlusInDesiredMode() const;
bool IsWaitingForMotionPlus() const;
void WaitForMotionPlus();
void HandleMotionPlusNonResponse();
void UpdateRumble();
void UpdateOrientation();
void UpdateExtensionNumberInput();
std::unique_ptr<WiimoteReal::Wiimote> m_wiimote;
// Buttons.
DataReportManipulator::CoreData m_core_data = {};
// Accelerometer.
Common::Vec3 m_accel_data = {};
std::optional<AccelCalibrationData::Calibration> m_accel_calibration;
// Pitch, Roll, Yaw inputs.
Common::Vec3 m_rotation_inputs = {};
MotionPlusState m_mplus_state = {};
NunchukState m_nunchuk_state = {};
ClassicState m_classic_state = {};
IRState m_ir_state = {};
// Used to poll for M+ periodically and wait for it to reset.
Clock::time_point m_mplus_wait_time = Clock::now();
// The desired mode is set based on the attached normal extension.
std::optional<MotionPlusState::PassthroughMode> m_mplus_desired_mode;
// Status report is requested every so often to update the battery level.
Clock::time_point m_status_outdated_time = Clock::now();
float m_battery = 0;
u8 m_leds = 0;
bool m_speaker_configured = false;
// The last known state of the extension port status flag.
// Used to detect extension port events.
std::optional<bool> m_extension_port;
// Note this refers to the passthrough extension when M+ is active.
std::optional<ExtensionID> m_extension_id;
// Rumble state must be saved to set the proper flag in every output report.
bool m_rumble = false;
// For pulse of rumble motor to simulate multiple levels.
ControlState m_rumble_level = 0;
Clock::time_point m_last_rumble_change = Clock::now();
// Assume mode is disabled so one gets set.
InputReportID m_reporting_mode = InputReportID::ReportDisabled;
// Used only to provide a value for a specialty "input". (for attached extension passthrough)
WiimoteEmu::ExtensionNumber m_extension_number_input = WiimoteEmu::ExtensionNumber::NONE;
bool m_mplus_attached_input = false;
// Holds callbacks for output report replies.
std::list<ReportHandler> m_report_handlers;
// World rotation. (used to rotate IR data and provide pitch, roll, yaw inputs)
Common::Quaternion m_orientation = Common::Quaternion::Identity();
Clock::time_point m_last_report_time = Clock::now();
} // namespace ciface::WiimoteController