2014-12-31 16:08:43 +00:00
version 13:
* New set of microspeech allophones (shorter)
* Added GUI volume setting
* Added Currah microspeech volume setting
* SE Basic extended to all models
* Wiimote button 2 as default fire
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> Dec 31 2014
2014-06-04 17:39:06 +00:00
version 12:
* Added Currah microspeech emulation
* Added Fuller box sound and joystick emulation
* Added ZX Interface II Rom cartridge loading support
* Added support for Open SE basic ROM for 48k model
* Added file management (paste, copy and delete)
* Added load command for microdrive
* Improved tape fast loading routine
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> Jun 8 2014
2014-04-26 11:45:45 +00:00
version 11:
* Gui interface with ZX Spectrum style and sound
* Added screen preview in scr menu
* Added tape settings menu
* Added green color mode
* Added submenu for 48k issue 2 & 3
* Fixed several bugs (mainly memory leakage)
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> Apr 26 2014
2013-06-01 10:06:33 +00:00
version 10.3:
* Improved txz loading algorithm
* fixed small bugs on return from turbo state
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> Jun 01 2013
2013-04-20 22:23:06 +00:00
version 10.2:
* fixed bugs in 128k sna format
* fixed small bugs in z80 core
* fixed bugs in tape emulation (Speedlock 4-7, Softlock and Powerload work now)
* Improved code and tape loading speed
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> Apr 20 2013
2013-03-24 14:55:32 +00:00
version 10:
* Tape browser
* TZX "select block" block
* TZX "jump to block" block
* TZX messages shown on the screen
* Instant load for TZX files too
* Improved instant load routine: most of TAP files can be instant loaded now
* Keys can be kept pressed in Virtual Keyboard
* QAOP joystick
* 16 bit sound
* Linear interpolation anti aliasing sound filter
* Removed crackling in menu change
* Mic bit emulation (Cobra's Arc speach works now)
* Option to have pause between blocks in instant load
* Option to disable tape rewind on reset
* Option to ignore joystick configuration of z80 files
* Tape stops on reset
* Fixed bug in emulation precision option saving
* Other minor fixings and improvements
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> Mar 24 2013
2013-01-20 13:08:48 +00:00
version 9:
* Virtual keyboard does not stop the emulation
* Support for installation on usb device
* Case insensitive file ordering
* The path in file browsing is remembered
* Changed layout in file selection menu
* Support for Wiiflow
* Option to disable Virtual keyboard rumble
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> Jan 20 2013
2013-01-06 21:49:53 +00:00
version 8:
* Screen snapshots visible on screen in file select menus
* Option to activate the virtual keyboard with the wiimote IR pointer
* Changed menu navigation rules (2 and B always come back to previuos menu)
* FTP and SMP connect also after start up
* Tape stops after machine selection change
* Fixed contention in normal mode emulation
* Fixed crackling in turbo auto mode
* Other minor bug fixes
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> Jan 6 2013
2012-12-30 17:52:21 +00:00
version 7:
* Added auto turbo mode
* Added graphical virtual keyboard using wii pointer
* Added B button as escape
* Fixed bug in file list management
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> Dec 30 2012
2012-08-31 06:52:26 +00:00
version 6:
* Added mdr and tape file creation menu
* Added poke menu
* Added poke file management
* Added zip support and archive browsing
* Added ftp client and browsing
* Support for ABC/BAC/ACB stereo
* Improved snow emulation
* Improved speed emulation
* Fixed bug in SNA format
* Fixed bug in AY-3-8912 emulation
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> Aug 19 2012
2012-07-29 09:13:42 +00:00
version 5:
* Added precision emulation setting (floating bus, contention, interrupt timing)
* Added NTSC 48K machine
* Added 320X240 framebuffer resolution
* New screen setting menu
* Added framerate setting
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> July 29 2012
2012-06-29 21:48:28 +00:00
version 4:
* Fixed RETN and RETI Z80 instructions
* In Joypad mode, the nunchuck works now
2012-08-31 06:52:26 +00:00
* New code for AY-3-8912 emulation
2012-06-29 21:48:28 +00:00
* Fixed Flag emulation for many Z80 opcodes: Speedlock loader works now
2012-05-13 10:49:00 +00:00
2012-06-29 21:48:28 +00:00
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> June 29 2012
2012-05-27 18:10:11 +00:00
version 3:
2012-05-27 18:39:29 +00:00
* Added arrows keys binding to joysticks
2012-05-27 18:10:11 +00:00
* Added game configuration management
* Changed general configuration management
* Added ultraspeed turbo mode
* Added ULA+ contention
* Fixed bug in sound and increased volume
* Fixed some bugs in Z80 emulation. Ant Attack works now
* Fixed some other small bugs
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> May 27 2012
2012-06-29 21:48:28 +00:00
version 2:
* Added smb support
* Added usb disk support
* Added joypad as joystick function
* Added saving of all configurations and buttons
* Improved virtual keyboard
* Fixed bug in sound emulation
* Fixed some other small bugs
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> May 13 2012
version 1:
* Initial release
-- Fabio Olimpieri <fabio.olimpieri@tin.it> May 1 2012
2012-05-27 18:10:11 +00:00