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Raw Normal View History

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include "engine.h"
#include "maxwell/macro_interpreter.h"
#define MAXWELL3D_OFFSET(field) U32_OFFSET(Registers, field)
namespace skyline::soc::gm20b::engine::maxwell3d {
* @brief The Maxwell 3D engine handles processing 3D graphics
class Maxwell3D : public Engine {
std::array<size_t, 0x80> macroPositions{}; //!< The positions of each individual macro in macro memory, there can be a maximum of 0x80 macros at any one time
struct {
2021-09-27 23:05:05 +02:00
i32 index{-1};
std::vector<u32> arguments;
} macroInvocation{}; //!< Data for a macro that is pending execution
MacroInterpreter macroInterpreter;
void HandleSemaphoreCounterOperation();
void WriteSemaphoreResult(u64 result);
static constexpr u32 RegisterCount{0xE00}; //!< The number of Maxwell 3D registers
* @url
#pragma pack(push, 1)
union Registers {
std::array<u32, RegisterCount> raw;
struct Address {
u32 high;
u32 low;
u64 Pack() {
return (static_cast<u64>(high) << 32) | low;
static_assert(sizeof(Address) == sizeof(u64));
enum class MmeShadowRamControl : u32 {
MethodTrack = 0,
MethodTrackWithFilter = 1,
MethodPassthrough = 2,
MethodReplay = 3,
struct ViewportTransform {
enum class Swizzle : u8 {
PositiveX = 0,
NegativeX = 1,
PositiveY = 2,
NegativeY = 3,
PositiveZ = 4,
NegativeZ = 5,
PositiveW = 6,
NegativeW = 7,
float scaleX;
float scaleY;
float scaleZ;
float translateX;
float translateY;
float translateZ;
struct {
Swizzle x : 3;
u8 _pad0_ : 1;
Swizzle y : 3;
u8 _pad1_ : 1;
Swizzle z : 3;
u8 _pad2_ : 1;
Swizzle w : 3;
u32 _pad3_ : 17;
} swizzles;
struct {
u8 x : 5;
u8 _pad0_ : 3;
u8 y : 5;
u32 _pad1_ : 19;
} subpixelPrecisionBias;
static_assert(sizeof(ViewportTransform) == (0x8 * sizeof(u32)));
struct Viewport {
struct {
u16 x;
u16 width;
struct {
u16 y;
u16 height;
float depthRangeNear;
float depthRangeFar;
static_assert(sizeof(Viewport) == (0x4 * sizeof(u32)));
enum class PolygonMode : u32 {
Point = 0x1B00,
Line = 0x1B01,
Fill = 0x1B02,
union VertexAttribute {
u32 raw;
enum class Size : u8 {
Size_1x32 = 0x12,
Size_2x32 = 0x04,
Size_3x32 = 0x02,
Size_4x32 = 0x01,
Size_1x16 = 0x1B,
Size_2x16 = 0x0F,
Size_3x16 = 0x05,
Size_4x16 = 0x03,
Size_1x8 = 0x1D,
Size_2x8 = 0x18,
Size_3x8 = 0x13,
Size_4x8 = 0x0A,
Size_10_10_10_2 = 0x30,
Size_11_11_10 = 0x31,
enum class Type : u8 {
None = 0,
SNorm = 1,
UNorm = 2,
SInt = 3,
UInt = 4,
UScaled = 5,
SScaled = 6,
Float = 7,
struct {
u8 bufferId : 5;
u8 _pad0_ : 1;
bool fixed : 1;
u16 offset : 14;
Size size : 6;
Type type : 3;
u8 _pad1_ : 1;
bool bgra : 1;
static_assert(sizeof(VertexAttribute) == sizeof(u32));
enum class CompareOp : u32 {
Never = 1,
Less = 2,
Equal = 3,
LessOrEqual = 4,
Greater = 5,
NotEqual = 6,
GreaterOrEqual = 7,
Always = 8,
NeverGL = 0x200,
LessGL = 0x201,
EqualGL = 0x202,
LessOrEqualGL = 0x203,
GreaterGL = 0x204,
NotEqualGL = 0x205,
GreaterOrEqualGL = 0x206,
AlwaysGL = 0x207,
struct Blend {
enum class Op : u32 {
Add = 1,
Subtract = 2,
ReverseSubtract = 3,
Minimum = 4,
Maximum = 5,
AddGL = 0x8006,
SubtractGL = 0x8007,
ReverseSubtractGL = 0x8008,
MinimumGL = 0x800A,
MaximumGL = 0x800B,
enum class Factor : u32 {
Zero = 0x1,
One = 0x2,
SourceColor = 0x3,
OneMinusSourceColor = 0x4,
SourceAlpha = 0x5,
OneMinusSourceAlpha = 0x6,
DestAlpha = 0x7,
OneMinusDestAlpha = 0x8,
DestColor = 0x9,
OneMinusDestColor = 0xA,
SourceAlphaSaturate = 0xB,
Source1Color = 0x10,
OneMinusSource1Color = 0x11,
Source1Alpha = 0x12,
OneMinusSource1Alpha = 0x13,
ConstantColor = 0x61,
OneMinusConstantColor = 0x62,
ConstantAlpha = 0x63,
OneMinusConstantAlpha = 0x64,
ZeroGL = 0x4000,
OneGL = 0x4001,
SourceColorGL = 0x4300,
OneMinusSourceColorGL = 0x4301,
SourceAlphaGL = 0x4302,
OneMinusSourceAlphaGL = 0x4303,
DestAlphaGL = 0x4304,
OneMinusDestAlphaGL = 0x4305,
DestColorGL = 0x4306,
OneMinusDestColorGL = 0x4307,
SourceAlphaSaturateGL = 0x4308,
ConstantColorGL = 0xC001,
OneMinusConstantColorGL = 0xC002,
ConstantAlphaGL = 0xC003,
OneMinusConstantAlphaGL = 0xC004,
Source1ColorGL = 0xC900,
OneMinusSource1ColorGL = 0xC901,
Source1AlphaGL = 0xC902,
OneMinusSource1AlphaGL = 0xC903,
struct {
u32 seperateAlpha;
Op colorOp;
Factor colorSrcFactor;
Factor colorDestFactor;
Op alphaOp;
Factor alphaSrcFactor;
Factor alphaDestFactor;
u32 _pad_;
static_assert(sizeof(Blend) == (sizeof(u32) * 8));
enum class StencilOp : u32 {
Keep = 1,
Zero = 2,
Replace = 3,
IncrementAndClamp = 4,
DecrementAndClamp = 5,
Invert = 6,
IncrementAndWrap = 7,
DecrementAndWrap = 8,
enum class FrontFace : u32 {
Clockwise = 0x900,
CounterClockwise = 0x901,
enum class CullFace : u32 {
Front = 0x404,
Back = 0x405,
FrontAndBack = 0x408,
union ColorWriteMask {
u32 raw;
struct {
u8 r : 4;
u8 g : 4;
u8 b : 4;
u8 a : 4;
static_assert(sizeof(ColorWriteMask) == sizeof(u32));
struct SemaphoreInfo {
enum class Op : u8 {
Release = 0,
Acquire = 1,
Counter = 2,
Trap = 3,
enum class ReductionOp : u8 {
Add = 0,
Min = 1,
Max = 2,
Inc = 3,
Dec = 4,
And = 5,
Or = 6,
Xor = 7,
enum class Unit : u8 {
VFetch = 1,
VP = 2,
Rast = 4,
StrmOut = 5,
GP = 6,
ZCull = 7,
Prop = 10,
Crop = 15,
enum class SyncCondition : u8 {
NotEqual = 0,
GreaterThan = 1,
enum class Format : u8 {
U32 = 0,
I32 = 1,
enum class CounterType : u8 {
Zero = 0x0,
InputVertices = 0x1,
InputPrimitives = 0x3,
VertexShaderInvocations = 0x5,
GeometryShaderInvocations = 0x7,
GeometryShaderPrimitives = 0x9,
ZcullStats0 = 0xA,
TransformFeedbackPrimitivesWritten = 0xB,
ZcullStats1 = 0xC,
ZcullStats2 = 0xE,
ClipperInputPrimitives = 0xF,
ZcullStats3 = 0x10,
ClipperOutputPrimitives = 0x11,
PrimitivesGenerated = 0x12,
FragmentShaderInvocations = 0x13,
SamplesPassed = 0x15,
TransformFeedbackOffset = 0x1A,
TessControlShaderInvocations = 0x1B,
TessEvaluationShaderInvocations = 0x1D,
TessEvaluationShaderPrimitives = 0x1F,
enum class StructureSize : u8 {
FourWords = 0,
OneWord = 1,
Op op : 2;
bool flushDisable : 1;
bool reductionEnable : 1;
bool fenceEnable : 1;
u8 _pad0_ : 4;
ReductionOp reductionOp : 3;
Unit unit : 4;
SyncCondition syncCondition : 1;
Format format : 2;
u8 _pad1_ : 1;
bool awakenEnable : 1;
u8 _pad2_ : 2;
CounterType counterType : 5;
StructureSize structureSize : 1;
static_assert(sizeof(SemaphoreInfo) == sizeof(u32));
enum class CoordOrigin : u8 {
LowerLeft = 0,
UpperLeft = 1,
struct {
u32 _pad0_[0x40]; // 0x0
u32 noOperation; // 0x40
u32 _pad1_[0x3]; // 0x41
u32 waitForIdle; // 0x44
struct {
u32 instructionRamPointer; // 0x45
u32 instructionRamLoad; // 0x46
u32 startAddressRamPointer; // 0x47
u32 startAddressRamLoad; // 0x48
MmeShadowRamControl shadowRamControl; // 0x49
} mme;
u32 _pad2_[0x68]; // 0x4A
struct {
u16 id : 12;
u8 _pad0_ : 4;
bool flushCache : 1;
u8 _pad1_ : 3;
bool increment : 1;
u16 _pad2_ : 11;
} syncpointAction; // 0xB2
u32 _pad3_[0x2C]; // 0xB3
u32 rasterizerEnable; // 0xDF
u32 _pad4_[0x1A0]; // 0xE0
std::array<ViewportTransform, 0x10> viewportTransform; // 0x280
std::array<Viewport, 0x10> viewport; // 0x300
u32 _pad5_[0x2B]; // 0x340
struct {
PolygonMode front; // 0x36B
PolygonMode back; // 0x36C
} polygonMode;
u32 _pad6_[0x68]; // 0x36D
struct {
u32 compareRef; // 0x3D5
u32 writeMask; // 0x3D6
u32 compareMask; // 0x3D7
} stencilBackExtra;
u32 _pad7_[0x13]; // 0x3D8
u32 rtSeparateFragData; // 0x3EB
u32 _pad8_[0x6C]; // 0x3EC
std::array<VertexAttribute, 0x20> vertexAttributeState; // 0x458
u32 _pad9_[0x4B]; // 0x478
CompareOp depthTestFunc; // 0x4C3
float alphaTestRef; // 0x4C4
CompareOp alphaTestFunc; // 0x4C5
u32 drawTFBStride; // 0x4C6
struct {
float r; // 0x4C7
float g; // 0x4C8
float b; // 0x4C9
float a; // 0x4CA
} blendConstant;
u32 _pad10_[0x4]; // 0x4CB
struct {
u32 seperateAlpha; // 0x4CF
Blend::Op colorOp; // 0x4D0
Blend::Factor colorSrcFactor; // 0x4D1
Blend::Factor colorDestFactor; // 0x4D2
Blend::Op alphaOp; // 0x4D3
Blend::Factor alphaSrcFactor; // 0x4D4
u32 _pad_; // 0x4D5
Blend::Factor alphaDestFactor; // 0x4D6
u32 enableCommon; // 0x4D7
std::array<u32, 8> enable; // 0x4D8 For each render target
} blend;
u32 stencilEnable; // 0x4E0
struct {
StencilOp failOp; // 0x4E1
StencilOp zFailOp; // 0x4E2
StencilOp zPassOp; // 0x4E3
struct {
CompareOp op; // 0x4E4
i32 ref; // 0x4E5
u32 mask; // 0x4E6
} compare;
u32 writeMask; // 0x4E7
} stencilFront;
u32 _pad11_[0x4]; // 0x4E8
float lineWidthSmooth; // 0x4EC
float lineWidthAliased; // 0x4D
u32 _pad12_[0x1F]; // 0x4EE
u32 drawBaseVertex; // 0x50D
u32 drawBaseInstance; // 0x50E
u32 _pad13_[0x35]; // 0x50F
u32 clipDistanceEnable; // 0x544
u32 sampleCounterEnable; // 0x545
float pointSpriteSize; // 0x546
u32 zCullStatCountersEnable; // 0x547
u32 pointSpriteEnable; // 0x548
u32 _pad14_; // 0x549
u32 shaderExceptions; // 0x54A
u32 _pad15_[0x2]; // 0x54B
u32 multisampleEnable; // 0x54D
u32 depthTargetEnable; // 0x54E
struct {
bool alphaToCoverage : 1;
u8 _pad0_ : 3;
bool alphaToOne : 1;
u32 _pad1_ : 27;
} multisampleControl; // 0x54F
u32 _pad16_[0x7]; // 0x550
struct {
Address address; // 0x557
u32 maximumIndex; // 0x559
} texSamplerPool;
u32 _pad17_; // 0x55A
u32 polygonOffsetFactor; // 0x55B
u32 lineSmoothEnable; // 0x55C
struct {
Address address; // 0x55D
u32 maximumIndex; // 0x55F
} texHeaderPool;
u32 _pad18_[0x5]; // 0x560
u32 stencilTwoSideEnable; // 0x565
struct {
StencilOp failOp; // 0x566
StencilOp zFailOp; // 0x567
StencilOp zPassOp; // 0x568
CompareOp compareOp; // 0x569
} stencilBack;
u32 _pad19_[0x17]; // 0x56A
struct {
u8 _unk_ : 2;
CoordOrigin origin : 1;
u16 enable : 10;
u32 _pad_ : 19;
} pointCoordReplace; // 0x581
u32 _pad20_[0xC4]; // 0x582
u32 cullFaceEnable; // 0x646
FrontFace frontFace; // 0x647
CullFace cullFace; // 0x648
u32 pixelCentreImage; // 0x649
u32 _pad21_; // 0x64A
u32 viewportTransformEnable; // 0x64B
u32 _pad22_[0x34]; // 0x64A
std::array<ColorWriteMask, 8> colorMask; // 0x680 For each render target
u32 _pad23_[0x38]; // 0x688
struct {
Address address; // 0x6C0
u32 payload; // 0x6C2
SemaphoreInfo info; // 0x6C3
} semaphore;
u32 _pad24_[0xBC]; // 0x6C4
std::array<Blend, 8> independentBlend; // 0x780 For each render target
u32 _pad25_[0x100]; // 0x7C0
u32 firmwareCall[0x20]; // 0x8C0
static_assert(sizeof(Registers) == (RegisterCount * sizeof(u32)));
#pragma pack(pop)
Registers registers{};
Registers shadowRegisters{}; //!< The shadow registers, their function is controlled by the 'shadowRamControl' register
std::array<u32, 0x2000> macroCode{}; //!< This stores GPU macros, writes to it will wraparound on overflow
Maxwell3D(const DeviceState &state);
* @brief Resets the Maxwell 3D registers to their default values
void ResetRegs();
void CallMethod(u32 method, u32 argument, bool lastCall);