2022-12-03 22:50:56 +00:00

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2022 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include "base.h"
#include "exception.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "span.h"
namespace skyline::dirty {
template<size_t, size_t, size_t>
class Manager;
* @brief An opaque handle to a dirty subresource
struct Handle {
template<size_t, size_t, size_t>
friend class Manager;
bool *dirtyPtr; //!< Underlying target ptr
explicit Handle(bool *dirtyPtr) : dirtyPtr{dirtyPtr} {}
* @brief Implements a way to track dirty subresources within a region of memory
* @tparam ManagedResourceSize Size of the managed resource in bytes
* @tparam Granularity Minimum granularity of a subresource in bytes
* @tparam OverlapPoolSize Size of the pool used to store handles when there are multiple bound to the same subresource
* @note This class is *NOT* thread-safe
template<size_t ManagedResourceSize, size_t Granularity, size_t OverlapPoolSize = 0x2000>
class Manager {
struct BindingState {
enum class Type : u32 {
None, //!< No handles are bound
Inline, //!< `inlineDirtyPtr` contains a pointer to the single bound handle for the entry
OverlapSpan, //!< `overlapSpanDirtyPtrs` contains an array of pointers to handles bound to the entry
} type{Type::None};
u32 overlapSpanSize{}; //!< Size of the array that overlapSpanDirtyPtrs points to
union {
bool *inlineDirtyPtr;
bool **overlapSpanDirtyPtrs;
* @return An array of pointers to handles bound to the entry
span<bool *> GetOverlapSpan() {
return {overlapSpanDirtyPtrs, overlapSpanSize};
std::array<bool *, OverlapPoolSize> overlapPool{}; //!< Backing pool for `overlapSpanDirtyPtrs` in entry
bool **freeOverlapPtr{}; //!< Pointer to the next free entry in `overlapPool`
std::array<BindingState, ManagedResourceSize / Granularity> states{}; //!< The dirty binding states for the entire managed resource
uintptr_t managedResourceBaseAddress; //!< The base address of the managed resource
template<typename ManagedResourceType> requires (std::is_standard_layout_v<ManagedResourceType> && sizeof(ManagedResourceType) == ManagedResourceSize)
Manager(ManagedResourceType &managedResource) : managedResourceBaseAddress{reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&managedResource)}, freeOverlapPtr{} {}
* @brief Binds a handle to a subresource, automatically handling overlaps
void Bind(Handle handle, uintptr_t subresourceAddress, size_t subresourceSizeBytes) {
if (managedResourceBaseAddress > subresourceAddress)
throw exception("Dirty subresource address is below the managed resource base address");
size_t subresourceAddressOffset{subresourceAddress - managedResourceBaseAddress};
// Validate
if (subresourceAddressOffset < 0 || (subresourceAddressOffset + subresourceSizeBytes) >= ManagedResourceSize)
throw exception("Dirty subresource address is not within the managed resource");
if (subresourceSizeBytes % Granularity)
throw exception("Dirty subresource size isn't aligned to the tracking granularity");
if (subresourceAddressOffset % Granularity)
throw exception("Dirty subresource offset isn't aligned to the tracking granularity");
// Insert
size_t subresourceIndex{static_cast<size_t>(subresourceAddressOffset / Granularity)};
size_t subresourceSize{subresourceSizeBytes / Granularity};
for (size_t i{subresourceIndex}; i < subresourceIndex + subresourceSize; i++) {
auto &state{states[i]};
if (state.type == BindingState::Type::None) {
state.type = BindingState::Type::Inline;
state.inlineDirtyPtr = handle.dirtyPtr;
} else if (state.type == BindingState::Type::Inline) {
state.type = BindingState::Type::OverlapSpan;
// Save the old inline dirty pointer since we'll need to insert it into the new overlap span and setting the overlap span ptr will overwrite it
bool *origDirtyPtr{state.inlineDirtyPtr};
// Point to a new pool allocation that can hold the overlap
state.overlapSpanDirtyPtrs = freeOverlapPtr;
state.overlapSpanSize = 2; // Existing inline handle + our new handle
// Check if the pool allocation is valid
if (freeOverlapPtr + state.overlapSpanSize >= overlapPool.end())
throw exception("Dirty overlap pool is full");
// Write overlap to our new pool allocation
*freeOverlapPtr++ = origDirtyPtr;
*freeOverlapPtr++ = handle.dirtyPtr;
} else if (state.type == BindingState::Type::OverlapSpan) {
auto originalOverlapSpan{state.GetOverlapSpan()};
// Point to a new pool allocation that can hold all the old overlaps + our new overlap
state.overlapSpanDirtyPtrs = freeOverlapPtr;
// Check if the pool allocation is valid
if (freeOverlapPtr + state.overlapSpanSize >= overlapPool.end())
throw exception("Dirty overlap pool is full");
// Write all overlaps to our new pool allocation
auto newOverlapSpan{state.GetOverlapSpan()};
newOverlapSpan.copy_from(originalOverlapSpan); // Copy old overlaps
*newOverlapSpan.last(1).data() = handle.dirtyPtr; // Write new overlap
freeOverlapPtr += state.overlapSpanSize;
template<typename SubresourceType> requires std::is_standard_layout_v<SubresourceType>
void Bind(Handle handle, SubresourceType &subresource) {
Bind(handle, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&subresource), sizeof(SubresourceType));
template<typename... Args>
void Bind(Handle handle, Args && ...subresources) {
(Bind(handle, subresources), ...);
* @brief Marks part of the managed resource as dirty
* @note This *MUST NOT* be called after any bound handles have been destroyed
void MarkDirty(size_t index) {
auto &state{states[index]};
if (state.type == BindingState::Type::None) [[likely]] {
} else if (state.type == BindingState::Type::Inline) {
*state.inlineDirtyPtr = true;
} else if (state.type == BindingState::Type::OverlapSpan) [[unlikely]] {
for (auto &dirtyPtr : state.GetOverlapSpan())
*dirtyPtr = true;
* @brief Encapsulates a dirty subresource to allow for automatic binding on construction
template<typename T>
class BoundSubresource {
const T subresource;
template<typename ManagerT>
BoundSubresource(ManagerT &manager, dirty::Handle handle, const T &subresource) : subresource{subresource} {
subresource.DirtyBind(manager, handle);
const T *operator->() const {
return &subresource;
const T &operator*() const {
return subresource;
class ManualDirty {};
* @brief ManualDirty but with a `Refresh()` method that should be called for every `Update()`, irrespective of dirty state
class RefreshableManualDirty : ManualDirty {};
* @brief ManualDirty but with a `PurgeCaches()` method to purge caches that would usually be kept even after being marked dirty
class CachedManualDirty : ManualDirty {};
* @brief Wrapper around an object that holds dirty state and provides convinient functionality for dirty tracking
template<typename T> requires (std::is_base_of_v<ManualDirty, T>)
class ManualDirtyState {
T value; //!< The underlying object
bool dirty{true}; //!< Whether the value is dirty
* @return An opaque handle that can be used to modify dirty state
Handle GetDirtyHandle() {
return Handle{&dirty};
template<typename... Args>
ManualDirtyState(Args &&... args) : value{GetDirtyHandle(), std::forward<Args>(args)...} {}
* @brief Cleans the object of its dirty state and refreshes it if necessary
* @note This *MUST* be called before any accesses to the underlying object without *ANY* calls to `MarkDirty()` in between
template<typename... Args>
void Update(Args &&... args) {
if (dirty) {
dirty = false;
} else if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<RefreshableManualDirty, T>) {
if (value.Refresh(std::forward<Args>(args)...))
* @brief Marks the object as dirty
* @param purgeCaches Whether to purge caches of the object that would usually be kept even after being marked dirty
void MarkDirty(bool purgeCaches) {
dirty = true;
if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<CachedManualDirty, T>)
if (purgeCaches)
* @brief Returns a reference to the underlying object
* @note `Update()` *MUST* be called before calling this, without *ANY* calls to `MarkDirty()` in between
T &Get() {
return value;
template<typename... Args>
T &UpdateGet(Args &&... args) {
return value;