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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2022 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include "span.h"
namespace skyline {
* @brief A two-level segment table implementation that utilizes kernel-backed demand paging, the multi-level aspect is to allow for a SegmentType that applies to a large amount of segments to be mapped at a lower granularity (L2) and go to a higher granuality (L1) as needed
* @tparam SegmentType The type of segment to use for the segment table entries, this must be a trivial type as it'll be returned filled with 0s when a segment is unset
* @tparam Size The size of the table in terms of units (not segments unless L1Bits = 1), this represents size in bytes for a segment table covering address space
* @tparam L1Bits The size of an L1 segment as a power of 2, this should be lower than L2 and will determine the minimum granularity of the table
* @tparam L2Bits The size of an L2 segment as a power of 2, this should be higher than L2 and will determine the maximum granularity of the table
* @tparam EnablePointerAccess Whether or not to enable pointer access to the table, this is useful when host addresses are used as the key for the table
* @note This class is **NOT** thread-safe, any access to the table must be protected by a mutex
template<typename SegmentType, size_t Size, size_t L1Bits, size_t L2Bits, bool EnablePointerAccess = false> requires std::is_trivial_v<SegmentType>
class SegmentTable {
static constexpr size_t L1Size{1 << L1Bits}, L1Entries{util::DivideCeil(Size, L1Size)};
span<SegmentType, L1Entries> level1Table; //!< The first level of the segment table, this is the highest granularity of the table and contains only the segment
* @brief An entry in a segment table level aside from the lowest level which directly holds the type, this has an associated segment and a flag if the lookup should move to a higher granularity (and the corresponding lower level)
struct alignas(8) RangeEntry {
bool valid; //!< If the associated segment is valid, the entry must not be accessed without checking validity first and an invalid entry implies going to the next level
SegmentType segment; //!< The segment associated with the entry, this is 0'd out if the entry is unset
static constexpr size_t L2Size{1 << L2Bits}, L2Entries{util::DivideCeil(Size, L2Size)}, L1inL2Count{L1Size / L2Size};
span<RangeEntry, L2Entries> level2Table; //!< The second level of the segment table, this is the lowest granularity of the table
template<typename Type, size_t Amount>
static span<Type, Amount> AllocateTable() {
void *ptr{mmap(nullptr, Amount * sizeof(Type), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0)};
if (ptr == MAP_FAILED)
throw exception{"Failed to allocate 0x{:X} bytes of memory for segment table: {}", Amount * sizeof(Type), strerror(errno)};
return span<Type, Amount>(static_cast<Type *>(ptr), Amount);
SegmentTable() : level1Table{AllocateTable<SegmentType, L1Entries>()}, level2Table{AllocateTable<RangeEntry, L2Entries>()} {}
SegmentTable(const SegmentTable &other) : level1Table{AllocateTable<SegmentType, L1Entries>()}, level2Table{AllocateTable<RangeEntry, L2Entries>()} {
SegmentTable &operator=(const SegmentTable &other) {
level1Table = AllocateTable<SegmentType, L1Entries>();
level2Table = AllocateTable<RangeEntry, L2Entries>();
return *this;
SegmentTable(SegmentTable &&other) : level1Table{std::exchange(other.level1Table, nullptr)}, level2Table{std::exchange(other.level2Table, nullptr)} {}
SegmentTable &operator=(SegmentTable &&other) {
level1Table = std::exchange(other.level1Table, nullptr);
level2Table = std::exchange(other.level2Table, nullptr);
return *this;
~SegmentTable() {
if (level1Table.valid())
munmap(, level1Table.size_bytes());
if (level2Table.valid())
munmap(, level2Table.size_bytes());
* @return A read-only reference to the segment at the given index, this'll return a 0'd out segment if the segment is unset
const SegmentType &operator[](size_t index) const {
auto &l2Entry{level2Table[index >> L2Bits]};
if (l2Entry.valid) [[likely]]
return l2Entry.segment;
return level1Table[index >> L1Bits];
* @brief Sets a segment of segments between the start and end to the supplied value
void Set(size_t start, size_t end, SegmentType segment) {
size_t l2AlignedAddress{util::AlignUp(start, L2Size)};
size_t l1StartPaddingStart{start >> L1Bits};
size_t l1StartPaddingEnd{l2AlignedAddress < end ? (l2AlignedAddress >> L1Bits) : (end >> L1Bits)};
if (l1StartPaddingStart != l1StartPaddingEnd) {
auto &l2Entry{level2Table[start >> L2Bits]};
if (l2Entry.valid) {
l2Entry.valid = false;
size_t l1L2Start{(start >> L2Bits) << (L2Bits - L1Bits)};
for (size_t i{l1L2Start}; i < l1StartPaddingStart; i++)
level1Table[i] = l2Entry.segment;
for (size_t i{l1StartPaddingStart}; i < l1StartPaddingEnd; i++)
level1Table[i] = segment;
size_t l1L2End{l2AlignedAddress >> L1Bits};
for (size_t i{l1StartPaddingEnd}; i < l1L2End; i++)
level1Table[i] = l2Entry.segment;
} else {
for (size_t i{l1StartPaddingStart}; i < l1StartPaddingEnd; i++)
level1Table[i] = segment;
if (end <= l2AlignedAddress)
size_t l2IndexStart{l2AlignedAddress >> L2Bits};
size_t l2IndexEnd{end >> L2Bits};
for (size_t i{l2IndexStart}; i < l2IndexEnd; i++) {
auto &l2Entry{level2Table[i]};
l2Entry.segment = segment;
l2Entry.valid = true;
size_t l1EndPaddingStart{l2IndexEnd << (L2Bits - L1Bits)};
size_t l1EndPaddingEnd{end >> L1Bits};
if (l1EndPaddingStart != l1EndPaddingEnd) {
auto &l2Entry{level2Table[l2IndexEnd]};
if (l2Entry.valid) {
l2Entry.valid = false;
for (size_t i{l1EndPaddingStart}; i < l1EndPaddingEnd; i++)
level1Table[i] = segment;
for (size_t i{l1EndPaddingEnd}; i < l1EndPaddingStart + L1inL2Count; i++)
level1Table[i] = l2Entry.segment;
} else {
for (size_t i{l1EndPaddingStart}; i < l1EndPaddingEnd; i++)
level1Table[i] = segment;
/* Helpers for pointer-based access */
template<typename T>
requires std::is_pointer_v<T>
const SegmentType &operator[](T pointer) const {
return (*this)[reinterpret_cast<size_t>(pointer)];
template<typename T>
requires std::is_pointer_v<T>
void Set(T pointer, SegmentType segment) {
Set(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(pointer), segment);
template<typename T>
requires std::is_pointer_v<T>
void Set(T start, T end, SegmentType segment) {
Set(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(start), reinterpret_cast<size_t>(end), segment);
void Set(span<u8> span, SegmentType segment) {
Set(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(span.begin().base()), reinterpret_cast<size_t>(span.end().base()));