Billy Laws 7150ce0d1d Allow disabling the freeing of texture guest memory
This helps to prevent issues that result from the overlapping of buffer and texture data, by only ever syncing back textures if they are actually used as RTs, which are much less likely to overlap buffers.
2023-03-04 18:55:44 +00:00

104 lines
4.4 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include "language.h"
namespace skyline {
* @brief The Settings class provides a simple interface to access user-defined settings, update values and subscribe callbacks to observe changes.
class Settings {
template<typename T>
class Setting {
using Callback = std::function<void(const T &)>;
std::vector<Callback> callbacks; //!< Callbacks to be called when this setting changes
T value;
std::mutex valueMutex;
std::mutex callbackMutex;
* @brief Calls all callbacks registered for this setting
* @note Locking of the setting value must be handled by the caller
void OnSettingChanged() {
std::scoped_lock lock{callbackMutex};
for (const auto &callback : callbacks)
* @return The underlying setting value
const T &operator*() {
std::scoped_lock lock{valueMutex};
return value;
* @brief Sets the underlying setting value, signalling any callbacks if necessary
void operator=(T newValue) {
std::scoped_lock lock{valueMutex};
if (value != newValue) {
value = std::move(newValue);
* @brief Register a callback to be run when this setting changes
void AddCallback(Callback callback) {
std::scoped_lock lock{callbackMutex};
// System
Setting<bool> isDocked; //!< If the emulated Switch should be handheld or docked
Setting<std::string> usernameValue; //!< The user name to be supplied to the guest
Setting<std::string> profilePictureValue; //!< The profile picture path to be supplied to the guest
Setting<language::SystemLanguage> systemLanguage; //!< The system language
Setting<region::RegionCode> systemRegion; //!< The system region
// Display
Setting<bool> forceTripleBuffering; //!< If the presentation engine should always triple buffer even if the swapchain supports double buffering
Setting<bool> disableFrameThrottling; //!< Allow the guest to submit frames without any blocking calls
Setting<bool> disableShaderCache; //!< Prevents cached shaders from being loaded and disables caching of new shaders
// GPU
Setting<std::string> gpuDriver; //!< The label of the GPU driver to use
Setting<std::string> gpuDriverLibraryName; //!< The name of the GPU driver library to use
Setting<u32> executorSlotCountScale; //!< Number of GPU executor slots that can be used concurrently
Setting<u32> executorFlushThreshold; //!< Number of commands that need to accumulate before they're flushed to the GPU
Setting<bool> useDirectMemoryImport; //!< If buffer emulation should be done by importing guest buffer mappings
Setting<bool> forceMaxGpuClocks; //!< If the GPU should be forced to run at maximum clocks
Setting<bool> freeGuestTextureMemory; //!< If guest textrue memory should be freed when the owning texture is GPU dirty
// Hacks
Setting<bool> enableFastGpuReadbackHack; //!< If the CPU texture readback skipping hack should be used
Setting<bool> enableFastReadbackWrites; //!< If buffers should be treated as CPU dirty when written with the readback hack
Setting<bool> disableSubgroupShuffle; //!< If shader subgroup suffle operations should be ignored
// Audio
Setting<bool> isAudioOutputDisabled; //!< Disables audio output
// Debug
Setting<bool> validationLayer; //!< If the vulkan validation layer is enabled
Settings() = default;
virtual ~Settings() = default;
* @brief Updates settings with the given values
* @note This method is platform-specific and must be overridden
virtual void Update() = 0;