Billy Laws 090151f0c3 Introduce usage tracker for dirty tracking within an execution
This is neccessary as e.g. shaders can be updated through a mirror and never hit modification traps. By tracking which addresses have sequenced writes applied, the shader manager can then correctly detect if a given shader has been modified by the GPU.
2023-03-19 13:52:15 +00:00

642 lines
30 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include <range/v3/view.hpp>
#include <range/v3/algorithm.hpp>
#include <common/spin_lock.h>
#include <common/lockable_shared_ptr.h>
#include <nce.h>
#include <gpu/tag_allocator.h>
#include <gpu/memory_manager.h>
#include <gpu/usage_tracker.h>
namespace skyline::gpu {
namespace texture {
enum class RenderPassUsage : u8 {
struct Dimensions {
u32 width;
u32 height;
u32 depth;
constexpr Dimensions() : width(0), height(0), depth(0) {}
constexpr Dimensions(u32 width) : width(width), height(1), depth(1) {}
constexpr Dimensions(u32 width, u32 height) : width(width), height(height), depth(1) {}
constexpr Dimensions(u32 width, u32 height, u32 depth) : width(width), height(height), depth(depth) {}
constexpr Dimensions(vk::Extent2D extent) : Dimensions(extent.width, extent.height) {}
constexpr Dimensions(vk::Extent3D extent) : Dimensions(extent.width, extent.height, extent.depth) {}
auto operator<=>(const Dimensions &) const = default;
constexpr operator vk::Extent2D() const {
return vk::Extent2D{
.width = width,
.height = height,
constexpr operator vk::Extent3D() const {
return vk::Extent3D{
.width = width,
.height = height,
.depth = depth,
* @return If the dimensions are valid and don't equate to zero
constexpr operator bool() const {
return width && height && depth;
* @note Blocks refers to the atomic unit of a compressed format (IE: The minimum amount of data that can be decompressed)
struct FormatBase {
u8 bpb{}; //!< Bytes Per Block, this is used instead of bytes per pixel as that might not be a whole number for compressed formats
vk::Format vkFormat{vk::Format::eUndefined};
vk::ImageAspectFlags vkAspect{vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor};
u16 blockHeight{1}; //!< The height of a block in pixels
u16 blockWidth{1}; //!< The width of a block in pixels
vk::ComponentMapping swizzleMapping{
.r = vk::ComponentSwizzle::eR,
.g = vk::ComponentSwizzle::eG,
.b = vk::ComponentSwizzle::eB,
.a = vk::ComponentSwizzle::eA
bool stencilFirst{}; //!< If the stencil channel is the first channel in the format
constexpr bool IsCompressed() const {
return (blockHeight != 1) || (blockWidth != 1);
* @param width The width of the texture in pixels
* @param height The height of the texture in pixels
* @param depth The depth of the texture in layers
* @return The size of the texture in bytes
constexpr size_t GetSize(u32 width, u32 height, u32 depth = 1) const {
return util::DivideCeil<size_t>(width, size_t{blockWidth}) * util::DivideCeil<size_t>(height, size_t{blockHeight}) * bpb * depth;
constexpr size_t GetSize(Dimensions dimensions) const {
return GetSize(dimensions.width, dimensions.height, dimensions.depth);
constexpr bool operator==(const FormatBase &format) const {
return vkFormat == format.vkFormat;
constexpr bool operator!=(const FormatBase &format) const {
return vkFormat != format.vkFormat;
constexpr operator vk::Format() const {
return vkFormat;
* @return If this format is actually valid or not
constexpr operator bool() const {
return bpb;
* @return If the supplied format is texel-layout compatible with the current format
constexpr bool IsCompatible(const FormatBase &other) const {
return vkFormat == other.vkFormat
|| (vkFormat == vk::Format::eD32Sfloat && other.vkFormat == vk::Format::eR32Sfloat)
|| (componentCount(vkFormat) == componentCount(other.vkFormat) &&
ranges::all_of(ranges::views::iota(u8{0}, componentCount(vkFormat)), [this, other](auto i) {
return componentBits(vkFormat, i) == componentBits(other.vkFormat, i);
}) && (vkAspect & other.vkAspect) != vk::ImageAspectFlags{});
* @brief Determines the image aspect to use based off of the format and the first swizzle component
constexpr vk::ImageAspectFlags Aspect(bool first) const {
if (vkAspect & vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eDepth && vkAspect & vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eStencil) {
if (first)
return stencilFirst ? vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eStencil : vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eDepth;
return stencilFirst ? vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eDepth : vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eStencil;
} else {
return vkAspect;
* @brief A wrapper around a pointer to underlying format metadata to prevent redundant copies
* @note The equality operators **do not** compare equality for pointers but for the underlying formats while considering nullability
class Format {
const FormatBase *base;
constexpr Format(const FormatBase &base) : base(&base) {}
constexpr Format() : base(nullptr) {}
constexpr const FormatBase *operator->() const {
return base;
constexpr const FormatBase &operator*() const {
return *base;
constexpr bool operator==(const Format &format) const {
return base && format.base ? (*base) == (*format.base) : base == format.base;
constexpr bool operator!=(const Format &format) const {
return base && format.base ? (*base) != (*format.base) : base != format.base;
constexpr operator bool() const {
return base;
* @brief The layout of a texture in GPU memory
* @note Refer to Chapter 20.1 of the Tegra X1 TRM for information
enum class TileMode {
Linear, //!< All pixels are arranged linearly
Pitch, //!< All pixels are arranged linearly but rows aligned to the pitch
Block, //!< All pixels are arranged into blocks and swizzled in a Z-order curve to optimize for spacial locality
* @brief The parameters of the tiling mode, covered in Table 76 in the Tegra X1 TRM
struct TileConfig {
TileMode mode;
union {
struct {
u8 blockHeight; //!< The height of the blocks in GOBs
u8 blockDepth; //!< The depth of the blocks in GOBs
u32 pitch; //!< The pitch of the texture in bytes
constexpr bool operator==(const TileConfig &other) const {
if (mode == other.mode) {
switch (mode) {
case TileMode::Linear:
return true;
case TileMode::Pitch:
return pitch == other.pitch;
case TileMode::Block:
return blockHeight == other.blockHeight && blockDepth == other.blockDepth;
return false;
* @brief A description of a single mipmapped level of a block-linear surface
struct MipLevelLayout {
Dimensions dimensions; //!< The dimensions of the mipmapped level, these are exact dimensions and not aligned to a GOB
size_t linearSize; //!< The size of a linear image with this mipmapped level in bytes
size_t targetLinearSize; //!< The size of a linear image with this mipmapped level in bytes and using the target format, this will only differ from linearSize if the target format is supplied
size_t blockLinearSize; //!< The size of a blocklinear image with this mipmapped level in bytes
size_t blockHeight, blockDepth; //!< The block height and block depth set for the level
constexpr MipLevelLayout(Dimensions dimensions, size_t linearSize, size_t targetLinearSize, size_t blockLinearSize, size_t blockHeight, size_t blockDepth) : dimensions{dimensions}, linearSize{linearSize}, targetLinearSize{targetLinearSize}, blockLinearSize{blockLinearSize}, blockHeight{blockHeight}, blockDepth{blockDepth} {}
class Texture;
class PresentationEngine; //!< A forward declaration of PresentationEngine as we require it to be able to create a Texture object
* @brief A descriptor for a texture present in guest memory, it can be used to create a corresponding Texture object for usage on the host
struct GuestTexture {
using Mappings = boost::container::small_vector<span<u8>, 3>;
Mappings mappings; //!< Spans to CPU memory for the underlying data backing this texture
texture::Dimensions dimensions{};
texture::Format format{};
texture::TileConfig tileConfig{};
vk::ImageViewType viewType{};
u32 baseArrayLayer{};
u32 layerCount{1};
u32 layerStride{}; //!< An optional hint regarding the size of a single layer, it **should** be set to 0 when not available and should never be a non-0 value that doesn't reflect the correct layer stride
u32 mipLevelCount{1}; //!< The total amount of mip levels in the parent image, if one exists
u32 viewMipBase{}; //!< The minimum mip level of the view, this is the smallest mip level that can be accessed via this view
u32 viewMipCount{1}; //!< The amount of mip levels starting from the base that can be accessed via this view
vk::ComponentMapping swizzle{}; //!< Component swizzle derived from format requirements and the guest supplied swizzle
vk::ImageAspectFlags aspect{};
GuestTexture() {}
GuestTexture(Mappings mappings, texture::Dimensions dimensions, texture::Format format, texture::TileConfig tileConfig, vk::ImageViewType viewType, u32 baseArrayLayer = 0, u32 layerCount = 1, u32 layerStride = 0, u32 mipLevelCount = 1, u32 viewMipBase = 0, u32 viewMipCount = 1)
: mappings(mappings),
aspect(format->vkAspect) {}
GuestTexture(span<u8> mapping, texture::Dimensions dimensions, texture::Format format, texture::TileConfig tileConfig, vk::ImageViewType viewType, u32 baseArrayLayer = 0, u32 layerCount = 1, u32 layerStride = 0, u32 mipLevelCount = 1, u32 viewMipBase = 0, u32 viewMipCount = 1)
: mappings(1, mapping),
aspect(format->vkAspect) {}
* @note This should be used over accessing the `layerStride` member directly when desiring the actual layer stride for calculations as it will automatically handle it not being filled in
* @note Requires `dimensions`, `format` and `tileConfig` to be filled in
* @return The size of a single layer with layout alignment in bytes
u32 GetLayerStride();
* @brief Calculates the size of a single layer in bytes, unlike `GetLayerStride` the returned layer size is always calculated and may not be equal to the actual layer stride
u32 CalculateLayerSize() const;
* @return The most appropriate backing image type for this texture
vk::ImageType GetImageType() const;
u32 GetViewLayerCount() const;
u32 GetViewDepth() const;
size_t GetSize();
bool MappingsValid() const;
class TextureManager;
* @brief A view into a specific subresource of a Texture
* @note The object **must** be locked prior to accessing any members as values will be mutated
* @note This class conforms to the Lockable and BasicLockable C++ named requirements
class TextureView : public std::enable_shared_from_this<TextureView> {
vk::ImageView vkView{};
LockableSharedPtr<Texture> texture;
vk::ImageViewType type;
texture::Format format;
vk::ComponentMapping mapping;
vk::ImageSubresourceRange range;
* @param format A compatible format for the texture view (Defaults to the format of the backing texture)
TextureView(std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture, vk::ImageViewType type, vk::ImageSubresourceRange range, texture::Format format = {}, vk::ComponentMapping mapping = {});
* @brief Acquires an exclusive lock on the backing texture for the calling thread
* @note Naming is in accordance to the BasicLockable named requirement
void lock();
* @brief Acquires an exclusive lock on the texture for the calling thread
* @param tag A tag to associate with the lock, future invocations with the same tag prior to the unlock will acquire the lock without waiting (0 is not a valid tag value and will disable tag behavior)
* @return If the lock was acquired by this call rather than having the same tag as the holder
* @note All locks using the same tag **must** be from the same thread as it'll only have one corresponding unlock() call
bool LockWithTag(ContextTag tag);
* @brief Relinquishes an existing lock on the backing texture by the calling thread
* @note Naming is in accordance to the BasicLockable named requirement
void unlock();
* @brief Attempts to acquire an exclusive lock on the backing texture but returns immediately if it's captured by another thread
* @note Naming is in accordance to the Lockable named requirement
bool try_lock();
* @return A VkImageView that corresponds to the properties of this view
* @note The texture **must** be locked prior to calling this
vk::ImageView GetView();
bool operator==(const TextureView &rhs) {
return texture == rhs.texture && type == rhs.type && format == rhs.format && mapping == rhs.mapping && range == rhs.range;
* @brief A texture which is backed by host constructs while being synchronized with the underlying guest texture
* @note This class conforms to the Lockable and BasicLockable C++ named requirements
class Texture : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Texture> {
GPU &gpu;
RecursiveSpinLock mutex; //!< Synchronizes any mutations to the texture or its backing
std::atomic<ContextTag> tag{}; //!< The tag associated with the last lock call
std::condition_variable_any backingCondition; //!< Signalled when a valid backing has been swapped in
using BackingType = std::variant<vk::Image, vk::raii::Image, memory::Image>;
BackingType backing; //!< The Vulkan image that backs this texture, it is nullable
span<u8> mirror{}; //!< A contiguous mirror of all the guest mappings to allow linear access on the CPU
span<u8> alignedMirror{}; //!< The mirror mapping aligned to page size to reflect the full mapping
std::optional<nce::NCE::TrapHandle> trapHandle{}; //!< The handle of the traps for the guest mappings
enum class DirtyState {
Clean, //!< The CPU mappings are in sync with the GPU texture
CpuDirty, //!< The CPU mappings have been modified but the GPU texture is not up to date
GpuDirty, //!< The GPU texture has been modified but the CPU mappings have not been updated
} dirtyState{DirtyState::CpuDirty}; //!< The state of the CPU mappings with respect to the GPU texture
bool memoryFreed{}; //!< If the guest backing memory has been freed
std::recursive_mutex stateMutex; //!< Synchronizes access to the dirty state
* @brief Storage for all metadata about a specific view into the buffer, used to prevent redundant view creation and duplication of VkBufferView(s)
struct TextureViewStorage {
vk::ImageViewType type;
texture::Format format;
vk::ComponentMapping mapping;
vk::ImageSubresourceRange range;
vk::raii::ImageView vkView;
TextureViewStorage(vk::ImageViewType type, texture::Format format, vk::ComponentMapping mapping, vk::ImageSubresourceRange range, vk::raii::ImageView &&vkView);
std::vector<TextureViewStorage> views;
std::shared_ptr<memory::StagingBuffer> downloadStagingBuffer{};
u32 lastRenderPassIndex{}; //!< The index of the last render pass that used this texture
texture::RenderPassUsage lastRenderPassUsage{texture::RenderPassUsage::None}; //!< The type of usage in the last render pass
bool everUsedAsRt{}; //!< If this texture has ever been used as a rendertarget
vk::PipelineStageFlags pendingStageMask{}; //!< List of pipeline stages that are yet to be flushed for reads since the last time this texture was used an an RT
vk::PipelineStageFlags readStageMask{}; //!< Set of pipeline stages that this texture has been read in since it was last used as an RT
friend TextureManager;
friend TextureView;
* @brief Sets up mirror mappings for the guest mappings, this must be called after construction for the mirror to be valid
void SetupGuestMappings();
* @brief An implementation function for guest -> host texture synchronization, it allocates and copies data into a staging buffer or directly into a linear host texture
* @return If a staging buffer was required for the texture sync, it's returned filled with guest texture data and must be copied to the host texture by the callee
std::shared_ptr<memory::StagingBuffer> SynchronizeHostImpl();
* @brief Records commands for copying data from a staging buffer to the texture's backing into the supplied command buffer
void CopyFromStagingBuffer(const vk::raii::CommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const std::shared_ptr<memory::StagingBuffer> &stagingBuffer);
* @brief Records commands for copying data from the texture's backing to a staging buffer into the supplied command buffer
* @note Any caller **must** ensure that the layout is not `eUndefined`
void CopyIntoStagingBuffer(const vk::raii::CommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const std::shared_ptr<memory::StagingBuffer> &stagingBuffer);
* @brief Copies data from the supplied host buffer into the guest texture
* @note The host buffer must be contain the entire image
void CopyToGuest(u8 *hostBuffer);
* @brief Frees the guest side copy of the texture
* @note `stateMutex` must be locked when calling this function
void FreeGuest();
* @return A vector of all the buffer image copies that need to be done for every aspect of every level of every layer of the texture
boost::container::small_vector<vk::BufferImageCopy, 10> GetBufferImageCopies();
static constexpr size_t FrequentlyLockedThreshold{2}; //!< Threshold for the number of times a texture can be locked (not from context locks, only normal) before it should be considered frequently locked
size_t accumulatedCpuLockCounter{};
static constexpr size_t SkipReadbackHackWaitCountThreshold{6}; //!< Threshold for the number of times a texture can be waited on before it should be considered for the readback hack
static constexpr std::chrono::nanoseconds SkipReadbackHackWaitTimeThreshold{constant::NsInSecond / 4}; //!< Threshold for the amount of time a texture can be waited on before it should be considered for the readback hack, `SkipReadbackHackWaitCountThreshold` needs to be hit before this
size_t accumulatedGuestWaitCounter{}; //!< Total number of times the texture has been waited on
std::chrono::nanoseconds accumulatedGuestWaitTime{}; //!< Amount of time the texture has been waited on for since the `SkipReadbackHackWaitCountThreshold`th wait on it by the guest
std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> cycle; //!< A fence cycle for when any host operation mutating the texture has completed, it must be waited on prior to any mutations to the backing
std::optional<GuestTexture> guest;
texture::Dimensions dimensions;
texture::Format format;
vk::ImageLayout layout;
vk::ImageTiling tiling;
vk::ImageCreateFlags flags;
vk::ImageUsageFlags usage;
u32 layerCount; //!< The amount of array layers in the image
size_t deswizzledLayerStride{}; //!< The stride of a single layer given linear tiling using the guest format, this does **not** consider mipmapping
size_t layerStride{}; //!< The stride of a single layer given linear tiling, this does **not** consider mipmapping
u32 levelCount;
std::vector<texture::MipLevelLayout> mipLayouts; //!< The layout of each mip level in the guest texture
size_t deswizzledSurfaceSize{}; //!< The size of the guest surface with linear tiling, calculated with the guest format which may differ from the host format
size_t surfaceSize{}; //!< The size of the entire surface given linear tiling, this contains all mip levels and layers
vk::SampleCountFlagBits sampleCount;
bool replaced{};
* @brief Creates a texture object wrapping the supplied backing with the supplied attributes
* @param layout The initial layout of the texture, it **must** be eUndefined or ePreinitialized
Texture(GPU &gpu, BackingType &&backing, texture::Dimensions dimensions, texture::Format format, vk::ImageLayout layout, vk::ImageTiling tiling, vk::ImageCreateFlags flags, vk::ImageUsageFlags usage, u32 levelCount = 1, u32 layerCount = 1, vk::SampleCountFlagBits sampleCount = vk::SampleCountFlagBits::e1);
* @brief Creates a texture object wrapping the guest texture with a backing that can represent the guest texture data
* @note The guest mappings will not be setup until SetupGuestMappings() is called
Texture(GPU &gpu, GuestTexture guest);
* @note The handle returned is nullable and the appropriate precautions should be taken
constexpr vk::Image GetBacking() {
return std::visit(VariantVisitor{
[](vk::Image image) { return image; },
[](const vk::raii::Image &image) { return *image; },
[](const memory::Image &image) { return image.vkImage; },
}, backing);
* @brief Acquires an exclusive lock on the texture for the calling thread
* @note Naming is in accordance to the BasicLockable named requirement
void lock();
* @brief Acquires an exclusive lock on the texture for the calling thread
* @param tag A tag to associate with the lock, future invocations with the same tag prior to the unlock will acquire the lock without waiting (A default initialised tag will disable this behaviour)
* @return If the lock was acquired by this call as opposed to the texture already being locked with the same tag
* @note All locks using the same tag **must** be from the same thread as it'll only have one corresponding unlock() call
bool LockWithTag(ContextTag tag);
* @brief Relinquishes an existing lock on the texture by the calling thread
* @note Naming is in accordance to the BasicLockable named requirement
void unlock();
* @brief Attempts to acquire an exclusive lock but returns immediately if it's captured by another thread
* @note Naming is in accordance to the Lockable named requirement
bool try_lock();
* @brief Waits on the texture backing to be a valid non-null Vulkan image
* @return If the mutex could be unlocked during the function
* @note The texture **must** be locked prior to calling this
bool WaitOnBacking();
* @brief Waits on a fence cycle if it exists till it's signalled and resets it after
* @note The texture **must** be locked prior to calling this
void WaitOnFence();
* @note All memory residing in the current backing is not copied to the new backing, it must be handled externally
* @note The texture **must** be locked prior to calling this
void SwapBacking(BackingType &&backing, vk::ImageLayout layout = vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined);
* @brief Transitions the backing to the supplied layout, if the backing already is in this layout then this does nothing
* @note The texture **must** be locked prior to calling this
void TransitionLayout(vk::ImageLayout layout);
* @brief Marks the texture as being GPU dirty
void MarkGpuDirty(UsageTracker &usageTracker);
* @brief Synchronizes the host texture with the guest after it has been modified
* @param gpuDirty If true, the texture will be transitioned to being GpuDirty by this call
* @note This function is not blocking and the synchronization will not be complete until the associated fence is signalled, it can be waited on with WaitOnFence()
* @note The texture **must** be locked prior to calling this
void SynchronizeHost(bool gpuDirty = false);
* @brief Same as SynchronizeHost but this records any commands into the supplied command buffer rather than creating one as necessary
* @param gpuDirty If true, the texture will be transitioned to being GpuDirty by this call
* @note It is more efficient to call SynchronizeHost than allocating a command buffer purely for this function as it may conditionally not record any commands
* @note The texture **must** be locked prior to calling this
void SynchronizeHostInline(const vk::raii::CommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &cycle, bool gpuDirty = false);
* @brief Synchronizes the guest texture with the host texture after it has been modified
* @param cpuDirty If true, the texture will be transitioned to being CpuDirty by this call
* @param skipTrap If true, trapping/untrapping the guest mappings will be skipped and has to be handled by the caller
* @note This function is blocking and waiting on the fence is not required
* @note The texture **must** be locked prior to calling this
void SynchronizeGuest(bool cpuDirty = false, bool skipTrap = false);
* @return A cached or newly created view into this texture with the supplied attributes
std::shared_ptr<TextureView> GetView(vk::ImageViewType type, vk::ImageSubresourceRange range, texture::Format format = {}, vk::ComponentMapping mapping = {});
* @brief Copies the contents of the supplied source texture into the current texture
void CopyFrom(std::shared_ptr<Texture> source, vk::Semaphore waitSemaphore, vk::Semaphore signalSemaphore, texture::Format srcFormat, const vk::ImageSubresourceRange &subresource = vk::ImageSubresourceRange{
.aspectMask = vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor,
* @return If the texture is frequently locked by threads using non-ContextLocks
bool FrequentlyLocked() {
return accumulatedCpuLockCounter >= FrequentlyLockedThreshold;
* @brief Checks if the previous usage in the renderpass is compatible with the current one
* @return If the new usage is compatible with the previous usage
bool ValidateRenderPassUsage(u32 renderPassIndex, texture::RenderPassUsage renderPassUsage);
* @brief Updates renderpass usage tracking information
void UpdateRenderPassUsage(u32 renderPassIndex, texture::RenderPassUsage renderPassUsage);
* @return The last usage of the texture
texture::RenderPassUsage GetLastRenderPassUsage();
* @return The set of stages this texture has been read in since it was last used as an RT
vk::PipelineStageFlags GetReadStageMask();
* @brief Populates the input src and dst stage masks with appropriate read barrier parameters for the current texture state
void PopulateReadBarrier(vk::PipelineStageFlagBits dstStage, vk::PipelineStageFlags &srcStageMask, vk::PipelineStageFlags &dstStageMask);