Billy Laws 7e1c58accc Implement indirect draws in the Maxwell 3D interconnect
These will be used by the HLE indirect draw macro to perform indirect draws without waiting for GPU idle.
2023-03-19 13:52:15 +00:00

110 lines
4.3 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2022 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include <gpu/descriptor_allocator.h>
#include <gpu/interconnect/common/samplers.h>
#include <gpu/interconnect/common/textures.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "active_state.h"
#include "constant_buffers.h"
namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect::maxwell3d {
* @brief The core Maxwell 3D interconnect object, directly accessed by the engine code to perform rendering operations
class Maxwell3D {
struct ClearEngineRegisters {
const engine::Scissor &scissor0;
const engine::ViewportClip &viewportClip0;
const engine::ClearRect &clearRect;
const std::array<u32, 4> &colorClearValue;
const float &depthClearValue;
const u32 &stencilClearValue;
const engine::SurfaceClip &surfaceClip;
const engine::ClearSurfaceControl &clearSurfaceControl;
* @brief The full set of register state used by the GPU interconnect
struct EngineRegisterBundle {
ActiveState::EngineRegisters activeStateRegisters;
ClearEngineRegisters clearRegisters;
ConstantBufferSelectorState::EngineRegisters constantBufferSelectorRegisters;
SamplerPoolState::EngineRegisters samplerPoolRegisters;
const engine::SamplerBinding &samplerBinding;
TexturePoolState::EngineRegisters texturePoolRegisters;
InterconnectContext ctx;
ActiveState activeState;
ClearEngineRegisters clearEngineRegisters;
ConstantBuffers constantBuffers;
Samplers samplers;
const engine::SamplerBinding &samplerBinding;
Textures textures;
std::shared_ptr<memory::Buffer> quadConversionBuffer{};
bool quadConversionBufferAttached{};
BufferView indirectBufferView;
static constexpr size_t DescriptorBatchSize{0x100};
std::shared_ptr<boost::container::static_vector<DescriptorAllocator::ActiveDescriptorSet, DescriptorBatchSize>> attachedDescriptorSets;
DescriptorAllocator::ActiveDescriptorSet *activeDescriptorSet{};
std::vector<TextureView *> activeDescriptorSetSampledImages{};
size_t UpdateQuadConversionBuffer(u32 count, u32 firstVertex);
* @brief A scissor derived from the current clear register state
vk::Rect2D GetClearScissor();
* @brief A scissor derived from the current draw register state and bound RTs
vk::Rect2D GetDrawScissor();
* @brief Performs operations common across indirect and regular draws
void PrepareDraw(StateUpdateBuilder &builder,
engine::DrawTopology topology, bool indexed, bool estimateIndexBufferSize, u32 firstIndex, u32 count,
vk::PipelineStageFlags &srcStageMask, vk::PipelineStageFlags &dstStageMask);
DirectPipelineState &directState;
Maxwell3D(GPU &gpu,
soc::gm20b::ChannelContext &channelCtx,
nce::NCE &nce,
kernel::MemoryManager &memoryManager,
DirtyManager &manager,
const EngineRegisterBundle &registerBundle);
* @brief Loads the given data into the constant buffer pointed by the constant buffer selector starting at the given offset
void LoadConstantBuffer(span<u32> data, u32 offset);
* @brief Binds the constant buffer selector to the given pipeline stage
void BindConstantBuffer(engine::ShaderStage stage, u32 index, bool enable);
* @note See ConstantBuffers::DisableQuickBind
void DisableQuickConstantBufferBind();
void Clear(engine::ClearSurface &clearSurface);
void Draw(engine::DrawTopology topology, bool transformFeedbackEnable, bool indexed, u32 count, u32 first, u32 instanceCount, u32 vertexOffset, u32 firstInstance);
void DrawIndirect(engine::DrawTopology topology, bool transformFeedbackEnable, bool indexed, span<u8> indirectBuffer, u32 count, u32 stride);