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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include <oboe/Oboe.h>
#include <common.h>
namespace skyline {
namespace constant {
constexpr u16 SampleRate{48000}; //!< The common sampling rate to use for audio output
constexpr u8 StereoChannelCount{2}; //!< Channels to use for stereo audio output
constexpr u8 SurroundChannelCount{6}; //!< Channels to use for surround audio output (downsampled by backend)
constexpr u16 MixBufferSize{960}; //!< Default size of the audren mix buffer
constexpr auto PcmFormat{oboe::AudioFormat::I16}; //!< PCM data format to use for audio output
namespace audio {
enum class AudioFormat : u8 {
Invalid = 0, //!< An invalid PCM format
Int8 = 1, //!< 8 bit integer PCM
Int16 = 2, //!< 16 bit integer PCM
Int24 = 3, //!< 24 bit integer PCM
Int32 = 4, //!< 32 bit integer PCM
Float = 5, //!< Floating point PCM
ADPCM = 6, //!< Adaptive differential PCM
enum class AudioOutState : u8 {
Started = 0, //!< Stream is started and is playing
Stopped = 1, //!< Stream is stopped, there are no samples left to play
Paused = 2, //!< Stream is paused, some samples may not have been played yet
struct BufferIdentifier {
u64 tag;
u64 finalSample; //!< The final sample this buffer will be played in, after that the buffer can be safely released
bool released; //!< If the buffer has been released (fully played back)
* @brief Saturates the specified value according to the numeric limits of Out
* @tparam Out The return value type and the numeric limit clamp
* @tparam Intermediate The intermediate type that is converted to from In before clamping
template<typename Out, typename Intermediate, typename In>
inline Out Saturate(In value) {
return static_cast<Out>(std::clamp(static_cast<Intermediate>(value), static_cast<Intermediate>(std::numeric_limits<Out>::min()), static_cast<Intermediate>(std::numeric_limits<Out>::max())));