mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 11:56:22 +01:00
change the handling of language-files. now use GNU gettext.(i hope, i have no file forgotten)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
Specialthanksto = Special tak til
Updatepath = Opdaterings Sti
Update = Opdater
Sound = Lyd
Titlestxtpath = Titles.txt Sti
SFXVolume = SFX Lydstyrke
Custompaths = Sti Indstillinger
Defaultgamesettings = Standard Spil Indstillinger
Defaultsettings = Standard Indstillinger
GUISettings = Konfigurer GUI
Gameload = Spil Indstillinger
Doyouwanttoupdate = Vil du opdatere USB Loader GX?
Nonewupdates = Ingen nye opdateringer.
updating = Opdaterer...
Updatepathchanged = Opdaterings Sti ændret.
Successfullyupdated = Opdateringen lykkedes.
Updatefailed = Opdateringen mislykkedes
Restarting = Genstarter...
DefaultSettings = Gendan Standard Indstillinger
titlesPath = titles.txt Sti
Favorite = Favorit
t3Coverst = 3D Covers
AppLanguage = Program Sprog
Areyousure = Er du sikker?
AutoPatch = AutoPatch
Keyboard = Tastatur
Back = Tilbage
Backgroundmusic = Baggrunds musik
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Tilbage til HBC eller Wii Menu
BacktoLoader = Tilbage til Loaderen
BacktoWiiMenu = Tilbage til HBC
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
BothBoth = Begge
Cantcreatedirectory = Kan ikke lave ny mappe
Cancel = Annullere
Cantbeformated = Kan ikke formatteres
Cantdelete = Kan ikke slettes:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klik for at Downloade Covers
Clock = Klokke
Continueinstallgame = Vil du blive ved med at installere spillet?
ConsoleDefault = Konsol Standard
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Konsol skal være låst op for ændre dette.
ConsoleLocked = Konsol låst
CorrectPassword = Korrekt Password
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Kunne ikke initialisere netværk!
CouldnotopenDisc = Kunne ikke åbne dvd
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Kunne ikke initialisere DIP module!
CoverDownload = Cover Download
CoverPath = Cover Sti
CoverpathChanged = CoverSti Ændret
Coverpathchange = CoverSti Ændringer
Credits = Lavet af:
DiscImages = Dvd Covers
DiscimagePath = Dvd Covers Sti
DiscpathChanged = DvdSti Ændret
Discpathchange = DvdSti ændringer
DiscDefault = Spillets standard
Display = Skærm
Doyouwanttoformat = Vil du formattere?:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Vil du virkelig slette:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Vil du prøve igen?
Downloadingfile = Downloader fil:
DownloadBoxartimage = Downloade Boxart billede?
Downloadfinished = Download færdig
Error = Fejl!
ErrorreadingDisc = Disken kunne ikke læses
ExitUSBISOLoader = Afslut USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Initialiserer Netværk
InsertDisk = Indsæt en disk
InsertaWiiDisc = Indsæt en wii disk!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Indsæt et sd kort for at downloade billeder.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Indsæt et sd kort for at gemme.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Alle USB Loader GX's funktioner er låst op.
Installerror = Installations fejl!
Installagame = Installer et spil?
Installinggame = Installerer spillet:
Failedtoboot = Kunne ikke start op:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Kunne ikke montere sd kort
FailedtosetUSB = Kunne ikke sætte usb:
Failedformating = Formatteringen mislykkedes
filesnotfoundontheserver = Filerne blev ikke fundet på serveren!
filesleft = Fil(er) tilbage
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Tving
Youneedtoformatapartition = Du må formattere en partition
Format = Format
Formattingpleasewait = Formatterer, vent venligst...
formated = Formatteret!
free = ledig
FreeSpace = Ledig plads
FullShutdown = Fuld shutdown
GameID = Spil ID
Games = Spil
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Dette spil er allerede installeret:
GameRegion = Region
GameSize = Spil størrelse
GoBack = Gå tilbage
//GotoPage = Gå til side
HowtoShutdown = Hvordan skal den slukkes?
Language = Sprog
Langchange = Sprog skift
Left = Venstre
LikeSysMenu = Ligesom wii menu
LoadingincIOS = Loader i cIOS249
Lock = Lås
LockConsole = Lås Konsol
MP3Menu = MP3 Menu
Missingfiles = Manglende filer
Networkiniterror = Netværket kunne ikke intialiseres
Next = Næste
No = Nej
Nofilemissing = Ingen filer mangler!
NoHDDfound = Ingen HDD fundet!
NoSDcardinserted = Intet SD-kort fundet!
Nopartitionsfound = Ingen partitioner fundet
NoUSBDevice = Intet USB apparat tilsluttet
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Ingen WBFS partition fundet
NormalCovers = Normale Covers
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Ikke en Wii Disk
NoUSBDevicefound = Intet USB apparat fundet.
Notenoughfreespace = Ikke nok ledig plads!
notset = Ikke sat
of = af
OFF = Fra
OfficialSite = Officielle Side
ok = OK
ON = Til
Parentalcontrol = Forælder kontrol
Partition = Partition
Password = Password
PasswordChanged = Password Ændret
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Passwordet er blevet ændret
Passwordchange = Password skift
PowerofftheWii = Sluk Wii'en
Prev = Forrig
PromptsButtons = Prompts Buttons
ReloadSD = Genindlæs SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Omdøb spil på WBFS
Restart = Genstart
Return = Tilbage
ReturntoWii = Vend tilbage til menuen
Right = Højre
Rumble = Vibration
QuickBoot = Hurtig opstart
Save = Gem
SaveFailed = Gemningen mislykkedes
Specialthanksto = Speciel tak til
For = for
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = og for at gøre deres source code tilgængelig
secondsleft = Sekunder tilbage
SelectthePartition = Vælg Partitionen
youwanttoformat = du vil formatter
settings = Indstillinger
ShutdowntoIdle = Almindeligt
ShutdownSystem = Sluk Totalt(Rødt lys)
Success = Succes:
Successfullyinstalled = Installationen lykkedes:
Successfullydeleted = Sletningen lykkedes:
SuccessfullySaved = Successfully Saved:
SystemDefault = System standard
ThemePath = Tema Sti
ThemepathChanged = TemaSti ændret
Themepathchange = TemaSti æmdringer
Try = Prøv
Tooltips = Værktøjtips
Timeleft = Tid tilbage:
Unlock = Lås op
Uninstall = Afinstaller
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX er beskyttet
USBapparatnotfound = USB apparat ikke fundet
VideoMode = Video Mode
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV Patch
Volume = Lydstyrke
Waiting = Venter.....
WaitingforUSBapparat = Venter på USB apparat
WidescreenFix = Widescreen Fix
WiiMenu = Wii Menu
WrongPassword = Forkert Password
Yes = Ja
YoudonthavecIOS = Du har ikke cIOS222
Japanese = Japansk
German = Tysk
English = Engelsk
French = Fransk
Spanish = Spansk
Italian = Italiensk
Dutch = Nederlandsk
SChinese = Simpelt Kinesisk
TChinese = Tradionelt Kinesisk
Korean = Koreansk
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr ""
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "Alle USB Loader GX's funktioner er låst op."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Program Sprog"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Er du sikker?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr ""
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "AutoPatch"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Tilbage"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "Tilbage til HBC eller Wii Menu"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "Tilbage til Loaderen"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Tilbage til HBC"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr "Baggrunds musik"
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "Boot/Standard"
msgid "Both"
msgstr ""
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "Kan ikke formatteres"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "Kan ikke lave ny mappe"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "Kan ikke slettes:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annullere"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr ""
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "Klik for at Downloade Covers"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Klokke"
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "Konsol Standard"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "Konsol låst"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "Konsol skal være låst op for ændre dette."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "Vil du blive ved med at installere spillet?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "Korrekt Password"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "Kunne ikke initialisere DIP module!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "Kunne ikke initialisere netværk!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "Kunne ikke åbne dvd"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "Cover Download"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "Cover Sti"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "CoverSti Ændret"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Lavet af:"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr "Sti Indstillinger"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr "Standard Spil Indstillinger"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "Standard Indstillinger"
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "Spillets standard"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "Dvd Covers"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "Dvd Covers Sti"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "DvdSti Ændret"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "DvdSti ændringer"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Skærm"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "Vil du virkelig slette:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "Vil du formattere?:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "Vil du prøve igen?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "Downloade Boxart billede?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "Download færdig"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "Downloader fil:"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Nederlandsk"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Engelsk"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "Fejl!"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "Disken kunne ikke læses"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "Afslut USB Loader GX?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "Formatteringen mislykkedes"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
msgid "File not found."
msgstr ""
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "Flip-X"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Tving"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Format"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "Formatterer, vent venligst..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "Ledig plads"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Fransk"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "Fuld shutdown"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr "Konfigurer GUI"
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "Spil ID"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "Sprog"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr "Spil Indstillinger"
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "Region"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "Spil størrelse"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "Dette spil er allerede installeret:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Spil"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Tysk"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hour"
msgstr ""
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr "Vil du opdatere USB Loader GX?"
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "Hvordan skal den slukkes?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "Initialiserer Netværk"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "Indsæt en disk"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "Indsæt et sd kort for at downloade billeder."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "Indsæt et sd kort for at gemme."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "Installations fejl!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "Installer et spil?"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "Installerer spillet:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italiensk"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japansk"
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Tastatur"
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Koreansk"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Venstre"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Ligesom wii menu"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr ""
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr ""
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "Lås Konsol"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "Manglende filer"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Lydstyrke"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr ""
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Netværket kunne ikke intialiseres"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Næste"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nej"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "Intet SD-kort fundet!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "Intet USB apparat tilsluttet"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "Intet USB apparat fundet."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "Ingen WBFS partition fundet"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "Ingen filer mangler!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr "Ingen nye opdateringer."
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "Ingen partitioner fundet"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "Normale Covers"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Ikke en Wii Disk"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "Ikke nok ledig plads!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nov"
msgstr ""
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "Fra"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "Til"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr ""
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "Officielle Side"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr ""
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "Forælder kontrol"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Partition"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Password"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Password Ændret"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "Passwordet er blevet ændret"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr ""
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Sluk Wii'en"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Forrig"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "Prompts Buttons"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "Hurtig opstart"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "Genindlæs SD"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "Omdøb spil på WBFS"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Genstart"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr "Genstarter..."
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Tilbage"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Højre"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Vibration"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "Simpelt Kinesisk"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr "SFX Lydstyrke"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Gem"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "Gemningen mislykkedes"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Indstillinger"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "Sluk Totalt(Rødt lys)"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "Almindeligt"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Lyd"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Spansk"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Speciel tak til"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "Succes:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "Successfully Saved:"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr "Opdateringen lykkedes."
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "Sletningen lykkedes:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "Installationen lykkedes:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "System standard"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "Tradionelt Kinesisk"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "Tema Sti"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "TemaSti ændret"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "TemaSti æmdringer"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "Tid tilbage:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "Værktøjtips"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr ""
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX er beskyttet"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Afinstaller"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Opdater"
msgid "Update All"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Opdateringen mislykkedes"
msgid "Update to"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr "Opdaterings Sti"
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr "Opdaterings Sti ændret."
msgid "Updating"
msgstr "Opdaterer..."
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "VIDTV Patch"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "Video Mode"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr ""
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Venter....."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "Widescreen Fix"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii Menu"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Forkert Password"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "Du må formattere en partition"
msgid "available"
msgstr ""
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "Fil(er) tilbage"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "Filerne blev ikke fundet på serveren!"
msgid "for"
msgstr "for"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr ""
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr ""
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "og for at gøre deres source code tilgængelig"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "Formatteret!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "ledig"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "Ikke sat"
msgid "of"
msgstr "af"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "Sekunder tilbage"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr "Titles.txt Sti"
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "CoverSti Ændringer"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "BOOT FEJL"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Indsæt en wii disk!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke start op:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke montere sd kort"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke sætte usb:"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Gå tilbage"
#~ msgid "Language change"
#~ msgstr "Sprog skift"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "Loader i cIOS249"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "Ingen HDD fundet!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "Password skift"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "Vælg Partitionen"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "du vil formatter"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "Prøv"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "Du har ikke cIOS222"
@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
addToFavorite = Favoriet
Adultsonly = 4 (Volwassen 18+)
all = Alfabetisch
Always = 0 (Altijd)
AppLanguage = Taal
april = Apr
Alternatedol = Dol afwisselen
Areyousure = Zeker weten?
august = Aug
AutoPatch = Automatisch patchen
available = beschikbaar
awesometool = voor zijn geweldige programma
Back = Terug
Backgroundmusic = Achtergrondmuziek
Backgroundmusicpath = Locatie achtergrondmuziek gewijzigd
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Terug naar HBC of Wii Menu
BacktoLoader = Terug naar lader
BacktoWiiMenu = Terug naar Wii Menu
BootStandard = Start/Standaard
Both = Beide
Cancel = Annuleren
Cantbeformated = Kan niet worden geformatteerd
Cantcreatedirectory = Kan map niet aanmaken
Cantdelete = Kan niet verwijderen:
Cheatcodespath = Locatie cheats
Cheatcodespathchanged = Locatie cheats gewijzigd
CheckingforUpdates = Controleren op updates
Child = 1 (Kinderen 7+)
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klik om hoesjes te downloaden
Clock = Klok
Close = Sluiten
Console = Console
ConsoleDefault = Console standaard
ConsoleLocked = Console vergrendeld
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Console moet worden vrijgegeven.
Continueinstallgame = Installatie spel voortzetten?
Controllevel = Controle level
CorrectPassword = Juiste wachtwoord
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Kan de DIP module niet initialiseren!
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Kan netwerk niet initialiseren!
CouldnotopenDisc = Kan DVD niet laden
count = Gespeeld
CoverDownload = Download hoesjes
CoverPath = Locatie hoesjes
Coverpathchange = Locatie hoesjes wijzigen
CoverpathChanged = Locatie hoesjes gewijzigd
Credits = Aftiteling
Custompaths = Bestandslocaties
december = Dec
Default = Standaard
Defaultgamesettings = Standaardinstelling
Defaultsettings = Standaardinstellingen
developedby = Ontwikkeld door
DiscDefault = DVD standaard
DiscimagePath = Locatie DVD labels
DiscImages = DVD labels
Discpathchange = Locatie DVD labels wijzigen
DiscpathChanged = Locatie DVD labels gewijzigd
Display = Tonen
diversepatches = voor vele correcties
DolPath = Locatie dol
Dolpathchange = Locatie dol wijzigen
DolpathChanged = Locatie dol gewijzigd
DownloadBoxartimage = Hoesjes downloaden?
Downloadfinished = Downloaden voltooid
Downloadingfile = Bestand downloaden
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Wil je echt verwijderen:
Doyouwanttochangelanguage = Wil je de taal wijzigen?
Doyouwanttoformat = Wil je formatteren:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Wil je 30 sec. lang opnieuw proberen?
Doyouwanttoupdate = Hoe wil je updaten?
Dutch = Nederlands
English = Engels
Error = Fout !
Error002fix = Herstel fout 002
ErrorreadingDisc = Fout bij lezen DVD
Everyone = 0 (Iedereen 0+)
ExitUSBISOLoader = USB Loader GX Afsluiten?
Failedformating = Formatteren mislukt
Failedtoboot = Starten mislukt:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Kan SD kaart niet laden
FailedtosetUSB = Kan USB niet initialiseren:
fave = Favorieten
february = Feb
Filenotfound = Bestand niet gevonden.
filesleft = Bestanden resterend
filesnotfoundontheserver = Bestanden niet gevonden op server!
FlipX = X omwisselen
For = voor
Force = Forceer
Forhostingcovers = (upload van afbeeldingen)
Forhostingupdatefiles = (upload van updates)
Format = Formatteer
formated = geformatteerd!
Formattingpleasewait = Bezig met formatteren...
free = vrij
FreeSpace = Vrije ruimte
French = Frans
FullShutdown = Volledig uitzetten
GameID = Spel ID
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Spel is al geïnstalleerd:
Gameload = Spel opties
GameRegion = Spel Regio
Games = Spellen
GameSize = Spel grootte
German = Duits
GoBack = Terug
GUISettings = Menu opties
Homemenu = HOME Menu
hour = Uur
HowtoShutdown = Hoe uitzetten?
InitializingNetwork = Netwerk Initializeren
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Voer een SD kaart in om afbeeldingen te downloaden.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Voer een SD kaart in om op te slaan.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Voer een SD kaart in om deze optie te gebruiken.
InsertaWiiDisc = Voer een Wii DVD in!!
InsertDisk = Voeg een DVD in
Installagame = Spel installeren
Installerror = Installatiefout!
Installinggame = Bezig met installeren:
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Alle functies zijn vrijgegeven.
Italian = Italiaans
january = Jan
Japanese = Japans
july = Jul
june = Jun
Keyboard = Toetsenbord
Korean = Koreaans
Language = Taal spel
Languagepathchanged = Locatie taal gewijzigd.
Left = Links
LikeSysMenu = Als systeemmenu
ListSort = Spellenlijst sorteren
LoadingincIOS = Laden met cIOS249
Loadingstandardlanguage = Standaardtaal laden.
Loadingstandardmusic = Standaardmuziek laden.
LockConsole = Console vergrendelen
Locked = Vergrendeld
march = Mrt
Mature = 3 (Adolescenten 16+)
may = Mei
Missingfiles = Missende bestanden
Neither = Geen
Networkiniterror = Netwerk init. fout
Next = Volgende
No = Nee
Nofilemissing = Geen missende bestanden!
NoHDDfound = Geen HDD gevonden!
Nonewupdates = Geen nieuwe updates.
Nopartitionsfound = Geen partities gevonden
Normal = Normaal
NormalCovers = Gewone hoesjes
NoSDcardinserted = Geen SD kaart gevonden!
Notasupportedformat = Formatteren niet ondersteund!
NotaWiiDisc = Geen Wii DVD
Notenoughfreespace = Niet genoeg vrije ruimte!
notset = niet ingesteld
NoUSBDevice = Geen USB apparaat
NoUSBDevicefound = Geen USB apparaat gevonden.
november = Nov
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Geen WBFS partitie gevonden
october = Okt
of = van
OFF = Uit
OfficialSite = Officiele site
ok= Ok
ON = Aan
Onlinefix = Herstel online
OnlyInstall = Alleen installeren
Parentalcontrol = Ouderlijk toezicht
Partition = Partitie
Password = Wachtwoord
Passwordchange = Wachtwoord wijzigen
PasswordChanged = Wachtwoord gewijzigd
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Wachtwoord is gewijzigd
Patchcountrystrings = Regios herstellen
Plays = Gespeeld
PowerofftheWii = Wii uitschakelen
Prev = Vorige
PromptsButtons = Weergave knoppen
publishedby = Uitgegeven door
QuickBoot = Snelle start
released = Uitgebracht
ReloadSD = SD herladen
RenameGameonWBFS = Spel hernoemen op WBFS
Restart = Herstarten
Restarting = Herstarten...
Return = Terug
ReturntoWii = Terug naar Wii menu
ReturntoWiiMenu = Terug naar Wii menu
Right = Rechts
Rumble = Trilfunctie
Save = Opslaan
SaveFailed = Opslaan mislukt
SChinese = SChinees
secondsleft = seconden over:
SelectthePartition = Kies een partitie
september = Sept
Setasbackgroundmusic = Instellen als achtergrondmuziek?
settings = Instellingen
SFXVolume = Volume effecten
ShutdownSystem = Systeem uitzetten
ShutdowntoIdle = Slaapstand
Sound = Geluid
Spanish = Spaans
Specialthanksto = Speciale dank aan:
Standard = Standaard
Success = Succes:
Successfullydeleted = met succes verwijderd:
Successfullyinstalled = Met succes geinstalleerd:
SuccessfullySaved = met succes opgeslagen!
Successfullyupdated = met succes geupdate!
SystemDefault = Systeem standaard
t3Covers = 3D Hoesjes
TChinese = TChinees
Teen = 2 (Tiener 12+)
Thanksto = Grote dank aan:
ThemePath = Locatie thema
Themepathchange = Locatie thema wijzigen
ThemepathChanged = Locatie thema gewijzigd
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecode = (source code)
Timeleft = Tijd over:
Titlestxtpath = Locatie titles.txt
Titlestxtpathchange = Locatie titles.txt wijzigen
TitlestxtpathChanged = Locatie titles.txt gewijzigd.
Tooltips = Hulptekstbalonnen
Try = Probeer
Uninstall = Verwijderen
UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Console moet worden vrijgegeven.
Unlocked = Vrijgegeven
Update = Updaten
Updateall = Alles updaten
Updatedol = DOL updaten
Updatefailed = Update mislukt
Updatepath = Locatie update
Updatepathchanged = Updatelocatie gewijzigd.
Updateto = Updaten naar
updating = Updaten
USBDevicenotfound = USB Apparaat niet gevonden!
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX is vergrendeld
VideoMode = Video mode
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV patchen
Volume = Muziekvolume
Waiting = Wachten...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Wachten op USB apparaat…
WidescreenFix = Breedbeeld
wififeatures = WiFi functies
Wiilight = Wii verlichting
WiiMenu = Wii Menu
WrongPassword = Foute wachtwoord!
XMLTitles = XML titels
Yes = Ja
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 niet gevonden
Youneedtoformatapartition = Je moet een partitie formatteren
youwanttoformat = Wil je formatteren?
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr "0 (Iedereen 0+)"
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr "1 (Kinderen 7+)"
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr "2 (Tiener 12+)"
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr "3 (Adolescenten 16+)"
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr "3D Hoesjes"
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr "4 (Volwassen 18+)"
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "Alle functies zijn vrijgegeven."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr "Dol afwisselen"
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Taal"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Apr"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Zeker weten?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Aug"
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "Automatisch patchen"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Terug"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "Terug naar HBC of Wii Menu"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "Terug naar lader"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Terug naar Wii Menu"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr "Achtergrondmuziek"
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr "Locatie achtergrondmuziek gewijzigd"
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr "Grote dank aan:"
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "Start/Standaard"
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Beide"
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "Kan niet worden geformatteerd"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "Kan map niet aanmaken"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "Kan niet verwijderen:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuleren"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr "Locatie cheats"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr "Locatie cheats gewijzigd"
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr "Controleren op updates"
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "Klik om hoesjes te downloaden"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Klok"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Sluiten"
msgid "Console"
msgstr "Console"
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "Console standaard"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "Console vergrendeld"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "Console moet worden vrijgegeven."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "Installatie spel voortzetten?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr "Controle level"
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "Juiste wachtwoord"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "Kan de DIP module niet initialiseren!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "Kan netwerk niet initialiseren!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "Kan DVD niet laden"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "Download hoesjes"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "Locatie hoesjes"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "Locatie hoesjes gewijzigd"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Aftiteling"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr "Bestandslocaties"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Dec"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standaard"
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr "Standaardinstelling"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "Standaardinstellingen"
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr "Ontwikkeld door"
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "DVD standaard"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "DVD labels"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "Locatie DVD labels"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "Locatie DVD labels gewijzigd"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "Locatie DVD labels wijzigen"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Tonen"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "Wil je echt verwijderen:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr "Wil je de taal wijzigen?"
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "Wil je formatteren:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "Wil je 30 sec. lang opnieuw proberen?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr "Locatie dol"
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr "Locatie dol gewijzigd"
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr "Locatie dol wijzigen"
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "Hoesjes downloaden?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "Downloaden voltooid"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "Bestand downloaden"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Nederlands"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Engels"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "Fout !"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr "Herstel fout 002"
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "Fout bij lezen DVD"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "USB Loader GX Afsluiten?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "Formatteren mislukt"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb"
msgid "File not found."
msgstr "Bestand niet gevonden."
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "X omwisselen"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Forceer"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formatteer"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "Bezig met formatteren..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "Vrije ruimte"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Frans"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "Volledig uitzetten"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr "Menu opties"
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "Spel ID"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "Taal spel"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr "Spel opties"
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "Spel Regio"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "Spel grootte"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "Spel is al geïnstalleerd:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Spellen"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Duits"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr "HOME Menu"
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Uur"
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr "Hoe wil je updaten?"
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "Hoe uitzetten?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "Netwerk Initializeren"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "Voeg een DVD in"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "Voer een SD kaart in om afbeeldingen te downloaden."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "Voer een SD kaart in om op te slaan."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr "Voer een SD kaart in om deze optie te gebruiken."
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "Installatiefout!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "Spel installeren"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "Bezig met installeren:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italiaans"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japans"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Jul"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Jun"
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Toetsenbord"
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Koreaans"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr "Locatie taal gewijzigd."
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Links"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Als systeemmenu"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr "Standaardtaal laden."
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr "Standaardmuziek laden."
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "Console vergrendelen"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Vergrendeld"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mrt"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mei"
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "Missende bestanden"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Muziekvolume"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "Geen"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Netwerk init. fout"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Volgende"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nee"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "Geen SD kaart gevonden!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "Geen USB apparaat"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "Geen USB apparaat gevonden."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "Geen WBFS partitie gevonden"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "Geen missende bestanden!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr "Geen nieuwe updates."
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "Geen partities gevonden"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normaal"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "Gewone hoesjes"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Geen Wii DVD"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "Niet genoeg vrije ruimte!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr "Formatteren niet ondersteund!"
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "Uit"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Ok"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "Aan"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Okt"
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "Officiele site"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr "Alleen installeren"
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "Ouderlijk toezicht"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Partitie"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Wachtwoord"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Wachtwoord gewijzigd"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "Wachtwoord is gewijzigd"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr "Regios herstellen"
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr "Locatie titles.txt wijzigen"
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr "Locatie titles.txt gewijzigd."
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr "Gespeeld"
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Wii uitschakelen"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Vorige"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "Weergave knoppen"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr "Uitgegeven door"
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "Snelle start"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "SD herladen"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "Spel hernoemen op WBFS"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Herstarten"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr "Herstarten..."
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Terug"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Terug naar Wii menu"
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Rechts"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Trilfunctie"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "SChinees"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr "Volume effecten"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Opslaan"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "Opslaan mislukt"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr "Sept"
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr "Instellen als achtergrondmuziek?"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "Systeem uitzetten"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "Slaapstand"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Geluid"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Spaans"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Speciale dank aan:"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standaard"
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "Succes:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "met succes opgeslagen!"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr "met succes geupdate!"
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "met succes verwijderd:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "Met succes geinstalleerd:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "Systeem standaard"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "TChinees"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "Locatie thema"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "Locatie thema gewijzigd"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "Locatie thema wijzigen"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "Tijd over:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr "XML titels"
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "Hulptekstbalonnen"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "USB Apparaat niet gevonden!"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX is vergrendeld"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Verwijderen"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr "Console moet worden vrijgegeven."
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr "Vrijgegeven"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Updaten"
msgid "Update All"
msgstr "Alles updaten"
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr "DOL updaten"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Update mislukt"
msgid "Update to"
msgstr "Updaten naar"
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr "Locatie update"
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr "Updatelocatie gewijzigd."
msgid "Updating"
msgstr "Updaten"
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "VIDTV patchen"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "Video mode"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "Wachten op USB apparaat…"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Wachten..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr "WiFi functies"
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "Breedbeeld"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii Menu"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr "Wii verlichting"
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Foute wachtwoord!"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "Je moet een partitie formatteren"
msgid "available"
msgstr "beschikbaar"
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "Bestanden resterend"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "Bestanden niet gevonden op server!"
msgid "for"
msgstr "voor"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr "voor vele correcties"
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr "voor zijn geweldige programma"
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr "(upload van afbeeldingen)"
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr "(upload van updates)"
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr ""
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "geformatteerd!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "vrij"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "niet ingesteld"
msgid "of"
msgstr "van"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "seconden over:"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr "Locatie titles.txt"
#~ msgid "Alphabetical"
#~ msgstr "Alfabetisch"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "STARTFOUT"
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "Locatie hoesjes wijzigen"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "Starten mislukt:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "Kan SD kaart niet laden"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "Kan USB niet initialiseren:"
#~ msgid "Favorites"
#~ msgstr "Favorieten"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Terug"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Voer een Wii DVD in!!"
#~ msgid "Sort Game List"
#~ msgstr "Spellenlijst sorteren"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "Laden met cIOS249"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "Geen HDD gevonden!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "Wachtwoord wijzigen"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "Kies een partitie"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "Probeer"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "cIOS222 niet gevonden"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "Wil je formatteren?"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr ""
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr ""
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr ""
msgid "Apr"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Aug"
msgstr ""
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr ""
msgid "Back"
msgstr ""
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr ""
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr ""
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Both"
msgstr ""
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr ""
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr ""
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr ""
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr ""
msgid "Clock"
msgstr ""
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr ""
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr ""
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Credits"
msgstr ""
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dec"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr ""
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr ""
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr ""
msgid "English"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error !"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr ""
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr ""
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
msgid "File not found."
msgstr ""
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr ""
msgid "Force"
msgstr ""
msgid "Format"
msgstr ""
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr ""
msgid "French"
msgstr ""
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr ""
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Games"
msgstr ""
msgid "German"
msgstr ""
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hour"
msgstr ""
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr ""
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr ""
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr ""
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr ""
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr ""
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr ""
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Italian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr ""
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Korean"
msgstr ""
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Left"
msgstr ""
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr ""
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr ""
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Locked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr ""
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Neither"
msgstr ""
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr ""
msgid "Next"
msgstr ""
msgid "No"
msgstr ""
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr ""
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr ""
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr ""
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr ""
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr ""
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr ""
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr ""
msgid "Normal"
msgstr ""
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr ""
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr ""
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nov"
msgstr ""
msgid "OFF"
msgstr ""
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
msgid "ON"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oct"
msgstr ""
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr ""
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr ""
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr ""
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr ""
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr ""
msgid "Prev"
msgstr ""
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr ""
msgid "Published by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr ""
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Return"
msgstr ""
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr ""
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr ""
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr ""
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sound"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr ""
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Success:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr ""
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr ""
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr ""
msgid "System Default"
msgstr ""
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr ""
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr ""
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr ""
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr ""
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr ""
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr ""
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update All"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update to"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Updating"
msgstr ""
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr ""
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr ""
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr ""
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr ""
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr ""
msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr ""
msgid "available"
msgstr ""
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr ""
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr ""
msgid "for"
msgstr ""
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr ""
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr ""
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr ""
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr ""
msgid "free"
msgstr ""
msgid "not set"
msgstr ""
msgid "of"
msgstr ""
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr ""
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr ""
@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
Specialthanksto = Erikoiskiitokset:
t3Coverst = 3D kannet
AppLanguage = Ohjelman kieli
Areyousure = Oletko varma?
AutoPatch = AutoPatch
Back = Takaisin
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Takaisin HBC:hen tai Wii Menuun
BacktoLoader = HBC
BacktoWiiMenu = Takaisin Wii Menuun
BootStandard = Käynnistys/Standardi
BothBoth = Molemmat
Cantcreatedirectory = Ei voi luoda kansiota
Cancel = Peruuta
Cantbeformated = Ei voida formatoida
Cantdelete = Ei voida poistaa:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klikkaa ladataksesi kansia
Clock = Kello
Continueinstallgame = Jatka pelin asennusta?
ConsoleDefault = Konsolin oletus
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Avaa konsolin lukitus muokataksesi asetuksia.
ConsoleLocked = Konsoli lukittu
CorrectPassword = Oikea salasana
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Verkkoon ei voitu yhdistää!
CouldnotopenDisc = Levyä ei voitu lukea
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = DIP Moduulia ei voitu alustaa!
CoverDownload = kansien lataus
CoverPath = kansien sijainti
CoverpathChanged = kansien sijainti muutettu
Coverpathchange = kansien sijainti
Credits = Tekijät
DiscImages = Levykuvat
DiscimagePath = Levykuvien sijainti
DiscpathChanged = Levykuvien sijainti muutettu
Discpathchange = Levykuvien sijainti
DiscDefault = Levy oletus
Display = Näyttö
Doyouwanttoformat = Haluatko formatoida:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Haluatko varmasti formatoida:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Haluatko odottaa 30 sekuntia?
Downloadingfile = Lataa tiedostoa:
DownloadBoxartimage = Lataa kansikuva?
Downloadfinished = Lataus valmistunut
Error = Virhe !
ErrorreadingDisc = Virhe luettaessa levyä
ExitUSBISOLoader = Poistu USB Loader GX:stä?
InitializingNetwork = Yhdistää verkkoon
InsertDisk = Aseta levy Wiihin
InsertaWiiDisc = Aseta Wii-levy!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Aseta SD-kortti ladataksesi kansia.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Aseta SD-kortti tallentaaksesi asetuksia.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Kaikki asetukset on nyt käytettävissä.
Installerror = Asennusvirhe!
Installagame = Asenna peli
Installinggame = Asentaa peliä:
Failedtoboot = Käynnistys ei onnistunut:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Ei voinut asentaa SD-korttia
FailedtosetUSB = USB:ta ei voitu asentaa:
Failedformating = Formatointi ei onnistunut
filesnotfoundontheserver = tiedostoja ei löytynyt serveriltä!
filesleft = tiedosto(j)a jäljellä
FlipX = käännä-X
Force = Pakota
Youneedtoformatapartition = Sinun täytyy formatoida osio
Format = Formatoi
Formattingpleasewait = Formatoi, odota...
formated = formatoitu!
free = vapaa
FreeSpace = Vapaata tilaa
FullShutdown = Täysi sammutus
GameID = Peli ID
Games = Pelejä
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Peli on jo asennettu:
GameRegion = Alue
GameSize = Pelin koko
GoBack = Mene takaisin
//GotoPage = Mene sivulle
HowtoShutdown = Miten sammutetaan?
Language = Kieli
Langchange = Kielen muuttaminen
Left = Vasen
LikeSysMenu = Kuin wii-menu
LoadingincIOS = Lataa cIOS249
Lock = Lukitse
LockConsole = Lukitse konsoli
MP3Menu = MP3 valikko
Missingfiles = tiedostoa puuttuu
Networkiniterror = Verkon alustusvirhe
Neither = Ei kumpikaan
Next = Seuraava
No = Ei
Nofilemissing = Ei tiedostoja kadoksissa!
NoHDDfound = Kovalevyä ei löytynyt!
NoSDcardinserted = SD-korttia ei ole asetettu wiihin!
Nopartitionsfound = Osioita ei löytynyt
NoUSBDevice = Ei USB-laitetta
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Ei WBFS-osioita löytynyt
NormalCovers = Normaalit kannet
Normal = Normaali
NotaWiiDisc = Ei Wii-levy
NoUSBDevicefound = USB-laitetta ei löytynyt.
Notenoughfreespace = Ei tarpeeksi tilaa!
notset = ei asetettu
of = josta
OfficialSite = Virallinen sivusto
ok = OK
Parentalcontrol = Valvonta
Partition = Osio
Password = Salasana
PasswordChanged = Salasana muutettu
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Salasana on muutettu
Passwordchange = Salasanan vaihto
PowerofftheWii = Sammuta Wii
Prev = Edellinen
PromptsButtons = Napit
ReloadSD = Uudelleenlataa SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Uudelleennimeä peli
Restart = Käynnistä uudelleen
Return = Palaa
ReturntoWii = Palaa Wii-menuun
Right = Oikea
Rumble = Värinä
QuickBoot = Pikakäynnistys
Save = Tallenna
SaveFailed = Tallennus ei onnistunut
Specialthanksto = Erikoiskiitokset
For =
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = ja lähdekoodin julkaisemisesta
secondsleft = sekuntia jäljellä
SelectthePartition = Valitse osio
youwanttoformat = jonka haluat formatoida
settings = Asetukset
ShutdowntoIdle = Valmiustila
ShutdownSystem = Sammuta järjestelmä
Success = Onnistui:
Successfullyinstalled = Asennettu onnistuneesti:
Successfullydeleted = Poistettu onnistuneesti:
SuccessfullySaved = Tallennettu onnistuneesti
SystemDefault = Wiin oletus
ThemePath = Teeman sijainti
ThemepathChanged = Teeman sijainti muutettu
Themepathchange = Teeman sijainti
Try = Yritä
Tooltips = vinkit
Timeleft = Aikaa jäljellä:
Unlock = Avaa
Uninstall = Poista
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX on suojattu.
USBDevicenotfound = USB-laitetta ei löytynyt
VideoMode = Video tila
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV korjaus
Volume = Voimakkuus
Waiting = Odottaa...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Odottaa USB-laitetta...
WidescreenFix = Laajakuva korjaus
WiiMenu = Wii Menu
WrongPassword = Väärä salasana
Yes = Kyllä
YoudonthavecIOS = Sinulla ei ole cIOS222:sta
Japanese = Japani
German = Saksa
English = Englanti
French = Ranska
Spanish = Espanja
Italian = Italia
Dutch = Hollanti
SChinese = SKiina
TChinese = TKiina
Korean = Korea
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr ""
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "Kaikki asetukset on nyt käytettävissä."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Ohjelman kieli"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Oletko varma?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr ""
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "AutoPatch"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Takaisin"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "Takaisin HBC:hen tai Wii Menuun"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "HBC"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Takaisin Wii Menuun"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr ""
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "Käynnistys/Standardi"
msgid "Both"
msgstr ""
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "Ei voida formatoida"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "Ei voi luoda kansiota"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "Ei voida poistaa:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Peruuta"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr ""
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "Klikkaa ladataksesi kansia"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Kello"
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "Konsolin oletus"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "Konsoli lukittu"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "Avaa konsolin lukitus muokataksesi asetuksia."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "Jatka pelin asennusta?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "Oikea salasana"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "DIP Moduulia ei voitu alustaa!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "Verkkoon ei voitu yhdistää!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "Levyä ei voitu lukea"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "kansien lataus"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "kansien sijainti"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "kansien sijainti muutettu"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Tekijät"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dec"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "Levy oletus"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "Levykuvat"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "Levykuvien sijainti"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "Levykuvien sijainti muutettu"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "Levykuvien sijainti"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Näyttö"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "Haluatko varmasti formatoida:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "Haluatko formatoida:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "Haluatko odottaa 30 sekuntia?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "Lataa kansikuva?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "Lataus valmistunut"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "Lataa tiedostoa:"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Hollanti"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Englanti"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "Virhe !"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "Virhe luettaessa levyä"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "Poistu USB Loader GX:stä?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "Formatointi ei onnistunut"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
msgid "File not found."
msgstr ""
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "käännä-X"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Pakota"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formatoi"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "Formatoi, odota..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "Vapaata tilaa"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Ranska"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "Täysi sammutus"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "Peli ID"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "Kieli"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "Alue"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "Pelin koko"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "Peli on jo asennettu:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Pelejä"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Saksa"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hour"
msgstr ""
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr ""
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "Miten sammutetaan?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "Yhdistää verkkoon"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "Aseta levy Wiihin"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "Aseta SD-kortti ladataksesi kansia."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "Aseta SD-kortti tallentaaksesi asetuksia."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "Asennusvirhe!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "Asenna peli"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "Asentaa peliä:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italia"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japani"
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Korea"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Vasen"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Kuin wii-menu"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr ""
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr ""
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "Lukitse konsoli"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "tiedostoa puuttuu"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Voimakkuus"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "Ei kumpikaan"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Verkon alustusvirhe"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Seuraava"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ei"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "SD-korttia ei ole asetettu wiihin!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "Ei USB-laitetta"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "USB-laitetta ei löytynyt."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "Ei WBFS-osioita löytynyt"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "Ei tiedostoja kadoksissa!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr ""
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "Osioita ei löytynyt"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normaali"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "Normaalit kannet"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Ei Wii-levy"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "Ei tarpeeksi tilaa!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nov"
msgstr ""
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "OFF"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "ON"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr ""
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "Virallinen sivusto"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr ""
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "Valvonta"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Osio"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Salasana"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Salasana muutettu"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "Salasana on muutettu"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr ""
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Sammuta Wii"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Edellinen"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "Napit"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "Pikakäynnistys"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "Uudelleenlataa SD"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "Uudelleennimeä peli"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Käynnistä uudelleen"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Palaa"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Oikea"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Värinä"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "SKiina"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Tallenna"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "Tallennus ei onnistunut"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Asetukset"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "Sammuta järjestelmä"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "Valmiustila"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Espanja"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Erikoiskiitokset"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "Onnistui:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "Tallennettu onnistuneesti"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr ""
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "Poistettu onnistuneesti:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "Asennettu onnistuneesti:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "Wiin oletus"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "TKiina"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "Teeman sijainti"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "Teeman sijainti muutettu"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "Teeman sijainti"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "Aikaa jäljellä:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "vinkit"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "USB-laitetta ei löytynyt"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX on suojattu."
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Poista"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update All"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update to"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Updating"
msgstr ""
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "VIDTV korjaus"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "Video tila"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "Odottaa USB-laitetta..."
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Odottaa..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "Laajakuva korjaus"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii Menu"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Väärä salasana"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Kyllä"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "Sinun täytyy formatoida osio"
msgid "available"
msgstr ""
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "tiedosto(j)a jäljellä"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "tiedostoja ei löytynyt serveriltä!"
msgid "for"
msgstr ""
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr ""
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr ""
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "ja lähdekoodin julkaisemisesta"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "formatoitu!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "vapaa"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "ei asetettu"
msgid "of"
msgstr "josta"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "sekuntia jäljellä"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "kansien sijainti"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "BOOTTAUS VIRHE"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Aseta Wii-levy!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "Käynnistys ei onnistunut:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "Ei voinut asentaa SD-korttia"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "USB:ta ei voitu asentaa:"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Mene takaisin"
#~ msgid "Language change"
#~ msgstr "Kielen muuttaminen"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "Lataa cIOS249"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "Kovalevyä ei löytynyt!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "Salasanan vaihto"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "Valitse osio"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "jonka haluat formatoida"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "Yritä"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "Sinulla ei ole cIOS222:sta"
@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
//Fichier langue français V5 pour USBLoaderGX
ok = OK
addToFavorite = Ajouter aux favoris
all = Alphabétique
AppLanguage = Langue d'interface
t3Covers = Jaquettes 3D
Areyousure = Êtes-vous sûr?
available = disponible
AutoPatch = AutoPatch
Adultsonly = 4 (Adultes 18+)
awesometool = pour son outil impressionnant
Back = Retour
Backgroundmusic = Fond sonore
Backgroundmusicpath = Dossier fond sonore modifié
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Retour HBC / Menu Wii
BacktoLoader = Chaîne Homebrew
BacktoWiiMenu = Retour Menu Wii
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
Both = Tous
Cantcreatedirectory = Création du répertoire impossible
Cancel = Annuler
Cantbeformated = Formatage impossible
CheckingforUpdates = Recherche de Mise à Jour
Cantdelete = Impossible de supprimer :
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Téléchargement des jaquettes
Child = 1 (Enfants 7+)
Clock = Horloge
Close = Fermer
Continueinstallgame = Continuer l'installation ?
Console = Console
ConsoleDefault = Console par défaut
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = La console doit être déverrouillée.
ConsoleLocked = Console verrouillée
Controllevel = Niveau moral
CorrectPassword = Mot de passe correct
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Initialisation réseau impossible !
CouldnotopenDisc = Initialisation disque impossible
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Initialisation DIP impossible !
CoverDownload = Téléchargement Jaquettes
CoverPath = Dossier Jaquettes
CoverpathChanged = Dossier des jaquettes modifié
Coverpathchange = Dossier des jaquettes
Cheatcodespathchanged = Dossier codes de triche modifié
Cheatcodespath = Dossier Codes Triche
count = Utilisation
Credits = Crédits
Custompaths = Localisation Dossiers
DiscImages = Labels DVD
DiscimagePath = Dossier Labels DVD
DiscpathChanged = Dossier des labels DVD changé
Discpathchange = Dossier des labels DVD
DiscDefault = Disque par défaut
Display = Affichage
Doyouwanttoformat = Voulez-vous formater ?
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ?
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Réessayer pendant 30 sec. ?
Doyouwanttoupdate = Comment faire la Mise à Jour ?
Doyouwanttochangelanguage = Changer de langue ?
Downloadingfile = Téléchargement du fichier
DownloadBoxartimage = Télécharger les jaquettes ?
Downloadfinished = Téléchargement terminé
//Defaultgamesettings = Rétablir les paramètres du jeu par défaut
//Defaultsettings = Rétablir les paramètres par défaut
Defaultgamesettings = Reset Paramètres Jeu
Defaultsettings = Reset Paramètres
Default = Par défaut
diversepatches = pour les divers patchs
Error = Erreur !
Error002fix = Fix Erreur 002
hour = Heures
Homemenu = Menu HOME
ErrorreadingDisc = Erreur à la lecture du disque
ExitUSBISOLoader = Quitter USB Loader GX ?
Everyone = 0 (Tous 3+)
InitializingNetwork = Initialisation du réseau
InsertDisk = Insérez un disque
InsertaWiiDisc = Insérez un disque Wii !
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Insérez une carte SD pour télécharger les jaquettes.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Insérez une carte SD pour enregistrer.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Insérez une carte SD pour utiliser cette option.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Toutes les fonctionnalités sont déverrouillées.
Installerror = Erreur à l'installation !
Installagame = Installer un jeu
Installinggame = Installation du jeu :
Failedtoboot = Échec au démarrage de :
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Échec à l'initialisation de la SD
FailedtosetUSB = Échec d'initialisation USB :
Failedformating = Échec du formatage
fave = Favoris
filesnotfoundontheserver = fichiers introuvables sur le serveur !
Filenotfound = Fichier introuvable.
filesleft = fichier(s) restant(s)
FlipX = Inversion-X
Force = Forcer
Youneedtoformatapartition = Vous devez formater une partition
Format = Formater
Keyboard = Clavier
Formattingpleasewait = Formatage en cours, veuillez patienter...
formated = formaté !
Forhostingcovers = pour l'hébergement des jaquettes
Forhostingupdatefiles = pour l'hébergement des MàJ
free = libre
FreeSpace = Espace restant
FullShutdown = Éteindre
GameID = ID du jeu
Games = Jeux
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Le jeu est déjà installé :
GameRegion = Région
GameSize = Taille du jeu
GoBack = Retour
GUISettings = Configuration GUI
Gameload = Chargement Jeux
HowtoShutdown = Arrêt de la Wii ?
Language = Langue du jeu
Languagepathchanged = Dossier Langue changé
//Langchange = Changer la langue
Left = Gauche
LikeSysMenu = Menu système
LoadingincIOS = Charger avec cIOS249
ListSort = Tri des Jeux
Loadingstandardlanguage = Chargement langue par défaut.
Loadingstandardmusic = Chargement musique standard.
//Lock = Verrouiller
Locked = Clic pour deverrouiller
LockConsole = Verrouiller la console
//MP3Menu = Menu MP3
Patchcountrystrings = Patch Jeux Import
Missingfiles = Fichier(s) manquant(s)
Mature = 3 (Majeurs 16+)
Networkiniterror = Erreur d'initialisation réseau
Neither = Aucun
Next = Suivant
Nonewupdates = Pas de nouvelle Mise à Jour.
No = Non
Nofilemissing = Aucun fichier manquant !
NoHDDfound = Aucun HDD trouvé !
NoSDcardinserted = Aucune carte SD insérée !
Nopartitionsfound = Aucune partition trouvée
NoUSBDevice = Aucun périphérique USB
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Aucune partition WBFS trouvée
NormalCovers = Normales
Normal = 4:3
NotaWiiDisc = Ce n'est pas un jeu Wii
NoUSBDevicefound = Aucun périphérique USB trouvé.
Notenoughfreespace = Espace libre insuffisant !
Notasupportedformat = Format non supporté !
notset = non défini
of = sur
OFF = Inactif
OfficialSite = Site Officiel
ON = Actif
OnlyInstall = Jeu installé seulement
Onlinefix = Fix Jeu en Réseau
Parentalcontrol = Contrôle Parental
Partition = Partition
Password = Mot de passe
PasswordChanged = Mot de passe modifié
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Le mot de passe a été modifié
Passwordchange = Modification du mot de passe
Plays = Utilisation
PowerofftheWii = Éteindre la Wii
Prev = Précédent
PromptsButtons = Interface
ReloadSD = Recharger la SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Renommer un jeu
Restart = Redémarrer
Restarting = Redémarrage...
Return = Retour
released = Date de sortie
ReturntoWiiMenu = Retourner au menu Wii
Right = Droite
Rumble = Vibrations
QuickBoot = Démarrage rapide
Save = Enregistrer
SaveFailed = Échec de sauvegarde
Specialthanksto = Remerciements spéciaux à:
For = pour
//theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecode = pour le code source de l'USB Loader
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = pour les sources USBLoader
secondsleft = secondes restantes
Setasbackgroundmusic = Utiliser comme fond sonore ?
SelectthePartition = Choisissez la partition
youwanttoformat = Vous voulez formater
Standard = Standard
settings = Paramètres
Sound = Sons
ShutdowntoIdle = Veille
ShutdownSystem = Arrêt
Success = Succès :
Successfullyinstalled = Installé avec succès :
Successfullyupdated = Mise à Jour réussie
Successfullydeleted = Supprimé avec succès :
SuccessfullySaved = Enregistré avec succès
SystemDefault = Système par défaut
Teen = 2 (Adolescents 12+)
Thanksto = Grand merci à:
ThemePath = Dossier Thème
ThemepathChanged = Dossier du thème modifié
Themepathchange = Dossier du thème
Titlestxtpath = Localisation titles.txt
TitlestxtpathChanged = Localisation de titles.txt modifié
Titlestxtpathchange = Localisation de titles.txt
Try = Essayer
Tooltips = Info-bulles
Timeleft = Fini dans:
updating = Mise à Jour
//Unlock = Déverrouiller
Unlocked = Clic pour verrouiller
UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Cette option requiert le déverrouillage de l'interface.
Uninstall = Désinstaller
Updatepath= Dossier Mise à Jour
Updatepathchanged = Dossier de Mise à Jour changé.
Updatefailed = Mise à Jour échouée
Updatedol = DOL seul
Updateall = Totale
Updateto = vers la
Update = Mise à Jour
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX est verrouillé
USBDevicenotfound = Périphérique USB introuvable
VideoMode = Mode vidéo
VIDTVPatch = Patch VIDTV
Volume = Volume Musique
SFXVolume = Volume SFX
Waiting = En attente...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Attente d'un périphérique USB
WidescreenFix = 16:9
WiiMenu = Menu Wii
Wiilight = Illumination Wii
WrongPassword = Mot de passe incorrect
Yes = Oui
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 non installé
Japanese = Japonais
German = Allemand
English = Anglais
French = Français
Spanish = Espagnol
Italian = Italien
Dutch = Néerlandais
SChinese = Chinois simplifié
TChinese = Chinois traditionnel
Korean = Coréen
january = Jan
february = Fév
march = Mar
april = Avr
may = Mai
june = Juin
july = Juil
august = Août
september = Sept
october = Oct
november = Nov
december = Déc
developedby = Développé par
publishedby = Publié par
wififeatures = Connexion WiFi
XMLTitles = Titres XML
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr "0 (Tous 3+)"
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr "1 (Enfants 7+)"
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr "2 (Adolescents 12+)"
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr "3 (Majeurs 16+)"
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr "Jaquettes 3D"
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr "4 (Adultes 18+)"
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "Toutes les fonctionnalités sont déverrouillées."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Langue d'interface"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Avr"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Août"
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "AutoPatch"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Retour"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "Retour HBC / Menu Wii"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "Chaîne Homebrew"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Retour Menu Wii"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr "Fond sonore"
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr "Dossier fond sonore modifié"
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr "Grand merci à:"
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "Boot/Standard"
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Tous"
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "Formatage impossible"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "Création du répertoire impossible"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer :"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr "Dossier Codes Triche"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr "Dossier codes de triche modifié"
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr "Recherche de Mise à Jour"
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "Téléchargement des jaquettes"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Horloge"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermer"
msgid "Console"
msgstr "Console"
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "Console par défaut"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "Console verrouillée"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "La console doit être déverrouillée."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "Continuer l'installation ?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr "Niveau moral"
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe correct"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "Initialisation DIP impossible !"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "Initialisation réseau impossible !"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "Initialisation disque impossible"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "Téléchargement Jaquettes"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "Dossier Jaquettes"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "Dossier des jaquettes modifié"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Crédits"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr "Localisation Dossiers"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Déc"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Par défaut"
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr "Reset Paramètres Jeu"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "Reset Paramètres"
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr "Développé par"
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "Disque par défaut"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "Labels DVD"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "Dossier Labels DVD"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "Dossier des labels DVD changé"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "Dossier des labels DVD"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Affichage"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ?"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr "Changer de langue ?"
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "Voulez-vous formater ?"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "Réessayer pendant 30 sec. ?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "Télécharger les jaquettes ?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "Téléchargement terminé"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "Téléchargement du fichier"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Néerlandais"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Anglais"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "Erreur !"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr "Fix Erreur 002"
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "Erreur à la lecture du disque"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "Quitter USB Loader GX ?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "Échec du formatage"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Fév"
msgid "File not found."
msgstr "Fichier introuvable."
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "Inversion-X"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Forcer"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formater"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "Formatage en cours, veuillez patienter..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "Espace restant"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Français"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "Éteindre"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr "Configuration GUI"
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "ID du jeu"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "Langue du jeu"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr "Chargement Jeux"
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "Région"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "Taille du jeu"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "Le jeu est déjà installé :"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Jeux"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Allemand"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr "Menu HOME"
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Heures"
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr "Comment faire la Mise à Jour ?"
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "Arrêt de la Wii ?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "Initialisation du réseau"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "Insérez un disque"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "Insérez une carte SD pour télécharger les jaquettes."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "Insérez une carte SD pour enregistrer."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr "Insérez une carte SD pour utiliser cette option."
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "Erreur à l'installation !"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "Installer un jeu"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "Installation du jeu :"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italien"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japonais"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Juil"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Juin"
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Clavier"
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Coréen"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr "Dossier Langue changé"
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Gauche"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Menu système"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr "Chargement langue par défaut."
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr "Chargement musique standard."
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "Verrouiller la console"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Clic pour deverrouiller"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mai"
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "Fichier(s) manquant(s)"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Volume Musique"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "Aucun"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Erreur d'initialisation réseau"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Suivant"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Non"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "Aucune carte SD insérée !"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "Aucun périphérique USB"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "Aucun périphérique USB trouvé."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "Aucune partition WBFS trouvée"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "Aucun fichier manquant !"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr "Pas de nouvelle Mise à Jour."
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "Aucune partition trouvée"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "4:3"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "Normales"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Ce n'est pas un jeu Wii"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "Espace libre insuffisant !"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr "Format non supporté !"
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "Inactif"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "Actif"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Oct"
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "Site Officiel"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr "Jeu installé seulement"
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "Contrôle Parental"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Partition"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Mot de passe modifié"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "Le mot de passe a été modifié"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr "Patch Jeux Import"
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr "Localisation de titles.txt"
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr "Localisation de titles.txt modifié"
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr "Utilisation"
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Éteindre la Wii"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Précédent"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "Interface"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr "Publié par"
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "Démarrage rapide"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "Recharger la SD"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "Renommer un jeu"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Redémarrer"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr "Redémarrage..."
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Retour"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Retourner au menu Wii"
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Droite"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Vibrations"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "Chinois simplifié"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr "Volume SFX"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Enregistrer"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "Échec de sauvegarde"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr "Sept"
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr "Utiliser comme fond sonore ?"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "Arrêt"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "Veille"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Sons"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Espagnol"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Remerciements spéciaux à:"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "Succès :"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "Enregistré avec succès"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr "Mise à Jour réussie"
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "Supprimé avec succès :"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "Installé avec succès :"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "Système par défaut"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "Chinois traditionnel"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "Dossier Thème"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "Dossier du thème modifié"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "Dossier du thème"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "Fini dans:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr "Titres XML"
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "Info-bulles"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "Périphérique USB introuvable"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX est verrouillé"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Désinstaller"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr "Cette option requiert le déverrouillage de l'interface."
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr "Clic pour verrouiller"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Mise à Jour"
msgid "Update All"
msgstr "Totale"
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr "DOL seul"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Mise à Jour échouée"
msgid "Update to"
msgstr "vers la"
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr "Dossier Mise à Jour"
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr "Dossier de Mise à Jour changé."
msgid "Updating"
msgstr "Mise à Jour"
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "Patch VIDTV"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "Mode vidéo"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "Attente d'un périphérique USB"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "En attente..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr "Connexion WiFi"
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "16:9"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Menu Wii"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr "Illumination Wii"
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe incorrect"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Oui"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "Vous devez formater une partition"
msgid "available"
msgstr "disponible"
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "fichier(s) restant(s)"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "fichiers introuvables sur le serveur !"
msgid "for"
msgstr "pour"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr "pour les divers patchs"
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr "pour son outil impressionnant"
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr "pour l'hébergement des jaquettes"
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr "pour l'hébergement des MàJ"
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "pour les sources USBLoader"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "formaté !"
msgid "free"
msgstr "libre"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "non défini"
msgid "of"
msgstr "sur"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "secondes restantes"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr "Localisation titles.txt"
#~ msgid "Favorite"
#~ msgstr "Ajouter aux favoris"
#~ msgid "Alphabetical"
#~ msgstr "Alphabétique"
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "Dossier des jaquettes"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Insérez un disque Wii !"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "Échec au démarrage de :"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "Échec à l'initialisation de la SD"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "Échec d'initialisation USB :"
#~ msgid "Favorites"
#~ msgstr "Favoris"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Retour"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "Charger avec cIOS249"
#~ msgid "Sort Game List"
#~ msgstr "Tri des Jeux"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "Aucun HDD trouvé !"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "Modification du mot de passe"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "Choisissez la partition"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "Vous voulez formater"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "Essayer"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "cIOS222 non installé"
@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
ok = OK
addToFavorite = Favoriten
all = Alphabetisch
AppLanguage = Sprache
t3Covers = 3D Cover
Areyousure = Sind sie sicher?
available = verfügbar
AutoPatch = Auto Patch
Always = 0 (Immer)
awesometool = für sein großartiges Tool
Back = Zurück
Backgroundmusic = Hintergrundmusik
Backgroundmusicpath = Hintergrundmusik Pfad geändert.
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Zurück zum HBC oder Wii Menü
BacktoLoader = HBC Menü
BacktoWiiMenu = Wii Menü
BootStandard = Bootstandard
Both = Beides
Cantcreatedirectory = Verzeichnis kann nicht erstellt werden
Cancel = Abbrechen
Cantbeformated = Konnte nicht formatiert werden
CheckingforUpdates = Suche nach Aktualisierung
Cantdelete = Löschen fehlgeschlagen:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klicken zum Coverdownloaden
Clock = Uhr
Close = Schließen
Continueinstallgame = Spiel installieren?
ConsoleDefault = Konsolenstandard
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Konsole sollte zum bearbeiten entsperrt werden
ConsoleLocked = Konsole gesperrt
Controllevel = Kontroll Level
CorrectPassword = Richtiges Passwort
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Netzwerk konnte nicht initialisiert werden!
CouldnotopenDisc = Disk konnte nicht geöffnet werden
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = DIP Modul konnte nicht initialisiert werden!
CoverDownload = Cover Download
CoverPath = Cover Pfad
CoverpathChanged = Cover Pfad geändert
Coverpathchange = Cover Pfad ändern
Cheatcodespathchanged = Cheatcode Pfad geändert
Cheatcodespath = Cheatcode Pfad
count = Spiel Zähler
Credits = Credits
Custompaths = Benutzerdefinierte Pfade
DiscImages = Disk Cover
DiscimagePath = Disk Cover Pfad
DiscpathChanged = Disk Pfad geändert
Discpathchange = Disk Pfad ändern
DiscDefault = Diskstandard
Display = Anzeige
Doyouwanttoformat = Möchten sie formatieren:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Löschvorgang bestätigen:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = In 30 sek erneut versuchen?
Doyouwanttoupdate = USB Loader GX aktualisieren?
Doyouwanttochangelanguage = Möchten Sie die Sprache ändern?
Downloadingfile = Downloade Datei:
DownloadBoxartimage = Download Boxart Bilder?
Downloadfinished = Download abgeschlossen
Defaultgamesettings = Standard Spieleinstellung
Defaultsettings = Standard Einstellungen
Default = Standard
diversepatches = für diverse Patch´s
Error = Fehler !
hour = Stunden
Homemenu = HOME Menü
ErrorreadingDisc = Disk-Lesefehler
ExitUSBISOLoader = USB Loader GX beenden?
InitializingNetwork = Initialisiere Netzwerk
InsertDisk = Disk einlegen
InsertaWiiDisc = Bitte legen sie eine Wii-Disk ein!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = SD Karte einlegen um Bilder runterzuladen.
InsertaSDCardtosave = SD Karte zum speichern einlegen.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Lege Sie eine SD Karte ein um diese Option zu nutzen.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Alle Funktionen des USB Loader GX sind freigeschaltet.
Installerror = Installationsfehler!
Installagame = Spiel installieren
Installinggame = Installiere Spiel:
Failedtoboot = Bootvorgang fehlgeschlagen
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Fehler beim Mounten der SD Karte
FailedtosetUSB = USB Fehler:
Failedformating = Formatieren fehlgeschlagen
fave = Favoriten
filesnotfoundontheserver = Datei(en) konnte(n) auf dem Server nicht gefunden werden!
Filenotfound = Datei nicht gefunden.
filesleft = Datei(en) übrig
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Erzwinge
Youneedtoformatapartition = Sie müssen eine Partition formatieren
Format = formatieren
Keyboard = Tastatur
Formattingpleasewait = Formatiere, bitte warten...
formated = Formatieren erfolgreich!
Forhostingcovers = für das Hosten der Covers/Discarts
Forhostingupdatefiles = für das Hosten der Update Dateien
free = frei
FreeSpace = Freier Speicher
FullShutdown = Ausschalten
GameID = Spiel ID
Games = Spiele
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Spiel bereits vorhanden:
GameRegion = Region
GameSize = Größe
GoBack = Zurück
GUISettings = GUI Einstellungen
Gameload = Spiel Einstellungen
HowtoShutdown = Wie soll beendet werden?
Language = Spiel Sprache
Languagepathchanged = Sprachenpfad geändert.
Left = Links
LikeSysMenu = Wie SysMenü
LoadingincIOS = Lade in cIOS249
ListSort = Sortiere Spielliste
Loadingstandardlanguage = Lade Standardsprache.
Loadingstandardmusic = Lade Standardmusik.
Locked = Gesperrt
LockConsole = Konsole sperren
Patchcountrystrings = Patche Länder Strings
Missingfiles = Fehlende Datei(en)
Mature = 3 (Erwachsene)
Networkiniterror = Netzwerkinitialisierungsfehler
Neither = Nichts
Next = Nächste
Nonewupdates = Keine Aktualisierung vorhanden.
No = Nein
Nofilemissing = Alle Dateien vorhanden!
NoHDDfound = Keine HDD gefunden!
NoSDcardinserted = Keine SD Karte eingelegt!
Nopartitionsfound = Keine Partitionen gefunden
NoUSBDevice = Kein USB Gerät
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Keine WBFS Partition gefunden
NormalCovers = Normale Cover
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Keine Wii Disk
NoUSBDevicefound = Kein USB Gerät gefunden.
Notenoughfreespace = Nicht genügend freier Speicher!
Notasupportedformat = Nicht unterstütztes Format!
notset = nicht gesetzt
of = von
OfficialSite = Offizielle Seite
OnlyInstall = Beim installieren
Parentalcontrol = Jugendschutz
Partition = Partition
Password = Passwort
PasswordChanged = Passwort geändert
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Passwort wurde geändert
Passwordchange = Passwort ändern
Plays = Gespielt
PowerofftheWii = Wii ausschalten
Prev = Vorherige
PromptsButtons = Button Anzeige
ReloadSD = SD aktualisieren
RenameGameonWBFS = Spiel umbenennen
Restart = Neustart
Restarting = Starte Neu...
Return = Zurück
released = Veröffentlicht
ReturntoWii = Zurück ins Wii Menü
Right = Rechts
Rumble = Vibration
QuickBoot = Schnellboot
Save = Speichern
SaveFailed = Speichern fehlgeschlagen
Specialthanksto = Besonderer Dank an
For = für
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = und die veröffentlichung des Quellcodes
secondsleft = Sekunden verbleiben
Setasbackgroundmusic = Als Hintergrundmusik wählen?
SelectthePartition = Partition auswählen
youwanttoformat = sie möchten formatieren
Standard = Standard
settings = Einstellungen
Sound = Musik
ShutdowntoIdle = Stand By
ShutdownSystem = System herunterfahren
Success = Erfolgreich:
Successfullyinstalled = Erfolgreich installiert:
Successfullyupdated = Erfolgreich aktualisiert
Successfullydeleted = Erfolgreich gelöscht:
SuccessfullySaved = Erfolgreich gespeichert
SystemDefault = Konsolenstandard
Thanksto = Grossen Dank an:
ThemePath = Theme Pfad
ThemepathChanged = Theme Pfad geändert
Themepathchange = Theme Pfad ändern
Titlestxtpath = Titles.txt Pfad
Titlestxtpathchange = Pfad zur titles.txt ändern
TitlestxtpathChanged = Pfad zur titles.txt geändert.
Try = Versuche(n)
Tooltips = ToolTips
Timeleft = Zeit verbleibend:
updating = Aktualisiere
Unlocked = Entsperrt
UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Entsperre den Loader um diese Option zu nutzen.
Uninstall = Deinstallieren
Updatepath = Update Pfad
Updatepathchanged = Aktualisierungspfad geändert.
Updatefailed = Aktualisierung fehgeschlagen
Updatedol = Aktualisiere DOL
Updateall = Aktualisiere alles
Updateto = Aktualisiere zu
Update = Aktualisieren
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX ist geschützt
USBDevicenotfound = USB Gerät nicht gefunden
VideoMode = Video Modus
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV Patch
Volume = Lautstärke
SFXVolume = SFX Lautstärke
Waiting = Warte...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Warte auf USB-Gerät
WidescreenFix = Breitbild Fix
WiiMenu = Wii Menü
Wiilight = Wiilicht
WrongPassword = Falsches Passwort
Yes = Ja
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 nicht vorhanden
Japanese = Japanisch
German = Deutsch
English = Englisch
French = Französisch
Spanish = Spanisch
Italian = Italienisch
Dutch = Niederländisch
SChinese = Vereinfachtes Chinesisch
TChinese = Traditionelles Chinesisch
Korean = Koreanisch
january = Jan
february = Feb
march = Mär
april = Apr
may = Mai
june = Juni
july = Juli
august = Aug
september = Sept
october = Okt
november = Nov
december = Dez
developedby = Entwickelt von
publishedby = Veröffentlicht von
wififeatures = WiFi Eigenschaften
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr "3 (Erwachsene)"
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr "3D Cover"
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "Alle Funktionen des USB Loader GX sind freigeschaltet."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Sprache"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Apr"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Sind sie sicher?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Aug"
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "Auto Patch"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Zurück"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "Zurück zum HBC oder Wii Menü"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "HBC Menü"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii Menü"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr "Hintergrundmusik"
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr "Hintergrundmusik Pfad geändert."
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr "Grossen Dank an:"
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "Bootstandard"
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Beides"
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "Konnte nicht formatiert werden"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "Verzeichnis kann nicht erstellt werden"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "Löschen fehlgeschlagen:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr "Cheatcode Pfad"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr "Cheatcode Pfad geändert"
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr "Suche nach Aktualisierung"
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "Klicken zum Coverdownloaden"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Uhr"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Schließen"
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "Konsolenstandard"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "Konsole gesperrt"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "Konsole sollte zum bearbeiten entsperrt werden"
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "Spiel installieren?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr "Kontroll Level"
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "Richtiges Passwort"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "DIP Modul konnte nicht initialisiert werden!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "Netzwerk konnte nicht initialisiert werden!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "Disk konnte nicht geöffnet werden"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "Cover Download"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "Cover Pfad"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "Cover Pfad geändert"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Credits"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Pfade"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Dez"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standard"
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr "Standard Spieleinstellung"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "Standard Einstellungen"
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr "Entwickelt von"
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "Diskstandard"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "Disk Cover"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "Disk Cover Pfad"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "Disk Pfad geändert"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "Disk Pfad ändern"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Anzeige"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "Löschvorgang bestätigen:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr "Möchten Sie die Sprache ändern?"
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "Möchten sie formatieren:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "In 30 sek erneut versuchen?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "Download Boxart Bilder?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "Download abgeschlossen"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "Downloade Datei:"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Niederländisch"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Englisch"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "Fehler !"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "Disk-Lesefehler"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "USB Loader GX beenden?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "Formatieren fehlgeschlagen"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb"
msgid "File not found."
msgstr "Datei nicht gefunden."
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "Flip-X"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Erzwinge"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "formatieren"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "Formatiere, bitte warten..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "Freier Speicher"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Französisch"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "Ausschalten"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr "GUI Einstellungen"
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "Spiel ID"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "Spiel Sprache"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr "Spiel Einstellungen"
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "Region"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "Größe"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "Spiel bereits vorhanden:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Spiele"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Deutsch"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr "HOME Menü"
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Stunden"
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr "USB Loader GX aktualisieren?"
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "Wie soll beendet werden?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "Initialisiere Netzwerk"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "Disk einlegen"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "SD Karte einlegen um Bilder runterzuladen."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "SD Karte zum speichern einlegen."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr "Lege Sie eine SD Karte ein um diese Option zu nutzen."
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "Installationsfehler!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "Spiel installieren"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "Installiere Spiel:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italienisch"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japanisch"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Juli"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Juni"
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Tastatur"
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Koreanisch"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr "Sprachenpfad geändert."
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Links"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Wie SysMenü"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr "Lade Standardsprache."
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr "Lade Standardmusik."
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "Konsole sperren"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Gesperrt"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mär"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mai"
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "Fehlende Datei(en)"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Lautstärke"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "Nichts"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Netzwerkinitialisierungsfehler"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Nächste"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nein"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "Keine SD Karte eingelegt!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "Kein USB Gerät"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "Kein USB Gerät gefunden."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "Keine WBFS Partition gefunden"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "Alle Dateien vorhanden!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr "Keine Aktualisierung vorhanden."
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "Keine Partitionen gefunden"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "Normale Cover"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Keine Wii Disk"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "Nicht genügend freier Speicher!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr "Nicht unterstütztes Format!"
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "AUS"
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
msgid "ON"
msgstr "AN"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Okt"
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "Offizielle Seite"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr "Beim installieren"
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "Jugendschutz"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Partition"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Passwort"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Passwort geändert"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "Passwort wurde geändert"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr "Patche Länder Strings"
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr "Pfad zur titles.txt ändern"
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr "Pfad zur titles.txt geändert."
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr "Gespielt"
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Wii ausschalten"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Vorherige"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "Button Anzeige"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr "Veröffentlicht von"
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "Schnellboot"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "SD aktualisieren"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "Spiel umbenennen"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Neustart"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr "Starte Neu..."
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Zurück"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Rechts"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Vibration"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "Vereinfachtes Chinesisch"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr "SFX Lautstärke"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Speichern"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "Speichern fehlgeschlagen"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr "Sept"
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr "Als Hintergrundmusik wählen?"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "System herunterfahren"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "Stand By"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Musik"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Spanisch"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Besonderer Dank an"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "Erfolgreich:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "Erfolgreich gespeichert"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr "Erfolgreich aktualisiert"
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "Erfolgreich gelöscht:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "Erfolgreich installiert:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "Konsolenstandard"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "Traditionelles Chinesisch"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "Theme Pfad"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "Theme Pfad geändert"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "Theme Pfad ändern"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "Zeit verbleibend:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "ToolTips"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "USB Gerät nicht gefunden"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX ist geschützt"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Deinstallieren"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr "Entsperre den Loader um diese Option zu nutzen."
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr "Entsperrt"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aktualisieren"
msgid "Update All"
msgstr "Aktualisiere alles"
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr "Aktualisiere DOL"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Aktualisierung fehgeschlagen"
msgid "Update to"
msgstr "Aktualisiere zu"
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr "Update Pfad"
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr "Aktualisierungspfad geändert."
msgid "Updating"
msgstr "Aktualisiere"
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "VIDTV Patch"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "Video Modus"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "Warte auf USB-Gerät"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Warte..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr "WiFi Eigenschaften"
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "Breitbild Fix"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii Menü"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr "Wiilicht"
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Falsches Passwort"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "Sie müssen eine Partition formatieren"
msgid "available"
msgstr "verfügbar"
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "Datei(en) übrig"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "Datei(en) konnte(n) auf dem Server nicht gefunden werden!"
msgid "for"
msgstr "für"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr "für diverse Patch´s"
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr "für sein großartiges Tool"
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr "für das Hosten der Covers/Discarts"
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr "für das Hosten der Update Dateien"
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "und die veröffentlichung des Quellcodes"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "Formatieren erfolgreich!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "frei"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "nicht gesetzt"
msgid "of"
msgstr "von"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "Sekunden verbleiben"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr "Titles.txt Pfad"
#~ msgid "Favorite"
#~ msgstr "Favoriten"
#~ msgid "Alphabetical"
#~ msgstr "Alphabetisch"
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "Cover Pfad ändern"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "BOOT FEHLER"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Bitte legen sie eine Wii-Disk ein!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "Bootvorgang fehlgeschlagen"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "Fehler beim Mounten der SD Karte"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "USB Fehler:"
#~ msgid "Favorites"
#~ msgstr "Favoriten"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Zurück"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "Lade in cIOS249"
#~ msgid "Sort Game List"
#~ msgstr "Sortiere Spielliste"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "Keine HDD gefunden!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "Passwort ändern"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "Partition auswählen"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "sie möchten formatieren"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "Versuche(n)"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "cIOS222 nicht vorhanden"
@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
//Italiano by fox&Joe v_12 - R529
Specialthanksto = Un Ringraziamento Speciale a
t3Covers = 3D
AppLanguage = Percorso Lingua
Areyousure = Sei sicuro?
AutoPatch = Automatico
Back = Indietro
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Torna a HBC/Menù Wii
BacktoLoader = Torna al Loader
BacktoWiiMenu = Torna al Menù Wii
BootStandard = Riavvio/Standard
Both = Entrambi
Cantcreatedirectory = Non posso creare la cartella
Cancel = Cancella
Cantbeformated = Non si puo' formattare
Cantdelete = Non Posso Eliminare:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Premi per scaricare le Copertine
Clock = Orologio
Continueinstallgame = Continua ad Installare il gioco?
ConsoleDefault = Predefinito Console
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Sbloccare la Console per Modificarla.
ConsoleLocked = Console Bloccata
CorrectPassword = Password Corretta
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Non posso Inizializzare la rete!
CouldnotopenDisc = Non posso caricare il Disco!
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Non posso inizializzare il modulo DIP!
CoverDownload = Scaricamento Copertina
CoverPath = Percorso Copertina
CoverpathChanged = Percorso Copertina Modificato
Coverpathchange = Modifico Percorso Copertina
Credits = Credits
DiscImages = Immagine Disco
DiscimagePath = Percorso Imm. Disco
DiscpathChanged = Percorso Immagine Disco Modificato
Discpathchange = Modifica Percorso Immagine Disco
DiscDefault = Predefinito Disco
Display = Display
Doyouwanttoformat = Vuoi Formattare:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Vuoi realmente Eliminare:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Vuoi Riprovare per 30 sec?
Downloadingfile = Scaricamento file:
DownloadBoxartimage = Scaricamento Immagine Boxart?
Downloadfinished = Scaricamento Completato
Error = Errore !
BOOTERROR = Errore Avvio
ErrorreadingDisc = Errore Lettura Disco
ExitUSBISOLoader = Esci da USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Inizializzazione rete
InsertDisk = Inserisci Disco
InsertaWiiDisc = Inserisci un Disco nella Wii!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Inserisci una scheda SD per scaricare le immagini.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Inserisci una scheda SD per Salvare.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Tutte le funzioni di USB Loader GX sono sbloccate.
Installerror = Errore Installazione!
Installagame = Installa un gioco
Installinggame = Sto Installando il gioco:
Failedtoboot = Erroe Avvio:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Errore lettura scheda SD
FailedtosetUSB = Errore a Settare porta USB:
Failedformating = Errore Formattazione
Filenotfound = File non trovato.
filesnotfoundontheserver = file non trovato/i sul server!
filesleft = file mancante/i
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Forza
Youneedtoformatapartition = Devi Formattare una Partizione
Format = Formatta
Formattingpleasewait = Sto Formattando, prego attendere...
formated = formattato!
free = liberi
FreeSpace = Spazio libero
FullShutdown = Completo
GameID = ID Gioco
Games = Giochi
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Gioco già installato:
GameRegion = Regione
GameSize = Dimensione Gioco
GoBack = Indietro
GotoPage = Vai alla Pagina
HowtoShutdown = Spegnimento Wii?
Keyboard = Tastiera
Language = Lingua
Langchange = Cambio Lingua
Left = Sinistra
LikeSysMenu = Come SysMenu
LoadingincIOS = Caricamento in cIOS249
Loadingstandardlanguage = Caricamento Lingua Standard.
Lock = Blocco
LockConsole = Blocco Console
MP3Menu = Menù MP3
Missingfiles = File Mancante/i
Networkiniterror = Errore inizializzazione rete
Neither = Nessuno
Next = Avanti
No = No
Nofilemissing = Nessun file mancante!
NoHDDfound = Nessun HDD trovato!
NoSDcardinserted = Nessuna scheda SD inserita!
Nopartitionsfound = Nessuna partizione trovata
NoUSBDevice = Nessun Dispositivo USB
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Nessuna partizione WBFS trovata
NormalCovers = Normali
Normal = Normale
NotaWiiDisc = Non è un Disco Wii
NoUSBDevicefound = Nessun Dispositivo USB trovato.
Notenoughfreespace = Spazio Insufficiente!
notset = non inserita
of = di
OfficialSite = Sito Ufficiale
ok = OK
Parentalcontrol = Controllo Genitori
Partition = Partizione
Password = Password
PasswordChanged = Password modificata
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Password è stata modificata
Passwordchange = Modifica Password
PowerofftheWii = Spegnimento Wii
Prev = Indietro
PromptsButtons = Pulsanti
ReloadSD = Ricarica SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Rinomina Gioco su WBFS
Restart = RiAvvia
Return = Ritorna
ReturntoWii = Ritorna al Menù Wii
Right = Destra
Rumble = Vibrazione
QuickBoot = Avvio Veloce
Save = Salva
SaveFailed = Salvataggio Fallito
Specialthanksto = Ringraziamenti Speciali a
Titlestxtpath = Percorso Titles.txt
TitlestxtpathChanged = Percorso per titles.txt modificato.
Titlestxtpathchange = Modifica percorso per titles.txt
For = per
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = e rilascio codice sorgente
secondsleft = secondi mancanti
SelectthePartition = Seleziona la Partizione
youwanttoformat = vuoi formattare
/settings = Strumenti
ShutdowntoIdle = StandBy
ShutdownSystem = Spegnimento
Success = Successo:
Successfullyinstalled = Installato con successo:
Successfullydeleted = Eliminato con successo:
SuccessfullySaved = Salvato con successo
SystemDefault = Predefinito Sistema
ThemePath = Percorso Tema
ThemepathChanged = Percorso Tema modificato
Themepathchange = Modifica Percorso Tema
Try = Prova
Tooltips = Suggerimenti
Timeleft = Restante:
Unlock = Sblocca
Uninstall = Disinstalla
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX è Protetto
USBDevicenotfound = Dispositivo USB non Trovato
VideoMode = Modalità Video
VIDTVPatch = Video Forzato
Volume = Volume
Waiting = Caricamento...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Caricamento Dispositivo USB
WidescreenFix = Widescreen
WiiMenu = Menù Wii
WrongPassword = Password Errata
Yes = Sì
YoudonthavecIOS = Non Possiedi cIOS222
Japanese = Giapponese
German = Tedesco
English = Inglese
French = Francese
Spanish = Spagnolo
Italian = Italiano
Dutch = Olandese
SChinese = Cinese Moderno
TChinese = Cinese Tradizionale
Korean = Coreano
addToFavorite = Favoriti
Backgroundmusic = Musica Sottofondo
Backgroundmusicpath = Percorso Musica
hour = ore
Loadingstandardmusic = Caricamento Musica std.
Notasupportedformat = Formato non supportato.
Setasbackgroundmusic = Scegli come Musica Sottofondo
Standard = Standard
Plays = Giocati
all = Alfabetico
count = più giocati
fave = Favoriti
ListSort = Ordine Giochi
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Inserire scheda SD per questa opzione
Defaultgamesettings =Impostazione Gioco Predefinita
Defaultsettings = Impostazione Predefinita
OnlyInstall = Installa Solamente
Wiilight = Illuminazione Wii.
Updatepath = Percorso Aggiornamento
Updatepathchanged = Perc. Aggiornamento Modificato
Updatefailed = Aggiornamento Fallito
available = disponibile
CheckingforUpdates = Verifica Aggiornamenti
Doyouwanttoupdate = Vuoi Aggiornare ?
Nonewupdates = Nessun Aggiornamento
Restarting = Riavvio
Successfullyupdated = Aggiornato con successo
updating = Aggiornamento
Updatedol = Solo DOL
Updateall = Tutti i files
Patchcountrystrings = Patch Regione
settings = Impostazioni
/Updatedol = Aggiorna solo DOL
/Updateall = Aggiorna tutti i files
Updateto = Aggiorna alla
Controllevel = Livello Protezione
Custompaths = Impostazione Percorsi (Directory)
Doyouwanttochangelanguage = Vuoi cambiare lingua?
Default = Default
GUISettings = Impostazioni Loader
Gameload = Impostazioni Giochi
Languagepathchanged = File Lingua modificato
Sound = Audio
UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Sblocca la Console per usare questa opzione
Update = Aggiornamento
SFXVolume = Volume SFX
Always = Tutti
Locked = Bloccato
Mature = Adulti
Unlocked = Sbloccato
awesometool = awesometool
diversepatches = diversepatches
Forhostingcovers = Forhostingcovers
Forhostingupdatefiles = Forhostingupdatefiles
Thanksto = Grazie a
released = rilasciato
publishedby = pubblicato da
developedby = sviluppato da
january = gennaio
february = febbraio
march = marzo
april = aprile
may = maggio
june = giugno
july = luglio
august = agosto
september = settembre
october = ottobre
november = novembre
december = dicembre
wififeatures = caratteristiche Wii
Cheatcodespathchanged = Percorso Trucchi Modificato
Cheatcodespath = Percorso Trucchi
XMLTitles = Titolo XML
Console = Console
Error002fix = correzione Error002
Onlinefix = correzione Online
Adultsonly = solo Adulti
Child = Bambini
Everyone = Tutti
Teen = Ragazzi
Alternatedol = DOL alternativo
DolPath = Percorso DOL
DolpathChanged = percorso DOL modificato
Dolpathchange = Modifica percorso DOL
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr "Tutti"
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr "Bambini"
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr "Ragazzi"
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr "Adulti"
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr "3D"
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr "solo Adulti"
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "Tutte le funzioni di USB Loader GX sono sbloccate."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr "DOL alternativo"
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Percorso Lingua"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "aprile"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Sei sicuro?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "agosto"
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "Automatico"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Indietro"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "Torna a HBC/Menù Wii"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "Torna al Loader"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Torna al Menù Wii"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr "Musica Sottofondo"
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr "Percorso Musica"
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr "Grazie a"
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "Riavvio/Standard"
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Entrambi"
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "Non si puo' formattare"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "Non posso creare la cartella"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "Non Posso Eliminare:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancella"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr "Percorso Trucchi"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr "Percorso Trucchi Modificato"
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr "Verifica Aggiornamenti"
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "Premi per scaricare le Copertine"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Orologio"
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console"
msgstr "Console"
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "Predefinito Console"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "Console Bloccata"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "Sbloccare la Console per Modificarla."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "Continua ad Installare il gioco?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr "Livello Protezione"
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "Password Corretta"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "Non posso inizializzare il modulo DIP!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "Non posso Inizializzare la rete!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "Non posso caricare il Disco!"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "Scaricamento Copertina"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "Percorso Copertina"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "Percorso Copertina Modificato"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Credits"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr "Impostazione Percorsi (Directory)"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "dicembre"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Default"
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr "Impostazione Gioco Predefinita"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "Impostazione Predefinita"
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr "sviluppato da"
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "Predefinito Disco"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "Immagine Disco"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "Percorso Imm. Disco"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "Percorso Immagine Disco Modificato"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "Modifica Percorso Immagine Disco"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Display"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "Vuoi realmente Eliminare:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr "Vuoi cambiare lingua?"
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "Vuoi Formattare:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "Vuoi Riprovare per 30 sec?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr "Percorso DOL"
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr "percorso DOL modificato"
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr "Modifica percorso DOL"
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "Scaricamento Immagine Boxart?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "Scaricamento Completato"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "Scaricamento file:"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Olandese"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Inglese"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "Errore !"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr "correzione Error002"
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "Errore Lettura Disco"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "Esci da USB Loader GX?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "Errore Formattazione"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "febbraio"
msgid "File not found."
msgstr "File non trovato."
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "Flip-X"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Forza"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formatta"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "Sto Formattando, prego attendere..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "Spazio libero"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Francese"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "Completo"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni Loader"
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "ID Gioco"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "Lingua"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr "Impostazioni Giochi"
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "Regione"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "Dimensione Gioco"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "Gioco già installato:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Giochi"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Tedesco"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "ore"
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr "Vuoi Aggiornare ?"
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "Spegnimento Wii?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "Inizializzazione rete"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "Inserisci Disco"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "Inserisci una scheda SD per scaricare le immagini."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "Inserisci una scheda SD per Salvare."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr "Inserire scheda SD per questa opzione"
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "Errore Installazione!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "Installa un gioco"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "Sto Installando il gioco:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italiano"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "gennaio"
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Giapponese"
msgid "July"
msgstr "luglio"
msgid "June"
msgstr "giugno"
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Tastiera"
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Coreano"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr "File Lingua modificato"
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Sinistra"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Come SysMenu"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr "Caricamento Lingua Standard."
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr "Caricamento Musica std."
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "Blocco Console"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Bloccato"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "marzo"
msgid "May"
msgstr "maggio"
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "File Mancante/i"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Volume"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "Nessuno"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Errore inizializzazione rete"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Avanti"
msgid "No"
msgstr "No"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "Nessuna scheda SD inserita!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "Nessun Dispositivo USB"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "Nessun Dispositivo USB trovato."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "Nessuna partizione WBFS trovata"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "Nessun file mancante!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr "Nessun Aggiornamento"
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "Nessuna partizione trovata"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normale"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "Normali"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Non è un Disco Wii"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "Spazio Insufficiente!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr "Formato non supportato."
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "novembre"
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "OFF"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "ON"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "ottobre"
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "Sito Ufficiale"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr "Installa Solamente"
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "Controllo Genitori"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Partizione"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Password"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Password modificata"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "Password è stata modificata"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr "Patch Regione"
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr "Modifica percorso per titles.txt"
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr "Percorso per titles.txt modificato."
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr "Giocati"
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Spegnimento Wii"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Indietro"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "Pulsanti"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr "pubblicato da"
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "Avvio Veloce"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "Ricarica SD"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "Rinomina Gioco su WBFS"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "RiAvvia"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr "Riavvio"
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Ritorna"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Destra"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Vibrazione"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "Cinese Moderno"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr "Volume SFX"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salva"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "Salvataggio Fallito"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr "settembre"
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr "Scegli come Musica Sottofondo"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "Spegnimento"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "StandBy"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Audio"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Spagnolo"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Un Ringraziamento Speciale a"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "Successo:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "Salvato con successo"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr "Aggiornato con successo"
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "Eliminato con successo:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "Installato con successo:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "Predefinito Sistema"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "Cinese Tradizionale"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "Percorso Tema"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "Percorso Tema modificato"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "Modifica Percorso Tema"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "Restante:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr "Titolo XML"
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "Suggerimenti"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "Dispositivo USB non Trovato"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX è Protetto"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Disinstalla"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr "Sblocca la Console per usare questa opzione"
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr "Sbloccato"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aggiornamento"
msgid "Update All"
msgstr "Tutti i files"
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr "Solo DOL"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Aggiornamento Fallito"
msgid "Update to"
msgstr "Aggiorna alla"
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr "Percorso Aggiornamento"
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr "Perc. Aggiornamento Modificato"
msgid "Updating"
msgstr "Aggiornamento"
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "Video Forzato"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "Modalità Video"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "Caricamento Dispositivo USB"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Caricamento..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr "caratteristiche Wii"
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "Widescreen"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Menù Wii"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr "Illuminazione Wii."
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Password Errata"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Sì"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "Devi Formattare una Partizione"
msgid "available"
msgstr "disponibile"
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "file mancante/i"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "file non trovato/i sul server!"
msgid "for"
msgstr "per"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr "diversepatches"
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr "awesometool"
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr "Forhostingcovers"
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr "Forhostingupdatefiles"
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "e rilascio codice sorgente"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "formattato!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "liberi"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "non inserita"
msgid "of"
msgstr "di"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "secondi mancanti"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr "Percorso Titles.txt"
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "Modifico Percorso Copertina"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "Errore Avvio"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Inserisci un Disco nella Wii!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "Erroe Avvio:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "Errore lettura scheda SD"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "Errore a Settare porta USB:"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Indietro"
#~ msgid "Language change"
#~ msgstr "Cambio Lingua"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "Caricamento in cIOS249"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "Nessun HDD trovato!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "Modifica Password"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "Seleziona la Partizione"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "vuoi formattare"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "Prova"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "Non Possiedi cIOS222"
#~ msgid "Favorite"
#~ msgstr "Favoriti"
#~ msgid "Alphabetical"
#~ msgstr "Alfabetico"
#~ msgid "Favorites"
#~ msgstr "Favoriti"
#~ msgid "Sort Game List"
#~ msgstr "Ordine Giochi"
@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
released = released
publishedby = 発行者:
developedby = 開発者:
january = 1月
february = 2月
march = 3月
april = 4月
may = 5月
june = 6月
july = 7月
august = 8月
september = 9月
october = 10月
november = 11月
december = 12月
wififeatures = WiFi機能
t3Covers = 3D カバー
addToFavorite = お気に入り
all = 全て
AppLanguage = Appの表示言語
available = 利用可能
Areyousure = 実行しますか?
AutoPatch = 自動パッチ
Always = 1月
awesometool = 1月
Back = もどる
Backgroundmusic = サウンド
Backgroundmusicpath = サウンドのPath
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = HBC/Wiiメニューへもどる
BacktoLoader = HBCへもどる
BacktoWiiMenu = Wiiメニューへもどる
BootStandard = ブート/標準
Both = 両方
Cantcreatedirectory = ディレクトリ作成に失敗しました
Cancel = キャンセル
Cantbeformated = フォーマットに失敗しました
Cantdelete = 削除に失敗しました:
CheckingforUpdates = 最新版を確認中
ClicktoDownloadCovers = カバーをダウンロードするにはクリックして下さい
Clock = Clock
Close = 閉じる
Continueinstallgame = ゲームのインストールを続けますか?
ConsoleDefault = デフォルトコンソール
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = 変更にはコンソールのロック解除が必要です
ConsoleLocked = コンソールがロックされています
Controllevel = コントロール・レベル
CorrectPassword = 正しいパスワード
Couldnotinitializenetwork = ネットワークの初期化ができません!
CouldnotopenDisc = ディスクオープンに失敗しました
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = DIPモジュールの初期化ができません!
CoverDownload = カバー ダウンロード
CoverPath = カバーパス
CoverpathChanged = カバーパスを変更しました
Coverpathchange = カバーパスの変更
count = プレイ時間
Credits = 協力
Custompaths = カスタムPath
DiscImages = ディスクイメージ
DiscimagePath = ディスクイメージパス
DiscpathChanged = ディスクパスを変更しました
Discpathchange = ディスクパスの変更
DiscDefault = デフォルトディスク
Display = ディスプレイ
Doyouwanttoformat = フォーマットしますか:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = 削除しますか:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 再実行しますか?(30秒)
Doyouwanttoupdate = 更新を実行しますか?
Doyouwanttochangelanguage = 言語設定を変更しますか?
Downloadingfile = ファイルのダウンロード中:
DownloadBoxartimage = Boxart イメージをダウンロードしますか?
Downloadfinished = ダウンロードを終了しました
Defaultgamesettings = ゲーム設定(デフォルト)
Defaultsettings = 設定(デフォルト)
Default = デフォルト
diversepatches = 1月
Error = Error !
ErrorreadingDisc = ディスク読込み失敗
ExitUSBISOLoader = USB Loader GXを終了しますか?
InitializingNetwork = ネットワークの初期化中...
InsertDisk = ディスク挿入
InsertaWiiDisc = Wiiディスクを挿入して下さい!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = イメージをダウンロードするSDカードを挿入して下さい
InsertaSDCardtosave = 保存するSDカードを挿入して下さい
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = このオプションを使用するのにSDカードを挿入して下さい
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = 全ての機能がアンロックされました
Installerror = Install Error!
Installagame = ゲームインストール
Installinggame = ゲームをインストール中:
Failedtoboot = 起動に失敗:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = SDカードの認識に失敗しました
FailedtosetUSB = USB接続に失敗:
Failedformating = フォーマットに失敗しました
fave = お気に入り
Filenotfound = ファイルを検出できませんでした
filesnotfoundontheserver = サーバーにファイルがありません!
filesleft = file(s) left(残りのファイル数)
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Force
Forhostingcovers = カバーを配布
Forhostingupdatefiles = 更新ファイルを配布
Youneedtoformatapartition = パーティションをフォーマットして下さい
Format = フォーマット
Formattingpleasewait = フォーマット中です、暫くお待ち下さい...
formated = フォーマット完了!
free = 空き
FreeSpace = 空き容量
FullShutdown = 完全シャットダウン
GameID = ゲームID
Games = ゲーム
Gameisalreadyinstalled = ゲームは既にインストール済みです:
GameRegion = ゲームの地域情報
GameSize = ゲームサイズ
GoBack = もどる
GotoPage = Go to Page
GUISettings = GUI設定
Gameload = ゲーム読込み
HowtoShutdown = シャットダウンの方法は?
Homemenu = ホームメニュ-
hour = 時間
keyboard = キーボード
Language = 言語
Languagepathchanged = 言語PATHを変更しました
Langchange = 言語の変更
Left = 左
LikeSysMenu = Like SysMenu
ListSort = リストの整理
LoadingincIOS = cIOS249をロード中...
Loadingstandardlanguage = 標準の言語をロード中...
Loadingstandardmusic = cIOS249ロード
Locked = ロック
LockConsole = コンソールをロックする
Patchcountrystrings = MP3メニュー
Missingfiles = 検出できなかったファイル
Mature = Mature
Networkiniterror = Network initialization error
Neither = どちらでもない
Next = 次へ
No = いいえ
Nofilemissing = ファイルを検出できませんでした!
NoHDDfound = HDDを検出できませんでした!
NoSDcardinserted = SDカードを検出できませんでした!
Nopartitionsfound = パーティションを検出できませんでした
NoUSBDevice = USBデバイスを検出できませんでした
NoWBFSpartitionfound = WBFSパーティションを検出できませんでした
Nonewupdates = 更新はありません
NormalCovers = ノ-マルカバー
Normal = Normal(4:3)
NotaWiiDisc = Wiiディスクではありません
NoUSBDevicefound = USBデバイズが検出されていません
Notenoughfreespace = 空容量が不足しています!
Notasupportedformat = サポートされていないフォーマットです
notset = セットされてません
of = of
OFF = オフ
OfficialSite = オフィシャルサイト
ok = OK
ON = オン
OnlyInstall = インストールのみ
Parentalcontrol = ピアレンタルコントロール
Partition = パーティション
Password = パスワード
PasswordChanged = パスワード変更
Passwordhasbeenchanged = パスワードを変更しました
Passwordchange = パスワード変更
PowerofftheWii = Wiiの電源を切る
Plays = プレイ時間
Prev = 前へ
PromptsButtons = ボタン入力:
ReloadSD = SDカードのリロード
RenameGameonWBFS = WBFS上のゲーム名変更
Restart = リスタート
Restarting = 再起動
Return = もどる
ReturntoWiiMenu = Wiiメニューへもどる
Right = 右
Rumble = 振動
QuickBoot = クイック起動
Save = セーブ
SaveFailed = セーブに失敗しました
Specialthanksto = この場を借りて感謝します
For = for
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecode = USB Loader及びリリースされているソースコード
secondsleft = 完了までの秒数
SelectthePartition = パーティション選択
youwanttoformat = フォーマットを実行する
settings = 設定
Setasbackgroundmusic = サウンドとして設定する
Standard = 標準
Sound = サウンド
ShutdowntoIdle = システムをアイドル状態にする
ShutdownSystem = システムを終了する
Success = 成功:
Successfullyinstalled = インストールに成功:
Successfullyupdated = 更新に成功しました
Successfullydeleted = 削除に成功:
SuccessfullySaved = セーブに成功:
SystemDefault = デフォルトシステム
Thanksto = Thanks to
ThemePath = テーマパス
ThemepathChanged = テーマパスを変更しました
Themepathchange = テーマパスの変更
Titlestxtpath = Titles.txt Path
Titlestxtpathchange = titles.txtのPath変更
TitlestxtpathChanged = titles.txtのPathを変更しました
Try = 試みる
Tooltips = ツールヒント
Timeleft = 残り時間:
Unlocked = アンロック
UnlockConsoletousethisOption = このオプションを有効にするのにロックを解除します
Uninstall = アンインストール
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loaderは保護されています
USBDevicenotfound = USBデバイスを検出できませんでした
updating = 更新中
Updatepath = 更新Path
Updatepathchanged = 更新Pathを変更しました
Updatefailed = 更新に失敗しました
Updatedol = DOLファイルを更新
Updateall = 全てを更新
Updateto = Update to
Update = 更新
VideoMode = ビデオモード
Volume = ボリューム
SFXVolume = SFX音量
Waiting = 暫くお待ちください...
WaitingforUSBDevice = USBデバイスの応答待ち
WidescreenFix = ワイドスクリーン(16:9)
WiiMenu = Wiiメニュー
Wiilight = Wii light
WrongPassword = 間違ったパスワード
Yes = はい
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222が検出できませんでした
Japanese = 日本語
German = ドイツ語
English = 英語
French = フランス語
Spanish = スペイン語
Italian = イタリア語
Dutch = オランダ語
SChinese = 中国語(簡体字)
TChinese = 中国語(繁体字)
Korean = 韓国語
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr "Mature"
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr "3D カバー"
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "全ての機能がアンロックされました"
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Appの表示言語"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "4月"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "実行しますか?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "8月"
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "自動パッチ"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "もどる"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "HBC/Wiiメニューへもどる"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "HBCへもどる"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wiiメニューへもどる"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr "サウンド"
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr "サウンドのPath"
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr "Thanks to"
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "ブート/標準"
msgid "Both"
msgstr "両方"
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "フォーマットに失敗しました"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "ディレクトリ作成に失敗しました"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "削除に失敗しました:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "キャンセル"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr "最新版を確認中"
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "カバーをダウンロードするにはクリックして下さい"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Clock"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "閉じる"
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "デフォルトコンソール"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "コンソールがロックされています"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "変更にはコンソールのロック解除が必要です"
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "ゲームのインストールを続けますか?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr "コントロール・レベル"
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "正しいパスワード"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "DIPモジュールの初期化ができません!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "ネットワークの初期化ができません!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "ディスクオープンに失敗しました"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "カバー ダウンロード"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "カバーパス"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "カバーパスを変更しました"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "協力"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr "カスタムPath"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "12月"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "デフォルト"
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr "ゲーム設定(デフォルト)"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "設定(デフォルト)"
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr "開発者:"
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "デフォルトディスク"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "ディスクイメージ"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "ディスクイメージパス"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "ディスクパスを変更しました"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "ディスクパスの変更"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "ディスプレイ"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "削除しますか:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr "言語設定を変更しますか?"
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "フォーマットしますか:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "再実行しますか?(30秒)"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "Boxart イメージをダウンロードしますか?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "ダウンロードを終了しました"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "ファイルのダウンロード中:"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "オランダ語"
msgid "English"
msgstr "英語"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "Error !"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "ディスク読込み失敗"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "USB Loader GXを終了しますか?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "フォーマットに失敗しました"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "2月"
msgid "File not found."
msgstr "ファイルを検出できませんでした"
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "Flip-X"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Force"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "フォーマット"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "フォーマット中です、暫くお待ち下さい..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "空き容量"
msgid "French"
msgstr "フランス語"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "完全シャットダウン"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr "GUI設定"
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "ゲームID"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "言語"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr "ゲーム読込み"
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "ゲームの地域情報"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "ゲームサイズ"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "ゲームは既にインストール済みです:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "ゲーム"
msgid "German"
msgstr "ドイツ語"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr "ホームメニュ-"
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "時間"
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr "更新を実行しますか?"
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "シャットダウンの方法は?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "ネットワークの初期化中..."
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "ディスク挿入"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "イメージをダウンロードするSDカードを挿入して下さい"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "保存するSDカードを挿入して下さい"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr "このオプションを使用するのにSDカードを挿入して下さい"
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "Install Error!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "ゲームインストール"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "ゲームをインストール中:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "イタリア語"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "1月"
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "日本語"
msgid "July"
msgstr "7月"
msgid "June"
msgstr "6月"
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "韓国語"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr "言語PATHを変更しました"
msgid "Left"
msgstr "左"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Like SysMenu"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr "標準の言語をロード中..."
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr "cIOS249ロード"
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "コンソールをロックする"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "ロック"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "3月"
msgid "May"
msgstr "5月"
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "検出できなかったファイル"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "ボリューム"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "どちらでもない"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Network initialization error"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "次へ"
msgid "No"
msgstr "いいえ"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "SDカードを検出できませんでした!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "USBデバイスを検出できませんでした"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "USBデバイズが検出されていません"
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "WBFSパーティションを検出できませんでした"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "ファイルを検出できませんでした!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr "更新はありません"
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "パーティションを検出できませんでした"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal(4:3)"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "ノ-マルカバー"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Wiiディスクではありません"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "空容量が不足しています!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr "サポートされていないフォーマットです"
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "11月"
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "オフ"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "オン"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "10月"
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "オフィシャルサイト"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr "インストールのみ"
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "ピアレンタルコントロール"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "パーティション"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "パスワード"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "パスワード変更"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "パスワードを変更しました"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr "MP3メニュー"
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr "titles.txtのPath変更"
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr "titles.txtのPathを変更しました"
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr "プレイ時間"
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Wiiの電源を切る"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "前へ"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "ボタン入力:"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr "発行者:"
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "クイック起動"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "SDカードのリロード"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "WBFS上のゲーム名変更"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "リスタート"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr "再起動"
msgid "Return"
msgstr "もどる"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wiiメニューへもどる"
msgid "Right"
msgstr "右"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "振動"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "中国語(簡体字)"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr "SFX音量"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "セーブ"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "セーブに失敗しました"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr "9月"
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr "サウンドとして設定する"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "設定"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "システムを終了する"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "システムをアイドル状態にする"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "サウンド"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "スペイン語"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "この場を借りて感謝します"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "標準"
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "成功:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "セーブに成功:"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr "更新に成功しました"
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "削除に成功:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "インストールに成功:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "デフォルトシステム"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "中国語(繁体字)"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "テーマパス"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "テーマパスを変更しました"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "テーマパスの変更"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "残り時間:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "ツールヒント"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "USBデバイスを検出できませんでした"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loaderは保護されています"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "アンインストール"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr "このオプションを有効にするのにロックを解除します"
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr "アンロック"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "更新"
msgid "Update All"
msgstr "全てを更新"
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr "DOLファイルを更新"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "更新に失敗しました"
msgid "Update to"
msgstr "Update to"
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr "更新Path"
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr "更新Pathを変更しました"
msgid "Updating"
msgstr "更新中"
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "VIDTVパッチ"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "ビデオモード"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "USBデバイスの応答待ち"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "暫くお待ちください..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr "WiFi機能"
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "ワイドスクリーン(16:9)"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wiiメニュー"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr "Wii light"
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "間違ったパスワード"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "はい"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "パーティションをフォーマットして下さい"
msgid "available"
msgstr "利用可能"
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "file(s) left(残りのファイル数)"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "サーバーにファイルがありません!"
msgid "for"
msgstr "for"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr "1月"
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr "1月"
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr "カバーを配布"
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr "更新ファイルを配布"
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr ""
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "フォーマット完了!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "空き"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "セットされてません"
msgid "of"
msgstr "of"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "完了までの秒数"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr "Titles.txt Path"
#~ msgid "Favorite"
#~ msgstr "お気に入り"
#~ msgid "Alphabetical"
#~ msgstr "全て"
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "カバーパスの変更"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Wiiディスクを挿入して下さい!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "起動に失敗:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "SDカードの認識に失敗しました"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "USB接続に失敗:"
#~ msgid "Favorites"
#~ msgstr "お気に入り"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "もどる"
#~ msgid "Language change"
#~ msgstr "言語の変更"
#~ msgid "Sort Game List"
#~ msgstr "リストの整理"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "cIOS249をロード中..."
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "HDDを検出できませんでした!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "パスワード変更"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "パーティション選択"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "フォーマットを実行する"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "試みる"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "cIOS222が検出できませんでした"
@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
Specialthanksto = Special thanks to
t3Covers = 3D 표지
AppLanguage = USB 로더 언어
Areyousure = 확실합니까?
AutoPatch = 자동 패치
Back = 뒤로
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = 홈브류 메뉴 또는 Wii 메뉴로
BacktoLoader = 로더로 돌아감
BacktoWiiMenu = Wii 메뉴로 놀아가기
BootStandard = 기본 부팅설정
BothBoth = 전부 표시
Cantcreatedirectory = 디렉토리를 만들 수 없습니다
Cancel = 취소
Cantbeformated = 포맷할 수 없습니다.
Cantdelete = 삭제할 수 없습니다:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = 표지를 다운하려면 클릭하세요
Clock = 시계
Continueinstallgame = 계속 설치하겠습니까?
ConsoleDefault = 콘솔 기본값
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = 변경하려면 콘솔 잠김을 해제하세요.
ConsoleLocked = 콘솔 잠김
CorrectPassword = 올바른 비밀번호
Couldnotinitializenetwork = 네트워크 초기화 실패!
CouldnotopenDisc = 디스크를 열 수 없습니다.
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = DIP 모듈 초기화 실패!
CoverDownload = 표지 다운로드
CoverPath = 표지 경로
CoverpathChanged = 표지 경로 변경됨
Coverpathchange = 표지 경로 변경
Credits = Credits
DiscImages = 디스크 이미지
DiscimagePath = 디스크 이미지 경로
DiscpathChanged = 디스크 경로 변경됨
Discpathchange = 디스크 경로 변경
DiscDefault = 디스크 기본값
Display = 화면 표시
Doyouwanttoformat = 포맷하겠습니까:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = 정말로 삭제하겠습니까:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 30초간 재시도 할까요?
Downloadingfile = 파일 다운로드 중:
DownloadBoxartimage = 박스 이미지를 다운로드 할까요?
Downloadfinished = 다운로드 완료
Error = 에러 !
ErrorreadingDisc = 디스크 읽기 오류
ExitUSBISOLoader = USB로더 GX를 종료할까요?
InitializingNetwork = 네트워크 초기화
InsertDisk = 디스크를 넣어주세요
InsertaWiiDisc = Wii 디스크를 넣으세요!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = 다운받은 이미지를 저장할 SD카드를 넣으세요.
InsertaSDCardtosave = 저장할 SD카드를 넣으세요.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = USB로더 GX 기능 잠금 해제.
Installerror = 설치 에러!
Installagame = 게임을 설치할까요
Installinggame = 게임 설치 중:
Failedtoboot = 부팅 실패:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = SD카드 인식 실패
FailedtosetUSB = USB 세팅 실패:
Failedformating = 포맷 실패
filesnotfoundontheserver = 파일이 서버에 없습니다!
filesleft = 파일 남음
FlipX = 좌/우 설정
Force = 강제
Youneedtoformatapartition = 파티션을 포맷해야 합니다
Format = 포맷
Formattingpleasewait = 포맷 중. 기다려 주세요...
formated = 포맷 완료!
free = 남음
FreeSpace = 여유 공간
FullShutdown = 완전히 끄기
GameID = 게임 ID
Games = 게임
Gameisalreadyinstalled = 게임이 이미 설치되어 있습니다.
GameRegion = 지역
GameSize = 게임 용량
GoBack = 뒤로 가기
//GotoPage = 페이지
HowtoShutdown = 어떻게 종료할까요?
Language = 언어
Langchange = 언어 변경
Left = 왼쪽
LikeSysMenu = 시스템 메뉴처럼
LoadingincIOS = cIOS249로 로딩
Lock = 잠금
LockConsole = 콘솔 잠금
MP3Menu = MP3 메뉴
Missingfiles = 파일 누락
Networkiniterror = 네트워크 초기화 에러
Neither = 표시 없음
Next = 다음
No = 아니오
Nofilemissing = 누락 파일 없음!
NoHDDfound = 하드 디스크가 없습니다!
NoSDcardinserted = SD카드가 없습니다!
Nopartitionsfound = 파티션이 없습니다.
NoUSBDevice = USB 장치가 없습니다.
NoWBFSpartitionfound = WBFS 파티션이 없습니다.
NormalCovers = 일반 표지
Normal = 일반
NotaWiiDisc = Wii 디스크가 아닙니다
NoUSBDevicefound = USB 장치가 없습니다.
Notenoughfreespace = 여유 공간이 부족합니다!
notset = 설정되지 않음
of = 중
OFF = 꺼짐
OfficialSite = 공식 사이트
ok = 확인
ON = 켜짐
Parentalcontrol = 자녀보호기능
Partition = 파티션
Password = 비밀번호
PasswordChanged = 비밀번호 변경됨
Passwordhasbeenchanged = 비밀번호가 변경되었습니다
Passwordchange = 비밀번호 변경
PowerofftheWii = Wii 전원 끄기
Prev = 이전
PromptsButtons = 프롬프트/버튼
ReloadSD = SD카드 읽기
RenameGameonWBFS = WBFS에서 게임 이름 변경
Restart = 다시 시작
Return = 돌아가기
ReturntoWii = Wii로 돌아가기
Right = 오른쪽
Rumble = 진동
QuickBoot = 게임 바로실행
Save = 저장
SaveFailed = 저장 실패
Specialthanksto = Special thanks to
For = for
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = and releasing the source code
secondsleft = 초 남았습니다
SelectthePartition = 포맷하려는
youwanttoformat = 파티션을 선택하세요
settings = 설정
ShutdowntoIdle = 대기 상태로
ShutdownSystem = 시스템 종료
Success = 성공:
Successfullyinstalled = 설치 성공:
Successfullydeleted = 삭제 성공:
SuccessfullySaved = 저장 성공
SystemDefault = 시스템 기본값
ThemePath = 테마 경로
ThemepathChanged = 테마 경로 변경됨
Themepathchange = 테마 경로 변경
Try = 시도
Tooltips = Tooltips
Timeleft = 남은 시간:
Unlock = 잠금해제
Uninstall = 제거
USBLoaderisprotected = USB 로더 GX 잠김 상태
USBDevicenotfound = USB 장치가 없습니다.
VideoMode = 비디오 모드
Volume = 음량
Waiting = 기다리는 중...
WaitingforUSBDevice = USB 장치를 기다리는 중
WidescreenFix = 와이드 스크린에 맞춤
WiiMenu = Wii 메뉴로
WrongPassword = 잘못된 비밀번호
Yes = 예
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222가 없습니다.
Japanese = 일본어
German = 독일어
English = 영어
French = 불어
Spanish = 스페인어
Italian = 이태리어
Dutch = 네덜란드어
SChinese = 중국어(간체)
TChinese = 중국어(번체)
Korean = 한국어
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr "3D 표지"
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "USB로더 GX 기능 잠금 해제."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "USB 로더 언어"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "확실합니까?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr ""
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "자동 패치"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "뒤로"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "홈브류 메뉴 또는 Wii 메뉴로"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "로더로 돌아감"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii 메뉴로 놀아가기"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr ""
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "기본 부팅설정"
msgid "Both"
msgstr ""
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "포맷할 수 없습니다."
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "디렉토리를 만들 수 없습니다"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "삭제할 수 없습니다:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "취소"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr ""
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "표지를 다운하려면 클릭하세요"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "시계"
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "콘솔 기본값"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "콘솔 잠김"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "변경하려면 콘솔 잠김을 해제하세요."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "계속 설치하겠습니까?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "올바른 비밀번호"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "DIP 모듈 초기화 실패!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "네트워크 초기화 실패!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "디스크를 열 수 없습니다."
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "표지 다운로드"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "표지 경로"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "표지 경로 변경됨"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Credits"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dec"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "디스크 기본값"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "디스크 이미지"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "디스크 이미지 경로"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "디스크 경로 변경됨"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "디스크 경로 변경"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "화면 표시"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "정말로 삭제하겠습니까:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "포맷하겠습니까:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "30초간 재시도 할까요?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "박스 이미지를 다운로드 할까요?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "다운로드 완료"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "파일 다운로드 중:"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "네덜란드어"
msgid "English"
msgstr "영어"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "에러 !"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "디스크 읽기 오류"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "USB로더 GX를 종료할까요?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "포맷 실패"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
msgid "File not found."
msgstr ""
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "좌/우 설정"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "강제"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "포맷"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "포맷 중. 기다려 주세요..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "여유 공간"
msgid "French"
msgstr "불어"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "완전히 끄기"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "게임 ID"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "언어"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "지역"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "게임 용량"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "게임이 이미 설치되어 있습니다."
msgid "Games"
msgstr "게임"
msgid "German"
msgstr "독일어"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hour"
msgstr ""
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr ""
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "어떻게 종료할까요?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "네트워크 초기화"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "디스크를 넣어주세요"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "다운받은 이미지를 저장할 SD카드를 넣으세요."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "저장할 SD카드를 넣으세요."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "설치 에러!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "게임을 설치할까요"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "게임 설치 중:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "이태리어"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "일본어"
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "한국어"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Left"
msgstr "왼쪽"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "시스템 메뉴처럼"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr ""
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr ""
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "콘솔 잠금"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "파일 누락"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "음량"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "표시 없음"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "네트워크 초기화 에러"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "다음"
msgid "No"
msgstr "아니오"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "SD카드가 없습니다!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "USB 장치가 없습니다."
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "USB 장치가 없습니다."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "WBFS 파티션이 없습니다."
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "누락 파일 없음!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr ""
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "파티션이 없습니다."
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "일반"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "일반 표지"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Wii 디스크가 아닙니다"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "여유 공간이 부족합니다!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nov"
msgstr ""
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "꺼짐"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "확인"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "켜짐"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr ""
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "공식 사이트"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr ""
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "자녀보호기능"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "파티션"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "비밀번호"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "비밀번호 변경됨"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "비밀번호가 변경되었습니다"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr ""
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Wii 전원 끄기"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "이전"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "프롬프트/버튼"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "게임 바로실행"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "SD카드 읽기"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "WBFS에서 게임 이름 변경"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "다시 시작"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Return"
msgstr "돌아가기"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr "오른쪽"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "진동"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "중국어(간체)"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save"
msgstr "저장"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "저장 실패"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "설정"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "시스템 종료"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "대기 상태로"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "스페인어"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Special thanks to"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "성공:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "저장 성공"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr ""
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "삭제 성공:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "설치 성공:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "시스템 기본값"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "중국어(번체)"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "테마 경로"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "테마 경로 변경됨"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "테마 경로 변경"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "남은 시간:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "Tooltips"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "USB 장치가 없습니다."
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB 로더 GX 잠김 상태"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "제거"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update All"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update to"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Updating"
msgstr ""
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "VIDTV 패치"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "비디오 모드"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "USB 장치를 기다리는 중"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "기다리는 중..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "와이드 스크린에 맞춤"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii 메뉴로"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "잘못된 비밀번호"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "예"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "파티션을 포맷해야 합니다"
msgid "available"
msgstr ""
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "파일 남음"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "파일이 서버에 없습니다!"
msgid "for"
msgstr "for"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr ""
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr ""
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "and releasing the source code"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "포맷 완료!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "남음"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "설정되지 않음"
msgid "of"
msgstr "중"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "초 남았습니다"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "표지 경로 변경"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "부팅 에러"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Wii 디스크를 넣으세요!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "부팅 실패:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "SD카드 인식 실패"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "USB 세팅 실패:"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "뒤로 가기"
#~ msgid "Language change"
#~ msgstr "언어 변경"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "cIOS249로 로딩"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "하드 디스크가 없습니다!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "비밀번호 변경"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "포맷하려는"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "파티션을 선택하세요"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "시도"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "cIOS222가 없습니다."
@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
//r494, Norwegian v6, 11.06.2009
ok = OK
addToFavorite = Favoritt
all = Alfabetisk
AppLanguage = Program språk
t3Covers = 3D cover
Areyousure = Er du sikker?
available = tilgjengelig
AutoPatch = AutoPatch
Always = 0 (Alltid)
awesometool = for hans råe verktøy
Back = Tilbake
Backgroundmusic = Bakgrunnsmusikk
Backgroundmusicpath = Bakgrunnsmusikk sti endret
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Tilbake til HBC eller Wii meny
BacktoLoader = HBC/Loader
BacktoWiiMenu = Wii meny
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
Both = Begge
Cantcreatedirectory = Kan ikke opprette mappestruktur
Cancel = Avbryt
Cantbeformated = Kan ikke formateres
CheckingforUpdates = Søker etter oppdateringer
Cantdelete = Kan ikke slette:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klikk for å laste ned cover
Clock = Klokke
Close = Lukk
Continueinstallgame = Fortsett å installere spill?
ConsoleDefault = Konsoll Standard
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Konsoll må være opplåst for å modifisere.
ConsoleLocked = Konsoll låst
Controllevel = Kontrollnivå
CorrectPassword = Riktig passord
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Kan ikke initialisere nettverk!
CouldnotopenDisc = Kan ikke åpne plate
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Kan ikke initialisere DIP modul!
CoverDownload = Cover nedlasting
CoverPath = Cover sti
CoverpathChanged = Cover sti endret
Coverpathchange = Endre cover sti
Cheatcodespathchanged = Juksekode sti endret
Cheatcodespath = Juksekode sti
count = Ganger spilt
Credits = Medvirkende
Custompaths = Endre stier
DiscImages = Plate bilder
DiscimagePath = Plate sti
DiscpathChanged = Plate sti endret
Discpathchange = Endre plate sti
DiscDefault = Spill Standard
Display = Vis
Doyouwanttoformat = Vil du formatere:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Er du sikker på at du vil slette:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Vil du fortsette å prøve i 30 sekunder?
Doyouwanttoupdate = Hvordan vil du oppdatere?
Doyouwanttochangelanguage = Vil du endre språk?
Downloadingfile = Laster ned fil:
DownloadBoxartimage = Last ned cover bilde?
Downloadfinished = Nedlasting ferdig
Defaultgamesettings = Standard innstillinger
Defaultsettings = Standard innstillinger
Default = Standard
diversepatches = for diverse patcher
Error = Feil !
hour = Timer
Homemenu = HOME Meny
ErrorreadingDisc = Feil ved lesing av plate
ExitUSBISOLoader = Avslutt USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Initialiserer nettverk
InsertDisk = Sett inn plate
InsertaWiiDisc = Sett inn en Wii plate!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Sett inn et SD-kort for å laste ned bilder.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Sett inn et SD-kort for å lagre.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Sett inn et SD-kort for å bruke innstillingen.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Alle funksjonene til USB Loader GX er opplåst.
Installerror = Installasjonsfeil!
Installagame = Installer et spill
Installinggame = Installerer spill:
Failedtoboot = Feil ved start:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Feil ved montering av SD-kort i front
FailedtosetUSB = Feil ved valgt USB:
Failedformating = Feil ved formatering
fave = Favoritter
filesnotfoundontheserver = filer ikke funnet på serveren!
Filenotfound = Fil ikke funnet.
filesleft = fil(er) gjenstår
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Tving
Youneedtoformatapartition = Du må formatere en partisjon
Format = Formater
Keyboard = Tastatur
Formattingpleasewait = Formaterer, vennligst vent...
formated = formatert!
Forhostingcovers = for hosting av cover/platebilder
Forhostingupdatefiles = for hosting av oppdateringsfiler
free = ledig
FreeSpace = Ledig plass
FullShutdown = Skru helt av
GameID = Spill ID
Games = Spill
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Spillet er allerede installert:
GameRegion = Region
GameSize = Spill størrelse
GoBack = Gå tilbake
GUISettings = GUI innstillinger
Gameload = Lasting av spill
HowtoShutdown = Hvordan skru av?
Language = Språk
Languagepathchanged = Språksti endret.
Left = Venstre
LikeSysMenu = Lik Systemmeny
LoadingincIOS = Laster i cIOS249
ListSort = Sorter spill liste
Loadingstandardlanguage = Laster standard språk.
Loadingstandardmusic = Laster standard musikk.
Locked = Låst
LockConsole = Lås konsoll
Patchcountrystrings = Patch land strenger
Missingfiles = Manglende filer
Mature = 3 (Voksen)
Networkiniterror = Nettverk init feil
Neither = Ingen
Next = Neste
Nonewupdates = Ingen nye oppdateringer.
No = Nei
Nofilemissing = Ingen filer mangler!
NoHDDfound = Ingen HDD funnet!
NoSDcardinserted = Intet SD-kort satt i!
Nopartitionsfound = Ingen partisjoner funnet
NoUSBDevice = Ingen USB enhet
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Ingen WBFS partisjon funnet
NormalCovers = Normale cover
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Ikke en Wii plate
NoUSBDevicefound = Ingen USB enhet funnet.
Notenoughfreespace = Ikke nok ledig plass!
Notasupportedformat = Ikke et støttet format!
notset = ikke satt
of = av
OfficialSite = Offisiell nettside
OnlyInstall = Kun for installering
Parentalcontrol = Foreldre kontroll
Partition = Partisjon
Password = Passord
PasswordChanged = Passord endret
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Passord har blitt endret
Passwordchange = Endre passord
Plays = Ganger spilt
PowerofftheWii = Skru av Wii
Prev = Forrige
PromptsButtons = Dialog knapper
ReloadSD = Les SD på nytt
RenameGameonWBFS = Gi nytt navn til spill på WBFS
Restart = Start på nytt
Restarting = Starter på nytt...
Return = Gå tilbake
released = Lansert
ReturntoWii = Tilbake til Wii meny
Right = Høyre
Rumble = Vibrasjon
QuickBoot = Hurtig start
Save = Lagre
SaveFailed = Lagre feilet
Specialthanksto = Spesielt takk til:
For = for
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = for kildekoden til USB Loader
secondsleft = sekunder gjenstår
Setasbackgroundmusic = Bruk som bakgrunnsmusikk?
SelectthePartition = Velg partisjonen
youwanttoformat = du vil formatere
Standard = Standard
settings = Innstillinger
Sound = Lyd
ShutdowntoIdle = Skru av
ShutdownSystem = Skru helt av
Success = Suksess:
Successfullyinstalled = Vellykket installering:
Successfullyupdated = Vellykket oppdatering
Successfullydeleted = Vellykket sletting:
SuccessfullySaved = Vellykket lagring
SystemDefault = System Standard
Thanksto = Stor takk til:
ThemePath = Tema sti
ThemepathChanged = Tema sti endret
Themepathchange = Endre tema sti
Titlestxtpath = Titles.txt sti
TitlestxtpathChanged = Titles.txt sti endret.
Titlestxtpathchange = Endre titles.txt sti
Try = Prøv
Tooltips = Verktøystips
Timeleft = Tid igjen:
updating = Oppdaterer
Unlocked = Opplåst
UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Lås opp konsollen for å bruke denne innstillingen.
Uninstall = Avinstaller
Updatepath = Oppdatering sti
Updatepathchanged = Oppdatering sti endret.
Updatefailed = Mislykket oppdatering
Updatedol = Oppdater DOL
Updateall = Oppdater alt
Updateto = Oppdater til
Update = Oppdater
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX er beskyttet
USBDevicenotfound = USB enhet ikke funnet
VideoMode = Video modus
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV Patch
Volume = Musikk volum
SFXVolume = Effekt volum
Waiting = Venter...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Venter på USB enhet
WidescreenFix = Fiks for 16/9
WiiMenu = Wii meny
Wiilight = Wii DVD lys
WrongPassword = Feil passord
Yes = Ja
YoudonthavecIOS = Du har ikke cIOS222
Japanese = Japansk
German = Tysk
English = Engelsk
French = Fransk
Spanish = Spansk
Italian = Italiensk
Dutch = Nederlandsk
SChinese = S.Kinesisk
TChinese = T.Kinesisk
Korean = Koreansk
january = Jan
february = Feb
march = Mar
april = Apr
may = Mai
june = Jun
july = Jul
august = Aug
september = Sep
october = Okt
november = Nov
december = Des
developedby = Utviklet av
publishedby = Publisert av
wififeatures = WiFi egenskaper
XMLTitles = Titler fra XML
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr "3 (Voksen)"
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr "3D cover"
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "Alle funksjonene til USB Loader GX er opplåst."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Program språk"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Apr"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Er du sikker?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Aug"
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "AutoPatch"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Tilbake"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "Tilbake til HBC eller Wii meny"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "HBC/Loader"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii meny"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr "Bakgrunnsmusikk"
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr "Bakgrunnsmusikk sti endret"
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr "Stor takk til:"
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "Boot/Standard"
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Begge"
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "Kan ikke formateres"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "Kan ikke opprette mappestruktur"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "Kan ikke slette:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Avbryt"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr "Juksekode sti"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr "Juksekode sti endret"
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr "Søker etter oppdateringer"
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "Klikk for å laste ned cover"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Klokke"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Lukk"
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "Konsoll Standard"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "Konsoll låst"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "Konsoll må være opplåst for å modifisere."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "Fortsett å installere spill?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr "Kontrollnivå"
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "Riktig passord"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "Kan ikke initialisere DIP modul!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "Kan ikke initialisere nettverk!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "Kan ikke åpne plate"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "Cover nedlasting"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "Cover sti"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "Cover sti endret"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Medvirkende"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr "Endre stier"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Des"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standard"
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr "Standard innstillinger"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "Standard innstillinger"
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr "Utviklet av"
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "Spill Standard"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "Plate bilder"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "Plate sti"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "Plate sti endret"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "Endre plate sti"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Vis"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil slette:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr "Vil du endre språk?"
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "Vil du formatere:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "Vil du fortsette å prøve i 30 sekunder?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "Last ned cover bilde?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "Nedlasting ferdig"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "Laster ned fil:"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Nederlandsk"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Engelsk"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "Feil !"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "Feil ved lesing av plate"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "Avslutt USB Loader GX?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "Feil ved formatering"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb"
msgid "File not found."
msgstr "Fil ikke funnet."
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "Flip-X"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Tving"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formater"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "Formaterer, vennligst vent..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "Ledig plass"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Fransk"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "Skru helt av"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr "GUI innstillinger"
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "Spill ID"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "Språk"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr "Lasting av spill"
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "Region"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "Spill størrelse"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "Spillet er allerede installert:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Spill"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Tysk"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr "HOME Meny"
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Timer"
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr "Hvordan vil du oppdatere?"
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "Hvordan skru av?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "Initialiserer nettverk"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "Sett inn plate"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "Sett inn et SD-kort for å laste ned bilder."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "Sett inn et SD-kort for å lagre."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr "Sett inn et SD-kort for å bruke innstillingen."
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "Installasjonsfeil!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "Installer et spill"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "Installerer spill:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italiensk"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japansk"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Jul"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Jun"
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Tastatur"
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Koreansk"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr "Språksti endret."
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Venstre"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Lik Systemmeny"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr "Laster standard språk."
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr "Laster standard musikk."
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "Lås konsoll"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Låst"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mai"
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "Manglende filer"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Musikk volum"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "Ingen"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Nettverk init feil"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Neste"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nei"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "Intet SD-kort satt i!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "Ingen USB enhet"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "Ingen USB enhet funnet."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "Ingen WBFS partisjon funnet"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "Ingen filer mangler!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr "Ingen nye oppdateringer."
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "Ingen partisjoner funnet"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "Normale cover"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Ikke en Wii plate"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "Ikke nok ledig plass!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr "Ikke et støttet format!"
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "AV"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "PÅ"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Okt"
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "Offisiell nettside"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr "Kun for installering"
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "Foreldre kontroll"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Partisjon"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Passord"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Passord endret"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "Passord har blitt endret"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr "Patch land strenger"
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr "Endre titles.txt sti"
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr "Titles.txt sti endret."
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr "Ganger spilt"
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Skru av Wii"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Forrige"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "Dialog knapper"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr "Publisert av"
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "Hurtig start"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "Les SD på nytt"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "Gi nytt navn til spill på WBFS"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Start på nytt"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr "Starter på nytt..."
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Gå tilbake"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Høyre"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Vibrasjon"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "S.Kinesisk"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr "Effekt volum"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Lagre"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "Lagre feilet"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr "Sep"
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr "Bruk som bakgrunnsmusikk?"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Innstillinger"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "Skru helt av"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "Skru av"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Lyd"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Spansk"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Spesielt takk til:"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "Suksess:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "Vellykket lagring"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr "Vellykket oppdatering"
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "Vellykket sletting:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "Vellykket installering:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "System Standard"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "T.Kinesisk"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "Tema sti"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "Tema sti endret"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "Endre tema sti"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "Tid igjen:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr "Titler fra XML"
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "Verktøystips"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "USB enhet ikke funnet"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX er beskyttet"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Avinstaller"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr "Lås opp konsollen for å bruke denne innstillingen."
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr "Opplåst"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Oppdater"
msgid "Update All"
msgstr "Oppdater alt"
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr "Oppdater DOL"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Mislykket oppdatering"
msgid "Update to"
msgstr "Oppdater til"
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr "Oppdatering sti"
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr "Oppdatering sti endret."
msgid "Updating"
msgstr "Oppdaterer"
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "VIDTV Patch"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "Video modus"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "Venter på USB enhet"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Venter..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr "WiFi egenskaper"
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "Fiks for 16/9"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii meny"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr "Wii DVD lys"
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Feil passord"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "Du må formatere en partisjon"
msgid "available"
msgstr "tilgjengelig"
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "fil(er) gjenstår"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "filer ikke funnet på serveren!"
msgid "for"
msgstr "for"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr "for diverse patcher"
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr "for hans råe verktøy"
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr "for hosting av cover/platebilder"
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr "for hosting av oppdateringsfiler"
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "for kildekoden til USB Loader"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "formatert!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "ledig"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "ikke satt"
msgid "of"
msgstr "av"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "sekunder gjenstår"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr "Titles.txt sti"
#~ msgid "Favorite"
#~ msgstr "Favoritt"
#~ msgid "Alphabetical"
#~ msgstr "Alfabetisk"
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "Endre cover sti"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "BOOT FEIL"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Sett inn en Wii plate!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "Feil ved start:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "Feil ved montering av SD-kort i front"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "Feil ved valgt USB:"
#~ msgid "Favorites"
#~ msgstr "Favoritter"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Gå tilbake"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "Laster i cIOS249"
#~ msgid "Sort Game List"
#~ msgstr "Sorter spill liste"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "Ingen HDD funnet!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "Endre passord"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "Velg partisjonen"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "du vil formatere"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "Prøv"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "Du har ikke cIOS222"
@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
ok= OK
addToFavorite = Adicionar aos Favoritos
all = Alfabética
AppLanguage = Idioma
t3Covers = Capas 3D
Areyousure = Tem certeza?
available = disponível
AutoPatch = Mudança Automática
Always = 0 (Sempre)
awesometool = por sua incrível ferramenta
Back = Voltar
Backgroundmusic = Música de Fundo
Backgroundmusicpath = Local Música de Fundo alterado
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Voltar ao Loader ou Menu do Wii
BacktoLoader = Voltar ao Loader
BacktoWiiMenu = Voltar Menu Wii
BootStandard = Início/Padrão
Both = Ambos
Cantcreatedirectory = Não foi possível criar o diretório
Cancel = Cancelar
Cantbeformated = Não pôde ser formatado
CheckingforUpdates = Procurando Atualizações...
Cantdelete = Não foi possível apagar:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Aperte para baixar Capas
Clock = Relógio
Close = Fechar
Continueinstallgame = Continuar instalação do jogo?
ConsoleDefault = Padrão do Console
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Você precisa primeiro desbloquear para poder modificar.
ConsoleLocked = Console Bloqueado
Controllevel = Nível de Controle
CorrectPassword = Senha Correta
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Não foi possível inciar a rede!
CouldnotopenDisc = Não foi possível abrir o Disco
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Não foi possível iniciar o módulo DIP!
CoverDownload = Baixar Capas
CoverPath = Local Capas
CoverpathChanged = Local Capas alterado
Coverpathchange = Alterar local Capas
Cheatcodespathchanged = Local Códigos Trapaça alterado
Cheatcodespath = Local Códigos Trapaça
count = Jogado
Credits = Créditos
Custompaths = Personalizar Locais
DiscImages = Imagem Disco
DiscimagePath = Local Imagem Disco
DiscpathChanged = Local Imagem Disco alterado
Discpathchange = Alterar local Imagem Disco
DiscDefault = Padrão do Disco
Display = Exibir
Doyouwanttoformat = Deseja formatar:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Quer realmente apagar:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Deseja tentar novamente em 30s?
Doyouwanttoupdate = Como você deseja atualizar?
Doyouwanttochangelanguage = Você deseja alterar o idioma?
Downloadingfile = Baixando arquivo:
DownloadBoxartimage = Baixar imagem da Caixa?
Downloadfinished = Pronto
Defaultgamesettings = Configurações padrão do jogo
Defaultsettings = Configurações padrão
Default = Padrão
diversepatches = pelas diversas correções
Error = Erro!
hour = Horas
Homemenu = Menu Inicial
BOOTERROR = Erro ao Iniciar
ErrorreadingDisc = Erro ao ler o Disco
ExitUSBISOLoader = Deseja sair do USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Iniciando Rede
InsertDisk = Insira o Disco
InsertaWiiDisc = Insira um Disco de Wii!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Insira um cartão SD para baixar imagens.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Insira um cartão SD para guardar.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Insira um cartão SD para usar esta opção.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = As configurações do USB Loader GX foram desbloqueadas.
Installerror = Erro ao Instalar!
Installagame = Instalar um jogo
Installinggame = Instalando jogo:
Failedtoboot = Falha ao iniciar:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Falha ao montar cartão SD frontal
FailedtosetUSB = Falha ao iniciar USB:
Failedformating = Falha ao formatar
fave = Favoritos
Filenotfound = Arquivo não encontrado.
filesnotfoundontheserver = arquivos não encontrados no servidor!
filesleft = arquivo(s) restante(s)
FlipX = Paginação Horizontal
Force = Forçar
Youneedtoformatapartition = Você precisa formatar a partição
Format = Formatar
Keyboard = Teclado
Formattingpleasewait = Formatando, por favor aguarde...
formated = Formatado!
Forhostingcovers = por hospedar Capas de Caixas/Disco
Forhostingupdatefiles = por hospedar Atualizações
free = livres
FreeSpace = Espaço Livre
FullShutdown = Desligar
GameID = ID do Jogo
Games = Jogos
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Este jogo já está instalado:
GameRegion = Região do Jogo
GameSize = Tamanho do Jogo
GoBack = Voltar
GUISettings = Configurações do Menu
Gameload = Carregar Jogo
HowtoShutdown = Como Desligar?
Language = Idioma do Jogo
Languagepathchanged = Local Idioma alterado
Left = Esquerda
LikeSysMenu = Igual ao Menu do Wii
LoadingincIOS = Carregando no cIOS249
ListSort = Classificar Lista de Jogos
Loadingstandardlanguage = Carregado idioma padrão.
Loadingstardardmusic = Carregado música padrão.
Locked = Bloqueado
LockConsole = Bloquear console
Patchcountrystrings = Corrigir região de jogos
Missingfiles = Arquivos faltando
Mature = 3 (Adulto)
Networkiniterror = Erro ao iniciar a rede
Neither = Nenhum
Next = Próximo
Nonewupdates = Não há novas atualizações.
No = Não
Nofilemissing = Não há arquivos faltando!
NoHDDfound = Disco Rígido não encontrado!
NoSDcardinserted = Cartão SD não inserido!
Nopartitionsfound = Partições não encontradas
NoUSBDevice = Sem dispositivo USB
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Partição WBFS não encontrada
NormalCovers = Capas Normais
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Não é um Disco de Wii
NoUSBDevicefound = Dispositivo USB não encontrado.
Notenoughfreespace = Não há espaço livre suficiente!
Notasupportedformat = Formato não suportado!
notset = Sem Senha!
of = de
OFF = Desligado
OfficialSite = Site Oficial
ON = Ligado
OnlyInstall = Só para Instalação
Parentalcontrol = Controle de Pais
Partition = Partição
Password = Senha
PasswordChanged = Senha alterada
Passwordhasbeenchanged = A Senha foi alterada
Passwordchange = Alterar Senha
Plays = Jogado
PowerofftheWii = Desligar o Wii
Prev = Anterior
PromptsButtons = Botões
ReloadSD = Recarregar cartão SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Renomear jogo na partição WBFS
Restart = Reiniciar
Restarting = Reiniciando...
Return = Voltar
released = Liberado
ReturntoWiiMenu = Voltar ao Menu do Wii
Right = Direita
Rumble = Vibração
QuickBoot = Inicio Rápido
Save = Guardar
SaveFailed = Falha ao Guardar
Specialthanksto = Agradecimento em Especial a
For = com
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = e ter liberado o código fonte
secondsleft = segundos restantes
Setasbackgroundmusic = Configurar como música de fundo?
SelectthePartition = Selecione a partição
youwanttoformat = Deseja formatar?
Standard = Padrão
settings = Configurações
Sound = Som
ShutdowntoIdle = Em espera
ShutdownSystem = Desligar Sistema
Success = Sucesso:
Successfullyinstalled = Instalado com Sucesso:
Successfullyupdated = Atualizado com Sucesso
Successfullydeleted = Desinstalado com Sucesso:
SuccessfullySaved = Guardado com Sucesso
SystemDefault = Pradrão do Sistema
Thanksto = Um obrigado a:
ThemePath = Local Temas
ThemepathChanged = Local Temas alterado
Themepathchange = Alterar local Temas
Titlestxtpath = Local Titles.txt
Titlestxtpathchange = Alterar local titles.txt
TitlestxtpathChanged = Local titles.txt alterado
Try = Tentar
Tooltips = Dicas
Timeleft = Resta:
updating = Atualizando...
Unlocked = Desbloqueado
UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Desbloqueio o Console para usar esta Opção
Uninstall = Desinstalar
Updatepath = Local Atualizações
Updatepathchanged = Local Atualizações alterado.
Updatefailed = Falhar ao atualizar
Updatedol = Atualizar arquivo .dol
Updateall = Atualizar Tudo
Updateto = Atualizando em
Update = Atualizar
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX está bloqueado
USBDevicenotfound = Dispositivo USB não encontrado
VideoMode = Modo de Vídeo
VIDTVPatch = Corrigir VIDTV
Volume = Volume
SFXVolume = Volume de Efeitos
Waiting = Aguardando...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Aguardando o Dispositivo USB
WidescreenFix = Corrigir Widescreen
WiiMenu = Menu do Wii
Wiilight = Luz do Wii
WrongPassword = Senha incorreta
Yes = Sim
YoudonthavecIOS = Você não tem o cIOS222
Japanese = Japonês
German = Alemão
English = Inglês
French = Francês
Spanish = Espanhol
Italian = Italiano
Dutch = Holandês
SChinese = Chinês Simplificado
TChinese = Chinês Tradicional
Korean = Coreano
january = Jan
february = Fev
march = Mar
april = Abr
may = Mai
june = Jun
july = Jul
august = Ago
september = Set
october = Out
november = Nov
december = Dez
developedby = Desenvolvido por
publishedby = Publicado por
wififeatures = Atributos WiFi
// Portuguese(pt-br) Rev5.0
// Ready for rev488
// Translated by Artidoro
// Date 06/10/2009 21:03PM
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr "3 (Adulto)"
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr "Capas 3D"
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "As configurações do USB Loader GX foram desbloqueadas."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Idioma"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Abr"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Tem certeza?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Ago"
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "Mudança Automática"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Voltar"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "Voltar ao Loader ou Menu do Wii"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "Voltar ao Loader"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Voltar Menu Wii"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr "Música de Fundo"
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr "Local Música de Fundo alterado"
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr "Um obrigado a:"
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "Início/Padrão"
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Ambos"
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "Não pôde ser formatado"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "Não foi possível criar o diretório"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "Não foi possível apagar:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr "Local Códigos Trapaça"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr "Local Códigos Trapaça alterado"
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr "Procurando Atualizações..."
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "Aperte para baixar Capas"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Relógio"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fechar"
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "Padrão do Console"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "Console Bloqueado"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "Você precisa primeiro desbloquear para poder modificar."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "Continuar instalação do jogo?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr "Nível de Controle"
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "Senha Correta"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "Não foi possível iniciar o módulo DIP!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "Não foi possível inciar a rede!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o Disco"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "Baixar Capas"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "Local Capas"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "Local Capas alterado"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Créditos"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr "Personalizar Locais"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Dez"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Padrão"
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr "Configurações padrão do jogo"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "Configurações padrão"
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr "Desenvolvido por"
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "Padrão do Disco"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "Imagem Disco"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "Local Imagem Disco"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "Local Imagem Disco alterado"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "Alterar local Imagem Disco"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Exibir"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "Quer realmente apagar:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr "Você deseja alterar o idioma?"
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "Deseja formatar:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "Deseja tentar novamente em 30s?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "Baixar imagem da Caixa?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "Pronto"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "Baixando arquivo:"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Holandês"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Inglês"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "Erro!"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "Erro ao ler o Disco"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "Deseja sair do USB Loader GX?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "Falha ao formatar"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Fev"
msgid "File not found."
msgstr "Arquivo não encontrado."
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "Paginação Horizontal"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Forçar"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formatar"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "Formatando, por favor aguarde..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "Espaço Livre"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Francês"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "Desligar"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr "Configurações do Menu"
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "ID do Jogo"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "Idioma do Jogo"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr "Carregar Jogo"
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "Região do Jogo"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "Tamanho do Jogo"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "Este jogo já está instalado:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Jogos"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Alemão"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr "Menu Inicial"
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Horas"
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr "Como você deseja atualizar?"
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "Como Desligar?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "Iniciando Rede"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "Insira o Disco"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "Insira um cartão SD para baixar imagens."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "Insira um cartão SD para guardar."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr "Insira um cartão SD para usar esta opção."
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "Erro ao Instalar!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "Instalar um jogo"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "Instalando jogo:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italiano"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japonês"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Jul"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Jun"
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Teclado"
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Coreano"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr "Local Idioma alterado"
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Esquerda"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Igual ao Menu do Wii"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr "Carregado idioma padrão."
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr ""
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "Bloquear console"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Bloqueado"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mai"
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "Arquivos faltando"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Volume"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "Nenhum"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Erro ao iniciar a rede"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Próximo"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Não"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "Cartão SD não inserido!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "Sem dispositivo USB"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "Dispositivo USB não encontrado."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "Partição WBFS não encontrada"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "Não há arquivos faltando!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr "Não há novas atualizações."
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "Partições não encontradas"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "Capas Normais"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Não é um Disco de Wii"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "Não há espaço livre suficiente!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr "Formato não suportado!"
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "Desligado"
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
msgid "ON"
msgstr "Ligado"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Out"
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "Site Oficial"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr "Só para Instalação"
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "Controle de Pais"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Partição"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Senha"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Senha alterada"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "A Senha foi alterada"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr "Corrigir região de jogos"
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr "Alterar local titles.txt"
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr "Local titles.txt alterado"
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr "Jogado"
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Desligar o Wii"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Anterior"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "Botões"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr "Publicado por"
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "Inicio Rápido"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "Recarregar cartão SD"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "Renomear jogo na partição WBFS"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Reiniciar"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr "Reiniciando..."
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Voltar"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Voltar ao Menu do Wii"
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Direita"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Vibração"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "Chinês Simplificado"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr "Volume de Efeitos"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Guardar"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "Falha ao Guardar"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr "Set"
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr "Configurar como música de fundo?"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configurações"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "Desligar Sistema"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "Em espera"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Som"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Espanhol"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Agradecimento em Especial a"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Padrão"
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "Sucesso:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "Guardado com Sucesso"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr "Atualizado com Sucesso"
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "Desinstalado com Sucesso:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "Instalado com Sucesso:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "Pradrão do Sistema"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "Chinês Tradicional"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "Local Temas"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "Local Temas alterado"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "Alterar local Temas"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "Resta:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "Dicas"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "Dispositivo USB não encontrado"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX está bloqueado"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Desinstalar"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr "Desbloqueio o Console para usar esta Opção"
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr "Desbloqueado"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Atualizar"
msgid "Update All"
msgstr "Atualizar Tudo"
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr "Atualizar arquivo .dol"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Falhar ao atualizar"
msgid "Update to"
msgstr "Atualizando em"
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr "Local Atualizações"
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr "Local Atualizações alterado."
msgid "Updating"
msgstr "Atualizando..."
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "Corrigir VIDTV"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "Modo de Vídeo"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "Aguardando o Dispositivo USB"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Aguardando..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr "Atributos WiFi"
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "Corrigir Widescreen"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Menu do Wii"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr "Luz do Wii"
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Senha incorreta"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Sim"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "Você precisa formatar a partição"
msgid "available"
msgstr "disponível"
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "arquivo(s) restante(s)"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "arquivos não encontrados no servidor!"
msgid "for"
msgstr "com"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr "pelas diversas correções"
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr "por sua incrível ferramenta"
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr "por hospedar Capas de Caixas/Disco"
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr "por hospedar Atualizações"
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "e ter liberado o código fonte"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "Formatado!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "livres"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "Sem Senha!"
msgid "of"
msgstr "de"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "segundos restantes"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr "Local Titles.txt"
#~ msgid "Favorite"
#~ msgstr "Adicionar aos Favoritos"
#~ msgid "Alphabetical"
#~ msgstr "Alfabética"
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "Alterar local Capas"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "Erro ao Iniciar"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Insira um Disco de Wii!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "Falha ao iniciar:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "Falha ao montar cartão SD frontal"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "Falha ao iniciar USB:"
#~ msgid "Favorites"
#~ msgstr "Favoritos"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Voltar"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "Carregando no cIOS249"
#~ msgid "Sort Game List"
#~ msgstr "Classificar Lista de Jogos"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "Disco Rígido não encontrado!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "Alterar Senha"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "Selecione a partição"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "Deseja formatar?"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "Tentar"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "Você não tem o cIOS222"
@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
t3Covers = Capas 3D
addToFavorite = Adicionar aos favoritos
all = Alfabética
AppLanguage = Idioma
available = disponível
Areyousure = Tem a certeza?
AutoPatch = Patch automático
Adultsonly = 4 (Adultos 18+)
Alternatedol = DOL alternativo
awesometool = pela sua espectacular ferramenta
Back = Voltar
Backgroundmusic = Música de fundo
Backgroundmusicpath = Pasta Música Fundo
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Voltar ao Loader/Menu da Wii
BacktoLoader = Loader
BacktoWiiMenu = Menu da Wii
BootStandard = Arranque/Standard
Both = Ambos
Cantcreatedirectory = Não foi possível criar a pasta
Cancel = Cancelar
Cantbeformated = Não pode pode ser formatado
Cantdelete = Não foi possível apagar:
CheckingforUpdates = Procurando Actualizações
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Carregue para descarregar capas
Child = 1 (Crianças 7+)
Clock = Relógio
Close = Fechar
Continueinstallgame = Continuar instalação do jogo?
ConsoleDefault = Predefinição Consola
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = É necessário desbloquear a configuração para poder modificar o parâmetro.
ConsoleLocked = Configuração Bloqueada
Controllevel = Nível de Controle
CorrectPassword = Password Correcta
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Não foi possível incializar a Ligação de Rede!
CouldnotopenDisc = Não foi possível abrir o Disco
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Não foi possível inicializar o módulo DIP!
CoverDownload = Download de Capas
CoverPath = Pasta Capas
CoverpathChanged = Pasta das Capas alterada
Coverpathchange = Alterar Pasta das Capas
DolPath = Pasta DOL
DolpathChanged = Pasta do DOL alterada
Dolpathchange = Alterar Pasta do DOL
Cheatcodespathchanged = Pasta de Truques alterada
Cheatcodespath = Pasta Truques
count = Vezes jogadas
Credits = Créditos
Custompaths = Personalização de Pastas
DiscImages = Imagens de Disco
DiscimagePath = Pasta Imagens Disco
DiscpathChanged = Pasta das Imagens Disco alterada
Discpathchange = Alterar da Pasta das Imagens de Disco
DiscDefault = Predefinição Disco
Display = Mostrar
Doyouwanttoformat = Deseja FORMATAR:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Quer mesmo REMOVER o jogo:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Deseja tentar novamente dentro de 30 segs?
Doyouwanttoupdate = Como pretende actualizar o programa?
Doyouwanttochangelanguage = Deseja alterar o idioma?
Downloadingfile = Descarregando ficheiro:
DownloadBoxartimage = Descarregar imagem da Caixa?
Downloadfinished = Download Terminado
Defaultgamesettings = Repor Configuração do Jogo
Defaultsettings = Repor Configurações
Default = Predefinição
diversepatches = por diversos patches
Error = Erro !
hour = Horas
ErrorreadingDisc = Erro ao ler o Disco
ExitUSBISOLoader = Pretende sair do USB Loader GX?
Everyone = 0 (Todos)
InitializingNetwork = Inicializando Ligação de Rede
InsertDisk = Insira o Disco
InsertaWiiDisc = Insira um Disco da Wii!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Insira um cartão SD para descarregar as imagens.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Insira um cartão SD para guardar.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Insira um cartão SD para usar esta funcionalidade.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = As configurações estão desbloqueadas.
Installerror = Erro de Instalação!
Installagame = Instalar um jogo
Installinggame = Instalando jogo:
Failedtoboot = Falha ao arrancar:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Falha ao montar cartão SD
FailedtosetUSB = Falha ao iniciar USB:
Failedformating = Falha ao formatar
fave = Favoritos
Filenotfound = Ficheiro não encontrado.
filesnotfoundontheserver = ficheiros não encontrados no servidor!
filesleft = ficheiros(s) restante(s)
FlipX = Paginação Horizontal
Force = Forçar
Youneedtoformatapartition = É necessário FORMATAR a partição
Format = Formatar
Formattingpleasewait = Formatando, por favor aguarde...
formated = formatado!
Forhostingcovers = por alojar capas/imagens de disco
Forhostingupdatefiles = por alojar actualizações
free = livres
FreeSpace = Espaço Livre
FullShutdown = Desligar
GameID = ID do Jogo
Games = Jogos
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Este jogo já está instalado:
GameRegion = Região
GameSize = Tamanho do Jogo
GoBack = Voltar
GotoPage = Ir para a Página
GUISettings = Definições do Interface
Gameload = Carregamento de Jogos
HowtoShutdown = Como desligar a consola?
Homemenu = Menú Inicial
Keyboard = Teclado
Language = Idioma
Languagepathchanged = Caminho para o ficheiro de Idioma alterado.
Langchange = Alterar Idioma
Left = Esquerda
LikeSysMenu = Igual ao Menu da Wii
ListSort = Ordenação Jogos
LoadingincIOS = Carregando com o cIOS249
Loadingstandardlanguage = Carregado idioma padrão.
Loadingstandardmusic = Carregando música padrão.
Locked = Bloqueado
LockConsole = Bloquear Configurações
Patchcountrystrings = Patch Jogos Importados
Missingfiles = Ficheiros em falta
Mature = 3 (Adulto 16+)
Networkiniterror = Erro ao inicializar ligação de rede
Neither = Nenhum
Next = Próximo
No = Não
Nofilemissing = Não há ficheiros em falta!
NoHDDfound = Não foi encontrado nenhum Disco Rígido!
NoSDcardinserted = Cartão SD não inserido!
Nopartitionsfound = Não foram encontradas partições
NoUSBDevice = Nenhum dispositivo USB encontrado
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Não foi encontrada nenhuma partição WBFS
Nonewupdates = Não existem novas actualizações.
NormalCovers = Capas Normais
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Não é um Disco da Wii
NoUSBDevicefound = Nenhum dispositivo USB encontrado.
Notenoughfreespace = Não há espaço livre suficiente!
notset = não definido
of = de
OFF = Desligado
OfficialSite = Site Oficial
ok = OK
ON = Ligado
OnlyInstall = Apenas na instalação
Onlinefix = Correcção Online
Parentalcontrol = Controlo Parental
Partition = Partição
Password = Password
PasswordChanged = Password Alterada
Passwordhasbeenchanged = A Password foi alterada
Passwordchange = Alterar Password
Plays = Vezes jogadas
PowerofftheWii = Desligar a Wii
Prev = Anterior
PromptsButtons = Mensagens/Botões
ReloadSD = Actualizar do cartão SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Alterar nome do jogo na partição WBFS
Restart = Reiniciar
Restarting = A Wii irá reiniciar
Return = Voltar
released = Lançado
ReturntoWii = Menu da Wii
Right = Direita
Rumble = Vibração
QuickBoot = Arranque Rápido
Save = Gravar
SaveFailed = Falha ao Gravar
Specialthanksto = Agradecimentos especiais para:
Titlestxtpath = Pasta titles.txt
TitlestxtpathChanged = Pasta do ficheiro titles.txt alterada.
Titlestxtpathchange = Alterar pasta do titles.txt
For = pelo
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = pelo código fonte do USB Loader
secondsleft = segundos restantes
SelectthePartition = Seleccione a Partição
youwanttoformat = Deseja formatar?
Standard = Standard
Sound = Audio
settings = Configurações
ShutdowntoIdle = Standby
ShutdownSystem = Desligar
Success = Sucesso:
Successfullyinstalled = Instalado com Sucesso:
Successfullyupdated = Programa actualizado com Sucesso
Successfullydeleted = Removido com Sucesso:
SuccessfullySaved = Gravado com Sucesso
SystemDefault = Predefinição Sistema
Teen = 2 (Adolescente 12+)
Thanksto = Agradecimentos:
ThemePath = Pasta Temas
ThemepathChanged = Pasta dos Temas alterada
Themepathchange = Alterar pasta dos Temas
Try = Tentar
Tooltips = Dicas
Timeleft = Tempo restante:
Unlocked = Desbloqueado
UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Desbloquear configuração antes de usar esta opção.
Uninstall = Remover
USBLoaderisprotected = O USB Loader GX está bloqueado
USBDevicenotfound = Dispositivo USB não encontrado
updating = Actualizando
Updatepath = Pasta Actualizações
Updatepathchanged = A pasta das actualizações foi alterada.
Updatefailed = Erro ao actualizar
Updatedol = Actualizar DOL
Updateall = Actualizar Tudo
Updateto = Actualizando para
Update = Verificar Actualizações
VideoMode = Modo de Vídeo
VIDTVPatch = Patch VIDTV
Volume = Volume Música
SFXVolume = Volume Efeitos
Waiting = Aguardando...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Aguardando pelo Dispositivo USB
WidescreenFix = Correcção 16:9
WiiMenu = Menu da Wii
Wiilight = Iluminação Leitor
WrongPassword = Password Incorrecta
Yes = Sim
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 não instalado
Japanese = Japonês
German = Alemão
English = Inglês
French = Francês
Spanish = Espanhol
Italian = Italiano
Dutch = Holandês
SChinese = Chinês Simplificado
TChinese = Chinês Tradicional
Korean = Coreano
january = Jan
february = Fev
march = Mar
april = Abr
may = Mai
june = Jun
july = Jul
august = Ago
september = Set
october = Out
november = Nov
december = Dez
publishedby = Publicado por
developedby = Desenvolvido por
wififeatures = Rede sem fios
XMLTitles = Títulos do XML
// Portuguese(pt-pt) Language File rev17 (17-06-2009 07:53 GMT) for USB Loader GX 1
// Added strings for rev529+
// Tested with rev531
// Translated by Sky8000
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr "0 (Todos)"
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr "1 (Crianças 7+)"
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr "2 (Adolescente 12+)"
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr "3 (Adulto 16+)"
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr ""
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr "4 (Adultos 18+)"
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "As configurações estão desbloqueadas."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr "DOL alternativo"
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Idioma"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Abr"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Tem a certeza?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Ago"
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "Patch automático"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Voltar"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "Voltar ao Loader/Menu da Wii"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "Loader"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Menu da Wii"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr "Música de fundo"
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr "Pasta Música Fundo"
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr "Agradecimentos:"
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "Arranque/Standard"
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Ambos"
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "Não pode pode ser formatado"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "Não foi possível criar a pasta"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "Não foi possível apagar:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr "Pasta Truques"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr "Pasta de Truques alterada"
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr "Procurando Actualizações"
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "Carregue para descarregar capas"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Relógio"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fechar"
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "Predefinição Consola"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "Configuração Bloqueada"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "É necessário desbloquear a configuração para poder modificar o parâmetro."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "Continuar instalação do jogo?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr "Nível de Controle"
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "Password Correcta"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "Não foi possível inicializar o módulo DIP!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "Não foi possível incializar a Ligação de Rede!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o Disco"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "Download de Capas"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "Pasta Capas"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "Pasta das Capas alterada"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Créditos"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr "Personalização de Pastas"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Dez"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predefinição"
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr "Repor Configuração do Jogo"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "Repor Configurações"
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr "Desenvolvido por"
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "Predefinição Disco"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "Imagens de Disco"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "Pasta Imagens Disco"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "Pasta das Imagens Disco alterada"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "Alterar da Pasta das Imagens de Disco"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Mostrar"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "Quer mesmo REMOVER o jogo:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr "Deseja alterar o idioma?"
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "Deseja FORMATAR:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "Deseja tentar novamente dentro de 30 segs?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr "Pasta DOL"
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr "Pasta do DOL alterada"
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr "Alterar Pasta do DOL"
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "Descarregar imagem da Caixa?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "Download Terminado"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "Descarregando ficheiro:"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Holandês"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Inglês"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "Erro !"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "Erro ao ler o Disco"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "Pretende sair do USB Loader GX?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "Falha ao formatar"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Fev"
msgid "File not found."
msgstr "Ficheiro não encontrado."
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "Paginação Horizontal"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Forçar"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formatar"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "Formatando, por favor aguarde..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "Espaço Livre"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Francês"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "Desligar"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr "Definições do Interface"
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "ID do Jogo"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "Idioma"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr "Carregamento de Jogos"
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "Região"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "Tamanho do Jogo"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "Este jogo já está instalado:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Jogos"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Alemão"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr "Menú Inicial"
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Horas"
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr "Como pretende actualizar o programa?"
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "Como desligar a consola?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "Inicializando Ligação de Rede"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "Insira o Disco"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "Insira um cartão SD para descarregar as imagens."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "Insira um cartão SD para guardar."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr "Insira um cartão SD para usar esta funcionalidade."
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "Erro de Instalação!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "Instalar um jogo"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "Instalando jogo:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italiano"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japonês"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Jul"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Jun"
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Teclado"
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Coreano"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr "Caminho para o ficheiro de Idioma alterado."
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Esquerda"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Igual ao Menu da Wii"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr "Carregado idioma padrão."
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr "Carregando música padrão."
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "Bloquear Configurações"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Bloqueado"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mai"
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "Ficheiros em falta"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Volume Música"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "Nenhum"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Erro ao inicializar ligação de rede"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Próximo"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Não"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "Cartão SD não inserido!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "Nenhum dispositivo USB encontrado"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "Nenhum dispositivo USB encontrado."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "Não foi encontrada nenhuma partição WBFS"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "Não há ficheiros em falta!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr "Não existem novas actualizações."
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "Não foram encontradas partições"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "Capas Normais"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Não é um Disco da Wii"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "Não há espaço livre suficiente!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "Desligado"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "Ligado"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Out"
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "Site Oficial"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr "Apenas na instalação"
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "Controlo Parental"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Partição"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Password"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Password Alterada"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "A Password foi alterada"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr "Patch Jogos Importados"
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr "Alterar pasta do titles.txt"
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr "Pasta do ficheiro titles.txt alterada."
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr "Vezes jogadas"
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Desligar a Wii"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Anterior"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "Mensagens/Botões"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr "Publicado por"
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "Arranque Rápido"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "Actualizar do cartão SD"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "Alterar nome do jogo na partição WBFS"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Reiniciar"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr "A Wii irá reiniciar"
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Voltar"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Direita"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Vibração"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "Chinês Simplificado"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr "Volume Efeitos"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Gravar"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "Falha ao Gravar"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr "Set"
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configurações"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "Desligar"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "Standby"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Audio"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Espanhol"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Agradecimentos especiais para:"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "Sucesso:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "Gravado com Sucesso"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr "Programa actualizado com Sucesso"
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "Removido com Sucesso:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "Instalado com Sucesso:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "Predefinição Sistema"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "Chinês Tradicional"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "Pasta Temas"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "Pasta dos Temas alterada"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "Alterar pasta dos Temas"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "Tempo restante:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr "Títulos do XML"
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "Dicas"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "Dispositivo USB não encontrado"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "O USB Loader GX está bloqueado"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Remover"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr "Desbloquear configuração antes de usar esta opção."
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr "Desbloqueado"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Verificar Actualizações"
msgid "Update All"
msgstr "Actualizar Tudo"
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr "Actualizar DOL"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Erro ao actualizar"
msgid "Update to"
msgstr "Actualizando para"
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr "Pasta Actualizações"
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr "A pasta das actualizações foi alterada."
msgid "Updating"
msgstr "Actualizando"
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "Patch VIDTV"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "Modo de Vídeo"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "Aguardando pelo Dispositivo USB"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Aguardando..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr "Rede sem fios"
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "Correcção 16:9"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Menu da Wii"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr "Iluminação Leitor"
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Password Incorrecta"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Sim"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "É necessário FORMATAR a partição"
msgid "available"
msgstr "disponível"
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "ficheiros(s) restante(s)"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "ficheiros não encontrados no servidor!"
msgid "for"
msgstr "pelo"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr "por diversos patches"
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr "pela sua espectacular ferramenta"
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr "por alojar capas/imagens de disco"
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr "por alojar actualizações"
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "pelo código fonte do USB Loader"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "formatado!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "livres"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "não definido"
msgid "of"
msgstr "de"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "segundos restantes"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr "Pasta titles.txt"
#~ msgid "Favorite"
#~ msgstr "Adicionar aos favoritos"
#~ msgid "Alphabetical"
#~ msgstr "Alfabética"
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "Alterar Pasta das Capas"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "ERRO DE ARRANQUE"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Insira um Disco da Wii!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "Falha ao arrancar:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "Falha ao montar cartão SD"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "Falha ao iniciar USB:"
#~ msgid "Favorites"
#~ msgstr "Favoritos"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Voltar"
#~ msgid "Language change"
#~ msgstr "Alterar Idioma"
#~ msgid "Sort Game List"
#~ msgstr "Ordenação Jogos"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "Carregando com o cIOS249"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "Não foi encontrado nenhum Disco Rígido!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "Alterar Password"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "Seleccione a Partição"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "Deseja formatar?"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "Tentar"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "cIOS222 não instalado"
@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
Specialthanksto = Отдельное спасибо :
addToFavorite = Добавить в избранное
t3Covers = 3D Обложки
AppLanguage = Язык приложения
Areyousure = Вы уверены ?
AutoPatch = Авто Патч
Back = Назад
Backgroundmusic = Фоновая музыка
Backgroundmusicpath = Путь к фоновой музыке
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Вернуться в HBC или меню Wii
BacktoLoader = Вернуться в загрузчик
BacktoWiiMenu = Вернуться в меню Wii
BootStandard = Загрузка/Стандарт
Both = Оба
Cantcreatedirectory = Не могу создать папку
Cancel = Отмена
Cantbeformated = Невозможно отформатировать
Cantdelete = Невозможно удалить:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Нажми, чтобы скачать обложки
Clock = Часы
Close = Закрыть
Continueinstallgame = Продолжить установку игры ?
ConsoleDefault = По умолчанию (консоль)
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Для изменения консоль должна быть разблокирована.
ConsoleLocked = Консоль заблокирована
CorrectPassword = Правильный пароль
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Не могу инициализировать сеть!
CouldnotopenDisc = Не могу прочесть диск
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Не могу запустить модуль DIP!
CoverDownload = Скачать обложку
CoverPath = Путь к обложкам
CoverpathChanged = Путь к обложкам был изменен.
Coverpathchange = Сменить путь к обложкам
Credits = Об авторах
DiscImages = Изображения дисков
DiscimagePath = путь к изображениям дисков
DiscpathChanged = путь к изображениям дисков изменен
Discpathchange = изменить путь к изображениям дисков
DiscDefault = По умолчанию (диск)
Display = Отображать
Doyouwanttoformat = Вы хотите отформатировать:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Вы хотите удалить:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Хотите попробовать еще раз на 30 секунд?
Doyouwanttoupdate = Вы хотите обновить программу
Downloadingfile = Скачиваю файл:
DownloadBoxartimage = Скачать обложку диска?
Downloadfinished =Скачивание завершено
Defaultsettings = Установки по умолчанию
Error = Ошибка !
ErrorreadingDisc = Ошибка чтения диска
ExitUSBISOLoader = Выйти из USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Инициализирую сеть
InsertDisk = Вставьте диск
InsertaWiiDisc = Вставьте диск от Wii!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Для скачивания изображений вставьте SD карту.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Для сохранения вставьте SD карту.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Для использования этой функции нужна SD карта
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Все функции USB Loader GX разблокированы.
Installerror = Ошибка установки!
Installagame = Установить игру
Installinggame = Устанавливаю игру:
Failedtoboot = Ошибка загрузки:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Ошибка при монтировании SD карты
FailedtosetUSB = Ошибка инициализации USB:
Failedformating = Форматирование не удалось
Filenotfound = Файл не найден
filesnotfoundontheserver = файлы не найдены на сервере!
filesleft = осталось файлов:
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Принудительно
Youneedtoformatapartition = Требуется форматирование раздела
Format = Форматировать
Formattingpleasewait = Форматирую, пожалуйста подождите...
formated = форматирование завершено!
free = свободно
FreeSpace = Свободное пространство
FullShutdown = Полное отключение
GameID = ID игры
Games = Игры
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Игра уже установлена:
GameRegion = Регион
GameSize = Размер игры
GoBack = Назад
GotoPage = На страницу
HowtoShutdown = Способ отключения?
Homemenu = Домашнее Меню
hour = час
keyboard = клавиатура
Language = Язык
Langchange = Сменить язык
Left = Налево
LikeSysMenu = как SysMenu
ListSort = Сортировка списка
LoadingincIOS = загружаю с cIOS249
Loadingstandardlanguage = Загрузка языка по умолчанию
Loadingstandardmusic = Загрузка стандартной музыки
Lock = Заблокировать
LockConsole = Заблокировать консоль
//MP3Menu = Меню MP3
Missingfiles = Отсутствующие файлы
Networkiniterror = Ошибка инициализации сети
Neither = Ни то, ни другое
Next = Следующий
No = Нет
Nofilemissing = Файл не найден!
NoHDDfound = HDD не найден!
NoSDcardinserted = SD карта не вставлена!
Nopartitionsfound = Разделы не найдены
NoUSBDevice = Нет USB устройств
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Не найден раздел WBFS
Nonewupdates = Нет обновлений
NormalCovers = Обычные обложки
Normal = Обычный
NotaWiiDisc = Это не диск Wii
NoUSBDevicefound =USB устройств не обнаружено
Notenoughfreespace = Не хватает свободного места!
Notasupportedformat = Формат не поддерживается
notset = не установлено
of = из
OfficialSite = Официальный сайт
ok = OK
OnlyInstall = Только установка
Parentalcontrol = Родительский контроль
Partition = Раздел
Password = Пароль
PasswordChanged = Пароль изменен
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Пароль был изменен
Passwordchange = Сменить пароль
PowerofftheWii = Выключить Wii
Plays = Воспроизводится
Prev = Предыдущий
PromptsButtons = Кнопки приглашения
ReloadSD = Перечитать SD карту
RenameGameonWBFS = Переименовать игры в WBFS
Restart = Перезапустить
Return = Вернуться
ReturntoWii = Вернуться в меню Wii
Right = Направо
Rumble = Вибрация
QuickBoot = Быстрая загрузка
Save = Сохранить
SaveFailed = Сохранение не удалось
Specialthanksto = Отдельные благодарности
For = за
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = выпуск и публикацию исходного кода
secondsleft = секунд осталось
SelectthePartition = Выберите раздел,
youwanttoformat = который вы хотите отформатировать
settings = Установки
Setasbackgroundmusic = установить как фоновую музыку
Standard = Стандартный
ShutdowntoIdle = Перевести в режим сна
ShutdownSystem = Выключить систему
Success = Успех:
Successfullyinstalled = Успешно установлено:
Successfullyupdated = Успешно обновлено
Successfullydeleted = Успешно удалено:
SuccessfullySaved = Успешно сохранено
SystemDefault = По умолчанию
ThemePath = Путь к темам
ThemepathChanged = путь к темам изменён
Themepathchange = изменить путь к темам
Titlestxtpath = путь к titles.txt
Titlestxtpathchange = изменить путь к titles.txt
TitlestxtpathChanged = путь к titles.txt изменён
Try = Попытка
Tooltips = Подсказки
Timeleft = Осталось времени:
Unlock = Разблокировать
Uninstall = Деинсталлировать
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX заблокирован
USBDevicenotfound = USB устройство не найдено
updating = обновляю
Updatepath = Путь к обновлениям
Updatepathchanged = Путь к обновлениям изменен
Updatefailed = Обновление не удалось
Updatedol = Обновить DOL
Updateall = Обновить всё
VideoMode = Видео режим
VIDTVPatch = патч VIDTV
Volume = Громкость
Waiting = Ожидание...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Ожидание USB устройства
WidescreenFix = Широкоформатный фикс
WiiMenu = Меню Wii
Wiilight = подсветка Wii
WrongPassword = Неверный пароль
Yes = Да
YoudonthavecIOS = У вас не установлен cIOS222
Japanese = Японский
German = Немецкий
English = Английский
French = Французский
Spanish = Испанский
Italian = Итальянский
Dutch = Голландский
SChinese = Упрощенный китайский
TChinese = Традиционный китайский
Korean = Корейский
Russian = Русский
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr "3D Обложки"
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "Все функции USB Loader GX разблокированы."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Язык приложения"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Вы уверены ?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr ""
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "Авто Патч"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Назад"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "Вернуться в HBC или меню Wii"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "Вернуться в загрузчик"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Вернуться в меню Wii"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr "Фоновая музыка"
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr "Путь к фоновой музыке"
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "Загрузка/Стандарт"
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Оба"
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "Невозможно отформатировать"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "Не могу создать папку"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "Невозможно удалить:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Отмена"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr ""
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "Нажми, чтобы скачать обложки"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Часы"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Закрыть"
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "По умолчанию (консоль)"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "Консоль заблокирована"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "Для изменения консоль должна быть разблокирована."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "Продолжить установку игры ?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "Правильный пароль"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "Не могу запустить модуль DIP!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "Не могу инициализировать сеть!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "Не могу прочесть диск"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "Скачать обложку"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "Путь к обложкам"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "Путь к обложкам был изменен."
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Об авторах"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dec"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "Установки по умолчанию"
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "По умолчанию (диск)"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "Изображения дисков"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "путь к изображениям дисков"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "путь к изображениям дисков изменен"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "изменить путь к изображениям дисков"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Отображать"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "Вы хотите удалить:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "Вы хотите отформатировать:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "Хотите попробовать еще раз на 30 секунд?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "Скачать обложку диска?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "Скачивание завершено"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "Скачиваю файл:"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Голландский"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Английский"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "Ошибка !"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "Ошибка чтения диска"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "Выйти из USB Loader GX?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "Форматирование не удалось"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
msgid "File not found."
msgstr "Файл не найден"
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "Flip-X"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Принудительно"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Форматировать"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "Форматирую, пожалуйста подождите..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "Свободное пространство"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Французский"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "Полное отключение"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "ID игры"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "Язык"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "Регион"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "Размер игры"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "Игра уже установлена:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Игры"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Немецкий"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr "Домашнее Меню"
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "час"
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr "Вы хотите обновить программу"
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "Способ отключения?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "Инициализирую сеть"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "Вставьте диск"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "Для скачивания изображений вставьте SD карту."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "Для сохранения вставьте SD карту."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr "Для использования этой функции нужна SD карта"
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "Ошибка установки!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "Установить игру"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "Устанавливаю игру:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Итальянский"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Японский"
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Корейский"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Налево"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "как SysMenu"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr "Загрузка языка по умолчанию"
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr "Загрузка стандартной музыки"
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "Заблокировать консоль"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "Отсутствующие файлы"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Громкость"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "Ни то, ни другое"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Ошибка инициализации сети"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Следующий"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Нет"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "SD карта не вставлена!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "Нет USB устройств"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "USB устройств не обнаружено"
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "Не найден раздел WBFS"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "Файл не найден!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr "Нет обновлений"
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "Разделы не найдены"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Обычный"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "Обычные обложки"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Это не диск Wii"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "Не хватает свободного места!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr "Формат не поддерживается"
msgid "Nov"
msgstr ""
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "ВЫКЛ"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "ВКЛ"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr ""
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "Официальный сайт"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr "Только установка"
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "Родительский контроль"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Раздел"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Пароль"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Пароль изменен"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "Пароль был изменен"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr "изменить путь к titles.txt"
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr "путь к titles.txt изменён"
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr "Воспроизводится"
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Выключить Wii"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Предыдущий"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "Кнопки приглашения"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "Быстрая загрузка"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "Перечитать SD карту"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "Переименовать игры в WBFS"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Перезапустить"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Вернуться"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Направо"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Вибрация"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "Упрощенный китайский"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Сохранить"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "Сохранение не удалось"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr "установить как фоновую музыку"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Установки"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "Выключить систему"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "Перевести в режим сна"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Испанский"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Отдельные благодарности"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Стандартный"
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "Успех:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "Успешно сохранено"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr "Успешно обновлено"
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "Успешно удалено:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "Успешно установлено:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "По умолчанию"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "Традиционный китайский"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "Путь к темам"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "путь к темам изменён"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "изменить путь к темам"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "Осталось времени:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "Подсказки"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "USB устройство не найдено"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX заблокирован"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Деинсталлировать"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update All"
msgstr "Обновить всё"
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr "Обновить DOL"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Обновление не удалось"
msgid "Update to"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr "Путь к обновлениям"
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr "Путь к обновлениям изменен"
msgid "Updating"
msgstr "обновляю"
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "патч VIDTV"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "Видео режим"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "Ожидание USB устройства"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Ожидание..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "Широкоформатный фикс"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Меню Wii"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr "подсветка Wii"
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Неверный пароль"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Да"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "Требуется форматирование раздела"
msgid "available"
msgstr ""
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "осталось файлов:"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "файлы не найдены на сервере!"
msgid "for"
msgstr "за"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr ""
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr ""
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "выпуск и публикацию исходного кода"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "форматирование завершено!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "свободно"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "не установлено"
msgid "of"
msgstr "из"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "секунд осталось"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr "путь к titles.txt"
#~ msgid "Favorite"
#~ msgstr "Добавить в избранное"
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "Сменить путь к обложкам"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Вставьте диск от Wii!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "Ошибка загрузки:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "Ошибка при монтировании SD карты"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "Ошибка инициализации USB:"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Назад"
#~ msgid "Language change"
#~ msgstr "Сменить язык"
#~ msgid "Sort Game List"
#~ msgstr "Сортировка списка"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "загружаю с cIOS249"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "HDD не найден!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "Сменить пароль"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "Выберите раздел,"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "который вы хотите отформатировать"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "Попытка"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "У вас не установлен cIOS222"
@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
Specialthanksto = 特别感谢
t3Coverst = 3D 封面
AppLanguage = 语言设定
Areyousure = 确定?
AutoPatch = 自动选择
Back = 返回
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = 返回 HBC 或 Wii 系统菜单
BacktoLoader = 返回 Loader
BacktoWiiMenu = 返回 Wii 系统菜单
BootStandard = 启动/标准
BothBoth = 全部
Cantcreatedirectory = 无法建立目录
Cancel = 取消
Cantbeformated = 无法格式化
Cantdelete = 无法删除:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = 点击下载封面
Clock = 时钟
Continueinstallgame = 继续安装游戏?
ConsoleDefault = 主机默认
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = 需解锁以开启设定功能.
ConsoleLocked = 主机锁定
CorrectPassword = 密码正确
Couldnotinitializenetwork = 无法启动网络!
CouldnotopenDisc = 无法开启光盘
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = 无法启动 DIP 模块!
CoverDownload = 下载封面
CoverPath = 封面存放路径
CoverpathChanged = 封面路径已变更
Coverpathchange = 变更封面存放路径
Credits = Credits
DiscImages = DVD封面
DiscimagePath = 菜单封面存放路径
DiscpathChanged = DVD封面路径已变更
Discpathchange = 变更DVD封面存放路径
DiscDefault = 游戏默认
Display = 显示
Doyouwanttoformat = 是否格式化:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = 确定删除:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 是否等待30秒重试?
Downloadingfile = 下载文件:
DownloadBoxartimage = 下载封面图片?
Downloadfinished = 下载完成
Error = 错误 !
ErrorreadingDisc = 读取光盘错误
ExitUSBISOLoader = 离开 USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = 正在启动网络
InsertDisk = 插入光盘
InsertaWiiDisc = 插入 Wii 光盘!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = 插入 SD 卡下载封面.
InsertaSDCardtosave = 插入SD卡保存.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = USB Loader GX 功能已解锁.
Installerror = 安装错误!
Installagame = 安装游戏
Installinggame = 正在安装游戏:
Failedtoboot = 无法启动:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = 挂载前端 SD 卡失败
FailedtosetUSB = 无法设定 USB:
Failedformating = 格式化失败
filesnotfoundontheserver = 服务器中无此文件!
filesleft = 剩余文件
FlipX = 按键规则
Force = 强制
Youneedtoformatapartition = 必须格式化一个分区
Format = 格式化
Formattingpleasewait = 格式化中, 请稍候...
formated = 完成格式化!
free = 剩余
FreeSpace = 剩余空间
FullShutdown = 完全关机
GameID = 游戏ID
Games = 游戏
Gameisalreadyinstalled = 已安装过游戏:
GameRegion = 区域
GameSize = 游戏容量
GoBack = 返回
GotoPage = 前往页面
HowtoShutdown = 如何关机?
Language = 语言
Langchange = 变更语言
Left = 左
LikeSysMenu = 同系统选单
LoadingincIOS = 以 cIOS249 载入
Lock = 锁定
LockConsole = 锁定控制台
MP3Menu = MP3 选单
Missingfiles = 缺少的文件
Networkiniterror = 网络启动错误
Neither = 全不
Next = 往后
No = 否
Nofilemissing = 没有缺少的文件!
NoHDDfound = 找不到硬盘!
NoSDcardinserted = 未插入 SD 卡!
Nopartitionsfound = 找不到分区
NoUSBDevice = 没有 USB 设备
NoWBFSpartitionfound = 找不到 WBFS 分区
NormalCovers = 一般封面
Normal = 一般
NotaWiiDisc = 不是 Wii 的光盘
NoUSBDevicefound = 找不到 USB 设备.
Notenoughfreespace = 剩余空间不足!
notset = 未设定
of = 的
OFF = 关闭
OfficialSite = 官方网址
ok = 确定
ON = 开启
Parentalcontrol = 家长控制
Partition = 分区
Password = 密码
PasswordChanged = 密码已变更
Passwordhasbeenchanged = 密码已被变更
Passwordchange = 变更密码
PowerofftheWii = 关闭Wii主机
Prev = 往前
PromptsButtons = 显示校正
ReloadSD = 重新载入SD卡
RenameGameonWBFS = 改变WBFS(硬盘)上的游戏名称
Restart = 重新启动
Return = 返回
ReturntoWii = 返回Wii系统菜单
Right = 右
Rumble = 震动
QuickBoot = 快速启动
Save = 保存
SaveFailed = 保存失败
Specialthanksto = 特别感谢
For = 的
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = 放出原代码
secondsleft = 剩余秒数
SelectthePartition = 选择分区
youwanttoformat = 是否格式化
settings = 设置
ShutdowntoIdle = 进入待机状态
ShutdownSystem = 关闭系统
Success = 成功:
Successfullyinstalled = 成功的安装:
Successfullydeleted = 成功的删除:
SuccessfullySaved = 保存成功
SystemDefault = 系统默认
ThemePath = 主题存放路径
ThemepathChanged = 主题路径已变更
Themepathchange = 变更主题存放路径
Try = 尝试
Tooltips = 工具提示
Timeleft = 剩余时间:
Unlock = 解锁
Uninstall = 删除
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX 被锁定
USBDevicenotfound = 找不到 USB 设备
VideoMode = 视频制式
Volume = 音量
Waiting = 等待中...
WaitingforUSBDevice = 等待 USB 设备
WidescreenFix = 宽屏校正
WiiMenu = Wii 系统菜单
WrongPassword = 密码错误
Yes = 是
YoudonthavecIOS = 未安装 cIOS222
Japanese = 日文
German = 德文
English = 英文
French = 法文
Spanish = 西班牙文
Italian = 意大利文
Dutch = 荷文
SChinese = 简体中文
TChinese = 繁体中文
Korean = 韩文
keyboard = 键盘
Filenotfound = 找不到文件
Loadingstandardlanguage = 载入标准语言
Titlestxtpath = Titles.txt 存放路径
TitlestxtpathChanged = titles.txt 路径已变更
Titlestxtpathchange = 变更 titles.txt 存放路径
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr ""
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "USB Loader GX 功能已解锁."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "语言设定"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "确定?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr ""
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "自动选择"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "返回"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "返回 HBC 或 Wii 系统菜单"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "返回 Loader"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "返回 Wii 系统菜单"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr ""
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "启动/标准"
msgid "Both"
msgstr ""
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "无法格式化"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "无法建立目录"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "无法删除:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "取消"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr ""
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "点击下载封面"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "时钟"
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "主机默认"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "主机锁定"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "需解锁以开启设定功能."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "继续安装游戏?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "密码正确"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "无法启动 DIP 模块!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "无法启动网络!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "无法开启光盘"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "下载封面"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "封面存放路径"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "封面路径已变更"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Credits"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dec"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "游戏默认"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "DVD封面"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "菜单封面存放路径"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "DVD封面路径已变更"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "变更DVD封面存放路径"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "显示"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "确定删除:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "是否格式化:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "是否等待30秒重试?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "下载封面图片?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "下载完成"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "下载文件:"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "荷文"
msgid "English"
msgstr "英文"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "错误 !"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "读取光盘错误"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "离开 USB Loader GX?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "格式化失败"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
msgid "File not found."
msgstr "找不到文件"
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "按键规则"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "强制"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "格式化"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "格式化中, 请稍候..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "剩余空间"
msgid "French"
msgstr "法文"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "完全关机"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "游戏ID"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "语言"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "区域"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "游戏容量"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "已安装过游戏:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "游戏"
msgid "German"
msgstr "德文"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hour"
msgstr ""
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr ""
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "如何关机?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "正在启动网络"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "插入光盘"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "插入 SD 卡下载封面."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "插入SD卡保存."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "安装错误!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "安装游戏"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "正在安装游戏:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "意大利文"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "日文"
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "韩文"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Left"
msgstr "左"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "同系统选单"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr "载入标准语言"
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr ""
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "锁定控制台"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "缺少的文件"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "音量"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "全不"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "网络启动错误"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "往后"
msgid "No"
msgstr "否"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "未插入 SD 卡!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "没有 USB 设备"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "找不到 USB 设备."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "找不到 WBFS 分区"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "没有缺少的文件!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr ""
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "找不到分区"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "一般"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "一般封面"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "不是 Wii 的光盘"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "剩余空间不足!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nov"
msgstr ""
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "关闭"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "确定"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "开启"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr ""
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "官方网址"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr ""
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "家长控制"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "分区"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "密码"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "密码已变更"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "密码已被变更"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr "变更 titles.txt 存放路径"
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr "titles.txt 路径已变更"
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr ""
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "关闭Wii主机"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "往前"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "显示校正"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "快速启动"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "重新载入SD卡"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "改变WBFS(硬盘)上的游戏名称"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "重新启动"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Return"
msgstr "返回"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr "右"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "震动"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "简体中文"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save"
msgstr "保存"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "保存失败"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "设置"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "关闭系统"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "进入待机状态"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "西班牙文"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "特别感谢"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "成功:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "保存成功"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr ""
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "成功的删除:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "成功的安装:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "系统默认"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "繁体中文"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "主题存放路径"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "主题路径已变更"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "变更主题存放路径"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "剩余时间:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "工具提示"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "找不到 USB 设备"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX 被锁定"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "删除"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update All"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update to"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Updating"
msgstr ""
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "VIDTV 修改"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "视频制式"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "等待 USB 设备"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "等待中..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "宽屏校正"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii 系统菜单"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "密码错误"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "是"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "必须格式化一个分区"
msgid "available"
msgstr ""
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "剩余文件"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "服务器中无此文件!"
msgid "for"
msgstr "的"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr ""
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr ""
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "放出原代码"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "完成格式化!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "剩余"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "未设定"
msgid "of"
msgstr "的"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "剩余秒数"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr "Titles.txt 存放路径"
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "变更封面存放路径"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "启动错误"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "插入 Wii 光盘!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "无法启动:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "挂载前端 SD 卡失败"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "无法设定 USB:"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "返回"
#~ msgid "Language change"
#~ msgstr "变更语言"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "以 cIOS249 载入"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "找不到硬盘!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "变更密码"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "选择分区"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "是否格式化"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "尝试"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "未安装 cIOS222"
@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
ok = OK
addToFavorite = Favoritos
all = Alfabético
AppLanguage = Idioma Aplic.
Alternatedol = Dol Alternat.
t3Covers = Carátulas 3D
Areyousure = ¿Estás seguro?
available = disponible
AutoPatch = Auto-Parchar
Adultsonly = 4 (Sólo Adultos 18+)
awesometool = por su increible app
Back = Volver
Backgroundmusic = Música de fondo
Backgroundmusicpath = Ruta a Música cambiada
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Volver a HBC o Menú Wii
BacktoLoader = Volver al HBC
BacktoWiiMenu = Volver a Menú Wii
BootStandard = Inicio/Estándar
Both = Ambos
Cantcreatedirectory = No se creó directorio
Cancel = Cancelar
Cantbeformated = No se pudo formatear
CheckingforUpdates = Verificando Actualizaciones
Cantdelete = No se eliminó:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Click para bajar Carátulas
Child = 1 (Niños 7+)
Clock = Reloj
Close = Cerrar
Continueinstallgame = ¿Continuar instalando juego?
Console = Consola
ConsoleDefault = Pred. Consola
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Debes desbloquear la consola para modificar.
ConsoleLocked = Consola Bloqueada
Controllevel = Control de Nivel
CorrectPassword = Contraseña Correcta
Couldnotinitializenetwork = ¡No se pudo iniciar la Conexión!
CouldnotopenDisc = No se puede abrir Disco
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = ¡No se pudo iniciar módulo DIP!
CoverDownload = Descarga de Carátulas
CoverPath = Ruta Carátulas
CoverpathChanged = Ruta de Carátulas cambiada
Coverpathchange = Cambio ruta Carátulas
DolPath = Ruta Dol
DolpathChanged = Ruta de Dol cambiada
Dolpathchange = Cambio ruta Dol
Cheatcodespathchanged = Ruta de Códigos de Trampas cambiada
Cheatcodespath = Ruta Cód. Trampas
count = Jugado
Credits = Créditos
Custompaths = Personalizar Rutas
DiscImages = Imágen Discos
DiscimagePath = Ruta Img. Disco
DiscpathChanged = Ruta Img. Disco cambiada
Discpathchange = Cambio ruta Img. Disco
DiscDefault = Pred. Disco
Display = Mostrar
Doyouwanttoformat = Quieres formatear:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = ¿Realmente quieres borrar?:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = ¿Quieres reintentar por 30 segs.?
Doyouwanttoupdate = ¿Cómo quieres actualizar?
Doyouwanttochangelanguage = ¿Quieres cambiar idioma?
Downloadingfile = Descargando archivo
DownloadBoxartimage = ¿Descargar Imágenes?
Downloadfinished = Descarga completa
Defaultgamesettings = Conf. Pred. Juegos
Defaultsettings = Configuración Pred.
Default = Predet.
diversepatches = por diversos parches
Error = ¡Error!
Error002fix = Arreglo Error 002
hour = Horas
Homemenu = Menú HOME
ErrorreadingDisc = Error leyendo Disco
ExitUSBISOLoader = ¿Salir de USB Loader GX?
Everyone = 0 (Todos)
InitializingNetwork = Iniciando Conexión
InsertDisk = Inserta el Disco
InsertaWiiDisc = ¡Inserta un Disco Wii!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Insertar SD para bajar imágenes.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Insertar SD para guardar.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Insertar SD para usar esta opción
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Todas las características del USB Loader GX desbloqueadas.
Installerror = ¡Error de Instalación!
Installagame = Instalar un juego
Installinggame = Instalando juego:
Failedtoboot = Fallo al iniciar:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Fallo al montar SD
FailedtosetUSB = Fallo al iniciar USB:
Failedformating = Fallo al formatear
fave = Favoritos
filesnotfoundontheserver = archivo(s) no encontrado(s) en el servidor.
Filenotfound = Archivo no encontrado.
filesleft = archivo(s) restante(s)
FlipX = Desplazamiento X
Force = Forzar
Youneedtoformatapartition = Necesitas formatear una partición
Format = Formateo
Keyboard = Teclado
Formattingpleasewait = Formateando, por favor espera...
formated = ¡formateado!
Forhostingcovers = por alojar las caraturas/img.discos
Forhostingupdatefiles = por alojar las actualizaciones
free = libres
FreeSpace = Espacio Libre
FullShutdown = Apagado Total
GameID = ID de Juego
Games = Juegos
Gameisalreadyinstalled = El juego ya estaba instalado:
GameRegion = Región
GameSize = Tamaño del Juego
GoBack = Volver
GUISettings = Configuración de GUI
Gameload = Carga de Juegos
HowtoShutdown = ¿Cómo Apagar?
Language = Idioma
Languagepathchanged = Ruta de idioma cambiada.
Left = Izquierda
LikeSysMenu = Como Menú Sist.
LoadingincIOS = Cargando en cIOS249
ListSort = Ordenar juegos
Loadingstandardlanguage = Cargando idioma estándar.
Loadingstandardmusic = Cargando música estándar.
Locked = Bloqueada
LockConsole = Bloquear consola
Patchcountrystrings = Parche Frases de País
Missingfiles = Archivo(s) faltante(s)
Mature = 3 (Maduro 16+)
Networkiniterror = Error inicio conexión
Neither = Ninguno
Next = Siguiente
Nonewupdates = No hay actualizaciones.
No = No
Nofilemissing = ¡No faltan archivos!
NoHDDfound = ¡HDD no encontrado!
NoSDcardinserted = ¡SD no insertada!
Nopartitionsfound = Particiones no encontradas
NoUSBDevice = USB no encontrado
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Partición WBFS no encontrada
NormalCovers = Carátulas Norm.
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = No es un Disco Wii
NoUSBDevicefound = USB no encontrado.
Notenoughfreespace = ¡No hay suficiente espacio libre!
Notasupportedformat = Formato no soportado.
notset = no puesto
of = de
OFF = Apagado
OfficialSite = Sitio Oficial
ON = Encendido
OnlyInstall = Sólo para instalación
Onlinefix = Arreglo EnLinea
Parentalcontrol = Control Parental
Partition = Partición
Password = Contraseña
PasswordChanged = Contraseña cambiada
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Contraseña ha sido cambiada
Passwordchange = Cambio Contraseña
Plays = Jugado
PowerofftheWii = Apagar la Wii
Prev = Ant.
PromptsButtons = Botones
ReloadSD = Recargar SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Renombrar juego en WBFS
Restart = Reiniciar
Restarting = Reiniciando...
Return = Volver
released = lanzado
ReturntoWii = Volver a Menú Wii
Right = Derecha
Rumble = Vibración
QuickBoot = Inicio Rápido
Save = Guardar
SaveFailed = Fallo al guardar
Specialthanksto = Agradecimientos a:
For = por
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = por el código del USB Loader
secondsleft = segundos restantes
Setasbackgroundmusic = ¿Poner como música de fondo?
SelectthePartition = Selecciona la partición
youwanttoformat = ¿quieres formatear?
Standard = Estándar
settings = Configuración
Sound = Sonido
ShutdowntoIdle = Apagar a Idle
ShutdownSystem = Apagar Sistema
Success = Conseguido:
Successfullyinstalled = Instalado correctamente:
Successfullyupdated = Actualización correcta
Successfullydeleted = Borrado correctamente:
SuccessfullySaved = Guardado correctamente
SystemDefault = Pred. Sistema
Teen = 2 (Adolescente 12+)
Thanksto = Muchas gracias a:
ThemePath = Ruta del Tema
ThemepathChanged = Ruta de Tema cambiada
Themepathchange = Cambio Ruta de Tema
Titlestxtpath = Ruta Titles.txt
Titlestxtpathchange = Cambio ruta titles.txt
TitlestxtpathChanged = Ruta a titles.txt cambiada.
Try = Intentar
Tooltips = InfoBurbujas
Timeleft = T. rest.:
updating = Actualizando
Unlocked = Desbloqueada
UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Desbloquea la consola para usar esta opción.
Uninstall = Desinstalar
Updatepath = Ruta Actualización
Updatepathchanged = Ruta Actualización cambiada.
Updatefailed = Fallo en la Actualización
Updatedol = Actualizar DOL
Updateall = Actualizar Todo
Updateto = Actualizando a
Update = Actualizar
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX está protegido
USBDevicenotfound = USB no encontrado
VideoMode = Modo Video
VIDTVPatch = Parche VIDTV
Volume = Volumen Música
SFXVolume = Volumen SFX
Waiting = Esperando...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Esperando al Dispositivo USB
WidescreenFix = Ajuste panorámico
WiiMenu = Menú de Wii
Wiilight = Luz lector
WrongPassword = Contraseña incorrecta
Yes = Sí
YoudonthavecIOS = No tienes un cIOS222
Japanese = Japonés
German = Alemán
English = Inglés
French = Francés
Spanish = Español
Italian = Italiano
Dutch = Holandés
SChinese = Chino Simplif.
TChinese = Chino Tradic.
Korean = Coreano
january = Ene
february = Feb
march = Mar
april = Abr
may = May
june = Jun
july = Jul
august = Ago
september = Sept
october = Oct
november = Nov
december = Dic
developedby = Desarrollado por
publishedby = Publicado por
wififeatures = Caract. WiFi
XMLTitles = Títulos XML
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr "0 (Todos)"
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr "1 (Niños 7+)"
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr "2 (Adolescente 12+)"
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr "3 (Maduro 16+)"
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr "Carátulas 3D"
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr "4 (Sólo Adultos 18+)"
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "Todas las características del USB Loader GX desbloqueadas."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr "Dol Alternat."
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Idioma Aplic."
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Abr"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "¿Estás seguro?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Ago"
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "Auto-Parchar"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Volver"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "Volver a HBC o Menú Wii"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "Volver al HBC"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Volver a Menú Wii"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr "Música de fondo"
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr "Ruta a Música cambiada"
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr "Muchas gracias a:"
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "Inicio/Estándar"
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Ambos"
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "No se pudo formatear"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "No se creó directorio"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "No se eliminó:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr "Ruta Cód. Trampas"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr "Ruta de Códigos de Trampas cambiada"
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr "Verificando Actualizaciones"
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "Click para bajar Carátulas"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Reloj"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Cerrar"
msgid "Console"
msgstr "Consola"
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "Pred. Consola"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "Consola Bloqueada"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "Debes desbloquear la consola para modificar."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "¿Continuar instalando juego?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr "Control de Nivel"
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "Contraseña Correcta"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "¡No se pudo iniciar módulo DIP!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "¡No se pudo iniciar la Conexión!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "No se puede abrir Disco"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "Descarga de Carátulas"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "Ruta Carátulas"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "Ruta de Carátulas cambiada"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Créditos"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr "Personalizar Rutas"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Dic"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predet."
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr "Conf. Pred. Juegos"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "Configuración Pred."
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr "Desarrollado por"
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "Pred. Disco"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "Imágen Discos"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "Ruta Img. Disco"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "Ruta Img. Disco cambiada"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "Cambio ruta Img. Disco"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Mostrar"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "¿Realmente quieres borrar?:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr "¿Quieres cambiar idioma?"
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "Quieres formatear:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "¿Quieres reintentar por 30 segs.?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr "Ruta Dol"
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr "Ruta de Dol cambiada"
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr "Cambio ruta Dol"
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "¿Descargar Imágenes?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "Descarga completa"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "Descargando archivo"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Holandés"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Inglés"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "¡Error!"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr "Arreglo Error 002"
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "Error leyendo Disco"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "¿Salir de USB Loader GX?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "Fallo al formatear"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb"
msgid "File not found."
msgstr "Archivo no encontrado."
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "Desplazamiento X"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Forzar"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formateo"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "Formateando, por favor espera..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "Espacio Libre"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Francés"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "Apagado Total"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr "Configuración de GUI"
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "ID de Juego"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "Idioma"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr "Carga de Juegos"
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "Región"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "Tamaño del Juego"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "El juego ya estaba instalado:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Juegos"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Alemán"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr "Menú HOME"
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Horas"
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr "¿Cómo quieres actualizar?"
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "¿Cómo Apagar?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "Iniciando Conexión"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "Inserta el Disco"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "Insertar SD para bajar imágenes."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "Insertar SD para guardar."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr "Insertar SD para usar esta opción"
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "¡Error de Instalación!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "Instalar un juego"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "Instalando juego:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italiano"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Ene"
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japonés"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Jul"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Jun"
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Teclado"
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Coreano"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr "Ruta de idioma cambiada."
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Izquierda"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Como Menú Sist."
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr "Cargando idioma estándar."
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr "Cargando música estándar."
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "Bloquear consola"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Bloqueada"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"
msgid "May"
msgstr "May"
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "Archivo(s) faltante(s)"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Volumen Música"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "Ninguno"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Error inicio conexión"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Siguiente"
msgid "No"
msgstr "No"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "¡SD no insertada!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "USB no encontrado"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "USB no encontrado."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "Partición WBFS no encontrada"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "¡No faltan archivos!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr "No hay actualizaciones."
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "Particiones no encontradas"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "Carátulas Norm."
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "No es un Disco Wii"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "¡No hay suficiente espacio libre!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr "Formato no soportado."
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "Apagado"
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
msgid "ON"
msgstr "Encendido"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Oct"
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "Sitio Oficial"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr "Sólo para instalación"
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "Control Parental"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Partición"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contraseña"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Contraseña cambiada"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "Contraseña ha sido cambiada"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr "Parche Frases de País"
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr "Cambio ruta titles.txt"
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr "Ruta a titles.txt cambiada."
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr "Jugado"
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Apagar la Wii"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Ant."
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "Botones"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr "Publicado por"
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "Inicio Rápido"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "Recargar SD"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "Renombrar juego en WBFS"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Reiniciar"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr "Reiniciando..."
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Volver"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Derecha"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Vibración"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "Chino Simplif."
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr "Volumen SFX"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Guardar"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "Fallo al guardar"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr "Sept"
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr "¿Poner como música de fondo?"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configuración"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "Apagar Sistema"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "Apagar a Idle"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Sonido"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Español"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Agradecimientos a:"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Estándar"
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "Conseguido:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "Guardado correctamente"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr "Actualización correcta"
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "Borrado correctamente:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "Instalado correctamente:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "Pred. Sistema"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "Chino Tradic."
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "Ruta del Tema"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "Ruta de Tema cambiada"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "Cambio Ruta de Tema"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "T. rest.:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr "Títulos XML"
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "InfoBurbujas"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "USB no encontrado"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX está protegido"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Desinstalar"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr "Desbloquea la consola para usar esta opción."
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr "Desbloqueada"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Actualizar"
msgid "Update All"
msgstr "Actualizar Todo"
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr "Actualizar DOL"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Fallo en la Actualización"
msgid "Update to"
msgstr "Actualizando a"
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr "Ruta Actualización"
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr "Ruta Actualización cambiada."
msgid "Updating"
msgstr "Actualizando"
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "Parche VIDTV"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "Modo Video"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "Esperando al Dispositivo USB"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Esperando..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr "Caract. WiFi"
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "Ajuste panorámico"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Menú de Wii"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr "Luz lector"
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Contraseña incorrecta"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Sí"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "Necesitas formatear una partición"
msgid "available"
msgstr "disponible"
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "archivo(s) restante(s)"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "archivo(s) no encontrado(s) en el servidor."
msgid "for"
msgstr "por"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr "por diversos parches"
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr "por su increible app"
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr "por alojar las caraturas/img.discos"
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr "por alojar las actualizaciones"
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "por el código del USB Loader"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "¡formateado!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "libres"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "no puesto"
msgid "of"
msgstr "de"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "segundos restantes"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr "Ruta Titles.txt"
#~ msgid "Favorite"
#~ msgstr "Favoritos"
#~ msgid "Alphabetical"
#~ msgstr "Alfabético"
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "Cambio ruta Carátulas"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "ERROR DE INICIO"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "¡Inserta un Disco Wii!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "Fallo al iniciar:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "Fallo al montar SD"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "Fallo al iniciar USB:"
#~ msgid "Favorites"
#~ msgstr "Favoritos"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Volver"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "Cargando en cIOS249"
#~ msgid "Sort Game List"
#~ msgstr "Ordenar juegos"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "¡HDD no encontrado!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "Cambio Contraseña"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona la partición"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "¿quieres formatear?"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "Intentar"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "No tienes un cIOS222"
@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
Specialthanksto = Speciella tack till
t3Covers = 3D-Omslag
AppLanguage = Programspråk
Areyousure = Är du säker?
AutoPatch = AutoPatch
Back = Tillbaka
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Tillbaka till HBC eller Wii-Menyn
BacktoLoader = Tillbaka till loader
BacktoWiiMenu = Tillbaka till Wii-menyn
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
BothBoth = Båda
Cantcreatedirectory = Kan inte skapa mapp
Cancel = Ångra
Cantbeformated = Kan inte formateras
Cantdelete = Kan ej radera:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klicka för att ladda ner omslag
Clock = Klocka
Continueinstallgame = Fortsätt installera spel?
ConsoleDefault = Konsolens inställning
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Konsolen måste vara upplåst för att kunna ändra det.
ConsoleLocked = Konsol låst
CorrectPassword = Rätt lösenord
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Kunde inte starta nätverket!
CouldnotopenDisc = Kunde inte öppna skivan
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Kunde inte starta "DIP-module"!
CoverDownload = Omslagsnedladdning
CoverPath = Omslagsmapp
CoverpathChanged = Omslagsmapp ändrad
Coverpathchange = Ändra Omslagsmapp
Credits = Credits
DiscImages = Skivbilder
DiscimagePath = Skivbildsmapp
DiscpathChanged = Skivbildsmapp ändrad
Discpathchange = Ändra skivbildsmapp
DiscDefault = Skivans inställning
Display = Visning
Doyouwanttoformat = Vill du formatera:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Vill du verkligen radera:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Vill du försöka igen i 30 sekunder?
Downloadingfile = Laddar ned fil:
DownloadBoxartimage = Ladda ner omslagsbild?
Downloadfinished = Nedladdning klar
Error = Fel!
ErrorreadingDisc = Fel vid läsning av skiva
ExitUSBISOLoader = Avsluta USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Startar nätverk
InsertDisk = Sätt i en skiva
InsertaWiiDisc = Sätt i en Wii-skiva!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = sätt i ett SD-kort för att ladda ner bilder.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Sätt i ett SD-kort för att spara.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Alla funktioner i USB Loader GX är upplåsta.
Installerror = Fel vid installering!
Installagame = Installera ett spel
Installinggame = Installerar spel:
Failedtoboot = Misslyckades att starta:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Misslyckades att hitta SD-kort
FailedtosetUSB = USB-enheten kunde inte registreras:
Failedformating = Formatering misslyckad
filesnotfoundontheserver = Filerna hittades inte på servern!
filesleft = filer kvar
FlipX = Vänd-X
Force = Tvinga
Youneedtoformatapartition = Du behöver formatera en partition
Format = Formatera
Formattingpleasewait = Formaterar, Vänta...
formated = formaterad!
free = ledigt
FreeSpace = Ledigt utrymme
FullShutdown = Stäng av helt
GameID = Spel-ID
Games = Spel
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Spelet är redan installerat:
GameRegion = Region
GameSize = Spelstorlek
GoBack = Gå tillbaka
//GotoPage = Gå till sida
HowtoShutdown = Hur vill du stänga av?
Language = Språk
Langchange = Ändra språk
Left = Vänster
LikeSysMenu = Som System-menyn
LoadingincIOS = Laddar i cIOS249
Lock = Lås
LockConsole = Lås konsol
MP3Menu = MP3-Meny
Missingfiles = Filer som saknas
Networkiniterror = Fel vid nätverksstart
Neither = Inget
Next = Nästa
No = Nej
Nofilemissing = Inga filer saknas!
NoHDDfound = Ingen hårddisk hittad!
NoSDcardinserted = Inget SD-kort insatt!
Nopartitionsfound = Hittade ingen partition
NoUSBDevice = Ingen USB-enhet
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Ingen WBFS-partition hittad
NormalCovers = Vanliga omslag
Normal = Vanlig
NotaWiiDisc = Inte en Wii-skiva
NoUSBDevicefound = Ingen USB-enhet hittad.
Notenoughfreespace = Ej tillräckligt med ledigt utrymme!
notset = Inget satt
of = av
OfficialSite = Officiell Sida
ok = OK
Parentalcontrol = Föräldrakontroll
Partition = Partition
Password = Lösenord
PasswordChanged = Lösenordet ändrat
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Lösenordet har ändrats
Passwordchange = Ändra lösenord
PowerofftheWii = Stäng av Wii
Prev = Förra
PromptsButtons = Dialogknappar
ReloadSD = Ladda om SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Döp om spel på WBFS
Restart = Starta om
Return = Återvänd
ReturntoWii = Återvänd till Wii-menyn
Right = Höger
Rumble = Vibration
QuickBoot = Snabb start
Save = Spara
SaveFailed = Sparning misslyckad
Specialthanksto = Speciella tack till
For = för
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = och släppet av källkoden
secondsleft = sekunder kvar
SelectthePartition = Bestäm partition
youwanttoformat = du vill formatera
settings = Inställningar
ShutdowntoIdle = Stäng av
ShutdownSystem = Stäng av helt
Success = Lyckat:
Successfullyinstalled = Lyckad installation av:
Successfullydeleted = Lyckad radering av:
SuccessfullySaved = Lyckad sparning
SystemDefault = Systemets Standard
ThemePath = Tema-mapp
ThemepathChanged = Tema-mapp ändrad
Themepathchange = Byt Tema-mapp
Try = Försök
Tooltips = Verktygstips
Timeleft = Tid kvar:
Unlock = Lås upp
Uninstall = Avinstallera
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX är skyddad
USBDevicenotfound = USB-enhet ej hittad
VideoMode = Video-läge
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV-Patch
Volume = Volym
Waiting = Väntar...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Väntar på USB-enhet
WidescreenFix = Bredbild 16/9 Fix
WiiMenu = Wii-meny
WrongPassword = Fel Lösenord
Yes = Ja
YoudonthavecIOS = Du har inte cIOS222
Japanese = Japanska
German = Tyska
English = Engelska
French = Franska
Spanish = Spanska
Italian = Italienska
Dutch = Nederländska
SChinese = SKinesiska
TChinese = TKinesiska
Korean = Koreanska
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr "3D-Omslag"
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "Alla funktioner i USB Loader GX är upplåsta."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Programspråk"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Är du säker?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr ""
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "AutoPatch"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Tillbaka"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "Tillbaka till HBC eller Wii-Menyn"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "Tillbaka till loader"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Tillbaka till Wii-menyn"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr ""
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "Boot/Standard"
msgid "Both"
msgstr ""
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "Kan inte formateras"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "Kan inte skapa mapp"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "Kan ej radera:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Ångra"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr ""
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "Klicka för att ladda ner omslag"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Klocka"
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "Konsolens inställning"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "Konsol låst"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "Konsolen måste vara upplåst för att kunna ändra det."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "Fortsätt installera spel?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "Rätt lösenord"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "Kunde inte starta \"DIP-module\"!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "Kunde inte starta nätverket!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "Kunde inte öppna skivan"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "Omslagsnedladdning"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "Omslagsmapp"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "Omslagsmapp ändrad"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Credits"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dec"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "Skivans inställning"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "Skivbilder"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "Skivbildsmapp"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "Skivbildsmapp ändrad"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "Ändra skivbildsmapp"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Visning"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "Vill du verkligen radera:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "Vill du formatera:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "Vill du försöka igen i 30 sekunder?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "Ladda ner omslagsbild?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "Nedladdning klar"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "Laddar ned fil:"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Nederländska"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Engelska"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "Fel!"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "Fel vid läsning av skiva"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "Avsluta USB Loader GX?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "Formatering misslyckad"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
msgid "File not found."
msgstr ""
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "Vänd-X"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Tvinga"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formatera"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "Formaterar, Vänta..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "Ledigt utrymme"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Franska"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "Stäng av helt"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "Spel-ID"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "Språk"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "Region"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "Spelstorlek"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "Spelet är redan installerat:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Spel"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Tyska"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hour"
msgstr ""
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr ""
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "Hur vill du stänga av?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "Startar nätverk"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "Sätt i en skiva"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "sätt i ett SD-kort för att ladda ner bilder."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "Sätt i ett SD-kort för att spara."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "Fel vid installering!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "Installera ett spel"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "Installerar spel:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italienska"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japanska"
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Koreanska"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Vänster"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Som System-menyn"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr ""
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr ""
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "Lås konsol"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "Filer som saknas"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Volym"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "Inget"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Fel vid nätverksstart"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Nästa"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nej"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "Inget SD-kort insatt!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "Ingen USB-enhet"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "Ingen USB-enhet hittad."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "Ingen WBFS-partition hittad"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "Inga filer saknas!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr ""
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "Hittade ingen partition"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Vanlig"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "Vanliga omslag"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Inte en Wii-skiva"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "Ej tillräckligt med ledigt utrymme!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nov"
msgstr ""
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "AV"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "PÅ"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr ""
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "Officiell Sida"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr ""
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "Föräldrakontroll"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Partition"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Lösenord"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Lösenordet ändrat"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "Lösenordet har ändrats"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr ""
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Stäng av Wii"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Förra"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "Dialogknappar"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "Snabb start"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "Ladda om SD"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "Döp om spel på WBFS"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Starta om"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Återvänd"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Höger"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Vibration"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "SKinesiska"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Spara"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "Sparning misslyckad"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Inställningar"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "Stäng av helt"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "Stäng av"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Spanska"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Speciella tack till"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "Lyckat:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "Lyckad sparning"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr ""
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "Lyckad radering av:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "Lyckad installation av:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "Systemets Standard"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "TKinesiska"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "Tema-mapp"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "Tema-mapp ändrad"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "Byt Tema-mapp"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "Tid kvar:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "Verktygstips"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "USB-enhet ej hittad"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX är skyddad"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Avinstallera"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update All"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update to"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Updating"
msgstr ""
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "VIDTV-Patch"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "Video-läge"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "Väntar på USB-enhet"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Väntar..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "Bredbild 16/9 Fix"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii-meny"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Fel Lösenord"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "Du behöver formatera en partition"
msgid "available"
msgstr ""
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "filer kvar"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "Filerna hittades inte på servern!"
msgid "for"
msgstr "för"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr ""
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr ""
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "och släppet av källkoden"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "formaterad!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "ledigt"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "Inget satt"
msgid "of"
msgstr "av"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "sekunder kvar"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "Ändra Omslagsmapp"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "STARTFEL!"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Sätt i en Wii-skiva!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "Misslyckades att starta:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "Misslyckades att hitta SD-kort"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "USB-enheten kunde inte registreras:"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Gå tillbaka"
#~ msgid "Language change"
#~ msgstr "Ändra språk"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "Laddar i cIOS249"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "Ingen hårddisk hittad!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "Ändra lösenord"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "Bestäm partition"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "du vill formatera"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "Försök"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "Du har inte cIOS222"
@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
t3Coverst = 3D 封面
addToFavorite = 新增至我的最愛
all = 全部
AppLanguage = 語言設定
available = 可取得
Areyousure = 確定?
AutoPatch = 自動修改
Back = 返回
Backgroundmusic = 背景音樂
Backgroundmusicpath = 背景音樂路徑
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = 返回 HBC 或 Wii 系統選單
BacktoLoader = 返回 Loader
BacktoWiiMenu = 返回 Wii 系統選單
BootStandard = 啟動/標準
Both = 全部顯示
Cantcreatedirectory = 無法產生目錄
Cancel = 取消
Cantbeformated = 無法格式化
Cantdelete = 無法刪除:
CheckingforUpdates = 正在檢查更新
ClicktoDownloadCovers = 點擊進行封面下載
Clock = 時鐘
Close = 關閉
Continueinstallgame = 繼續安裝遊戲?
ConsoleDefault = 主機預設值
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = 需解鎖以開啟設定功能.
ConsoleLocked = 控制台鎖定
CorrectPassword = 密碼正確
Couldnotinitializenetwork = 無法啟動網路!
CouldnotopenDisc = 無法開啟光碟
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = 無法啟動 DIP 模組!
CoverDownload = 下載封面
CoverPath = 封面路徑
CoverpathChanged = 封面路徑已變更
Coverpathchange = 變更封面路徑
count = 執行次數
Credits = Credits
DiscImages = 光碟圖像
DiscimagePath = 光碟圖像路徑
DiscpathChanged = 光碟圖像路徑已變更
Discpathchange = 變更光碟圖像路徑
DiscDefault = 光碟預設
Display = 顯示
Doyouwanttoformat = 是否格式化:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = 確定刪除:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 是否等待30秒重試?
Doyouwanttoupdate = 是否執行更新?
Downloadingfile = 檔案下載中
DownloadBoxartimage = 下載外盒封面圖片?
Downloadfinished = 下載完成
Defaultgamesettings = 初始化遊戲設定
Defaultsettings = 初始化設定
Error = 錯誤 !
ErrorreadingDisc = 讀取光碟錯誤
ExitUSBISOLoader = 離開 USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = 正在啟動網路
InsertDisk = 插入光碟
InsertaWiiDisc = 插入 Wii 光碟!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = 插入 SD 卡下載封面.
InsertaSDCardtosave = 插入 SD 卡儲存.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = 插入 SD 卡以使用該功能
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = USB Loader GX 功能已解鎖.
Installerror = 安裝錯誤!
Installagame = 安裝遊戲
Installinggame = 正在安裝遊戲:
Failedtoboot = 無法啟動:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = 掛載前端 SD 卡失敗
FailedtosetUSB = 無法設定 USB:
Failedformating = 格式化失敗
fave = 我的最愛
Filenotfound = 找不到該檔案
filesnotfoundontheserver = 伺服器中無此檔案!
filesleft = 剩下的檔案
FlipX = 按鍵規則
Force = 強制
Youneedtoformatapartition = 必須格式化一個磁區
Format = 格式化
Formattingpleasewait = 格式化中, 請稍候...
formated = 完成格式化!
free =
FreeSpace = 剩餘空間
FullShutdown = 關機
GameID = 遊戲代碼
Games = 遊戲數量
Gameisalreadyinstalled = 已安裝過遊戲:
GameRegion = 遊戲區碼
GameSize = 遊戲容量
GoBack = 返回
//GotoPage = 前往頁面
HowtoShutdown = 關機選項<E981B8>?
Homemenu = 主選單
hour = 小時制
Keyboard = 鍵盤
Language = 語言
Langchange = 變更語言
Left = 左
LikeSysMenu = 同系統選單
ListSort = 表單排序
LoadingincIOS = 以 cIOS249 載入
Loadingstandardlanguage = 載入預設語言
Loadingstandardmusic = 載入預設音樂
Lock = 鎖定
LockConsole = 鎖定控制台
Patchcountrystrings = 修改國別設定
Missingfiles = 缺少的檔案
Networkiniterror = 網路啟動錯誤
Neither = 皆不顯示
Next = 往後
No = 否
Nofilemissing = 沒有缺少的檔案!
NoHDDfound = 找不到硬碟!
NoSDcardinserted = 未插入 SD 卡!
Nopartitionsfound = 找不到磁區
NoUSBDevice = 沒有 USB 裝置
NoWBFSpartitionfound = 找不到 WBFS 磁區
Nonewupdates = 無可用更新
NormalCovers = 一般封面
Normal = 一般
NotaWiiDisc = 不是 Wii 的光碟
NoUSBDevicefound = 找不到 USB 裝置.
Notenoughfreespace = 剩餘空間不足!
Notasupportedformat = 未支援的格式
notset = 未設定
of = 剩餘空間 總容量
OFF = 關閉
OfficialSite = 官方網址
ok = 確定
ON = 開啟
OnlyInstall = 安裝遊戲時
Parentalcontrol = 親子控制
Partition = 磁區
Password = 密碼
PasswordChanged = 密碼已變更
Passwordhasbeenchanged = 密碼已被變更
Passwordchange = 變更密碼
PowerofftheWii = 關閉 Wii 主機
Prev = 往前
PromptsButtons = 顯示校正
ReloadSD = 重新載入SD卡
RenameGameonWBFS = 變更 WBFS 上的遊戲名稱
Restart = 重新啟動
Restarting = 正在重新啟動
Return = 返回
RReturntoWiiMenu = 返回系統選單
Right = 右
Rumble = 震動
QuickBoot = 快速啟動
Save = 儲存
SaveFailed = 儲存失敗
Specialthanksto = 特別感謝
For = 的
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = 與釋出的原始碼
secondsleft = 剩餘秒數
SelectthePartition = 選擇磁區
youwanttoformat = 是否格式化
settings = 設定
Setasbackgroundmusic = 設定背景音樂
Standard = 預設
ShutdowntoIdle = 進入待機狀態
ShutdownSystem = 關閉系統
Success = 成功:
Successfullyinstalled = 成功的安裝:
Successfullyupdated = 更新已完成
Successfullydeleted = 成功的刪除:
SuccessfullySaved = 儲存成功
SystemDefault = 系統預設值
ThemePath = 背景主題路徑
ThemepathChanged = 背景主題路徑已變更
Themepathchange = 變更背景主題路徑
Titlestxtpath = Title檔案路徑
Titlestxtpathchange = 變更 Title 檔案路徑
TitlestxtpathChanged = Title 檔案路徑已變更
Try = 嘗試
Tooltips = 工具提示
Timeleft = 剩餘時間:
Unlock = 解鎖
Uninstall = 移除
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX 被鎖定
USBDevicenotfound = 找不到 USB 裝置
updating = 正在更新
Updatepath = 更新路徑
Updatepathchanged = 更新路徑已變更
Updatefailed = 更新失敗
Updatedol = 僅升級 dol
Updateall = 升級所有檔案
Updateto = 升級至
VideoMode = 影像格式
Volume = 音量
Waiting = 等待中...
WaitingforUSBDevice = 等待 USB 裝置
WidescreenFix = 寬螢幕校正
WiiMenu = Wii 系統選單
Wiilight = 光碟機藍光
WrongPassword = 密碼錯誤
Yes = 是
YoudonthavecIOS = 未安裝 cIOS222
Japanese = 日文
German = 德文
English = 英文
French = 法文
Spanish = 西班牙文
Italian = 義大利文
Dutch = 荷文
SChinese = 簡體中文
TChinese = 繁體中文
Korean = 韓文
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr ""
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "USB Loader GX 功能已解鎖."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "語言設定"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "確定?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr ""
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "自動修改"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "返回"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "返回 HBC 或 Wii 系統選單"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "返回 Loader"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "返回 Wii 系統選單"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr "背景音樂"
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr "背景音樂路徑"
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "啟動/標準"
msgid "Both"
msgstr "全部顯示"
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "無法格式化"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "無法產生目錄"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "無法刪除:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "取消"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr "正在檢查更新"
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "點擊進行封面下載"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "時鐘"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "關閉"
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "主機預設值"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "控制台鎖定"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "需解鎖以開啟設定功能."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "繼續安裝遊戲?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "密碼正確"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "無法啟動 DIP 模組!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "無法啟動網路!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "無法開啟光碟"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "下載封面"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "封面路徑"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "封面路徑已變更"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Credits"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dec"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr "初始化遊戲設定"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "初始化設定"
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "光碟預設"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "光碟圖像"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "光碟圖像路徑"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "光碟圖像路徑已變更"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "變更光碟圖像路徑"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "顯示"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "確定刪除:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "是否格式化:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "是否等待30秒重試?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "下載外盒封面圖片?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "下載完成"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "檔案下載中"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "荷文"
msgid "English"
msgstr "英文"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "錯誤 !"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "讀取光碟錯誤"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "離開 USB Loader GX?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "格式化失敗"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
msgid "File not found."
msgstr "找不到該檔案"
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "按鍵規則"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "強制"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "格式化"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "格式化中, 請稍候..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "剩餘空間"
msgid "French"
msgstr "法文"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "關機"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "遊戲代碼"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "語言"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "遊戲區碼"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "遊戲容量"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "已安裝過遊戲:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "遊戲數量"
msgid "German"
msgstr "德文"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr "主選單"
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "小時制"
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr "是否執行更新?"
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "關機選項<E981B8>?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "正在啟動網路"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "插入光碟"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "插入 SD 卡下載封面."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "插入 SD 卡儲存."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr "插入 SD 卡以使用該功能"
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "安裝錯誤!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "安裝遊戲"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "正在安裝遊戲:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "義大利文"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "日文"
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "鍵盤"
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "韓文"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Left"
msgstr "左"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "同系統選單"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr "載入預設語言"
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr "載入預設音樂"
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "鎖定控制台"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "缺少的檔案"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "音量"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "皆不顯示"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "網路啟動錯誤"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "往後"
msgid "No"
msgstr "否"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "未插入 SD 卡!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "沒有 USB 裝置"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "找不到 USB 裝置."
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "找不到 WBFS 磁區"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "沒有缺少的檔案!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr "無可用更新"
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "找不到磁區"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "一般"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "一般封面"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "不是 Wii 的光碟"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "剩餘空間不足!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr "未支援的格式"
msgid "Nov"
msgstr ""
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "關閉"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "確定"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "開啟"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr ""
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "官方網址"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr "安裝遊戲時"
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "親子控制"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "磁區"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "密碼"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "密碼已變更"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "密碼已被變更"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr "修改國別設定"
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr "變更 Title 檔案路徑"
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr "Title 檔案路徑已變更"
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr ""
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "關閉 Wii 主機"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "往前"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "顯示校正"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "快速啟動"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "重新載入SD卡"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "變更 WBFS 上的遊戲名稱"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "重新啟動"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr "正在重新啟動"
msgid "Return"
msgstr "返回"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr "右"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "震動"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "簡體中文"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save"
msgstr "儲存"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "儲存失敗"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr "設定背景音樂"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "設定"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "關閉系統"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "進入待機狀態"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "西班牙文"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "特別感謝"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "預設"
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "成功:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "儲存成功"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr "更新已完成"
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "成功的刪除:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "成功的安裝:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "系統預設值"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "繁體中文"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "背景主題路徑"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "背景主題路徑已變更"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "變更背景主題路徑"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "剩餘時間:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "工具提示"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "找不到 USB 裝置"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX 被鎖定"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "移除"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update All"
msgstr "升級所有檔案"
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr "僅升級 dol"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "更新失敗"
msgid "Update to"
msgstr "升級至"
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr "更新路徑"
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr "更新路徑已變更"
msgid "Updating"
msgstr "正在更新"
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "VIDTV 修改"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "影像格式"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "等待 USB 裝置"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "等待中..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "寬螢幕校正"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii 系統選單"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr "光碟機藍光"
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "密碼錯誤"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "是"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "必須格式化一個磁區"
msgid "available"
msgstr "可取得"
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "剩下的檔案"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "伺服器中無此檔案!"
msgid "for"
msgstr "的"
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr ""
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr ""
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "與釋出的原始碼"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "完成格式化!"
msgid "free"
msgstr ""
msgid "not set"
msgstr "未設定"
msgid "of"
msgstr "剩餘空間 總容量"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "剩餘秒數"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr "Title檔案路徑"
#~ msgid "Favorite"
#~ msgstr "新增至我的最愛"
#~ msgid "Alphabetical"
#~ msgstr "全部"
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "變更封面路徑"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "啟動錯誤"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "插入 Wii 光碟!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "無法啟動:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "掛載前端 SD 卡失敗"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "無法設定 USB:"
#~ msgid "Favorites"
#~ msgstr "我的最愛"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "返回"
#~ msgid "Language change"
#~ msgstr "變更語言"
#~ msgid "Sort Game List"
#~ msgstr "表單排序"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "以 cIOS249 載入"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "找不到硬碟!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "變更密碼"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "選擇磁區"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "是否格式化"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "嘗試"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "未安裝 cIOS222"
@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
Specialthanksto = Özel tesekkürler :
t3Covers = 3B Kapaklar
AppLanguage = Program Lisani
Areyousure = Emin misiniz?
AutoPatch = OtoYama
Back = Geri
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = HBC veya Wii Menüye dönüs
BacktoLoader = Yükleyiciye dönüs
BacktoWiiMenu = Wii Menüye dönüs
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
BothBoth = Ikisi de
Cantcreatedirectory = Klasör olusturulamiyorF
Cancel = Iptal
Cantbeformated = Biçimlendirilemiyor
Cantdelete = Silinemiyor
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Kapaklari Indirmek için Tiklayin
Clock = Saat
Continueinstallgame = Oyunu kurmaya devam et?
ConsoleDefault = Konsol Ayari
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Degistirmek için konsolun kilidini açmalisin.
ConsoleLocked = Konsol Kilitli
CorrectPassword = Dogru Sifre
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Aga baglanilamiyor!
CouldnotopenDisc = Disk açilamiyor
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = DIP modülü baslatilamiyor!
CoverDownload = Kapak Indirme
CoverPath = Kapak Yolu
CoverpathChanged = Kapak Yolu Degistir
Coverpathchange = Kapak Yolunu Degistir
Credits = Emegi Geçenler
DiscImages = Disk Resimleri
DiscimagePath = Disk Resimleri Yolu
DiscpathChanged = Disk Resimleri Yolu Degistirildi
Discpathchange = Disk Resimleri Yolunu Degistir
DiscDefault = Disk Ayari
Display = Görüntü
Doyouwanttoformat = Formatlamak istiyor musunuz:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Gerçekten silmek istiyor musunuz:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 30 saniye sonra denemek ister misiniz?
Downloadingfile = Indirilen dosya:
DownloadBoxartimage = Kutu resmini indirmek ister misiniz?
Downloadfinished = Indirme tamamlandi
Error = Hata !
ErrorreadingDisc = Disk Okuma Hatasi
ExitUSBISOLoader = USB Loader GX'dan çik?
InitializingNetwork = Aga Baglaniliyor
InsertDisk = Diski Takin
InsertaWiiDisc = Wii Diski Takin!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Resimleri indirebilmek için SD-Card takin.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Kaydedebilmek için SD-Card takin.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = USB Loader GX'in tüm özellikleri kilitli.
Installerror = Yükleme Hatasi!
Installagame = Oyun yükle
Installinggame = Yüklenen oyun:
Failedtoboot = Açilamadi:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = SD-card monte edilemedi
FailedtosetUSB = USB ayarlamasi basarisiz oldu:
Failedformating = Biçimlendirme basarisiz oldu
filesnotfoundontheserver = dosyalar sunucuda bulunamadi!
filesleft = dosya kaldi
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Zorla
Youneedtoformatapartition = Bir bölüm biçimlendirmeniz gerekiyor
Format = Biçimlendir
Formattingpleasewait = Biçimlendiriliyor, bekleyiniz...
formated = biçimlendirildi!
free = bos
FreeSpace = Bos Yer
FullShutdown = Tam Kapama
GameID = Oyun ID
Games = Oyunlar
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Oyun zaten yüklü:
GameRegion = Bölge
GameSize = Oyun Boyutu
GoBack = Geri Dön
//GotoPage = Sayfaya Git
HowtoShutdown = Nasil Kapansin?
Language = Lisan
Langchange = Lisan degistirme
Left = Sol
LikeSysMenu = Sistem Menüsü Gibi
LoadingincIOS = cIOS249'dan yükleme
Lock = Kilitle
LockConsole = Konsolu Kilitle
MP3Menu = MP3 Menüsü
Missingfiles = Kayip dosyalar
Networkiniterror = Ag baslatma hatasi
Neither = Hiçbiri
Next = Ileri
No = Hayir
Nofilemissing = Kayip dosya yok!
NoHDDfound = HDD bulunamadi!
NoSDcardinserted = SD-Card takili degil!
Nopartitionsfound = Bölüm bulunamadi
NoUSBDevice = USB Aygiti bulunamadi
NoWBFSpartitionfound = WBFS bölümü bulunamadi
NormalCovers = Normal Kapaklar
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Wii Diski Degil
NoUSBDevicefound = USB Aygiti bulunamadi
Notenoughfreespace = Gerekli bos yer yok!
notset = ayarlanmadi
of = /
OfficialSite = Resmi Site
ok = OK
Parentalcontrol = Ebeveyn kontrolü
Partition = Bölüm
Password = Parola
PasswordChanged = Parola degistirildi
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Password has been changed
Passwordchange = Password change
PowerofftheWii = Wii'yi kapat
Prev = Önceki
PromptsButtons = Hiz ve Butonlar
ReloadSD = SD-Card'i yeniden oku
RenameGameonWBFS = WBFS'deki oyunu yeniden isimlendir
Restart = Yeniden Baslat
Return = Dönüs
ReturntoWii = Wii Menü'ye Dönüs
Right = Sag
Rumble = Titresim
QuickBoot = Hizli Açilis
Save = Kaydet
SaveFailed = Kaydetme Basarisiz
Specialthanksto = Özel tesekkürler
For = ,
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = kaynak kodunu açtigi için
secondsleft = saniye kaldi
SelectthePartition = Bölümü Seçin
youwanttoformat = biçimlendirmek istiyorsunuz
settings = Ayarlar
ShutdowntoIdle = Yari Kapat
ShutdownSystem = Tam Kapat
Success = Basarili:
Successfullyinstalled = Basariyla yüklendi:
Successfullydeleted = Basariyla silindi:
SuccessfullySaved = Basariyla Kaydedildi
SystemDefault = Sistem Ayari
ThemePath = Tema Yolu
ThemepathChanged = Tema Yolu Degisti
Themepathchange = Tema yolunu degistir
Try = Dene
Tooltips = Yardimlar
Timeleft = Kalan zaman:
Unlock = Kilidi Kaldir
Uninstall = Sil
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX koruma altinda
USBDevicenotfound = USB Aygiti bulunamadi
VideoMode = Video Modu
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV Yamasi
Volume = Ses
Waiting = Bekliyor...
WaitingforUSBDevice = USB Aygiti için Bekleniyor
WidescreenFix = Genisekran Çözümü
WiiMenu = Wii Menü
WrongPassword = Yanlis Parola
Yes = Evet
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222'ye sahip degilsiniz
Japanese = Japonca
German = Almanca
English = Ingilizce
French = Fransizca
Spanish = Ispanyolca
Italian = Italyanca
Dutch = Hollandaca
SChinese = Basitlestirilmis Çince
TChinese = Geleneksel Çince
Korean = Korece
Turkish = Türkçe
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
# USB Loader GX language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-22 20:10+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr "3B Kapaklar"
msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr ""
msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "USB Loader GX'in tüm özellikleri kilitli."
msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anti 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "App Language"
msgstr "Program Lisani"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Emin misiniz?"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr ""
msgid "AutoPatch"
msgstr "OtoYama"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Geri"
msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "HBC veya Wii Menüye dönüs"
msgid "Back to Loader"
msgstr "Yükleyiciye dönüs"
msgid "Back to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii Menüye dönüs"
msgid "Backgroundmusic"
msgstr ""
msgid "Backgroundmusic Path changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boot/Standard"
msgstr "Boot/Standard"
msgid "Both"
msgstr ""
msgid "Can't be formated"
msgstr "Biçimlendirilemiyor"
msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "Klasör olusturulamiyorF"
msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "Silinemiyor"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Iptal"
msgid "Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cheatcodes Path changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Checking for Updates"
msgstr ""
msgid "Click to Download Covers"
msgstr "Kapaklari Indirmek için Tiklayin"
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Saat"
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "Konsol Ayari"
msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "Konsol Kilitli"
msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "Degistirmek için konsolun kilidini açmalisin."
msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "Oyunu kurmaya devam et?"
msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "Dogru Sifre"
msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "DIP modülü baslatilamiyor!"
msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "Aga baglanilamiyor!"
msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "Disk açilamiyor"
msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "Kapak Indirme"
msgid "Cover Path"
msgstr "Kapak Yolu"
msgid "Coverpath Changed"
msgstr "Kapak Yolu Degistir"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Emegi Geçenler"
msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dec"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Gamesettings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Developed by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "Disk Ayari"
msgid "Disc Images"
msgstr "Disk Resimleri"
msgid "Discimage Path"
msgstr "Disk Resimleri Yolu"
msgid "Discpath Changed"
msgstr "Disk Resimleri Yolu Degistirildi"
msgid "Discpath change"
msgstr "Disk Resimleri Yolunu Degistir"
msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Görüntü"
msgid "Do you really want to delete:"
msgstr "Gerçekten silmek istiyor musunuz:"
msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "Formatlamak istiyor musunuz:"
msgid "Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"
msgstr "30 saniye sonra denemek ister misiniz?"
msgid "Dol Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath Changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dolpath change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Boxart image?"
msgstr "Kutu resmini indirmek ister misiniz?"
msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "Indirme tamamlandi"
msgid "Downloading file"
msgstr "Indirilen dosya:"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Hollandaca"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Ingilizce"
msgid "Error !"
msgstr "Hata !"
msgid "Error 002 fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "Disk Okuma Hatasi"
msgid "Exit USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "USB Loader GX'dan çik?"
msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "Biçimlendirme basarisiz oldu"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
msgid "File not found."
msgstr ""
msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "Flip-X"
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Zorla"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Biçimlendir"
msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "Biçimlendiriliyor, bekleyiniz..."
msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "Bos Yer"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Fransizca"
msgid "Full Shutdown"
msgstr "Tam Kapama"
msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "Oyun ID"
msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "Lisan"
msgid "Game Load"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "Bölge"
msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "Oyun Boyutu"
msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "Oyun zaten yüklü:"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Oyunlar"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Almanca"
msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hour"
msgstr ""
msgid "How do you want to update?"
msgstr ""
msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "Nasil Kapansin?"
msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "Aga Baglaniliyor"
msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "Diski Takin"
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to download images."
msgstr "Resimleri indirebilmek için SD-Card takin."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to save."
msgstr "Kaydedebilmek için SD-Card takin."
msgid "Insert an SD-Card to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "Yükleme Hatasi!"
msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "Oyun yükle"
msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "Yüklenen oyun:"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italyanca"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japonca"
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Korece"
msgid "Language change:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Sol"
msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Sistem Menüsü Gibi"
msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr ""
msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr ""
msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "Konsolu Kilitle"
msgid "Locked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
msgid "Missing files"
msgstr "Kayip dosyalar"
msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Ses"
msgid "Neither"
msgstr "Hiçbiri"
msgid "Network init error"
msgstr "Ag baslatma hatasi"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Ileri"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Hayir"
msgid "No SD-Card inserted!"
msgstr "SD-Card takili degil!"
msgid "No USB Device"
msgstr "USB Aygiti bulunamadi"
msgid "No USB Device found."
msgstr "USB Aygiti bulunamadi"
msgid "No WBFS partition found"
msgstr "WBFS bölümü bulunamadi"
msgid "No file missing!"
msgstr "Kayip dosya yok!"
msgid "No new updates."
msgstr ""
msgid "No partitions found"
msgstr "Bölüm bulunamadi"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
msgid "Normal Covers"
msgstr "Normal Kapaklar"
msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
msgstr "Wii Diski Degil"
msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "Gerekli bos yer yok!"
msgid "Not supported format!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nov"
msgstr ""
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "KAPALI"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "AÇIK"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr ""
msgid "Official Site"
msgstr "Resmi Site"
msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr ""
msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "Ebeveyn kontrolü"
msgid "Parental control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Bölüm"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Parola"
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Parola degistirildi"
msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "Password has been changed"
msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt change"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path of titles.txt changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Play Count"
msgstr ""
msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Wii'yi kapat"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Önceki"
msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "Hiz ve Butonlar"
msgid "Published by"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "Hizli Açilis"
msgid "Released"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "SD-Card'i yeniden oku"
msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
msgstr "WBFS'deki oyunu yeniden isimlendir"
msgid "Reset Playcounter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Yeniden Baslat"
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Dönüs"
msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Sag"
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Titresim"
msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "Basitlestirilmis Çince"
msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Kaydet"
msgid "Save Failed"
msgstr "Kaydetme Basarisiz"
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sept"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set as backgroundmusic?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ayarlar"
msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "Tam Kapat"
msgid "Shutdown to Idle"
msgstr "Yari Kapat"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Ispanyolca"
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Özel tesekkürler"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Success:"
msgstr "Basarili:"
msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "Basariyla Kaydedildi"
msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr ""
msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "Basariyla silindi:"
msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "Basariyla yüklendi:"
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "Sistem Ayari"
msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "Geleneksel Çince"
msgid "ThemePath"
msgstr "Tema Yolu"
msgid "Themepath Changed"
msgstr "Tema Yolu Degisti"
msgid "Themepath change"
msgstr "Tema yolunu degistir"
msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "Kalan zaman:"
msgid "Titles from XML"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "Yardimlar"
msgid "USB Device not found"
msgstr "USB Aygiti bulunamadi"
msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "USB Loader GX koruma altinda"
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Sil"
msgid "Unlock console to use this option."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update All"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update DOL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update to"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath"
msgstr ""
msgid "Updatepath changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Updating"
msgstr ""
msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "VIDTV Yamasi"
msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "Video Modu"
msgid "Waiting for USB Device"
msgstr "USB Aygiti için Bekleniyor"
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Bekliyor..."
msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "Genisekran Çözümü"
msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wii Menü"
msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Yanlis Parola"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Evet"
msgid "You need to format a partition"
msgstr "Bir bölüm biçimlendirmeniz gerekiyor"
msgid "available"
msgstr ""
msgid "file(s) left"
msgstr "dosya kaldi"
msgid "files not found on the server!"
msgstr "dosyalar sunucuda bulunamadi!"
msgid "for"
msgstr ","
msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr ""
msgid "for his awesome tool"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the covers/discarts"
msgstr ""
msgid "for hosting the update files"
msgstr ""
msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "kaynak kodunu açtigi için"
msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "biçimlendirildi!"
msgid "free"
msgstr "bos"
msgid "not set"
msgstr "ayarlanmadi"
msgid "of"
msgstr "/"
msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "saniye kaldi"
msgid "titles.txt Path"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Coverpath change"
#~ msgstr "Kapak Yolunu Degistir"
#~ msgid "BOOT ERROR"
#~ msgstr "AÇILIS HATASI"
#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Wii Diski Takin!"
#~ msgid "Failed to boot:"
#~ msgstr "Açilamadi:"
#~ msgid "Failed to mount front SD-card"
#~ msgstr "SD-card monte edilemedi"
#~ msgid "Failed to set USB:"
#~ msgstr "USB ayarlamasi basarisiz oldu:"
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Geri Dön"
#~ msgid "Language change"
#~ msgstr "Lisan degistirme"
#~ msgid "Loading in cIOS249"
#~ msgstr "cIOS249'dan yükleme"
#~ msgid "No HDD found!"
#~ msgstr "HDD bulunamadi!"
#~ msgid "Password change"
#~ msgstr "Password change"
#~ msgid "Select the Partition"
#~ msgstr "Bölümü Seçin"
#~ msgid "you want to format"
#~ msgstr "biçimlendirmek istiyorsunuz"
#~ msgid "Try"
#~ msgstr "Dene"
#~ msgid "You don't have cIOS222"
#~ msgstr "cIOS222'ye sahip degilsiniz"
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ TARGET := boot
BUILD := build
SOURCES := source source/libwiigui source/images source/fonts source/sounds \
source/libwbfs source/unzip source/language source/mload source/patches \
source/usbloader source/xml source/network source/settings source/prompts
source/usbloader source/xml source/network source/settings source/prompts \
INCLUDES := source
SVNDEV := -D'SVN_REV="$(shell svnversion -n ..)"'
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ LIBDIRS := $(DEVKITPPC)/lib $(CURDIR)
ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR)))
export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
$(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(CURDIR)/$(dir))
@ -54,8 +55,8 @@ export DEPSDIR := $(CURDIR)/$(BUILD)
# automatically build a list of object files for our project
CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
export CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
export CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
sFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.S)))
BINFILES := $(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.*)))
@ -127,9 +128,9 @@ DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d)
# main targets
$(OUTPUT).dol: $(OUTPUT).elf
$(OUTPUT).dol: $(OUTPUT).elf language
$(OUTPUT).elf: $(OFILES)
language: $(wildcard $(PROJECTDIR)/Languages/*.lang)
# This rule links in binary data with .ttf, .png, and .mp3 extensions
@ -149,6 +150,19 @@ $(OUTPUT).elf: $(OFILES)
@echo $(notdir $<)
export PATH := $(PROJECTDIR)/gettext-bin:$(PATH)
%.pot: $(CFILES) $(CPPFILES)
@echo Update Language-Files ...
@xgettext -C -cTRANSLATORS --from-code=utf-8 --sort-output --no-wrap --no-location -k -ktr -ktrNOOP -o $@ $^
%.lang: $(PROJECTDIR)/Languages/$(TARGET).pot
@msgmerge -U -N --no-wrap --no-location --backup=none -q $@ $<
@touch $@
-include $(DEPENDS)
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ typedef struct ftgxDataOffset_ {
* @param textureFormat Optional format (GX_TF_*) of the texture as defined by the libogc gx.h header file. If not specified default value is GX_TF_RGBA8.
* @param vertexIndex Optional vertex format index (GX_VTXFMT*) of the glyph textures as defined by the libogc gx.h header file. If not specified default value is GX_VTXFMT1.
FreeTypeGX::FreeTypeGX(uint8_t textureFormat, uint8_t vertexIndex) {
FreeTypeGX::FreeTypeGX(uint8_t textureFormat, uint8_t vertexIndex) : ftFace(NULL), ftFace_fromFile(NULL) {
this->textureFormat = textureFormat;
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ FreeTypeGX::FreeTypeGX(uint8_t textureFormat, uint8_t vertexIndex) {
* Default destructor for the FreeTypeGX class.
FreeTypeGX::~FreeTypeGX() {
@ -209,19 +209,24 @@ uint16_t FreeTypeGX::loadFont(char* fontPath, uint8_t* fontBuffer, FT_Long buffe
this->ftPointSize = pointSize;
struct stat st;
if(fontPath && (stat(fontPath, &st)==0)) {
if(fontPath && (stat(fontPath, &st)==0))
FILE *fontfile = fopen(fontPath, "rb");
if (fontfile) {
FT_Long ftFace_fromFile_Size;
fseek(fontfile, 0, SEEK_END);
bufferSize = ftell(fontfile);
ftFace_fromFile_Size = ftell(fontfile);
fseek(fontfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
fontBuffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(bufferSize);
if (fontBuffer != NULL) {
fread(fontBuffer, 1, bufferSize, fontfile);
ftFace_fromFile = (uint8_t*)malloc(ftFace_fromFile_Size);
if (ftFace_fromFile != NULL) {
fread(ftFace_fromFile, 1, ftFace_fromFile_Size, fontfile);
FT_New_Memory_Face(this->ftLibrary, ftFace_fromFile, ftFace_fromFile_Size, 0, &this->ftFace);
if (ftFace_fromFile == NULL)
FT_New_Memory_Face(this->ftLibrary, (FT_Byte *)fontBuffer, bufferSize, 0, &this->ftFace);
if(this->ftPointSize > 0)
@ -245,12 +250,27 @@ uint16_t FreeTypeGX::loadFont(const char* fontPath, const uint8_t* fontBuffer, F
return this->loadFont((char*)fontPath, (uint8_t *)fontBuffer, bufferSize, pointSize, cacheAll);
void FreeTypeGX::unloadFont() {
this->ftFace = NULL;
this->ftFace_fromFile = NULL;
* Clears all loaded font glyph data.
* This routine clears all members of the font map structure and frees all allocated memory back to the system.
void FreeTypeGX::unloadFont() {
void FreeTypeGX::clearGlyphData()
if(this->fontData.size() == 0)
@ -265,7 +285,7 @@ void FreeTypeGX::unloadFont() {
void FreeTypeGX::changeSize(FT_UInt vPointSize, FT_UInt hPointSize/*=0*/) {
this->ftPointSize = vPointSize;
FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(this->ftFace, hPointSize, this->ftPointSize);
@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ class FreeTypeGX {
FT_Library ftLibrary; /**< FreeType FT_Library instance. */
FT_Face ftFace; /**< FreeType reusable FT_Face typographic object. */
FT_Byte *ftFace_fromFile;
FT_GlyphSlot ftSlot; /**< FreeType reusable FT_GlyphSlot glyph container object. */
FT_UInt ftPointSize; /**< Requested size of the rendered font. */
bool ftKerningEnabled; /**< Flag indicating the availability of font kerning data. */
@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ class FreeTypeGX {
static int16_t getStyleOffsetHeight(ftgxDataOffset *offset, uint16_t format);
void unloadFont();
void clearGlyphData();
ftgxCharData *cacheGlyphData(wchar_t charCode);
uint16_t cacheGlyphDataComplete();
void loadGlyphData(FT_Bitmap *bmp, ftgxCharData *charData);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gctypes.h>
#include "gettext.h"
typedef struct _MSG
u32 id;
char* msgstr;
struct _MSG *next;
} MSG;
static MSG *baseMSG=0;
/* Defines the so called `hashpjw' function by P.J. Weinberger
[see Aho/Sethi/Ullman, COMPILERS: Principles, Techniques and Tools,
1986, 1987 Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.] */
static inline u32
hash_string (const char *str_param)
u32 hval, g;
const char *str = str_param;
/* Compute the hash value for the given string. */
hval = 0;
while (*str != '\0')
hval <<= 4;
hval += (u8) *str++;
g = hval & ((u32) 0xf << (HASHWORDBITS - 4));
if (g != 0)
hval ^= g >> (HASHWORDBITS - 8);
hval ^= g;
return hval;
static MSG *findMSG(u32 id)
MSG *msg;
for(msg=baseMSG; msg; msg=msg->next)
if(msg->id == id)
return msg;
return NULL;
static MSG *setMSG(const char *msgid, const char *msgstr)
u32 id = hash_string(msgid);
MSG *msg = findMSG(id);
msg = (MSG *)malloc(sizeof(MSG));
msg->id = id;
msg->msgstr = NULL;
msg->next = baseMSG;
baseMSG = msg;
if(msg->msgstr) free(msg->msgstr);
msg->msgstr = strdup(msgstr);
return msg;
return NULL;
void gettextCleanUp(void)
MSG *nextMsg =baseMSG->next;
baseMSG = nextMsg;
bool gettextLoadLanguage(const char* langFile)
FILE *f;
char line[200];
char *lastID=NULL;
f = fopen(langFile, "r");
return false;
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f))
// lines starting with # are comments
if (line[0] == '#')
else if (strncmp(line, "msgid \"", 7) == 0)
char *msgid, *end;
if(lastID) { free(lastID); lastID=NULL;}
msgid = &line[7];
end = strrchr(msgid, '"');
if(end && end-msgid>1)
*end = 0;
lastID = strdup(msgid);
else if (strncmp(line, "msgstr \"", 8) == 0)
char *msgstr, *end;
if(lastID == NULL)
msgstr = &line[8];
end = strrchr(msgstr, '"');
if(end && end-msgstr>1)
*end = 0;
setMSG(lastID, msgstr);
return true;
const char *gettext(const char *msgid)
MSG *msg = findMSG(hash_string(msgid));
if(msg) return msg->msgstr;
return msgid;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#ifndef _GETTEXT_H_
#define _GETTEXT_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
bool gettextLoadLanguage(const char* langFile);
void gettextCleanUp(void);
* input msg = a text in ASCII
* output = the translated msg in utf-8
const char *gettext(const char *msg);
#define tr(s) gettext(s)
#define trNOOP(s) (s)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _GETTEXT_H_ */
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
#include <gctypes.h>
#ifndef _LANGUAGE_H_
#define _LANGUAGE_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
char released[15];
char publishedby[25];
char developedby[25];
char january[15];
char february[15];
char march[15];
char april[15];
char may[15];
char june[15];
char july[15];
char august[15];
char september[15];
char october[15];
char november[15];
char december[15];
char XMLTitles[15];
char wififeatures[20];
char t3Covers[50];
char addToFavorite[50];
char all[30];
char Anti002fix[50];
char AppLanguage[50];
char available[20];
char Areyousure[50];
char AutoPatch[30];
char Adultsonly[50];
char Alternatedol[50];
char awesometool[50];
char Back[20];
char Backgroundmusic[80];
char Backgroundmusicpath[100];
char BacktoHBCorWiiMenu[50];
char BacktoLoader[50];
char BacktoWiiMenu[50];
char BootStandard[50];
char Both[35];
char Blockiosreload[60];
char Cantcreatedirectory[50];
char Cancel[20];
char Cantbeformated[50];
char Cantdelete[50];
char CheckingforUpdates[40];
char ClicktoDownloadCovers[50];
char Child[40];
char Clock[20];
char Close[20];
char Continueinstallgame[50];
char Console[50];
char ConsoleDefault[50];
char Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit[100];
char ConsoleLocked[50];
char Controllevel[50];
char CorrectPassword[50];
char Couldnotinitializenetwork[50];
char CouldnotopenDisc[50];
char CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule[60];
char CoverDownload[50];
char CoverPath[50];
char CoverpathChanged[50];
char Coverpathchange[50];
char DolPath[50];
char DolpathChanged[50];
char Dolpathchange[50];
char Cheatcodespathchanged[80];
char Cheatcodespath[80];
char count[20];
char Credits[30];
char Custompaths[60];
char DiscImages[50];
char DiscimagePath[50];
char DiscpathChanged[50];
char Discpathchange[50];
char DiscDefault[50];
char Display[30];
char Doyouwanttoformat[50];
char Doyoureallywanttodelete[50];
char Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs[80];
char Doyouwanttoupdate[50];
char Doyouwanttochangelanguage[80];
char Downloadingfile[50];
char DownloadBoxartimage[50];
char Downloadfinished[50];
char Defaultgamesettings[50];
char Defaultsettings[40];
char Default[40];
char diversepatches[60];
char Error[30];
char Error002fix[50];
char BOOTERROR[50];
char ErrorreadingDisc[50];
char ExitUSBISOLoader[50];
char Everyone[50];
char InitializingNetwork[50];
char InsertDisk[50];
char InsertaWiiDisc[50];
char InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages[80];
char InsertaSDCardtosave[60];
char InsertaSDCardtousethatoption[100];
char InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked[100];
char Installerror[50];
char Installagame[50];
char Installinggame[50];
char Failedtoboot[50];
char FailedtomountfrontSDcard[80];
char FailedtosetUSB[50];
char Failedformating[50];
char fave[15];
char Filenotfound[50];
char filesnotfoundontheserver[80];
char filesleft[50];
char FlipX[50];
char Force[50];
char Forhostingcovers[80];
char Forhostingupdatefiles[80];
char Youneedtoformatapartition[80];
char Format[50];
char Formattingpleasewait[70];
char formated[30];
char free[30];
char FreeSpace[50];
char FullShutdown[50];
char GameID[30];
char Games[50];
char Gameisalreadyinstalled[90];
char GameRegion[50];
char GameSize[50];
char GoBack[50];
char GotoPage[50];
char GUISettings[80];
char Gameload[50];
char HowtoShutdown[50];
char Homemenu[30];
char hour[30];
char keyboard[50];
char Language[50];
char Languagepathchanged[80];
char Langchange[50];
char Left[50];
char LikeSysMenu[50];
char ListSort[30];
char LoadingincIOS[50];
char Loadingstandardlanguage[80];
char Loadingstandardmusic[80];
char Locked[30];
char LockConsole[50];
char Patchcountrystrings[80];
char Missingfiles[50];
char Mature[50];
char Networkiniterror[50];
char Neither[40];
char Next[40];
char No[40];
char Nofilemissing[50];
char NoHDDfound[40];
char NoSDcardinserted[50];
char Nopartitionsfound[50];
char NoUSBDevice[40];
char NoWBFSpartitionfound[50];
char Nonewupdates[40];
char NormalCovers[40];
char Normal[30];
char NotaWiiDisc[40];
char NoUSBDevicefound[50];
char Notenoughfreespace[50];
char Notasupportedformat[100];
char notset[40];
char of[30];
char OFF[30];
char OfficialSite[50];
char ok[30];
char ON[30];
char OnlyInstall[50];
char Parentalcontrol[50];
char Partition[50];
char Password[50];
char PasswordChanged[50];
char Passwordhasbeenchanged[80];
char Passwordchange[50];
char PowerofftheWii[50];
char Plays[20];
char Prev[50];
char PromptsButtons[50];
char ReloadSD[50];
char RenameGameonWBFS[50];
char Restart[30];
char Restarting[20];
char Resetplaycounter[50];
char Return[30];
char ReturntoWiiMenu[50];
char Right[30];
char Rumble[30];
char QuickBoot[50];
char Save[30];
char SaveFailed[50];
char Specialthanksto[50];
char For[20];
char theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecode[100];
char Screensaver[50];
char secondsleft[50];
char SelectthePartition[50];
char youwanttoformat[50];
char settings[50];
char Setasbackgroundmusic[90];
char Standard[30];
char Sound[40];
char ShutdowntoIdle[50];
char ShutdownSystem[50];
char Success[30];
char Successfullyinstalled[80];
char Successfullyupdated[70];
char Successfullydeleted[60];
char SuccessfullySaved[50];
char SystemDefault[50];
char Teen[50];
char Thanksto[50];
char ThemePath[50];
char ThemepathChanged[50];
char Themepathchange[80];
char Titlestxtpath[80];
char Titlestxtpathchange[80];
char TitlestxtpathChanged[80];
char Try[30];
char Tooltips[50];
char Timeleft[50];
char Unlocked[50];
char UnlockConsoletousethisOption[100];
char Uninstall[50];
char USBLoaderisprotected[80];
char USBDevicenotfound[80];
char updating[25];
char Updatepath[50];
char Updatepathchanged[50];
char Updatefailed[40];
char Updatedol[40];
char Updateall[40];
char Updateto[40];
char Update[40];
char VideoMode[50];
char VIDTVPatch[50];
char Volume[50];
char SFXVolume[50];
char Waiting[50];
char WaitingforUSBDevice[80];
char WidescreenFix[50];
char WiiMenu[50];
char Wiilight[20];
char WrongPassword[50];
char Yes[20];
char YoudonthavecIOS[70];
char Japanese[30];
char German[30];
char English[30];
char French[30];
char Spanish[30];
char Italian[30];
char Dutch[30];
char SChinese[30];
char TChinese[30];
char Korean[30];
extern struct LANGUAGE LANGUAGE;
char* strcopy(char *dest, char *src, int size);
bool checkfile(char * path);
void lang_default();
void language_set(char *name, char *val);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
#include "gui_gamegrid.h"
#include "../settings/cfg.h"
#include "../prompts/PromptWindows.h"
#include "../language/language.h"
#include "../language/gettext.h"
#include "../menu.h"
#include <string.h>
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ GuiGameGrid::GuiGameGrid(int w, int h, struct discHdr * l, int count, const char
WindowPrompt("Oops","Your Wii must be in 16:9 mode to see the gamewall.",0, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0);
WindowPrompt("Oops","Your Wii must be in 16:9 mode to see the gamewall.",0, tr("OK"), 0,0);
@ -93,3 +93,14 @@ int GetAllDirFiles(char * filespath)
qsort(alldirfiles, countfiles, sizeof(char[70]), filenamescmp);
return countfiles;
bool checkfile(char * path)
FILE * f;
f = fopen(path,"r");
if(f) {
return true;
return false;
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ bool findfile(const char * filename, const char * path);
char * GetFileName(int i);
int GetAllDirFiles(char * filespath);
bool subfoldercreate(char * fullpath);
bool checkfile(char * path);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#include "usbloader/wbfs.h"
#include "usbloader/video2.h"
#include "settings/cfg.h"
#include "language/language.h"
#include "language/gettext.h"
#include "mload/mload.h"
#include "FreeTypeGX.h"
#include "video.h"
@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
strcpy(bootDevice, "USB:");
SDCard_deInit();// unmount SD for reloading IOS
@ -125,17 +126,9 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
fontSystem = new FreeTypeGX();
char *fontPath = NULL;
asprintf(&fontPath, "%sfont.ttf", CFG.theme_path);
u8* fontbuf = NULL;
int fontbuffersize = NULL;
FILE *fontfile = fopen(fontPath, "rb");
if (fontfile) {
fontSystem->loadFont(fontPath, fontbuf, fontbuffersize, 0);
fontSystem->loadFont(fontPath, font_ttf, font_ttf_size, 0);
} else {
fontSystem->loadFont(NULL, font_ttf, font_ttf_size, 0);
fontClock = new FreeTypeGX();
fontClock->loadFont(NULL, clock_ttf, clock_ttf_size, 0);
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include "usbloader/wbfs.h"
#include "usbloader/disc.h"
#include "usbloader/getentries.h"
#include "language/language.h"
#include "language/gettext.h"
#include "settings/Settings.h"
#include "prompts/PromptWindows.h"
#include "prompts/gameinfo.h"
@ -307,18 +307,18 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
char spaceinfo[30];
sprintf(spaceinfo,"%.2fGB %s %.2fGB %s",freespace,LANGUAGE.of,(freespace+used),LANGUAGE.free);
sprintf(spaceinfo,"%.2fGB %s %.2fGB %s",freespace,tr("of"),(freespace+used),tr("free"));
GuiText usedSpaceTxt(spaceinfo, 18, (GXColor){THEME.info_r, THEME.info_g, THEME.info_b, 255});
usedSpaceTxt.SetAlignment(THEME.hddInfoAlign, ALIGN_TOP);
usedSpaceTxt.SetPosition(THEME.hddInfo_x, THEME.hddInfo_y);
char GamesCnt[15];
sprintf(GamesCnt,"%s: %i",LANGUAGE.Games, gameCnt);
sprintf(GamesCnt,"%s: %i",tr("Games"), gameCnt);
GuiText gamecntTxt(GamesCnt, 18, (GXColor){THEME.info_r, THEME.info_g, THEME.info_b, 255});
gamecntTxt.SetAlignment(THEME.gameCntAlign, ALIGN_TOP);
GuiTooltip installBtnTT(LANGUAGE.Installagame);
GuiTooltip installBtnTT(tr("Install a game"));
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
GuiButton installBtn(&installBtnImg, &installBtnImgOver, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP, THEME.install_x, THEME.install_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, &btnClick, 1, &installBtnTT,24,-30, 0,5);
GuiTooltip settingsBtnTT(LANGUAGE.settings);
GuiTooltip settingsBtnTT(tr("Settings"));
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
GuiImage settingsBtnImgOver(&btnSettingsOver);
GuiButton settingsBtn(&settingsBtnImg,&settingsBtnImgOver, 0, 3, THEME.setting_x, THEME.setting_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, &btnClick,1,&settingsBtnTT,65,-30,0,5);
GuiTooltip homeBtnTT(LANGUAGE.BacktoHBCorWiiMenu);
GuiTooltip homeBtnTT(tr("Back to HBC or Wii Menu"));
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
GuiTooltip poweroffBtnTT(LANGUAGE.PowerofftheWii);
GuiTooltip poweroffBtnTT(tr("Power off the Wii"));
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
GuiButton poweroffBtn(&poweroffBtnImg,&poweroffBtnImgOver, 0, 3, THEME.power_x, THEME.power_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, &btnClick,1,&poweroffBtnTT,-10,-30,1,5);
GuiTooltip sdcardBtnTT(LANGUAGE.ReloadSD);
GuiTooltip sdcardBtnTT(tr("Reload SD"));
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
//Downloading Covers
GuiTooltip DownloadBtnTT(LANGUAGE.ClicktoDownloadCovers);
GuiTooltip DownloadBtnTT(tr("Click to Download Covers"));
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
if(poweroffBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED)
choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.HowtoShutdown,0,LANGUAGE.FullShutdown, LANGUAGE.ShutdowntoIdle, LANGUAGE.Cancel,0);
choice = WindowPrompt(tr("How to Shutdown?"),0,tr("Full Shutdown"), tr("Shutdown to Idle"), tr("Cancel"),0);
if(choice == 2)
@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
s32 thetimeofbg = bgMusic->GetPlayTime();
choice = WindowExitPrompt(LANGUAGE.ExitUSBISOLoader,0, LANGUAGE.BacktoLoader,LANGUAGE.WiiMenu,LANGUAGE.Back,0);
choice = WindowExitPrompt(tr("Exit USB Loader GX?"),0, tr("Back to Loader"),tr("Wii Menu"),tr("Back"),0);
if(!strcmp("", Settings.oggload_path) || !strcmp("notset", Settings.ogg_path)) {
} else {
@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
else if(installBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED)
choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Installagame,0,LANGUAGE.Yes,LANGUAGE.No,0,0);
choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Install a game"),0,tr("Yes"),tr("No"),0,0);
if (choice == 1)
@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
//if(isSdInserted()) {
if(isInserted(bootDevice)) {
choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.CoverDownload, 0, LANGUAGE.NormalCovers, LANGUAGE.t3Covers, LANGUAGE.DiscImages, LANGUAGE.Back); // ask for download choice
choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Cover Download"), 0, tr("Normal Covers"), tr("3D Covers"), tr("Disc Images"), tr("Back")); // ask for download choice
if (choice != 0)
@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
if(IsNetworkInit() == false)
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Networkiniterror, 0, LANGUAGE.ok,0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("Network init error"), 0, tr("OK"),0,0,0);
} else {
@ -746,27 +746,27 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
char tempCnt[40];
sprintf(tempCnt,"%i %s",cntMissFiles,LANGUAGE.Missingfiles);
choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.DownloadBoxartimage,tempCnt,LANGUAGE.Yes,LANGUAGE.No,0,0);
sprintf(tempCnt,"%i %s",cntMissFiles,tr("Missing files"));
choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Download Boxart image?"),tempCnt,tr("Yes"),tr("No"),0,0);
if (choice == 1)
ret = ProgressDownloadWindow(choice2);
if (ret == 0) {
WindowPrompt(tr("Download finished"),0,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
} else {
sprintf(tempCnt,"%i %s",ret,LANGUAGE.filesnotfoundontheserver);
sprintf(tempCnt,"%i %s",ret,tr("files not found on the server!"));
WindowPrompt(tr("Download finished"),tempCnt,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No file missing!"),0,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to download images."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
if (Settings.gameDisplay==list){gameBrowser->SetFocus(1);}
@ -1381,22 +1381,22 @@ static int MenuInstall()
VIDEO_WaitVSync ();
ret = DiscWait(LANGUAGE.InsertDisk,LANGUAGE.Waiting,LANGUAGE.Cancel,0,0);
ret = DiscWait(tr("Insert Disk"),tr("Waiting..."),tr("Cancel"),0,0);
if (ret < 0) {
WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.ErrorreadingDisc,0,LANGUAGE.Back,0,0,0);
WindowPrompt (tr("Error reading Disc"),0,tr("Back"),0,0,0);
ret = Disc_Open();
if (ret < 0) {
WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.CouldnotopenDisc,0,LANGUAGE.Back,0,0,0);
WindowPrompt (tr("Could not open Disc"),0,tr("Back"),0,0,0);
ret = Disc_IsWii();
if (ret < 0) {
choice = WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.NotaWiiDisc,LANGUAGE.InsertaWiiDisc,LANGUAGE.ok,LANGUAGE.Back,0,0);
choice = WindowPrompt (tr("Not a Wii Disc"),"Insert a Wii Disc!",tr("OK"),tr("Back"),0,0);
if (choice == 1) {
@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@ static int MenuInstall()
ret = WBFS_CheckGame(headerdisc.id);
if (ret) {
WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.Gameisalreadyinstalled,name,LANGUAGE.Back,0,0,0);
WindowPrompt (tr("Game is already installed:"),name,tr("Back"),0,0,0);
@ -1434,27 +1434,27 @@ static int MenuInstall()
sprintf(gametxt, "%s : %.2fGB", name, gamesize);
choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Continueinstallgame,gametxt,LANGUAGE.ok,LANGUAGE.Cancel,0,0);
choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Continue to install game?"),gametxt,tr("OK"),tr("Cancel"),0,0);
if(choice == 1) {
sprintf(gametxt, "%s", LANGUAGE.Installinggame);
sprintf(gametxt, "%s", tr("Installing game:"));
if (gamesize > freespace) {
char errortxt[50];
sprintf(errortxt, "%s: %.2fGB, %s: %.2fGB",LANGUAGE.GameSize, gamesize, LANGUAGE.FreeSpace, freespace);
choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Notenoughfreespace,errortxt,LANGUAGE.ok, LANGUAGE.Return,0,0);
sprintf(errortxt, "%s: %.2fGB, %s: %.2fGB",tr("Game Size"), gamesize, tr("Free Space"), freespace);
choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Not enough free space!"),errortxt,tr("OK"), tr("Return"),0,0);
if (choice == 1) {
ret = ProgressWindow(gametxt, name);
if (ret != 0) {
WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.Installerror,0,LANGUAGE.Back,0,0,0);
WindowPrompt (tr("Install Error!"),0,tr("Back"),0,0,0);
else {
__Menu_GetEntries(); //get the entries again
WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.Successfullyinstalled,name,LANGUAGE.ok,0,0,0);
WindowPrompt (tr("Successfully installed:"),name,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
@ -1468,12 +1468,12 @@ static int MenuInstall()
ret = ProgressWindow(gametxt, name);
if (ret != 0) {
WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.Installerror,0,LANGUAGE.Back,0,0,0);
WindowPrompt (tr("Install Error!"),0,tr("Back"),0,0,0);
} else {
__Menu_GetEntries(); //get the entries again
WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.Successfullyinstalled,name,LANGUAGE.ok,0,0,0);
WindowPrompt (tr("Successfully installed:"),name,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
@ -1532,11 +1532,11 @@ static int MenuFormat()
f32 size = entry->size * (sector_size / GB_SIZE);
if (size) {
sprintf(options.name[cnt], "%s %d:",LANGUAGE.Partition, cnt+1);
sprintf(options.name[cnt], "%s %d:",tr("Partition"), cnt+1);
sprintf (options.value[cnt],"%.2fGB", size);
} else {
sprintf(options.name[cnt], "%s %d:",LANGUAGE.Partition, cnt+1);
sprintf (options.value[cnt],LANGUAGE.Cantbeformated);
sprintf(options.name[cnt], "%s %d:",tr("Partition"), cnt+1);
sprintf (options.value[cnt],tr("Can't be formated"));
@ -1598,22 +1598,22 @@ static int MenuFormat()
if (cnt == selected) {
partitionEntry *entry = &partitions[selected];
if (entry->size) {
sprintf(text, "%s %d : %.2fGB",LANGUAGE.Partition, selected+1, entry->size * (sector_size / GB_SIZE));
sprintf(text, "%s %d : %.2fGB",tr("Partition"), selected+1, entry->size * (sector_size / GB_SIZE));
choice = WindowPrompt(
tr("Do you want to format:"),
if(choice == 1) {
ret = FormatingPartition(LANGUAGE.Formattingpleasewait, entry);
ret = FormatingPartition(tr("Formatting, please wait..."), entry);
if (ret < 0) {
WindowPrompt(tr("Error !"),tr("Failed formating"),tr("Return"),0,0,0);
} else {
ret = WBFS_Open();
sprintf(text, "%s %s", text,LANGUAGE.formated);
sprintf(text, "%s %s", text,tr("formatted!"));
@ -1627,7 +1627,7 @@ static int MenuFormat()
if(poweroffBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED)
choice = WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.ShutdownSystem,LANGUAGE.Areyousure,LANGUAGE.Yes,LANGUAGE.No,0,0);
choice = WindowPrompt (tr("Shutdown System"),tr("Are you sure?"),tr("Yes"),tr("No"),0,0);
if(choice == 1)
@ -1635,7 +1635,7 @@ static int MenuFormat()
} else if(exitBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED)
choice = WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.ReturntoWiiMenu,LANGUAGE.Areyousure,LANGUAGE.Yes,LANGUAGE.No,0,0);
choice = WindowPrompt (tr("Return to Wii Menu"),tr("Are you sure?"),tr("Yes"),tr("No"),0,0);
if(choice == 1)
@ -1671,10 +1671,10 @@ static int MenuCheck()
wbfsinit = WBFS_Init(WBFS_DEVICE_USB);
if (wbfsinit < 0)
ret2 = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoUSBDevicefound,
ret2 = WindowPrompt(tr("No USB Device found."),
tr("Do you want to retry for 30 secs?"),
"cIOS249", "cIOS222",
LANGUAGE.BacktoWiiMenu, 0);
tr("Back to Wii Menu"), 0);
@ -1687,29 +1687,29 @@ static int MenuCheck()
} else {
ret2 = DiscWait(LANGUAGE.NoUSBDevice, LANGUAGE.WaitingforUSBDevice, 0, 0, 1);
ret2 = DiscWait(tr("No USB Device"), tr("Waiting for USB Device"), 0, 0, 1);
//reinitialize SD and USB
WPAD_SetVRes(WPAD_CHAN_ALL, screenwidth, screenheight);
if (ret2 < 0) {
WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.Error,LANGUAGE.USBDevicenotfound, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt (tr("Error !"),tr("USB Device not found"), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
ret2 = Disc_Init();
if (ret2 < 0) {
WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.Error,LANGUAGE.CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule,LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt (tr("Error !"),tr("Could not initialize DIP module!"),tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
ret2 = WBFS_Open();
if (ret2 < 0) {
choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoWBFSpartitionfound,
choice = WindowPrompt(tr("No WBFS partition found"),
tr("You need to format a partition"),
if(choice == 0)
@ -1718,7 +1718,7 @@ static int MenuCheck()
u32 sector_size;
ret2 = Partition_GetEntries(partitions, §or_size);
if (ret2 < 0) {
WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.Nopartitionsfound,0, LANGUAGE.Restart, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt (tr("No partitions found"),0, tr("Restart"), 0,0,0);
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#include "usbloader/partition.h"
#include "usbloader/usbstorage.h"
#include "usbloader/getentries.h"
#include "language/language.h"
#include "language/gettext.h"
#include "libwiigui/gui.h"
#include "libwiigui/gui_diskcover.h"
#include "network/networkops.h"
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ int OnScreenKeyboard(char * var, u32 maxlen, int min)
GuiTrigger trigB;
GuiText okBtnTxt(LANGUAGE.ok, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText okBtnTxt(tr("OK"), 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage okBtnImg(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ int OnScreenKeyboard(char * var, u32 maxlen, int min)
GuiButton okBtn(&okBtnImg,&okBtnImg, 0, 4, 5, 15, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, &btnClick,1);
GuiText cancelBtnTxt(LANGUAGE.Cancel, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText cancelBtnTxt(tr("Cancel"), 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage cancelBtnImg(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ void WindowCredits()
int numEntries = 20;
GuiText * txt[numEntries];
txt[i] = new GuiText(LANGUAGE.Credits, 26, (GXColor){255, 255, 255, 255});
txt[i] = new GuiText(tr("Credits"), 26, (GXColor){255, 255, 255, 255});
txt[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); txt[i]->SetPosition(0,12); i++;
char SvnRev[30];
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ void WindowCredits()
txt[i] = new GuiText(": http://code.google.com/p/usbloader-gui/", 20, (GXColor){255, 255, 255, 255});
txt[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); txt[i]->SetPosition(50,y); i++; //y+=28;
txt[i] = new GuiText(LANGUAGE.OfficialSite, 20, (GXColor){255, 255, 255, 255});
txt[i] = new GuiText(tr("Official Site"), 20, (GXColor){255, 255, 255, 255});
txt[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); txt[i]->SetPosition(-180,y); i++; y+=28;
GuiText::SetPresets(22, (GXColor){255, 255, 255, 255}, 0, GuiText::WRAP,
@ -221,47 +221,47 @@ void WindowCredits()
txt[i] = new GuiText(LANGUAGE.Thanksto);
txt[i] = new GuiText(tr("Big thanks to:"));
txt[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); txt[i]->SetPosition(70,y);
char text[100];
sprintf(text, "djtaz %s", LANGUAGE.Forhostingcovers);
sprintf(text, "djtaz %s", tr("for hosting the covers/discarts"));
txt[i] = new GuiText(text);
txt[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); txt[i]->SetPosition(220,y);
sprintf(text, "CorneliousJD %s", LANGUAGE.Forhostingupdatefiles);
sprintf(text, "CorneliousJD %s", tr("for hosting the update files"));
txt[i] = new GuiText(text);
txt[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); txt[i]->SetPosition(220,y);
txt[i] = new GuiText(LANGUAGE.Specialthanksto);
txt[i] = new GuiText(tr("Special thanks to:"));
txt[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); txt[i]->SetPosition(70,y);
sprintf(text, "Waninkoko, Kwiirk & Hermes %s", LANGUAGE.theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecode);
sprintf(text, "Waninkoko, Kwiirk & Hermes %s", tr("for the USB Loader source"));
txt[i] = new GuiText(text);
txt[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); txt[i]->SetPosition(100,y);
sprintf(text, "Tantric %s LibWiiGui", LANGUAGE.awesometool);
sprintf(text, "Tantric %s LibWiiGui", tr("for his awesome tool"));
txt[i] = new GuiText(text);
txt[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); txt[i]->SetPosition(100,y);
sprintf(text, "Fishears/Nuke %s Ocarina", LANGUAGE.For);
sprintf(text, "Fishears/Nuke %s Ocarina", tr("for"));
txt[i] = new GuiText(text);
txt[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); txt[i]->SetPosition(100,y);
sprintf(text, "WiiPower %s", LANGUAGE.diversepatches);
sprintf(text, "WiiPower %s", tr("for diverse patches"));
txt[i] = new GuiText(text);
txt[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); txt[i]->SetPosition(100,y);
@ -733,12 +733,12 @@ WindowExitPrompt(const char *title, const char *msg, const char *btn1Label,
GuiTrigger trigHome;
trigHome.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_HOME | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_HOME, 0);
GuiText titleTxt(LANGUAGE.Homemenu, 36, (GXColor){255, 255, 255, 255});
GuiText titleTxt(tr("HOME Menu"), 36, (GXColor){255, 255, 255, 255});
titleTxt.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP);
GuiText closeTxt(LANGUAGE.Close, 28, (GXColor){0, 0, 0, 255});
GuiText closeTxt(tr("Close"), 28, (GXColor){0, 0, 0, 255});
GuiImage closeImg(&close);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ WindowExitPrompt(const char *title, const char *msg, const char *btn1Label,
else if(btn2.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) {
ret = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Areyousure, 0, LANGUAGE.Yes, LANGUAGE.No, 0, 0);
ret = WindowPrompt(tr("Are you sure?"), 0, tr("Yes"), tr("No"), 0, 0);
if (ret == 1) {
choice = 2;
@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ WindowExitPrompt(const char *title, const char *msg, const char *btn1Label,
else if(btn3.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) {
ret = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Areyousure, 0, LANGUAGE.Yes, LANGUAGE.No, 0, 0);
ret = WindowPrompt(tr("Are you sure?"), 0, tr("Yes"), tr("No"), 0, 0);
if (ret == 1) {
choice = 3;
@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ int GameWindowPrompt()
GuiImageData dialogBox(imgPath, CFG.widescreen ? wdialogue_box_startgame_png : dialogue_box_startgame_png);
GuiImage dialogBoxImg(&dialogBox);
GuiTooltip nameBtnTT(LANGUAGE.RenameGameonWBFS);
GuiTooltip nameBtnTT(tr("Rename Game on WBFS"));
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
GuiText nameTxt("", 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ int GameWindowPrompt()
GuiText btn2Txt(LANGUAGE.Back, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText btn2Txt(tr("Back"), 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage btn2Img(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ int GameWindowPrompt()
GuiText btn3Txt(LANGUAGE.settings, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText btn3Txt(tr("Settings"), 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage btn3Img(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ int GameWindowPrompt()
playcount = 0;
favoritevar = 0;
playcntTxt.SetTextf("%s: %i",LANGUAGE.Plays, playcount);
playcntTxt.SetTextf("%s: %i",tr("Play Count"), playcount);
btnFavoriteImg.SetImage(favoritevar ? &imgFavorite : &imgNotFavorite);
nameTxt.SetPosition(0, 1);
@ -1531,7 +1531,7 @@ DiscWait(const char *title, const char *msg, const char *btn1Label, const char *
while(i >= 0)
timerTxt.SetTextf("%u %s", i,LANGUAGE.secondsleft);
timerTxt.SetTextf("%u %s", i,tr("seconds left"));
if(Settings.cios == ios222) {
ret = IOS_ReloadIOS(222);
@ -1650,7 +1650,7 @@ void SearchMissingImages(int choice2)
GuiText titleTxt(LANGUAGE.InitializingNetwork, 26, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText titleTxt(tr("Initializing Network"), 26, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
titleTxt.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP);
@ -1659,7 +1659,7 @@ void SearchMissingImages(int choice2)
GuiText btn1Txt(LANGUAGE.Cancel, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText btn1Txt(tr("Cancel"), 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage btn1Img(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -1694,7 +1694,7 @@ void SearchMissingImages(int choice2)
if (!IsNetworkInit()) {
msgTxt.SetText(tr("Could not initialize network!"));
if(btn1.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) {
@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ ShowProgress (s32 done, s32 total)
prTxt.SetTextf("%0.2f", percent);
timeTxt.SetTextf("%s %d:%02d:%02d",LANGUAGE.Timeleft,h,m,s);
timeTxt.SetTextf("%s %d:%02d:%02d",tr("Time left:"),h,m,s);
f32 gamesizedone = gamesize * done/total;
@ -1980,7 +1980,7 @@ ProgressDownloadWindow(int choice2)
progressbarImg.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE);
progressbarImg.SetPosition(25, 40);
GuiText titleTxt(LANGUAGE.Downloadingfile, 26, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText titleTxt(tr("Downloading file"), 26, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
titleTxt.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP);
@ -1995,7 +1995,7 @@ ProgressDownloadWindow(int choice2)
prTxt.SetPosition(0, 40);
GuiText btn1Txt(LANGUAGE.Cancel, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText btn1Txt(tr("Cancel"), 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage btn1Img(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -2032,13 +2032,13 @@ ProgressDownloadWindow(int choice2)
struct stat st;
if(stat(Settings.covers_path, &st) != 0) {
if(subfoldercreate(Settings.covers_path) != 1) {
WindowPrompt(tr("Error !"),tr("Can't create directory"),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
cntMissFiles = 0;
if(stat(Settings.disc_path,&st) != 0) {
if(subfoldercreate(Settings.disc_path) != 1) {
WindowPrompt(tr("Error !"),tr("Can't create directory"),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
cntMissFiles = 0;
@ -2059,7 +2059,7 @@ ProgressDownloadWindow(int choice2)
msgTxt.SetTextf("%i %s", cntMissFiles - i, LANGUAGE.filesleft);
msgTxt.SetTextf("%i %s", cntMissFiles - i, tr("file(s) left"));
msg2Txt.SetTextf("%s", missingFiles[i]);
//download boxart image
@ -2206,12 +2206,12 @@ int ProgressUpdateWindow()
progressbarImg.SetPosition(25, 7);
char title[50];
sprintf(title, "%s", LANGUAGE.CheckingforUpdates);
sprintf(title, "%s", tr("Checking for Updates"));
GuiText titleTxt(title, 26, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
titleTxt.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP);
char msg[50];
sprintf(msg, "%s", LANGUAGE.InitializingNetwork);
sprintf(msg, "%s", tr("Initializing Network"));
GuiText msgTxt(msg, 26, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
msgTxt.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP);
@ -2223,7 +2223,7 @@ int ProgressUpdateWindow()
prTxt.SetPosition(0, 7);
GuiText btn1Txt(LANGUAGE.Cancel, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText btn1Txt(tr("Cancel"), 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage btn1Img(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -2257,7 +2257,7 @@ int ProgressUpdateWindow()
struct stat st;
if(stat(Settings.update_path, &st) != 0) {
if(subfoldercreate(Settings.update_path) != 1) {
WindowPrompt(tr("Error !"),tr("Can't create directory"),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
ret = -1;
failed = -1;
@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ int ProgressUpdateWindow()
if (IsNetworkInit()) {
} else {
msgTxt.SetText(tr("Could not initialize network!"));
if(btn1.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) {
@ -2294,16 +2294,16 @@ int ProgressUpdateWindow()
if(newrev > 0) {
sprintf(msg, "Rev%i %s.", newrev, LANGUAGE.available);
int choice = WindowPrompt(msg, LANGUAGE.Doyouwanttoupdate, LANGUAGE.Updatedol, LANGUAGE.Updateall, LANGUAGE.Cancel, 0);
sprintf(msg, "Rev%i %s.", newrev, tr("available"));
int choice = WindowPrompt(msg, tr("How do you want to update?"), tr("Update DOL"), tr("Update All"), tr("Cancel"), 0);
if(choice == 1 || choice == 2) {
titleTxt.SetTextf("%s USB Loader GX", LANGUAGE.updating);
titleTxt.SetTextf("%s USB Loader GX", tr("Updating"));
msgTxt.SetTextf("%s Rev%i", LANGUAGE.Updateto, newrev);
msgTxt.SetTextf("%s Rev%i", tr("Update to"), newrev);
s32 filesize = download_request("http://www.techjawa.com/usbloadergx/boot.dol");
if(filesize > 0) {
FILE * pfile;
@ -2380,7 +2380,7 @@ int ProgressUpdateWindow()
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Nonewupdates, 0, LANGUAGE.ok, 0, 0, 0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No new updates."), 0, tr("OK"), 0, 0, 0);
ret = -1;
@ -2389,7 +2389,7 @@ int ProgressUpdateWindow()
if(!failed && ret >= 0) {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Successfullyupdated , LANGUAGE.Restarting, LANGUAGE.ok, 0, 0, 0);
WindowPrompt(tr("Successfully Updated") , tr("Restarting..."), tr("OK"), 0, 0, 0);
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
#include <dirent.h>
#include "usbloader/wbfs.h"
#include "language/language.h"
#include "language/gettext.h"
#include "libwiigui/gui.h"
#include "../xml/xml.h"
#include "menu.h"
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ int showGameInfo(char *ID)
if (strcmp(gameinfo.publisher,"") != 0){
snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "%s %s", LANGUAGE.publishedby, gameinfo.publisher);
snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "%s %s", tr("Published by"), gameinfo.publisher);
publisherTxt = new GuiText(linebuf, 16, (GXColor){0,0,0, 255});
if (publisherTxt->GetWidth()>250) newline=2;
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ int showGameInfo(char *ID)
if (strcmp(gameinfo.developer,"") != 0 && strcasecmp(gameinfo.developer,gameinfo.publisher) != 0) {
snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "%s %s", LANGUAGE.developedby, gameinfo.developer);
snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "%s %s", tr("Developed by"), gameinfo.developer);
developerTxt = new GuiText(linebuf, 16, (GXColor){0,0,0, 255});
if (developerTxt->GetWidth()>250) newline=2;
@ -500,45 +500,45 @@ int showGameInfo(char *ID)
switch (atoi(gameinfo.month))
case 1:
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, LANGUAGE.january);
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, tr("Jan"));
case 2:
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, LANGUAGE.february);
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, tr("Feb"));
case 3:
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, LANGUAGE.march);
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, tr("Mar"));
case 4:
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, LANGUAGE.april);
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, tr("Apr"));
case 5:
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, LANGUAGE.may);
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, tr("May"));
case 6:
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, LANGUAGE.june);
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, tr("June"));
case 7:
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, LANGUAGE.july);
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, tr("July"));
case 8:
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, LANGUAGE.august);
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, tr("Aug"));
case 9:
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, LANGUAGE.september);
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, tr("Sept"));
case 10:
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, LANGUAGE.october);
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, tr("Oct"));
case 11:
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, LANGUAGE.november);
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, tr("Nov"));
case 12:
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, LANGUAGE.december);
snprintf(linebuf2, sizeof(linebuf2), "%s%s ", linebuf2, tr("Dec"));
if (strcmp(gameinfo.year,"") != 0){
snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "%s : %s%s", LANGUAGE.released, linebuf2, gameinfo.year);
snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "%s : %s%s", tr("Released"), linebuf2, gameinfo.year);
releasedTxt = new GuiText(linebuf, 16, (GXColor){0,0,0, 255});
if (releasedTxt->GetWidth()>300) newline=2;
releasedTxt->SetAlignment(ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_TOP); releasedTxt->SetPosition(-17,12+indexy); indexy+=(20 * newline);newline=1;
@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ int showGameInfo(char *ID)
if (strcmp(gameinfo.wififeatures[1],"") != 0){
snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "%s:",LANGUAGE.wififeatures);
snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "%s:",tr("WiFi Features"));
wifiTxt[0] = new GuiText(linebuf, 16, (GXColor){0,0,0, 255});
wifiTxt[0]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); wifiTxt[0]->SetPosition(205,200+wifiY);
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#include "usbloader/wbfs.h"
#include "usbloader/getentries.h"
#include "language/language.h"
#include "language/gettext.h"
#include "libwiigui/gui.h"
#include "libwiigui/gui_customoptionbrowser.h"
#include "prompts/PromptWindows.h"
@ -100,13 +100,13 @@ int MenuSettings()
GuiTrigger trigPlus;
trigPlus.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_PLUS | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_PLUS, 0);
GuiText titleTxt(LANGUAGE.settings, 28, (GXColor){0, 0, 0, 255});
GuiText titleTxt(tr("Settings"), 28, (GXColor){0, 0, 0, 255});
titleTxt.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP);
GuiImage settingsbackground(&settingsbg);
GuiText backBtnTxt(LANGUAGE.Back , 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText backBtnTxt(tr("Back") , 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage backBtnImg(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -270,13 +270,13 @@ int MenuSettings()
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", LANGUAGE.GUISettings);
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", tr("GUI Settings"));
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", LANGUAGE.Gameload);
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", tr("Game Load"));
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", LANGUAGE.Parentalcontrol);
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", tr("Parental Control"));
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", LANGUAGE.Sound);
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", tr("Sound"));
@ -369,13 +369,13 @@ int MenuSettings()
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", LANGUAGE.Custompaths);
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", tr("Custom Paths"));
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", LANGUAGE.Update);
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", tr("Update"));
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", LANGUAGE.Defaultsettings);
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", tr("Default Settings"));
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", LANGUAGE.Credits);
snprintf(MainButtonText, sizeof(MainButtonText), "%s", tr("Credits"));
@ -465,20 +465,20 @@ int MenuSettings()
titleTxt.SetText(tr("GUI Settings"));
exit = false;
for(int i = 0; i <= MAXOPTIONS; i++) options2.SetName(i, NULL);
options2.SetName(0, "%s",LANGUAGE.AppLanguage);
options2.SetName(1, "%s",LANGUAGE.Display);
options2.SetName(2, "%s",LANGUAGE.Clock);
options2.SetName(3, "%s",LANGUAGE.Tooltips);
options2.SetName(4, "%s",LANGUAGE.FlipX);
options2.SetName(5, "%s",LANGUAGE.PromptsButtons);
options2.SetName(6, "%s",LANGUAGE.keyboard);
options2.SetName(7, "%s",LANGUAGE.Wiilight);
options2.SetName(8, "%s",LANGUAGE.Rumble);
options2.SetName(10, "%s",LANGUAGE.XMLTitles);
options2.SetName(11, "%s",LANGUAGE.Screensaver);
options2.SetName(0, "%s",tr("App Language"));
options2.SetName(1, "%s",tr("Display"));
options2.SetName(2, "%s",tr("Clock"));
options2.SetName(3, "%s",tr("Tooltips"));
options2.SetName(4, "%s",tr("Flip-X"));
options2.SetName(5, "%s",tr("Prompts Buttons"));
options2.SetName(6, "%s",tr("Keyboard"));
options2.SetName(7, "%s",tr("Wiilight"));
options2.SetName(8, "%s",tr("Rumble"));
options2.SetName(10, "%s",tr("Titles from XML"));
options2.SetName(11, "%s",tr("Screensaver"));
for(int i = 0; i <= MAXOPTIONS; i++) options2.SetValue(i, NULL);
@ -520,47 +520,47 @@ int MenuSettings()
if(Settings.titlesOverride >= 2)
Settings.titlesOverride = 0;
if(!strcmp("notset", Settings.language_path))
options2.SetValue(0, "%s", LANGUAGE.Default);
options2.SetValue(0, "%s", tr("Default"));
options2.SetValue(0, "%s", languagefile);
if (Settings.sinfo == GameID) options2.SetValue(1,"%s",LANGUAGE.GameID);
else if (Settings.sinfo == GameRegion) options2.SetValue(1,"%s",LANGUAGE.GameRegion);
else if (Settings.sinfo == Both) options2.SetValue(1,"%s",LANGUAGE.Both);
else if (Settings.sinfo == Neither) options2.SetValue(1,"%s",LANGUAGE.Neither);
if (Settings.sinfo == GameID) options2.SetValue(1,"%s",tr("Game ID"));
else if (Settings.sinfo == GameRegion) options2.SetValue(1,"%s",tr("Game Region"));
else if (Settings.sinfo == Both) options2.SetValue(1,"%s",tr("Both"));
else if (Settings.sinfo == Neither) options2.SetValue(1,"%s",tr("Neither"));
if (Settings.hddinfo == hr12) options2.SetValue(2,"12 %s",LANGUAGE.hour);
else if (Settings.hddinfo == hr24) options2.SetValue(2,"24 %s",LANGUAGE.hour);
else if (Settings.hddinfo == Off) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (Settings.hddinfo == hr12) options2.SetValue(2,"12 %s",tr("Hour"));
else if (Settings.hddinfo == hr24) options2.SetValue(2,"24 %s",tr("Hour"));
else if (Settings.hddinfo == Off) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("OFF"));
if (Settings.tooltips == TooltipsOn) options2.SetValue(3,"%s",LANGUAGE.ON);
else if (Settings.tooltips == TooltipsOff) options2.SetValue(3,"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (Settings.tooltips == TooltipsOn) options2.SetValue(3,"%s",tr("ON"));
else if (Settings.tooltips == TooltipsOff) options2.SetValue(3,"%s",tr("OFF"));
if (Settings.xflip == no) options2.SetValue(4,"%s/%s",LANGUAGE.Right,LANGUAGE.Next);
else if (Settings.xflip == yes) options2.SetValue(4,"%s/%s",LANGUAGE.Left,LANGUAGE.Prev);
else if (Settings.xflip == sysmenu) options2.SetValue(4,"%s", LANGUAGE.LikeSysMenu);
else if (Settings.xflip == wtf) options2.SetValue(4,"%s/%s",LANGUAGE.Right,LANGUAGE.Prev);
else if (Settings.xflip == disk3d) options2.SetValue(4,"DiskFlip");
if (Settings.xflip == no) options2.SetValue(4,"%s/%s",tr("Right"),tr("Next"));
else if (Settings.xflip == yes) options2.SetValue(4,"%s/%s",tr("Left"),tr("Prev"));
else if (Settings.xflip == sysmenu) options2.SetValue(4,"%s", tr("Like SysMenu"));
else if (Settings.xflip == wtf) options2.SetValue(4,"%s/%s",tr("Right"),tr("Prev"));
else if (Settings.xflip == disk3d) options2.SetValue(4,tr("DiskFlip"));
if (Settings.wsprompt == no) options2.SetValue(5,"%s",LANGUAGE.Normal);
else if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) options2.SetValue(5,"%s",LANGUAGE.WidescreenFix);
if (Settings.wsprompt == no) options2.SetValue(5,"%s",tr("Normal"));
else if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) options2.SetValue(5,"%s",tr("Widescreen Fix"));
if (Settings.keyset == us) options2.SetValue(6,"QWERTY");
else if (Settings.keyset == dvorak) options2.SetValue(6,"DVORAK");
else if (Settings.keyset == euro) options2.SetValue(6,"QWERTZ");
else if (Settings.keyset == azerty) options2.SetValue(6,"AZERTY");
if (Settings.wiilight == 0) options2.SetValue(7,"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
else if (Settings.wiilight == 1) options2.SetValue(7,"%s",LANGUAGE.ON);
else if (Settings.wiilight == 2) options2.SetValue(7,"%s",LANGUAGE.OnlyInstall);
if (Settings.wiilight == 0) options2.SetValue(7,"%s",tr("OFF"));
else if (Settings.wiilight == 1) options2.SetValue(7,"%s",tr("ON"));
else if (Settings.wiilight == 2) options2.SetValue(7,"%s",tr("Only for Install"));
if (Settings.rumble == RumbleOn) options2.SetValue(8,"%s",LANGUAGE.ON);
else if (Settings.rumble == RumbleOff) options2.SetValue(8,"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (Settings.rumble == RumbleOn) options2.SetValue(8,"%s",tr("ON"));
else if (Settings.rumble == RumbleOff) options2.SetValue(8,"%s",tr("OFF"));
if (Settings.titlesOverride == 0) options2.SetValue(10,"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
else if (Settings.titlesOverride == 1) options2.SetValue(10,"%s",LANGUAGE.ON);
if (Settings.titlesOverride == 0) options2.SetValue(10,"%s",tr("OFF"));
else if (Settings.titlesOverride == 1) options2.SetValue(10,"%s",tr("ON"));
if (Settings.screensaver == 0) options2.SetValue(11,"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (Settings.screensaver == 0) options2.SetValue(11,"%s",tr("OFF"));
else if (Settings.screensaver == 1) options2.SetValue(11,"3 min");
else if (Settings.screensaver == 2) options2.SetValue(11,"5 min");
else if (Settings.screensaver == 3) options2.SetValue(11,"10 min");
@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
s32 thetimeofbg = bgMusic->GetPlayTime();
choice = WindowExitPrompt(LANGUAGE.ExitUSBISOLoader,0, LANGUAGE.BacktoLoader,LANGUAGE.WiiMenu,LANGUAGE.Back,0);
choice = WindowExitPrompt(tr("Exit USB Loader GX?"),0, tr("Back to Loader"),tr("Wii Menu"),tr("Back"),0);
if(!strcmp("", Settings.oggload_path) || !strcmp("notset", Settings.ogg_path))
@ -640,10 +640,10 @@ int MenuSettings()
while(w.GetEffect()>0) usleep(50);
} else {
WindowPrompt(tr("Language change:"),tr("Console should be unlocked to modify it."),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtousethatoption, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to use this option."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
case 1:
@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
optionBrowser2.SetEffect(EFFECT_FADE, -20);
while(optionBrowser2.GetEffect() > 0) usleep(50);
slidedirection = FADE;
if(returnhere != 2)
pageToDisplay = 1;
@ -706,18 +706,18 @@ int MenuSettings()
titleTxt.SetText(tr("Game Load"));
exit = false;
for(int i = 0; i <= MAXOPTIONS; i++) options2.SetName(i, NULL);
options2.SetName(0, "%s",LANGUAGE.VideoMode);
options2.SetName(1, "%s",LANGUAGE.VIDTVPatch);
options2.SetName(2, "%s",LANGUAGE.Language);
options2.SetName(3, "%s",LANGUAGE.Patchcountrystrings);
options2.SetName(0, "%s",tr("Video Mode"));
options2.SetName(1, "%s",tr("VIDTV Patch"));
options2.SetName(2, "%s",tr("Game Language"));
options2.SetName(3, "%s",tr("Patch Country Strings"));
options2.SetName(4, "Ocarina");
options2.SetName(5,"%s", LANGUAGE.BootStandard);
options2.SetName(6, "%s",LANGUAGE.QuickBoot);
options2.SetName(7, "%s",LANGUAGE.Error002fix);
options2.SetName(8, "%s",LANGUAGE.Anti002fix);
options2.SetName(5,"%s", tr("Boot/Standard"));
options2.SetName(6, "%s",tr("Quick Boot"));
options2.SetName(7, "%s",tr("Error 002 fix"));
options2.SetName(8, "%s",tr("Anti 002 fix"));
for(int i = 0; i <= MAXOPTIONS; i++) options2.SetValue(i, NULL);
@ -749,46 +749,46 @@ int MenuSettings()
if(Settings.anti002fix >= settings_off_on_max)
Settings.anti002fix = 0;
if (Settings.video == discdefault) options2.SetValue(0,"%s",LANGUAGE.DiscDefault);
else if (Settings.video == systemdefault) options2.SetValue(0,"%s",LANGUAGE.SystemDefault);
else if (Settings.video == patch) options2.SetValue(0,"%s",LANGUAGE.AutoPatch);
else if (Settings.video == pal50) options2.SetValue(0,"%s PAL50",LANGUAGE.Force);
else if (Settings.video == pal60) options2.SetValue(0,"%s PAL60",LANGUAGE.Force);
else if (Settings.video == ntsc) options2.SetValue(0,"%s NTSC",LANGUAGE.Force);
if (Settings.video == discdefault) options2.SetValue(0,"%s",tr("Disc Default"));
else if (Settings.video == systemdefault) options2.SetValue(0,"%s",tr("System Default"));
else if (Settings.video == patch) options2.SetValue(0,"%s",tr("AutoPatch"));
else if (Settings.video == pal50) options2.SetValue(0,"%s PAL50",tr("Force"));
else if (Settings.video == pal60) options2.SetValue(0,"%s PAL60",tr("Force"));
else if (Settings.video == ntsc) options2.SetValue(0,"%s NTSC",tr("Force"));
if (Settings.vpatch == on) options2.SetValue(1,"%s",LANGUAGE.ON);
else if (Settings.vpatch == off) options2.SetValue(1,"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (Settings.vpatch == on) options2.SetValue(1,"%s",tr("ON"));
else if (Settings.vpatch == off) options2.SetValue(1,"%s",tr("OFF"));
if (Settings.language == ConsoleLangDefault) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.ConsoleDefault);
else if (Settings.language == jap) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.Japanese);
else if (Settings.language == ger) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.German);
else if (Settings.language == eng) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.English);
else if (Settings.language == fren) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.French);
else if (Settings.language == esp) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.Spanish);
else if (Settings.language == it) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.Italian);
else if (Settings.language == dut) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.Dutch);
else if (Settings.language == schin) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.SChinese);
else if (Settings.language == tchin) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.TChinese);
else if (Settings.language == kor) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.Korean);
if (Settings.language == ConsoleLangDefault) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("Console Default"));
else if (Settings.language == jap) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("Japanese"));
else if (Settings.language == ger) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("German"));
else if (Settings.language == eng) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("English"));
else if (Settings.language == fren) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("French"));
else if (Settings.language == esp) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("Spanish"));
else if (Settings.language == it) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("Italian"));
else if (Settings.language == dut) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("Dutch"));
else if (Settings.language == schin) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("SChinese"));
else if (Settings.language == tchin) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("TChinese"));
else if (Settings.language == kor) options2.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("Korean"));
if (Settings.patchcountrystrings == 0) options2.SetValue(3,"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
else if (Settings.patchcountrystrings == 1) options2.SetValue(3,"%s",LANGUAGE.ON);
if (Settings.patchcountrystrings == 0) options2.SetValue(3,"%s",tr("OFF"));
else if (Settings.patchcountrystrings == 1) options2.SetValue(3,"%s",tr("ON"));
if (Settings.ocarina == on) options2.SetValue(4,"%s",LANGUAGE.ON);
else if (Settings.ocarina == off) options2.SetValue(4,"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (Settings.ocarina == on) options2.SetValue(4,"%s",tr("ON"));
else if (Settings.ocarina == off) options2.SetValue(4,"%s",tr("OFF"));
if (Settings.godmode != 1) options2.SetValue(5, "********");
else if (Settings.cios == ios249) options2.SetValue(5,"cIOS 249");
else if (Settings.cios == ios222) options2.SetValue(5,"cIOS 222");
if (Settings.qboot == no) options2.SetValue(6,"%s",LANGUAGE.No);
else if (Settings.qboot == yes) options2.SetValue(6,"%s",LANGUAGE.Yes);
if (Settings.qboot == no) options2.SetValue(6,"%s",tr("No"));
else if (Settings.qboot == yes) options2.SetValue(6,"%s",tr("Yes"));
if (Settings.error002 == no) options2.SetValue(7,"%s",LANGUAGE.No);
else if (Settings.error002 == yes) options2.SetValue(7,"%s",LANGUAGE.Yes);
if (Settings.error002 == no) options2.SetValue(7,"%s",tr("No"));
else if (Settings.error002 == yes) options2.SetValue(7,"%s",tr("Yes"));
if (Settings.anti002fix == no) options2.SetValue(8,"%s",LANGUAGE.No);
else if (Settings.anti002fix == yes) options2.SetValue(8,"%s",LANGUAGE.Yes);
if (Settings.anti002fix == no) options2.SetValue(8,"%s",tr("No"));
else if (Settings.anti002fix == yes) options2.SetValue(8,"%s",tr("Yes"));
if(backBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED)
@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
s32 thetimeofbg = bgMusic->GetPlayTime();
choice = WindowExitPrompt(LANGUAGE.ExitUSBISOLoader,0, LANGUAGE.BacktoLoader,LANGUAGE.WiiMenu,LANGUAGE.Back,0);
choice = WindowExitPrompt(tr("Exit USB Loader GX?"),0, tr("Back to Loader"),tr("Wii Menu"),tr("Back"),0);
if(!strcmp("", Settings.oggload_path) || !strcmp("notset", Settings.ogg_path))
@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
optionBrowser2.SetEffect(EFFECT_FADE, -20);
while(optionBrowser2.GetEffect() > 0) usleep(50);
slidedirection = FADE;
pageToDisplay = 1;
@ -885,12 +885,12 @@ int MenuSettings()
titleTxt.SetText(tr("Parental Control"));
exit = false;
for(int i = 0; i <= MAXOPTIONS; i++) options2.SetName(i, NULL);
options2.SetName(0, "%s",LANGUAGE.Console);
options2.SetName(1, "%s",LANGUAGE.Password);
options2.SetName(2, "%s",LANGUAGE.Controllevel);
options2.SetName(0, "%s",tr("Console"));
options2.SetName(1, "%s",tr("Password"));
options2.SetName(2, "%s",tr("Controllevel"));
for(int i = 0; i <= MAXOPTIONS; i++) options2.SetValue(i, NULL);
@ -907,19 +907,19 @@ int MenuSettings()
if (Settings.parentalcontrol > 4 )
Settings.parentalcontrol = 0;
if( Settings.godmode == 1 ) options2.SetValue(0, LANGUAGE.Unlocked);
else if( Settings.godmode == 0 ) options2.SetValue(0, LANGUAGE.Locked);
if( Settings.godmode == 1 ) options2.SetValue(0, tr("Unlocked"));
else if( Settings.godmode == 0 ) options2.SetValue(0, tr("Locked"));
if ( Settings.godmode != 1) options2.SetValue(1, "********");
else if (!strcmp("", Settings.unlockCode)) options2.SetValue(1, "%s",LANGUAGE.notset);
else if (!strcmp("", Settings.unlockCode)) options2.SetValue(1, "%s",tr("not set"));
else options2.SetValue(1, Settings.unlockCode);
if (Settings.godmode != 1) options2.SetValue(2, "********");
else if(Settings.parentalcontrol == 0) options2.SetValue(2, LANGUAGE.OFF);
else if(Settings.parentalcontrol == 1) options2.SetValue(2, LANGUAGE.Child);
else if(Settings.parentalcontrol == 2) options2.SetValue(2, LANGUAGE.Teen);
else if(Settings.parentalcontrol == 3) options2.SetValue(2, LANGUAGE.Mature);
else if(Settings.parentalcontrol == 4) options2.SetValue(2, LANGUAGE.Adultsonly);
else if(Settings.parentalcontrol == 0) options2.SetValue(2, tr("OFF"));
else if(Settings.parentalcontrol == 1) options2.SetValue(2, tr("1 (Child 7+)"));
else if(Settings.parentalcontrol == 2) options2.SetValue(2, tr("2 (Teen 12+)"));
else if(Settings.parentalcontrol == 3) options2.SetValue(2, tr("3 (Mature 16+)"));
else if(Settings.parentalcontrol == 4) options2.SetValue(2, tr("4 (Adults Only 18+)"));
if(backBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED)
@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
s32 thetimeofbg = bgMusic->GetPlayTime();
choice = WindowExitPrompt(LANGUAGE.ExitUSBISOLoader,0, LANGUAGE.BacktoLoader,LANGUAGE.WiiMenu,LANGUAGE.Back,0);
choice = WindowExitPrompt(tr("Exit USB Loader GX?"),0, tr("Back to Loader"),tr("Wii Menu"),tr("Back"),0);
if(!strcmp("", Settings.oggload_path) || !strcmp("notset", Settings.ogg_path))
@ -980,19 +980,19 @@ int MenuSettings()
if (!strcmp(entered, Settings.unlockCode)) //if password correct
if (Settings.godmode == 0) {
WindowPrompt(tr("Correct Password"),tr("All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
Settings.godmode = 1;
} else {
WindowPrompt(tr("Wrong Password"),tr("USB Loader GX is protected"),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
} else {
int choice = WindowPrompt (LANGUAGE.LockConsole,LANGUAGE.Areyousure,LANGUAGE.Yes,LANGUAGE.No,0,0);
int choice = WindowPrompt (tr("Lock Console"),tr("Are you sure?"),tr("Yes"),tr("No"),0,0);
if(choice == 1) {
WindowPrompt(tr("Console Locked"),tr("USB Loader GX is protected"),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
Settings.godmode = 0;
@ -1011,10 +1011,10 @@ int MenuSettings()
if ( result == 1 ) {
strncpy(Settings.unlockCode, entered, sizeof(Settings.unlockCode));
WindowPrompt(tr("Password Changed"),tr("Password has been changed"),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
} else {
WindowPrompt(tr("Password Changed"),tr("Console should be unlocked to modify it."),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
case 2:
@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
optionBrowser2.SetEffect(EFFECT_FADE, -20);
while(optionBrowser2.GetEffect() > 0) usleep(50);
slidedirection = FADE;
pageToDisplay = 1;
@ -1047,12 +1047,12 @@ int MenuSettings()
exit = false;
for(int i = 0; i <= MAXOPTIONS; i++) options2.SetName(i, NULL);
options2.SetName(0, "%s",LANGUAGE.Backgroundmusic);
options2.SetName(1, "%s",LANGUAGE.Volume);
options2.SetName(2, "%s",LANGUAGE.SFXVolume);
options2.SetName(0, "%s",tr("Backgroundmusic"));
options2.SetName(1, "%s",tr("Music Volume"));
options2.SetName(2, "%s",tr("SFX Volume"));
for(int i = 0; i <= MAXOPTIONS; i++) options2.SetValue(i, NULL);
@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
bool returnhere = true;
if(!strcmp("notset", Settings.ogg_path))
options2.SetValue(0, "%s", LANGUAGE.Standard);
options2.SetValue(0, "%s", tr("Standard"));
else {
oggfile = strrchr(Settings.ogg_path, '/')+1;
options2.SetValue(0, "%s", oggfile);
@ -1081,11 +1081,11 @@ int MenuSettings()
if(Settings.volume > 0)
options2.SetValue(1,"%i", Settings.volume);
options2.SetValue(1,"%s", LANGUAGE.OFF);
options2.SetValue(1,"%s", tr("OFF"));
if(Settings.sfxvolume > 0)
options2.SetValue(2,"%i", Settings.sfxvolume);
options2.SetValue(2,"%s", LANGUAGE.OFF);
options2.SetValue(2,"%s", tr("OFF"));
if(backBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED)
@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
s32 thetimeofbg = bgMusic->GetPlayTime();
choice = WindowExitPrompt(LANGUAGE.ExitUSBISOLoader,0, LANGUAGE.BacktoLoader,LANGUAGE.WiiMenu,LANGUAGE.Back,0);
choice = WindowExitPrompt(tr("Exit USB Loader GX?"),0, tr("Back to Loader"),tr("Wii Menu"),tr("Back"),0);
if(!strcmp("", Settings.oggload_path) || !strcmp("notset", Settings.ogg_path))
@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
while(w.GetEffect()>0) usleep(50);
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtousethatoption, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to use this option."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
case 1:
Settings.volume += 10;
@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
optionBrowser2.SetEffect(EFFECT_FADE, -20);
while(optionBrowser2.GetEffect() > 0) usleep(50);
slidedirection = FADE;
pageToDisplay = 1;
@ -1189,17 +1189,17 @@ int MenuSettings()
titleTxt.SetText(tr("Custom Paths"));
exit = false;
for(int i = 0; i <= MAXOPTIONS; i++) options2.SetName(i, NULL);
options2.SetName(0, "%s", LANGUAGE.CoverPath);
options2.SetName(1, "%s", LANGUAGE.DiscimagePath);
options2.SetName(2, "%s", LANGUAGE.ThemePath);
options2.SetName(3, "%s", LANGUAGE.Titlestxtpath);
options2.SetName(4, "%s", LANGUAGE.Updatepath);
options2.SetName(5, "%s", LANGUAGE.Cheatcodespath);
options2.SetName(6, "%s", LANGUAGE.DolPath);
options2.SetName(0, "%s", tr("Cover Path"));
options2.SetName(1, "%s", tr("Discimage Path"));
options2.SetName(2, "%s", tr("ThemePath"));
options2.SetName(3, "%s", tr("titles.txt Path"));
options2.SetName(4, "%s", tr("Updatepath"));
options2.SetName(5, "%s", tr("Cheatcodes Path"));
options2.SetName(6, "%s", tr("Dol Path"));
for(int i = 0; i <= MAXOPTIONS; i++) options2.SetValue(i, NULL);
@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
s32 thetimeofbg = bgMusic->GetPlayTime();
choice = WindowExitPrompt(LANGUAGE.ExitUSBISOLoader,0, LANGUAGE.BacktoLoader,LANGUAGE.WiiMenu,LANGUAGE.Back,0);
choice = WindowExitPrompt(tr("Exit USB Loader GX?"),0, tr("Back to Loader"),tr("Wii Menu"),tr("Back"),0);
if(!strcmp("", Settings.oggload_path) || !strcmp("notset", Settings.ogg_path))
@ -1280,14 +1280,14 @@ int MenuSettings()
if(entered[len] !='/')
strncat (entered, "/", 1);
strncpy(Settings.covers_path, entered, sizeof(Settings.covers_path));
WindowPrompt(tr("Coverpath Changed"),0,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
// if(!isSdInserted()) {
if(!isInserted(bootDevice)) {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to save."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
} else {
WindowPrompt(tr("Coverpath Changed"),tr("Console should be unlocked to modify it."),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
case 1:
@ -1306,14 +1306,14 @@ int MenuSettings()
if(entered[len] !='/')
strncat (entered, "/", 1);
strncpy(Settings.disc_path, entered, sizeof(Settings.disc_path));
WindowPrompt(tr("Discpath Changed"),0,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
// if(!isSdInserted()) {
if(!isInserted(bootDevice)) {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to save."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
} else {
WindowPrompt(tr("Discpath change"),tr("Console should be unlocked to modify it."),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
case 2:
@ -1332,10 +1332,10 @@ int MenuSettings()
if(entered[len] !='/')
strncat (entered, "/", 1);
strncpy(CFG.theme_path, entered, sizeof(CFG.theme_path));
WindowPrompt(tr("Themepath Changed"),0,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
// if(!isSdInserted()) {
if(!isInserted(bootDevice)) {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to save."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
} else {
@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
} else {
WindowPrompt(tr("Themepath change"),tr("Console should be unlocked to modify it."),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
case 3:
@ -1389,19 +1389,19 @@ int MenuSettings()
if(entered[len] !='/')
strncat (entered, "/", 1);
strncpy(Settings.titlestxt_path, entered, sizeof(Settings.titlestxt_path));
WindowPrompt(tr("Path of titles.txt changed."),0,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
// if(isSdInserted()) {
if(isInserted(bootDevice)) {
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to save."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("Path of titles.txt change"),tr("Console should be unlocked to modify it."),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
case 4:
@ -1420,11 +1420,11 @@ int MenuSettings()
if(entered[len] !='/')
strncat (entered, "/", 1);
strncpy(Settings.update_path, entered, sizeof(Settings.update_path));
WindowPrompt(tr("Updatepath changed."),0,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(0,tr("Console should be unlocked to modify it."),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
case 5:
if ( Settings.godmode == 1)
@ -1442,11 +1442,11 @@ int MenuSettings()
if(entered[len] !='/')
strncat (entered, "/", 1);
strncpy(Settings.Cheatcodespath, entered, sizeof(Settings.Cheatcodespath));
WindowPrompt(tr("Cheatcodes Path changed"),0,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(0,tr("Console should be unlocked to modify it."),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
case 6:
if ( Settings.godmode == 1)
@ -1464,14 +1464,14 @@ int MenuSettings()
if(entered[len] !='/')
strncat (entered, "/", 1);
strncpy(Settings.dolpath, entered, sizeof(Settings.dolpath));
WindowPrompt(tr("Dolpath Changed"),0,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
// if(!isSdInserted()) {
if(!isInserted(bootDevice)) {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to save."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
} else {
WindowPrompt(tr("Dolpath change"),tr("Console should be unlocked to modify it."),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
@ -1479,11 +1479,11 @@ int MenuSettings()
/** If not godmode don't let him inside **/
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.ConsoleLocked, LANGUAGE.UnlockConsoletousethisOption, LANGUAGE.ok, 0, 0, 0);
WindowPrompt(tr("Console Locked"), tr("Unlock console to use this option."), tr("OK"), 0, 0, 0);
optionBrowser2.SetEffect(EFFECT_FADE, -20);
while(optionBrowser2.GetEffect() > 0) usleep(50);
slidedirection = FADE;
pageToDisplay = 2;
@ -1510,12 +1510,12 @@ int MenuSettings()
int ret = ProgressUpdateWindow();
if(ret < 0) {
WindowPrompt(tr("Update failed"),0,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.ConsoleLocked, LANGUAGE.UnlockConsoletousethisOption, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("Console Locked"), tr("Unlock console to use this option."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
slidedirection = FADE;
pageToDisplay = 2;
@ -1540,7 +1540,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
if(Settings.godmode) {
int choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Areyousure, 0, LANGUAGE.Yes, LANGUAGE.Cancel, 0, 0);
int choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Are you sure?"), 0, tr("Yes"), tr("Cancel"), 0, 0);
if(choice == 1) {
// if(isSdInserted())
@ -1549,13 +1549,14 @@ int MenuSettings()
sprintf(GXGlobal_cfg, "%s/config/GXGlobal.cfg", bootDevice);
pageToDisplay = 0;
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.ConsoleLocked, LANGUAGE.UnlockConsoletousethisOption, LANGUAGE.ok, 0, 0, 0);
WindowPrompt(tr("Console Locked"), tr("Unlock console to use this option."), tr("OK"), 0, 0, 0);
@ -1653,7 +1654,7 @@ int MenuSettings()
s32 thetimeofbg = bgMusic->GetPlayTime();
choice = WindowExitPrompt(LANGUAGE.ExitUSBISOLoader,0, LANGUAGE.BacktoLoader,LANGUAGE.WiiMenu,LANGUAGE.Back,0);
choice = WindowExitPrompt(tr("Exit USB Loader GX?"),0, tr("Back to Loader"),tr("Wii Menu"),tr("Back"),0);
if(!strcmp("", Settings.oggload_path) || !strcmp("notset", Settings.ogg_path))
@ -1719,18 +1720,18 @@ int GameSettings(struct discHdr * header)
customOptionList options3(12);
options3.SetName(0,"%s", LANGUAGE.VideoMode);
options3.SetName(1,"%s", LANGUAGE.VIDTVPatch);
options3.SetName(2,"%s", LANGUAGE.Language);
options3.SetName(0,"%s", tr("Video Mode"));
options3.SetName(1,"%s", tr("VIDTV Patch"));
options3.SetName(2,"%s", tr("Game Language"));
options3.SetName(3, "Ocarina");
options3.SetName(4, "IOS");
options3.SetName(5,"%s", LANGUAGE.Parentalcontrol);
options3.SetName(6,"%s", LANGUAGE.Error002fix);
options3.SetName(7,"%s", LANGUAGE.Patchcountrystrings);
options3.SetName(8,"%s", LANGUAGE.Alternatedol);
options3.SetName(9,"%s", LANGUAGE.Blockiosreload);
options3.SetName(10,"%s", LANGUAGE.Resetplaycounter);
options3.SetName(11,"%s", LANGUAGE.Defaultgamesettings);
options3.SetName(5,"%s", tr("Parental control"));
options3.SetName(6,"%s", tr("Error 002 fix"));
options3.SetName(7,"%s", tr("Patch Country Strings"));
options3.SetName(8,"%s", tr("Alternate DOL"));
options3.SetName(9,"%s", tr("Block IOS Reload"));
options3.SetName(10,"%s", tr("Reset Playcounter"));
options3.SetName(11,"%s", tr("Default Gamesettings"));
GuiSound btnSoundOver(button_over_pcm, button_over_pcm_size, SOUND_PCM, Settings.sfxvolume);
GuiSound btnClick(button_click2_pcm, button_click2_pcm_size, SOUND_PCM, Settings.sfxvolume);
@ -1760,7 +1761,7 @@ int GameSettings(struct discHdr * header)
settingsbackgroundbtn.SetPosition(0, 0);
GuiText saveBtnTxt(LANGUAGE.Save, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText saveBtnTxt(tr("Save"), 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage saveBtnImg(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -1770,7 +1771,7 @@ int GameSettings(struct discHdr * header)
GuiText cancelBtnTxt(LANGUAGE.Back, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText cancelBtnTxt(tr("Back"), 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage cancelBtnImg(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -1781,7 +1782,7 @@ int GameSettings(struct discHdr * header)
GuiText deleteBtnTxt(LANGUAGE.Uninstall, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText deleteBtnTxt(tr("Uninstall"), 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage deleteBtnImg(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -1847,52 +1848,52 @@ int GameSettings(struct discHdr * header)
if (videoChoice == discdefault) options3.SetValue(0,"%s",LANGUAGE.DiscDefault);
else if (videoChoice == systemdefault) options3.SetValue(0,"%s",LANGUAGE.SystemDefault);
else if (videoChoice == patch) options3.SetValue(0,"%s",LANGUAGE.AutoPatch);
else if (videoChoice == pal50) options3.SetValue(0,"%s PAL50",LANGUAGE.Force);
else if (videoChoice == pal60) options3.SetValue(0,"%s PAL60",LANGUAGE.Force);
else if (videoChoice == ntsc) options3.SetValue(0,"%s NTSC",LANGUAGE.Force);
if (videoChoice == discdefault) options3.SetValue(0,"%s",tr("Disc Default"));
else if (videoChoice == systemdefault) options3.SetValue(0,"%s",tr("System Default"));
else if (videoChoice == patch) options3.SetValue(0,"%s",tr("AutoPatch"));
else if (videoChoice == pal50) options3.SetValue(0,"%s PAL50",tr("Force"));
else if (videoChoice == pal60) options3.SetValue(0,"%s PAL60",tr("Force"));
else if (videoChoice == ntsc) options3.SetValue(0,"%s NTSC",tr("Force"));
if (viChoice == on) options3.SetValue(1,"%s",LANGUAGE.ON);
else if (viChoice == off) options3.SetValue(1,"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (viChoice == on) options3.SetValue(1,"%s",tr("ON"));
else if (viChoice == off) options3.SetValue(1,"%s",tr("OFF"));
if (languageChoice == ConsoleLangDefault) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.ConsoleDefault);
else if (languageChoice == jap) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.Japanese);
else if (languageChoice == ger) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.German);
else if (languageChoice == eng) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.English);
else if (languageChoice == fren) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.French);
else if (languageChoice == esp) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.Spanish);
else if (languageChoice == it) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.Italian);
else if (languageChoice == dut) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.Dutch);
else if (languageChoice == schin) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.SChinese);
else if (languageChoice == tchin) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.TChinese);
else if (languageChoice == kor) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",LANGUAGE.Korean);
if (languageChoice == ConsoleLangDefault) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("Console Default"));
else if (languageChoice == jap) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("Japanese"));
else if (languageChoice == ger) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("German"));
else if (languageChoice == eng) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("English"));
else if (languageChoice == fren) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("French"));
else if (languageChoice == esp) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("Spanish"));
else if (languageChoice == it) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("Italian"));
else if (languageChoice == dut) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("Dutch"));
else if (languageChoice == schin) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("SChinese"));
else if (languageChoice == tchin) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("TChinese"));
else if (languageChoice == kor) options3.SetValue(2,"%s",tr("Korean"));
if (ocarinaChoice == on) options3.SetValue(3,"%s",LANGUAGE.ON);
else if (ocarinaChoice == off) options3.SetValue(3,"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (ocarinaChoice == on) options3.SetValue(3,"%s",tr("ON"));
else if (ocarinaChoice == off) options3.SetValue(3,"%s",tr("OFF"));
if (iosChoice == i249) options3.SetValue(4,"249");
else if (iosChoice == i222) options3.SetValue(4,"222");
else if (iosChoice == i223) options3.SetValue(4,"223");
if (parentalcontrolChoice == 0) options3.SetValue(5, LANGUAGE.Everyone);
else if (parentalcontrolChoice == 1) options3.SetValue(5, LANGUAGE.Child);
else if (parentalcontrolChoice == 2) options3.SetValue(5, LANGUAGE.Teen);
else if (parentalcontrolChoice == 3) options3.SetValue(5, LANGUAGE.Mature);
else if (parentalcontrolChoice == 4) options3.SetValue(5, LANGUAGE.Adultsonly);
if (parentalcontrolChoice == 0) options3.SetValue(5, tr("0 (Everyone)"));
else if (parentalcontrolChoice == 1) options3.SetValue(5, tr("1 (Child 7+)"));
else if (parentalcontrolChoice == 2) options3.SetValue(5, tr("2 (Teen 12+)"));
else if (parentalcontrolChoice == 3) options3.SetValue(5, tr("3 (Mature 16+)"));
else if (parentalcontrolChoice == 4) options3.SetValue(5, tr("4 (Adults Only 18+)"));
if (fix002 == on) options3.SetValue(6,LANGUAGE.ON);
else if (fix002 == off) options3.SetValue(6,LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (fix002 == on) options3.SetValue(6,tr("ON"));
else if (fix002 == off) options3.SetValue(6,tr("OFF"));
if (countrystrings == on) options3.SetValue(7,LANGUAGE.ON);
else if (countrystrings == off) options3.SetValue(7,LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (countrystrings == on) options3.SetValue(7,tr("ON"));
else if (countrystrings == off) options3.SetValue(7,tr("OFF"));
if (alternatedol == on) options3.SetValue(8,LANGUAGE.ON);
else if (alternatedol == off) options3.SetValue(8,LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (alternatedol == on) options3.SetValue(8,tr("ON"));
else if (alternatedol == off) options3.SetValue(8,tr("OFF"));
if (reloadblock == on) options3.SetValue(9,LANGUAGE.ON);
else if (reloadblock == off) options3.SetValue(9,LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (reloadblock == on) options3.SetValue(9,tr("ON"));
else if (reloadblock == off) options3.SetValue(9,tr("OFF"));
options3.SetValue(10, NULL);
options3.SetValue(11, NULL);
@ -1938,7 +1939,7 @@ int GameSettings(struct discHdr * header)
case 10:
int result;
result = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Areyousure,0,LANGUAGE.Yes,LANGUAGE.Cancel,0,0);
result = WindowPrompt(tr("Are you sure?"),0,tr("Yes"),tr("Cancel"),0,0);
if(result == 1) {
if(isInserted(bootDevice)) {
struct Game_NUM* game_num = CFG_get_game_num(header->id);
@ -1955,7 +1956,7 @@ int GameSettings(struct discHdr * header)
case 11:
int choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Areyousure,0,LANGUAGE.Yes,LANGUAGE.Cancel,0,0);
int choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Are you sure?"),0,tr("Yes"),tr("Cancel"),0,0);
if(choice == 1) {
videoChoice = Settings.video;
viChoice = Settings.vpatch;
@ -1995,14 +1996,14 @@ int GameSettings(struct discHdr * header)
if (Settings.titlesOverride==1 && opt_lang != opt_langnew)
OpenXMLDatabase(Settings.titlestxt_path, Settings.db_language, Settings.db_JPtoEN, true, true, false); // open file, reload titles, do not keep in memory
// titles are refreshed in menu.cpp as soon as this function returns
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.SuccessfullySaved, 0, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("Successfully Saved"), 0, tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.SaveFailed, 0, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("Save Failed"), 0, tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to save."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
@ -2018,9 +2019,9 @@ int GameSettings(struct discHdr * header)
if (deleteBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED)
int choice = WindowPrompt(
tr("Do you really want to delete:"),
if (choice == 1)
@ -2030,16 +2031,16 @@ int GameSettings(struct discHdr * header)
if (ret < 0)
tr("Can't delete:"),
else {
tr("Successfully deleted:"),
retVal = 1;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "language/language.h"
#include "language/gettext.h"
#include "prompts/PromptWindows.h"
#include "libwiigui/gui.h"
#include "libwiigui/gui_customoptionbrowser.h"
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ bool MenuOGG()
int countoggs = GetAllDirFiles(Settings.oggload_path);
if(!strcmp("", Settings.oggload_path)) {
sprintf(shortpath, "%s", LANGUAGE.Standard);
sprintf(shortpath, "%s", tr("Standard"));
} else {
sprintf(shortpath, "%s", Settings.oggload_path);
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ bool MenuOGG()
oggmenubackground.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP);
oggmenubackground.SetPosition(0, 0);
GuiText backBtnTxt(LANGUAGE.Back , 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText backBtnTxt(tr("Back") , 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage backBtnImg(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ bool MenuOGG()
GuiText defaultBtnTxt(LANGUAGE.Default , 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText defaultBtnTxt(tr("Default") , 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage defaultBtnImg(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ bool MenuOGG()
if (defaultBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) {
choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Loadingstandardmusic,0,LANGUAGE.ok, LANGUAGE.Cancel,0,0);
choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Loading standard music."),0,tr("OK"), tr("Cancel"),0,0);
if (choice == 1) {
sprintf(Settings.ogg_path, "notset");
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ bool MenuOGG()
if(entered[len] !='/')
strncat (entered, "/", 1);
strncpy(Settings.oggload_path, entered, sizeof(Settings.oggload_path));
WindowPrompt(tr("Backgroundmusic Path changed."),0,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
// if(isSdInserted()) {
if(isInserted(bootDevice)) {
if(!strcmp("", Settings.oggload_path)) {
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ bool MenuOGG()
returnhere = true;
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to save."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
if(countoggs > 0) {
@ -253,13 +253,13 @@ bool MenuOGG()
ret = optionBrowser4.GetClickedOption();
if(ret>=0) {
choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Setasbackgroundmusic,GetFileName(ret),LANGUAGE.Yes,LANGUAGE.No,0,0);
choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Set as backgroundmusic?"),GetFileName(ret),tr("Yes"),tr("No"),0,0);
if(choice == 1) {
choice = bgMusic->PlayOggFile(fullpath);
if(choice < 0) {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Notasupportedformat, LANGUAGE.Loadingstandardmusic, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("Not supported format!"), tr("Loading standard music."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
sprintf(Settings.ogg_path, "notset");
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ bool MenuOGG()
snprintf(fullpath, 150,"%s%s", Settings.oggload_path,GetFileName(ret));
choice = bgMusic->PlayOggFile(fullpath);
if(choice < 0) {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Notasupportedformat, LANGUAGE.Loadingstandardmusic, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("Not supported format!"), tr("Loading standard music."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
if(!strcmp("", Settings.oggload_path) || !strcmp("notset", Settings.ogg_path)) {
} else {
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ int MenuLanguageSelect()
int countfiles = GetAllDirFiles(Settings.languagefiles_path);
if(!strcmp("", Settings.languagefiles_path)) {
sprintf(fullpath, "%s", LANGUAGE.Standard);
sprintf(fullpath, "%s", tr("Standard"));
} else {
sprintf(fullpath, "%s", Settings.languagefiles_path);
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ int MenuLanguageSelect()
oggmenubackground.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP);
oggmenubackground.SetPosition(0, 0);
GuiText backBtnTxt(LANGUAGE.Back , 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText backBtnTxt(tr("Back") , 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage backBtnImg(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ int MenuLanguageSelect()
GuiText defaultBtnTxt(LANGUAGE.Default , 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiText defaultBtnTxt(tr("Default") , 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
GuiImage defaultBtnImg(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) {
@ -401,8 +401,13 @@ int MenuLanguageSelect()
customOptionList options2(countfiles);
for (cnt = 0; cnt < countfiles; cnt++) {
options2.SetName(cnt, "%s", GetFileName(cnt));
char filename[64];
strncpy(filename, GetFileName(cnt),63);
char *dot = strchr(filename, '.');
if(dot) *dot='\0';
options2.SetName(cnt, "%s", filename);
options2.SetValue(cnt, NULL);
if(cnt < 9) {
@ -444,11 +449,12 @@ int MenuLanguageSelect()
if (defaultBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) {
choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Loadingstandardlanguage,0,LANGUAGE.ok, LANGUAGE.Cancel,0,0);
choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Loading standard language."),0,tr("OK"), tr("Cancel"),0,0);
if (choice == 1) {
sprintf(Settings.language_path, "notset");
returnhere = 2;
@ -473,14 +479,14 @@ int MenuLanguageSelect()
if(entered[len] !='/')
strncat (entered, "/", 1);
strncpy(Settings.languagefiles_path, entered, sizeof(Settings.languagefiles_path));
WindowPrompt(tr("Languagepath changed."),0,tr("OK"),0,0,0);
// if(isSdInserted()) {
if(isInserted(bootDevice)) {
returnhere = 1;
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to save."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
if(countfiles > 0) {
@ -492,22 +498,23 @@ int MenuLanguageSelect()
ret = optionBrowser4.GetClickedOption();
if(ret>=0) {
choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.Doyouwanttochangelanguage, 0, LANGUAGE.Yes, LANGUAGE.Cancel,0,0);
choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Do you want to change language?"), 0, tr("Yes"), tr("Cancel"),0,0);
if(choice == 1) {
// if(isSdInserted()) {
if(isInserted(bootDevice)) {
snprintf(Settings.language_path, sizeof(Settings.language_path), "%s%s", Settings.languagefiles_path, GetFileName(ret));
if(!checkfile(Settings.language_path)) {
sprintf(Settings.language_path, "notset");
sprintf(Settings.language_path, tr("not set"));
WindowPrompt(tr("File not found."),tr("Loading standard language."),tr("OK"),0,0,0);
returnhere = 2;
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to save."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0);
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#include <ogcsys.h>
#include <mxml.h>
#include "language/language.h"
#include "language/gettext.h"
#include "xml/xml.h" /* XML - Lustar*/
#include "cfg.h"
@ -115,6 +115,12 @@ struct TextMap map_alignment[] =
{ "middle", CFG_ALIGN_MIDDLE },
{ NULL, -1 }
char* strcopy(char *dest, char *src, int size)
dest[size-1] = 0;
return dest;
int map_get_id(struct TextMap *map, char *name)
@ -1668,7 +1674,8 @@ void CFG_Load(void)
cfg_parsefile(pathname, &theme_set); //finally set theme information
snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), Settings.language_path);
cfg_parsefile(pathname, &language_set);
// cfg_parsefile(pathname, &language_set);
snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s/config/GXGameSettings.cfg", bootDevice);
cfg_parsefile(pathname, &parental_set);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user