* Added initial (untested!) support for the zip file format, which is supported by the HBC
* Began working on compressed wad files. Uncompressing fails for now, so uploading WAD files should be done with the previous version of Wiiload.
* Fixed issue 902 (hence the large commit).
new vars are
firstLine = 1;
numLines = -1;
totalLines = 1;
totalLines is not changed until the text is set to wrap and Draw() is called 1 time.
The other 2 are set with functions.
new functions are
void GuiText::SetNumLines(int n)
void GuiText::SetFirstLine(int n)
int GuiText::GetNumLines()
int GuiText::GetFirstLine()
int GuiText::GetTotalLines()
int GuiText::GetLineHeight(int n)
These should be self explanatory. GetLineHeight relies on total lines so it needs to be called after the first Draw();
Raised the chars[] to 3000 for the synopsis because people are writing books in there.
Used those new fancy functions make the synopsis fit in the info window. Press up/down to scroll the text. Arrows may come later for the buttons. Also put a home buttononlytrigger on the game prompt. moved disable mainWindow to the beginning of the infoprompt to keep from loading images and stuff from the sd at the same time we are reading the xml file.
**Big Thanks to CorneliousJD for Hosting the DOLs)**
*Reverted ardi's stuff which made codedumps on the Download (sorry ardi commit it again when its fixed)
- DOTTED: cuts the text and appends "..."
- SCROLL: scrolls the text
* added dotted/scrolled text for gamebrowser, gamepromt and so on (more will come later)
* remove CFG.maxcharacters and THEME.maxcharacters (no more needed)
* remove the Disk-Shadow from dialogue_box_startgame.png (themers will scream). The Shadow now drawing from Loader
* little changes for Widescreen-prompt-fix