* Added an URL auto-updater for users with the old
GameCube banner URL.
Devolution :
* Added forced video mode to PAL60Hz 480i when playing
NTSC games on a PAL console.
* Added Crop Overscan and Disc Delay settings from
Devolution r234
- For PlayLog setting, use USBLoaderGX Playlog setting.
- "MemCard emulation on NAND" feature will not be added.
Nintendont :
* Added support for Nintendont v1.135+
* Added MemCard Emu "Multi" support, named "Enabled" like
with Devolution (OFF > Individual > Enabled) (v1.135+)
* Added MemCard Blocks size option (v1.135+)
* Added specific game settings (Metal gear Solid)
* Changed to use Argsboot method only if AutoBoot is set.