giantpune dd4704cce3 * brought back the return-to patch complete with settings and shit to click on
* in the global settings you can select any 0x10001 title that is actually installed in the nand.  in the game settings, you can decide whether or not to use the global setting for that 1 game.
2010-09-19 10:53:24 +00:00

1848 lines
73 KiB

#include "menus.h"
#include "fatmounter.h"
#include "usbloader/wdvd.h"
#include "usbloader/GameList.h"
#include "usbloader/wbfs.h"
#include "patches/fst.h"
#include "network/networkops.h"
#include "prompts/gameinfo.h"
#include "prompts/DiscBrowser.h"
#include "prompts/TitleBrowser.h"
#include "settings/Settings.h"
#include "wpad.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "libwiigui/gui_gamebrowser.h"
#include "libwiigui/gui_gamegrid.h"
#include "libwiigui/gui_gamecarousel.h"
#include "libwiigui/gui_searchbar.h"
extern u8 * gameScreenTex;
extern struct discHdr *dvdheader;
extern u8 mountMethod;
extern int load_from_fs;
extern s32 gameSelected;
extern GuiText * GameIDTxt;
extern GuiText * GameRegionTxt;
extern const u8 data1;
extern FreeTypeGX *fontClock;
extern bool updateavailable;
extern int cntMissFiles;
extern GuiImageData * cover;
extern GuiImage * coverImg;
extern GuiImageData * pointer[4];
extern bool altdoldefault;
extern GuiImage * bgImg;
GuiButton *Toolbar[9];
int idiotFlag = -1;
char idiotChar[50];
void DiscListWinUpdateCallback( void * e );
void rockout( int f = 0 );
static u32 startat = 0;
* MenuDiscList
int MenuDiscList()
gprintf( "MenuDiscList()\n" );
int offset = MIN( ( int )startat, gameList.size() - 1 );
startat = offset;
int datag = 0;
int datagB = 0;
int dataed = -1;
int cosa = 0, sina = 0;
int selectImg1 = 0;
char ID[4];
char IDfull[7];
u32 covert = 0;
char imgPath[100];
if ( !dvdheader )
dvdheader = new struct discHdr;
u8 mountMethodOLD = 0;
WDVD_GetCoverStatus( &covert );
u32 covertOld = covert;
f32 freespace, used, size = 0.0;
wchar_t searchChar;
int check = 0; //to skip the first cycle when wiimote isn't completely connected
datagB = 0;
int menu = MENU_NONE, dataef = 0;
u32 nolist;
char text[MAX_CHARACTERS + 4];
int choice = 0, selectedold = 100;
s32 ret;
struct tm * timeinfo;
char theTime[80] = "";
time_t lastrawtime = 0;
if ( mountMethod != 3 && WBFS_ShowFreeSpace() )
WBFS_DiskSpace( &used, &freespace );
if ( !gameList.size() ) //if there is no list of games to display
nolist = 1;
GuiSound btnSoundOver( button_over_pcm, button_over_pcm_size, Settings.sfxvolume );
// because destroy GuiSound must wait while sound playing is finished, we use a global sound
if ( !btnClick2 ) btnClick2 = new GuiSound( button_click2_pcm, button_click2_pcm_size, Settings.sfxvolume );
// GuiSound btnClick(button_click2_pcm, button_click2_pcm_size, Settings.sfxvolume);
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sbutton_install.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData btnInstall( imgPath, button_install_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sbutton_install_over.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData btnInstallOver( imgPath, button_install_over_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%ssettings_button.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData btnSettings( imgPath, settings_button_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%ssettings_button_over.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData btnSettingsOver( imgPath, settings_button_over_png );
GuiImageData dataID( &data1 );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%swiimote_poweroff.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData btnpwroff( imgPath, wiimote_poweroff_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%swiimote_poweroff_over.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData btnpwroffOver( imgPath, wiimote_poweroff_over_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%smenu_button.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData btnhome( imgPath, menu_button_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%smenu_button_over.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData btnhomeOver( imgPath, menu_button_over_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sSDcard_over.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData btnsdcardOver( imgPath, sdcard_over_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sSDcard.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData btnsdcard( imgPath, sdcard_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sfavIcon.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgfavIcon( imgPath, favIcon_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sfavIcon_gray.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgfavIcon_gray( imgPath, NULL );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%ssearchIcon.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgsearchIcon( imgPath, searchIcon_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%ssearchIcon_gray.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgsearchIcon_gray( imgPath, NULL );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sabcIcon.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgabcIcon( imgPath, abcIcon_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sabcIcon_gray.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgabcIcon_gray( imgPath, NULL );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%srankIcon.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgrankIcon( imgPath, rankIcon_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%srankIcon_gray.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgrankIcon_gray( imgPath, NULL );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%splayCountIcon.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgplayCountIcon( imgPath, playCountIcon_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%splayCountIcon_gray.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgplayCountIcon_gray( imgPath, NULL );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sarrangeGrid.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgarrangeGrid( imgPath, arrangeGrid_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sarrangeGrid_gray.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgarrangeGrid_gray( imgPath, NULL );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sarrangeList.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgarrangeList( imgPath, arrangeList_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sarrangeList_gray.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgarrangeList_gray( imgPath, NULL );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sarrangeCarousel.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgarrangeCarousel( imgPath, arrangeCarousel_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sarrangeCarousel_gray.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgarrangeCarousel_gray( imgPath, NULL );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%slock.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgLock( imgPath, lock_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%slock_gray.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgLock_gray( imgPath, NULL );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sunlock.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgUnlock( imgPath, unlock_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sunlock_gray.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgUnlock_gray( imgPath, NULL );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sdvd.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgdvd( imgPath, dvd_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sdvd_gray.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData imgdvd_gray( imgPath, NULL );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sbrowser.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData homebrewImgData( imgPath, browser_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sbrowser_over.png", CFG.theme_path );
GuiImageData homebrewImgDataOver( imgPath, browser_over_png );
GuiTrigger trigA;
GuiTrigger trigHome;
GuiTrigger trig2;
trig2.SetButtonOnlyTrigger( -1, WPAD_BUTTON_2 | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_X, 0 );
GuiTrigger trig1;
trig1.SetButtonOnlyTrigger( -1, WPAD_BUTTON_1 | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_Y, 0 );
GuiTrigger trigZ;
GuiButton screenShotBtn( 0, 0 );
screenShotBtn.SetPosition( 0, 0 );
screenShotBtn.SetTrigger( &trigZ );
char spaceinfo[30];
if ( load_from_fs == PART_FS_FAT )
memset( spaceinfo, 0, 30 );
if ( !strcmp( Settings.db_language, "JA" ) )
// needs to be "total...used" for Japanese
sprintf( spaceinfo, ( mountMethod != 3 ? "%.2fGB %s %.2fGB %s" : " " ), ( freespace + used ), tr( "of" ), freespace, tr( "free" ) );
sprintf( spaceinfo, ( mountMethod != 3 ? "%.2fGB %s %.2fGB %s" : " " ), freespace, tr( "of" ), ( freespace + used ), tr( "free" ) );
GuiText usedSpaceTxt( spaceinfo, 18, );
usedSpaceTxt.SetAlignment( THEME.hddinfo_align, ALIGN_TOP );
usedSpaceTxt.SetPosition( THEME.hddinfo_x, THEME.hddinfo_y );
char GamesCnt[15];
sprintf( GamesCnt, "%s: %i", ( mountMethod != 3 ? tr( "Games" ) : tr( "Channels" ) ), gameList.size() );
GuiText gamecntTxt( GamesCnt, 18, );
GuiButton gamecntBtn( 100, 18 );
gamecntBtn.SetAlignment( THEME.gamecount_align, ALIGN_TOP );
gamecntBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamecount_x, THEME.gamecount_y );
gamecntBtn.SetLabel( &gamecntTxt );
gamecntBtn.SetTrigger( &trigA );
GuiTooltip installBtnTT( tr( "Install a game" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
installBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
installBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage installBtnImg( &btnInstall );
GuiImage installBtnImgOver( &btnInstallOver );
installBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
installBtnImgOver.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton installBtn( &installBtnImg, &installBtnImgOver, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP, THEME.install_x, THEME.install_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &installBtnTT, 24, -30, 0, 5 );
GuiTooltip settingsBtnTT( tr( "Settings" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
settingsBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
settingsBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage settingsBtnImg( &btnSettings );
settingsBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiImage settingsBtnImgOver( &btnSettingsOver );
settingsBtnImgOver.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton settingsBtn( &settingsBtnImg, &settingsBtnImgOver, 0, 3, THEME.setting_x, THEME.setting_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &settingsBtnTT, 65, -30, 0, 5 );
GuiTooltip homeBtnTT( tr( "Back to HBC or Wii Menu" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
homeBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
settingsBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage homeBtnImg( &btnhome );
homeBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiImage homeBtnImgOver( &btnhomeOver );
homeBtnImgOver.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton homeBtn( &homeBtnImg, &homeBtnImgOver, 0, 3, THEME.home_x, THEME.home_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &homeBtnTT, 15, -30, 1, 5 );
homeBtn.SetTrigger( &trigHome );
GuiTooltip poweroffBtnTT( tr( "Power off the Wii" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
poweroffBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
poweroffBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage poweroffBtnImg( &btnpwroff );
GuiImage poweroffBtnImgOver( &btnpwroffOver );
poweroffBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
poweroffBtnImgOver.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton poweroffBtn( &poweroffBtnImg, &poweroffBtnImgOver, 0, 3, THEME.power_x, THEME.power_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &poweroffBtnTT, -10, -30, 1, 5 );
GuiTooltip sdcardBtnTT( tr( "Reload SD" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
sdcardBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
sdcardBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage sdcardImg( &btnsdcard );
GuiImage sdcardImgOver( &btnsdcardOver );
sdcardImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
sdcardImgOver.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton sdcardBtn( &sdcardImg, &sdcardImgOver, 0, 3, THEME.sdcard_x, THEME.sdcard_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &sdcardBtnTT, 15, -30, 0, 5 );
GuiButton gameInfo( 0, 0 );
gameInfo.SetTrigger( &trig2 );
gameInfo.SetSoundClick( btnClick2 );
GuiImage wiiBtnImg( &dataID );
wiiBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton wiiBtn( &wiiBtnImg, &wiiBtnImg, 0, 4, 0, -10, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 0 );
GuiTooltip favoriteBtnTT( tr( "Display favorites" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
favoriteBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
favoriteBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage favoriteBtnImg( &imgfavIcon );
favoriteBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiImage favoriteBtnImg_g( &imgfavIcon_gray );
if ( favoriteBtnImg_g.GetImage() == NULL ) { favoriteBtnImg_g = favoriteBtnImg; favoriteBtnImg_g.SetGrayscale();}
favoriteBtnImg_g.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton favoriteBtn( &favoriteBtnImg_g, &favoriteBtnImg_g, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP, THEME.gamelist_favorite_x, THEME.gamelist_favorite_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &favoriteBtnTT, -15, 52, 0, 3 );
favoriteBtn.SetAlpha( 180 );
GuiTooltip searchBtnTT( tr( "Set Search-Filter" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
searchBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
searchBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage searchBtnImg( &imgsearchIcon );
searchBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiImage searchBtnImg_g( &imgsearchIcon_gray );
if ( searchBtnImg_g.GetImage() == NULL ) { searchBtnImg_g = searchBtnImg; searchBtnImg_g.SetGrayscale();}
searchBtnImg_g.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton searchBtn( &searchBtnImg_g, &searchBtnImg_g, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP, THEME.gamelist_search_x, THEME.gamelist_search_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &searchBtnTT, -15, 52, 0, 3 );
searchBtn.SetAlpha( 180 );
GuiTooltip abcBtnTT( Settings.fave ? tr( "Sort by rank" ) : tr( "Sort alphabetically" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
abcBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
abcBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage abcBtnImg( Settings.fave ? &imgrankIcon : &imgabcIcon );
abcBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiImage abcBtnImg_g( Settings.fave ? &imgrankIcon_gray : &imgabcIcon_gray );
if ( abcBtnImg_g.GetImage() == NULL ) { abcBtnImg_g = abcBtnImg; abcBtnImg_g.SetGrayscale();}
abcBtnImg_g.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton abcBtn( &abcBtnImg_g, &abcBtnImg_g, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP, THEME.gamelist_abc_x, THEME.gamelist_abc_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &abcBtnTT, -15, 52, 0, 3 );
abcBtn.SetAlpha( 180 );
GuiTooltip countBtnTT( tr( "Sort order by most played" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
countBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
countBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage countBtnImg( &imgplayCountIcon );
countBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiImage countBtnImg_g( &imgplayCountIcon_gray );
if ( countBtnImg_g.GetImage() == NULL ) { countBtnImg_g = countBtnImg; countBtnImg_g.SetGrayscale();}
countBtnImg_g.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton countBtn( &countBtnImg_g, &countBtnImg_g, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP, THEME.gamelist_count_x, THEME.gamelist_count_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &countBtnTT, -15, 52, 0, 3 );
countBtn.SetAlpha( 180 );
GuiTooltip listBtnTT( tr( "Display as a list" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
listBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
listBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage listBtnImg( &imgarrangeList );
listBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiImage listBtnImg_g( &imgarrangeList_gray );
if ( listBtnImg_g.GetImage() == NULL ) { listBtnImg_g = listBtnImg; listBtnImg_g.SetGrayscale();}
listBtnImg_g.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton listBtn( &listBtnImg_g, &listBtnImg_g, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP, THEME.gamelist_list_x, THEME.gamelist_list_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &listBtnTT, 15, 52, 1, 3 );
listBtn.SetAlpha( 180 );
GuiTooltip gridBtnTT( tr( "Display as a grid" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
gridBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
gridBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage gridBtnImg( &imgarrangeGrid );
gridBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiImage gridBtnImg_g( &imgarrangeGrid_gray );
if ( gridBtnImg_g.GetImage() == NULL ) { gridBtnImg_g = gridBtnImg; gridBtnImg_g.SetGrayscale();}
gridBtnImg_g.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton gridBtn( &gridBtnImg_g, &gridBtnImg_g, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP, THEME.gamelist_grid_x, THEME.gamelist_grid_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &gridBtnTT, 15, 52, 1, 3 );
gridBtn.SetAlpha( 180 );
GuiTooltip carouselBtnTT( tr( "Display as a carousel" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
carouselBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
carouselBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage carouselBtnImg( &imgarrangeCarousel );
carouselBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiImage carouselBtnImg_g( &imgarrangeCarousel_gray );
if ( carouselBtnImg_g.GetImage() == NULL ) { carouselBtnImg_g = carouselBtnImg; carouselBtnImg_g.SetGrayscale();}
carouselBtnImg_g.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton carouselBtn( &carouselBtnImg_g, &carouselBtnImg_g, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP, THEME.gamelist_carousel_x, THEME.gamelist_carousel_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &carouselBtnTT, 15, 52, 1, 3 );
carouselBtn.SetAlpha( 180 );
bool canUnlock = ( Settings.parentalcontrol == 0 && Settings.parental.enabled == 1 );
GuiTooltip lockBtnTT( canUnlock ? tr( "Unlock Parental Control" ) : tr( "Parental Control disabled" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
lockBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
lockBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage lockBtnImg( &imgLock );
lockBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiImage lockBtnImg_g( &imgLock_gray );
if ( lockBtnImg_g.GetImage() == NULL ) { lockBtnImg_g = lockBtnImg; lockBtnImg_g.SetGrayscale(); }
lockBtnImg_g.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton lockBtn( &lockBtnImg_g, &lockBtnImg_g, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP, THEME.gamelist_lock_x, THEME.gamelist_lock_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &lockBtnTT, 15, 52, 1, 3 );
lockBtn.SetAlpha( 180 );
GuiTooltip unlockBtnTT( tr( "Enable Parental Control" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
unlockBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
unlockBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage unlockBtnImg( &imgUnlock );
unlockBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiImage unlockBtnImg_g( &imgUnlock_gray );
if ( unlockBtnImg_g.GetImage() == NULL ) { unlockBtnImg_g = unlockBtnImg; unlockBtnImg_g.SetGrayscale(); }
unlockBtnImg_g.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
if ( canUnlock && Settings.godmode )
lockBtn.SetImage( &unlockBtnImg_g );
lockBtn.SetImageOver( &unlockBtnImg_g );
lockBtn.SetToolTip( &unlockBtnTT, 15, 52, 1, 3 );
GuiButton unlockBtn(&unlockBtnImg_g, &unlockBtnImg_g, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP, THEME.gamelist_lock_x, THEME.gamelist_lock_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2,1, &lockBtnTT, 15, 52, 1, 3);
GuiTooltip dvdBtnTT( tr( "Mount DVD drive" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
dvdBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
dvdBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage dvdBtnImg( &imgdvd );
dvdBtnImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiImage dvdBtnImg_g( dvdBtnImg );
dvdBtnImg_g.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton dvdBtn( &dvdBtnImg_g, &dvdBtnImg_g, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP, THEME.gamelist_dvd_x, THEME.gamelist_dvd_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &dvdBtnTT, 15, 52, 1, 3 );
dvdBtn.SetAlpha( 180 );
GuiTooltip homebrewBtnTT( tr( "Homebrew Launcher" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
homebrewBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
homebrewBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiImage homebrewImg( &homebrewImgData );
GuiImage homebrewImgOver( &homebrewImgDataOver );
homebrewImg.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
homebrewImgOver.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
GuiButton homebrewBtn( &homebrewImg, &homebrewImgOver, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP, THEME.homebrew_x, THEME.homebrew_y, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2, 1, &homebrewBtnTT, 15, -30, 1, 5 );
if ( Settings.fave )
favoriteBtn.SetImage( &favoriteBtnImg );
favoriteBtn.SetImageOver( &favoriteBtnImg );
favoriteBtn.SetAlpha( 255 );
static bool show_searchwindow = false;
if ( *gameList.GetCurrentFilter() )
if ( show_searchwindow && gameList.size() == 1 )
show_searchwindow = false;
if ( !show_searchwindow )
searchBtn.SetEffect( EFFECT_PULSE, 10, 105 );
searchBtn.SetImage( &searchBtnImg );
searchBtn.SetImageOver( &searchBtnImg );
searchBtn.SetAlpha( 255 );
if ( Settings.sort == ALL )
abcBtn.SetImage( &abcBtnImg );
abcBtn.SetImageOver( &abcBtnImg );
abcBtn.SetAlpha( 255 );
else if ( Settings.sort == PLAYCOUNT )
countBtn.SetImage( &countBtnImg );
countBtn.SetImageOver( &countBtnImg );
countBtn.SetAlpha( 255 );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
listBtn.SetImage( &listBtnImg );
listBtn.SetImageOver( &listBtnImg );
listBtn.SetAlpha( 255 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
gridBtn.SetImage( &gridBtnImg );
gridBtn.SetImageOver( &gridBtnImg );
gridBtn.SetAlpha( 255 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
carouselBtn.SetImage( &carouselBtnImg );
carouselBtn.SetImageOver( &carouselBtnImg );
carouselBtn.SetAlpha( 255 );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
favoriteBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamelist_favorite_x, THEME.gamelist_favorite_y );
searchBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamelist_search_x, THEME.gamelist_search_y );
abcBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamelist_abc_x, THEME.gamelist_abc_y );
countBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamelist_count_x, THEME.gamelist_count_y );
listBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamelist_list_x, THEME.gamelist_list_y );
gridBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamelist_grid_x, THEME.gamelist_grid_y );
carouselBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamelist_carousel_x, THEME.gamelist_carousel_y );
lockBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamelist_lock_x, THEME.gamelist_lock_y );
dvdBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamelist_dvd_x, THEME.gamelist_dvd_y );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
favoriteBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamegrid_favorite_x, THEME.gamegrid_favorite_y );
searchBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamegrid_search_x, THEME.gamegrid_search_y );
abcBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamegrid_abc_x, THEME.gamegrid_abc_y );
countBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamegrid_count_x, THEME.gamegrid_count_y );
listBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamegrid_list_x, THEME.gamegrid_list_y );
gridBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamegrid_grid_x, THEME.gamegrid_grid_y );
carouselBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamegrid_carousel_x, THEME.gamegrid_carousel_y );
lockBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamegrid_lock_x, THEME.gamegrid_lock_y );
dvdBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamegrid_dvd_x, THEME.gamegrid_dvd_y );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
favoriteBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamecarousel_favorite_x, THEME.gamecarousel_favorite_y );
searchBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamecarousel_search_x, THEME.gamecarousel_favorite_y );
abcBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamecarousel_abc_x, THEME.gamecarousel_abc_y );
countBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamecarousel_count_x, THEME.gamecarousel_count_y );
listBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamecarousel_list_x, THEME.gamecarousel_list_y );
gridBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamecarousel_grid_x, THEME.gamecarousel_grid_y );
carouselBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamecarousel_carousel_x, THEME.gamecarousel_carousel_y );
lockBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamecarousel_lock_x, THEME.gamecarousel_lock_y );
dvdBtn.SetPosition( THEME.gamecarousel_dvd_x, THEME.gamecarousel_dvd_y );
//Downloading Covers
GuiTooltip DownloadBtnTT( tr( "Click to Download Covers" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
DownloadBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
DownloadBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiButton DownloadBtn( 0, 0 );
DownloadBtn.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP );
DownloadBtn.SetPosition( THEME.covers_x, THEME.covers_y );
GuiTooltip IDBtnTT( tr( "Click to change game ID" ) );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
IDBtnTT.SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
IDBtnTT.SetAlpha( THEME.tooltipAlpha );
GuiButton idBtn( 0, 0 );
idBtn.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP );
idBtn.SetPosition( THEME.id_x, THEME.id_y );
if ( Settings.godmode == 1 && mountMethod != 3 ) //only make the button have trigger & tooltip if in godmode
DownloadBtn.SetSoundOver( &btnSoundOver );
DownloadBtn.SetTrigger( &trigA );
DownloadBtn.SetTrigger( &trig1 );
DownloadBtn.SetToolTip( &DownloadBtnTT, 205, -30 );
idBtn.SetSoundOver( &btnSoundOver );
idBtn.SetTrigger( &trigA );
idBtn.SetToolTip( &IDBtnTT, 205, -30 );
DownloadBtn.SetRumble( false );
idBtn.SetRumble( false );
GuiGameBrowser * gameBrowser = NULL;
GuiGameGrid * gameGrid = NULL;
GuiGameCarousel * gameCarousel = NULL;
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
gameBrowser = new GuiGameBrowser( THEME.gamelist_w, THEME.gamelist_h, CFG.theme_path, bg_options_png, startat, offset );
gameBrowser->SetPosition( THEME.gamelist_x, THEME.gamelist_y );
gameBrowser->SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTRE );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
gameGrid = new GuiGameGrid( THEME.gamegrid_w, THEME.gamegrid_h, CFG.theme_path, bg_options_png, 0, 0 );
gameGrid->SetPosition( THEME.gamegrid_x, THEME.gamegrid_y );
gameGrid->SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTRE );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
//GuiGameCarousel gameCarousel(THEME.gamecarousel_w, THEME.gamecarousel_h, gameList, gameList.size(), CFG.theme_path, bg_options_png, startat, offset);
gameCarousel = new GuiGameCarousel( 640, 400, CFG.theme_path, bg_options_png, startat, offset );
gameCarousel->SetPosition( THEME.gamecarousel_x, THEME.gamecarousel_y );
gameCarousel->SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTRE );
GuiText clockTimeBack( "88:88", 40, ( GXColor ) {THEME.clock.r, THEME.clock.g, THEME.clock.b, THEME.clock.a / 6} );
clockTimeBack.SetAlignment( THEME.clock_align, ALIGN_TOP );
clockTimeBack.SetPosition( THEME.clock_x, THEME.clock_y );
clockTimeBack.SetFont( clock_ttf, clock_ttf_size );
GuiText clockTime( theTime, 40, THEME.clock );
clockTime.SetAlignment( THEME.clock_align, ALIGN_TOP );
clockTime.SetPosition( THEME.clock_x, THEME.clock_y );
clockTime.SetFont( clock_ttf, clock_ttf_size );
GuiWindow w( screenwidth, screenheight );
if ( THEME.show_hddinfo == -1 || THEME.show_hddinfo == 1 ) //force show hdd info
w.Append( &usedSpaceTxt );
if ( THEME.show_gamecount == -1 || THEME.show_gamecount == 1 ) //force show game cnt info
w.Append( &gamecntBtn );
w.Append( &sdcardBtn );
w.Append( &poweroffBtn );
w.Append( &gameInfo );
if ( Settings.godmode )
w.Append( &installBtn );
w.Append( &homeBtn );
w.Append( &settingsBtn );
w.Append( &DownloadBtn );
w.Append( &idBtn );
w.Append( &screenShotBtn );
// Begin Toolbar
w.Append( &favoriteBtn );
Toolbar[0] = &favoriteBtn;
w.Append( &searchBtn );
Toolbar[1] = &searchBtn;
w.Append( &abcBtn );
Toolbar[2] = &abcBtn;
w.Append( &countBtn );
Toolbar[3] = &countBtn;
w.Append( &listBtn );
Toolbar[4] = &listBtn;
w.Append( &gridBtn );
Toolbar[5] = &gridBtn;
w.Append( &carouselBtn );
Toolbar[6] = &carouselBtn;
w.Append( &lockBtn );
Toolbar[7] = &lockBtn;
w.Append( &dvdBtn );
Toolbar[8] = &dvdBtn;
w.SetUpdateCallback( DiscListWinUpdateCallback );
// End Toolbar
if ( Settings.godmode == 1 )
w.Append( &homebrewBtn );
if ( ( Settings.hddinfo == hr12 ) || ( Settings.hddinfo == hr24 ) )
w.Append( &clockTimeBack );
w.Append( &clockTime );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
mainWindow->Append( gameBrowser );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
mainWindow->Append( gameGrid );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
mainWindow->Append( gameCarousel );
mainWindow->Append( &w );
GuiSearchBar *searchBar = NULL;
if ( show_searchwindow )
searchBar = new GuiSearchBar( gameList.GetAvailableSearchChars() );
if ( searchBar )
mainWindow->Append( searchBar );
// ShowMemInfo();
while ( menu == MENU_NONE )
if ( idiotFlag == 1 )
gprintf( "\tIdiot flag\n" );
char idiotBuffer[200];
snprintf( idiotBuffer, sizeof( idiotBuffer ), "%s (%s). %s", tr( "You have attempted to load a bad image" ),
idiotChar, tr( "Most likely it has dimensions that are not evenly divisible by 4." ) );
int deleteImg = WindowPrompt( 0, idiotBuffer, tr( "OK" ), tr( "Delete" ) );
if ( deleteImg == 0 )
snprintf( idiotBuffer, sizeof( idiotBuffer ), "%s %s.", tr( "You are about to delete " ), idiotChar );
deleteImg = WindowPrompt( tr( "Confirm" ), idiotBuffer, tr( "Delete" ), tr( "Cancel" ) );
if ( deleteImg == 1 )
remove( idiotChar );
idiotFlag = -1;
WDVD_GetCoverStatus( &covert );//for detecting if i disc has been inserted
// if the idiot is showing favorites and don't have any
if ( Settings.fave && !gameList.size() )
WindowPrompt( tr( "No Favorites" ), tr( "You are choosing to display favorites and you do not have any selected." ), tr( "Back" ) );
Settings.fave = !Settings.fave;
if ( isInserted( bootDevice ) )
time_t rawtime = time( 0 );
if ( ( ( Settings.hddinfo == hr12 ) || ( Settings.hddinfo == hr24 ) ) && rawtime != lastrawtime )
lastrawtime = rawtime;
timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );
if ( dataed < 1 )
if ( Settings.hddinfo == hr12 )
if ( rawtime & 1 )
strftime( theTime, sizeof( theTime ), "%I:%M", timeinfo );
strftime( theTime, sizeof( theTime ), "%I %M", timeinfo );
if ( Settings.hddinfo == hr24 )
if ( rawtime & 1 )
strftime( theTime, sizeof( theTime ), "%H:%M", timeinfo );
strftime( theTime, sizeof( theTime ), "%H %M", timeinfo );
clockTime.SetText( theTime );
else if ( dataed > 0 )
clockTime.SetTextf( "%i", ( dataed - 1 ) );
if ( ( datagB < 1 ) && ( Settings.cios == 1 ) && ( == ntsc ) && ( Settings.hddinfo == hr12 ) && ( Settings.qboot == 1 ) && ( Settings.wsprompt == 0 ) && ( Settings.language == ger ) && ( Settings.tooltips == 0 ) ) {dataed = 1; dataef = 1;} if ( dataef == 1 ) {if ( cosa > 7 ) {cosa = 1;} datag++; if ( sina == 3 ) {wiiBtn.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_BOTTOM ); wiiBtnImg.SetAngle( 0 ); if ( datag > 163 ) {datag = 1;} else if ( datag < 62 ) {wiiBtn.SetPosition( ( ( cosa )*70 ), ( -2*( datag ) + 120 ) );} else if ( 62 <= datag ) {wiiBtn.SetPosition( ( ( cosa )*70 ), ( ( datag*2 ) - 130 ) );} if ( datag > 162 ) {wiiBtn.SetPosition( 700, 700 ); w.Remove( &wiiBtn ); datagB = 2; cosa++; sina = lastrawtime % 4;} w.Append( &wiiBtn );} if ( sina == 2 ) {wiiBtn.SetAlignment( ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_TOP ); wiiBtnImg.SetAngle( 270 ); if ( datag > 163 ) {datag = 1;} else if ( datag < 62 ) {wiiBtn.SetPosition( ( ( -2*( datag ) + 130 ) ), ( ( cosa )*50 ) );} else if ( 62 <= datag ) {wiiBtn.SetPosition( ( 2*( datag ) - 120 ), ( ( cosa )*50 ) );} if ( datag > 162 ) {wiiBtn.SetPosition( 700, 700 ); w.Remove( &wiiBtn ); datagB = 2; cosa++; sina = lastrawtime % 4;} w.Append( &wiiBtn );} if ( sina == 1 ) {wiiBtn.SetAlignment( ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_LEFT ); wiiBtnImg.SetAngle( 180 ); if ( datag > 163 ) {datag = 1;} else if ( datag < 62 ) {wiiBtn.SetPosition( ( ( cosa )*70 ), ( 2*( datag ) - 120 ) );} else if ( 62 <= datag ) {wiiBtn.SetPosition( ( ( cosa )*70 ), ( -2*( datag ) + 130 ) );} if ( datag > 162 ) {wiiBtn.SetPosition( 700, 700 ); w.Remove( &wiiBtn ); datagB = 2; cosa++; sina = lastrawtime % 4;} w.Append( &wiiBtn );} if ( sina == 0 ) {wiiBtn.SetAlignment( ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_LEFT ); wiiBtnImg.SetAngle( 90 ); if ( datag > 163 ) {datag = 1;} else if ( datag < 62 ) {wiiBtn.SetPosition( ( ( 2*( datag ) - 130 ) ), ( ( cosa )*50 ) );} else if ( 62 <= datag ) {wiiBtn.SetPosition( ( -2*( datag ) + 120 ), ( ( cosa )*50 ) );} if ( datag > 162 ) {wiiBtn.SetPosition( 700, 700 ); w.Remove( &wiiBtn ); datagB = 2; cosa++; sina = lastrawtime % 4;} w.Append( &wiiBtn );}}
// respond to button presses
if ( shutdown == 1 )
gprintf( "\n\tshutdown" );
if ( reset == 1 )
if ( updateavailable == true )
gprintf( "\tUpdate Available\n" );
GuiWindow ww( 640, 480 );
mainWindow->Append( &ww );
updateavailable = false;
mainWindow->Remove( &ww );
w.SetState( STATE_DEFAULT );
if ( poweroffBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\tpoweroffBtn clicked\n" );
choice = WindowPrompt( tr( "How to Shutdown?" ), 0, tr( "Full Shutdown" ), tr( "Shutdown to Idle" ), tr( "Cancel" ) );
if ( choice == 2 )
else if ( choice == 1 )
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
gameBrowser->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
gameGrid->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
gameCarousel->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( gamecntBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED && mountMethod != 3 )
gprintf( "\tgameCntBtn clicked\n" );
char linebuf[150];
snprintf( linebuf, sizeof( linebuf ), "%s %sGameList ?", tr( "Save Game List to" ), Settings.update_path );
choice = WindowPrompt( 0, linebuf, "TXT", "CSV", tr( "Back" ) );
if ( choice )
if ( save_gamelist( choice - 1 ) )
WindowPrompt( 0, tr( "Saved" ), tr( "OK" ) );
WindowPrompt( tr( "Error" ), tr( "Could not save." ), tr( "OK" ) );
else if ( screenShotBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\tscreenShotBtn clicked\n" );
else if ( homeBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\thomeBtn clicked\n" );
choice = WindowExitPrompt();
if ( choice == 3 )
Sys_LoadMenu(); // Back to System Menu
else if ( choice == 2 )
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
gameBrowser->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
gameGrid->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
gameCarousel->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( wiiBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\twiiBtn clicked\n" );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
gameBrowser->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
gameGrid->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
gameCarousel->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( installBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
choice = WindowPrompt( tr( "Install a game" ), 0, tr( "Yes" ), tr( "No" ) );
if ( choice == 1 )
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
gameBrowser->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
gameGrid->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
gameCarousel->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( ( covert & 0x2 ) && ( covert != covertOld ) )
gprintf( "\tNew Disc Detected\n" );
choice = WindowPrompt( tr( "New Disc Detected" ), 0, tr( "Install" ), tr( "Mount DVD drive" ), tr( "Cancel" ) );
if ( choice == 1 )
else if ( choice == 2 )
dvdBtn.SetState( STATE_CLICKED );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
gameBrowser->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
gameGrid->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
gameCarousel->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( sdcardBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\tsdCardBtn Clicked\n" );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
startat = gameBrowser->GetSelectedOption();
offset = gameBrowser->GetOffset();
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
startat = gameGrid->GetSelectedOption();
offset = gameGrid->GetOffset();
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
startat = gameCarousel->GetSelectedOption();
offset = gameCarousel->GetOffset();
if ( isInserted( bootDevice ) )
HaltGui(); // to fix endless rumble when clicking on the SD icon when rumble is disabled because rumble is set to on in Global_Default()
else if ( DownloadBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\tDownloadBtn Clicked\n" );
if ( isInserted( bootDevice ) )
choice = WindowPrompt( tr( "Cover Download" ), 0, tr( "Normal Covers" ), tr( "3D Covers" ), tr( "Disc Images" ), tr( "Back" ) ); // ask for download choice
if ( choice != 0 )
int choice2 = choice;
bool missing;
missing = SearchMissingImages( choice2 );
if ( IsNetworkInit() == false && missing == true )
WindowPrompt( tr( "Network init error" ), 0, tr( "OK" ) );
if ( GetMissingFiles() != NULL && cntMissFiles > 0 )
char tempCnt[40];
sprintf( tempCnt, "%i %s", cntMissFiles, tr( "Missing files" ) );
if ( choice != 3 )choice = WindowPrompt( tr( "Download Boxart image?" ), tempCnt, tr( "Yes" ), tr( "No" ) );
else if ( choice == 3 )choice = WindowPrompt( tr( "Download Discart image?" ), tempCnt, tr( "Yes" ), tr( "No" ) );
if ( choice == 1 )
ret = ProgressDownloadWindow( choice2 );
if ( ret == 0 )
WindowPrompt( tr( "Download finished" ), 0, tr( "OK" ) );
sprintf( tempCnt, "%i %s", ret, tr( "files not found on the server!" ) );
WindowPrompt( tr( "Download finished" ), tempCnt, tr( "OK" ) );
WindowPrompt( tr( "No SD-Card inserted!" ), tr( "Insert an SD-Card to download images." ), tr( "OK" ) );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
gameBrowser->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
gameGrid->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
gameCarousel->SetFocus( 1 );
}//end download
else if ( settingsBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\tsettingsBtn Clicked\n" );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
startat = gameBrowser->GetSelectedOption();
offset = gameBrowser->GetOffset();
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
startat = gameGrid->GetSelectedOption();
offset = gameGrid->GetOffset();
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
startat = gameCarousel->GetSelectedOption();
offset = gameCarousel->GetOffset();
else if ( favoriteBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\tfavoriteBtn Clicked\n" );
Settings.fave = !Settings.fave;
if ( isInserted( bootDevice ) )
else if ( searchBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED && mountMethod != 3 )
gprintf( "\tsearchBtn Clicked\n" );
show_searchwindow = !show_searchwindow;
if ( searchBar )
mainWindow->Remove( searchBar );
delete searchBar;
searchBar = NULL;
if ( show_searchwindow )
if ( *gameList.GetCurrentFilter() )
searchBar = new GuiSearchBar( gameList.GetAvailableSearchChars() );
if ( searchBar )
mainWindow->Append( searchBar );
if ( *gameList.GetCurrentFilter() )
searchBtn.SetEffect( EFFECT_PULSE, 10, 105 );
else if ( searchBar && ( searchChar = searchBar->GetClicked() ) )
if ( searchChar > 27 )
int len = gameList.GetCurrentFilter() ? wcslen( gameList.GetCurrentFilter() ) : 0;
wchar_t newFilter[len+2];
if ( gameList.GetCurrentFilter() )
wcscpy( newFilter, gameList.GetCurrentFilter() );
newFilter[len] = searchChar;
newFilter[len+1] = 0;
gameList.FilterList( newFilter );
else if ( searchChar == 7 ) // Close
show_searchwindow = false;
if ( searchBar )
mainWindow->Remove( searchBar );
delete searchBar;
searchBar = NULL;
if ( *gameList.GetCurrentFilter() )
searchBtn.SetEffect( EFFECT_PULSE, 10, 105 );
searchBtn.SetImage( &searchBtnImg );
searchBtn.SetImageOver( &searchBtnImg );
searchBtn.SetAlpha( 255 );
searchBtn.SetImage( &searchBtnImg_g );
searchBtn.SetImageOver( &searchBtnImg_g );
searchBtn.SetAlpha( 180 );
else if ( searchChar == 8 ) // Backspace
int len = wcslen( gameList.GetCurrentFilter() );
wchar_t newFilter[len+1];
if ( gameList.GetCurrentFilter() )
wcscpy( newFilter, gameList.GetCurrentFilter() );
newFilter[len > 0 ? len-1 : 0] = 0;
gameList.FilterList( newFilter );
else if ( abcBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\tabcBtn clicked\n" );
if ( Settings.sort != ALL )
Settings.sort = ALL;
if ( isInserted( bootDevice ) )
else if ( countBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\tcountBtn Clicked\n" );
if ( Settings.sort != PLAYCOUNT )
Settings.sort = PLAYCOUNT;
if ( isInserted( bootDevice ) )
else if ( listBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\tlistBtn Clicked\n" );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay != list )
Settings.gameDisplay = list;
if ( isInserted( bootDevice ) )
else if ( gridBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\tgridBtn Clicked\n" );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay != grid )
Settings.gameDisplay = grid;
if ( isInserted( bootDevice ) )
else if ( carouselBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\tcarouselBtn Clicked\n" );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay != carousel )
Settings.gameDisplay = carousel;
if ( isInserted( bootDevice ) )
else if ( homebrewBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\thomebrewBtn Clicked\n" );
else if ( gameInfo.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED && mountMethod != 3 )
gprintf( "\tgameinfo Clicked\n" );
if ( selectImg1 >= 0 && selectImg1 < ( s32 )gameList.size() )
gameSelected = selectImg1;
struct discHdr *header = gameList[selectImg1];
snprintf ( IDfull, sizeof( IDfull ), "%c%c%c%c%c%c", header->id[0], header->id[1], header->id[2], header->id[3], header->id[4], header->id[5] );
choice = showGameInfo( IDfull );
rockout( 2 );
if ( choice == 2 )
homeBtn.SetState( STATE_CLICKED );
if ( choice == 3 )
else if ( lockBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\tlockBtn clicked\n" );
if ( !canUnlock )
WindowPrompt( tr( "Parental Control" ), tr( "You don't have Parental Control enabled. If you wish to use Parental Control, enable it in the Wii Settings." ), tr( "OK" ) );
if ( Settings.godmode )
if ( WindowPrompt( tr( "Parental Control" ), tr( "Are you sure you want to enable Parent Control?" ), tr( "Yes" ), tr( "No" ) ) == 1 )
Settings.godmode = 0;
lockBtn.SetImage( &lockBtnImg_g );
lockBtn.SetImageOver( &lockBtnImg_g );
lockBtn.SetToolTip( &lockBtnTT, 15, 52, 1, 3 );
// Retrieve the gamelist again
// Require the user to enter the PIN code
char pin[5];
memset( &pin, 0, 5 );
int ret = OnScreenNumpad( ( char * ) & pin, 5 );
if ( ret == 1 )
if ( memcmp( pin,, 4 ) == 0 )
Settings.godmode = 1;
lockBtn.SetImage( &unlockBtnImg_g );
lockBtn.SetImageOver( &unlockBtnImg_g );
lockBtn.SetToolTip( &unlockBtnTT, 15, 52, 1, 3 );
// Retrieve the gamelist again
WindowPrompt( tr( "Parental Control" ), tr( "Invalid PIN code" ), tr( "OK" ) );
else if ( dvdBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
gprintf( "\tdvdBtn Clicked\n" );
mountMethodOLD = ( mountMethod == 3 ? mountMethod : 0 );
mountMethod = DiscMount( dvdheader );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
int selectimg;
DownloadBtn.SetSize( 0, 0 );
selectimg = gameGrid->GetSelectedOption();
gameSelected = gameGrid->GetClickedOption();
selectImg1 = selectimg;
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
int selectimg;
DownloadBtn.SetSize( 0, 0 );
selectimg = gameCarousel->GetSelectedOption();
gameSelected = gameCarousel->GetClickedOption();
selectImg1 = selectimg;
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
//Get selected game under cursor
int selectimg;
DownloadBtn.SetSize( 160, 224 );
idBtn.SetSize( 100, 40 );
selectimg = gameBrowser->GetSelectedOption();
gameSelected = gameBrowser->GetClickedOption();
selectImg1 = selectimg;
if ( gameSelected > 0 ) //if click occured
selectimg = gameSelected;
char gameregion[7];
if ( ( selectimg >= 0 ) && ( selectimg < ( s32 ) gameList.size() ) )
if ( selectimg != selectedold )
selectedold = selectimg;//update displayed cover, game ID, and region if the selected game changes
struct discHdr *header = gameList[selectimg];
snprintf ( ID, sizeof( ID ), "%c%c%c", header->id[0], header->id[1], header->id[2] );
snprintf ( IDfull, sizeof( IDfull ), "%s%c%c%c", ID, header->id[3], header->id[4], header->id[5] );
w.Remove( &DownloadBtn );
if ( GameIDTxt )
w.Remove( &idBtn );
delete GameIDTxt;
GameIDTxt = NULL;
if ( GameRegionTxt )
w.Remove( GameRegionTxt );
delete GameRegionTxt;
GameRegionTxt = NULL;
switch ( header->id[3] )
case 'E':
sprintf( gameregion, "NTSC U" );
case 'J':
sprintf( gameregion, "NTSC J" );
case 'W':
sprintf( gameregion, "NTSC T" );
case 'K':
sprintf( gameregion, "NTSC K" );
case 'P':
case 'D':
case 'F':
case 'I':
case 'S':
case 'H':
case 'U':
case 'X':
case 'Y':
case 'Z':
sprintf( gameregion, " PAL " );
//load game cover
if ( cover )
delete cover;
cover = NULL;
cover = LoadCoverImage( header );
if ( coverImg )
delete coverImg;
coverImg = NULL;
coverImg = new GuiImage( cover );
coverImg->SetWidescreen( CFG.widescreen );
DownloadBtn.SetImage( coverImg );// put the new image on the download button
w.Append( &DownloadBtn );
if ( ( Settings.sinfo == GameID ) || ( Settings.sinfo == Both ) )
GameIDTxt = new GuiText( IDfull, 22, );
GameIDTxt->SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP );
idBtn.SetEffect( EFFECT_FADE, 20 );
idBtn.SetLabel( GameIDTxt );
w.Append( &idBtn );
//don't try to show region for channels because all the custom channels wont follow the rules
if ( ( ( Settings.sinfo == GameRegion ) || ( Settings.sinfo == Both ) ) && mountMethod != 3 )
GameRegionTxt = new GuiText( gameregion, 22, );
GameRegionTxt->SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP );
GameRegionTxt->SetPosition( THEME.region_x, THEME.region_y );
GameRegionTxt->SetEffect( EFFECT_FADE, 20 );
w.Append( GameRegionTxt );
if ( idBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED && mountMethod != 3 )
gprintf( "\n\tidBtn Clicked" );
struct discHdr * header = gameList[gameBrowser->GetSelectedOption()];
//enter new game ID
char entered[10];
snprintf( entered, sizeof( entered ), "%s", IDfull );
//entered[9] = '\0';
int result = OnScreenKeyboard( entered, 7, 0 );
if ( result == 1 )
WBFS_ReIDGame( header->id, entered );
startat = gameBrowser->GetOffset(), offset = startat;
if ( ( ( gameSelected >= 0 ) && ( gameSelected < ( s32 )gameList.size() ) )
|| mountMethod == 1
|| mountMethod == 2 )
if ( searchBar )
mainWindow->Remove( searchBar );
struct discHdr *header = ( mountMethod == 1 || mountMethod == 2 ? dvdheader : gameList[gameSelected] );
// struct discHdr *header = dvdheader:gameList[gameSelected]);
if ( !mountMethod )//only get this stuff it we are booting a game from USB
WBFS_GameSize( header->id, &size );
if ( strlen( get_title( header ) ) < ( MAX_CHARACTERS + 3 ) )
sprintf( text, "%s", get_title( header ) );
strncpy( text, get_title( header ), MAX_CHARACTERS );
text[MAX_CHARACTERS] = '\0';
strncat( text, "...", 3 );
//check if alt Dol and gct file is present
FILE *exeFile = NULL;
char nipple[100];
header = ( mountMethod == 1 || mountMethod == 2 ? dvdheader : gameList[gameSelected] ); //reset header
snprintf ( IDfull, sizeof( IDfull ), "%c%c%c%c%c%c", header->id[0], header->id[1], header->id[2], header->id[3], header->id[4], header->id[5] );
struct Game_CFG* game_cfg = CFG_get_game_opt( header->id );
if ( game_cfg )
alternatedol = game_cfg->loadalternatedol;
ocarinaChoice = game_cfg->ocarina;
alternatedol = off;
ocarinaChoice = Settings.ocarina;
if ( Settings.qboot == yes ) //quickboot game
if ( alternatedol == on )
/* Open dol File and check exist */
sprintf( nipple, "%s%s.dol", Settings.dolpath, IDfull );
exeFile = fopen ( nipple , "rb" );
if ( exeFile == NULL )
sprintf( nipple, "%s %s", nipple, tr( "does not exist!" ) );
WindowPrompt( tr( "Error" ), nipple, tr( "OK" ) );
menu = MENU_CHECK;
wiilight( 0 );
fclose( exeFile );
if ( ocarinaChoice != off )
/* Open gct File and check exist */
sprintf( nipple, "%s%s.gct", Settings.Cheatcodespath, IDfull );
exeFile = fopen ( nipple , "rb" );
if ( exeFile == NULL )
gprintf( "\ttried to load missing gct.\n" );
sprintf( nipple, "%s %s", nipple, tr( "does not exist! Loading game without cheats." ) );
WindowPrompt( tr( "Error" ), nipple, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 170 );
fclose( exeFile );
wiilight( 0 );
if ( isInserted( bootDevice ) )
//////////save game play count////////////////
struct Game_NUM* game_num = CFG_get_game_num( header->id );
if ( game_num )
favoritevar = game_num->favorite;
playcount = game_num->count;
favoritevar = 0;
playcount = 0;
playcount += 1;
CFG_save_game_num( header->id );
gprintf( "\n\tplaycount for %c%c%c%c%c%c raised to %i", header->id[0], header->id[1], header->id[2], header->id[3], header->id[4], header->id[5], playcount );
menu = MENU_EXIT;
bool returnHere = true;// prompt to start game
while ( returnHere )
returnHere = false;
if ( Settings.wiilight != wiilight_forInstall ) wiilight( 1 );
choice = GameWindowPrompt();
// header = gameList[gameSelected]; //reset header
if ( choice == 1 )
if ( alternatedol == on )
/* Open dol File and check exist */
sprintf( nipple, "%s%s.dol", Settings.dolpath, IDfull );
exeFile = fopen ( nipple , "rb" );
if ( exeFile == NULL )
gprintf( "\n\tTried to load alt dol that isn't there" );
sprintf( nipple, "%s %s", nipple, tr( "does not exist! You Messed something up, Idiot." ) );
WindowPrompt( tr( "Error" ), nipple, tr( "OK" ) );
menu = MENU_CHECK;
wiilight( 0 );
fclose( exeFile );
if ( ocarinaChoice != off )
/* Open gct File and check exist */
sprintf( nipple, "%s%s.gct", Settings.Cheatcodespath, IDfull );
exeFile = fopen ( nipple , "rb" );
if ( exeFile == NULL )
gprintf( "\ttried to load gct file that isn't there\n" );
sprintf( nipple, "%s %s", nipple, tr( "does not exist! Loading game without cheats." ) );
WindowPrompt( tr( "Error" ), nipple, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 170 );
fclose( exeFile );
wiilight( 0 );
returnHere = false;
menu = MENU_EXIT;
else if ( choice == 2 )
wiilight( 0 );
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list ) mainWindow->Remove( gameBrowser );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid ) mainWindow->Remove( gameGrid );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel ) mainWindow->Remove( gameCarousel );
mainWindow->Remove( &w );
//re-evaluate header now in case they changed games while on the game prompt
header = ( mountMethod == 1 || mountMethod == 2 ? dvdheader : gameList[gameSelected] );
int settret = GameSettings( header );
/* unneeded for now, kept in case database gets a separate language setting
//menu = MENU_DISCLIST; // refresh titles (needed if the language setting has changed)
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list ) mainWindow->Append( gameBrowser );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid ) mainWindow->Append( gameGrid );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel ) mainWindow->Append( gameCarousel );
mainWindow->Append( &w );
if ( settret == 1 ) //if deleted
returnHere = true;
rockout( 2 );
else if ( choice == 3 && !mountMethod ) //WBFS renaming
wiilight( 0 );
//re-evaluate header now in case they changed games while on the game prompt
header = gameList[gameSelected];
//enter new game title
char entered[60];
snprintf( entered, sizeof( entered ), "%s", get_title( header ) );
entered[59] = '\0';
int result = OnScreenKeyboard( entered, 60, 0 );
if ( result == 1 )
WBFS_RenameGame( header->id, entered );
else if ( choice == 0 )
rockout( 2 );
if ( mountMethod == 1 || mountMethod == 2 )mountMethod = mountMethodOLD;
if ( Settings.gameDisplay == list )
gameBrowser->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == grid )
gameGrid->SetFocus( 1 );
else if ( Settings.gameDisplay == carousel )
gameCarousel->SetFocus( 1 );
if ( searchBar )
mainWindow->Append( searchBar );
// to skip the first call of windowScreensaver at startup when wiimote is not connected
if ( IsWpadConnected() )
check = 1;
// screensaver is called when wiimote shuts down, depending on the wiimotet idletime
if ( !IsWpadConnected() && check != 0 && Settings.screensaver != 0 )
int screensaverIsOn = 0;
if ( check == 11500 ) //to allow time for the wii to turn off and not show the screensaver
screensaverIsOn = WindowScreensaver();
if ( screensaverIsOn == 1 )check = 0;
covertOld = covert;
// set alt dol default
if ( menu == MENU_EXIT && altdoldefault )
struct discHdr *header = ( mountMethod == 1 || mountMethod == 2 ? dvdheader : gameList[gameSelected] );
struct Game_CFG* game_cfg = CFG_get_game_opt( header->id );
// use default only if no alt dol was selected manually
if ( game_cfg )
if ( game_cfg->alternatedolstart != 0 )
altdoldefault = false;
if ( altdoldefault )
int autodol = autoSelectDol( ( char* )header->id, true );
if ( autodol > 0 )
alternatedol = 2;
alternatedoloffset = autodol;
char temp[20];
sprintf( temp, "%d", autodol );
// alt dol menu for games that require more than a single alt dol
int autodol = autoSelectDolMenu( ( char* )header->id, true );
if ( autodol > 0 )
alternatedol = 2;
alternatedoloffset = autodol;
//no need to close sd here. we still need to get settings and codes and shit
/*if (menu == MENU_EXIT) {
//if (Settings.gameDisplay==list) {startat=gameBrowser->GetOffset(), offset=startat;}//save the variables in case we are refreshing the list
//gprintf("\n\tstartat:%d offset:%d",startat,offset);
mainWindow->Append( bgImg );
delete searchBar;
searchBar = NULL;
delete gameBrowser;
gameBrowser = NULL;
delete gameGrid;
gameGrid = NULL;
delete gameCarousel;
gameCarousel = NULL;
return menu;
void DiscListWinUpdateCallback( void * e )
GuiWindow *w = ( GuiWindow * )e;
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
if ( Toolbar[i]->GetState() == STATE_SELECTED )
w->Remove( Toolbar[i] );
w->Append( Toolbar[i] ); // draw the selected Icon allways on top
void rockout( int f )
char imgPath[100];
if ( gameSelected >= 0 && gameSelected < gameList.size() &&
( strcasestr( get_title( gameList[gameSelected] ), "guitar" ) ||
strcasestr( get_title( gameList[gameSelected] ), "band" ) ||
strcasestr( get_title( gameList[gameSelected] ), "rock" ) ) )
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
delete pointer[i];
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%srplayer1_point.png", CFG.theme_path );
pointer[0] = new GuiImageData( imgPath, rplayer1_point_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%srplayer2_point.png", CFG.theme_path );
pointer[1] = new GuiImageData( imgPath, rplayer2_point_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%srplayer3_point.png", CFG.theme_path );
pointer[2] = new GuiImageData( imgPath, rplayer3_point_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%srplayer4_point.png", CFG.theme_path );
pointer[3] = new GuiImageData( imgPath, rplayer4_point_png );
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
delete pointer[i];
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%splayer1_point.png", CFG.theme_path );
pointer[0] = new GuiImageData( imgPath, player1_point_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%splayer2_point.png", CFG.theme_path );
pointer[1] = new GuiImageData( imgPath, player2_point_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%splayer3_point.png", CFG.theme_path );
pointer[2] = new GuiImageData( imgPath, player3_point_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%splayer4_point.png", CFG.theme_path );
pointer[3] = new GuiImageData( imgPath, player4_point_png );