24 #define OS_PAGE_SIZE (128 * 1024) 34 uint32_t virtualAddress,
116 uint32_t physicalAddress,
BOOL OSUnmapMemory(uint32_t virtualAddress, uint32_t size)
Unmaps previously mapped memory.
BOOL OSMapMemory(uint32_t virtualAddress, uint32_t physicalAddress, uint32_t size, OSMemoryMapMode mode)
Maps a physical address to a virtual address, with a given size and set of permissions.
BOOL __OSValidateAddressSpaceRange(int, uint32_t virtualAddress, uint32_t size)
BOOL OSIsAddressValid(uint32_t virtualAddress)
uint32_t OSAllocVirtAddr(uint32_t virtualAddress, uint32_t size, uint32_t align)
Allocates virtual address range for later mapping.
void OSGetMapVirtAddrRange(uint32_t *outVirtualAddress, uint32_t *outSize)
Gets the range of virtual addresses available for mapping.
OSMemoryMapMode OSQueryVirtAddr(uint32_t virtualAddress)
Determines the status of the given virtual memory address - mapped read-write or read-only,...
void OSGetDataPhysAddrRange(uint32_t *outPhysicalAddress, uint32_t *outSize)
Gets the range of physical memory used for the application's data.
void OSGetAvailPhysAddrRange(uint32_t *outPhysicalAddress, uint32_t *outSize)
Gets the range of available physical memory (not reserved for app code or data).
BOOL OSFreeVirtAddr(uint32_t virtualAddress, uint32_t size)
Frees a previously allocated virtual address range back to the system.
uint32_t OSEffectiveToPhysical(uint32_t virtualAddress)