local PLUGIN = {}
PLUGIN.doc = [[
!help [command]
Get list of basic information for all commands, or more detailed documentation on a specified command.
PLUGIN.triggers = {
function PLUGIN.action(msg)
local input = get_input(msg.text)
if input then
for i,v in ipairs(plugins) do
if v.doc then
if '!' .. input == trim_string(first_word(v.doc)) then
return send_msg(msg, v.doc)
local message = 'Available commands:\n' .. help_message .. [[
*Arguments: <required> [optional]
Use "!help <command>" for specific information.
otouto v]] .. VERSION .. [[ by @topkecleon.
if msg.from.id ~= msg.chat.id then
if not send_message(msg.from.id, message, true, msg.message_id) then
return send_msg(msg, message) -- Unable to PM user who hasn't PM'd first.
return send_msg(msg, 'I have sent you the requested information in a private message.')
return send_msg(msg, message)
return PLUGIN