-- config.people is a table of IDs/nicknames the bot can address more familiarly
-- like so:
-- 13227902: "Drew"
local PLUGIN = {}
PLUGIN.triggers = {
bot.first_name .. '%p?$',
'^i\'m home%p?$',
'^i\'m back%p?$'
function PLUGIN.action(msg)
local input = string.lower(msg.text)
local data = load_data('nicknames.json')
local id = tostring(msg.from.id)
local nick = msg.from.first_name
if data[id] then nick = data[id] end
for i = 2, #PLUGIN.triggers do
if string.match(input, PLUGIN.triggers[i]) then
return send_message(msg.chat.id, 'Welcome back, ' .. nick .. '!')
for k,v in pairs(config.locale.interactions) do
for key,val in pairs(v) do
if input:match(val..',? '..bot.first_name) then
return send_message(msg.chat.id, k:gsub('#NAME', nick))
return PLUGIN