Data Management
LukeeGD edited this page 2024-06-16 11:12:26 +08:00

Data Management is an option in Legacy iOS Kit where users can do the following:

  • Backup: Create a backup of the device using idevicebackup2
  • Restore: Restore backups created using idevicebackup2
  • Mount Device: Mount the device using ifuse (this gives access to /var/mobile/Media)
  • Mount Device (Raw File System): Mount the root of the device using ifuse (this gives access to /)
  • Unmount Device: Unmounts the device if it is currently mounted
  • Erase All Content and Settings: Erases all data of the device and resets it to factory settings (iOS 9+ only)


  • For "Raw File System" your device must be jailbroken and have AFC2
    • For most jailbreaks, install "Apple File Conduit 2" in Cydia/Zebra/Sileo
  • Limited support for backups. Better use iCloud Backups instead
  • Backups do not include apps. Only some app data and settings
  • Backups are stored in saved/backups