Billy Laws 49cd2a71cc Introduce GPU checkpoints for crash debugging
When GPU crashes aren't reproducable in renderdoc, it helps to have someway to figure out what exactly is going on when a crash happens or what operation caused it. Add a checkpoint system that reports the GPU execution state in perfetto in time with actual GPU execution, and use flow events to show the event's path through execution, vulkan record and executor record stages.
2023-03-19 13:52:15 +00:00

364 lines
16 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2021 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include <boost/container/stable_vector.hpp>
#include <renderdoc_app.h>
#include <common/linear_allocator.h>
#include <gpu/usage_tracker.h>
#include <gpu/megabuffer.h>
#include "command_nodes.h"
#include "common/spin_lock.h"
namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect {
constexpr bool EnableGpuCheckpoints{false}; //!< Whether to enable GPU debugging checkpoints (WILL DECREASE PERF SIGNIFICANTLY)
* @brief Thread responsible for recording Vulkan commands from the execution nodes and submitting them
class CommandRecordThread {
* @brief Single execution slot, buffered back and forth between the GPFIFO thread and the record thread
struct Slot {
* @brief Helper to begin the slot command buffer on the cycle waiter thread
struct ScopedBegin {
Slot &slot;
ScopedBegin(Slot &slot);
vk::raii::CommandPool commandPool; //!< Use one command pool per slot since command buffers from different slots may be recorded into on multiple threads at the same time
vk::raii::CommandBuffer commandBuffer;
vk::raii::Fence fence;
vk::raii::Semaphore semaphore;
std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> cycle;
LinearAllocatorState<> allocator;
std::list<node::NodeVariant, LinearAllocator<node::NodeVariant>> nodes;
std::mutex beginLock;
std::condition_variable beginCondition;
ContextTag executionTag;
bool ready{}; //!< If this slot's command buffer has had 'beginCommandBuffer' called and is ready to have commands recorded into it
bool capture{}; //!< If this slot's Vulkan commands should be captured using the renderdoc API
bool didWait{}; //!< If a wait of time longer than GrowThresholdNs occured when this slot was acquired
Slot(GPU &gpu);
Slot(Slot &&other);
* @brief Waits on the fence and resets the command buffer
* @note A new fence cycle for the reset command buffer
std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> Reset(GPU &gpu);
* @brief Waits for the command buffer to be began so it can be recorded into
void WaitReady();
void Begin();
static constexpr size_t GrowThresholdNs{constant::NsInMillisecond / 50}; //!< The wait time threshold at which the slot count will be increased
const DeviceState &state;
CircularQueue<Slot *> incoming; //!< Slots pending recording
CircularQueue<Slot *> outgoing; //!< Slots that have been submitted, may still be active on the GPU
std::list<Slot> slots;
std::atomic<bool> idle;
std::thread thread;
void ProcessSlot(Slot *slot);
void Run();
CommandRecordThread(const DeviceState &state);
bool IsIdle() const;
* @return A free slot, `Reset` needs to be called before accessing it
Slot *AcquireSlot();
* @brief Submit a slot to be recorded
void ReleaseSlot(Slot *slot);
* @brief Thread responsible for notifying the guest of the completion of GPU operations
class ExecutionWaiterThread {
const DeviceState &state;
std::thread thread;
SpinLock mutex;
std::condition_variable_any condition;
std::queue<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle>, std::function<void()>>> pendingSignalQueue; //!< Queue of callbacks to be executed when their coressponding fence is signalled
std::atomic<bool> idle{};
void Run();
ExecutionWaiterThread(const DeviceState &state);
bool IsIdle() const;
* @brief Queues `callback` to be executed when `cycle` is signalled, null values are valid for either, will null cycle representing an immediate callback (dep on previously queued cycles) and null callback representing a wait with no callback
void Queue(std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> cycle, std::function<void()> &&callback);
* @brief Polls the debug buffer for checkpoint updates and reports them to perfetto
class CheckpointPollerThread {
const DeviceState &state;
std::thread thread;
void Run();
CheckpointPollerThread(const DeviceState &state);
* @brief Assembles a Vulkan command stream with various nodes and manages execution of the produced graph
* @note This class is **NOT** thread-safe and should **ONLY** be utilized by a single thread
class CommandExecutor {
const DeviceState &state;
GPU &gpu;
CommandRecordThread recordThread;
CommandRecordThread::Slot *slot{};
ExecutionWaiterThread waiterThread;
std::optional<CheckpointPollerThread> checkpointPollerThread;
node::RenderPassNode *renderPass{};
size_t subpassCount{}; //!< The number of subpasses in the current render pass
u32 renderPassIndex{};
bool preserveLocked{};
* @brief A wrapper of a Texture object that has been locked beforehand and must be unlocked afterwards
struct LockedTexture {
std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture;
explicit LockedTexture(std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture);
LockedTexture(const LockedTexture &) = delete;
constexpr LockedTexture(LockedTexture &&other);
constexpr Texture *operator->() const;
std::vector<LockedTexture> preserveAttachedTextures;
std::vector<LockedTexture> attachedTextures; //!< All textures that are attached to the current execution
* @brief A wrapper of a Buffer object that has been locked beforehand and must be unlocked afterwards
struct LockedBuffer {
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer;
LockedBuffer(std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer);
LockedBuffer(const LockedBuffer &) = delete;
constexpr LockedBuffer(LockedBuffer &&other);
constexpr Buffer *operator->() const;
std::vector<LockedBuffer> preserveAttachedBuffers;
std::vector<LockedBuffer> attachedBuffers; //!< All textures that are attached to the current execution
std::vector<vk::ImageView> lastSubpassInputAttachments; //!< The set of input attachments used in the last subpass
std::vector<vk::ImageView> lastSubpassColorAttachments; //!< The set of color attachments used in the last subpass
vk::ImageView lastSubpassDepthStencilAttachment{}; //!< The depth stencil attachment used in the last subpass
std::vector<std::function<void()>> flushCallbacks; //!< Set of persistent callbacks that will be called at the start of Execute in order to flush data required for recording
std::vector<std::function<void()>> pipelineChangeCallbacks; //!< Set of persistent callbacks that will be called after any non-Maxwell 3D engine changes the active pipeline
u32 nextCheckpointId{}; //!< The ID of the next debug checkpoint to be allocated
void RotateRecordSlot();
* @brief Create a new render pass and subpass with the specified attachments, if one doesn't already exist or the current one isn't compatible
* @param noSubpassCreation Forces creation of a renderpass when a new subpass would otherwise be created
* @note This also checks for subpass coalescing and will merge the new subpass with the previous one when possible
* @return If the next subpass must be started prior to issuing any commands
bool CreateRenderPassWithSubpass(vk::Rect2D renderArea, span<TextureView *> sampledImages, span<TextureView *> inputAttachments, span<TextureView *> colorAttachments, TextureView *depthStencilAttachment, bool noSubpassCreation = false, vk::PipelineStageFlags srcStageMask = {}, vk::PipelineStageFlags dstStageMask = {});
* @brief Ends a render pass if one is currently active and resets all corresponding state
void FinishRenderPass();
* @brief Execute all the nodes and submit the resulting command buffer to the GPU
* @note It is the responsibility of the caller to handle resetting of command buffers, fence cycle and megabuffers
void SubmitInternal();
* @brief Resets all the internal state, this must be called before starting a new submission as it clears everything from a past submission
void ResetInternal();
void AttachBufferBase(std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer);
* @brief Non-gated implementation of `AddCheckpoint`
u32 AddCheckpointImpl(std::string_view annotation);
std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> cycle; //!< The fence cycle that this command executor uses to wait for the GPU to finish executing commands
LinearAllocatorState<> *allocator;
ContextTag tag; //!< The tag associated with this command executor, any tagged resource locking must utilize this tag
size_t submissionNumber{};
ContextTag executionTag{};
bool captureNextExecution{};
UsageTracker usageTracker;
CommandExecutor(const DeviceState &state);
* @brief Attach the lifetime of the texture to the command buffer
* @return If this is the first usage of the backing of this resource within this execution
* @note The supplied texture will be locked automatically until the command buffer is submitted and must **not** be locked by the caller
* @note This'll automatically handle syncing of the texture in the most optimal way possible
bool AttachTexture(TextureView *view);
* @brief Attach the lifetime of a buffer view to the command buffer
* @return If this is the first usage of the backing of this resource within this execution
* @note The supplied buffer will be locked automatically until the command buffer is submitted and must **not** be locked by the caller
* @note This'll automatically handle syncing of the buffer in the most optimal way possible
bool AttachBuffer(BufferView &view);
* @brief Attach the lifetime of a buffer view that's already locked to the command buffer
* @note The supplied buffer **must** be locked with the executor's tag
* @note There must be no other external locks on the buffer aside from the supplied lock
* @note This'll automatically handle syncing of the buffer in the most optimal way possible
void AttachLockedBufferView(BufferView &view, ContextLock<BufferView> &&lock);
* @brief Attach the lifetime of a buffer object that's already locked to the command buffer
* @note The supplied buffer **must** be locked with the executor's tag
* @note There must be no other external locks on the buffer aside from the supplied lock
* @note This'll automatically handle syncing of the buffer in the most optimal way possible
void AttachLockedBuffer(std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer, ContextLock<Buffer> &&lock);
* @brief Attach the lifetime of the fence cycle dependency to the command buffer
void AttachDependency(const std::shared_ptr<void> &dependency);
* @brief Adds a command that needs to be executed inside a subpass configured with certain attachments
* @param exclusiveSubpass If this subpass should be the only subpass in a render pass
* @note Any supplied texture should be attached prior and not undergo any persistent layout transitions till execution
void AddSubpass(std::function<void(vk::raii::CommandBuffer &, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &, GPU &, vk::RenderPass, u32)> &&function, vk::Rect2D renderArea, span<TextureView *> sampledImages, span<TextureView *> inputAttachments = {}, span<TextureView *> colorAttachments = {}, TextureView *depthStencilAttachment = {}, bool noSubpassCreation = false, vk::PipelineStageFlags srcStageMask = {}, vk::PipelineStageFlags dstStageMask = {});
* @brief Adds a subpass that clears the entirety of the specified attachment with a color value, it may utilize VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR for a more efficient clear when possible
* @note Any supplied texture should be attached prior and not undergo any persistent layout transitions till execution
void AddClearColorSubpass(TextureView *attachment, const vk::ClearColorValue &value);
* @brief Adds a subpass that clears the entirety of the specified attachment with a depth/stencil value, it may utilize VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR for a more efficient clear when possible
* @note Any supplied texture should be attached prior and not undergo any persistent layout transitions till execution
void AddClearDepthStencilSubpass(TextureView *attachment, const vk::ClearDepthStencilValue &value);
* @brief Adds a command that needs to be executed outside the scope of a render pass
void AddOutsideRpCommand(std::function<void(vk::raii::CommandBuffer &, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &, GPU &)> &&function);
* @brief Adds a full pipeline barrier to the command buffer
void AddFullBarrier();
* @brief Adds a persistent callback that will be called at the start of Execute in order to flush data required for recording
void AddFlushCallback(std::function<void()> &&callback);
* @brief Adds a persistent callback that will be called after any non-Maxwell 3D engine changes the active pipeline
void AddPipelineChangeCallback(std::function<void()> &&callback);
* @brief Calls all registered pipeline change callbacks
void NotifyPipelineChange();
* @brief Records a checkpoint into the GPU command stream at the current
* @param annotation A string annotation to display in perfetto for this checkpoint
* @return The checkpoint ID
u32 AddCheckpoint(std::string_view annotation) {
if constexpr (EnableGpuCheckpoints)
return AddCheckpointImpl(annotation);
return 0;
* @brief Execute all the nodes and submit the resulting command buffer to the GPU
* @param callback A function to call upon GPU completion of the submission
* @param wait Whether to wait synchronously for GPU completion of the submit
void Submit(std::function<void()> &&callback = {}, bool wait = false);
* @brief Locks all preserve attached buffers/textures
* @note This **MUST** be called before attaching any buffers/textures to an execution
void LockPreserve();
* @brief Unlocks all preserve attached buffers/textures
* @note This **MUST** be called when there is no GPU work left to be done to avoid deadlocks where the guest will try to lock a buffer/texture but the GPFIFO thread has no work so won't periodically unlock it
void UnlockPreserve();