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* libwiigui
* gui_gamebrowser.cpp
* GUI class definitions
#include "gui.h"
#include "../wpad.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gui_gamebrowser.h"
#include "../settings/cfg.h"
#include "../main.h"
#include "settings/newtitles.h"
#include "usbloader/GameList.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <sstream>
int txtscroll = 0;
* Constructor for the GuiGameBrowser class.
GuiGameBrowser::GuiGameBrowser( int w, int h, const char *themePath, const u8 *imagebg, int selected, int offset )
width = w;
height = h;
pagesize = THEME.pagesize;
scrollbaron = ( gameList.size() > pagesize ) ? 1 : 0;
selectable = true;
listOffset = MAX( 0, MIN( offset, ( gameList.size() - pagesize ) ) );
selectedItem = selected - offset;
focus = 1; // allow focus
char imgPath[100];
trigA = new GuiTrigger;
trigHeldA = new GuiTrigger;
trigHeldA->SetHeldTrigger( -1, WPAD_BUTTON_A, PAD_BUTTON_A );
btnSoundClick = new GuiSound( button_click_pcm, button_click_pcm_size, Settings.sfxvolume );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sbg_options.png", themePath );
bgGames = new GuiImageData( imgPath, imagebg );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%snew.png", themePath );
newGames = new GuiImageData( imgPath, new_png );
bgGameImg = new GuiImage( bgGames );
bgGameImg->SetParent( this );
bgGameImg->SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
maxTextWidth = bgGameImg->GetWidth() - 24 - 4;
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sbg_options_entry.png", themePath );
bgGamesEntry = new GuiImageData( imgPath, bg_options_entry_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sscrollbar.png", themePath );
scrollbar = new GuiImageData( imgPath, scrollbar_png );
scrollbarImg = new GuiImage( scrollbar );
scrollbarImg->SetParent( this );
scrollbarImg->SetAlignment( ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_TOP );
scrollbarImg->SetPosition( 0, 4 );
maxTextWidth -= scrollbarImg->GetWidth() + 4;
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sscrollbar_arrowdown.png", themePath );
arrowDown = new GuiImageData( imgPath, scrollbar_arrowdown_png );
arrowDownImg = new GuiImage( arrowDown );
arrowDownOver = new GuiImageData( imgPath, scrollbar_arrowdown_png );
arrowDownOverImg = new GuiImage( arrowDownOver );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sscrollbar_arrowup.png", themePath );
arrowUp = new GuiImageData( imgPath, scrollbar_arrowup_png );
arrowUpImg = new GuiImage( arrowUp );
arrowUpOver = new GuiImageData( imgPath, scrollbar_arrowup_png );
arrowUpOverImg = new GuiImage( arrowUpOver );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sscrollbar_box.png", themePath );
scrollbarBox = new GuiImageData( imgPath, scrollbar_box_png );
scrollbarBoxImg = new GuiImage( scrollbarBox );
scrollbarBoxOver = new GuiImageData( imgPath, scrollbar_box_png );
scrollbarBoxOverImg = new GuiImage( scrollbarBoxOver );
arrowUpBtn = new GuiButton( arrowUpImg->GetWidth(), arrowUpImg->GetHeight() );
arrowUpBtn->SetParent( this );
arrowUpBtn->SetImage( arrowUpImg );
arrowUpBtn->SetImageOver( arrowUpOverImg );
arrowUpBtn->SetImageHold( arrowUpOverImg );
arrowUpBtn->SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP );
arrowUpBtn->SetPosition( width / 2 - 18 + 7, -18 );
arrowUpBtn->SetSelectable( false );
arrowUpBtn->SetTrigger( trigA );
arrowUpBtn->SetEffectOnOver( EFFECT_SCALE, 50, 130 );
arrowUpBtn->SetSoundClick( btnSoundClick );
arrowDownBtn = new GuiButton( arrowDownImg->GetWidth(), arrowDownImg->GetHeight() );
arrowDownBtn->SetParent( this );
arrowDownBtn->SetImage( arrowDownImg );
arrowDownBtn->SetImageOver( arrowDownOverImg );
arrowDownBtn->SetImageHold( arrowDownOverImg );
arrowDownBtn->SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_BOTTOM );
arrowDownBtn->SetPosition( width / 2 - 18 + 7, 18 );
arrowDownBtn->SetSelectable( false );
arrowDownBtn->SetTrigger( trigA );
arrowDownBtn->SetEffectOnOver( EFFECT_SCALE, 50, 130 );
arrowDownBtn->SetSoundClick( btnSoundClick );
scrollbarBoxBtn = new GuiButton( scrollbarBoxImg->GetWidth(), scrollbarBoxImg->GetHeight() );
scrollbarBoxBtn->SetParent( this );
scrollbarBoxBtn->SetImage( scrollbarBoxImg );
scrollbarBoxBtn->SetImageOver( scrollbarBoxOverImg );
scrollbarBoxBtn->SetImageHold( scrollbarBoxOverImg );
scrollbarBoxBtn->SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP );
scrollbarBoxBtn->SetSelectable( false );
scrollbarBoxBtn->SetEffectOnOver( EFFECT_SCALE, 50, 120 );
scrollbarBoxBtn->SetMinY( 0 );
scrollbarBoxBtn->SetMaxY( height - 30 );
scrollbarBoxBtn->SetHoldable( true );
scrollbarBoxBtn->SetTrigger( trigHeldA );
gameIndex = new int[pagesize];
game = new GuiButton * [pagesize];
gameTxt = new GuiText * [pagesize];
gameTxtOver = new GuiText * [pagesize];
gameBg = new GuiImage * [pagesize];
newImg = new GuiImage * [pagesize];
for ( int i = 0; i < pagesize; i++ )
gameTxt[i] = new GuiText( get_title( gameList[i] ), 20, THEME.gametext );
gameTxt[i]->SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
gameTxt[i]->SetPosition( 24, 0 );
gameTxt[i]->SetMaxWidth( maxTextWidth, DOTTED );
gameTxtOver[i] = new GuiText( get_title( gameList[i] ), 20, THEME.gametext );
gameTxtOver[i]->SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
gameTxtOver[i]->SetPosition( 24, 0 );
gameTxtOver[i]->SetMaxWidth( maxTextWidth, SCROLL_HORIZONTAL );
gameBg[i] = new GuiImage( bgGamesEntry );
newImg[i] = new GuiImage( newGames );
newImg[i]->SetAlignment( ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
newImg[i]->SetVisible( false );
game[i] = new GuiButton( width - 28, GAMESELECTSIZE );
game[i]->SetParent( this );
game[i]->SetLabel( gameTxt[i] );
game[i]->SetLabelOver( gameTxtOver[i] );
game[i]->SetIcon( newImg[i] );
game[i]->SetImageOver( gameBg[i] );
game[i]->SetPosition( 5, GAMESELECTSIZE*i + 4 );
game[i]->SetRumble( false );
game[i]->SetTrigger( trigA );
game[i]->SetSoundClick( btnSoundClick );
gameIndex[i] = i;
* Destructor for the GuiGameBrowser class.
delete arrowUpBtn;
delete arrowDownBtn;
delete scrollbarBoxBtn;
delete scrollbarImg;
delete arrowDownImg;
delete arrowDownOverImg;
delete arrowUpImg;
delete arrowUpOverImg;
delete scrollbarBoxImg;
delete scrollbarBoxOverImg;
delete scrollbar;
delete arrowDown;
delete arrowDownOver;
delete arrowUp;
delete arrowUpOver;
delete scrollbarBox;
delete scrollbarBoxOver;
delete bgGameImg;
delete bgGames;
delete bgGamesEntry;
delete newGames;
delete trigA;
delete trigHeldA;
delete btnSoundClick;
for ( int i = 0; i < pagesize; i++ )
delete gameTxt[i];
delete gameTxtOver[i];
delete gameBg[i];
delete game[i];
delete newImg[i];
delete [] gameIndex;
delete [] game;
delete [] gameTxt;
delete [] gameTxtOver;
delete [] gameBg;
void GuiGameBrowser::SetFocus( int f )
LOCK( this );
if ( !gameList.size() )
focus = f;
for ( int i = 0; i < pagesize; i++ )
if ( f == 1 )
game[selectedItem]->SetState( STATE_SELECTED );
void GuiGameBrowser::ResetState()
LOCK( this );
if ( state != STATE_DISABLED )
stateChan = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < pagesize; i++ )
int GuiGameBrowser::GetOffset()
return listOffset;
int GuiGameBrowser::GetClickedOption()
int found = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < pagesize; i++ )
if ( game[i]->GetState() == STATE_CLICKED )
game[i]->SetState( STATE_SELECTED );
found = gameIndex[i];
return found;
int GuiGameBrowser::GetSelectedOption()
int found = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < pagesize; i++ )
if ( game[i]->GetState() == STATE_SELECTED )
game[i]->SetState( STATE_SELECTED );
found = gameIndex[i];
return found;
* FindMenuItem
* Help function to find the next visible menu item on the list
int GuiGameBrowser::FindMenuItem( int currentItem, int direction )
int nextItem = currentItem + direction;
if ( nextItem < 0 || nextItem >= gameList.size() )
return -1;
if ( strlen( get_title( gameList[nextItem] ) ) > 0 )
return nextItem;
return FindMenuItem( nextItem, direction );
* Draw the button on screen
void GuiGameBrowser::Draw()
LOCK( this );
if ( !this->IsVisible() || !gameList.size() )
int next = listOffset;
for ( int i = 0; i < pagesize; i++ )
if ( next >= 0 )
next = this->FindMenuItem( next, 1 );
if ( scrollbaron == 1 )
void GuiGameBrowser::UpdateListEntries()
int next = listOffset;
for ( int i = 0; i < pagesize; i++ )
if ( next >= 0 )
if ( game[i]->GetState() == STATE_DISABLED )
game[i]->SetVisible( true );
game[i]->SetState( STATE_DEFAULT );
gameTxt[i]->SetText( get_title( gameList[next] ) );
gameTxt[i]->SetPosition( 24, 0 );
gameTxtOver[i]->SetText( get_title( gameList[next] ) );
gameTxtOver[i]->SetPosition( 24, 0 );
if ( Settings.marknewtitles )
bool isNew = NewTitles::Instance()->IsNew( gameList[next]->id );
if ( isNew )
gameTxt[i]->SetMaxWidth( maxTextWidth - ( newGames->GetWidth() + 1 ), DOTTED );
gameTxtOver[i]->SetMaxWidth( maxTextWidth - ( newGames->GetWidth() + 1 ), SCROLL_HORIZONTAL );
gameTxt[i]->SetMaxWidth( maxTextWidth, DOTTED );
gameTxtOver[i]->SetMaxWidth( maxTextWidth, SCROLL_HORIZONTAL );
newImg[i]->SetVisible( isNew );
gameIndex[i] = next;
next = this->FindMenuItem( next, 1 );
game[i]->SetVisible( false );
game[i]->SetState( STATE_DISABLED );
void GuiGameBrowser::Update( GuiTrigger * t )
LOCK( this );
if ( state == STATE_DISABLED || !t || !gameList.size() )
int next, prev;
int old_listOffset = listOffset;
static int position2;
// scrolldelay affects how fast the list scrolls
// when the arrows are clicked
float scrolldelay = 3.5;
if ( scrollbaron == 1 )
// update the location of the scroll box based on the position in the option list
arrowUpBtn->Update( t );
arrowDownBtn->Update( t );
scrollbarBoxBtn->Update( t );
next = listOffset;
u32 buttonshold = ButtonsHold();
if ( buttonshold != WPAD_BUTTON_UP && buttonshold != WPAD_BUTTON_DOWN )
for ( int i = 0; i < pagesize; i++ )
if ( next >= 0 )
next = this->FindMenuItem( next, 1 );
if ( focus )
if ( i != selectedItem && game[i]->GetState() == STATE_SELECTED )
else if ( i == selectedItem && game[i]->GetState() == STATE_DEFAULT )
game[selectedItem]->SetState( STATE_SELECTED, t->chan );
game[i]->Update( t );
if ( game[i]->GetState() == STATE_SELECTED )
selectedItem = i;
// pad and joystick navigation
if ( !focus || !gameList.size() )
return; // skip navigation
if ( scrollbaron == 1 )
if ( t->Down() || arrowDownBtn->GetState() == STATE_CLICKED || arrowDownBtn->GetState() == STATE_HELD ) //down
next = this->FindMenuItem( gameIndex[selectedItem], 1 );
if ( next >= 0 )
if ( selectedItem == pagesize - 1 )
// move list down by 1
listOffset = this->FindMenuItem( listOffset, 1 );
else if ( game[selectedItem+1]->IsVisible() )
game[selectedItem+1]->SetState( STATE_SELECTED, t->chan );
// scrollbarBoxBtn->Draw();
usleep( 10000 * scrolldelay );
if ( !( ButtonsHold() & WPAD_BUTTON_A ) )
else if ( t->Up() || arrowUpBtn->GetState() == STATE_CLICKED || arrowUpBtn->GetState() == STATE_HELD ) //up
prev = this->FindMenuItem( gameIndex[selectedItem], -1 );
if ( prev >= 0 )
if ( selectedItem == 0 )
// move list up by 1
listOffset = prev;
game[selectedItem-1]->SetState( STATE_SELECTED, t->chan );
// scrollbarBoxBtn->Draw();
usleep( 10000 * scrolldelay );
if ( !( ButtonsHold() & WPAD_BUTTON_A ) )
int position1 = t->;
if ( position2 == 0 && position1 > 0 )
position2 = position1;
if ( ( buttonshold & WPAD_BUTTON_B ) && position1 > 0 )
scrollbarBoxBtn->ScrollIsOn( 1 );
if ( position2 > position1 )
prev = this->FindMenuItem( gameIndex[selectedItem], -1 );
if ( prev >= 0 )
if ( selectedItem == 0 )
// move list up by 1
listOffset = prev;
game[selectedItem-1]->SetState( STATE_SELECTED, t->chan );
// scrollbarBoxBtn->Draw();
usleep( 10000 * scrolldelay );
else if ( position2 < position1 )
next = this->FindMenuItem( gameIndex[selectedItem], 1 );
if ( next >= 0 )
if ( selectedItem == pagesize - 1 )
// move list down by 1
listOffset = this->FindMenuItem( listOffset, 1 );
else if ( game[selectedItem+1]->IsVisible() )
game[selectedItem+1]->SetState( STATE_SELECTED, t->chan );
// scrollbarBoxBtn->Draw();
usleep( 10000 * scrolldelay );
else if ( !( buttonshold & WPAD_BUTTON_B ) )
scrollbarBoxBtn->ScrollIsOn( 0 );
position2 = 0;
if ( scrollbarBoxBtn->GetState() == STATE_HELD && scrollbarBoxBtn->GetStateChan() == t->chan && t-> && gameList.size() > pagesize )
// allow dragging of scrollbar box
scrollbarBoxBtn->SetPosition( width / 2 - 18 + 7, 0 );
int position = t-> - 32 - scrollbarBoxBtn->GetTop();
listOffset = ( position * gameList.size() ) / ( 25.2 * pagesize ) - selectedItem;
if ( listOffset <= 0 )
listOffset = 0;
selectedItem = 0;
else if ( listOffset + pagesize >= gameList.size() )
listOffset = gameList.size() - pagesize;
selectedItem = pagesize - 1;
int positionbar = ( 25.2 * pagesize ) * ( listOffset + selectedItem ) / gameList.size();
if ( positionbar > ( 24 * pagesize ) )
positionbar = ( 24 * pagesize );
scrollbarBoxBtn->SetPosition( width / 2 - 18 + 7, positionbar + 8 );
if ( t->Right() ) //skip pagesize # of games if right is pressed
if ( listOffset < gameList.size() && gameList.size() > pagesize )
listOffset = listOffset + pagesize;
if ( listOffset + pagesize >= gameList.size() )
listOffset = gameList.size() - pagesize;
else if ( t->Left() )
if ( listOffset > 0 )
listOffset = listOffset - pagesize;
if ( listOffset < 0 )
listOffset = 0;
if ( t->Down() ) //if there isn't a scrollbar and down is pressed
next = this->FindMenuItem( gameIndex[selectedItem], 1 );
if ( next >= 0 )
if ( selectedItem == pagesize - 1 )
// move list down by 1
listOffset = this->FindMenuItem( listOffset, 1 );
else if ( game[selectedItem+1]->IsVisible() )
game[selectedItem+1]->SetState( STATE_SELECTED, t->chan );
else if ( t->Up() ) //up
prev = this->FindMenuItem( gameIndex[selectedItem], -1 );
if ( prev >= 0 )
if ( selectedItem == 0 )
// move list up by 1
listOffset = prev;
game[selectedItem-1]->SetState( STATE_SELECTED, t->chan );
if ( old_listOffset != listOffset )
if ( updateCB )
updateCB( this );
void GuiGameBrowser::Reload()
LOCK( this );
scrollbaron = ( gameList.size() > pagesize ) ? 1 : 0;
selectedItem = 0;
listOffset = 0;
focus = 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < pagesize; i++ )