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/*!\mainpage libwiigui Documentation
* \section Introduction
* libwiigui is a GUI library for the Wii, created to help structure the
* design of a complicated GUI interface, and to enable an author to create
* a sophisticated, feature-rich GUI. It was originally conceived and written
* after I started to design a GUI for Snes9x GX, and found libwiisprite and
* GRRLIB inadequate for the purpose. It uses GX for drawing, and makes use
* of PNGU for displaying images and FreeTypeGX for text. It was designed to
* be flexible and is easy to modify - don't be afraid to change the way it
* works or expand it to suit your GUI's purposes! If you do, and you think
* your changes might benefit others, please share them so they might be
* added to the project!
* \section Quickstart
* Start from the supplied template example. For more advanced uses, see the
* source code for Snes9x GX, FCE Ultra GX, and Visual Boy Advance GX.
* \section Contact
* If you have any suggestions for the library or documentation, or want to
* contribute, please visit the libwiigui website:
* \section Credits
* This library was wholly designed and written by Tantric. Thanks to the
* authors of PNGU and FreeTypeGX, of which this library makes use. Thanks
* also to the authors of GRRLIB and libwiisprite for laying the foundations.
#include <gccore.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <asndlib.h>
#include <wiiuse/wpad.h>
#include "pngu/pngu.h"
#include "FreeTypeGX.h"
#include "video.h"
#include "filelist.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "oggplayer.h"
extern FreeTypeGX *fontSystem;
#define PAGESIZE 9
#define MAX_OPTIONS 170
typedef void (*UpdateCallback)(void * e);
typedef struct _paddata {
u16 btns_d;
u16 btns_u;
u16 btns_h;
s8 stickX;
s8 stickY;
s8 substickX;
s8 substickY;
u8 triggerL;
u8 triggerR;
} PADData;
#define EFFECT_SLIDE_IN 16
#define EFFECT_FADE 64
#define EFFECT_SCALE 128
#define EFFECT_PULSE 512
#define EFFECT_GOROUND 2048
//!Sound conversion and playback. A wrapper for other sound libraries - ASND, libmad, ltremor, etc
class GuiSound
//!\param s Pointer to the sound data
//!\param l Length of sound data
//!\param t Sound format type (SOUND_PCM or SOUND_OGG)
GuiSound(const u8 * s, int l, int t);
GuiSound(const u8 * s, int l, int t, int v);
//!Start sound playback
void Play();
//!Start sound playback from ogg file
int PlayOggFile(char * path);
//!Stop sound playback
void Stop();
//!Pause sound playback
void Pause();
//!Resume sound playback
void Resume();
//!Checks if the sound is currently playing
//!\return true if sound is playing, false otherwise
bool IsPlaying();
//!Set sound volume
//!\param v Sound volume (0-100)
void SetVolume(int v);
//!Set the sound to loop playback (only applies to OGG)
//!\param l Loop (true to loop)
void SetLoop(bool l);
//!Get the playing time in ms for that moment (only applies to OGG)
s32 GetPlayTime();
//!Set the starting point or playtime for skipping (only applies to OGG)
//!\param time in ms
void SetPlayTime(s32 time);
const u8 * sound; //!< Pointer to the sound data
int type; //!< Sound format type (SOUND_PCM or SOUND_OGG)
s32 length; //!< Length of sound data
s32 voice; //!< Currently assigned ASND voice channel
s32 volume; //!< Sound volume (0-100)
bool loop; //!< Loop sound playback
//!Menu input trigger management. Determine if action is neccessary based on input data by comparing controller input data to a specific trigger element.
class GuiTrigger
//!Sets a simple trigger. Requires: element is selected, and trigger button is pressed
//!\param ch Controller channel number
//!\param wiibtns Wii controller trigger button(s) - classic controller buttons are considered separately
//!\param gcbtns GameCube controller trigger button(s)
void SetSimpleTrigger(s32 ch, u32 wiibtns, u16 gcbtns);
//!Sets a held trigger. Requires: element is selected, and trigger button is pressed
//!\param ch Controller channel number
//!\param wiibtns Wii controller trigger button(s) - classic controller buttons are considered separately
//!\param gcbtns GameCube controller trigger button(s)
void SetHeldTrigger(s32 ch, u32 wiibtns, u16 gcbtns);
//!Sets a button-only trigger. Requires: Trigger button is pressed
//!\param ch Controller channel number
//!\param wiibtns Wii controller trigger button(s) - classic controller buttons are considered separately
//!\param gcbtns GameCube controller trigger button(s)
void SetButtonOnlyTrigger(s32 ch, u32 wiibtns, u16 gcbtns);
//!Sets a button-only trigger. Requires: trigger button is pressed and parent window of element is in focus
//!\param ch Controller channel number
//!\param wiibtns Wii controller trigger button(s) - classic controller buttons are considered separately
//!\param gcbtns GameCube controller trigger button(s)
void SetButtonOnlyInFocusTrigger(s32 ch, u32 wiibtns, u16 gcbtns);
//!Get X/Y value from Wii Joystick (classic, nunchuk) input
//!\param right Controller stick (left = 0, right = 1)
//!\param axis Controller stick axis (x-axis = 0, y-axis = 1)
//!\return Stick value
s8 WPAD_Stick(u8 right, int axis);
//!Move menu selection left (via pad/joystick). Allows scroll delay and button overriding
//!\return true if selection should be moved left, false otherwise
bool Left();
//!Move menu selection right (via pad/joystick). Allows scroll delay and button overriding
//!\return true if selection should be moved right, false otherwise
bool Right();
//!Move menu selection up (via pad/joystick). Allows scroll delay and button overriding
//!\return true if selection should be moved up, false otherwise
bool Up();
//!Move menu selection down (via pad/joystick). Allows scroll delay and button overriding
//!\return true if selection should be moved down, false otherwise
bool Down();
s32 chan; //!< Trigger controller channel (0-3, -1 for all)
WPADData wpad; //!< Wii controller trigger data
PADData pad; //!< GameCube controller trigger data
extern GuiTrigger userInput[4];
//!Primary GUI class. Most other classes inherit from this class.
class GuiElement
//!Set the element's parent
//!\param e Pointer to parent element
void SetParent(GuiElement * e);
//!Gets the current leftmost coordinate of the element
//!Considers horizontal alignment, x offset, width, and parent element's GetLeft() / GetWidth() values
//!\return left coordinate
int GetLeft();
//!Gets the current topmost coordinate of the element
//!Considers vertical alignment, y offset, height, and parent element's GetTop() / GetHeight() values
//!\return top coordinate
int GetTop();
//!Sets the minimum y offset of the element
//!\param y Y offset
void SetMinY(int y);
//!Gets the minimum y offset of the element
//!\return Minimum Y offset
int GetMinY();
//!Sets the maximum y offset of the element
//!\param y Y offset
void SetMaxY(int y);
//!Gets the maximum y offset of the element
//!\return Maximum Y offset
int GetMaxY();
//!Sets the minimum x offset of the element
//!\param x X offset
void SetMinX(int x);
//!Gets the minimum x offset of the element
//!\return Minimum X offset
int GetMinX();
//!Sets the maximum x offset of the element
//!\param x X offset
void SetMaxX(int x);
//!Gets the maximum x offset of the element
//!\return Maximum X offset
int GetMaxX();
//!Gets the current width of the element. Does not currently consider the scale
//!\return width
int GetWidth();
//!Gets the height of the element. Does not currently consider the scale
//!\return height
int GetHeight();
//!Sets the size (width/height) of the element
//!\param w Width of element
//!\param h Height of element
void SetSize(int w, int h);
//!Checks whether or not the element is visible
//!\return true if visible, false otherwise
bool IsVisible();
//!Checks whether or not the element is selectable
//!\return true if selectable, false otherwise
bool IsSelectable();
//!Checks whether or not the element is clickable
//!\return true if clickable, false otherwise
bool IsClickable();
//!Checks whether or not the element is holdable
//!\return true if holdable, false otherwise
bool IsHoldable();
//!Sets whether or not the element is selectable
//!\param s Selectable
void SetSelectable(bool s);
//!Sets whether or not the element is clickable
//!\param c Clickable
void SetClickable(bool c);
//!Sets whether or not the element is holdable
//!\param c Holdable
void SetHoldable(bool d);
//!Gets the element's current state
//!\return state
int GetState();
//!Gets the controller channel that last changed the element's state
//!\return Channel number (0-3, -1 = no channel)
int GetStateChan();
//!Sets the element's alpha value
//!\param a alpha value
void SetAlpha(int a);
//!Gets the element's alpha value
//!Considers alpha, alphaDyn, and the parent element's GetAlpha() value
//!\return alpha
int GetAlpha();
//!Gets the element's AngleDyn value
//!\return alpha
float GetAngleDyn();
//!Sets the element's scale
//!\param s scale (1 is 100%)
void SetScale(float s);
//!Gets the element's current scale
//!Considers scale, scaleDyn, and the parent element's GetScale() value
virtual float GetScale();
//!Set a new GuiTrigger for the element
//!\param t Pointer to GuiTrigger
void SetTrigger(GuiTrigger * t);
//!\param i Index of trigger array to set
//!\param t Pointer to GuiTrigger
void SetTrigger(u8 i, GuiTrigger * t);
//!Remove GuiTrigger for the element
//!\param i Index of trigger array to set
void RemoveTrigger(u8 i);
//!Checks whether rumble was requested by the element
//!\return true is rumble was requested, false otherwise
bool Rumble();
//!Sets whether or not the element is requesting a rumble event
//!\param r true if requesting rumble, false if not
void SetRumble(bool r);
//!Set an effect for the element
//!\param e Effect to enable
//!\param a Amount of the effect (usage varies on effect)
//!\param t Target amount of the effect (usage varies on effect)
void SetEffect(int e, int a, int t=0);
//!This SetEffect is for EFFECT_GOROUND only
//!\param e Effect to enable
//!\param speed is for Circlespeed
//!\param circles Circleamount in degree ike 180 for 1/2 circle or 720 for 2 circles
//!\param r Circle Radius in pixel
//!\param startdegree Degree where to start circling
//!\param anglespeedset Set the speed of Angle rotating make 1 for same speed as Circlespeed
//! or 0.5 for half the speed of the circlingspeed. Turn Anglecircling off by 0 to this param.
//!\param center_x x co-ordinate of the center of circle.
//!\param center_y y co-ordinate of the center of circle.
void SetEffect(int e, int speed, int circles, int r, int startdegree, f32 anglespeedset, int center_x, int center_y);
//!Sets an effect to be enabled on wiimote cursor over
//!\param e Effect to enable
//!\param a Amount of the effect (usage varies on effect)
//!\param t Target amount of the effect (usage varies on effect)
void SetEffectOnOver(int e, int a, int t=0);
//!Shortcut to SetEffectOnOver(EFFECT_SCALE, 4, 110)
void SetEffectGrow();
//!Stops the current element effect
void StopEffect();
//!Gets the current element effects
//!\return element effects
int GetEffect();
//!Checks whether the specified coordinates are within the element's boundaries
//!\param x X coordinate
//!\param y Y coordinate
//!\return true if contained within, false otherwise
bool IsInside(int x, int y);
//!Sets the element's position
//!\param x X coordinate
//!\param y Y coordinate
void SetPosition(int x, int y);
//!Updates the element's effects (dynamic values)
//!Called by Draw(), used for animation purposes
void UpdateEffects();
//!Sets a function to called after after Update()
//!Callback function can be used to response to changes in the state of the element, and/or update the element's attributes
void SetUpdateCallback(UpdateCallback u);
//!Checks whether the element is in focus
//!\return true if element is in focus, false otherwise
int IsFocused();
//!Sets the element's visibility
//!\param v Visibility (true = visible)
virtual void SetVisible(bool v);
//!Sets the element's focus
//!\param f Focus (true = in focus)
virtual void SetFocus(int f);
//!Sets the element's state
//!\param c Controller channel (0-3, -1 = none)
virtual void SetState(int s, int c = -1);
//!Resets the element's state to STATE_DEFAULT
virtual void ResetState();
//!Gets whether or not the element is in STATE_SELECTED
//!\return true if selected, false otherwise
virtual int GetSelected();
//!Sets the element's alignment respective to its parent element
//!\param hor Horizontal alignment (ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_CENTRE)
//!\param vert Vertical alignment (ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_BOTTOM, ALIGN_MIDDLE)
virtual void SetAlignment(int hor, int vert);
//!Called constantly to allow the element to respond to the current input data
//!\param t Pointer to a GuiTrigger, containing the current input data from PAD/WPAD
virtual void Update(GuiTrigger * t);
//!Called constantly to redraw the element
virtual void Draw();
virtual void DrawTooltip();
void Lock();
void Unlock();
2009-05-11 20:45:33 +02:00
static mutex_t mutex;
friend class SimpleLock;
//int position2; //! B Scrollbariable
bool visible; //!< Visibility of the element. If false, Draw() is skipped
int focus; //!< Element focus (-1 = focus disabled, 0 = not focused, 1 = focused)
int dontsetfocus; //!<If 0 games dont set the focus
int width; //!< Element width
int height; //!< Element height
int xoffset; //!< Element X offset
int yoffset; //!< Element Y offset
int ymin; //!< Element's min Y offset allowed
int ymax; //!< Element's max Y offset allowed
int xmin; //!< Element's min X offset allowed
int xmax; //!< Element's max X offset allowed
int xoffsetDyn; //!< Element X offset, dynamic (added to xoffset value for animation effects)
int yoffsetDyn; //!< Element Y offset, dynamic (added to yoffset value for animation effects)
int temp_xoffset; //!< Element Temp X offset
int temp_yoffset; //!< Element Temp Y offset
f32 degree; //!< Degree where to start for EFFECT_GOROUND enter it in <20> like 60<36>
f32 frequency; //!< Speed for EFFECT_GOROUND || can also be negative for other direction
int Radius; //!< The radius in which the Element goes round for EFFECT_GOROUND
int circleamount; //!< Circleamount for the EFFECT_GOROUND effect
f32 yoffsetDynFloat; //!< Integer sucks float is need by some parts
int changervar; //!< Changervariable for some stuff
int alpha; //!< Element alpha value (0-255)
f32 scale; //!< Element scale (1 = 100%)
f32 angleDyn; //!< AngleDyn for EFFECT_GOROUND
f32 anglespeed; //!<Anglespeedvariable for EFFECT_GOROUND
int alphaDyn; //!< Element alpha, dynamic (multiplied by alpha value for blending/fading effects)
f32 scaleDyn; //!< Element scale, dynamic (multiplied by alpha value for blending/fading effects)
bool rumble; //!< Wiimote rumble (on/off) - set to on when this element requests a rumble event
int effects; //!< Currently enabled effect(s). 0 when no effects are enabled
int effectAmount; //!< Effect amount. Used by different effects for different purposes
int effectTarget; //!< Effect target amount. Used by different effects for different purposes
int effectsOver; //!< Effects to enable when wiimote cursor is over this element. Copied to effects variable on over event
int effectAmountOver; //!< EffectAmount to set when wiimote cursor is over this element
int effectTargetOver; //!< EffectTarget to set when wiimote cursor is over this element
int alignmentHor; //!< Horizontal element alignment, respective to parent element (LEFT, RIGHT, CENTRE)
int alignmentVert; //!< Horizontal element alignment, respective to parent element (TOP, BOTTOM, MIDDLE)
int state; //!< Element state (DEFAULT, SELECTED, CLICKED, DISABLED)
int stateChan; //!< Which controller channel is responsible for the last change in state
bool selectable; //!< Whether or not this element selectable (can change to SELECTED state)
bool clickable; //!< Whether or not this element is clickable (can change to CLICKED state)
bool holdable; //!< Whether or not this element is holdable (can change to HELD state)
GuiTrigger * trigger[5]; //!< GuiTriggers (input actions) that this element responds to
GuiElement * parentElement; //!< Parent element
UpdateCallback updateCB; //!< Callback function to call when this element is updated
class SimpleLock
SimpleLock(GuiElement *e);
GuiElement *element;
2009-05-11 20:45:33 +02:00
#define LOCK(e) SimpleLock LOCK(e)
//disabled because of problems with FW 4.0
//#define LOCK(e)
//!Allows GuiElements to be grouped together into a "window"
class GuiWindow : public GuiElement
//!\param w Width of window
//!\param h Height of window
GuiWindow(int w, int h);
//!Appends a GuiElement to the GuiWindow
//!\param e The GuiElement to append. If it is already in the GuiWindow, it is removed first
void Append(GuiElement* e);
//!Inserts a GuiElement into the GuiWindow at the specified index
//!\param e The GuiElement to insert. If it is already in the GuiWindow, it is removed first
//!\param i Index in which to insert the element
void Insert(GuiElement* e, u32 i);
//!Removes the specified GuiElement from the GuiWindow
//!\param e GuiElement to be removed
void Remove(GuiElement* e);
//!Removes all GuiElements
void RemoveAll();
//!Returns the GuiElement at the specified index
//!\param index The index of the element
//!\return A pointer to the element at the index, NULL on error (eg: out of bounds)
GuiElement* GetGuiElementAt(u32 index) const;
//!Returns the size of the list of elements
//!\return The size of the current element list
u32 GetSize();
//!Sets the visibility of the window
//!\param v visibility (true = visible)
void SetVisible(bool v);
//!Resets the window's state to STATE_DEFAULT
void ResetState();
//!Sets the window's state
//!\param s State
void SetState(int s);
//!Gets the index of the GuiElement inside the window that is currently selected
//!\return index of selected GuiElement
int GetSelected();
//!Sets the window focus
//!\param f Focus
void SetFocus(int f);
//!Change the focus to the specified element
//!This is intended for the primary GuiWindow only
//!\param e GuiElement that should have focus
void ChangeFocus(GuiElement * e);
//!Changes window focus to the next focusable window or element
//!If no element is in focus, changes focus to the first available element
//!If B or 1 button is pressed, changes focus to the next available element
//!This is intended for the primary GuiWindow only
//!\param t Pointer to a GuiTrigger, containing the current input data from PAD/WPAD
void ToggleFocus(GuiTrigger * t);
//!Moves the selected element to the element to the left or right
//!\param d Direction to move (-1 = left, 1 = right)
void MoveSelectionHor(int d);
//!Moves the selected element to the element above or below
//!\param d Direction to move (-1 = up, 1 = down)
void MoveSelectionVert(int d);
//!Draws all the elements in this GuiWindow
void Draw();
void DrawTooltip();
//!Updates the window and all elements contains within
//!Allows the GuiWindow and all elements to respond to the input data specified
//!\param t Pointer to a GuiTrigger, containing the current input data from PAD/WPAD
void Update(GuiTrigger * t);
std::vector<GuiElement*> _elements; //!< Contains all elements within the GuiWindow
//!Converts image data into GX-useable RGBA8. Currently designed for use only with PNG files
class GuiImageData
//!Converts the image data to RGBA8 - expects PNG format
//!\param i Image data
GuiImageData(const u8 * i);
GuiImageData(const char * imgPath, const u8 * buffer);
//!Gets a pointer to the image data
//!\return pointer to image data
u8 * GetImage();
//!Gets the image width
//!\return image width
int GetWidth();
//!Gets the image height
//!\return image height
int GetHeight();
u8 * data; //!< Image data
int height; //!< Height of image
int width; //!< Width of image
//!Display, manage, and manipulate images in the GUI
class GuiImage : public GuiElement
//!\param img Pointer to GuiImageData element
GuiImage(GuiImageData * img);
//!Sets up a new image from the image data specified
//!\param img
//!\param w Image width
//!\param h Image height
GuiImage(u8 * img, int w, int h);
//!Creates an image filled with the specified color
//!\param w Image width
//!\param h Image height
//!\param c Image color
GuiImage(int w, int h, GXColor c);
//!Sets the image rotation angle for drawing
//!\param a Angle (in degrees)
void SetAngle(float a);
//!Gets the image rotation angle for drawing
float GetAngle();
//!Sets the number of times to draw the image horizontally
//!\param t Number of times to draw the image
void SetTile(int t);
// true set horizontal scale to 0.8 //added
void SetWidescreen(bool w);
//!Constantly called to draw the image
void Draw();
//!Gets the image data
//!\return pointer to image data
u8 * GetImage();
//!Sets up a new image using the GuiImageData object specified
//!\param img Pointer to GuiImageData object
void SetImage(GuiImageData * img);
//!\param img Pointer to image data
//!\param w Width
//!\param h Height
void SetImage(u8 * img, int w, int h);
//!Gets the pixel color at the specified coordinates of the image
//!\param x X coordinate
//!\param y Y coordinate
GXColor GetPixel(int x, int y);
//!Sets the pixel color at the specified coordinates of the image
//!\param x X coordinate
//!\param y Y coordinate
//!\param color Pixel color
void SetPixel(int x, int y, GXColor color);
//!Directly modifies the image data to create a color-striped effect
//!Alters the RGB values by the specified amount
//!\param s Amount to increment/decrement the RGB values in the image
void ColorStripe(int s);
//!Sets a stripe effect on the image, overlaying alpha blended rectangles
//!Does not alter the image data
//!\param s Alpha amount to draw over the image
void SetStripe(int s);
s32 z;
int imgType; //!< Type of image data (IMAGE_TEXTURE, IMAGE_COLOR, IMAGE_DATA)
u8 * image; //!< Poiner to image data. May be shared with GuiImageData data
f32 imageangle; //!< Angle to draw the image
int tile; //!< Number of times to draw (tile) the image horizontally
int stripe; //!< Alpha value (0-255) to apply a stripe effect to the texture
short widescreen; //added
//!Display, manage, and manipulate text in the GUI
class GuiText : public GuiElement
//!\param t Text
//!\param s Font size
//!\param c Font color
GuiText(const char * t, int s, GXColor c);
//!\Assumes SetPresets() has been called to setup preferred text attributes
//!\param t Text
GuiText(const char * t);
//!Sets the text of the GuiText element
//!\param t Text
void SetText(const char * t);
//!Sets up preset values to be used by GuiText(t)
//!Useful when printing multiple text elements, all with the same attributes set
//!\param sz Font size
//!\param c Font color
//!\param w Maximum width of texture image (for text wrapping)
//!\param wrap Wrapmode when w>0
//!\param s Font style
//!\param h Text alignment (horizontal)
//!\param v Text alignment (vertical)
void SetPresets(int sz, GXColor c, int w, u16 s, int h, int v);
//!Sets the font size
//!\param s Font size
void SetFontSize(int s);
//!Sets the maximum width of the drawn texture image
//!If the text exceeds this, it is wrapped to the next line
//!\param w Maximum width
//!\param m WrapMode
enum {
void SetMaxWidth(int w, short m=GuiText::WRAP);
//!Sets the font color
//!\param c Font color
void SetColor(GXColor c);
//!Sets the FreeTypeGX style attributes
//!\param s Style attributes
//!\param m Style-Mask attributes
void SetStyle(u16 s/*, u16 m=0xffff*/);
//!Sets the text alignment
//!\param hor Horizontal alignment (ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_CENTRE)
//!\param vert Vertical alignment (ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_BOTTOM, ALIGN_MIDDLE)
void SetAlignment(int hor, int vert);
//!Sets the font
//!\param f Font
2009-05-04 23:50:46 +02:00
void SetFont(FreeTypeGX *f);
//!Get the Horizontal Size of Text
int GetTextWidth();
// not NULL set horizontal scale to 0.75 //added
void SetWidescreen(bool w);
//!Constantly called to draw the text
void Draw();
enum {
wchar_t* text; //!< Unicode text value
int size; //!< Font size
int maxWidth; //!< Maximum width of the generated text object (for text wrapping)
short wrapMode;
short scrollPos1;
short scrollPos2;
short scrollOffset;
u32 scrollDelay;
u16 style; //!< FreeTypeGX style attributes
GXColor color; //!< Font color
2009-05-04 23:50:46 +02:00
FreeTypeGX *font;
short widescreen; //added
//!Display, manage, and manipulate tooltips in the GUI.
class GuiTooltip : public GuiElement
//!\param t Text
GuiTooltip(const char *t);
~ GuiTooltip();
//!Gets the element's current scale
//!Considers scale, scaleDyn, and the parent element's GetScale() value
float GetScale();
//!Sets the text of the GuiTooltip element
//!\param t Text
void SetText(const char * t);
void SetWidescreen(bool w); // timely a dummy
//!Constantly called to draw the GuiButton
void Draw();
GuiImage leftImage; //!< Tooltip left-image
GuiImage tileImage; //!< Tooltip tile-image
GuiImage rightImage; //!< Tooltip right-image
GuiText *text;
//!Display, manage, and manipulate buttons in the GUI. Buttons can have images, icons, text, and sound set (all of which are optional)
class GuiButton : public GuiElement
//!\param w Width
//!\param h Height
GuiButton(int w, int h);
//!Sets the button's image
//!\param i Pointer to GuiImage object
void SetImage(GuiImage* i);
//!Sets the button's image on over
//!\param i Pointer to GuiImage object
void SetImageOver(GuiImage* i);
//!Sets the button's image on hold
//!\param i Pointer to GuiImage object
void SetAngle(float a);
void SetImageHold(GuiImage* i);
//!Sets the button's image on click
//!\param i Pointer to GuiImage object
void SetImageClick(GuiImage* i);
//!Sets the button's icon
//!\param i Pointer to GuiImage object
void SetIcon(GuiImage* i);
//!Sets the button's icon on over
//!\param i Pointer to GuiImage object
void SetIconOver(GuiImage* i);
//!Sets the button's icon on hold
//!\param i Pointer to GuiImage object
void SetIconHold(GuiImage* i);
//!Sets the button's icon on click
//!\param i Pointer to GuiImage object
void SetIconClick(GuiImage* i);
//!Sets the button's label
//!\param t Pointer to GuiText object
//!\param n Index of label to set (optional, default is 0)
void SetLabel(GuiText* t, int n = 0);
//!Sets the button's label on over (eg: different colored text)
//!\param t Pointer to GuiText object
//!\param n Index of label to set (optional, default is 0)
void SetLabelOver(GuiText* t, int n = 0);
//!Sets the button's label on hold
//!\param t Pointer to GuiText object
//!\param n Index of label to set (optional, default is 0)
void SetLabelHold(GuiText* t, int n = 0);
//!Sets the button's label on click
//!\param t Pointer to GuiText object
//!\param n Index of label to set (optional, default is 0)
void SetLabelClick(GuiText* t, int n = 0);
//!Sets the sound to play on over
//!\param s Pointer to GuiSound object
void SetSoundOver(GuiSound * s);
//!Sets the sound to play on hold
//!\param s Pointer to GuiSound object
void SetSoundHold(GuiSound * s);
//!Sets the sound to play on click
//!\param s Pointer to GuiSound object
void SetSoundClick(GuiSound * s);
//!Constantly called to draw the GuiButtons ToolTip
//!Sets the button's Tooltip on over
2009-05-08 16:23:05 +02:00
//!\param tt Pointer to GuiElement object, x & y Positioning, h & v Align
void SetToolTip(GuiElement* tt, int x, int y, int h=ALIGN_RIGHT, int v=ALIGN_TOP);
//!Constantly called to draw the GuiButton
void Draw();
void DrawTooltip();
//!Constantly called to allow the GuiButton to respond to updated input data
//!\param t Pointer to a GuiTrigger, containing the current input data from PAD/WPAD
void Update(GuiTrigger * t);
//!Deactivate/Activate pointing on Games while B scrolling
void ScrollIsOn(int f);
GuiImage * image; //!< Button image (default)
GuiImage * imageOver; //!< Button image for STATE_SELECTED
GuiImage * imageHold; //!< Button image for STATE_HELD
GuiImage * imageClick; //!< Button image for STATE_CLICKED
GuiImage * icon; //!< Button icon (drawn after button image)
GuiImage * iconOver; //!< Button icon for STATE_SELECTED
GuiImage * iconHold; //!< Button icon for STATE_HELD
GuiImage * iconClick; //!< Button icon for STATE_CLICKED
2009-05-08 16:23:05 +02:00
GuiElement *toolTip;
time_t time1, time2;//!< Tooltip timeconstants
GuiText * label[3]; //!< Label(s) to display (default)
GuiText * labelOver[3]; //!< Label(s) to display for STATE_SELECTED
GuiText * labelHold[3]; //!< Label(s) to display for STATE_HELD
GuiText * labelClick[3]; //!< Label(s) to display for STATE_CLICKED
GuiSound * soundOver; //!< Sound to play for STATE_SELECTED
GuiSound * soundHold; //!< Sound to play for STATE_HELD
GuiSound * soundClick; //!< Sound to play for STATE_CLICKED
typedef struct _keytype {
char ch, chShift, chalt, chalt2;
} Key;
//!On-screen keyboard
class GuiKeyboard : public GuiWindow
GuiKeyboard(char * t, u32 m, int min, int lang);
void Update(GuiTrigger * t);
char kbtextstr[256];
u32 kbtextmaxlen;
Key keys[4][11];
int shift;
int caps;
int alt;
int alt2;
GuiText * kbText;
GuiImage * keyTextboxImg;
GuiText * keyCapsText;
GuiImage * keyCapsImg;
GuiImage * keyCapsOverImg;
GuiButton * keyCaps;
GuiText * keyAltText;
GuiImage * keyAltImg;
GuiImage * keyAltOverImg;
GuiButton * keyAlt;
GuiText * keyAlt2Text;
GuiImage * keyAlt2Img;
GuiImage * keyAlt2OverImg;
GuiButton * keyAlt2;
GuiText * keyShiftText;
GuiImage * keyShiftImg;
GuiImage * keyShiftOverImg;
GuiButton * keyShift;
GuiText * keyBackText;
GuiImage * keyBackImg;
GuiImage * keyBackOverImg;
GuiButton * keyBack;
GuiText * keyClearText;
GuiImage * keyClearImg;
GuiImage * keyClearOverImg;
GuiButton * keyClear;
GuiImage * keySpaceImg;
GuiImage * keySpaceOverImg;
GuiButton * keySpace;
GuiButton * keyBtn[4][11];
GuiImage * keyImg[4][11];
GuiImage * keyImgOver[4][11];
GuiText * keyTxt[4][11];
GuiImageData * keyTextbox;
GuiImageData * key;
GuiImageData * keyOver;
GuiImageData * keyMedium;
GuiImageData * keyMediumOver;
GuiImageData * keyLarge;
GuiImageData * keyLargeOver;
GuiSound * keySoundOver;
GuiSound * keySoundClick;
GuiTrigger * trigA;
GuiTrigger * trigB;
typedef struct _optionlist {
int length;
char name[MAX_OPTIONS][60];
char value[MAX_OPTIONS][30];
} OptionList;
//!Display a list of menu options
class GuiOptionBrowser : public GuiElement
GuiOptionBrowser(int w, int h, OptionList * l, const u8 *imagebg, int scrollbar);
GuiOptionBrowser(int w, int h, OptionList * l, const char * themePath, const u8 *imagebg, int scrollbar, int start);
void SetCol2Position(int x);
int FindMenuItem(int c, int d);
int GetClickedOption();
int GetSelectedOption();
void ResetState();
void SetFocus(int f);
void Draw();
void Update(GuiTrigger * t);
GuiText * optionVal[PAGESIZE];
int selectedItem;
int listOffset;
OptionList * options;
int optionIndex[PAGESIZE];
GuiButton * optionBtn[PAGESIZE];
GuiText * optionTxt[PAGESIZE];
GuiImage * optionBg[PAGESIZE];
GuiButton * arrowUpBtn;
GuiButton * arrowDownBtn;
GuiButton * scrollbarBoxBtn;
GuiImage * bgOptionsImg;
GuiImage * bgOptionsOverImg;
GuiImage * scrollbarImg;
GuiImage * arrowDownImg;
GuiImage * arrowDownOverImg;
GuiImage * arrowUpImg;
GuiImage * arrowUpOverImg;
GuiImage * scrollbarBoxImg;
GuiImage * scrollbarBoxOverImg;
GuiImageData * bgOptions;
GuiImageData * bgOptionsOver;
GuiImageData * bgOptionsEntry;
GuiImageData * scrollbar;
GuiImageData * arrowDown;
GuiImageData * arrowDownOver;
GuiImageData * arrowUp;
GuiImageData * arrowUpOver;
GuiImageData * scrollbarBox;
GuiImageData * scrollbarBoxOver;
GuiSound * btnSoundOver;
GuiSound * btnSoundClick;
GuiTrigger * trigA;
GuiTrigger * trigB;
GuiTrigger * trigHeldA;